人教A版高二上册数学几何概型教学计划 篇1
教学手段: 电子白板、实物投影、多媒体课件辅助
人教A版高二上册数学几何概型教学计划 篇2
几何概型在概率论中占有相当重要的地位, 是学生在学习了古典概型之后将会接触的又一重要的概率模型, 它将古典概型中等可能事件数量从有限延伸到了无限, 进一步完善了人类对概率模型的认识, 直接影响着人类现实生活和数学本身的发展。
概念的引入方式对学生理解数学概念有着先入为主的作用, 学生对一个新的数学概念的认识往往是从回忆相关的具体实例和已经掌握的知识开始的, 对一个概念或命题是否理解, 视其是否能举出适当的正例或反例。两个版本教材都通过实例引出新概念, 但处理方式有所不同, 具体见下表。
首先, 人教A版教材采用了由数学到生活的导入方式, 从已知知识出发, 让学生体会生活中尚存在着一些无法用现有数学知识解决的问题, 进而引出新的数学概念, 这样的设计较能引起认知冲突, 激发学生学习兴趣;苏教版教材直接从相关的生活实例入手, 提出相应的概率计算问题, 新问题与之前学习的古典概型有相同点, 即基本事件的“等可能性”, 却不能用古典概型的方法去解决, 于是很自然地引起了学生的数学思考和探究的欲望。
其次, 由于苏教版的两个实例较之人教A版的实例叙述完整、形象生动、问题指向明确, 所以更容易在学生头脑中留下深刻印象, 有助于学生对“几何概型”知识从联系实际入手形成良好的数学表征;人教A版教材在复习巩固所学知识的基础上, 通过类比和联想, 发现已有知识的不足, 从思辨的角度引出新的思考, 有助于学生构建良好的概率知识结构。
再次, 问题是数学的心脏, 思维总是和问题联系在一起, 苏教版教材融问题和思考于具体实例之中, 在实例呈现之后, 会及时提出相关问题引发学生思考。其中, 有三处以问句形式提出明确问题, 有两处具体的讲解。而人教A版教材偏向讲解, 虽然没有提出明确问题, 但在讲解过程中辅以具体实例, “有理有据”、“娓娓道来”、“环环相扣”, 有利于学生的逻辑思考, 况且“几何概型”的概念本来就比较抽象, 适当的讲解是完全必要的。
最后, 从实例所涉及的数学问题来看, 两个版本教材的实例都是关于可度量的线段与面积, 没有给出可度量的立体图形, 这一点教师在进行教学设计时应该注意。
在概念的提出环节, 人教A版通过对一个新问题进行探究, 抽象概括出几何概型的定义, 苏教版直接对概念引入环节的现成问题进行分析, 归纳出几何概型的特征, 具体见下表。
首先, 从引例的合理性来看, 人教A版的实例涉及到一个圆盘, 圆盘被等分成若干区域, 求指针指向某几个区域的概率, 而这样的实际背景往往会使人联想到面积, 而不是弧长, 进而产生用面积的测度去解决问题的想法, 与应该用弧长的测度去解决问题的思路正好相反, 这种认识冲突对初学者来说不是太好的, 容易造成概念的泛化;相反, 苏教版的引例比较恰当, 学生理解起来不会有太大难度。所以, 在概念的引入环节, 宜设计一些简单但能体现概念本质的例子, 所谓“小问题反映大道理”。
其次, 从概念的语言表述来看, 人教A版的叙述比较直观化、生活化, 有助于学生的形象理解, 但数学的形式化程度显然不够, 如很少用到概率统计的专业术语和数学语言去表述, 在数学学习过程中, 适当的生活化和直观化可以对学生理解抽象的概念起到一定的辅助作用, 但这种引导如果过度则不利于学生抽象概括能力的培养;相比之下, 苏教版的概念表述则更有数学味, 更加严谨, 如“可度量区域”、“基本事件”、“随机”“机会”“测度”等, 都是经典的数学用语, 每个数学用语都有着耐人寻味的数学背景, 都能引发学生一定的数学思考。在新课改逐渐表现出“去数学化”的极端情况的今天, 我们呼唤着“更有数学味”的教材的出现。
例题一般出现在基本概念介绍之后, 好的例题设置, 有助于强化概念的理解, 对概念的应用也有很好的示范作用。“几何概型”概念的学习是为了渗透用“随机模拟”的方法估计概率的思想, 两个版本教材的例题设计及其分析探究过程也在一定程度上体现了新课标的基本要求, 具体见下表。
首先, 例题的探究过程是对几何概型相关概念的具体分析和应用过程, 正确应用概念解决问题的关键在于建立合理的概率模型, 即判断题目所涉及的区域测度是长度、面积还是体积。人教版有一例用到区域长度, 其他三例用到区域面积;苏教版有一例用到区域长度, 两例用到区域面积, 一例用到区域体积。可见, 关于区域面积的几何概型问题比较多一点, 这一点也反映在课后练习中。需要注意的是, 过多地关注其中一种情形 (面积区域) , 会造成对其它情形的忽视。
其次, 两个版本教材在例题讲解上也颇具特色。首先, 人教A版善于从多个角度分析问题, 如前三道例题都用两种方法来解决, 一是利用几何概型的公式, 一是用随机模拟 (动手设计或计算机模拟) 的方法。这样的设计加深了学生对几何概型的认识与深入思考;其次, 人教A版注重引导学生从动手试验的角度解决问题, 如例题中的“思考问题”是:你能用圆盘等设计一种方法模拟实验吗?例题中的“思考问题”是:你能设计一种随机模拟的方法, 近似计算上面事件A发生的概率吗? (包括手工的方法或用计算器、计算机的方法) , 例题中的方法二指出:我们可以做两个带有指针的圆盘, 标上时间, 分别转动两个圆盘, 记下父亲在离开家前得到报纸的次数……
最后, 需要指出的是, 根据笔者的经验, 例题中的设计似乎有一定难度, 如用公式法解决该问题时, 学生对事件A为什么表示成这样的形式很难理解。《数学课程标准 (试验) 解读》指出, 介绍几何概型主要是为了更广泛地满足随机模拟的需要, 但是对几何概型的要求仅限于初步体会几何概型的意义。这样的例题不妨放到课后练习, 供学有余力的学生作为探究活动的材料。相比较而言, 苏教版的例题设置比较容易理解, 能很好地让学生经历问题解决过程, 体会几何概型的基本思想。
习题是中学数学课本的重要组成部分, 习题配备得好不好, 直接影响到学生学习质量的高低, 波利亚曾指出:“一个重大的发现可以解决一道重大的题目, 但是在解答任何一道题目的过程中都会有点滴的发现。”可见, 习题在数学学习中具有非常重要的作用。
人教A版与苏教版的习题都是由练习题和习题两部分组成, 练习题紧扣基本概念和例题, 注重知识的巩固和练习, 习题的编排较练习题难度有所增加, 注重探究和创新。以下是两本教材习题数量和结构层次的统计。
首先, 从习题的结构设置来看, 苏教版习题数量明显多于人教版, 且题目设置呈现一定的层次性;从习题性质来看, 人教A版中的题目比较注重基础, 注重对基本概念的简单应用, 因此每道大题往往由若干个性质或难度相近的小题组成。就本节的知识目标来看, 人教A版这样的设计是符合《普通高中数学课程标准 (试验) 》要求的, 即对几何概型的要求仅限于初步体会几何概型的意义, 但由于题目类型比较单一, 较难体现数学的生活价值和文化价值;而苏教版的习题设置具有多样化和层次性的特点, 相同性质的题目不会重复出现, 并且个别题目具有一定的创新性和探究性。
其次, 从题目的背景来看, 人教A版的题目多以实际生活为背景, 如向靶子射飞镖、计算豆子落在不同图案上的概率、红绿灯中的概率问题、船舶停靠中的概率问题等;苏教版的题目背景比较丰富多彩, 有以数学问题为背景的 (共6道) , 如用模拟方法计算曲边图形的面积、计算点落在不同形状几何图形中的概率等, 也有以现实生活和实际应用为背景的题目, 如:在10000km2的海域中有40km2的大陆架储藏着石油。假如在上述海域中任意一点钻探, 钻到油层的概率是多少?
