


托福tpo23独立写作 篇1

托福 TPO31独立写作题目

Question: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Because the world is changing so quickly, people now are less happy or less satisfied with their lives than people were in the past.Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.托福 TPO31 独立写作范文 :

In modern society, there is no denying that our paces speed up.A small proportion of people who cannot keep up with this trend or resist the world for the fittest, may hold a viewpoint that a mutable society leads people to less satisfaction and mitigation of sense of happiness since such a world might cause the alienation between good fellows and contamination of our environment;however, in my view, it is not the case.As a matter of fact, in a world changing more rapidly, people tend to become satisfied much more easily.First illustration which can demonstrate my opinion can be the trail of technological development.In the past five decades, millions of new inventions had appeared, entering our daily life, making it much more convenient.To name a good example, in 1896,Benz assembled the first three-wheel car in the world.Though it brought accidents and mortality to the world, we cannot deny the enjoyment of ferocious speed brought by cars, which made our jaunt convenient.We can simply drop by a old friend 100 miles, a distance taking at least half day before, away in one hour.Another good instance is the invention of smart phone.in 1972, Martin, the chief engineer in Moto devised the first portable telephone.Then, this innovation revolutionized out life.Just simply imagine what our life looked like without cell phones: people could not keep contact with their friends and exigent messages might be blocked.Then in 2007, Steve Jobs brought iPhone with Facetime to the world.The most significant aspect of Facetime is that this app allows us to communicate with actual image, not just voices.Then, how can we state that modern society steals the sense of fraternity among people? Second demonstration which can help me develop my view that a rapidly changing society makes people more satisfied is the use of new energy resources.We may still remember the Great Smog, one of the gravest air pollution accidents in our history due to the heavily gathered inversion layer of sulfur dioxide originated with burning of coal in 1950s, London.People died of respiratory diseases after inhalation of poisonous air.How can they live happily in a world brimmed with pollutions? But nowadays, we have developed new energy resources to tackle this problem such as hydropower and wind power.To name an example, in 2007, nuclear power plants generate 14% of the total electricity of the US, thus saving tons of coals and reducing the level of inhalable particles.Recently, governments and organizations have taken measures to support researches of renewable resources and to find substitutes for fossil fuels.Natural reserves and sanctuaries are established, places of interest and spots are refurbished, and factories and manufacturers with pestilent exhaust are shut down.People therefore are provided with much more opportunities to relax by enjoying the beauty of nature.To draw a conclusion, in a world that is rapidly changing, we are offered a variety of brand-new experiences and highly evolved products, which make life much easier than before.We are in a world filled with convenience brought by high technologies that develop so fast.Then, how can we blame on the changing world while enjoying happiness and satisfactions originated from them?

托福独立写作的误区剖析 篇2






很多考生都非常看重文章的字数,这本无可厚非,但是展现活跃的思维和高超的写作技巧靠的不是庞大的字数,而是精确与高效的表达。如果把凑字数作为写作的第一要务,那就得不偿失了。因为言多“语”失,单纯追求写作字数不仅会导致不必要的语法、拼写和表达错误,还会使文章论证效率低下,写作内容冗余。因此,考生在考前培养准确的写作“规模感”十分必要,即考生应该对文章字数有一个整体的概念,并大致把握在这个写作框架中每一个自然段的字数区间。以托福独立写作“总—分—总”结构下的五段式为例,考生可以这样分配每段的字数:立场段30~50字;论证段一(让步段,无例子) 50~70字;论证段二(主旨段,有例子) 100~150字;论证段三(主旨段,有例子) 100~150字;总结段20~30字。



Nowadays, X is getting more and more important. Different people have different opinions toward different things. Some people may say it is good while others believe that it is wrong. So whether I agree or disagree with this depends on a case by case basis. I would like to discuss my point of view in the following paragraphs.



