


六年级下重点归纳总结 篇1


第一部分: 通假字(课内)

1.畔:通“叛”,背叛。出自“寡助之至,亲戚畔之。”《天时不如地利》 2.曷:通“何”,什么。出自“缚者曷为者也”。3.熙:同“嬉”,戏弄。“圣人非所与熙”。《橘逾淮为枳》 4.附:通“跗”,脚背。出自“螳螂委身曲附”。《螳螂捕蝉》 5.傍:通“旁”,旁边。出自“而不知黄雀在其傍”。《螳螂捕蝉》 6.说:通“悦”,喜悦、高兴。出自“学而时习之,不亦说乎”。《论语<八则>》 7.知:通“智”,聪明。出自“知之为知之,不知为不知,是知也”。(课外)


第二部分: 常用字词

1.时习:时,按时;习,实习、温习。“学而时习之” 《论语<八则>》。2.愠:怨恨,生气。“人不知而不语愠” 《论语<八则>》。3.好 :①hào 喜好,爱好,“知之者不如好知者”《论语<八则>》。② hǎo 友好

从:①跟随。“择其善者而从之” ②顺从,听从。“妻从之”《邓攸弃儿保侄》 4.尝①曾经,“吾尝终日不食”,《论语<八则>》。②品尝。5.凋:凋谢。“岁寒,然后知松柏之后凋也。” 《论语<八则>》。6.寝:睡。7.城①城墙,“三里之城” 《天时不如地利》。②城市 8.环:围。《天时不如地利》 9.夫:发语词《天时不如地利》 10.故:①因此、所以,“故君子又不战” 《天时不如地利》 ; ②原因、缘故 11.固:①本来,“齐人固善盗乎” 《橘逾淮为枳》; ②巩固,“固国不以山溪之险” 《天时不如地利》 12.方①正在、正要、将要。“见人方引婴投江”。《吕氏春秋二则》 13.引:牵,拉。“见人方引婴投江”。《吕氏春秋二则》 14.遽:jù ①就、遂。“其子岂遽善游哉”。《吕氏春秋二则》 ②急忙、快。“遽契其舟”。《吕氏春秋二则》 15.任:处理。“以此任物”。《吕氏春秋二则》 16.涉:渡。“楚人有涉江者”《吕氏春秋二则》 17.坐:犯„„罪。“坐盗”《橘逾淮为枳》 18.诣:拜访、谒见。“吏二缚一人诣王” 《橘逾淮为枳》。

19.病:①辱,“寡人反取病焉”②病:很严重的疾病 20.欲:想要务:必须,一定。“此三者皆务欲得其前利”。《螳螂捕蝉》 21.顾:回头看“不顾其后患”《螳螂捕蝉》


1.亡:①逃亡②丢失③灭亡④死,去世 2.卒:①终②死,去世 3.啖:吃

4.或:①有人②有时 5.善:擅长,善于

6.少:①小时候②通“稍”稍微③与“多”相对 7.雨:名词“雨水”;动词“下雨”。8.衣:名词“衣服”;动词“穿”。9:徐:慢慢地,缓慢 10.遂:于是

11.诘:责问,追问 12.走:跑

13.生:生长,长到 14.及:①到②趁着 15.负:背

16.益:①好处;②更加 17.得:①得到;②能够

18.苟:①如果;②随便,马虎 19.食:①吃②给„„吃


第三部分:古今异义字 1.池:古义“护城河”;今义“池塘”。2.兵:古义“武器”;今义“士兵”。3.去:古义“离开”;今义“到„„” 4.亲戚:古义“族内族外的亲人”;今义“族内亲人”。词义缩小。5.其实:古义“它的果实”,今义“承上文转折,表示所说的是实际情况”,连词。6.妻子:古义“妻子和孩子,今义“老婆”。

第四部分:常用虚词 1.之:

①动词,到“寡助之至”;②代词,代指某事某物某人“环而攻之而不胜”; ③结构助词,“的”“三里之城”



②连词,表示逆接,“但是、却”。“人不知而不愠”、“舟已行矣,而剑不行” “环而攻之而不胜”,第一个“而”不翻译,第二个“而”翻译“但是、却”


