


公共事业管理英文简历 篇1


Male, 27 years old

Education: junior college

Working life: within 1 year

Expected salary: 2000-3000 yuan

Work location: guangzhou - tianhe river

Job objective: the commissioner/assistant

Work experience

(working 4 months, doing 1 job)

Guangzhou jinyi property co., LTD

Working hours: February to June 2012

Job title: property consultant

The work content: receive the customer, the customer detailed introduction and the design of the suitable model, the result is a deal.

Education experience

To this day, the administrative management of south China agricultural university


Introduce yourself briefly, let the company pay more attention to you! I am sincere, positive, open-minded, aggressive, strong team spirit. During the period of school knowledge is limited, I am not content with existing knowledge level, I am eager to join your company, get exercise and improve in practice. I will be ready to meet all of their own every job, go to great lengths to completes the labor of duty, good achievements in work. I believe that through their own hard work and efforts, will make due contributions, in the hope that your company give me a growth of learning platform, let me bring profit opportunities for enterprises, I firmly believe that: degree represent the past, financial representative now, learning force on behalf of the future. I will grow, learn, and strive to improve myself in my work. Never fail to live up to the expectations of the leaders, and I will cherish the hard work.


公共事业管理英文简历 篇2

当今世界是全球化的世界, 需要国际化的复合型人才。我国正在国际政治经济事务中扮演着愈加重要的角色, 国际影响力与日俱增, 需要大量能在经贸、政治、管理、科技和文化等方面交流的具有全球竞争力的高素质复合型人才。作为国际交流中最通用的语言, 英语正是中国学生拥有全球视角、走向国际化的重要钥匙。因此, 提高学生专业英语水平, 成为中国高等教育亟须面对的问题之一。

国家相关部门曾多次强调专业课全英文教学的重要性, 并进行了相应规划和部署。国家教育部高教司2001年颁发的《关于加强高等学校本科教学工作提高教学质量的若干意见》 (教高[2001]4号文 (附件) ) 中曾明确指出, “要按照‘教育面向现代化、面向世界、面向未来’的要求, 本科教育要创造条件使用英语等外语进行公共课和专业课教学”。《教育部、财政部关于实施高等学校本科教学质量与教学改革工程的意见》 (教高[2007]1号) 中也指出, 要“推动双语教学课程建设, 探索有效的教学方法和模式, 切实提高大学生的专业英语水平和直接使用英语从事科研的能力”。

国内不少高等教育工作者对全英文教学进行了尝试和研究。邱庆春、崔雪等人对全英文教学的意义、问题以及可行性[1]进行了研究, 认为全英文教学有利有弊[2], 需要针对所教专业的特点进行调整和改进, 探索可行的教学模式;韩晴、蔡冬青等人分别从会计学[3]、医学生物学[4]课程的角度对本科全英文教学的方法进行了总结;蒲华林等人则基于国内某高校全英文教学的案例分析[5], 对全英文教学的定位和现状进行了总结, 指出其面临的问题, 并提出相应对策。

以上尝试和研究角度不同、观点各异, 对本研究有着一定的借鉴意义;同时, 这些研究鲜有涉及公共管理专业的全英文教学问题, 这也为本研究指出了方向。

进行全英文教学是国内公共管理专业自身发展的需要。作为上世纪80年代才恢复研究的年轻学科, 中国公共管理学在总体上仍较为落后, 需要不断引进国外先进的理论和方法, 充实和推动国内研究的发展;同时, 环境治理、腐败治理等公共管理实务热点问题需要进行大量的全球行动和国际合作。这些都要求国内的公共管理研究者和学习者提高自身的专业英语水平。

本研究将在整合、总结国内全英文教学成果的基础上, 结合相关的教学经历, 对公共管理专业全英文教学的现状以及面临的问题进行总结, 并提出相应的改进建议。

1 研究方法


首先, 本研究通过查阅本科生培养计划的方式了解公共管理专业全英文教学实践的发展情况。研究选取国内共39所“985”高校作为样本。“985”高校是国内教学研究水平最高的一批高校, 师资力量雄厚, 学生素质突出, 相应的公共管理学科发展也在国内处于领先地位, 因此具有较好的代表性。研究主要通过访问“985”高校公共管理学院的网站, 参阅其本科生培养计划, 了解全英文教学实践的发展情况。

同时, 研究还对全英文教学的相关研究状况做了调查和了解, 主要是通过查阅相关文献的方式, 在中国知网 (CNKI) 上以“全英文教学”为关键词, 共搜索到文献134篇。

之后, 研究对一些修读过全英文课程的同学进行了访谈。共有来自5所高校的14名同学接受了访谈, 具体情况如表1所示。访谈内容包括全英文课程的设置情况、教学形式、教学效果、存在的问题及改进建议等。