人教A版高二上册数学几何概型教学计划 篇3
图1共有24个基本事件,其中“第二个人摸到白球”的事件A含有12个基本事件,如“树枝图”中加横线部分的事件.因此 P(第二个人摸到白球)=1224=12.
人教A版高二上册数学几何概型教学计划 篇4
教 学 目 标 1. Train the Ss’ listening ability by doing some listening.
2. Master the expression for agreement and disagreement.
3. Get the Ss to learn about the UK and Ireland.
教学重、难点 Master the expressions for agreement and disagreement.
Improve the students’ listening ability.
教、 学 具 A tape-recorder, a projector and some slides
预习要 求 Search as much information as possible about the UK and Ireland
教 师 活 动 内 容、方 式 学 生 活 动 内 容、方 式 旁 注
Step1: Greeting
Step2: Warming-up
1.Show the Ss a world map and ask the following questions:
a. Where is Europe?
b. Where is the British Isles?
c. What do you know about the British Isles?
2.Ask the Ss to look at the four pictures and guess where they were taken.
3. Work in groups having a discussion and try to find out as much as you can about the geography, history, culture, famous people, building and other things in the UK.
Step3: Listening
1.Get the Ss to discuss the following questions:
a. What subject do you learn at school?
b. What is your timetable like?
c. How do you learn English?
2.Make the Ss read the requirements to know what they should do .
4. Play the tape for the first time to get the general idea, then play the tape three times for the Ss to do exercises 1,2 and 3.Replay some parts of the tape if necessary
5. Check the answers with the whole class.
Step 4: Speaking
1. Get the Ss to answer the following questions:
a. Is English easy for Chinese people to learn? Or is Chinese easy for English people to learn?
b. Do you agree that we can learn the geography of the UK more easily by going there?
c. Which countries have better chances to become rich, small countries, big countries or island countries?
2. Make the Ss have a discussion about the three statements in the books in three groups. For each group, talk about one and make up a dialogue to express themselves.
Useful expressions:
Don’t you think that …?
I don’t think that’s right …
I don’t think so.
You must be mistaken …
Step 5: Summary and Homework
Summarize the knowledge learnt in this period. Then ask the Ss to do vocabulary exercises in the workbooks.
Ss answer the questions
Look at the pictures
Discuss and answer
Listen to the tape
Listen to the tape and do exercises
Answer the questions
Discuss about the three statements. For each group, talk about one and make up a dialogue.
Finish vocabulary exercises in the workbooks.
课 题 SEFCB2 Unit 5 课 时 6-2 授 课 时 间 2004.
教 学 目 标 1. Get the Ss to know about the British Isles.
2. Develop the Ss’ reading ability by reading a passage “The British Isles”
教学重、难点 Train the students’ reading ability and develop their reading skill
How to help the Ss to grasp the main idea of the text
教、 学 具 A tape-recorder, a projector and some slides
预习要 求 Scan the illustrations and the contents above them
教 师 活 动 内 容、方 式 学 生 活 动 内 容、方 式 旁 注
Step1: Greeting and Revision
Ask the questions about the British Isles:
What do you know about the United Kingdom?
How many countries make up the British Isles?
What do you know about Ireland?
Step2: Pre-reading
1. Show the Ss a map of the British Isles on the Bb. Ask the Ss to speak out the names of some places on the map.
2. Make the Ss answer the following questions according to the map
a. What is the British Isles made up of?
b. Where is the British Isles?
c. Which is the largest island?
Step3: Fast-reading
Now read the text as fast as possible and try to decide whether the following statements are true or not.
⒈ The British Isles is made of 3 parts.
⒉ The British Isles lies off the west of Europe.
⒊ The English Channel is only 20 miles wide.
⒋ The British Isles is surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean to the British Isles.
⒌ There’s much rain in the British Isles.
⒍ Ireland is part of the United Kingdom.
⒎ There’s 6 languages that are considered to be native to the British Isles.
Step4:Careful- reading
1. Read the passage carefully to find out some details to fill in the chart.
Answer the questions
Look at the map and name the places on the map
Ss read the text as fast as possible and try to decide whether the following statements are true or not.
Scan the text to judge
Check answers with the whole class.
Items Details
2. Read the text carefully and try to sum up the main idea of each paragraph.
Para 1 General idea about England.
Para 2 Position of the British Isles.
Para 3 The climate of the British Isles.
Para 4 The culture of the people in the British Isles.
Para 5 The language spoken in Great Britain and Ireland.
Para 6 The history of the United Kingdom.
Para 7 The language spoken throughout the British Isles.
Step5: Post-reading
1. Listen to the tape to do exercise1 and check the answers.
2. Get them to finish exercises 2, 3 and 4
and check the answers.
Step6: Summary and Homework
Do reading comprehension in workbooks.
Bb design:
Read the ext carefully to fill in the chart
Read the passage to get the main idea
Listen to the tape to finish excises
Finish Wb exercises.
课 题 SEFCB2 Unit 5 课 时 6-3 授 课 时 间 2004.
教 学 目 标 1. Deepen the Ss’ understanding of the passage
2. Get the Ss to master some important words and expressions
3. Enable the Ss to use the words and expressions correctly
教学重、难点 The usages of some important words and expressions.
