


托福写作如何增加分数 篇1



Through daily communication and interaction, we are unavoidably affected by people around us and at the same time we also exert certain impact on others. Given the importance of peer influence, it is necessary for us to clearly identify traits and characters of surrounding people. Some people prefer to judge from a person’s friends, but I do not think this is an effective method.

Admittedly, people holding this opinion may argue that birds of a feather flock together. The reason why people become friends is that they share something in common, such as personalities and hobbies. For instance, a person interested in playing basketball must frequently visit basketball court where he meets mates and enjoys the game together. All these make them more attractive to each other. Therefore, it is easy to draw the conclusion that a person with many friends who are fond of playing basketball is highly likely a basketball lover, too. Moreover, he may also have characters that sport fans share, like sportsmanship, perseverance, and teamwork spirits.

However, such conclusion is open to much criticism. To begin with, from one’s friends, we may just get to know a small part of this person. As mentioned above, the information we can collect is restricted to what he likes doing with friends and relevant characters. But in fact, an individual is very complicated, as under various occasions, he behaves differently, demonstrates divergent traits, or even generate controversial thoughts. For example, it is possible that a boy with much tenacity to train his basketball skills with friends actually has no will power to improve his academic performance, or even can hardly finish reading in literature class. Then, we cannot regard him as a person with perseverance, and the conclusion yielded from what type of friends he has is wrong.

Secondly, this approach fails when a person has too many friends. There are people who are very popular, because of their social skills, sense of humor or warmheartedness. Consequently, they are always surrounded by various kinds of friends wherever they go. Among those friends, there might be people with different personalities. A good example is the cheerleader, the focus in almost every school. With charming appearance and excellent dancing skills, she never fails to attract both boys who admire her beauty and girls who feel cool to be friend with her. In a large group of friends, there will be people showing divergent traits, like quiet and talkative, introversive and extroversive, etc.

To sum up, from one’s friends, we may get to know some parts of a person, but the information is quite limited and controversial if he has too many companions.

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? One can learn a lot about a person from the type of friends this person has.









托福写作如何增加分数 篇2


1. 积累词汇,促进写作。


2. 加强听力训练促进写作。






引导段的主题句(theme statement)不能只陈述事实,而应说明自己的观点。支撑段是围绕引导段中的观点进行阐述,教师应指导学生运用有力事实和例子对中心句进行充分的论证。同时分清主次,把与主题关系最密切、最能体现主题的信息提炼出来进行详写,对次要的进行略写。结束段简要重述观点,即篇尾点睛。


1. 备写阶段。根据所提供的写作材料,手中所占有的材料和了解的事实,及时获得有关主题的信息。同时分析材料、审题,拟好写作提纲。

2. 起草作文。根据审题,确立写作文体,主体(使用的人称)和基本时态。

3. 根据材料提供的整体情节或主题思想,写出关键词和中心句。

4. 拓展思路,围绕主题不断地丰富文章内容。


1. 过好审题关。审清题目要求,包括文体、题材。

2. 过好语法关。除了注意情节的完整性之外,特别要注意句子的完整性,人称、时态和语态等的一致性和行文的连贯性等。

3. 为了使文章连贯,要恰当地使用连接词。

4. 书写要细心、工整,避免涂改。



1. 以简单句为线索,训练写作。


2. 限时模拟写作训练,加强考生临场应变能力。






托福写作如何增加分数 篇3



1. such as/like

用such as或like来举例,是广大考生比较熟悉的,但是在使用时需要注意以下三点。

①Such as比like正式,在正式场合考生应尽量使用such as。

②在包含such as与like的句式中,such as与like之前的内容应是笼统的概念,其后所跟的是含细节的具体例子,比如在“Expert guidance such as help with course preparation and methodology for appropriate lesson implementation”(专业指导,比如给予备课经验和恰当的上课方法的帮助)中,expert guidance就是笼统的概念,而“help with … lesson implementation”就是含细节的具体例子。

③Like与such as中的as都是介词,其后应跟名词或动词的-ing形式,例如:Activities such as rock climbing, bungee jumping and parachuting are extreme sports. (像攀岩、蹦极、跳伞这样的活动都是极限运动。)

