


英语口语剧本范例 篇1

【情景 1】

女A:按揭申请通过了吗? Time:00:16:12 男1:悬了,不好说 …

Time:00:18:20 女B: 都已经提交申请快半月了 …

Time:00:19:24 男2: 征信调查已经通过了 现在到银行审批中了…

Time:00:26:04 女A:还在审批?都快半月了,这办事效率也太低了吧? Time:00:27:14 等到我花儿都谢了…

Time:00:31:05 男2:这次情况不一样 Time:00:37:01

客户他(她)不是成都本地人,明白了吗? Time:00:40:11 女A: SO WHAT?那究竟还要等多久? Time:00:44:15 男2:再等等吧 Time:00:47:21 女B:等尼妹啊 Time:00:49:14

【情景 2】

男3:目前我们在成都,绵阳,遂宁,广元,南充,乐山,内江,资阳,德阳 Time:00:55:23

成立了 32家分支机构遍布全省,服务网络完善高效。Time:01:02:12 老大:还服务完善高效?这点小事都办不好。Time: 01:08:06 男4:老大…老大… Time: 01:14:17 客户他 ….Time: 01:17:10 男5: 客户他不是本地户口 Time: 01:21:10 男6:嗯

他来自火星 Time: 01:23:22 老大:未满 18周岁,高富帅,老爸叫李刚的统统出去 …

Time: 01:42:17 我顶你个肺 Time: 02:01:03 办这事的人我顶你个肺!Time: 02:04:20 这星期无论如何也要把做好 … Time: 02:07:00

一个征信调查就调查了一个礼拜 Time: 02:11:18

你们都干什么吃的? Time: 02:17:00 男7:老大,老大…可是客户不是本地人啊。Time: 02:27:21 老大:不是本地人怎么了? Time: 02:31:04


男7:那 ,那此事如何解决? Time:02:33:06 老大:安装一个GPS不就解决了的事情吗?这都想不到吗? Time:02:36:20


Time: 02:40:01

公司成立与8年来专业从事融资担保及风险管理,Time: 02:42:19 专业团队共800余人。Time: 02:50:19 100多家合作汽车4S店。Time: 02:54:17 叫我如何不气愤? Time:03:01:07 这样的状态如何创立行业品牌形象? Time: 03:13:06 如何促进国民经济发展? Time:03:15:14 更别说做出贡献了? Time: 03:20:22 出现这种事情 Time: 03:26:11 让尔等如何面对江东父老? Time: 03:27:16

这是造什么孽啊? Time: 03:33:18 公司成立于2003年 Time: 03:38:09 注册资金 2.907亿 Time:03:39:09 是四川省最早开展投资担保业务的公司,Time: 03:40:15 这样还谈何融通资本,Time: 03:43:17 助推产业,浩瑞社会? 03:44:05 女A: 别哭了,事情总会解决的 …

Time: 03:48:19 老大:难道你们就没有解决方法了吗? Time: 03:58:07 要不去诚担网上申请看看…

Time: 04:02:08

男7:诚担网()? Time: 04:09:20

老大:这事就这么定了 要是在诚担网上还没有解决的话 你们就提人头来见我!

Time: 04:14:22

Time: :04:23:07

英语口语剧本范例 篇2

教材出自高等教育出版社《英语基础模块2》, 说课标题Unit5, 围绕“change”展开, 是模块1 What’s your hobby?知识点的有效延伸。所教内容属第2课时, 制订如下教学目标:

(一) 教学目标

知识目标:学习、运动、饮食、娱乐、健康等动词短语的累积。能力目标:如何表达preference, 并能表达近三年自己的变化。情感目标:学生能感受到自己和身边的变化, 能描述变化带来的利与弊。

(二) 教学重、难点


教学难点:有爱好和无爱好的人对比, 找出变化, 并解决由此引发的问题。

教学关键点:小爱好, 大健康;巧妙由学生悟出好的改变影射到各个学科学习和未来职场。


该焊接班共30人, 调查问卷后得出主要属于Visual和Kinesthetic类型。课前组合 (6人一组) ;辅以多元智能理论, 每个学生完成图表。 (合作学习法理论依据:只有学生自己了解自己特性和特长, 才能从根本上完成知识的接收到内化的转变。)


教室教学与车间实践结合, 随时随地推行SCL以学生为中心的教学法、Bloom分类理论、演示法、陶冶法、讨论法、任务驱动法。

因地制宜进行德育教学 (意图:做人比做事更重要) 。


(一) warm-up (5′) 分两个环节进行。

StepⅠ首先, 在游戏中开始我们的课程, 复习听力部分单词。


StepⅡ在PPT上展示刚才游戏的单词, 然后连线。

(意图:针对Visual类型学生, 强化记忆。)

(二) Revision (3′)

以单选形式呈现在PPT上, 课下预留Book 1 Unit 5的5个实用英语句型的正确形式。

(意图:针对Kinesthetic类型学生, 用肢体语言给出答案。)

(三) New points (15′)


(此环节一词多译, 教师巧妙引出本堂课重点, 活学活用。)


能否理解Book1中的内容, 并把新授词用到舞蹈中?