2托福独立写作题目中的任务设定通常是“… agree or disagree …”,其中or一词清楚地说明了考生的写作目标,即要表达明确的肯定或否定态度。


在托福独立写作中,立场是文章主旨的浓缩,明确、切题的立场是高效论证的前提。因此,考生选择的立场应该是对题目任务的直接回应:如果题目任务是agree or disagree,考生就在立场段直接表明自己同意或者不同意的倾向;如果任务是which one is better,考生就在立场段明确写出自己的选择。









在托福独立写作的总结段,有些考生习惯这样写:“In summary, the claim presented in this topic is vulnerable to question or challenge because of the reasons that I have just mentioned above.”

这样写是不可取的。首先,在整个写作框架中,总结段的作用就是总结,使文章结构完整,仅此而已。在这个阶段,一切都变得简单——只需再次表明自己的观点就可以了。字数不宜多,时间投入更不该长,尤其不应该写“because ...”作解释,因为支持和解释立场的任务应该由论证段来完成。如果在文章的末段出现because,就是在提醒考官:论证段论证不力,在总结段亡羊补牢。况且,“… because of the reasons that I have just mentioned above”这样的表达是没有实质意义的。考生不如腾出时间和空间,在文章末尾提出一条建设性意见,如:“In summary, the claim presented in this topic is vulnerable to question or challenge. Therefore, it is essential for us to …”


散文文体的特点是形散而神不散,这是境界。而托福独立写作是议论文,议论文体更注重文章结构,有些考生却写得形散神也散,这就会让阅卷考官崩溃了。对于很多考生来说,文章结构的搭建基本是随机的,想到哪儿写到哪儿。至于在考场上能想起什么那得靠“缘分”,因此考生写出神形涣散的文章也就不足为奇了。还有的考生抱怨在论证段写作时写了上句没下句,原因很简单:“缘分”可遇不可求,所以“随缘”的写作很容易陷入困境。其实要解决这些问题,考生只要遵照一条规则来写就可以了,这也是议论文写作的一个基本要素:from general to specific (从概括到具体)。每个论证段需要包含论点中心句(相对概括,置于段首)和论据支持(更加具体,紧随中心句之后)。






For one thing, …

For another, …

Another point (that is worth mentioning) is that …

Besides, …

An additional point (that should not to be overlooked) is that …



To carry the idea further, … (第一层细节)

To be exact, … (第二层细节)


2月23日新托福写作回忆 篇3

First of all, the reading proclaims that normal satellites orbit the main star in a circle. Instead, Titan has elliptical orbit when surrounding Saturn. By contrast, the listening considers that because Titan is not a single satellite of the Saturn when it counteracts with nearby constellations, its orbit will be affected and show ellipse shape.

Besides, the reading alleges that at the surface of Titan, there are many depressions and craters. Generally, these marks are created by volcanic activities. However, no evidence has proved volcanoes existence. When it comes to craters, the positions are random. Reciprocally, the listening believes that heavy rainfall in Titan has caused depressions and craters, rather than volcanic activities and collisions.

Finally, the reading asserts that the slope of sand dunes on Titan faces opposite directions with the wind direction. On the contrary, the listening deems that Sands at Titan are heavy, so the wind will not affect them in general. However, at Titan, storms, which occur several times a year, will carry sands to the east side since wind power is very strong, dozens of times compared with normal wind power.







Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

It is difficult for a teacher to be both popular (well-liked) and effective in helping students in learning.





托福tpo23独立写作 篇4








Nowadays, children rely too much on the technology, like computers, smartphone, video games for fun and entertainment; playing simple toys or playing outside with friends would be better for the children’s development.


Undoubtedly, children today, as the most tech-savviest generation in history, can hardly live a day without computers and smartphones which play an important role in their study and entertainment. However, as the time children spend with digitals devices skyrockets, both parents and educators start to worry about the perils of new technology and advocate that it is more meaningful for children to play with simple toys and meet friends.