第五部分:诗歌中重点文言词 1.乃:就,“当春乃发生”;2.潜:悄悄地,“随风潜入夜”; 3.野径:田野间小路,“野径云俱黑”;4.足:满足,“最爱湖东行不足” 5.郭:外墙,“水村山郭酒旗风”;6.乡关:家乡,“日暮乡关何处是”; 7.瞑:日落,夜晚。“山居秋暝“;8.留:居,“王孙自可留“; 9.将:和,“暂伴月将影”;10.徒:徒然,白白地,“影徒随我身”。






七年级(下)重点词语归纳 篇2

1) close v. “关闭,结束”。如:

Please close the door. 请关门。

2) close adj. 靠近的,亲近的。如:

The church is close to the school. 教堂在学校附近。

3) closed adj. “关闭的”。如:

The door is closed. 门关着。

4) open v. “开,打开”,与close意义相反。如:

Please open the door. 请开门。

The door opened slowly. 这扇门慢慢地打开了。

5) open adj. “开着的”。如:

The door is open. 门开着。

【小试牛刀】Don’t ____ the door. Please keep it ____.

A. close; openB. closed; openedC. closed; openD. close; opened

2. enjoy


1) enjoy后接名词或代词。如:

They are enjoying their dinner. 他们在津津有味地吃饭。

Do you enjoy the film? 你喜欢那部电影吗?

Alice doesn’t enjoy it. 爱丽斯不喜欢它。

2) enjoy后面可接动词-ing形式。如:

I enjoy listening to light music. 我喜欢听轻音乐。

Do you enjoy reading? 你喜欢读书吗?

He doesn’t enjoy singing. 他不喜欢唱歌。

Many students enjoy asking questions in English. 许多学生喜欢用英语问问题。

3) enjoy后面可接反身代词(oneself),构成固定搭配enjoy oneself,意为“过得愉快、玩得高兴”,相当于have a good time。如:

——Did you enjoy yourself at the party? 你在聚会时玩得高兴吗?

——I enjoyed myself very much at the party. 我在聚会时玩得很开心。

【小试牛刀】Do you enjoy ____ pop music?

A. listening toB. listeningC. listen toD. to listen

3. hope

1) 用于表示可能实现的事情,后接从句时,用陈述语气。如:

I hope I shall see him again. 我希望再见他一次。

I hope you haven’t hurt yourself. 但愿你没有受伤。

2) 用于指对好事的盼望、预想;对坏事的预想则多用“I’m afraid…”。如:

I hope it will be fine tomorrow. 我希望明天天气好。

I’m afraid it will rain again. 恐怕还要下雨。

3) hope 所希望的一般指将来或现在的事情,不用于指过去的事情。如:

I hope he will come. 我希望他会来。

4) 可用hope to do sth.句型,而不能用hope sb. to do sth.句型。如:

I hope to watch the football match again. 我希望再看一次那场足球赛。

5) hope后面还可以接that 从句,意为“希望……;能……就好了”。如:

She hopes that I will pass the exam. 她希望我能通过考试。


1) in the hope of sth. 怀着……的希望

2) live in hope(s) of 满怀希望

3) hope for the best 希望获得最好的结果

【小试牛刀】We hope ____ the book again very much.

A. us to readB. to readC. us reading D. reading

4. the other, another, other与others

1) the other指两者中的“另一个”,通常与 one搭配使用,构成one…the other(一个……另一个)。如:

Miss Gao has a book in one hand, and a pen in the other.


The little girl slowly closed one eye and then the other.


2) another可以被看作是an与other两个词的融合,作“另一个”,“不同的”解,其后只能跟单数名词,指不确定数目中的“另一个”。如:

I don’t like this one, show me another. 我不喜欢这个,给我看看另一个。

They stood up one after another. 他们相继站起来。


There’s room for another few people in the back of the bus.


The farm already has ten cows, but they are buying another five (cows).


3) other表示“别的”,“另外的”,只能与复数名词连用。others=other+可数名词复数。如:

There are other ways of doing this exercise. 做这个练习还有别的方法。

Ask some other people. 问别人吧。

Some students like English and others (other students) like physics.



——We have five kinds of schoolbags. Do you like this one?