(此环节以Popcorn形式进行, 保证每组每个人按照人称先后顺序、单复数, 体现Bloom分类理论中理解层次, 同时教师可以看学生的评价反馈来判断学生理解程度, 进而决定下一步进度。)

StepⅢ除了舞蹈外, 同学还有什么爱好?

(以上环节让学生以brainstrom形式, 边交流边在纸上记录学习方面、体育运动方面等内容, 此环节体现Bloom分类理论中记忆层次, 并在教师巡视活动组时, 给予小提示。)

(四) Practice (15′)

StepⅠ学生以组为单位, 一分钟之内把本堂课所用到的10个爱好的动词和学习、体育、饮食、娱乐、健康等动词短语融合, 利用body language, 一人做动作一人猜, 组内不能重复, 然后进行阶段性评价。

(此环节体现Bloom分类理论中应用层次, 比反应和表达, 评价标准是哪组猜对句型多, 模拟更像, 哪组默契程度最高。)

StepⅡ教师看后, 引导学生smoking是爱好吗?

(此环节体现Bloom分类理论中分析层次, 呈现形式是每组挑选一名成员轮换到其他组进行讨论, 每组出一人并以自身为例, 得出近几年的变化, 最后描述变化带来的收获, 在每组表达的同时, 升华主题。)

StepⅢ播放视频, 合理利用网络资源, 情感主题升华。

StepⅣ在白板上的表格中填你满意的组和组员, 评选出课堂优秀团队和课堂之星。

(五) Summarize (5′)

StepⅠ每人发张卡片, 由学生自己总结本堂你所学的内容, 然后组长打乱顺序, 组内或组间寻求外援, 自我提高。

(以上环节借助多媒体教学弊端———效率高但学生记不住;同学活动很充分, 但绝大多数是口头表达, 所以卡片笔头总结弥补了漏洞。)

(六) Homework (2′)

观察家里的亲人, 看看他们都有什么爱好, 写下来10句话或录成VCR。

(意图:学生感受的是自上而下的关爱, 反之呢?) (五) 谈教学反思

1. 如何把英语课上活, 让学生动起来, 需要教师的智慧。教师应尽可能多地想出一些教和学的办法, 适应各种学习风格的学生。

2. 要做好Book 1和Book 2的衔接, 体现教材内容的循序渐进性。

3. 本堂课针对变化主题 (主题内涵优于知识点。) 由于时间的问题只是有了一个开头, 为后续的Reading预热。

(六) 板书设计

蹩脚英语经典范例 篇3

× I think I can’t.

√ I don’t think I can.

Note: 这一是个习惯用法,在语法上称为否定前置。就是汉语里面说“我想我不会”的时候,英语里面总是说“我不认为我会”。以后在说类似的英语句子的时候,可要多加注意哦。

2. 这个价格对我挺合适的。

× The price is very suitable for me.

√ The price is right.

Note: suitable最常见的用法是以否定的形式出现在告示或通知上,如:The following programme is not suitable for children.(下列节目儿童不宜。)

3. 明天我有事情要做。

× I have something to do tomorrow.

√ Sorry but I am tied up tomorrow.

Note: 用I have something to do来表示你很忙,这也往往是中国式的说法。因为每时每刻我们都有事情要做,躺在那里睡大觉也是事情。所以你可以说:“我很忙,脱不开身。”I’m tied up. 还有其他的说法:I think I can’t make it at that time. / I’d love to, but I can’t, I have to stay at home.

4. 我的英语很糟糕。

× My English is poor.

√ I am not 100% fluent, but at least I am improving.

Note: 有人开玩笑说,全中国人最擅长的一句英文是:My English is poor. 却极少听到会有美国人对咱们说:My Chinese is poor. 无论他们的汉语是好是坏,他们会说: I am still having a few problem, but I getting better. 当你告诉外国人,你的英语很poor时,so what? 是要让别人当场施舍给我们一些英语呢,还是说我的英语不好,咱们别谈了吧。

一边不停地学英语,一边不停地说自己的英语很poor, 这正像有人一边给车胎充气,另一边在车胎上扎孔。


5. 我没有男朋友。

× I have no boyfriend.

√ I don’t have a boyfriend.

大话西游小品剧本英语小剧本 篇4

17:57 剧本英文名称《A War between Two Women》










Scene I购物场景

(Peggy and Lucy are shopping.They buy a lot of stuff.Suddenly, they see a handsome man.)Lucy: Oh my god!What a treasure.Peggy: He is so handsome, just like my charming prince in dreams.Lucy: Look!He has beautiful eyes and he looks so gentle and charming.Peggy: He’s a present that God gave me.Peggy& Lucy: I love him so much;I want to be his girlfriend!

Peggy: Hay!(Looks angry).Lucy, he belongs to me, OK?