2. include与“range from … to …”

根据笔者的教学经验,很多考生都没有掌握include与“range from … to …”这两种引入例子的表达,特别是“range from … to …”。使用include与“range from … to …”,考生需要注意以下两点。

①在举例时,include与“range from … to …”可用一般现在时形式,也可用现在分词形式,考生可参考下文例句。

②“range from … to …”囊括的举例范畴可以很广。比如ranging from course preparation to methodology for appropriate lesson implementation (从备课经验到恰当的上课方法),虽然例子中只出现了两种情况,但该用法表明可能还包括如何对付调皮的学生、如何与学生家长配合让学生的学习效率最大化等方面。考生一定要有意识地学习并使用像“range from … to …”这类更加高级的表达方式,而不是停留在自己已经熟知的套路上。

3. for example/for instance

提到表举例的词汇,相信大部分考生都会第一时间想到for example或for instance,甚至有些考生的一篇独立写作中会出现四五个for example,因为在托福独立写作中会有多个地方用到举例。从常理来说,这样会让评分人产生“审美疲劳”,而且也让人觉得考生的英语词汇不够丰富。《托福考试官方指南》要求考生在独立写作中体现syntactic variety (句法多样性)。鉴于此,笔者建议考生在考试中少使用for example或for instance。但如果要用这两种表达的话,需要注意:尽量将for example/for instance写成插入语,这样可以增加句法多样性。For example/for instance一般可插入到一个句子的主语与谓语之间。

为了使考生能更加直观地体会这类表举例的词汇的用法,笔者以TPO 26托福独立写作题目“孩子们选择与父母相同的工作比选择与父母不同的工作要好”为例,为考生举例说明。

例 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

It is better for children to choose jobs that are similar to their parents’ jobs than to choose jobs that are very different from their parents’ jobs.

Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.



参考例句(such as与like):

①Expert guidance such as help with course preparation and methodology for appropriate lesson implementation may benefit children who are planning to become teachers.

②Children are able to acquire expert guidance from their parents, like course preparation and methodology for appropriate lesson implementation.

参考例句(include与“range from … to …”):

①The expert guidance that children will receive from their parents includes course preparations and methodology for appropriate lesson implementation.

②Children will acquire from their parents expert guidance, including course preparation and methodology for appropriate lesson implementation.

③Expert guidance which children will receive from their parents ranges from course preparation to methodology for appropriate lesson implementation.

④Children will acquire from their parents expert guidance, ranging from course preparation to methodology for appropriate lesson implementation.

参考例句(for example与for instance):

①Take, for example, expert guidance from their parents. Through discussions with their parents about problems and confusion concerning teaching, children are able to obtain help with course preparation and methodology for appropriate lesson implementation.

②Parents who are teachers, for instance, can give their children expert guidance on how to prepare courses and how to give lessons according to appropriate teaching methodology.


叙述故事就是描述真实发生的事件,这些事件可以是发生在其他人身上的,也可以是发生在自己身上的。叙述故事时用到的表举例的词汇有很多,在此仅讨论相对“高端”的illustrate/exemplify和deserve a special mention。

1. illustrate/exemplify



②为了体现句法多样性,在常用的“illustrate/exemplify this point with the case of … ” 表达中,可用by来替换with,可用the example of与the story about等表达来替换the case of,但要注意它们所用介词的不同。


2. deserve a special mention

Deserve a special mention这个表达通常也用来引出一个真实发生的事件,使用时需要注意以下三点。

①在deserve a special mention中,冠词a可以省略,写成deserve special mention。

②为了体现句法多样性,在句型“When it comes to … , … deserve(s) a special mention”中,“when it comes to …”可用“speaking of …”来替换。另外在该句式中,考生要注意根据主句主语的单复数形式变换deserve的形式。

③还可以用“The case of …/The example of …/The story about … deserves a special mention”这个句式引出例子。需要提醒考生注意的是由于该句式中的主语是第三人称单数,因此deserve要相应变成第三人称单数形式。



例 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

The best way to travel is in a group led by a tour guide.

Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.


