雅思口语词汇之环保类 篇1
上海新航道学校 http://sh.xhd.cn/
雅思口语中环保类的话题常见于part 3,在前两部分中并不多见,因此这类话题经常被考生所忽视。但是,一旦考到环保类话题,很多考生就很容易被难住。究其原因,环保类话题往往涉及专业术语,如二氧化碳,水土流失等,part 3 又格外考察考生的逻辑思维。那么,怎样突破环保类话题,做到兵来将挡水来土掩?
1、要突破环保类话题,首先要明确此类话题的出题方向。众所周知,part 3 的题目往往与part 2 的话题相关,根据往年的蹲题整理,有几个part 2 的话题会在part 3 中涉及环保,如:describe an important plant in your country, describe a tourist attraction you have visited, describe a seaside place 等。根据这些话题,part 3 的题目方向大致有以下几个:树的重要性,旅游业对当地环境的影响,以及水资源的保护措施。明确了出题方向,即使part 3 的题目很难进行具体预测,考生也能把握大方向,从而准备素材。
3、环保类话题应注意逻辑性。此类话题往往涉及措施或影响问题,回答这样的问题需要一分为二,遵循具体的框架。在此举一实例:part 3 考题:how to
protect water resource? 该考题可以从三个方面来考虑:individuals、society、government。Sample answer: from the individuals’ perspective, i think
people should have the awareness to protect water, such as the recycling of water.What’s more, society has the responsibility to propanadize and educate citizens to protect water as well.Plus, a series of regulations and rules about water protection should be carried out by the government.
雅思口语攻略之巧用词汇 篇2
在一次雅思口语考试中,考官得知笔者的研究领域是东亚宪政,就在Part 3里询问笔者英国和日本宪政的关系。在回答问题时,笔者充分运用了自己在学习法律英语时掌握的一些专业词汇,如constitutional monarchy (君主立宪制)、crony capitalism (裙带资本主义)、political contribution (政治献金)等。听完笔者的回答,考官流露出了赞叹的眼神。而最终的结果也证明,难词的灵活运用确实能为口语成绩提不少分。
下面笔者以雅思口语考试中Part 1的一个常见话题为例,让考生体会一下如何适当使用难词。在Part 1中,考官经常问到的一个问题是:“Are you still a student or are you working?”考生该如何回答才能更出彩呢?我们可以对比一下以下两种回答方式。
回答一:I’m a student./I’m working now.
回答二:To be honest, I graduated last year and now I’m an entrepreneur, since I launched my first company last month.
1.分析雅思口语考试的常考话题,有针对性地积累相应的难词。雅思口语考试的话题相对比较固定,共有三个部分:Part 1是chat,考官会询问考生的姓名、家乡、爱好和所学专业(或从事行业)等;Part 2是description,要求考生描述特定的地点、人物、物品、事件等;Part 3是discussion,主要由考生回答考官问题,考官的问题一般与考生所学专业或所在领域有关。因而,通过分析雅思口语考试的常考话题内容,考生便能了解词汇备考的侧重点,从而有针对性地积累难词。
3.熟悉与自身专业相关的专业词汇,譬如法律英语、财经英语等。一般来说,在Part 3里,考官会问考生所在领域内的专业性问题,譬如:“教育应当注重公平还是效率”“中国人的消费观念在近二十年来有无变化”“如何看待中国的审查制度”等等。因而,考生一定要熟悉与自己专业有关的常用词汇。
A. Students of the poor regions have no advanced education.
B. Students of the poverty-stricken regions have no access to the advanced education.
点评:这两组表达意思一样,但是B句显然要比A句更有感染力。而B句与A句的区别就在于使用的词汇不同:B句利用合成词poverty-stricken和词组have access to分别替换了A句中的单词poor与have,使得B句表现力更强,更体现考生的词汇水平。以下笔者再列举几个可用来替换单词的合成词与词组。例如:
①be keen on替换love,如:“I love football”替换为“I’m keen on football”。
②be available替换have,如:“Famous universities have delicate facilities”替换为“Advanced facilities can be available in well-known universities”。
③cost-effective替换cheap,如:“Metro is cheaper than bus”替换为“Metro is more cost-effective than bus”。
④time-consuming替换waste (time),如:“Shopping wastes time”替换为“Shopping is really time-consuming”。
2. 在平时复习雅思词汇时,考生可以多留心,关注常用的同义词(组)或同义替换。
在日常口语交流中,说话者常使用诸如oh、well等语气词、诸如you know、generally speaking等插入语以及诸如to begin with、in addition等表示过渡的连接词(组)。由于雅思口语考试侧重对日常交际能力的考查,因此,考生在回答问题时也可以适当使用口语中常用的语气词、插入语和连接词,使得回答更自然,也更有条理。以下面一个常考话题为例。
常考话题:Do you like shopping? Why or why not?
回答一:I like shopping very much because it’s interesting.
回答二:Well, to be honest, I’m keen on shopping for the following reasons. To begin with, you know, shopping is the best means for me to spoil myself. In addition, it’s also an opportunity for me to practice.... What’s the word? Oh, bargaining skill. These factors contribute to my appetite for shopping.
点评:相对于回答二而言,回答一显得非常呆板,考官从中看不出考生对购物的热情。而回答二的回答很自然,条理也很清晰,这在一定程度上要归功于语气词、插入语与连接词的运用。回答二里使用了语气词well以及插入语what’s the word和you know,使回答显得更有场景性,让考官感觉你已经进入了这个场景,而不是消极地应付考官的问题;而里面使用的to begin with和in addition等连接词使得回答更有逻辑性和层次性,并且有利于考生打开答题思路。
1.语气词和插入语的学习可以通过看或听英文采访来获得。事实上,由于语气词在句子中并不表达具体内容,因而比较容易学习,主要掌握well、oh等就可以应付了。对于插入语,考生也只需掌握you know、what’s the word、what’s to say等简单的插入语。看或听英文采访的目的是让考生熟悉西方人的语言表达习惯,以便在考试时模仿和运用。
雅思口语话题分类词汇 篇3
plastic 塑料 wood 木头 metal 金属 silver 银 copper 铜 wool 羊毛 cotton 棉花 marble 大理石
brown 棕色 purple 紫色 light blue 浅蓝色 dark grey 深灰色 pure green 纯绿色 sky blue 天蓝色
heart-shaped 心形的 round 圆形的 oval 椭圆的 curved 弧形的 rectangular 长方形的 square 正方形的 spherical 球形的 triangular 三角形的
compact 轻便易携带的 tiny 微小的 huge / enormous 巨大的 life-sized 与真人实物一样大的
1. The electronic dictionary serves as a practical study tool.
2. The vase is mainly used for decoration.
3. I often use my bike to take a road trip with my buddies.
4. The major function of my iPad is to contact my family.
5. This bag will come in handy when I go travelling because I can put a lot of stuff in it.
1. This photo often reminds me of my childhood, which is the happiest time of my life.
2. My phone has enriched my world because I can always have fun with it.
3. My bike brings a lot of convenience to my daily life and I can keep fit at the same time.
雅思口语分类词汇 厨房用具 篇4
pan 锅
frying-pan 煎锅
spatula (沙锅的)铲
stew-pan 煮锅
wok (圆底的)煎锅,沙锅(源自粤语)
steamer 蒸锅
pressure-cooker 压力锅
electric rice cooker 电饭锅
earthenware cooking pot 砂锅
aluminium ware 铝制品
chopper (粗切用)肉刀
can-opner 罐头刀
cockscrew 开塞钻子
egg-beater 打蛋器
chopping board 砧板
gas stove 煤气炉
electric stove 电炉
kitchen range (使用煤气或电的)大灶
oven 烤箱
microwave oven 微波炉
kerosene stove 煤油炉
toaster 烤面包架
refrigerator 电冰箱
panry 食物储藏室
cupboard 碗柜
dust-pan 簸箕
mop 拖把
broom 扫把
dustbin 垃圾箱
garbage can 垃圾筒
雅思口语写作中话题词汇的重要性 篇5
这些,就是考官们最在意的real content,也是他们在你的回答里孜孜以求的高光时刻。
1. 打开google网,搜索
按照口语的人物,地点,物品,和事件的4大分类,分别关键词搜索historical figure, historical place/building, historical object, historical event。
2. 挑选若干页面
3. 搜集潜在的主题词汇
比如进入上述这个页面后, 我仅截取文章的前面一小段。
有这些词汇值得记录:throughout history(史上), help to shape human history(塑造人类史), model king(明君), spiritual teacher(精神导师), give discourses to(传道), disciple(徒弟)
4. 精简主题词汇
5. quora的补充
1.life expectancy 预期寿命
2.live longer 寿命变长
3.the population grows older 人口老化
4.people of retirement age 退休老人
5.be eligible to receive a pension 有资格领退休金
6.young adults 年轻人
7.working adults 工作年龄的人(和退休老人对比)
8.receive less money in taxes 税收减少
9.an aging population 逐渐老龄化的人口
10.a greater tax burden 逐渐增大的税务/税收负担
11.a rise in the demand for healthcare 医疗需求增长
12.look after elderly relatives 照顾老龄亲属
13.increase the retirement age 提高退休年龄
14.a productive working life 高产的工作生活
15.encourage immigration 鼓励移民
16.increase the number of working adults 增加工作人口数量
护肤: skin care
洗面奶: facial cleanser/face wash (Foaming,milky,cream,Gel)
爽肤水: toner/astringent(紧肤水 firming lotion,柔肤水 toner/smoothing toner) facial mist/facial spray/complexion mist
护肤霜: moisturizers and creams(保湿 moisturizer,隔离霜,防晒 sun screen/sun block,美白whitening,露 lotion,霜 cream,日霜 day cream,晚霜 night cream)
眼霜: eye gel
面膜: facial mask/masque
眼膜: eye mask
磨砂膏: facial scrub
去黑头: (deep) pore cleanser/striper pore refining
去死皮: Exfoliating Scrub
润肤露(身体): body lotion/moisturizer
护手霜: hand lotion/moisturizer
沐浴露: body wash
彩妆: cosmetics
遮瑕膏: concealer
粉底: foundation (compact,stick)
粉饼: pressed powder(散粉 loose powder,闪粉 shimmering powder/glitter
眉粉: brow powder, (眉笔)brow pencil
眼线液:(眼线笔)liquid eye liner, eye liner
眼影: eye shadow
睫毛膏: mascara
唇线笔: lip liner
唇膏: lip color/lipstick(笔状 lip pencil,膏状 lip lipstick,盒装 lip color/lip gloss)
唇彩: lip gloss/lip color
腮红: blush
卸装水: makeup remover
卸装乳: makeup removing lotion
帖在身上的小亮片: body art
指甲: manicure/pedicure
指甲油-去甲油: nail polish, nail polish remover
发: hair products/accessories
洗发水: shampoo
护发素: hair conditioner
锔油膏: conditioning hairdressing/hairdressing gel /treatment
摩丝: mousse
发胶: styling gel
染发: hair color
冷烫水: perm/perming formula
卷发器: rollers/perm rollers
工具: cosmetic applicators/accessories
粉刷: cosmetic brush, face brush
粉扑: powder puffs
海绵扑: sponge puffs
眉刷: brow brush
睫毛夹: lash curler
眼影刷: eye shadow brush/shadow applicator
口红刷: lip brush
胭脂扫: blush brush
转笔刀: pencil sharpener
电动剃毛器: electric shaver-for women
电动睫毛卷: electric lash curler?
描眉卡: ? brow template
纸巾: facial tissue
吸油纸: oil-Absorbing Sheets
化装棉: cotton pads
棉签: Q-tips
化装包: cosmetic bag
修剪: TRIM
平顶头: CROP
女子做发: HAIRDO
束发结: SNOOD
前流海: BANG
Athletics 竞技
race 跑
middle-distance race 中长跑
long-distance runner 长跑运动员
sprint 短跑 (美作:dash)
the 400 metre hurdles 400米栏
marathon 马拉松
decathlon 十项
cross-country race 越野跑
jump 跳跃
jumping 跳跃运动
high jump 跳高
long jump 跳远 (美作:broad jump)
triple jump, hop step and jump 三级跳
pole vault 撑竿跳
throw 投掷
throwing 投掷运动
putting the shot, shot put 推铅球
throwing the discus 掷铁饼
throwing the hammer 掷链锤
throwing the javelin 掷标枪
walk 竞走
雅思作文交通类核心词汇[模版] 篇6
2.boost the economic development 促进经济发展
promote 3.levy the tax 征税
raise,impose 4.modernization 现代化
symbol of 5.be viewed as … 被视为是…
Automobile industry which
boosts the economic
development is viewed as
the symbol of modernization.6.be concerned about … 对…担忧/关注… 7.pollution-free fuel 无污染燃料
environment friendly 8.luxury 奢侈品
goods 9.chronic lead poisoning 慢性铅中毒 10.fill… with … 使…充斥着 11.popularization of cars 汽车普及 12.lay more emphasis on… 把重心放在…
13.observe traffic regulations 遵守交通规则
14.break traffic regulations 违反交通规则 15.get stuck in traffic 遇上堵车 16.rush hour 上下班高峰时间
off-peak 17.ease the traffic pressure 缓解交通压力 18.pedestrian 行人 19.pavement 人行道 20.zebra crossing 斑马线 21.over speed 超速行驶 22.bottleneck 交通堵塞地区
23.settle down effective laws 制定出积极有效的法律
Introduce 24.impose restrictions on … 对…实施限制 25.short-sighted 目光短浅的
26.non-renewable resources 不可再生资源 27.carbon dioxide 二氧化碳 28.a pillar industry 支柱产业 29.make full use of … 充分利用
solar power 30.road networks 公路网 31.speed limits 限速
32.enhance the quality of life 提高生活质量
living standard 33.pay a heavy price
34.promote the development of
relative industries 35.traffic engineering
交通运输工程 36.the increasing number
of car ownership 37.call for …
The government to
introduce policies
which are effective/
practical and efficient.38.overcrowded 过度拥挤的 39.violator 违规者 40.headache 令人头痛的事 41.traffic accidents 交通事故 42.head-way 进展
43.conflict with … 与…相冲突
crisis 44.major /main cause 主要原因
45.be replaced by … 被…所取代
46.provide convenience for … 为…提供便利 47.curb… 限制… bean curd 48.dilemma
49.encourage somebody to do something
鼓励某人去做某事 50.energy-saving
节能的 time-consuming
雅思口语词汇之环保类 篇7
