


雅思口语新题及 篇1

It’s very important for me to know what happened in the domestic and international events.

I’m more interested in foreign cultures. I like to learn about their religions, customs, and the foods they eat. Occasionally, foreign news interests me, too. I really like reading scientific related news.

Normally I read news from TV news programmes, which are very convenient and updated; but if I’m too busy to watch TV, I’ll read news from the Internet in my mobile phone.

Well, if I have free time at home, I’d like to watch the news and editorials in the TV with my family; whereas you know, it takes time for the newspaper to publish so the news are always not so updated.

Yes, it’s very convenient for me to get news from internet such as mobile phone. The news apps usually send me the most urgent notifications to me so it keeps me posted.

Not very often. Newspaper always take time to get published so that they are not so updated. Besides, I have to go to the kiosks and spend money to buy newspapers. It’s quite troublesome.

I always read news in the politics section because I’m interested in political events happened in the domestic and abroad.

Yes, newspapers are very important in current society because they are still the most important medium for understanding the world. They deliver the most urgent and valuable news to the audience so that readers can know what happens in the current world.

Well, besides newspapers, people can get news by many other sources, such as TV programmes, radio, and Internet, which can all cater for the different kinds of people.

I believe news is very critically important because without regular access to news, most people would be unaware of the various events taking place, both locally and around the world, that have an impact on their lives.

I believe that domestic news is more important than international ones because it’s closer to home, and affects me more.

News very much effects my life. If the news is bad, for example, which much of it is at present, considering the economic downturn etc., then I start to feel depressed about losing my job and how I’m going to pay the bills.

No, I guess old people are interested in different kinds of news from young people, such as political news, etc, because they have a greater interest in protecting their benefit programmes, from medicare to social security; whereas young person might be interested in the latest teen fashion, sports events.



broadcast journalism

news on television or radio

print journalism

written news in newspapers, magazines, etc.

online journalism

news on the internet

citizen journalism

a new expression describing the kind of journalism based on images, audio and reports sent in to news groups by ordinary members of the public who witnessed events

independent media

media groups which are not controlled by the government


newspapers (traditionally larger in size) which generally contain serious reports and analyses of news


newspapers (usually smaller than broadsheets) which contain lighter stories and focus more on entertainment and gossip

24 hour news channels

stations which provide news all day and night

rolling news

non-stop news


to cover a story

to report on an event or development

in-depth coverage of

a thorough analysis of

to verify

to check that something is correct

eyewitness reports

descriptions of what happened by people who actually saw an event take place

breaking news

news which is just coming in



how many copies of a newspaper are sold each day or each week

advertising revenue

the money a firm makes by selling space to other firms to advertise their products

Types of Newspapers

tabloids = gossip newspapers

broadsheets = newspapers printed on large sheets which are usually considered more serious

daily / weekly / monthly newspapers = papers printed once a day / once a week / once a month

quarterly newspapers = newspapers printed once every 3 months

heavy newspaper = a newspaper with serious content

gutter press = newspapers which focus on sensational journalism, often about the lives of famous people

periodical = a newspaper or magazine published at regular intervals

local / regional newspaper = a newspaper which contain news from a particular area

national newspaper = a newspaper which contain news from the whole country

Newspaper Content

headlines = heading or title appearing at the top of a page or article

columns = news that is printed in vertical columns rather than taking a whole page

obituaries = a section in the newspaper about people who have recently died

horoscope = a section in the newspaper about star signs and zodiac signs which foretell the future

weather report = a section in the newspaper for weather forecasts

business section = a section in the newspaper with business news

international / world news section = a section in the newspaper which focuses on news from abroad

caption = a explanation or title matching a picture or cartoon

letter to the editor = a section in the newspaper for people to express their views to the editor of the newspaper

special feature = a special story

editorial = a news article containing the editor’s opinions

comic strip = a cartoon series in the newspaper

advice column = a column in the newspaper where advice is given to people who write in for it