Admittedly, children acquire much joy from computers and smartphones. The well designed computer games never fail to fascinate their players with vivid figures, attractive rewards, and cheerful music. It is even more joyful when classmates are playing together online. In addition, almost every child who has a smartphone will install chatting software. As they also have the strong desire to be connected, they keep talking with each other even after school on the phone. If there is anything that they are reluctant to communicate with parents or brothers and sisters at home, it is more fun to chat with classmates.

However, as there are self-evident disadvantages of playing computers or smartphones, such as lack of exercises, poor eyesight and isolation from real world, parents and educators advocate replacement: simple toys and meeting friends. To begin with, there are many toys that not only bring as much joy as computers and smartphones do, but also help children provoke thinking and activate imagination. Compared with computer games which require few thoughts but simple exercises of fingers, those toys encourage children to make more efforts in the game and rewards them with stronger sense of achievement. One of the best examples must be Lego, a toy welcomed by many families globally. With numerous small pieces of different colors piled up, children are able to build anything in their mind, like an architecture, an animal and a cartoon character.

Secondly, communication and interaction with friends is absolutely more important in children’s development. While entertaining with computers or smartphones, children are usually absorbed in their own inner world and pay little attention to others. The unwillingness of talking to others will gradually make children isolated and weaken their communication ability. This is exact reason why it is vital for parents to motivate children to play outdoors with friends. Through gaming with friends, children learn how to get along well, compete, and cooperate with playmates. For example, playing basketball teaches children the significance of team spirits; playing chess allows children to discuss strategy. What’s more, the company and reliance of friends makes children feel needed, which also encourages them to expand social circle and improve interpersonal skills.

To sum up, children benefit more from playing simple toys and meeting friends than from playing with computers and smartphones.

托福考试:1021托福独立写作 篇5








Do you agree or disagree with the statement: students nowadays are more interested in politics than in the past.


The freedom of expression is a fundamental right enshrined in Constitution, including people’s political opinions. In fact, people in democratic countries are encouraged to participate in politics, especially votes. Today,even the young generation, students, also show more interest in politics than in the past.

In the first place, teachers today play a more important role in helping students to form their political opinions than before. Nowadays, it is free for teachers to express their political opinions in the class and many of them would like to share their thoughts with students. Teachers can organize group discussion on political issues by which they expect to inspire students to think, develop critical thinking, improve communication and negotiation skills, and learn to tolerate people holding different or even opposite perspectives. For example, when the government banned the free plastic bags in supermarkets, my nephew’s teacher used to lead them to discuss the pros, like reducing white pollution, and cons, like increasing the sales of plastic rubbish bags. But in the past, teachers were merely encouraged to focus on students’ academic study due to the pressure of standard tests.

In the second place, thanks to the propaganda of mass media and the connection of Internet, it is easier for students to acquire information on politics, to openly discuss politics and even to take part in political events. Actually, politicians are clear how important it is for their party to win support from young generation who will become their determined backers or bitter opponents in the following decades. Thus, there is propaganda of various forms targeting students, such as speeches on campus, slogans on billboards and discussion on Internet. Students, captured by politicians’ points and the bombast of media, will join the discussion and events. Take the presidential election as an instance. Most candidates would arrange their visit to universities where they give speeches and explain the policies they will follow, especially those closely related to students’ interests. Also, politicians are adept in how to lead opinions on social media, like Facebook and Twitter. However, students in the past had limited access to political information and no platform to have their voice heard.

To sum up, it is obvious that students are more interested in politics than before because of teachers’ guidance and power of propaganda.