2 公共管理专业全英语教学的现状与问题

2.1 公共管理专业全英文教学实践的发展情况

自教育部颁发相关文件提倡高校发展全英文教学后, 各专业都在不同程度上进行了实践。其中, 医学生物学发展较快, 积累了较多经验;比较而言, 公共管理专业全英文教学较为落后。

研究对国内“985”高校公共管理专业本科生培养计划进行了调查。结果显示, 仅有9所高校开设了本科公共管理专业全英文课程或近似全英文课程, 课程形式包括全英文课程、双语课和专业英语课等。其中, 北京大学、复旦大学、同济大学和北京航空航天大学开设了全英文必修课, 中国人民大学开设了暑期国际小学期课程, 南京大学开设了双语选修课, 武汉大学、中山大学和中南大学开设了专业英语课。“985”高校代表了国内教学发展的最高水平, 以上结果较为客观地反映了国内公共管理专业全英文教学发展落后的现状。

2.2 课程设置存在不合理之处

研究发现, 全英文课程在时间选择上还存在不合理的地方。

在受访谈者中, 有较多人认为全英文课程设置不合理。如某高校专业性较强的全英文必修课在大二开设, 此时学生专业理论基础还较为薄弱, 不能很好的理解课程内容, 使原本难度就较大的全英文课程学起来更加吃力, 给课程的顺利进行造成了障碍。还有另一高校的专业英语课较为注重专业英语能力的提高, 放在大三下学期开设, 而此时学生已经掌握了较多的理论知识, 对该课有“相见恨晚”的感觉, 不如放在大二开设较好, 从而可以培养较好的专业英语能力, 以便在大三更好的阅读英文原著、优秀期刊等。

2.3 教学形式多样, 但还需增强适应性

研究对目前公共管理全英文课程的教学形式进行了调研, 并通过访谈对其适应性进行了评估。



创新型的教学主要是通过课堂自主展示、网络授课等方式进行的。如某校的专业英语课程主要就是通过YY语音软件进行网络授课, 学生上课自由方便, 期末考试也是老师和学生使用YY语音软件进行单独测试。

两种教学形式在实践中都存在着一定问题。通过访谈了解到, 在传统型的教学方式中, 存在教师“照英文本宣中文科”的现象, 即阅读英文教材, 使用中文授课, 由于中英文表达存在不同, 反而增加了吸收知识的难度。同时课堂自由度较低, 降低了学生参与课堂的积极性。而创新性的教学方式则存在着“搭便车”现象, 学生的自觉性不够高。

2.4 全英文教学在提高读写能力上效果显著, 但对于听说能力的提高有限

通过对全英文教学效果的访谈, 研究了解到全英文教学在提高读写能力上效果显著, 但对于听说能力的提高有限。

目前的全英文课程大多更为强调英文文献的阅读, 考核形式多为英文论文的撰写, 加之全英文教材、PPT的强化, 学生的英语读写能力的确取得了较为显著的提高。但另一方面, 由于当前大多数全英文课堂还是以教师授课为主, 课堂自由度较低, 同时一些学生存在“搭便车”心理, 自觉性不够高, 自然地放弃了对课下努力程度要求最高的听说能力, 因此, 全英文教学对于学生听说能力的提高较为有限。

2.5 公共管理专业全英文教学相关研究缺乏

当前全英文教学的相关研究主要集中在医学生物学领域, 而公共管理专业全英文教学的相关研究较为缺乏。

研究在中国知网 (CNKI) 学术文献总库输入“全英文教学”, 共有文献134篇。不同学科门类对应的文献数量如表2所示, 可以看出, 医学生物学共有89篇, 占到了将近2/3, 经济学、化学文献也较多。管理学文献数量较少, 只有5篇。另外, 从表3可以看出, 在管理学的5篇文献中, 经济管理方面的有3篇, 公共管理仅有一篇。

3 公共管理专业全英文教学的对策与建议

3.1 通过多种灵活形式, 增加公共管理全英文教学实践

当前我国全英文教学实践大部分集中于医学、生物学等理工科领域, 而公共管理专业全英文教学发展较慢, 未受到应有的重视。

因此, 高校应发展重视公共管理专业全英文教学。在具体实施过程中, 可结合当前公共管理教学的实际, 通过多种灵活的形式, 增加全英文教学的实践。如可以开设全英文必修课或选修课, 进行系统的专业课全英文教学;也可以以专业知识为核心, 通过提供英文案例、阅读材料的方式进行全英文教学;还可以以专业英语水平的提高为核心, 单独开设专业英语课, 适应专业课对英语能力的要求。

3.2 优化课程设置

从之前的访谈材料可以看出, 课程设置不合理妨碍了学生通过全英文课程最大程度地提高相应能力, 故研究认为应优化课程设置, 使理论知识的学习与专业英语能力的提高相适应。

同时, 在对课程的优化过程中应做到具体情况具体分析。例如, 针对以专业知识学习为重的全英文必修课, 适宜设置在大三学年, 此时学生已有了良好的理论基础, 可以很好的理解课程内容, 也有余力提高专业英语能力。再如, 针对注重专业英语能力提高的专业英语课, 适宜设置在大二学年, 可以较早地提高学生的英语能力, 使其在今后的学习中更自如的通过英文原著、期刊等提升理论水平。