TV guide = a section in the newspaper with a guide for TV programs for the coming day or week

circulation = the number of copies a newspaper distributes on an average day (some newspapers have a wider circulation than others)

edition = a particular version of a text

layout = the way articles are designed on a page (this can include the position of pictures, the number of columns and the size of headlines)

attention-grabbing = a news story which draws public attention

eye-catching = a picture or layout which catches a person’s eye

in-depth = with many details

sensational news = news which causes public excitement or interest

black and white = without colour

direct quotation = words taken directly from what a person has said

paparazzi = a freelance photographer who follows celebrities

front page = the first page of a newspaper

supplementary magazine = a magazine which sometimes is given free with a newspaper

back issue = an old newspaper edition

subject matter = the topic dealt with in an article

proof reader = a person who checks a text for errors

fact checkers = a person (people) who checks if the newspaper facts and information in an article are correct

hot off the press = news that has just been printed and is very recent

readership = the collective readers of a newspaper (some newspapers have a large readership)

雅思口语part1话题预测配答案:Gifts(礼物) 变题

雅思口语Part2新题 篇2


There is a huge library named as The Central Library which is situated in sector.34, Chandigarh.It is approximately 5 Kms away from my house.The building of the library can easily accommodate more than 1000 students at one time.The whole building is centrally air conditioned.There is ample parking space in front of the building.


I visited that library for the first time with my elder sister.After that I became regular visitor.The membership of this library is very reasonable.A person has to pay only Rs.500/? for one year.I usually go there to prepare my assignments.Even in my leisure time I like visiting to this library to read books like novels,journals etcetera.

我和姐姐第一次去了那个图书馆。从那以后,我成了常客。这个图书馆的会员资格很合理。一个人只有支付Rs.500 /?一年。我通常去那里准备作业。即使在我的空闲时间,我喜欢去这个图书馆读书,像小说,期刊等。

I like to study there because of the ambience of that place.Most of the people who visit this library are college going students who are preparing for competitive exams.In fact, I have made quite a lot of friends at the library.It is a very quiet place and extensive study material is available in this library.Sometimes I get the books issued and take them to my home.The library also has a Internet cafe, where one can search for information on the Internet and have some coffee.It helps me to concentrate better as the location of this library is peaceful and noise free.



Part 3 – Follow Up Questions

1. Do you like to learn on your own or with others?

Sometimes, I like to study alone and sometimes in a group. For things that I need to concentrate and focus, I like to study alone. For boring things, I like to study in a group.

1. 你喜欢自学还是和别人一起学?


2. Do you prefer to study at home or study in other places?

I like to study at home, but sometimes, I go to a library. There I get an atmosphere to study.

2. 你喜欢在家里学习还是在其他地方学习?


3. What’s the difference between leaning face to face with teachers and learning by yourself?

Teachers keep me focused on study, but when I study by myself, I tend to lose my concentration and then I waste time.



一月雅思口语part2新题 篇3

Studies→University students:

Do you work or are you a student?

What subject are you studying?

Why did you choose to study that subject?

Do you like your subject?

In your country, how popular your subject is?

What kinds of jobs would you like to do in the future?

How did you feel on your first day at university?

Why did you choose the university?

Are there any improvements you want your school change? [New]

What you can do to help your study well? [New]

How much time do you spend on studying? [New]

Students→Secondary School Students:

Do you work or are you a student?

What is your favorite subject in secondary school?

What is your unfavorable subject in secondary school?

How interesting do you think studying is?

What subject would you like to learn in the future?

Do you still remember the first day at school?

Are there any improvements you want your school change? [New]

What you can do to help your study well? [New]

How much time do you spend on studying? [New]


Do you work or are you a student?

What job do you do?

Why did you choose that job?

How did you feel on your first day at work?

Are there many people doing this same job as you in China?

Have you thought about changing another job?

Do you prefer working in the morning or evening?

Have you received any job trainings?

Do you think it’s necessary to get job trainings after working for a while?

2 Accommodation

Where are you living now?

Do you live at home?

How long have you been living in the place?

What did you enjoy doing at home during childhood?

Do you prefer living in a house or a flat?

What are the differences between where you are living now and the past?

What’s your favourite place in your home?

Are there any friends living in the neighbourhood?

3 Hometown

Where is your hometown?

How long have you been living there?

Are there anything interesting in your hometown?