托福tpo23独立写作 篇6



托福成绩单后附有一个表格,这个表格对考生听、说、读、写四项的分数分别给出了具体的阐述。其中,独立写作成绩在最高档Good (对应的最终分是24~30分)的文章在语言方面的特点如下:use of English that is occasionally ungrammatical, unclear, or unidiomatic。得分在中档Fair (对应的最终分是17~23分)则意味着文章存在如下语言问题:grammatical mistakes or vague/incorrect uses of words may make the writing difficult to understand。由此可见Good档次的文章中犯语法错误必须是occasionally,即可以有错误,但必须非常少;而Fair档次的文章中语法错误可能就相对严重,会影响评卷人对文意的理解。

在《新托福考试官方指南》的评分标准中,最高档5分(对应最终分30分)在语言方面要求文章“displays consistent facility in the use of language, demonstrating syntactic variety, appropriate word choice, and idiomaticity, though it may have minor lexical or grammatical errors”。考生要想达到5分的档次,其写作中的词汇和语法错误必须在minor层面,也就是不能犯典型、重大的语法错误。4分档(对应最终分25分)在语言方面要求文章“displays facility in the use of language, demonstrating syntactic variety and range of vocabulary, though it will probably have occasional noticeable minor errors in structure, word form, or use of idiomatic language that do not interfere with meaning”。相对于5分档,4分档出现了“显著”的语言错误,但必须是“偶尔”出现这样的错误,且必须是“很小”的错误,否则就达不到4分的档次。3分档的文章“may demonstrate inconsistent facility in sentence formation and word choice that may result in lack of clarity and occasionally obscure meaning”。由此可见,3分档文章的语言错误影响到了意思的“清晰度”,有时甚至导致“意思模糊”。

评分标准的4分和5分档都提到了minor errors。那么什么是minor errors,什么是非minor errors?笔者认为,像偶尔的冠词错误、名词单复数错误、介词使用不够精准,这些错误影响相对较小,通常不会影响意思的理解,属于minor errors。不过要想取得高分,这些也只能偶尔出错,不宜频繁出错。但是,下面列出的10大错误,则是笔者根据长期教学经验总结出的考生常犯的超出了minor范畴的错误。这些错误比较严重,一旦出现就容易影响分数,尤其关系到考生得分能否进入最高档。对于这些错误,考生要特别注意避免。



中文不存在主谓一致的问题,因此很多考生在写英文句子时意识不到这一点。在英语中,主谓一致的问题在一般现在时中出现较多,特别是在第三人称单数的谓语动词上容易出现。当主语和谓语之间插入成分较多、主语离谓语较远时,这类错误更容易出现。另外在定语从句中,由于从句的谓语动词和先行词被连词隔开,考生也容易忽略从句的主谓一致问题。此外,there be句型中be动词的单复数要根据be动词后面的名词单复数而定。来看下面的几个例句。

例1:Those examination questions is very familiar to me.


更正:Those examination questions are every familiar to me.

例2:A school who has famous professors are more worthy for students to choose.

评析:主句的主语和谓语之间有定语从句,相隔较远,因此考生容易犯主谓不一致的错误。主句的谓语还是应当由主句的主语a school来决定。

更正:A school who has famous professors is more worthy for students to choose.


例3:Doing housework has some advantages that is good for children’s future.


更正:Doing housework has some advantages that are good for children’s future.

例4:There is so many people competing for a position.

评析:There be句型的谓语应当由be动词后面的名词决定。名词people是复数,因此be动词应该用are。

更正:There are so many people competing for a position.



例5:That’s why I against that people find a job just for money.


更正:That’s why I am against that people find a job just for money.

例6:I enjoy it very much when chat and play with my friends.


更正:I enjoy it very much when I chat and play with my friends.


很多考生在写作时只是根据中文的思维和感觉写,对于英文中一个简单句只能有一个谓语动词的规则不够敏感,容易在一个简单句中出现两个或两个以上谓语动词,这是明显违反语法的。在there be句型中特别容易出现两个谓语动词的错误。考生应当记住:一个简单句只能有一个谓语动词,当出现两个谓语动词时,要将其中一个转化成恰当的非谓语形式或从句的谓语。请看下面的例子。

例7:There are so many people compete for a position.

评析:There be句型中的be动词本身就是这个句子的谓语动词,后面不能再出现谓语动词。这时,可以将后面的动词转化为非谓语动词的形式,或者转化成从句的谓语动词。

更正1:There are so many people competing for a position.