How to help the Ss to master them.
教、 学 具 A projector and some slides
预习要 求 Go through the text to find out some difficult sentences
教 师 活 动 内 容、方 式 学 生 活 动 内 容、方 式 旁 注
Step1: Greeting and Revision
Ask some Ss to spell some new words and expressions learnt in the last period.
Step2: Language points
1.The idea that England stands for Fish & Chips, Speakers’ corner, Big Ben and the Tower of London is past.
⑴that引导的是一个同位语从句,用于说明idea的内容 。同位语从句常用于说明idea, news, hope, wish, fact, suggestion等抽象名词的具体内容,连词that 没有词义,不充当句子成份,但不可省略 。
⑵stand for
a. 代表,象征,意味着
e.g What principles do you stand for?⒉ …their view of British culture is sometimes narrow.
narrow 狭窄的,狭隘的,险胜的
⒊ The fact that the mainland of Great Britain is made up of three countries is still unknown to many.
⑴ be made up of =consist of 由…组成
⑵ be unknown to sb.不为人所知道
⒋ …there has been a growing movement to make the most of its cultural diversity-to see it as it really is, a nation of different countries held together by a common language and culture.
⑴make the most of充分利用,也可以说make the best of
⑵ diversity 多种多样,多样性
Mary has a great diversity of hobbies such as stamp collecting, traveling.
⑶as it is 以现在的样子,根据下面的情况看
⑷ hold together 使不分开或团结一致
⒌ The largest island is called Britain, which is separated from France by the English Channel, which at one point is only 20 miles wide.
⑴separate A from B 把A与B分隔开,指:把放在一起的或连在一快的分开
e.g. A year is divided into twelve months.
⑵at one point在某一地点;一度
⒍ In general, Scotland is colder throughout the year, and receives more rain.
⑴ in general总的说来,大体上,通常
e.g. In general, people like her.
⑵ throughout the year 整年,一年到头throughout 贯穿,介词
e.g. He worked hard throughout the year to support his family.
⑶ receive 动词,收到,接到
⒎ In the summer months the difference in temperature between London and north can be as much as nine degree.
英语中在表示数量的词语前习惯上加as much as ,as many as等来加强语气。as much as用与表示 “雨(水)量”,时间 ,金钱,重量,钱数,价格等方面。表示 “总量”和“单位量”的大小,as many as用于人或者物的具体数量前,as much as从总的角度出发,侧重于“总量”,as many as从个体出发,侧重于具体数目。
as far as 远到;尽…程度
e.g. They walked as far as the seaside.
Don’t worry. I’ll help you as far as I can.
as long as 长达;只要
She spends as long as three hours on English study every day.
⒏ The culture of the people in the British Isles was influenced by the culture of the people on the European mainland.
influence 指不易察觉到的,潜移默化的影响
influence 影响力,支配力
⒐ ……Their languages formed the basis for English.
⑴ form the basis for 构成/形成…的基础
⑵ 为…⑶打下基础,lay foundations for
e.g. Four –year college life laid solid basis for his further improvement.
⑶provide a basis for 为…⑶提供依据
e.g. The result provided a sound basis for further research.
⒑ The result of this French influence was that the English language ended up with many French words such as table, animal and age.
end up with以…结束,通常是 最后接受某东西,其意思为receive sth. in the end
⒒ …but it was not only 250 years later that they formed a single state.
是一个强调句,有原句They didn’t formed a single state until 250 years later变化而来,此类句子需强调状语until时候,应将否定句not… 与状语until…一起作为强调部分,构成it was not until… that …的巨型
⒓…While the southern part of England was only part of the UK for some time…
⒔ There are six spoken languages that are considered to be native to the British Isles as well as two local accents.
⑴ be considered to be (consider sth/sb.to be+形容词或名词)的被动式,
⑵ be native to本土的,本国的,土生的
e.g. Panda is native to China.
⒂ They realize that it is of great value to record and teach them to the younger generation.
Be of great value=be very valuable非常有价值的,可用于此类型的词有:use ,help, importance, help etc.
E.g. We consider their works of be of great value.
The invention is of great value. =The invention is very useful.
Step3: Summary and Homework
Do some exercises on the screen.
Revising some words and expressions
Write notes and make sentences
The news that team has won the game is exciting.
WTO stands for World Health Organization.
A narrow river/street a narrow idea about relics a narrow escape(九死一生)
The group is made up of five members. = The group consists of five members.
The cause of the delay is still unknown to us.
He wished to make the most of his chance.
a wide diversity of opinions看法上的众说纷纭
Give as many as examples
I’ll send it to you as it is, (我就照现在的样子卖给你,) but don’t complain, if it doesn’t work.
The needs of the children held their marriage together.
She separated the good apples from the bad ones.
divide …into 指把整体分成部分
A traffic accident happened at one point yesterday.
At one point, he was very weak.
The rain is plentiful, often as much as seventy inches every year.
At the job, she could earn as many as eighty dollars every week.
The civil war in that country lasted as much as eighty 16 years.
We must learn as many as 300 English words.
The kind of English built as many as 50 pyramids.
Probably we influenced each other.
Parents have a great influence on Children.
This idea formed the basis for Theory of Relativity.
We ended the supper up with fruit and coffee.
It was not until 1969 that man set his first step on the moon.
原句:Man didn’t set his first step on the moon until 1969.
We considered this (to be) very important.
Write down notes and make some examples
Look at the examples
The party was ended up with a pop song.
He is considered to be the best student.
The machine is of use.= The machine is useful.
课 题 SEFCB2 Unit 9
Grammar 课 时 6-4 授 课 时 间 2004.
教 学 目 标 Make the Ss know more about some words learn in this period
Enable the Ss to master noun as the Subject, the Object, the Predicative
教学重、难点 Master the usages of the noun clauses
How to master the differences between the Appositive clause and the Attrib Master the usages of the noun clause
教、 学 具 A projector and some slides
预习要 求 Find out the noun clauses as many as possible in the text
教 师 活 动 内 容、方 式 学 生 活 动 内 容、方 式 旁 注
Step1: Greeting and Revision
Revise the uses of some words and expressions learnt in the last period by doing some excises on the screen.(略)
Step2: Word Study
1.Look at the words in the box and try to think of their meanings. Then complete the sentences with the proper words.
2.Check the answers with the whole class and ask the Ss to translate into Chinese.
Keys: union, Republic, upper, consists, mistaken, narrow, influence, basis.
