泰坦尼克英文 篇1
Titanic enriches us with a romantic story of young love, passion and feelings, full of utopias and dreams, mother and child fighting for power and greed, idealistic and self-identified clashes within a consenting human ambitions society and victims of their own vanity and pomposity.This is one of the films that most shocked the general public in the last twenty years.The huge collections that are logical because they got obvious that Titanic has one of those stories full of strength and feeling, with great dramatic content.If we add the stunning beauty of the image, thanks to advances in digital technology, success is understandable.Very successful movie, which tells the story of the sinking of the ship, but in the background shows a passionate love story.It achieves a harmonious balance in that, in the mix of history and feelings, and makes it almost perfect.
泰坦尼克号电影英文观后感 篇2
After the movie Titanic was appreciated, I noticed some meaningful details in peoples general impression that it was only a love film. The Titanic crash occurred in 1912, and the great depression since the end of the nineteenth century is not over yet. Most critics point out that the sinking of the Titanic represented the collapse of capitalism at the end of the nineteenth century. However, I want to say is, in this movie, the director of Foreran not only the crisis of capitalism, but also showed some of the human nature, from the dark and brilliant aspects, such as selfishness, vanity, money, love, hope, courage, confidence, etc.. In this article, I will first reveal the films instructions on the social background at that time, and then analyze some of the two opposite aspects of human nature in this film with some impressive lenses.
Under the development of industrial technology, the economic take-off of capitalist countries. People lived a rich, luxurious, and expensive life, and this rapid economic growth lasted nearly 20 years. People are used to this kind of life. The great development of machines has greatly changed peoples life. Innovations in transport, such as vehicles and oil tankers, allow people to travel around. The emergence of these modern means of transportation is an important milestone in industrialization. People become very confident about the intellectual abilities of men. They believe their conquest of nature is invincible. The Titanic was also called the ”dreamer ship“, in the film, when it is in the dark ocean and connected, the mystery of the sea represents the unknown nature, and the ship itself represents people with advanced material ability. He said Mr. Bruce explained the Titanic: ”the design of the lens, the ship has huge volume, stability, luxury and power“ and ”supreme position never challenged, in fact, these words can be considered the symbol of many people in the eyes of capitalism. They believe that capitalism is like the Titanic, which should be “never sinking”“. The wonderful way to develop the economy will remain in good shape for good. However, things do not always follow the way people want to. At the end of the nineteenth century, the economic recession hit the capitalist countries. Until then, people were not aware of the utopian reality of their idealized ”unsinkable“ capitalism. Capitalism will sink. Unfortunately, it sinks. Just like the performance in the movie, when the boat broke into two parts and began to sink faster and faster, everyone knew that the boat was sinking, and the disciples who had been reiterated by the priest had died before.”
尼克胡哲英文观后感 篇3
I watched both of the two videos.As I have already seen some of his videos, I admire him very much.As he said in the speech I’m different from the world,” I think having no arms and no legs is not the biggest disability at all, in fact, I think the greatest disability of all is your mind, because some of us can have arms and legs, but you self want to give up, their minds is their disability, their choice to give up, that’s the disability.”, it’s the thing, isn’t it? I think this is the most important lesson that we should think deeply.I’m not very confident about myself, but compared with him, I find that I’m so lucky that I can achieve success much more easily.Happiness does not come from temporary things, because if you want happiness and you go to temporary things, your happiness will be temporary.I love this sentence.We should be happy everyday, but the happiness should not come from the temporary things, and as far as think , it should also not from the virtual world such as computer games.What is the most pleasant thing is that you have a dream and you have been working hard to achieve your dream no matter how hard it is and also this is the true meaning of life.Attitude is altitude.I have learned this sentence in my senior high school.And I think the sentence should be changed into altitude depends on attitude.It’s really important for all of us to take a good attitude such as optimism, tolerance and so on because it’s the must thing to succed.Life is a journey, but how that journey ends, it’s up to you.Once you give up, then there is no hope;but until you give up, there is that hope.Nick Vujicic guides so many youth to set up the right value concept.Thank you, Nick.I will learn from you to be an optimistic strong confident and kind-hearted man and keep going on with my dream until I leave this world with happiness and satisfactory.篇二:尼克胡哲观后感800字
在演讲中,尼克讲到:“我从小就在镜子旁边贴着一张非洲难民儿童的照片,此刻我奋斗的目标之一仍然是帮忙这些贫困的人。”“就我这副身板,戴上帽子在街头也会立刻被别人认出来,因此我已经很出名了,我不是为了沽名钓誉。我不在乎别人怀疑我,只要我做的事能改变哪怕一个性命,这一切奔波都值得了。”“有人问我,我觉得自我是这世界上最愉悦的人吗?我要说是的。我对人生的三个真谛--价值、目标、宗旨都很清楚,我知道我要往哪里去,因此我很愉悦。无论怎样,满足于你所拥有的,比如我,就很珍惜我的”小鸡腿“,不好放下,爱别人,每一天向前走一小步,你必须能够完成人生的目标。” 尼克胡哲观后感800字
今天又一次看了关于尼克的视频,是鲁豫有约的一次采访,我看了一下时间好像08年的。想起又有些好笑,都三年之久了我居然还才知道,看来平时真的很少关注这个能够给人来来安详宁静的世界了。但不管怎样,我现在还是知道了,也就是还不算太晚。第一眼看到尼克 的时候他总是挂着甜蜜自信乐观豁达的笑容,真的没有感觉有一丝对现实抱怨。他说他可以选择为没有四肢而愤怒,或是因为我仍有“小鸡腿”而感恩。
尼克·胡哲是澳大利亚人,他出生于1982年12月4日,原本应该给全家带来欢乐的小生命却在他来到世上的那一刻吓坏了所有的人,他天生就没有双臂和双腿,只在左侧臀部以下的位置有一个带着两个脚指头的小“脚”,尼克笑称他为“小鸡腿”,在以后的日子里,“小鸡腿”给了尼克巨大的帮助。然而在最初的日子里,他的样子吓坏了她的父母,他的母亲直到他4个月大她才敢抱他。童年本应该是快乐的,然而尼克胡哲的成长却因身体残疾充斥着满目的荆棘。但尼克胡哲的父母并没有放弃这个小生命,他们希望他能像普通人一样生活和学习。“父亲在我18个月大时就把我放到水里,”尼克胡哲说,“让我有勇气学习游泳。” 也许,这对一个孩子来说是残忍的,尤其是对尼克胡哲这样身体有残疾的孩子,后来他的父母甚至将他送进了一所普通的小学就读。在学校的日子是难熬的,同学们异样的目光,不断的欺凌,让小尼克萌生了想要结束生命的可怕念头,他甚至试图将自己溺死在浴缸里,但上帝终归对他有所眷顾,尼克逐渐适应了学校生活,并开始结交各种朋友。经过长期训练,“小鸡腿”也逐渐成了尼克胡哲的好帮手,不
在节目里,尼克跟对观众们说 “即使你知道会失败也要去尝试,因为你知道这件事值得你去失败”。所以,不要轻言放弃,尤其是在你没有尝试时,你不知道下一秒你会遇到什么事,你不知道下一秒你会遇到什么人,你更不知道,下一秒你是会失败还是成功。记得当初在申请科研立项时,我不止一次的想要放弃,因为无论是我的课题还是工作难度,对于一个大一学生来说,都几乎是不
泰坦尼克观后感 篇4
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