Do you prefer living in a big city or a small city?

Are there anything could be improved in your hometown?

Is there anything you dislike about your hometown?

Is there fresh air in your city?

Do you think the development of technology influences the city’s pollution?

4 Music

Have you ever been to any live concerts? [Why/Why not?]

Do you know how to play any musical instruments?

Have you ever learned to play musical instruments?

Would you like to learn playing musical instruments?

Do you think your favorite music type will likely be changed in the future?

Do you prefer listening to the CD or downloading music from the Internet?

Do you like listening to the music during working or studying?

How much more time do you spend on listening to music, in the past or at the present?

一月雅思口语part2新题 篇4

P.S: the topic with the sign of .means it might be a topic in the category, or it might be included in another category.

1. A teenager you know.

2. A person who is trying to protect the environment.

3. A person who you never met in person and you would like to know more about.

4. An intelligent person. [New]

5. Someone who didn’t tell the whole truth. [New]

6. An interesting old person. [New]

7. A person you wanted to be similar to when you were growing up. [New]

8. A beautiful or handsome person. [New]

9. A person you like to work or study with. [New]

1. Describe A Teenager You Know.

You should say:

how old he/she is

how and where you met him/her

what kind of person he or she is

and explain how you feel about him or her./explain whether you like or dislike this person and why.

3. A Person Who You Never Met in Person.

Version A→Describe a person who you never met in person and you would like to know more about.

You should say:

who this person is

how you know this person

why you would like to know more about him/her

and explain how you feel about knowing more about him/her.

Version B→Describe a person you feel interested and you would like to meet in person.

You should say:

who this person is

where you know this person

why you think the person is interesting

and explain why you would like to meet him/her.

4. Describe An Intelligent Person You Know. [New]

You should say:

who this person is

how you know him/her

why you think the person is intelligent

and explain how you feel about him/her.

5. Telling a lie.【New】

Version A→Describe someone you know who didn’t tell the complete truth.

You should say:

who the person is

what they said

how you know the truth.

and explain how you felt when you discovered the whole truth.

Version B→Describe a time when you someone didn’t tell you the complete truth.

You should say:

when it happened.

who didn’t tell you the whole truth.

what they said

and explain how you felt when you discovered the whole truth.

2. Describe A Person Who Is Trying To Protect The Environment.

You should say:

who this person is

how she/he is protecting the environment

what is the most difficult part of protecting the environment

and explain how you feel about this person.

6. Describe An Interesting Old Person You Know. 【New】

You should say:

who this person is

what kind of person he/she is

how you met this person

and explain why the person is interesting to you.

7. Describe a person you want(ed) to be similar. 【New】

Version A→Describe a person you wanted to be similar when you were growing.

You should say:

who this person was

how you knew him/her

what differences between the person and you

and explain why you wanted to be similar with the person.

Version B→Describe a person who you would like to be similar to in the future.

You should say:

who this person is

how you know this person

what impresses you about this person

and explain in what ways you would like to be similar to this person.

8. Describe a beautiful or handsome person you’ve seen.【New】

You should say:

who he/she was

when and where you first saw the person

what kind of person they were

and explain how you thought (think) about the person.

9. Describe A Person You Like To Work Or Study With. 【New】

You should say:

who this person is

what kind of person he/she is

how you know him/her

雅思口语Part2新题预测 篇5


I found myself very much attracted to the computer games and I preferred to play the games athome instead of going to open spaces or fields to participate in outdoor games that involvephysical exercises. Not that computer games are all so bad, but playing them all the timesomeone has got is not a good thing especially for kids. I found that I was spending more timesat home than being outside. After my parents noticed that, they discussed with me about thatand explained me the importance of outdoor activities. They gave me strict restriction that Iwould only be able to play computer games for an hour daily and in the evening I’d have to gooutside to play with my friends.


This was obviously a very positive change for me. I’m not against computer games but I feel thatif there are more important things to do, then we should not spend time on computer games only.This change affected me very positively. I became a good cricket player later on, I startedmaintaining my times more prudently and I am sure this change has affected me positively interms of physical and mental health.