Step3: Grammar
1.Ask the Ss to look at the sentences on the screen.
a. That they carry their conversation
in French is suggested. (Subject Clause)
b. He made a suggestion that they carry on their conversation in French
(Appositive Clause)
c. His suggestion was that they carry on their conversation in French. (Predicate Clause)
d. This is the suggestion that he made last week. (Attributive Clause)
名词性从句包括:主语从句,表语从句,同位语从句,多由连词that, wh-疑问词或由what, whatever等关系代词引导。
⒈ 主语从句
⑴ 主语从句在句子中充当主语
E.g. Why he refused to work with you is still a mystery.
Whatever comes is welcome.
⑵ 主语从句前的that不能省略,仅仅起连接作用,有时候为保持句子平衡,that从句后置,而由it作形式主语。
E.g. That he became a lawyer may have been due to his mother’s influence.
It is not true that he has moved to New York.
⒉ 宾语从句在句子中充当宾语
E.g. I don’t know where the sound came from.
Don’t be satisfied with what you have achieved.
⒊ 当从句放在系动词be, look, remain, seem等后构成表语从句。
E.g. The trouble is that I have lost his address.
It seemed that the night would never end.
⒋ 同位语从句
⑴同位语从句是对与之同位的名词中心词作进一步解释,能接同位语从句的常见名词有: idea, news, fact, problem, belief, opinion, hope, understanding…
⒌ whether与if 在名词性从句中的用法区别
if 一般 指用于引导从句,而whether可引导包括宾语从句在内的其他名词性从句。
⑵宾语从句中,whether常与or not搭配,也可以说 whether or not, 而不说if or not.
E.g. I don’t care whether or not she will attend the meeting.
⑶whether也可用在介词 后,或带to 不定式前,if or not.
E.g. She doesn’t know whether to get married now or wait.
I haven’t settled the question of whether I’ll go back home.
⑷ 某些动词后面(如discuss)只能用whether, 不用if .
E.g. We discussed whether we should go on climbing.
在句子中做主语的从句叫主语从句,是一种 重要的名词性从句。
⒉ 由that 引导的主语从句
⒊ 由whether, if等引导的主语从句,句
⒋ 由whoever. whatever等引导的主语从句
whoever=the person who或anyone who. who 也可以引导主语从句,但只能表示“谁”
Anyone 与the person皆不能引导从句。
⒌ 由it 作形式主语引起的主语 从句
⑴位于是seem,appear,be(im)possible,be a pity,be a wonder,be likely等。
E.g. It seemed certain that this would win the prize.
It appeared that he was right.
⑵在It is known…; It is said…;It is hoped…; It is believed…等句型中。
注意:有时候在“It is necessary(important. suggested等)+that clause”结构中, that从句常用“should+动词原形” 形式来表示虚拟语气, 其中should常可省去.
Step4: Practice
Ask the Ss to do grammar exercises in the Ss’ book or workbooks. Then check the answers with the whole class.
Step5: Summary and Homework Ss do excises on the screen and check the answers.
Ss fill in the blanks
Do some translation
Ss speak out the usages of the that clauses
Ss think of the usages
The fact that we talked about is very important.(定语从句)
The fact that he succeed in the experiment pleased everybody. (同位语从句)
Whether he will attend the meeting is uncertain.
The question is whether he will come.
Ss make some examples
What you have done might do harm to other people.
It worried her a bit that her hair was turning gray.
That you don’t like him is none of my business.
Whether we’ll go camping tomorrow depends on the weather.
Who will win is not important.
Whoever leaves the room last ought to turn off the lights.
It is still a question when we shall have our sports meet.
It doesn’t matter what you say.
E.g. is necessary that a college student should master at least a foreign language.
课 题 SEFCB2 Unit 5 课 时 6-5 授 课 时 间 2004.
教 学 目 标 ⒈ Enable the Ss to learn how to describe a place in its landscape, culture, relics, the people, their life, economy and etc.
⒉ More practice at Noun Clauses.
教学重、难点 Improve the Ss’ integrating skills-reading and writing
How to train the Ss’ writing skill
教、 学 具 A tape recorder and some slides
预习要 求 Scan the text and search more information about England
教 师 活 动 内 容、方 式 学 生 活 动 内 容、方 式 旁 注
Step1: Greeting and Revision
Ask the Ss to open their books to page 40 and look at the exercise in Checkpoint5.Make them complete the sentences by using the noun clauses. ( after a while)Check the answers with the class.
Step2: Reading
Get the students to read the passage quickly and ask some questions about it.
⒈ What can be seen across the fields of Salisbury?
Sheep can be seen everywhere.
⒉ What’s the cathedral famous for?
The cathedral is famous for the height of its tower. It’s 404 feet high. Daniel thinks the tower is the highest and the most handsome in England.
⒊ How many important kinds of produce and trade are there in the city of Salisbury? What are they?
There’re two important kinds of produce and trade in Salisbury. They’re making cloth and sheets called Salisbury whites.
⒋ How about the hills and fields there?
The hill and fields are most beautiful with many small and clear rivers and rich fields bearing fruit and grain.
⒌ Say something about the hills of Salisbury(The last paragraph)
Step3: Retelling
Get the students to read the text once again and have them retell the text.
Step4: Language points
⒈ …the great number of them is very wonderful.
The number of +复数名词(谓语动词用单数) a number of + 复数名词(谓语动词用复数)
E.g. A number of students were studying in the reading-room.
⒉ All around the city of Salisbury, as far as twenty-two miles to the west, and six miles south, down to the coast, farmers raise sheep.(此句子中farmers raise sheep是句子的主干,前面均是表示方位, 距离的短语做状语. 其中south前面省略to the .由于coast是地势较低处,所以用down to the coast.
⒊ There could be as many as six hundred thousand sheep fed within six miles of Salisbury, measuring every way round and the town in the centre.
⑴句中fed within six miles of Salisbury是一个过去分词短语修饰sheep,measuring…是一个V-ing短语,修饰six miles of Salisbury。
⒋ The cathedral is famous for the height of its tower, which is without doubt the highest and the most handsome in England, being from the ground 410 feet.
⑴without doubt=certainly无疑地;确定地
e.g. Without doubt, our team will win the game.
⑵ being from the ground 404 feet在此句中做状语,用语说明tower的高度。
⒌ Neither of them is very big, but they become a larger river when joined together, and yet larger when joined by a third river.
⑴ a third river又一条河流,不定冠词a 用在序数词之前,表示“再一次, 又一”。
E .g. You can have a second try if you fail the first time.
⑵Neither of the books is interesting.(这2本书都没意思。)表示“两者都”,用both of+复数名词,表复数概念。
E.g. Both of you have to go there.
⒍ …, which employ the poor of a great part of the country round-namely, making cloth and sheets,
namely 副词,即,就是,用以补充或具体说明前面已提到的事物
e.g. Two boys are late for school today-namely, Tom and Jim.