the introduction of the Mid-Autumn Day: “Zhong Qiu Jie”, which is also known as the Mid-Autumn Festival, is celebrated on the 15th day of the 8th month of the lunar calendar.It is a time for family members and loved ones to congregate and enjoy the full moon-an auspicious symbol of abundance, harmony and luck.Adults will usually indulge in fragrant mooncakes of many varieties with a good cup of piping hot Chinese tea, while the little ones run around with their brightly-lit lanterns.“Zhong Qiu Jie” probably began as a harvest festival.The festival was later given a mythological flavour with legends of Chang-E, the beautiful lady in the moon.According to Chinese mythology, the earth once had 10 suns circling over it.One day, all 10 suns appeared together, scorching the earth with their heat.The earth was saved when a strong archer, Hou Yi, succeeded in shooting down 9 of the suns.Yi stole the elixir of life to save the people from his tyrannical rule, but his wife, Chang-E drank it.Thus started the legend of the lady in the moon to whom young Chinese girls would pray at the Mid-Autumn Festival.In the 14th century, the eating of mooncakes at “Zhong Qiu Jie” was given a new significance.The story goes that when Zhu Yuan Zhang was plotting to overthrow the Yuan Dynasty started by the Mongolians, the rebels hid their messages in the Mid-Autumn mooncakes.Zhong Qiu Jie is hence also a commemoration of the overthrow of the Mongolians by the Han people.During the Yuan Dynasty(A.D.1206-1368)China was ruled by the Mongolian people.Leaders
Sung Dynasty(A.D.960-1279)were unhappy at submitting to foreign rule, and set how to coordinate the rebellion without it being discovered.The leaders of the rebellion, knowing that the Moon Festival was drawing near, ordered the making of special cakes.Packed into each mooncake was a message with the outline of the attack.On the night of the Moon Festival, the rebels successfully attacked and overthrew the government.What followed was the establishment of the Ming Dynasty(A.D.1368-1644).Today, moon cakes are eaten to commemorate this event.Mid-Autumn Day is a traditional festival in China.Almost everyone likes to eat mooncakes on that day.Most families have a dinner together to celebrate the festival.A saying goes, “The moon in your hometown is almost always the brightest and roundest”.Many people who live far away from homes want to go back to have a family reunion.How happy it is to enjoy the moon cakes while watching the full moon with your family members.复习中秋节的相关英文词汇哦!Mid-autumn day 中秋节 lunar农历 mooncake月饼
minimooncake 迷你月饼
mooncakes with meat / nuts / 肉馅/果仁月饼 ham mooncake火腿月饼
grapefruit / pomelo / shaddock 柚子 glue pudding汤圆 lantern / scaldfish灯笼 Chang E 嫦娥 Hou Yi 后羿 light lantern 点灯笼
雅思G类写作常用词汇句型 篇8
1) I have read your advertisement in Jinan Daily for a position of a sales engineer.
2) I wish to apply for the position of…which you advertised in yesterday’s Jinan Daily.
3) I am very interested in exploring the possibility of obtaining a position as a sales engineer with your company.
4) I read with interest your advertisement which appeared in…and would like to take up the challenge as a… with your firm.
5) After completing my four-year course at…university in 1991, I was employed by ABC company as a…
6) I believe I am well prepared, both psychologically and academically, for the post.
7) I believe I have the appropriate qualifications and experience for this post, and therefore, here I am enclosing my curriculum vitae.
8) Upon graduation, I first worked as…The following job was..., and currently I am working for...
9) I am available for an interview every afternoon. Please contact me at…
10) I hope that after reviewing my enclosed resume you will kindly give me an interview so that I can elaborate on my studies and working experience.
11) I hope you would consider my application favorably and grant me an interview.
雅思大作文环保类考题解析 篇9
Some people think that a huge amount of time and money is spent on the protection of wild animals, and that this money could be better spent on the human population. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion ?
第三步:注意题目里有一个对比,保护动物VS 投钱到人类,需要恰当的对比论证
背景铺垫:当今社会,动物的各种悲惨遭遇 (家园被毁、过度捕杀、食物污染等)
当然,在某些deprived areas, 我们还是需要去关心人类的福祉,提高生活水平
Do you think old buildings should be broken down, and give place for modern buildings. How are the old buildings important in our society?
With the rapid development of urbanization, many people advocate the demolition of old houses for the benefit of economic and social development. But others argue that we can’t ruin the traditional cultural heritage. Personally, I side with the former opinion.
In the first place, the existence of old houses is an obstacle to modern urbanization by damaging the image of the city. If they are replaced with modern skyscrapers, the city will take on a new look. Take the Summer Palace in Beijing for example, Being government has demolished a large number of run-down the Summer Palace and constructed many new housing buildings instead.
In the second place, there is a potential danger to people living in old houses or even passers-by. If the houses are old enough to collapse in the end, where does the value of culture or tourism exist? The tourists surely will not travel a long distance to see these so-called “culture heritage” at the risk of their lives. [More:www.cnielts.com]
In the third place, replacing old houses with buildings can help to solve housing problems. It is well-known that China is a densely-populated country and people in urban areas only have little housing space. Undoubtedly, replacing old houses with new buildings is a good way to solve the problem.
As mentioned above, I can draw a conclusion safely: It is irresistible to replace old houses with modern buildings. At the same time, it is necessary for us to restore a limited number of old houses for the sake of conserving traditional culture and attracting tourists.
原文:HLH0220 修改:William(美国华裔),雅思公主(shirleyzrb)
TOPIC:Some people believe that visitors to other countries shoud follow local customs and behaviour. Others disagree and think that the host country should welcome cultural differences.
Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.
As to whether local customs and behaviour should assimilation with the other cultures , these arises a contentious discussion . Before presenting my view ,I intend to discuss both sides of the argument.
Advocates of the other cultures hold the belief that it is benefits of host country to interacted to the other cultures. To begin with ,tourism helps to introduce the country to foreigners and showcase the brilliant history and culture to the outside world. Moreover ,tourists from different countries also bring their own cultures , it can enhance mutual understanding between nations and maintain world peace .Worst of all ,as we know cross-cultural communication is becoming increasingly frequent and cultural assimilation and penetration is inevitable.
Some other people ,however ,are strongly against the host country to have access to the diverses cultures for several sound reasons .Primarily ,it may exert some adverse effects on the aboriginal culture and minority languages to some extent .Furthermore ,cultural globalization will result in one homogenous global culture where everyone speaks the same and thinks the same .Last of all ,globalization poses potential risks to the preservation of aboriginal culture and languages .
From the above discussion ,we can see that both sides have sound reasonable . Personally ,I am in favor of assimilating with different cultures .On the other hand , we can not lose the sight of risks of globalization . And it is of great significance for a government to make efforts to conserve endangered culture and language.
Band: 5
TOPIC:Some people believe that visitors to other countries shoud follow local customs and behaviour. Others disagree and think that the host country should welcome cultural differences.
As to whether local customs and behavior should assimilation(assimilate) with the other cultures , these arises a contentious discussion . Before presenting my view, I intend to discuss both sides of the argument.(first of all, for argumentative essay, you have to state your thesis statement first, not to introduce your essay by restating the question again, present your side and assert it , then discuss both sides and conclude it at the end.)
Advocates who believe that foreign cultures are beneficial to host country because the extent to which they interact. Tourism helps to introduce the country to foreigners and it also acts as a showcase to disclose the brilliant history and culture to the outside world. Moreover, tourists from different countries also bring their own culture into the host country, it can enhance mutual understanding between nations and maintain world peace .As we all know cross-cultural communication is becoming increasingly frequent and cultural assimilation and penetration is inevitable.
Some other people, however ,are strongly against the host country to have access to the diversity of culturesfor several reasons .Primarily ,it may exert some adverse effects on the aboriginal culture and minority languages. Furthermore ,cultural globalization will result in one homogenous global culture where everyone speaks the same and thinks the same .Last of all ,globalization poses potential risks to the preservation of aboriginal culture and languages .
雅思口语分类词汇 烹饪09-25