——No. Can you show me ____?(09年广东省)

A. anotherB. each otherC. the otherD. others

5. stop, remember, forget后接doing和to do

1)stop doing sth.与stop to do sth.

stop doing sth.是“停止做某事”,doing是stop 的宾语,是要停止的动作;stop to do sth.是“停下来开始做某事”,to do是stop的状语,表示目的,是要开始做的事情。如:

The two girls stopped talking when they saw me. 那两个女孩一见到我就停止了讲话。

The two girls stopped to talk to me when they saw me.


2)forget/remember to do sth.与forget/remember doing sth.

①forget/remember to do sth. 意为“忘记/记得要做某事”,这里的不定式所表示的动作还没有发生。如:

I forgot to lock the door. 我忘记锁门了。(门没有锁)

I remembered to do my English homework. 我记得要做英语作业。(还没有去做英语作业)

②forget/remember doing sth. 意为“忘记/记得曾经做过某事”,表示曾经做了,而忘记/记住了,这里的动名词所表示的动作已经发生过了。如:

I forgot locking the door. 我忘记锁过门了。(意思是门锁过而忘记了)

We remembered writing a letter to you. 我们记得曾给你写过一封信。(意思是写过信并且记住了)


——Don’t forget ____ my parents when you are in Beijing.

——OK!I won’t. (09年长沙市)

A. to seeB. seeC. seeing

6. visit

1) v. 访问,拜访,探望,参观,游览,采访。 如:

Our headteacher visited America. 我们的班主任访问过美国。

We often visit our grandma. 我们经常探望奶奶。

2) n. 访问,往来,参观,游览。如:

The visit to an island is very interesting. 这一次岛屿游览非常有趣。

3) visitor n. 访问者,来宾,游客,参观者。 如:

He is an English visitor. 他是一名英国游客。

【小试牛刀】“What are they doing?”“They ____ the Great Wall.”

A. are visitingB. visitingC. is visitingD. visit

7. take与bring

bring 和take都含有“拿、带”的意思,但在使用时却有所不同。

1) bring意为“拿来、带来”,指把某物或某人从别处带到说话人所在的地方。如:

Bring me a cup of tea, please. 请给我拿杯茶。

Please bring the CD to school tomorrow. 请明天把那张CD带到学校。

2) take意为“拿走、带到”,指把某物或某人从说话人所在的地方带到别处。有away的含义。如:

Could you help me to take the box to the classroom? 你能帮我将这个盒子拿到教室吗?

I’ll take you to see our teacher. 我将带你去见我们老师。

注意:bring与here连用,不与there连用;take与there连用,而不与here连用。bring/take sb. sth.=bring/take sth. to sb.。如:

Bring me a dictionary.=Bring a dictionary to me.

Take him this story book.=Take this story book to him.


——It’s raining, Daisy. Please ____ an umbrella with you.

——Thanks. I’ll return it to you when I ____ next week. (09年深圳市)

A. take; comeB. take; will comeC. bring; comeD. bring; will come

8. also, too与either

两者都是副词,also用法比较正式, 在口语中不常用,一般只用于肯定句,有强调的意味,常位于主谓之间,即实义动词之前,助动词之后;too一般只用于肯定句,通常置于句末,也可插到句中间,有时也可用于否定的陈述句中,但不能放在否定词的后面;either用于否定句句尾。例如:

They also like playing volleyball. 他们也喜欢打排球。

He is also a student. 他也是一个学生。

I can also do it. 我也能干。

I’m fine, too. 我也很好。

He likes comedies, too. 他也喜欢喜剧。

He isn’t in Class 3, either. 他也不在3班。


——I am not sure which tie to wear for the party.

——God!I have no idea, ____.(09年泰安市)

A. tooB. neitherC. eitherD. also

9. wear; dress; put on与(be) in


1) wear是“穿着;戴着”的意思。强调状态。如:

Lucy always wears a red coat. 露西总是穿一件红色大衣。

2) dress作及物动词,后接反身代词,表示“某人自己穿衣服”;后接sb.,表示“给某人穿衣服”。dress up意为“盛装;装扮”。如:

The boy can dress himself. 这个男孩能够自己穿衣服了。

3) put on指“戴上;穿上”,强调动作。如:

He put on his hat and left. 他戴上帽子离开了。

4) “(be) in+颜色”表示穿什么颜色的衣服,强调状态。如:

The girl in red is my sister. 穿红衣服的女孩是我妹妹。


——I saw Ann ____ a green dress at the school meeting.