参考例句(illustrate/exemplify):Tourists are likely to be taken by tour guides to stores where souvenirs are extremely expensive. I will illustrate/exemplify this point with the case of my cousin Joseph, who went on a guided tour to France with a group of approximately 20 people last year. When they had finished visiting the Eiffel Tower, the tour guide took them to a nearby souvenir store. Joseph bought a miniature Eiffel Tower there for 100 dollars, which was far too expensive.

当然,关键词illustrate/exemplify所在的句子也可以选择被动语态,写成:This point can be illustrated/exemplified with the case of my cousin Joseph.

参考例句(deserve a special mention):When it comes to being taken by tour guides to stores where souvenirs are extremely expensive, my cousin Joseph deserves a special mention. Last year he went on a guided tour to France with a group of approximately 20 people. When they had finished visiting the Eiffel Tower, the tour guide took them to a souvenir store nearby. Joseph bought a miniature Eiffel Tower there for 100 dollars, which was far too expensive.

托福写作如何增加分数 篇4

1. 注重词汇积累


2. 作文词汇需从作文中积累


3. 学习基础语法


4. 练习翻译


5. 参加写作课



1. 更广泛的阅读拓展视野


2. 更细致的观察积累经验


3. 练习其它形式的英语写作





在综合写作中,对综合写作阅读内容的总结和阐释不能照抄阅读文章原文,因此 概括能力(summarization skills)和成为了综合写作的核心能力。所谓概括能力,是指将段落中的论据或细节通过递进、并列、转折、因果等关系进行组织。



The online questionnaire is able to feature many online options to help a respondent complete the survey that normally he or she might not be able to receive. For example, there could be a glossary to explain an unknown word. Also, the questionnaire submission is much easier, done at the click of a button instead of wasting time and effort via mailing the forms.

这个段落的分论点是many online options(在线选项)可以帮助很多问卷调查者(respondents)更好地完成问卷。通过论据和细节的展开,我们知道这些 online options 既包括 glossary 对不熟悉的单词进行解释,又包括easy submission.


There are more online features that are helpful for questionnaire respondents, such as glossaries to explain unfamiliar words and easy submissions at the click of a button.

再如:Moreover, genetically modified trees promise to bring a number of economic benefits to those who grow them. Genetically modified trees tend to grow faster, give greater yields of food, fruit, or other products, and be hardier. This allows tree farmers to get faster and greater returns on their farming investment and save on pesticides as well.

这个段落的分论点是 genetically modified trees(转基因树木)带来许多经济利益。通过论据和细节的展开,我们知道这是因为 genetically modified trees 生长的更快、产量更大、更为耐寒;而这些特质使得树农投资回报更快、更多,并且节约了杀虫剂的开支。


Genetically modified trees bring tree farmers many economic benefits, including favorable returns on their investment and savings on pesticides.





in 引导的短语:in the reading (passage)

according to引导的短语:according to the reading (passage), according to the author

as引导的短语:as the author argues / maintains

to引导的短语:to quote the reading (passage), to quote the author


in 引导的短语:in the lecture

according to引导的短语:according to the lecture,according to the professor

as引导的短语:as the professor argues / maintains

to引导的短语:to quote the lecture,to quote the professor


>>>表示“论述”:argue, maintain, state, contend, assert, propose, suggest, indicate, imply, acknowledge, mention

>>>表示“强调”:emphasize, highlight, address

>>>表示“反对”:disagree, disapprove, contradict, contrast, refute

托福写作如何增加分数 篇5


We live in a world boasting culture diversity. People from different cultures have their own unique traditions and customs. But, to have family dinners together regularly is a tradition shared by many cultures, and a tradition that should be continued.

In the first place, family dinners serve as a strong bond that connects familymembers together tightly. In modern society, parents are busy with work while children spend most of their time studying and joining social activities, whichleads to the lack of communication between family members. This strongly stress the importance of regular family dinner, as eating together as a family provides ideal opportunities for communication. While sitting together around the table and enjoying delicious food, people have cheerful atmosphere to chat, play jokes, exchange information and offer emotional supports. For example, during weekends, it is necessary for family members to meet together for a big dinner at home or in the restaurant where they catch up with each other’s news, such as children’s school activities and parents’ anecdotes that happened in the office.