⒎ …with many small and clear rivers, and rich fields bearing fruit and grain.
⑴bearing fruit and grain做宾语补足语,bear“结果实”,产生,长出
e.g. The tree is bearing a lot of apples this year.
⑵ with +宾语+v-ing,在此做状语。
E.g. With you standing here, we can’t work.
⒏ …, village and houses, and among them(指代houses) many(后省略了are) of good size.
Of good size= have good size
E.g. The cellphone is of great high quality.
=The cellphone has high quality.
Step6: Writing
Ask the Ss to look at the main ideas in the boxes and try to write a composition to describe their hometowns. The teacher can show them a simple composition on the screen.
Step7: Summary and Homework
Make the Ss speak out the way of writing a descriptive composition. Ask them to write a composition after class.
Ss do the excises in Checkpoint5 and check the answer
Ss read the passage to answer the questions
Retell the passage
Find out some difficult sentences
Make some sentences according to the usages.
Make notes and listen
Try to write down some key words
Ss speak out the way of writing a descriptive composition,then write one composition.
课 题 SEFCB2 Unit 5 课 时 6-6 授 课 时 间 2004.
教 学 目 标 1. Get the Ss to master some important language points in Unit5.
2. Help the Ss to learn the way of dealing with problems.
3. Improve the Ss’ reading and writing ability.
教学重、难点 The important language in Unit5
How to help the Ss master them and deal with problems easily and correctly.
教、 学 具 A projector and some slides
预习要 求 Scan the whole paper and try correcting the mistakes
教 师 活 动 内 容、方 式 学 生 活 动 内 容、方 式 旁 注
Step1: Greeting and Analysis
Analyze the whole paper and praise some Ss. At the same time, encourage some Ss who failed to pass the exam.
Step2: Single choice
Check the answers with the whole class, then choose some difficult ones to explain to the Ss.
1. In general, the northerners are keen on dumplings while the southerners are fond of rice.
此句中in common即共同的与句意不符合,in total为总共,总计,而in particular为特别的,也不对。只有表示大体上一般的in general 才正确。
2. The news has spread all the country that the spaceship succeeded in returning to the earth.
The news that为同位语从句,对news进一步说明解释。
3.Scoland lies to the north of England; it is part of Britain.
表示位置的词to可接壤可不接壤,不在一个范围内,on表示两地接壤或者在河岸上,off表示远离,in表示在范围内。England和Scotland不在一个范围内用to,而它是属于Britain的一部分,所以用part。而be part of表示前者是后者的一部分。
4.run over 表示从。。。上碾过或者水满溢出,the cup was full and the water in it was running over
5. ---What made her so sad?
. ---That she failed in the examination.
此句中that引导一个主语从句,that 只起连接作用,没有实际意义。而because 和 as ,since都是回答why的问题。
6. Oh, please don’t. He is now seriously ill. Just look at the state he is in.
这里state 表示状况,它现在的情况,用in。e. g in a poor state of health。健康状况不好。同时state 有国家。州。政府的意思。
6. With the approach of Christmas the weather turned colder.
在这里approach 指的是名词来临。同时它还有动词的性质,临近,靠近等。还有做事的方法,途径,入门等名词性质。
7.We saw a big black bear coming up on us from the woods.
选择come up 表示熊向我们靠近过来,come up 有靠近,走近,发生的意思。而come out表示出版,出现;come back 表示恢复的意思。故选择come up。
Step 3: Cloze Test
Ask some students to report their answers and choose some difficult ones to explain.
40. in the way she liked best.表示她最喜欢的方式,下面进行了介绍。
50. never miss it.
55. being persuaded .
她担心会被劝服去买东西,persuade 表示说服去做某事。
Step4: Reading Comprehension
1. Make the Ss report the main idea of each paragraph, then ask some students to speak out their answers.
2. Choose the most difficult ones to explain.
Step5: Correcting
Ask some Ss to correct the mistakes. Then check the right answers with the whole class. Choose some difficult ones to explain.
(1) be mending be mended
(2) feet foot
(3) in such a long time after such a long time
Step6: Writing
1. Ask someone to read his or her composition before the whole class. Make others correct it.
2. Get all the Ss to write down the key words.
3. Show a sample composition on the screen and ask the Ss to read it .
Step7: Homework
Read all the items in this unit. Ss check the answers with the teacher
Ss make some sentences
Ss speak out the usages of the noun clause
Ss report their answers and try to correct the mistakes
Some one report the main idea of each paragraph
Ss find out some difficult ones
Report the answers and try to look for the right answers in the passages
Write down some key words
Check answers.
Ss correct the answers.
Check answers with the whole class.
人教A版高二上册数学几何概型教学计划 篇5
I. 词组:
1. get through 通过(考试);穿过;接通(电话)
get through with our work 完成工作
get through the day 度过
2. call up 打电话;唤起;调动(力量)等;提出(议案)
3. play with fire 玩火
4. more than 不仅仅
5. put together 把……结合在一起;装配
6. stand out 突出;显眼
7. win glory 获得荣誉
8. in one’s absence / in the absence of sb. 某人不在时
9. admire sb. for sth. 因……而钦佩某人
10. in comparison with 与……比较
be compared with 与……比较
be compared to与……比较
11. translate…into… 将……译成……
12. light up 点燃;照亮;容光焕发
a lighted cigarette 一支点着的香烟
13. come into being 形成;产生;创立
14. towards the end of the afternoon 将近黄昏
15. the door to knowledge 通向知识的途径
16. fire sb. 解雇某人 fire at sb. 向某人开火
17. from a distance 从远处
at a distance从远处
in the distance 在远处
18. send for help 派人去请求援助
19. go insane / mad / crazy 发疯
20. contribute to 捐献;促进;投稿
21. fall into poverty 陷入贫困
22. avoid doing sth. 避免做某事
II. 单词拼写:
1. It is a very difficult job to t___________ one language into another. And the t___________ of poetry is even more difficult.
2. More and more people are now trying to help those who are s___________ from AIDS. Some are offering medical help. Others are c___________ money to others.
3. Last summer the weather was e____________ hot in this area. For over 40 days the highest temperature was over 35℃.
4. Night Thoughts by Li Bai is one of his most famous poems. It’s about the l_________ of someone who is far away from home.