——I think she looks better ____ red. (09年烟台市)

A. dressed; in B. put on; wearC. wearing; inD. wear; put on

10. sound

1) n. 声音。如:

I heard strange sounds in the distance. 我听见远处有怪声音。

2) v. 听起来(连系动词,后跟形容词作表语)。如:

That sounds interesting. 那听起来很有趣。

【拓展延伸】sound, look, smell, taste, feel意思分别为“听起来、看起来、闻起来、尝起来、觉得或摸起来”。这五个动词均为连系动词,后面接形容词作表语。如:

The flower smells very sweet. 这花闻起来很香。

The cotton feels very soft. 这棉花摸起来很软。


——Hi, Tony. The milk shake ____ good!

——I’m glad you like it. (09年济南市)

A. soundsB. fallsC. goesD. tastes

——Long time no see!

——Oh, it ____ like years since I last saw you. (09年安徽省)

六年级下重点归纳总结 篇3


1.talk about their plans for the summer 2.talk about his travel plans 谈论他的旅行计划

3.talk to sb.about sth.与某人谈论某事

4.go back to London 回伦敦 5.how long 多久

6.stay there for a month 呆在那儿一个月 7.What about you?你怎么样?

8.visit my aunt and uncle


9.Sounds great!听起来很棒!

10.go to Beijing by plane 乘飞机去北京 11.go by train 乘火车去

12.visit Ocean Park 参观海洋公园 13.show you some photos =show some photos to you 把一些照片展示给你看

14.after the holiday 假期后

15.Well done!做得好!

16.read a travel book 读一本游记 18.travel plans 旅游计划

19.visit many places 参观很多地方


1、The children are talking about their plans for summer holiday.孩子们正在谈论他们的暑假计划。(注意句中“for”)

2、Where will you go for the holiday?你假期将去哪里? How long will you stay there?你将在那儿待多久? What will she do there?她将在那儿干什么? 这些句子都是一般将来时的特殊疑问句。

3、Will you go to Disneyland?你将去迪斯尼乐园吗?

这是一般将来时的一般疑问句,助动词will提到句首。肯定回答是:Yes, I will.或Yes, we will.否定回答是:No, I won’t.或No,we won’t.(注意will not的缩写形式为won’t)。

20.get to the UK 到达英国

22.want to be a traveller 想成为旅游者 23.different plans 不同的计划

24.a wonderful summer holiday 一个精彩的暑假

25.be excited about 对„„感到兴奋

26.find Uluru 找到乌鲁鲁巨石

27.the Grand Canyon 科罗拉多大峡谷

28.Buckingham Palace 白金汉宫 29.Niagara Falls 尼亚加拉大瀑布 30.be busy in the summer holiday


31.play with his toys 玩玩具 32.be full of joy 充满乐趣 33.exciting plans 令人兴奋的计划 34.know about some great cities


35.go for the summer holiday 去度暑假 36.go to Hong Kong with my family 和我的家人去香港 38.get home/there 到家/那儿 holiday 谈论他们的暑假计划

21.take a taxi 乘出租车

17.travel around the world 环游世界

37.go to Disneyland 去迪士尼

4、I’ll show you some photos after the holiday.我将在假期后把照片给你看。

Show sb.sth.=show sth.to sb.把某物展示给某人看

5、Sam is excited about Bobby’s plans.Sam因Bobby的计划而激动。

be excited about …因„„而激动,主语是人用excited,介词about后跟事情。


1、一般将来时的一般疑问句形式:Will + 主语 + 动词原形 + 其他 ? 答句:Yes, … will./ No, … won’t.(此处专指用助动词will的句子)如:A: Will he stay in London for a month?

B: Yes,he will./ No, he won’t.2、一般将来时的特殊疑问句:特殊疑问词 + will + 主语 + 其他? 如:A: Where will you go for the summer holiday?