Lucy: Stupid woman!I saw him first.He’s mine.Peggy: No, no, no, ugly woman.I saw him much earlier than you.Lucy: What? I’m more beautiful than you.Peggy: But I’m taller.Look at you, little short hobbit.Lucy: What? Little short hobbit? You are a small-eyed girl.Peggy: You’re so mean.Lucy: You too.(Peggy and Lucy get angry)

Peggy: Hmm!I hate you.Lucy: Me too!

(Now the war of these two women begins)

Scene II 两个女人在男人周围

(Peggy and Lucy surround the man, and they are pulling and dragging the man.)

Peggy: Please be my boyfriend, I’m more beautiful than Lucy.I’ll be a good girlfriend.Andy: Sure.You’re very beautiful.You’re like a super model.To be your boyfriend is my honor.(Lucy drags the man to her side.)

Lucy: I really love you very much.I can give you a happy life.Andy: You’re very beautiful, too!Especially your big eyes!They’re very charming!

Andy: What should I do? I want to choose Peggy, but I also want to choose Lucy.Peggy: Let’s go to the movies on Sunday.Andy: Ok!

Lucy: Let’s go to the movies tomorrow, OK?

Andy: Sure!

Andy: Oh~ I’m so happy!There’re two beautiful girls are quarreling over me.Look at them;they have long legs, big chest and charming eyes.I’m so lucky!

Scene III 偶遇

(Lucy, Peggy, and Bonnie meet unexpectedly.Lucy and Peggy stare at each other.)

Lucy: Bonnie, listen to me.Peggy: No!Don’t listen to her.Listen to me.Lucy: Get away.Bonnie is my good friend!

Peggy: You liar.She’s my good friend!

Bonnie: Stop quarreling!Who can tell me what happened? Both of you are good friends, aren’t you?

Peggy& Lucy: No!

Bonnie: What happened between you?

Peggy: Bonnie, I hate Lucy.She stole my boyfriend.Lucy: Nonsense.He’s my lover.Bonnie: Stop it!It’s no use quarreling about it.You should have a talk.Don’t hurt your friendship over a guy.Friendship is precious.(Peggy & Lucy leave)

Scene IV 电影院奇遇

(In front of the movie theater.Peggy is waiting for Andy.Lucy is also waiting for Andy.They see each other.)

Peggy& Lucy: You…….Lucy: Why are you here?

Peggy: I want to ask you the same question.(At this time, Andy arrives;both Lucy and Peggy look at each other in confusion)Andy: Good afternoon, ladies!

Peggy& Lucy: She…., you……

Andy: Any questions? It’s more fun that we can all go to the movies together.(Andy looks at the watch).The movie will start soon.Let’s go!

Scoundrel: Don’t move!Give me your money.Peggy& Lucy: Help, help!

Scoundrel: Be quiet!I won’t kill you if you give me your money.Hurry!

Andy: Calm down, sir.I’ll give you all the money I have.Don’t kill me.If you want to kill somebody, please kill them.Lucy: Us? Are you crazy?

Peggy: We’re just girls!

Lucy: I can’t believe you are such a coward!How can you do this?

Peggy: You make me sad.Lucy, let’s go!

(They leave angry.)

Scoundrel: What a coward you are!Killing you is waste of my strength.Chicken!(Scoundrel left but soon he come back)

Scoundrel: Wait!

Andy: Why did you turn back?

Scoundrel: I forgot to take my money.(Takes Andy’s money)

Scene V

Peggy: I’m so sorry.Lucy, can you forgive me? Please….Lucy: Oh~ my dear friend!I’m feeling so sorry, too.Peggy: So….we’re still good friends, right?

Lucy: Right!Then, let’s go eat.It’s my treat!

Peggy: Wow~ it’s a good idea!Let’s go.(Allen shows up.)

Allen: Hi, baby!

(Peggy& Lucy see Allen at the same time, they got excited and run to Allen.)

Peggy& Lucy: Please be my boyfriend.(Peggy& Lucy stare at each other.)

Lucy: Let go of your hands.Peggy: He is mine!

Lucy: You already have a boyfriend, so he’s mine.Peggy: Why do you always like to steal my boyfriend?

Lucy: You do, too.Peggy: He’s mine!

Lucy: He’s mine!

Peggy: He’s mine!

Lucy: He’s mine!

Allen: Shut up!I don’t like girls!

Lucy: What?

Peggy: You’re lying.I can’t believe it.Allen: Actually…….(Andy appears.)

Allen: Oh, honey!

Andy: Oh, baby!I’m sorry that I’m late!

Allen: Little bad fellow.Don’t be late next time.Lucy: Andy?

Andy: Lucy, Peggy, Why are you here?

Peggy: I……(Looks at Allen and Lucy.)

Allen: Honey, they’re so weird.Don’t pay attention to them.Let’s go.Andy: Sorry, I got to go.See you next time.Bye.(They leave)

Peggy: We’re girls, they’re boys, right?

Lucy: Sure.But, they….what happened?

Peggy: Maybe they are…..Peggy& Lucy: Gay!

英语话剧剧本 篇5

英语话剧剧本:4人英语话剧 Another day in paradise 场景简单,语言适中,4个主要人物,推荐。适合课上演出,很有意义,关于亲情

Characters: Angel: A chief broadcaster.Anny: A primary school girl who had called so much in order to look for her mother.Anny’s father Anny’s teacher Anny’s classmates Divide the stage into two parts.On the left: Children’s ward, a chair, some flowers.On the right: A desk, a chair, a lamp, some books.(幕启,舞台左半亮,右半暗)(The phone is ringing)Old woman: Hello!Anny(怯生生地): Hello, I, I want mum.Is that mum? Old woman: Oh, I’m granny.I’m not mum.Anny: I’m sorry.(电话挂断声,拨号声又起)A young woman: Hello!Anny(怯生生地): Hello!I want mum.Is that mum? Young woman: Are you joking? I’m not married.(电话继续响,右半舞台亮)Angel: Hello!Anny(鼓起勇气): I want mum.Is that mum? Angel: Who’s that speaking? Anny: I’m Anny, your Anny.Angel: Anny?(充满疑惑)。(略为思索后,用母亲的声调)Where are you? Anny(仿佛遇见母亲,忍不住哭起来): Mum,(哭声,欲语泪先流,又猛然惊觉)Mum, mum, I’m not crying.Angel(安慰地,担心地): You are a nice little girl.Anny: Mum, why don’t you come to see me? Dad says you will come back if I am well behaved.Mum, don’t you miss me? Angel(慈爱地): Of course, I do.I do miss you? Anny: Really? Angel: Yes.I miss you so much.Anny: Mummy!Angel: En„ Anny: Mummy!Angel: Yes? Anny(笑若银铃)(Angel 慈爱地笑,心略有所安)Anny(突然又哭了): But mummy, why don’t you come back? I’m ill.Angel(关切地): Anny, where are you? Tell me, where are you? Anny: Mummy, I’m in hospital now.I felt pain, but I didn’t cry.Dad says the one who cries is not a good girl.Then you won’t come back.Mummy, can you come back to see me? I’m waiting for you with no tears.Angel: Anny, I’m, I’m not„ Oh, yes, mummy will come back to see you(Dad推门入,见Anny在打电话,连忙夺过)Dad: I’ve told you not to call anybody else.(对着电话)Sorry, I’m really sorry.The child has disturbed you.Angel: Never mind.I’m a mother, too.I understand her.May I know the truth? Dad: Eh„, her mum isn’t here.So she called and called.Angel: Where’s Anny’s mother? You divorced? Dad: No, no.I hope she would come back.But„

Angel: You don’t trust in me? I’m Angel, the chief broadcaster of the hot line.Dad(回头看Anny): Then, I’ll tell you the truth some other day.Angel:All right.(灯暗景换)On the left: Anny’s sitting room.On the right: Anny’s classroom.(左右同时演绎)Left: Dad: Anny’s mum passed away in a tracffic accident six years ago.She told me to hide the truth.This is the letter for Anny.Right: Teacher: Children, in this class.Let’s enjoy Anny’s composition “A letter to mummy”.Angel, Anny同时,时空错接,音乐起)Angel: Anny, my dearest baby!Anny: Mummy, my dearest mummy!Angel: When we played hide and seek, I was found easily.Anny: When we played hide and seek, I could found you easily.Angel: But this time, you can’t find me.Anny: But this time, I can’t find you.Angel: Baby, we have a date.When you are 14, you can find me.Anny: Mummy, we have a date.Dad says when I am 14, I can find you.Angel: Baby, the game lasts so long.I wonder if you have the courage to go on.Anny: Mummy, don’t worry.I grow up with your arms around me in my dream.Angel: Anny, if the time is so long, mummy will talk with you when you are looking at our photo.Anny: Mum, the letter you left to me is so long.I read it every night, again and again.Angel: Anny, your birthday present is on the wardrobe.Anny: Mummy, I’ve known the truth.Every time I take a bus, I can see your dad eyes.Angel: Anny, I’m really worried if you will be so sad after your 14th birthday.Is there anyone to love you all his life? Anny: Mummy, I’ll never give up.I believe there is a call to the paradise.I will love Dad.I will love myself.I can fly with my own wings one day.Angel: Anny, my dear.Anny: Mummy, be safe all the way.There are no tears in paradise.(灯亮,谢幕)

英语童话剧本 篇6

Pulling the radish(拔萝卜)

characters: rabbit、dog、monkey、cat角色:小兔、小鸭子、小狗、小猫


出场:音乐响起,小兔子跳着舞高兴地出来采萝卜,突然,它发现一个特大萝卜 兔:啊,一个萝卜!一个大萝卜!我把它拔出来。

H: Oh, a radish!A big radish!I want to pull it out.哎——嗨——呦!哎——嗨——呦!


The radish is too big.I can’t pull it out.小鸭子出场。


D: I’m a beautiful duckling!Hi, Miss rabbit, What are you doing? 兔:你好,狗先生。一个萝卜,一个大萝卜。它太大了。我拔不出来。

H: Hello, dear duckling!Here is a radish, a big radish.But it’s too big..I can’t pull it out.小鸭子:我帮你。咱们一起拔。

D: I can help you.Let’s pull it together.兔:谢谢你。咱们一起拔。

H: Thank you.Let’s pull it together.兔和小鸭子:


H&D: One, two, pull!Ai---Hay—Yo!Ai—Hay—Yo!Oh, the radish is too big.We can’t pull it out.(小狗伸伸懒腰走了出来)猴:我是小猴。我饿了。哦,你们在干什么?

M: I’m a monkey.I’m hungry.Oh, What are you doing?


H&D: Hello, Mr.Monkey.A radish, a big radish.It’s too heavy.We can’t pull it out.猴:我帮你们。咱们一起拔。

M: I’ll help you.Let’s pull it together.兔和狗:谢谢你。咱们一起拔。

H&D: Thank you.Let’s pull it together.兔,狗和猴: 一,二,开始!哎---嗨---呦!哎---嗨---呦!哦,这萝卜太重了。我们拔不出来。

H,D&M: One, two, begin!Ai---Hay---Yo!

Ai—Hay---Yo!Oh, the radish is too heavy.We can’t pull it out.(小山羊走了过来)羊:我是山羊。我饿了。哦,你们在干什么?

G: I’m a goat.I’m hungry.Oh, what are you doing?


H,D&M: Hello, Mr.Goat.A radish.a big radish.It’s too heavy.We can’t pull it out.羊:我帮你们。咱们一起拔。

G: I’ll help you.Let’s pull it together.狗,兔和猴:谢谢你,咱们一起拔。

H,D&M: Thank you.Let’s pull it together.兔,狗,猴和羊:一,二,开始。哎—嗨---呦!这萝卜真大,这萝卜真重。哎—嗨—呦!我们必须使劲干。我们一定把它拔出来。

H,D,M&G: One, two, begin.Ai—Hay—Yo!The radish is big.The radish is heavy.Ai---Hay—Yo!We must work hard.We must pull it out.兔,狗,猴和羊:哎—嗨—呦!啊,萝卜拔出来了!一个大萝卜!一个重萝卜。我们大家一起吃!

H,D,M&G: Ai—Hay—Yo!Hooray, the radish is out!A big radish!We’ll eat it together.A heavy radish!

英语口语剧本范例 篇7


范例教学时20世纪50年代盛行于德国的一种新型的教育思潮, 其主要的倡导者是德国著名的教育家、教学论专家瓦根舍和克拉夫基。范例教学是一种从特殊到—般, 由点到面的开放式的教学, 其强调在实践教学过程中选取和确定典型的例子来阐述事物的本质, 即由“个”的认识到“类”的甄别, 形成一定规律性性的理解, 最终获得对世界和生活相关的自我认识。范例教学的教学目标便是学习解决问题之法与学习系统知识的统一;掌握知识和培养能力的统一;主体与客体的统一。范例教学的特殊之处在于“范例”, 因此, 如何选取和确定范例是关键。选取和确定的范例需符合其三项基本原则, 即基本性、基础性和范例性。


范例, 即那些隐含本质因素于在日常生活素材中、且有代表性的典型事例。范例教学就是通过范例性内容的知识教学, 培养学生明辨是非的能力和独立的创造力。范例教学学者对范例教学在内容的选定上应当遵循的原则进行了分析, 提出了基本性、基础性、和范例性三条原则。

1.基本性原则。基本性原则是就学科内容而言的, 是指教师所授内容应当是一门学科诸如基本概念、基本原理、基本规则、基本规律等基本要素, 使学生掌握学科的知识结构。在教学内容上反对繁杂, 力求通过范例的讲解使教学内容精炼化。

2.基础性原则。“基础性”是较基本性原则高一层次、针对受教育者 (学生) 而言的原则, 其强调教学内容的选择应基于学生身心发展的实际需求, 适应学生的智力发展并与学生已有的知识经验、现实生活和未来发展需要密切相关, 以便学生在教学过程中获得新经验。这一原则要求学生通过学习认识到社会、政治、经济等学科种种实质性的关系, 从而促进学生的智力和能力得到发展。

3 . 范例性原则是指教师所选择的知识能由足够的典型性, 起到示范的作用。“这种知识就像一个窗口, 从这个窗口可以看到更为广阔的场景。”范例性知识的学习应有助于学生的知识迁移和实际应用, 使学生在知识学习的过程中能够触类旁通, 举一反三, 实现学习的迁移和知识的实际运用。这一原则要求教学内容不必面面俱到, 而是力求做到典型性和代表性。范例性原则是在基本性和基础性基础之上的更高层次的原则。


毋庸置疑, 高中英语课程是义务阶段课程的实质上的提升, 高中英语教学要使义务阶段基础知识实现英语言语表达的最大化。而言语表达的基础便是对基础知识的扩展和夯实, 如此以便于为更高层次的言语表达奠定基础, 因为我国并不具备目标语英语学习的语言环境。因此, 要实现学生言语表达的顺利进行与完成, 须首先扩大其语音和词汇量、加强其语法知识的掌控和运用能力。新课标强调高中生在原有的基础上发展其语言的综合运用能力, 尤其侧重对学生收集信息、处理信息、分析问题和解决问题的能力培养既符合课程循序渐进的设置规律也符合高中学生的认知水平和发展的可能性与可行性。更值得关注的是教师如何理解这些能力的真实内涵以及如何在具体的教学中培养学生的这些能力, 为学生的发展提供空间和平台。有学者认为高中英语教学应该侧重于对学生阅读能力的培养, 而有的学者认为更应该侧重于学生的读写。听说是读写的前提, 读写是听说的目标;反过来讲, 读写又为“新的”听说奠定了基础, 这个循环英语学习过程的是相辅相成、相互促进的。而在实践教学过程当中, 教师会发现, 高中生更加注重自己的尊严、面子, 因为害怕表达不当会被同学笑话而不愿意开口。高中课程强调学生拥有“英语式”思维来分析、解决问题, 也就是说, 高中英语新课程强调对学生实际语言运用能力和适应信息化社会环境能力的培养, 而分析问题解决问题的能力又基于对学生“听、说、读、写”四个方面综合技能的提高与发展之上, 因此, 词汇的扩展、语法的夯实和语言的表达是高中英语教学的重难点。教师需要灵活得使用教学方法以达到学生能力发展的最大化。


1.词汇重点扩展化。词汇是语言教学的必要组成部分, 是构建言语和表达思想的基本单位, “如风亭楼阁不可缺少一砖一瓦一样”。首先, 教师应从对学生认知因素有一个着实的把握, 探明学生的基础知识的掌握和运用是否达到应该达到的水平, 以此为出发点, 将单词表中重点的、有代表性的、积极常用的词汇做为范例, 分别从搭配、使用场合、习惯用法等方面扩展式地以口头形式给学生呈现自己编写的若干句子。要求学生复述并翻译所听句子。这种让学生通过听句子体会并掌握词义的教学方法不仅能够训练学生的听、说能力而且还可培养学生的抽象思维能力。当然, 例句的编写应贴近学生的实际生活、接近学生的认知范围。其次, 教师应通过讲解重点词汇让学生明白另一部分所谓的非重点词也是应该掌握和记忆的, 这就要求学生课下独立地去巩固讲过的单词, 进而养成独立学习的习惯。这种范例性的讲解重点单词的方法明显优越于传统教学中的逐一讲解的方法。让学生对所学词汇有一个类的归属和词与词之间相互融汇贯通的运用。这样, 一方面使教学内容更加精炼化、建构自我知识体系, 另一方面, 也为后续的教学环节提供了适应性的基础铺垫。

2.语法特别解疑化。语法知识是语言学习与言语表达基本性的范式要求。众所周知, 只有掌握了系统的语法知识, “才能正确地潜词造句、理解英文课文文章、交流思想”。英语语法本来是一套很系统的规则, 但在实践的教学过程中缺被人为的分散、割裂, 变成了一点点的散碎知识与一大堆繁杂的语法细节, 学生们在学习语法时就如同走入了一大片森林, 尚可看见一棵棵的树木却不能对整个森林进行宏观的把握。但使用整体建构的思想, 让学生一开始就对英语时态有一个整体的把握。基于英语知识结构体系的特殊性, 笔者认为范例教学法恰巧可以解决知识零散、琐碎、不成体系等问题。就时态而言, 英语总共有16种时态, 分为四大时态坐标体系:横坐标为一般时、进行时、完成时、完成进行时四个“态”;纵坐标为现在、过去、将来、过去将来等四个“时”, 四四纵横构成十六种时态。对于多数高中生而言, 高中阶段学生需在初级阶段已学习前八种时态的基础上对后续的八大时态进行系统的融会贯通, 因此, 教师在课上无需用过长的时间讲解全部语法内容, 只需将学生在原有知识的基础上独立理解和运用并进行提问, 对于学生的回答既能了解到学生学生的学习水平又便于对学生无法正确解答的疑难问题做为范例来讲解, 通过若干示例, 使得学生举一反三, 触类旁通。因为个别学生的认知特点具有一定的代表性, 所以这种特别解疑的内容就具有了普遍意义。这种对语法知识特别解疑的范例法, 这样既让学生掌握了难点、重点又让学生去对所有时态有一个系统的掌握。

3.课文主题交际化。在运用范例法对词汇和语法讲解的教学条件下, 教师刚开始可以不对课文内容逐字逐句的讲解和翻译, 而是让学生课前反复去读课文并整理出自己的疑惑点, 在课堂上由学生提出自己的疑惑, 教师将学生的疑问或重点句型做为范例来讲解, 通过对若干学生的提问所获得的答案, 教师便可大致了解全体同学对知识点的掌握。教师对学生疑难点的讲解来引导学生对课文内容的理解和掌握并最终达到交流和传递信息的目的。教师应将来源于对社会实际生活的某一方面的叙述、说明或者论述中所反应的主题做为一个范例, 让学生对这些并不不是孤立和抽象存在的具体的生活展开交流和讨论。然后逐步由基础相对较好的学生的交流和讨论过渡到其他学生。因为, 教师在确定范例时是对其基本性、基础性与典型性是经过仔细斟酌且符合学生学习水平和发展能力的, 因此, 学生会感到教学活动似乎在自发和自觉中进行。这样既对教学内容进行了进一步的理解和知识点的夯实, 学生外语交际能力得到了较好的锻炼, 学生便深刻地领悟到参与课堂交际的前提是独自学会教师在课上不教的那部分内容。这种教学对学生的作用, 不仅仅是使学生获得知识, 而且也将促进他们的智力发展, 语言能力得到培养, 情操得到陶冶, 从而获得成就感和满足感。因此, 将是对学生整个精神世界的开发, 对学生的学习具有长久的推动力。


范例教学理论依托自身优势对英语教学有一定的借鉴意义是值得肯定的, 同时, 为了更好地指导英语教学, 有必要对其隐含于本质的局限性进行进一步的认识。

1.英语师资制约。范例教学理论对教师综合素质水平要求颇高。教师须具有教育学、心理学、教学论等多学科的理论知识且精通专业技能和具有丰富的教学经验等综合教学素养, 需对学科的基本性和基础性知识有一个基本的理解的前提下熟知英语学科内部所有知识结构体系, 尤其对范例的选取和拟定也是要经过仔细的斟酌和反复的推敲, 因此, 除了对英语知识的系统的掌控和驾驭, 还要对高中生认知能力、学习特点、学习程度、学习风格有足够的把握才能更好地选取范例。在范例教学法中, 基本性和基础性知识的把握是教师教学的难点。虽然教学大纲对知识的基础性和基本型做出了规定, 但细化到具体的教学内容中, 英语教学强调“听、说、读、写”四项基本技能的共同发展, 因而基本性和基础性知识的把握成为难题。因此, 在范例选取的过程中, 须顾及知识的有机联系, 切不可按照自己的理解断章取义地选取范例, 造成受教育者的认知零散、破碎, 无法建构系统的知识体系, 不能全面、深刻地理解学科知识。

2.学生学习水平的限制。新课标以丰富学生的想象力和活跃学生的思维能力, 发展学生分析问题和解决问题的能力, 发展学生用英语收集信息和处理信息的能力和表达能力为目标的英语教学。然而, 在实践教学中, 教师不难发现学生接受知识的水平依赖教师灌输式的讲解。虽然枯燥但却免于课堂上对老师使用新方法而造成的畏难情绪。学生的认知水平还停留在从“个”到“类”的学习, 对英语学科知识点还停留在“读熟”、“背会”等层面, 对归纳出知识的规律性并最终在情感上得到升华获得世界和生活经验这两个阶段学习的达成还是有一定的难度。在学习水平相对较高的班级, 可能更好地实现范例教学的教学目标, 而在普通班级也许可能只能实现前两个阶段。正如古希腊哲学家所言:“一个人不可能两次同时踏进一条河流”, 同理, 一个教师也不可能两次走进同一个课堂, 教师的经验累积和教学态度与学生学习水平和状态都在变化, 所以, 教师在实践的教学过程中, 须对自身教学状态进行合理的调适也要对学生现有的学习水平和学习能力有一个全面的把握, 根据英语知识的特点合理的使用范例教学法。

3.教学效果评价的限制。在实践教学中, 教师无法准确衡量自身对范例的选择和确定在多大程度上符合学生学习水平, 教师无法准确的检测和衡量出学生的学习效果。如若仅仅通过课堂观察和提问来衡量学生学习效果未免有失偏颇。诸如, 笔者认为范例讲完后学生脸上一片茫然, 眼神固定或者左顾右盼, 一副心不在焉的样子这样的情况恰恰是范例选择不准确、不恰当的外在表现, 但并不是唯一的证据。在常态课堂上, 教师使用同样的范例也会产生不同的教学效果, 其影响因素除了学生学习水平与学习态度等之外, 还有课程内容的实施时间, 如早上、中午、和下午的教学效果会有不同, 同年级不同班级课堂学习氛围也不同等。因此, 这对教师衡量选取范例的合理性产生怀疑。新课标强调高中英语教学对学生“听、说、读、写”能力的培养与同步发展, 听和读是理解技能, 说和写是表达技能。在语言学习和语言交流中四者相辅相成、相互促进构成了综合语言运用能力, 是人们信息和情感交流的重要基础和渠道。在高中阶段, 对于语言技能的提升应注重使学生在真实或虚拟的有意义的情景中通过听、读、观察和动手获取信息, 通过思维、组织、筛选、提炼等处理信息, 课堂上课文主题交流能够让学生通过读和说和读传达信息和表达见解的过程中教师可以掌握到学生实际的学习效果, 但是, 对于学生的听和写教师却无法准确的把握, 如有学生听懂了也掌握了所学的知识内容, 对教师所讲授的范例能由“个”迁移到“类”, 能对知识点进行融会贯通, 但因为性格内向、孤僻或其他原因便不愿意进行交流去获得关于生活的感知和经验, 那么, 这个时候, 就没有实现真正意义上的范例教学的教学目标。教师或许会因此而对范例的选取产生怀疑, 有可能进行不必要的修正和调整。


[1]高翔, 张伟平.新课改背景下范例教学理论再审视[J].现代教育科学, 2008, (3) .