雅思口语part1新题预测及 篇6

It’s quite varied really, sometimes I like to listen to pop music and other times I like to listen to movie soundtracks or instrumental music.这是非常不同的,有时候我喜欢听流行音乐,有时我喜欢听电影原声音乐或乐器音乐。

At what times of day do you like to listen to music?

I usually listen to music throughout the day, on and off, but I suppose the longest period would be when I’m traveling to work because the journey is almost an hour there and another hour returning at night – and listening to music helps pass the time.我通常每天听音乐,断断续续,但我想,最长的时间是我去上班的时候,因为旅途几乎是一个小时,晚上又有一个小时回来——听音乐有助于打发时间。

Did you learn to play a musical instrument when you were a child?

No, I didn’t. It wasn’t something I was interested in. My parents wanted me to learn how to play the piano but I preferred to do sports and eventually they realized that my interests lay elsewhere.不,我没有。这不是我感兴趣的东西。我的父母想让我学习弹钢琴,但我更喜欢做运动,最终他们意识到我的兴趣在别处。

Do you think all children should learn to play a musical instrument?

雅思口语1月part1新题预测 篇7


1. Are you ever bothered by noise?

2. Where can you hear loud noise?

3. Do you think there is more noise in people’s lives today than in the past?

4. Do you think that cities will become noisy in the future?

5. What sounds do you like?

6. What sounds do you dislike?

7. What sounds remind you of your childhood?

8. Do you mind noises?

9. What types of noise you come across in your daily life?

10. Are there any sounds that you like?

11. Where can you hear loud noise?

12. Do you think there’s too much noise in modern society?

13. Are cities becoming noisier?


1. Yes, just recently, my neighbour was decorating his apartment upstairs in our high-rise in the daytime. I was really bothered by the noise of the drill.

2. The noise can be frequently heard around the places such as airports, bus stations, and construction sites.

3. Yes, definitely right. As the city grows bigger and population bulge, our life has become more and more noisy.

4. I enjoy the sound of flowing water in the forest. I even recoded it in my mobile when I travelled in the forest park. I dislike the sound made by finger nails on blackboard because it annoys me and makes me feel nervous.

5. The train. Because there was a train track through my middle school, and we could hear the sound of trains every time they came through my school. I had been used to the sound, and even could not sleep well without it in the background.

6. It’s really hard for me to say no. I mean, I really can’t bear noisy people, noisy places or even noisy things. For me noise is the number-one distractor when it comes to studying or working. You know, they actually just go ahead and interrupt my flow of thoughts.

7. Well, I have to say that I face up to a rich variety of noises on a daily basis. The first type of noise is from traffic, especially during the rush hours. The second is noise from factories, construction sites which never fail to distract me from working, thereby reducing my productivity.

8. I think there is one sound that can always lull me to sleep, the rain sound. There are nights I was so stressed out that I can hardly sleep no matter how much I tried, and then I went online searching for some sound for deep sleep or relaxation, and rain sound is always one of the top choices. And since then rain sound has become my go-to on sleepless nights.

9. From a number of sources. It can come from the crazy drivers down there on the streets. It can come from a building being built. It can come from a music festivals or a DJ party where the crowd totally go wild. It can even come from a crying baby or a fight nextdoor.

10. Indeed. I do think the level of noise is increasing overtime mainly due to human activities. The situation gets even worse if you live in a big modern city at a young age. Your auditory must be trained so hard to tolerate such noise everyday. It is really alarming now to raise people’s awareness towards this “invisible” killer.

11. Most cities in our country are suffering serious noise pollution due to rapidly increasing population and a massive amount of daily transportation. The consistently intense presence of noise does serious harm to the public health.


Can’t bear Ving (expression) can’t tolerate something

Face up to (phrasal verb) to confront an unpleasant situation

Productivity (n) The quality of being productive

To lull SO to sleep (v) to calm or send to sleep, typically with soothing sounds or movements

To be stressed out (adj) a state of mental or emotional strain or tension resulting from adverse or demanding circumstances.

Top recommendations (n) to be highly recommended

Go-to (adj) ideal, first choice

Auditory (n) relating to the sense of hearing

Tolerate (v) to accept or endure (someone or something unpleasant or disliked) with forbearance