六年级下重点归纳总结 篇4

一、Useful phrases(有用短语 收拾干净 tidy up 占用 take up 一点 a bit 一套„„的收藏品 collection of 拉小提琴 play the violin 一直 all the time 对„„感兴趣 be interested in 在„„末尾 at the end of 接受采访 give an interview 例如,比如 such as 照顾 look after 发展兴趣 develop interests 和„„一样 as well as 出版,开(花)come out 花费(金钱、时间)spend … on sth.花费(金钱、时间)spend …(in doing 结果 as a result 将来 in the future 一生中 in one‟s life 省钱,存钱 save money

二、Key structures(关键句型

1.是什么让你对音乐感兴趣?What made you so interested in music? 2.我经常听他拉小提琴。I often listen to him play the violin.3.在2000年的夏天,他在夏令营呆啦四个星期。

During the summer holiday of 2000, he spent four weeks on a summer camp.3.我利用一些空闲时间在校队打排球。

I spent some of my free time(in playing volleyball for my school team.Module Two

一、Useful phrases(有用短语 稍等 Hold the line 事实上 in fact

两个,数个 a couple of 觉得 feel like 和„„不同 be different from 和„„交朋友 make friends with 顺便说说 by the way 遥远(be)far away 结果 as a result 害怕 be afraid of sth.担心 worry about 如常 as usual 在那时 at that moment 一天天 day by day 对„„微笑 smile at 开始 at first 不再 not … any more 保持现状 stay the same

二、Key structures(关键句型

1.我问你的秘书她会不会来。I asked your secretary whether she could come or not.2.我能问一下你是否想念英国或你的亲戚吗? Can I ask if /whether you miss the UK,or your relations? 3.感觉如何?What does it feel like? 4.你觉得怎样?How do you like it?=What do you think of it? Module Three

一、Useful phrases(有用词语

1、小心 look out for

2、„„的分数 the score of

3、愿意做某事 would like to do

4、感谢你做某事 thank you for doing

5、喜欢做某事 like doing sth.6、带某人参观 take/show sb around

7、停止做某事 stop doing sth

8、最新消息 the latest news

9、需要做某事 need to do sth

10、继续做某事 keep doing sth

11、以„开始 begin with

12、讨厌做某事 hate doing/to do

13、开始做某事 begin doing/to do

14、同意某人意见 agree with sb

15、通过收音机 on the radio

16、在电台 at the radio

17、在„„附近be close to

18、记得做过某事 remember doing

19、亲自 in person 20、看起来似乎„ It seems(that

21、在„岁时 at age of

二、Key Structures(关键句型


We ‟d like to thank you for taking us around Radio Beijing.2、不可气,我喜欢带来访者到处参观。Don ‟t mention it.I enjioy showing visitors around.3、我想回答你的问题,不过记得要记住那盏红灯。

I want to answer your quesrions,but remember to look out for the red light.4、我记得当我四到五岁的时候,我坐在客厅的收音机旁„„

When I was about four or five years old,I remember sitting close to the radio in the living room…

Module Four

一、Useful phrases(有用的短语

1、拍录像 take vedios

2、回放 play back

3、打开 turn on

4、赶快 come on

5、借给某人某物 lend sth to sb

6、等待 wait for

7、把„连接到„ connect to

8、拉小提琴 play the violin

9、找出 find out

10、救某人的命 save one‟s life

11、捡起 pick up

12、拍照 take a photo of

13、咬某人的手 bite sb on the hand

二、Key Structures(关键句型


If you want to turn on the recorder, press the blue button.2、如果有蛇咬你,用你的手机拍张照片。这可能救你的命。

If a snake bites you,take a photo with your mobile phone!It may save your life.Module 5

一、Useful phrases(有用短语

1、能,会 be able to

2、一起 all together

3、在„结束时 at the end of

4、拿走,起飞 take off

5、至少 at least

6、犯错 make a mistake

7、毕竟 after all

8、零用钱 pocket money

9、赶快 hurry up

10、宁可,较喜欢 rather …than

11、提醒做某事 warn sb to do sth

12、有机会 have a chance

13、以„为自豪 be proud of

14、要求 ask for

15、出错 go wrong

16、送走 send away

17、用„做某事 use sth for doing sth

二、Key structures(关键句型

1、假如我演奏得好,我就会在“明星大搜索”的演奏会上独奏。If I play well,‟ll play the solo during the Starsearch concert.2、如果她去了别的学校,我就不能见到我最好的朋友了。If she goes to a diffent school, I won‟t see my best friend.Module 6