更正2:There are so many people who compete for a position.

例8:I, nonetheless, believe that my job and my social life are both play an essential role in my daily happiness.


更正1:I, nonetheless, believe that my job and my social life are both playing an essential role in my daily happiness.

更正2:I, nonetheless, believe that my job and my social life both play an essential role in my daily happiness.



例9:It is helpful for children to make mistakes and learn from their own mistakes. Because making mistakes sometimes is the best way to avoid more mistakes and to cultivate valuable aspects of characters.

评析:Because引导的原因状语从句不能单独成句,必须依附于主句而存在。可以把两句话连成一句,或是把原因状语从句改为以it is because或this is because开头的句子。

更正1:It is helpful for children to make mistakes and learn from their own mistakes because making mistakes sometimes is the best way to avoid more mistakes and to cultivate valuable aspects of character.

更正2:It is helpful for children to make mistakes and learn from their own mistakes. This is because making mistakes sometimes is the best way to avoid more mistakes and to cultivate valuable aspects of character.




例10:We must limiting the time that children spend in watching TV.


更正:We must limit the time that children spend in watching TV.

例11:Admittedly, the good food may contributes to an enjoyable vacation.


更正:Admittedly, the good food may contribute to an enjoyable vacation.



例12:Many Chinese students are good at their studies, they don’t have much social experience.


更正:Many Chinese students are good at their studies, but they don’t have much social experience.

例13:I am a boy, I am strong.

评析:I am a boy和I am strong是两个简单句,可以在中间加连词或用分号,可以写成两句话,也可以把其中一句改为非谓语结构,但是不能只用逗号连接。

更正1:I am a boy, and I am strong.

更正2:I am a boy; I am strong.

更正3:I am a boy. I am strong.

更正4:Being a boy, I am strong.



例14:He worked industrious all day.


更正:He worked industriously all day.



例15:As a person, sooner or later, they will meet some problems.


更正:As a person, sooner or later, he or she will meet some problems.



例16:People splash water on each other for celebrate their new year.


更正:People splash water on each other for celebrating their new year.



例17:I insist that join a sports team is the best way for us to make new friends.


更正:I insist that joining a sports team is the best way for us to make new friends.







托福独立写作写作思路讲解 篇7

例题:Nowadays, food has become easier to prepare. Has this change improved the way people live? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.








托福独立写作 篇8

Some people argue as if it is a general truth that a ...But to be frank, I cannot agree with them. There are numerous reasons why I hold no confidence on them, and I would explore only a few primary ones here.

The main problem with this argument is that it is ignorant o the basic fact that...Explain...

Another reason why I disagree with the above statement is that I believe that...

What is more, some students are interested in...

In a word, ...


Some people prefer to A, others believe B, Nowadays some may hold the opinion that ..., but others have a negative attitude. As far as I am concerned, I agree/disagree that... MY arguments for this point are listed as follows.

One of the primary causes is that...


But there is a further more subtle point we must consider. Examples.

What is more... Examples...

General speaking ... Recognizing the fact that ...should drive us to conclude that...


Nowadays, some may hold the opinion that ... But others have a negative attitude. As far as I am concerned, I agree that ... My arguments for this point are listed as follows.

I agree with the statement that ...without reservation since ...

Another reason why I agree with the above statement is that I believe that...

托福独立写作常见话题 篇9



—>_____ exerts such a profound effect on _____that _____.

满分词汇:尖端的技术—>cutting-edged(adj) technology意思是信息爆炸 —>information explosion/ information overload



高分句型:广告的正面影响—>For customers, advertising plays an imperative part in making them aware of the worth of the product or service...

满分词汇:实事—>current affairs充斥着...—>be awash with/ be inundated with.






—>With these problems and the effect _____ has exerted on _____,many people have begun to wonder _____.

满分词汇:生活节奏加速—>the tempo/pace of life has accelerated导致人与人的疏远—>create alienation between people


Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:
