


裕兴新概念第二册笔记 篇1

Lesson 47 Thirsty adj 比较级: thirstier 最高级: thirstiest 1)口渴的 eg: I am very thristy/ I feel very thristy/ I am thirsty to death …to death:..得要死了.Eg: I’m hungry to death./ I’m hot to death/ I’m frightened to death 2)adj 渴望的 eg: we are thirsty for knowledge./ the young politician was thirsty for power.3)A thirsty ghost 嗜酒的鬼魂

Thirst n.1)不可数.渴 eg: they lost their way in the desert and died of thirst.2)可数名词.热望,渴望,通常用作单数名词 eg: the thirst for sth.对某物的渴望.The thirst for knowedge/the thirst for fame/the thirst for revenge复仇

be thirsty for 渴望得到 be hungry for: I am thirsty for the book

Ghost n.1)幽灵,鬼 eg: very few people believe in ghost.Ghost story 鬼故事,怪谈

2)幻影般的东西幻象,一点点.Eg: he hasn’t got the ghost of a chance of winning the first prize.他一点都没有机会赢得头奖.强调魂 the ghost haunt 闹鬼 the ghost haunted the house这个房子闹鬼

Haunt 1)v.(指鬼魂)常出没于(某处)eg: a ghost is said to haunt the house./ The house is said to be haunted./ a spirit haunts the castle.那座城堡常有幽灵出现.2)经常到(某处),常去… eg: this is one of the bars I used to haunt./ I hear you haunt that disco.Haunted adj.鬼魂出没的 a haunted house闹鬼的房子

Haunting adj萦绕心中的.A haunting melody萦绕心中的曲调

Block 1)n.(木,石等的)块 eg: a block of rock/ a block of marble大理石 2)街区(美)eg: the post office is two blocks away.3)(许多相互独立的公寓或办公室的)大建筑物eg: a block of flats公寓楼/ an office block办公楼/ a tower block高层建筑

4)阻碍物,障碍物,通常用单数 eg:a block on the road/ a block in the pipe阻碍管道的污物 block-head/air-head傻瓜 bad-egg 坏蛋 good-egg好人

5)v阻碍,堵塞 eg: the accident blocked traffic in the town center./ Heavy snow is blocking all roads to Beijing./ the door was blocked by chairs.Furniture n不可数.家具 a piece of furniture/ an article of furniture一片家具 eg: we had little furniture.我们几乎没有什么家具.A set of furniture 一套家具

Furnish v.(给房子,房间)装置(家具等)eg:the apartment is well furnished.这个公寓家具很全./ the apartment is badly furnished.不全

Whisky 1)不可数威士忌 2)可数一杯威士忌two whiskies, please.Suggest 1)v.暗示 eg: her pale face suggests that she is ill.Eg: are you suggesting that I’m telling a lie? Are you suggesting that I stole your wallet?/ I suggested aht the cake must have been eaten by tom.2)v.建议 suggest sb as…/suggest sth as…/suggest sb for…/suggest doing… Eg: I suggest Herry for the job./ I suggest paris as a good plae for a honey moon./ I suggest learning 100new words a day.Suggest that…(should)do…建议做某事eg: I suggested that we(should)go for a trip.Suggestion n.可数.建议.A valuable suggestion.有价值的建议.Shake(shook, shaken)1)使(建筑物等)摇动,使(身体,声音等)颤抖,摇(瓶等)eg:the explosion shook the houses./ the teacher shook him by the shoulders.2)抖落…,撒上…,抖掉…eg: the children were shaking apples from the tree.Shake hands握手 shake one’s head摇头 nod(one’s head)点头

Accept 1)v.接受 eg:will you accept my invitation?/ he accepted the job.2)承认,相信,认可eg:I can’t accept an excuse like that.我无法相信那样的辩解.课文讲解: A public house which was recently bought by Mr.Ian Thompson is up for sale.Sell(sold, sold)v.卖,销售 buy(bought,bought)买

sale n.: be on sale1)出售,上市 sales.n.销售额(量)2)廉价出售 eg: the new type of computer is on sale.For sale 待售 eg:I’m sorry.The painting is not for sale./ the haunted house is for sale.Be up for sale.供出售 be up for 为了某一目的.有待于

This problem is up for discussion.这个问题有待于讨论

Mr.Thompson is going to sell it because it is haunted.Is going to打算,将要

He told me that he could not go to sleep one night because he heard a strange noise coming from the bar.Coming from the bar现在分词作宾语补足语

1)go to sleep去睡觉 fall sleep/ fall into a sound sleep/fall into a deep sleep酣睡/ go to bed 2)see/hear/watch后可以加动词原形,也可以加ing形式.动词原形是整个过程都看见,ing是看见动作正在进行.Eg: I saw him cross the street./ I saw him crossing the street.Eg: I heard her go out./ I heard her going out.Eg: I watched her go out of the room./ I watched her going out of the room.The next morning, he found that the doors had been blocked by chairs and the furniture had been moved.宾语从句

Though Mr.Thompson had turned the lights off before he went to bed, they were on in the morning.Turn the lights off 关灯 turn the lights on开灯 they were on 灯亮着 they were out 灯熄灭了

He also said that he had found five empty whisky bottles which the ghost must have drunk the night before.定语从句

the night before 前一天晚上,last night 昨天晚上 the week before 前一个星期,last week 上个星期 the day before 前一天,yesterday 昨天 the next day 下一天,tomorrow 明天

直接引语变成间接引语时间状语要改变。now——>then,last night——>the night before,two days ago ——>two days before/earlier,today——>that day,tonight——>that night,tomorrow——>the next/following day,last night——>the night before等。

When I suggested that some villagers must have come in for a free drink, Mr.Thompson shook his head.宾语从句

Must have done…表示对发生完的事情比较有把握的判断.For+n.表某人的目的 eg: he went home for lunch For+v.-ing 表某物的用途 eg: the cake is for eating.Free免费的,不要钱的 eg:I’ve got free tickets to the concert.Do you want one? Eg: you get a free gift of a glass if you buy this whiskey now.The villagers have told him that they will not accept the pub even if he gives it away.Even if/ even though引导让步状语从句

Eg: even if you don’t like wine, try a glass of this.(even if表让步)比较if引导的条件句

Eg: if you like wine, try a glass of this.(if 表示条件)Give away1)送掉,免费给予,赠送 eg: even if he give it away./ he gave all his lands way to the city.Give off散发,发出(光,烟,气味等)eg: those wild flowers give off a nice smell.Give in屈服 eg:the mother gave in and bought a toy for her child.Give out 分配,分发 give out handbills发传单 Give up放弃eg: you shouldn’t give up hope.Key structures:将来时,将来完成时,过去完成时.间接引语: He said that…/ He told me…/ He asked…

虚拟从句eg:if you ate more and talked less, we would both enjoy our dinner 被动语态eg: a large sum of money had been lost.Must/need;can/be able to

新概念第二册的教学目标-- 篇2

教学目标分为四大部分:听,说,读,写 一.听力(听的能力)


2.能够听明白类美国之音特别英语(VOA SPECIAL ENGLISH)速度的新闻或是老师用较慢语速度的口语交谈。











裕兴新概念第二册笔记 篇3

Why is the new house special?

I ______(have)a letter from my sister yesterday.She ____(live)in Nigeria.In her letter, she ______(say)that she will ______(come)to England next year.If she _____(come), she _________(get)a surprise.We now _________(live)in a beautiful new house in the country.Before she left, work on the house had begun.The house was finished five months ago.In my letter, I ______(tell)her that she could stay with us.The house ______(have)many large rooms, and there ______(be)a lovely garden.It ______(be)a very modern house, so it ________(look)strange to some people.It must be the only modern house in the district.New words and expressions

Live 生活surprise 惊奇,惊喜country 国家,乡村

Ago …之前modern 摩登,现代strange 陌生district 地区

Answer these questions in not more than 55 words. will your sister do next year? Will she get a surprise if she comes or not? Do you have a new house in the country or in the city? Is it a modern house or an old one?

Multiple choice questions

1.The writer’s sister will be surprise ___________.a.when she sees the writer’s new houseb.when she comes to England

c.when she sees the writerd.when she leaves Nigeria

2.Some people will find the house strange because __________.a.it is modernb.it is newc.it is larged.it is old

3.If she ______ she will get surprise.a.comesb.camec.has comed.will come

4.I like my house.It is a _________.a.new beautifulb.beautiful house newc.beautiful new housed.new house beautiful

5.I told her that she can stay with us.That’s what I ________.a.said to herb.said herc.told to herd.told

6.The house has many large rooms._________ many large rooms.a.they haveb.they arec.there haved.there are

7.I had a letter yesterday.I ___________ one.a.sentb.tookc.wroted.received

裕兴新概念第二册笔记 篇4

all right 在不同的上下文中会有不同的含义。当指人的健康状况时,它可以表示“安然无恙的”、“良好的”:

I was not very well last week, but I feel all right now.


2.… he asked his doctor to tell him whether his operation had been successful, but the doctor refused to do so.……他问医生他的手术是否成功,但医生拒绝告诉他。

whether引导的从句在句中作动词 tell 的直接宾语,是一个间接一般疑问句。(cf.本课语法)

so在这里为代词,代替前面的动词不定式(在 to tell himwhether…)。它一般出现 believe, do, expect, hope, say, tell, think, appear等之后:

Is it true that John has had an operation?


I am afraid so./I believe so./I think so./It seem so.


3.The following day, the patient asked for a bedside telephone. 第2天,这位病人要了一部床头电话。

(1)following 在这里相当于next,表示“紧接着的”、“其次的”。

(2)ask for 在这句话中表示“请求”、“要求(得到某个东西)”;在下一句话(…asked for Doctor Millington)中它表示“要求(某人)来(接电话)”。

4.…Mr.Gilbert said he was inquiring about a certain patient ,a Mr.John Gilbert.……


(1)certain 在这里没有“肯定的”、“确实的”等含义,而表示“某一”、“某位”,暗指说话者或说话对象可能对这人/这事不大清楚/熟悉,或所指的这个人身份不大清楚:

Many years ago a certain doctor arrived in London.



A Mr.Gilbert phoned and left a message for you.


这种情况下,a通常与表示“某一”的 certain 连用:

A certain Mrs.Hart is waiting to see you.


5.He then asked when Mr.Gilbert would be allowed to go bome…


would be allowed 为被动语态用于过去将来时。 when引导的从句为间接疑问词疑问句。(cf.本课语法)

6.for another two weeks,又两个星期。

another 作为限定词表示“另一个”、“再一个”的时候,通常与可数的单数名词连用,不和复数形式连用;但是后面可以跟基数词/few+复数名词(它们被当成一个整体):

Do you need another cup of coffee?


I need another three driving lessons before my test.


I need another few hours before I can finish my homework.

裕兴新概念第二册笔记 篇5

根据课文的实际内容,可以推断只有b.had found Sam’s wallet and kept it 是课文暗示的真实情况。a.had stolen Sam’s wallet 不够确切,因为课文中的意思是Sam was sure that the wallet must have been found by one of the villagers(山姆确信那钱包是被某个村民捡到了,而不是偷走了);c.had lost Sam’s wallet 与课文的意思相反;d.had taken the wallet from Sam’s pocket 不是课文提及的内容。


根据课文所描述的情况,只有d.returned all the money 与课文事实相符,其他3个选择都与事实不符。


a.when, b.while, c.as 和 d.just as 都可以做连词,引导时间从句,表示“当„„时”,本句只能选a.在前半句是过去进行时,后半句是一般过去时的情况下,中间多用when,表示两个动作同时发生,“正当„„时”,而后3个选择引导的时间从句大都是进行时态。


本句只有选b.in 意思才讲得通。He keeps his savings in the post office.(他把存款放在邮局保管)。本句中的动词keep(存放,保管)不是表示“去向”的,所以不能选a.to(到)和d.into(进入),c.on(在„„上面)也不合乎题目意思,不能用on the post office.而应该是in the post office.(在邮局里),所以选b.5.b

本句是一个被动语态句。只有b.by 表示“被”的意思,最符合语法和题目意思。a.from , c.out of, d.of 都没有“被”的意思,所以都不对。


本句是一个特殊疑问句,针对介词in的宾语提问的,回答是A newspaper.a.where 是询问地点的;b.who 是针对主语(人)提问的;c.how 是询问状态的。这3个选择都不对。只有d.What 是对物提问的,所以选d.7.c

前一句是被动语态Some more money was sent to Sam, 后一句又换了一种说法,将原句中的间接宾语Sam变成主语,原句中的Some more money 变成了宾语,还应该用被动语态才能使两个句子意义相同。a.sent 是主动语态过去时;b.has sent 是完成时主动语态;d.had sent 是过去完成时主动语态。这3个选择都不是被动语态,因此都不对。只有c.was sent 是过去时被动语态,符合语法和题目意思,所以选c.8.b



a.would 是wind 的过去式,意思是“缠绕,卷” b.rolled(卷,滚);c.wrapped(包裹);d.bound(绑,缚)。从词的搭配上来讲,只有c.wrapped 词意思最贴切,最适合这个句子,其他3个选择都不符合题目意思,所以应该选c.10.b

本句需要选一个同前一句的did it contain意义相同的短语。

a.did it consist 不合乎语法,也不合乎题目意思,consist 后面应该有of,表示“由„„组成”;

c.did it include(它包括);

d.had it(它有),这3个选择都不够贴切,只有b.was there in it(里面有)最接近did it contain的含义,所以选b.11.d

a.money(钱),b.a coin(硬币),c.a cheque(支票)和d.a message(口头或书面的消息,口信,便条)这4个选择中只有d与前一句中的note(字条)意义相近,所以选d.12.b