5. The film r___________ him of what he had seen in Paris.
6. She went to Paris with the _________(意图) of learning French.
7. Would you __________ (介绍) me a good dictionary?
8. Poetry often follows special __________(格式) rhythm and rhyme.
9. The _____________(气氛) over dinner was warm and friendly.
10. With the ______________ (引进) of the new machine, the production of this product has been greatly increased.
Unit 5
1. stand for 代表,象征
2. be separated from 与------分离
3. practice doing 练习---;实践---
4.be made up of/ make up(由--- )组成
5. make the most of 充分利用
6. at one point 曾经,一度
7. consist of 由---组成
8. be surrounded by 被---环绕
9. in general 一般说来
10. throughout the year 全年
11. as much as/ as many as 多达---
12. settle down 安定,定居
13. end up with 以---结束
14. be of great value很有价值
15. get engaged to sb.与某人订婚(动作) be engaged to sb.(状态)
16. raise money酬钱
1. raise sheep养羊
2. bear fruit 结果实
18. be famous for因---出名 be famous as作为---出名be famous to对---出名
3. have advantages over---优于---,胜过---
4. be influenced by被---影响
5. on the basis of 以---为基础
6. upper classes 上层阶级
7. have a clear idea of ---对---有清楚的了解
8. (be)/(go) on a diet 节食
1. The mainland of UK c______ of three kingdoms, Scotland, Wales and England.
2. We pictured the state of the future on the b______ of these theories.
3. Religion has a great i_______ on people’s behavior.
4. The gate is too n________ for a car; we’ll have to walk through.
5. After 5 hours’ walk, all my s________ gave out.
6. The failure of the operation has shaken my b_________ in doctors.
7. The tree is _______(结果) a lot of oranges this year.
8. The _______(上层的)classes can no longer afford to have many servants.
9. What’s the __________(好处) of using nuclear power?
10. ________(强大的)nations sometimes try to control weaker ones.
11. Don’t judge a person only on the b________ of first impression.
Unit 6
I. 词组:
1. get done = be done
2. happen to sb. 某人发生……
3. catch / get a glimpse of sb.一眼瞥见某人或某物
4. environmentally-friendly washing powder环保洗衣粉
5. at an amazing speed of 430 km / h以每小时430公里的速度
6. keep in touch with与……保持联系
7. ensure safety确保安全
8. be controlled by an advanced computer system由先进的计算机控制
9. discover the advantages of online shopping发现网上购物的好处
10. be no longer just a necessity不再只是一种必需品
11. search some place for sth.在某地寻找某物
12. combine shopping with fun将购物和玩乐结合在一起
13. remain active依然活跃
14. pay more attention to the importance of a healthy diet and active life更加注意健康食谱和活跃生活的重要性
15. advances in medical science医学上的进展/进步
16. cure sb. of sth.治疗某人的疾病,改掉某人的恶习
17. keep sb. Company陪伴某人
18. be very different from与……大不相同
19. be programmed to do sth.经过编程做某事
20. download information from…从……下载信息
21. sound absurd to sb.对某人来说听起来荒谬
22. recognize a person’s voice 听出某人的声音
23. travel back in time作穿越时空旅行
24. major trends in contemporary society当代社会的主要趋势
25. pay for their purchases支付购买的物品
26. schools on the air空中学校
27. lifelong learners终身学习者
28. appreciate what is new and different欣赏新的不同的事物
29. be well-prepared for…为……作好充分准备
30. keep… in store for…为……积蓄……
31. allow sb. to do sth.允许某人做某事
II. 单词拼写:
1. John is a __________ of mine; we were at school together.
2. Take the medicine __________ () three times a day.
3. If you are going out for a walk, I’ll come along and keep you c__________.
4. More and more people are moving to u__________ areas.
5. It is a____________ to believe that number 13 brings bad luck.
6. He made a p_____________ that the government would be defeated at the general election.
7. The smoke from the chimney i__________ someone was in the house.
8. She had her husband carry her p____________().
人教A版高二上册数学几何概型教学计划 篇6
New words:
1. reliable adj. able to be trusted; dependable可信赖的,可靠的
He looks a nice, reliable man.
Is this information reliable?
reliance n. 依靠,信赖
have/ place / put reliance on sb.
A child has reliance on his mother.
You can put no reliance on Tom.
Do you place much reliance on your doctor?
2. fire vt. 解雇, 开除dismiss from a job(反)take on , hire, employ
Get out! You are fired / dismissed!
vi. shoot off bullets发射(子弹),射击
fire at sb./ sth.
fire a gun at sb.
He is firing at us.
He ran into the bank and fired his gun into the air.
Don’t move or I’ll fire.
3. face n. 1)脸,面孔 [c] 2) 表面,面貌
*face to face
She stood face to face with him.
a face-to-face interview
hide one’s face (由于难为情或羞愧)低下头或把脸躲开
*in one’s face当面,迎面
“It’s your own fault!” he shouted in her face.
*in the face of
What could he do in the face of all the difficulties?
*look in the face正面看某人(而不羞愧),正视
If he knows ---how can I look him in the face?
I want you to look the facts in the face.
*lose (one’s) face
*make a face / faces
*pull / wear a long face
vt.1) 面向,朝着
The kitchen faces north.
2) 面临(形式,问题)
Such was the situation we were facing.
*be faced with面临,面对
We are all faced with the same problem of rising costs.
4. reason n. 意思是理由,原因,缘故着重指产生某种行为或想法的理由:
the reason for /why
Give your reason for the plan.把你计划的理由讲一下.
The reason for my lateness is that I missed my bus.
The reason for the flood was all that heavy rain.
There is no cause/reason for alarm.
You have no cause for complaint.
cause n.1).起因,原因,缘故,理由,根源[c]
着重是指产生某种结果的原因:the cause of
The cause of the fire was dry. 起火的原因是干燥。
The cause of the accident was the fact that he was driving two fast.事故的原因是他开车太快了.
reason vt.i. 说服,推理,劝说
She can reason very clearly.
I reason that since she had not answered my letter she must be angry with me. 我推断既然她不给我回信,她一定是生我的气了.
reason with sb. (try to persuade by fair argument)以理说服;劝说
You should reason with the child instead of just telling him to obey.
5. injure vt.
1)injure vt.事故中受伤或器官,the injured
2)hurt vt.身体的内伤和精神上的伤
vi. 痛
3)harm vt.人们已认识到的客观害处,
4)wound vt.肉体上的外伤 (多指刀枪伤) the wounded
a) When I fell , I _____ my leg.
b) His words _____ her.
c) He was badly _____ in the accident.
d) Doctor says getting up early won’t
_____ you.
e) He got ________ in the war.
6. inform vt. to tell or give the information to (正式)告知,通知,报告
inform sb. that
疑问词+ to do
n. / pron.
She informed him that she was to send for it the next day.
He informed them of his arrival.
He will informed us where to go.
If you saw the accident please inform the police.
a well-informed man消息灵通的人
*say, tell, inform, speak, talk用法
*say vt.只能用话语(不能用人)作宾语:
He said, “I’m tired.”
He said a few words then sat down.
*tell vt. 接宾语或双宾语
He told us that he was tired.
*inform vt. 宾语是人
He informed us that he was tired.
speak, talk 不及物,有时可及物但绝不是人作宾语.
Do you speak French?
informed adj.有知识的,见闻广的,了解情况的
7.relate vt.
1) to tell a story讲述(故事)
relate to sb. sth.
relate +clause
He related (to us) the story of his escape.
The witness related what he had seen.
2) show a relation between把…联系起来,看出或显示出…与…的关系
I can’t relate those two ideas. 我看不出那两个想法之间的关系。
*relate to 1)和… 有关,涉及
This letter relates to the sale of the house.
I don’t know to what this relates
2)和…相处很好, 和...合得来 (通常用否定)
She doesn’t relate very well to her mother.
*be related to
All things were related to all other things.
Are you related to Mr Smith?
8. talent
genius – 是一个很重的词,只用于少见的才华或有天才的人:
Einstein had genius./was a genius.
She has a genius for mathematics.
talent-- 也表示特殊才能(她不指人本身not the person who has it),但不如genius重
a young actor with a lot of talent
She has a talent for music.
He is a talented football player.
skill -- talent和genius都是某人天生的能力,而skill指一种可以学到的本领,技能,只可以做好某事的能力
a skilled worker
gift-- a natural ability to do sth.天赋,天才
He has a gift for music.
a gifted painter
9. switch vt.i. change or exchange改变,交换
They switched the positions.
He got tired of teaching and switched to painting.
*switch off = turn off
电器用品的开关用turn on, turn off或switch on / off
水龙头或煤气的开关用turn on或turn off
10. interview n.会晤,接见
have an interview with sb.
Father had an interview with the teacher about John’s work.
receive an interview受到采访
give an interview to sb. 接受某人的采访
He refused to give an interview to the journalist.
a face-to-face interview
interviewee n.
interviewer n.
11.present /pri’zent/ vt.
He presented a silver cup to the winner/ presented the
winner with a silver cup.
2)bring to one’s attention, offer for consideration呈递,提交
The committee is presenting its report next week.
3)introduce (正式) 介绍
May I introduce Mr. Johnson ( to you)?
introduce sb. to
make oneself known
present adj.
1) in the place talked of出席的,到场的opp. absent
How many people were present at the meeting?
People present will get a gift each.
be absent from
Four students are absent from class.
2)现存的, 现在的
What’s your present address?
present n. 现在,当前,目前
We learn from the past, experience the present, and hope for success in the future.
at present= at this time = now现在
for the present暂时
12.truthfully yours
13. effort ---努力,尽力the use of strength
with (without)effort 费(不费)力
He lifted the heavy box without effort.
make an/ every effort to do努力做某事
spare no effort不遗余力
The prisoner made an effort to escape but he failed.
power-1)动力doing work, driving a machine, producing electricity
Mills used to depend on wind power or water power.
2)力量 Knowledge is power.
14.ignore 不顾,不理,忽视refuse to notice, take no notice of
比较:ignore : He ignored the s peed limit (=he knew about it, but paid no attention to it) and drove very fast.它无视时速限制,车开得很快。
ignorant :无知的,不知道的
He was driving very fast because he was ignorant of the fact that (= he didn’t know that) there was a speed limit. 他车开得很快,因为他不知道有时速限制。
15.attention n. 注意 (力)[u]
pay (close) attention to注意,重视
draw / catch / call /attract attention to
devote one’s attention to专注于
turn one’s attention to注意力转向
give attention to
concentrate / hold one’s attention upon将注意力集中在
fix one’s attention on留意,专心于02
Now they stopped to pay attention to him.
He is very quiet and doesn’t draw much attention to himself.
All his attention was concentrated upon the great blue circle.
16.tolerate vt.忍受,容忍is used of people or behavior , but usually not of suffering (用于忍受人或行为,通常并不指忍受痛苦)
tolerate doing
I find it hard to tolerate your behavior.
He bore/ stood the pain as long as he could. 他尽力忍受
痛苦. 还可同can连用,表非常讨厌的事情
I can’t bear/ stand strong coffee.
17. 1)affair事,事情[c]多指已发生的大小事情或必须去做的任何事情;
Leave me alone: mind your own affair.
It’s no affair of mine.
international affairs
affairs of state / family affair
current affairs时事
2)event 事件,事[c]
The important event of the year was the big earthquake.
July 7th Incident
by accident偶然
business n.商业,生意上的事
18. concern vt.
1)关于,关系到,与…有关to be about(无被动)
The story concerns a man who is wrongly imprisoned.这个故事是关于一个被冤枉入狱的人.
Does this concern me?
2)过去分词作表语be concerned with … 和…有关,牵涉
I’m not concerned with that matter any longer.
His work is concerned with the preparation of the documents for
3)过去分词作后置定语: 有关的
The man concerned was her husband.
We shall have to consult the other countries concerned.
concern oneself with / about
be concerned about /with /for / over
Please don’t be concerned about me.
We are concerned about/for her safety.
5) so(as) far as … is concerned就…来说, 就…而论
So far as I’m concerned some other arrangement would have been satisfactory.
It is impossible as far as we are concerned.
n. 担心,焦虑 [u]
There is no reason for concern.
Mother’s concern over her sick child kept her awake all night.
19. telegram n. 电报
He sent me a telegram yesterday.
比较: telegraph n. [u]
The news was sent by telegraph.
We telegraphed her the news.
20. locate -v.
1)to learn the position of确定…的地点,找到…的位置
We located the library, schools, and stores as soon as
we moved into the town. 我们一搬到这个城镇里,就
2)使…坐落于, 把…设置在fix/ set in a certain place.
be located位于
Where is it located?
The firehouse is located on Main Street.
The house is located next to the river.这房子坐落在河边.
21.look up to =respect=admire
(opp.) look down upon
look into
look on
look forward to
look on …as
look out
look through
22.bore vt.使厌烦make sb. uninterested
The lesson was boring.
The students were bored (by it).
23.fall in love with
be in love with
24.attitude n.
(1) a way of feeling态度,表现
attitude to( towards)
What ‘s you attitude towards this idea?
(2) a position of the body (正式)姿态,姿势
25.disappoint –vt.
1)使失望, 使计划受挫unhappy at not seeing hopes come true
I’m sorry to disappoint you, but I can’t come after all.
2)disappointed adj. 失望的
*be disappointed about/ at/ in / with sb. /sth.
be disappointed to do
Are you disappointed about/ at losing the race?
My parents will be disappointed in/ with me if I fail
the examination.
She was very disappointed to hear it.
3) disappointing adj.令人失望
Her acting was disappointing.; I hoped she would do better.
What disappointing news !
He was disappointing , so his parents were very disappointed with him.
to one’s disappointment
The film made all of us ___. It is really ___.
A. disappointing; disappointed
B. disappointed; disappointing
C. disappointed: to be disappointed
D. fell disappointing; disappointing
1. generous 1) 慷慨,大方 (opp) mean
It is generous of sb. to do
It is generous of you to lend me your car yesterday.
be generous to sb.
The poor are usually generous to each other.
be generous with sth.
She is not very generous with the food.
He gave me a generous meal.
2.rob sb. / sp. of sth
不能说:rob sth.
Mrs Smith was robbed of her 4 3,000 designer watch at her west London home.
steal sth from sb./sp.
不能说:steal sb.
She was caught stealing food from the shop.他在商店偷食品时被发现了.
pick one’s pocket掏腰包
3.Food prices are going up.
go up go down vi.
上涨 rise 下降 bring down (the prices) vt.
get higher reduce vt.
The prices have been brought down.
The price is too high/ low.
The shirt is too expensive / cheap.
4. burn down (a building) be destroyed by fire烧毁 (强调破
The building was burned down and only ashes were left.
burn out make hollow by fire烧光,烧掉
The building was burned out and only the walls remained.
burn up destroy completely by fire烧完,烧尽 (强调结果)
All the wood has been burned up.所有的木头都已烧完.
5. experienced pp. used as an adverbial分词作定语
1) When shall we send the corrected papers back to them?
2) The unexpected arrival of the letter made us jump with joy. 那封信突然的到来使我们高兴得跳了起来.
3) He made an inspiring speech at the meeting.
4) The inspired audience stood up and gave him a long and warm applause.受到鼓舞的听众站立起来,对他报以长时间的热烈掌声.
6.relate to sb. / sth. 能理解或同情某人(某事物)
Students find it difficult to relate to the life of a scientidt. 学生们发现理解科学家的生活很难.
relate… to有关联的, 相关的
It refers to something in the past which is directly relate
to the present time. 它指的是发生在过去但与现在有直接关系的某件事.
If you relate the results to the cause, you will find things are not that simple. 如果你把结果与援引联系起来看,你会发现事情并不那么简单.
7. for once=just for once=for this once=this once (至少)这一次(平时不这样)
1) For once, they broke the rule.
2) For once ,you are wrong.
3) For once, Brown, the toughest man, was asking for support.只有这一次Brown这个硬汉,开口求人了.
at once/immediately/
all at once/ suddenly/ all of a sudden
8. 1)rather than 而不是,与其…宁愿 instead of
The color seems green rather than blue.
He is a write rather than a poet.
He ran rather than walked.
Rather cause trouble, he left.
2)rather than连接两个并列主语时与前者一致
He rather rather you is to blame.
3) A rather than B = more A than B与其说B,不如说A.
He is an artist rather than a philosopher.
=He is more an artist than a philosopher.与其说他是位哲学家,不如说他是位艺术家.
4)would (had) rather … than宁愿…不愿
He would rather listen to others than talk himself.
Rather than get money in such a dishonest way, he would
beg in the streets.
9.keep + adj. (present p./past p.) 使保持,继续(处于某种状态)
Will you take these home and keep them safe?请你把这些带回来,安全保管好吗?
Keep the fire burning.
Would you keep me informed of how things are going? 你随时通知我事情的进展好吗?
10. make sure that 确保,设法做到
Please make sure that the house is locked when you leave.
Before she called on her friends, she rang to make sure that they were home.
make sure of / about
Make sure of all the facts before you write the report.
There is just one or two details that I would like to make
sure about. 只有一两个细节我想弄明白.
11. bring back 1)带回, 送回
He always brings me back something nice when he goes overseas.
4) 使回忆起来,使恢复
Her heart stopped three times, but they brought her back.
Talking about it brings it all back.一谈起这件事就全想起来了.
12. adapt to改变,使能适应change so as to be suitable for new needs
It is not easy to adapt oneself to new conditions. 要使自己适应新环境是不容易的。
When you go abroad, you are often obliged to adapt yourself to foreign habits and customs. 一个人出国后往往被迫适应外国的风俗习惯。
13….it was the first time that I had written with real passion…
1) That /It is the first /second …time that + have done
was had done
This is the first time I’ve come here.
It was the third time(that) he had made the same mistake.
2) It is / has been + 一段时间 + since did
was had done
It is ( has been) two weeks since I came here.
It is five years since I smoked.
I have smoked for five years.吸烟五年
She said it was five years since she had finished her work.完成工作五年了
It is ten years since we had had such a wonderful time.十年没这么快乐了
3) was/ were about to do when + did
was/ were doing
was/were going to do
was / were on the flight
We were about to leave when the telephone rang.
4) Hardly had…done when did
No sooner than
Scarcely when/ before
Hardly had I got home when it rained.
5) It won’t be/take + 一段时间+before do用不了多久就
It will be/take + 一段时间 +before… 用了多久就...
It won’t be long before he comes back.
It will be two hours before he comes back.
It wasn’t + 一段时间 + before did 没过多久就...
It was + 一段时间 + before did 过了多久就...
It wasn’t ten years before they met again.
6)It is time that should do/ did
It is time that they went to school.
13.be/ get / become addicted to sth.… 对…有(上)瘾unable to stop having, taking
Soon he became addicted to cigarettes.
The children are addicted to television.
addiction 嗜好
14. on all sides = on every side 在各方面,四面八方
On all sides there was great enthusiasm over his speech. 他的演讲及其各界人们极大的热情.
They were trapped with enemies on every side.他们陷入困境四面楚歌.
15. respect 1) vt.
He respect every opinion his friend held.
2) n. 尊敬 [u, 可加a ] 重视
have (no, much) respect for sb. /sth.
I have much respect for him.
He has no respect for his promises.
3)n. (pl) 敬意,问候 =regards
Give my respects/ regards to your wife.
16. Brave and strong, the activists talked to workers outside the factory and left a positive message about protecting the earth.示威者们在场外与工人们交谈,积极呼吁保护地球,表现出了勇气和力量。
brave and strong表句子主语在talk和leave a message时的情形, 即:when the activists talked to workers outside the factory and left a positive message about protecting the earth, they were brave and strong..
eg. The old man went to bed hungry last night. (The old man was hungry when he went bed last night. 这种结构与副词作状语结构不同.前者主要说明主语,后者主要说明谓语.
The old man went to bed slowly. (The action of “ going to bed” is slow)
He went home, tired and hungry.
高二Unit 7 教案(人教版高二英语上册教案教学设计)11-19
unit5 whole unit(人教版高二英语上册教案教学设计)11-15
Unit 4 garden of poems(人教版高二英语上册教案教学设计)12-16