3.3 增强教学形式的适应性

教学形式适应性不足是全英文课程面临的重要问题, 应对教学形式进行灵活调整, 以适应教学实际和学生需求。

研究认为, 可以对教学形式做出如下调整, 以增强适应性:

(1) 教师授课与学生自主课堂展示相结合。根据教学大纲和课时安排, 预留适当的时间由学生自主进行课堂展示, 将“教师一人讲, 学生被动听”的形式改为教师与学生讲课交互进行。

(2) 坚持全英文授课, 减少中英文表达转换时知识的“走形”。同时可以邀请一些外籍教师为学生授课, 使学生在学习专业知识的同时感受纯正的英语, 开拓思维与视野。

(3) 考察形式多样化。综合论文撰写、卷面考试、听说测试的形式进行考察。在听说测试时可以使用YY语音等语音交流软件, 增强听说考试的自由度和真实感。

3.4 重视提高学生专业英语的听说能力

学生专业英语听说能力提高不显著也是全英文教学面临的问题之一, 因此, 必须重视提高学生的听说能力。研究认为, 应着重从两方面进行。

首先, 应改革课堂形式, 通过课堂自主展示、邀请外籍教师讲课、模拟学术会议等形式提高学生在全英文课堂中的参与度, 增加学生锻炼听力和口语的机会。

同时, 加大听力和口语在考核中所占的比重, 如通过语音软件对学生进行一对一的听说能力考察, 以此来增强学生锻炼听力和口语的紧迫感。

3.5 加大对公共管理全英文教学研究的力度

公共管理专业全英文教学的相关研究目前还较为缺乏, 加大其研究力度是今后努力的方向。

全英文教学可以提高未来公共管理专业研究者的综合素质, 可以更加有效地引进、理解和本土化国际前沿理论;另一方面, 全英文教学可以提高公共管理学习者和研究者参与相关国际交流与合作的能力。

因此, 着眼于全英文教学发展的现状和公共管理专业的现实需求, 应增强对公共管理全英文教学的重视, 加大研究力度, 总结经验教训, 不断充实公共管理全英文教学的内容, 完善其体系。

4 结论

公共管理专业全英文教学有着重要的意义。本研究通过资料整合分析和访谈的方法, 总结了公共管理专业全英文教学的现状和问题, 如教学实践发展落后、课程设置不合理、教学形式的适应性有待提高、学生听说能力提高有限以及相关研究缺乏等。对此, 研究提出了相应对策和建议, 即:通过多种灵活形式增加公共管理全英文教学实践、优化课程设置、增强教学形式的适应性、重视提高学生专业英语的听说能力以及加大对公共管理全英文教学研究的力度等。

随着我国与国外交流的日益增多, 采用全英文教学教授专业知识, 培养学生良好的英语水平和专业基础知识, 必将成为未来培养学生的一大趋势。

虽然现在公共管理专业全英文授课仍处于探索阶段, 但随着经验的不断积累, 全英文教学在形式上将不断丰富、多样、新颖, 在内容上将不断完善、充实, 这两方面均将有质的飞跃, 从而真正使学生的专业知识和英文水平都有所提高, 更好地推动公共管理专业的发展。


[1]邱庆春.在高校中实施全英教学的意义及可行性探讨[J].中国高等医学教育, 2005 (2) :16-18.

[2]崔雪.对非英语专业学生实行全英文教学的利弊[J].才智, 2008 (8) :58.

[3]韩晴.会计学本科全英语教学探讨[J].当代经济, 2010 (2) :118-120.

[4]蔡冬青.本科医学生物学课程实行全英文教学的实践[J].中国医学物理学杂志, 2005 (7) :614-620.

管理英文简历表格 篇3


Name: Mr. hua Nationality: China (Mainland)
Current Place: Dongguan Height/Weight: 171 cm 63 kg
Marital Status: married Age: 28 years
Career Objective
Application type: Jobseeker
Preferred job title: Quality management/test manager(QA/QC Manager: supervisor 、 IC design/application engineer: FAE engineer 、 Pre/after technical supporting engineer: CQS senior engineer
Working life: 6 Title: Senior title
Job type: Full time Expected Start date: In a month
Expected salary: ¥8,000--¥12,000 Preferred working place: Guangzhou Shenzhen Dongguan
Work experience
Company#39;s name: LiteonBegin and end date: -09--05
Enterprise nature: Soly foreign funded enterprisesIndustry: Electrical/electronics/communication equipment
Job Title: engineer supervisor
Job description: Year2003---, Process engineer of VRM family (VRM: voltage regulation module):


In charge of New product introduction, process abnormality management , test fixture and test program preparation& maintenance, failure return analysis etc.

Year2005---,Supervisor of VRM family:

I became a supervisor and in charge of the engineering part for VRM family including IE(industrial engineer),TE(test engineer),EE(electronic engineer).

Year---,Supervisor of Sever NPI:

Volunteered to go to server family to lead NPI department. These two years working in Server family have taught me so many things, such as the concept of ENERGY STAR,TTM,Takt time& cycle time, team work.

Year2012---till now, Supervisor of VRM&BMP family ( BMP: Board mounted power supply, a new joined customer called lineage power from USA):

Because of huge increase requirement for DC-DC power supply(1KK/month), I was assigned back to handle all DC-DC power supply process including VRM &BMP family.

Reasons for leaving: Seek good opportunity to improve myself
Company#39;s name: LiteonBegin and end date: -09--05
Enterprise nature: Soly foreign funded enterprisesIndustry: Electrical/electronics/communication equipment
Job Title: engineer supervisor
Job description: Year2003---, Process engineer of VRM family (VRM: voltage regulation module):


In charge of New product introduction, process abnormality management , test fixture and test program preparation& maintenance, failure return analysis etc.

Year2005---,Supervisor of VRM family:

I became a supervisor and in charge of the engineering part for VRM family including IE(industrial engineer),TE(test engineer),EE(electronic engineer).

Year---,Supervisor of Sever NPI:

Volunteered to go to server family to lead NPI department. These two years working in Server family have taught me so many things, such as the concept of ENERGY STAR,TTM,Takt time& cycle time, team work.

Year2012---till now, Supervisor of VRM&BMP family ( BMP: Board mounted power supply, a new joined customer called lineage power from USA):

工商管理英文简历 篇4

Name: Steve

Gender: Male

Data of Birth: June 11, 1980

Marriage Status: Single

Major: Business Administration

Graduate school: XXXX University

Degree: Bachelor Degree

Email: diyifanwen@glzy8.com



Address: XXXXX District, Beijing


To obtain a challenging position as a managerial assistant, especially in Human Resource Management


1999.92000.9 Assistant in charge of Activity pension of the Communist Youth League.Tutored several students from Greece and India in English for six months.We still keep in touch.Scholarships and Awards:

2000.9-2001.9 Third-class Scholarship


Have a passion for management/ international trade/ sales/ promotion.Attachment:

Certification of Scholarship

金融管理专业英文简历 篇5

·comprehensive knowledge of defined contribution 401(k) pension concepts and regulations.

·effective leadership and team -buildng.

·extremely well organized.

·proven customer service skills.

·excellent pc skills and defined contribution 401(k)daily processing ,stock ,and mutual fund system logic.


name: stella ligender:female date of birth:august 23th,1973

martial status:married email address:

tel:(010)67183945-7869 mobile phone:139112167


1990- retirement & investment services plan analyst

·processed all contributions, loan repayments,benefit disbursements,fund transfers,and nonfinancial changes for daily/periodic 401(k) pension record-keeping transactions, including cash,mutual fund ,stock,and guaranteed investment contract money movements.

·resolved client questions and problems.

·interfaced productively with team ,department,field ,and sales personnel.

·completed,verified,and mailed all required client reports.

·plan year packages,and auditors#39;#39;#39;#39; requests.

·processed adps/acps and correction of year-end participant tax information.

—promoted four times in four years

—consistently met or exceeded all established standards for timing and accuracy

—selected as one of first two people to participate in changeover to daily 401(k) processing environment from a monthly processing enviroment ,and quickly adapted to new system

—chosen to train new hires and other plan analysts transitioning to the daily processing environment

—served as technical liaison with systems personnel in identifying, communicating, and resolving processing problems with the new system

—served effectively as team leader and account manager for new pilot team concept while maintain own book of business


college bachelor of science, business administration

公共事业管理英文简历 篇6

电影作为一种综合艺术, 涉及社会生活的各个领域, 是文化背景最直观、最生动地体现。将英文原版电影赏析应用于高职公共英语视听教学中, 不但为学生提供了真实的语言材料, 而且可以让学生更直观地获得社会状况、价值观念、风俗习惯、地理风光等多方面的文化背景知识, 既提高了学生的视听能力, 又加强了文化教学。

1 英文原版电影在英语视听教学中的优势

1.1 激发学生语言学习兴趣

兴趣是最好的老师。学习兴趣可以使学生产生强烈的求知欲, 从而积极主动地进行学习。西方文化中固有的幽默、艺术表现手法和视觉效果对大学生来说具有极大的吸引力。英文电影以其丰富的内容和强烈的感染力, 刺激学生的感官, 使他们在学习中保持高度的兴趣。

1.2 提供真实的语言环境

英语教学的根本出发点, 就是通过引入和创造各种社会情景, 帮助学生理解和掌握语言所传达的意义, 从而运用到实际交际中。英文原版电影情景自然, 内容生动丰富, 语言地道且接近生活, 涉及不同性别、年龄、职业和社会阶层的言语, 能真实而立体地展现语言的背景和使用环境, 既有语言技能学习的特点又有语言习得所需的条件, 可以把学生带入电影的语言环境中, 通过情节增强学生对语言的感性认识。电影里往往有不少英文歌, 学生从歌词中可以学到不少有用的表达形式, 并在娱乐中消除学习英语的畏惧感。

1.3 传递形象丰富的英语国家文化

英文原版电影是现实生活的浓缩与升华, 是包罗万象的文化载体, 是一个国家社会文化、生活方式、思维方式最直观、最生动的体现, 其中每个角色的语言都有自己的生活经历和文化修养。通过电影教学, 学生可以更好地体会东西方价值观、思维方式等的差异, 从而将语言上升到真正意义上的交流, 进而提高跨文化交际的能力。

2 英文原版电影在高职英语视听教学中的应用

结合英文原版电影赏析的视听教学是一种很好的手段, 其关键是合理组织起以英语为媒介的有效的学生参与活动, 通过具体的活动来加强学生对语言的认知。要有效地让学生参与到电影赏析活动中去, 各个阶段的组织工作是必不可少的。

2.1 影片选择


2.1.1 内容性、思想性

英文影片的选择是电影赏析的第一步, 是达到预期教学效果的基础。一部适合学生赏析的影片要有大量的语言对白, 情节联系现实生活或反映时事, 主题必须是积极的、高尚的, 避免出现过多的俚语或脏话或是那种充斥着浓重的种族主义和西方资本主义等文化霸权现象。

2.1.2 全面性、科学性

在保证内容性、思想性的前提下, 还需根据电影的分类选择尽可能多的不同类型的影片, 这样才能最大程度的使学生客观、科学、系统地认知西方社会文化背景, 同时也避免重复播放同一类型的电影而导致的厌倦心理。

2.1.3 阶段性、层次性

选择影片的时候, 还需考虑到学生的语言基础, 循序渐进。对刚入校的新生可以选择情节简单、语速适中、发音纯正的, 如《律政俏佳人》、《生死时速》、迪斯尼卡通片《狮子王》、《花木兰》等。对具备一定的语言基础的高年级学生, 则可以选择社会背景深刻、让人深思和启迪的影片, 如《美丽人生》、《勇敢的心》、《燃清岁月》、《兄弟连》等。

2.2 观前介绍

教师要做好电影背景知识的收集和基础性介绍, 让学生对所要观看的电影有所了解;也可要求学生利用课外时间查阅与影片相关的文字和图片信息并相互交流加以补充。文字信息应以英文为主, 这样有助于学生在观前掌握一些相关的词汇。同时, 教师可以对电影中人物的对白和行为仔细分析和挖掘, 就电影的情节、主题等方面预先设想一些讨论题或练习。

2.3 影片赏析

在欣赏影片的过程中, 要求学生应专心, 融入影片情节, 产生场景感觉;同时不能过多的停留在视觉层次, 要引导学生挖掘语言背后深刻的文化内涵。因此教师可结合听、说、读、写、译技能活动的开展, 综合运用通篇放映、分段放映、定位放映等方式, 或整体把握, 或精看精听, 以达到不同的教学目的。

3 基于以上理论的教学实践

在理论的指导下, 笔者在高职公共英语教学中利用部分单元听说训练课时针对所教大一年级学生进行了视听教学实践。现以实例具体说明。

3.1 影片的选择

本次教学实践中笔者选择了爱、成长、生命、自我救赎这类有深远意义的感性主题片《狮子王》。该片被认为是动物界中的《哈姆雷特》, 一部探究生命中爱、责任与学习的温馨作品, 富有深刻的哲理:生命的轮回、万物的盛衰, 一切都必须依照自然规律。影片对于辛巴与父亲间纯属男人式的情感、整个家族间的向心力与归属感进行了精彩的刻画, 对于权力斗争、罪恶感与生命中应承担起之责任等硬性的主题同样做了完美的诠释。同时该电影音乐洋溢着浓厚的世界乐风, 非洲音乐和西方通俗摇滚乐水乳交融, 恒久不衰:《Can You Feel The Love Tonight》、《HAKUNA MATATA》、《Circle of Life》、《I Just Can't Wait to Be King》。

3.2 影片的赏析

3.2.1 第一阶段:通篇欣赏

观看影片前首先向学生简单介绍了选择该片的依据和影片概要、主题, 并在此基础上让学生完整地欣赏第一遍。

本阶段任务 (课外) :要求每位学生列举出一个或多个印象深刻的场景或片断, 由课代表收齐汇总, 选出典型, 并将相关信息在下阶段开始前反馈给笔者。笔者根据学生的反馈在播放软件中对这些片断进行时间标注, 为第二阶段活动的开展做好准备。

3.2.2 第二阶段:经典片段精听、评析

对学生反馈的典型片断和笔者收集整理的经典片段进行精听训练。通过给学生重复播放, 鼓励学生模仿片中角色语音、语调和说话的情感。在模仿、角色扮演加深对影片理解的基础上, 组织学生口头进行简单的影评。

本阶段任务 (课内) : (1) 经典对白片段模仿:It's my fault./Never go there!/And so we are all connected in the great Circle of Life. (Mufasa tells Simba an important rule of life) 等; (2) 经典台词翻译, 中英互译; (3) 角色、主题等评析 (爱与冒险的生命感动、生死轮回、智慧传递等问题的思考) ; (4) 学唱《Can You Feel The Love Tonight》。

3.2.3 第三阶段:短剧表演

设置学生导演、编剧, 对该片剧本进行编排加工, 保留适合表演的部分, 在班级学生中挑选角色, 准备相关道具, 经过一段时间的训练, 最终完成整剧的表演 (表演邀请部分教师、学生观看) 。

本阶段任务: (1) 表演训练; (2) 英文书面影评。 (此两项课外完成) ; (3) 课堂表演。

3.3 实践总结

特色:整个阶段的电影赏析综合了听、说、读、写、译技能的运用, 更直观地训练了学生的语言应用能力, 寓教于乐, 起到了较好的效果。同时, 学生在参与影片赏析活动中加深了对爱、成长、生命主题的认识, 陶冶了文化素养、价值观。

问题: (1) 公共英语课为合班教学, 班级人数较多, 在赏析活动的开展过程中无法兼顾每一位学生, 学生的参与面仍不够广; (2) 因学生英语基础的差异性, 听、说、读、写、译技能的应用能力差别较大, 尤其体现在“写” (影评) 和“译” (经典台词翻译) 方面。这也反映出学生没有很好地注意影片词汇的学习, 对瞬间关键内容把握的能力有待加强。

4 结语

英文原版电影作为英语视听教学的丰富资源, 将真实的语言文化环境带入课堂不仅能极大地提高学生学习英语的积极性, 而且更好地促进学生充分了解英语国家文化, 提高跨文化交际能力, 值得进一步研究和探索。

摘要:将英文原版电影应用到高职英语教学是一种很好的尝试, 既提高了学生的视听能力, 又加强了文化教学。文章主要探讨了英文原版电影在高职英语视听教学中的优势、影片选择应遵循的原则, 并以电影《狮子王》赏析教学为例, 具体阐述了其应用。



[1]柴保华.基于原版英文电影的大学英语教学探索与实践[J].林区教学, 2010 (3) :50~51.

[2]孙丽娟, 时耀红.用外国影视片辅助外语教学探讨[J].重庆科技学院学报 (社会科学版) , 2008 (9) :219~220.

人力资源管理简历(英文) 篇7

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rectingoutreach,persoel,andmarketingprogramsforhumanresources.Graduatedegreeiychologyandtrainingasasenior-levelychologistintheoccupationalfieldCAREERHISTORY&amACCOMPLISHMENTSEXECUTIVERECRUITER/DRAKEINTERNATIONAL.1990-PresentPRODUCTIVITYMANAGEMENTCOULTANTSydney,AustraliaandSeattle,WAWithmorethan800employees,DrakeInternationalprovidesexecutiverecruitment,staffing,sales,training,managementcoulting,andemployeeaementservicesiinecountries.ReoibleforexecutiverecruitmentandmarketinginthegreaterSeattlearea.*Namedoneoftopfiveexecutiverecruitersforthecompanyoutof70totalrecruitersworldwide.Billedover$190,000duringa12-monthperiod.*Administeredexteiveychologicaltestingandscreeningtoproectiveemployeestoeureagoodmatchbetweenalicantsandtheemployer.*SelectedbyseniormanagementtomarketandprovidetechnicaltrainingonabrandnewychologicalaementproductcalledTriage.LedmarketingefforttointroducetheproducttomajorcompaniesinthePacificNorthwestmarket.REHABILITATIONCOULTNT/ANDERS0NREHABILITATIONGROUP.1989~1990YCHOLOGISTMelbourne,Australia Andersorovidesworkrehabilitation,stremanagement,andotherhumanresourcesandychologicalservicestoindividualswhohavesufferedsomeworkinjury.Reoibleforychologicaltesting,couelingandtherapy,medicalandlegalreportwriting,businelaing,andliaisonwithcorporateemployers.*Succefullynegotiatedasignificantnumberofreturntoworkcontractswithcorporateemployers.*Namedactingmanagerforsixmonths.Duringthatperioddirectedday-to-daybusinefunctiowithnoproblemsorinterruptioiusineactivity.*Establishedanetworkofclientsanddevelopedstrongbusinerelatioforrepeatreferralbusine.Previousexperience(1986-1988)asClientServiceupervisorwithCommunityServicesVictoria,astategovernmentdepartment.Conductedtrainingprogramsandprovidedinformationonlegislationandpolicydevelopment.StartedcareerasYouthProjectsCoordinator(1983


英文简历应聘人事管理 篇8


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公共事业管理英文简历 篇9


Public health has developed a long time before sustainable community inEngland, the two agendas has been prominently adopted by labour government in 1997 (lawless, 2006) .As there are inextricable linkage between public health and sustainable community, First of all we have to understand the two greatly important terms.

Public Health always exists in human's life.It went through three ‘revolutions’.Terris (1983) identified the first two revolutionary changes: the infectious disease and the chronic disease revolutions.The first revolution pursued the goals of controlling and eliminating the threat posed by the great epidemics that might detriment the human populations.Public Health was no longer a mission for charity organizations but integrated into the bureaucratic system that the Nation-state controls.Once the transmissible diseases was controlled, chronic diseases became the leading causes of death, which forced the second revolution whose goals were increasing the longevity of human through preventing chronic diseases.The practice of PH had been transformed by deep professionalization movements through Health Education by a bunch of professionals.And now since the emergence of Health Promotion (HP) and the development of the Ottawa Charter, PH is undergoing a third revolution.Since in many countries the longevity has reached its maximum, some energy could be devoted to advance health as a resource for living.

There have always been debates about the definition of ‘Public Health’.But based on the three revolutions’ centre aims, it was generally defined ‘the science and art of preventing disease, prolonging life and promoting health through the organized efforts and informed choices of society, organizations, public and private, communities and individuals’ (1920, C.E.A.Winslow) .According to the public health white paper (Great Britain DH, 2004) , the government has accepted the definition in order to sustain an ethos of fairness and equity and take actions to tackle the causes of illhealth and reduce inequalities.The public health agenda is choosing health: making healthy choices easier.

What is a sustainable community? Sustainable community are places where people want to live and work, now and in the future.They are well planned built and run, offer good services and equality of opportunity for all.Moreover, they are sensitive to the environment and meet the diverse needs of existing and future residents with a good quality of life (Department for EFRA, 2006) .

Which components should a community contain in order to be a sustainable one? From the macro-perspectives, first of all the balance among economy, society and environment should be enhanced and maintained, and the three fields overlap with one another and they are all there.Secondly, development that meets the need of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs should be maintained (The Brundtland Report, 1987) .The last one is respecting the needs of other communities in a wider region.From the micro-perspectives, the community must provide decent homes with affordable price, good public transport and health services, education and entertaining facilities, a clean and safe environment, open places where people can relax and a democratic way of deciding how the community should be run etc (The Brundtland Report, 1987) .

“Sustainable communities are settlements which meet diverse needs of all existing and future residents; contribute to a high quality of life; and offer appropriate ladders of opportunity for household advancement, either locally or through external connections.They also limit the adverse external effects on the environment, society and economy.” (Kearns and Turok, 2004) .UK's sustainable community agenda contains lots of programmes like New Deal for communities; cleaner, safer, greener; and other targeting programs (Department of Health report) .According to Kearns and Turok (2004) , one of the biggest challenges facing government is how to embed the significant cultural shifts represented by the sustainable communit'’s agenda into the attitudes and behaviour of citizens and businesses towards the environment, society, economy and patterns of resource consumption.Sustainability considerations need to be pursued as everyone's responsibility, from government to citizen and private enterprise.Sustainable communities require ‘mainstreaming’, not simply into government departments and public services, but into the everyday practices of the economy and wider society.Another challenge is how to deal with the relationships between economic, social and environmental improvements, can they be mutually supportive and improved simultaneously or should there be any trade-offs or sacrifice?

Because people's health cannot be separated from the place where they are living and working, public health agenda always connects with sustainable community agenda in many ways:reducing the disparities, increasing the social inclusion degree, facilitating the primary health services and targeting poverty.They always have intertwined points owing to they both are under the influences of environment, society and economy.Since health has been taken as a commodity within the community, it gives the sign or criteria for capable people to choose which community is inclusive and ‘sustainable’.Both agendas give individual a big opportunity and responsibility to choose and sustain their own situation.

All of these overlaps between public health agenda and sustainable community agenda are for the delivering effective public health inUK.When we make a further understanding of the two major theories, there are few concepts we should discuss and understand which are community, targeting, and community empowerment social capital.

‘Community’ is an abstract word and entity which describes a group of living being sharing a common environment.It is still a hotly contested theory.In sociology, there is no widely agreed definition on it, traditionally, community means a group of interacting people living in a certain location organised around a common value and social cohesion.This term can also refer to national and globe community, even cyber community like face book or forum community.Kearns and Turok (2003) stated that community does not necessarily have explicit borders, it should start at a certain place , but have connection with outsides, they also has claimed that community should be full of opportunities and chances.If community exists, the people within it should be free enough to interact and share their resources and information to get along.Smith, Lapine and Taylor (2007) stated that community could also be exclusive; there would not be enough resource or opportunities there and out of their choices.

The second term needed to be analysed is ‘targeting’.Targeting geographic areas especially poor or excluded communities is a big goal of the Department of Community and Local Government.There are lots of programs within the agenda of sustainable community, for example, the support program in a special area ofBedford where the first generation of Pakistan lives (provided by the Minority and Ethnic Network Eastern Region) .These programs have been mainly applied to disadvantaged communities under New Labour.Although targeting is well intentioned conducted by the government, yet there are lots of criticism about it.Smith, Lepine and Taylor think that targeting could make poor stay poor, otherwise there should be some more positive effects those programs has brought.The truth is the poor targeting areas are still poor and exclusive.Targeted policies are concerned with eliminating or narrowing down the gaps between the targeted community and the rest of the country (SEU, 2001, p8) , but Taylor (2003) thought that it could be building a trap rather than a rout out of disadvantage.Targeting could raise lots of problems, firstly it encourages the neighbourhoods to parade their disadvantage not their strengths and assets, secondly policies that focus on the community or neighbourhood also risk focusing on bonding at the expense of bridging and linking social capital, thirdly, it could also raise the question about how should government secure the equity of resource access.

Community empowerment is about people and government working together to increase social cohesion and life qualities.David contended that the under assumption of it is government cannot solve everything, it needs local people to join and work together.New Labour started this ‘new localism’ project to introduce a big range of reforms into local government, especially concerned with improving the relationship between the citizen and local decision makers.They need those active people with specific skills and strong motives to speak out for their community, but these have separated the executive and scrutiny processes of local government and ‘streamlining’ executive decision making.Smith, Lepine and Taylor (2007) ask is this decision-making equitable, does it positively affect the democracy? As New Labour policy attends to give more access to resource and services to deprived communities than the rest of the country.Community empowerment always goes along with social capital, as it being conceived as a concept to understand how individuals and communities interact with each other.Putnam (1993) has claimed that a community with high social capital is more likely to have healthy democracy.While, Forrest and Kearns (2001) argue that while the components of social capital are important to the connection between residents, however, there is no sufficient evidence of how social capital functions through different types of community, or maybe it is insufficient itself (it may needs other factors like opportunities and resources to accompany) .

‘Social capital’ has been widely debated over the last few years within the academic literature.Putnam (1993) contended that social capital refers to the networks and links between people through certain norms and respects and how they play a crucial role in sustaining communities.Therefore, social capital promotes and facilitates the co-operation and trust between individuals within the community as glue that holds people together.Putnam (1993) believed that effective democratic government depends on levels of social capital.Although Neo-Marxist refutes that social capital serves for ruling class to sustain their power by controlling the means of production.Lots of scholars still regard social capital as a positive correlated measure of sustainability of a community.For example, high social capital might be linked to low crime rates, better health, people thriving, improved longevity, high educational achievement, greater levels of income, equality and improved child welfare.

Social capital is widely regarded as a positive resource which could contribute to social cohesion.However, we cannot presume that more social capital is inextricably positive in terms of its effect on social order.There are some examples like gangsters Mafia, or the example Buck (2005) suggest that in deprived areas of inner north-east London, there is a significant high social capital, though not in the expected form.They build strong social bonding and collective action through those ‘hidden’ networks; yet the community are not socially included.Therefore, social capital is not worldwide applicable, it is strongly applicable in gentrifying areas.Putnam’s social index shows the measure of how to access social capital, from which it is obvious that the inequality exists between different individuals.Although social capital is based in ‘possessions of a durable network of relationships of mutual acquaintance and recognition which distinguishes it from economic and human capital, Social capital like other capitals produces inequality in the bigger environment of capitalist economy (Buck, 2005) .Smith, Lepine and Taylor (2007) also agreed that social capital produce inequality just like other forms of capital.

Since the second public health revolution, health education has been thrived from US to the rest of the world.Everyone was been taught to be a health conscious citizen with a ‘right’ lifestyle.Raco (2005) proposed that a good citizen should contribute to the economy and society by having a good job and place to live etc.does this brought back our question exclusion or inclusion? If a citizen does not own a proper job or a qualified place to live, does it mean he/she is not a sustainable citizen?What if it is out of his/her choice? Public health agenda or sustainable community agenda needs the cooperation of individual and the government.When media/government told individual to improve their lifestyles, they assume health as a resource or a commodity, but the initiative should be in the control of the individual or the media/government?This question is included in Health Promotion; since health promotion has disappeared in theUK for decades, maybe there is a chance to bring back the movement (Potvin and Mcqueen, 2008) .

The New Development of community has been implemented for a while; it has created a bunch of success like Newcastle project, although it is problematic and not comprehensively successful.Lawless (2006) found that NDC focus on some aspects which could be relatively easy to solved, but no enough focus on health.The question has shifted from whether we need a top-down or bottom- up strategy initiated by authorities to tackle sustainability and health equity to what the nature of these theories which underpin the sustainable community agenda and public health agenda or the nature of the government, which makes all of these agendas.