一、Useful phases(有用短语

1、发生 take place

2、醒来 be awake

3、谈论 talk about

4、想念某人 miss sb

5、交朋友 make friends

6、拉小提琴 play the violin

7、担心 be worried about

8、照顾 look after

9、面对面的 face to face

10、以某人的观点 in one‟s opinion

11、除„之外 except for

12、出版 comr out

13、反映真实生活的 be true to life

14、扮演某人 play sb

15、建议某人做某事 advise sb to do sth

16、加入 jion sb

二、Key structures(关键句型


She said that she was with some classmates from London.2.她解释说她的访问时为了交朋友。

She explained that her visit was about making friends.3.所以她知道他有很多朋友。So she knows that she is among the friends.Module 7

一、Useful phrases(有用短语

1、休假,放假 time off

2、照顾 look after

3、全中国 all over China

4、绕„„而走 walk around

5、过桥 cross the bridge

6、爬上 climb up

7、其余的„„ the rest of

8、说出真相 tell the truth

9、叫某人(别)做某事 ask sb.(not to do sth.10、听见某人在做某事 hear sb.doing sth

11、因„„出名 be famous for 12.看起来像 look like

13、知道,了解 know about

14、在夜间 during the night

15、仿佛,好像 as if

16、叫醒 wake up

17、发现,查明 find out

18、指向 point out

19、希望,期待 hope for sth.20、单独留下某人 leave sb.alone

二、Key structures(关键句型

1、她问我是否练习太多了。She asked if I was practising too much.2、她问我发生什么事。She asked me what was the matter.3、我告诉她不要担心。I told her not to worry.4、他还说摘叶子还是不对的。He also said that it was wrong to pull leaves.Module 8

一、Useful phrases(有用短语

1.劳动节 Labour Day 2.去度假 take a vacation 3.在…方面花费… spend … on/ doing sth.4.一„„就„„ as soon as 5.„„的开端 at the start of/ beginning of 6.变凉 get cooler 7.在不同日期 on a different date

8、结束 be over

9、休息一天 have one day off

10、制定计划 make a plan

11、以相同的方式 in the same way

12、依赖 depend on

13、玩得开心 have fun

14、倒数 count down

15、聚会 get together

16、出去走走 go out for a walk

17、下决心 make resolutions

18、„„的清单 a list of

19、帮助„„克服困难 help out 20、保证做 promise to do

二、Key structures(关键句型


While we‟re staying with them, we‟re going to spend a few days in Qingdao.2、让我们玩得开心,知道回到学校。Let ‟s enjoy ourselves until we go back to school.3、今天是新学年开始前的最后一天。

And it‟s the last day before the new school year begins.4、当九月到来,天气开始转凉。When September comes, it starts to get cooler.5、一到十二点,所有人都大声喊叫。

As soon as it‟s 12 o‟clock, everyone shouts very loudly.一、Useful phrases(有用短语

1.目的是 so that 2.擅长 be good at 3.独自 on one‟s own

4.期待 look forward to 5.出现,发生 come up 6.献身于 give one‟s life to 7.继续做某事 continue doing sth 8.尽管 in spite of 8.9.„„和„„都 both … and… 10.最后 in the end 11.就某人的命 save one‟s life 12.为了 in order to 13.照顾 take care of 14.成千上万的 thousands of

二、Key structures(关键句型

1.她错过了最后的排练,所以Kylie 可以演奏。She missed the final practice so that Kylie could play.2.她们站起来因为她们俩都将要演奏。

They „re standing up because they‟re both going to play.3.说她的手疼所以Kylie 可以独奏。

Sally said her hand hurt so Kylie could play on her own.一、Key phrases(有用的短语

1.如此„„以致于„„ so … that… 2.上大学 go to college 3.一点也不 not … at all 4.送别 see off 5.出错 go wrong 6.保持联络 stay/keep in touch 7.给某人穿衣服 dress oneself/sb.8.依赖,依靠 depend on 9.去度假 go on holiday 10.受„„欢迎 be popular with 11.用„„填满„„ fill … with … 12.和„„一样 as … as 13.照顾 look after 14.一„„就„„ as soon as

15.知道„„才„„ not … until 16.依某人看in one‟s opinion 17.譬如 such as 18.坐火车 take a train 19.一路顺风 have a safe trip 20.别傻了!Don ‟t be silly!

二、Key structures(关键句型

1.如果我有时间就会去看你。I would visit you if I have time.2.他如此努力工作以致于忘记吃午饭。He worked so hard that he forgot to have lunch.3.虽然他想去伦敦,但是他不想坐飞机。

北京版六年级英语上册重点总结 篇5

1.What did you do this summer? 今年夏天你干什么了? I went back to Canada.我回到加拿大。2.When did you come back?

你什么时候回来了? I came back last Thursday.我上周四回来了。

3.Did you go to see your grandparents?

你看望爷爷奶奶了吗? Yes, I did./ No, I didn’t.是的。看望了。/没有。短语:

Wrote a story 写故事

went back to Canada 回到加拿大 made cakes 做蛋糕

came back 回来

went to the airport 去机场

finished the piano lessons 完成钢琴课 return the books 还书

win the football match 赢得足球赛

Unit2 句子:

4.Why did you stand on your head?

你为什么倒立呢? Because I wanted to practice kung fu.因为我想练习功夫。5.What happened to you?

你怎么了? I hurt my right leg.我伤了右腿。6.What did you say?


I said you should stop eating too much.我说你应该少吃点儿。短语:

Stand on your head 倒立

practice kung fu练习功夫 go to hospital


cut my finger 切伤了手指 fell 摔倒

cry 哭

hurt 受伤

broke 折断


eating too much 吃的太多

playing computer games 玩电脑游戏smoking 抽烟

Unit3 句子:

7.Where did you go last weekend? 上周末你去哪里了? We flew to Hangzhou.我飞到了杭州。8.How did you go to Hangzhou?

你怎样去的杭州? We went there by air.我们坐飞机去的。9.Who invented those vehicles?


Some smart people did.一些聪明的人。短语:

Last weekend 上周末

yesterday afternoon 昨天下午

on Friday morning 周五早上

flew飞/ drove驾驶/ took the train to Hangzhou 坐火车去杭州

the Spring Festival Fair春节庙会

the train station 火车站

by air/ bus/subway/taxi/train, on foot those vehicles 那些交通工具

some smart people 一些聪明的人

Unit5 句子:

10.When did the ancient Olympic Games begin? 古代奥林匹克运动会是什么时候开始的? They began in 776 BC.开始于公元前776年。11.When did people hold the first modern Olympics?

人们什么时候开始举办第一届现代奥林匹克运动会的? They held them in 1896 in Athens.


12.How many medals did the Chinese athletes win? 中国运动员获得了多少奖牌?

They won 51 gold medals,21 silver medals.and 28 bronze medals. 他们赢得了51枚金牌,21枚银牌和28枚铜牌。短语:

the ancient Olympic Games 古代奥运会

the Qin Dynasty 秦朝 Athens 雅典

776 BC 公元前776年

618 AD 公元后618年

Buy 买

borrow 买

gold金/silver银/bronze铜 medals

Unit6 句子:

13.What is he wearing?


He is wearing a blue suit with a silver tie.他穿着蓝色西服戴着银色领带。14.What does she wear on Stage? 在舞台上她穿着什么?

She wears pretty dresses.

她穿着漂亮的裙子。15.What size do you wear?


I wear a Medium。


16.she wears a Large a blue suit with a silver tie.她穿着大号的

a denim skirt棉布衬衫


pajamas睡衣 a hoody 套头衫

pretty dresses 漂亮的裙子

formal clothes 正式服装

on stage 在舞台上

at work 在工作

at school 在学校 Medium 中号

Large 大号

XS(Extra Small)特小号

XL(Extra Large)特大号

Unit7 句子:

17.How often does each animal come around? 每个动物多久轮回一次?Every twelve years.每十二年轮回一次。

18.Which animal was the first of the twelve? 哪种动物是十二中的第一个?

It was the rat.老鼠。19.Grandma likes the dog best.奶奶最喜欢狗。20.She is as caring as a dog.她像狗一样的认真。

each animal 每个动物

come around 轮回 go to the dentist 去看牙医

practice together 一起训练

rat老鼠 nephew 侄子 caring 认真

smart 聪明