In the second place, children growing up in a family whose members have meals together regularly are much healthier both physically and mentally. Parents know well what children need for physical development, so family dinners are essential for children to take in necessary nutrients while avoid excess fat and sugar. More importantly, the experience of preparing the family dinner and enjoying delicious food together teaches children how to express love and take care of others. When they learn to keep in mind family members’ different preferences on food, they know how to think from others’ perspectives. The praise and appreciation on food from family members helps them to understand that people derive more happiness from giving instead of taking from others.

To sum up, it is highly necessary for people to have family dinners togetherregularly, as family dinners provide chances for effective communication among family members and help children grow up healthily and happily.

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

Nowadays it is not important for people to have regularly family meals together.

Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

托福写作如何增加分数 篇6


For most students, the first year in university is particularly challenging, due to the mounting pressure of academic study and busy campus life. In consideration to students’ difficulties, measures should be taken to assist students to achieve success in university. In my opinion, to guarantee the high quality education in high schools is more effective than providing university tutors’ individual instruction and encouragement from family and friends.

In the first place, the time spent in high school is critical for students to effectively prepare for the study in university or college. With the guidance of excellent teachers, students are able to obtain basic knowledge and nurture good study habit. A professional teacher plays an important role in conveying knowledge, arousing students’ interests, inspiring students to think and encouraging hard work. With effective preparation in high school, students will feel comparatively easier to catch up in university. For example, before university, it is necessary for a student to develop certain study skills, such as note taking, essay writing, and time managing. All these are essential for them to cope with subjects that are more demanding in university.

Secondly, neither tutors’ individual instruction nor encouragement from family and friends can feasibly help students achieve academic success. Given the large number of students in a department, it is difficult for tutors to spare enough time to help each student. Possibly, students will have troubles making appointment and tutors will complain the extra burden. In addition, although encouragement is vital for students, family and friends can hardly provide any practical suggestions. Cheered up by beloved ones, students are still feeling confused and having no idea how to solve problems in study.

To sum up, the high quality education in high school is the key for students to succeed in university. On the contrary, tutors’ help as well as families’ and friends’ encouragement turn out to be less effective.



What is most important for students to succeed at university or college:

1 university tutor’s individual instructions to help solve students’ problems

2 encouragement from family and friends

3 high-quality education in the high school by excellent teachers










托福写作如何丰富句式使用 篇7

When it comes to______________, Nevertheless, in my part, I prefer A rather than B as my inclination. My arguments for this point are listed as follows.

I agree with the statement that _________without reservation since___________.

Naturally ___________.It can be given a concrete example__________.

A more essential factor why I advocate the argument of __________is that. Obviously ________________.Take the case of a thing that____________.

Furthermore, what is worth noticing fact is that ________________. This demonstrates the undeniable fact that__________________.

托福独立写作如何提升速度 篇8















E-rater文章查重 托福写作模板还能不能用











其实在11月某场托福考试中,独立写作题目下面特地用一行灰色的小字标注:Do not use memorized examples。不要死记硬背套用模板!根据目前各位小伙伴们反应的情况来看,ETS老奶奶很可能又建立了用于查重的作文资料库。这就不明觉厉了。













比如:A give B a huge advantage over C

结构来源:It may seem that this cultural continuity gives us a huge advantage over ants.

模仿使用:The low price of labor gives China a huge advantage over other countries.







Thefriends that you can have fun with are more important than the friends that you canget help from?



1. A close and congenial friend is what every individual aspires after.


【 点评】:…… is what every individual aspires after …… 是人人渴望的

【点评】:congenial friends = like-minded friends n 志同道合的朋友

2. A day without friendship is like a day without sunshine.



3. a trustworthy friend n 值得信赖的朋友

【点评】:trustworthy = reliable adj 可以信赖的

4. Those who can go through thick and thin together with you


5. a shoulder to cry on n



6. a humorous friend = a friend with great sense of humor n 一个幽默的朋友

7. enjoy wonderful time together = have fun together v 一起享受欢乐时光

8.sincere friends n 真诚的朋友

9. intimate friends n 亲密的朋友