[2]李涛.范例教学理论的现代教学特征[J].教学与管理, 2007, (18) .

[3]刘海燕.高等教育中范例教学法的问题研究[J].现代教育科学, 2009, (6) .

[4]宋桂全, 郑虹.范例教学思潮新论[J].当代教育论坛, 2004, (1) .

[5]余文森.有效教学的理论和模式[M].福州:福建教育出版社, 2011. 

搞笑英语剧本 篇8

by Cecilia Liu ⑩芬



Bunny Cheng: Bunny Chen

Eliza Lin: Daughter

Celine Tu: Reporter et Aside

Sano Hsieh: Small gangster(小流氓)

Trent Cheng: Big gangster(大流氓)



A mother is doing exercise in the living room when the phone is ringing. And her daughter is in the school now.

Mom: Hello~

Caller: (A boy is crying.) Ha! Your kid is here. Do you hear his voice? If you want to save your kid, prepare the ransom.

Mom: Are you crazy? I don’t have a son!!! Don’t try to cheat me. Stupid guy!

The mother is very angry and hung up the phone. But later… the phone is ringing again…

Mom: Hello~

Caller: Hello~ Are you busy now?

Mom: (I recognize the voice.) You are a fraud, right? Do you want to trick me again? Is it fun? Don’t do such a boring thing, O.K.? I won’t believe you.

Caller: Really? Listen to this.(A girl is crying on the phone, “mom, help me~ help me~)

Mom: Oh~ you are a good actor. This time is better but I still won’t fall into your trap to rob me of my money! If you call again, I will call the cop. Do you understand? (Hang up the phone more angrier.)

But the voice sounds like her daughter’s and the mom is not disturbed. She decides to go to the elementary school to see her daughter. The mom got there…

Mom: Eliza~

Eliza: Mom~ why you are here? Are you missing me? Do you come here to pick me up?

Mom: Ya~ are you happy in the school? Let’s go home. I want to tell you something on the way home.

Mom tells Eliza about the phone scam and wants her to be careful from now on.

SCENE II英语剧本大全ww.coffbar.com

Because the mother didn’t believe the two gangsters really kidnapped her kid, the gangsters were furious. So they decided to kidnap her daughter this time.

The gangsters have found the school her daughter studies in, and observed for many days. Today is the day they plan to kidnap the child.

The big gangster always focuses on what he’s doing but the small gangster is usually absent-minded.

Big gangster: Hey! Concentrate!! (The big gangster hit the small gangster’s head)

Small gangster: Ouch! O.K. O.K.

At this moment, the girl appears.

Small gangster: (Check the picture.) Hey!! Buddy!! Look! Is that her?

Big gangster: Ha! Ha! Ha! It’s hunting time.

Small gangster: I’m so excited!! Oh~ what a beautiful girl. Just like a fairy. My sweetheart… Buddy do you know? I feel that I get butterflies in my stomach!

Big gangster: (Hitting the small gangster’s head again.) Hey! Wake up!! Stop day-dreaming. Let’s make a move!

Small gangster: Oh~ my baby~ I’m coming!!

Big gangster: Hey!! Lady!! Can you do me a favor?

Eliza: Sure! What can I do for you?

Small gangster: (Murmuring) This beautiful lady has a beautiful heart.

Big gangster: Sorry. Ignore what he said.

Eliza: Never mind!

Big gangster: Thanks! I want to go to Tunghai University. Do you know how can I get there?

Eliza: Oh… you should go straight until the traffic light, then turn right until you see a convenience store at the corner and turn left. Keep going straight and you would see the university.

Big gangster: Go straight until the first traffic light, turn right and we will see a supermarket at the end of the street. And…

Eliza: No! No! No! Go straight until the traffic light, then turn right until you see a convenience store at the corner and turn left. Keep going straight and you would see the university.

Small gangster: Go straight until the first traffic light, then turn left and go straight to the end of the street, then we can see the university.

Eliza: Oh, my! No! Wrong again! You two are really a stupid guy.

Big gangster: It’s too complex. I can’t remember all the directions. I’m a foreigner. And I have an important presentation there. Could you go with us, guide us there? Please~

Eliza was confused. But she is a kind person and she likes to help people.

Eliza: Umm… let me think… okay!! Let’s go!

Small gangster: How kind of you!! My little girl.

Big gangster: Sorry. Just ignore him. Thank for your help.

Eliza goes with the gangsters.

In the gangsters’ car, the small gangster suddenly shows a sharp knife. And shouts, ”Don’t move!“ Eliza is shocked and starts screaming.

Eliza: What are you doing?

Small gangster: I’m kidnapping you!

Eliza: Oh~ I am so scared.

Small gangster: (Talk to the big gangster.) Did you hear that, she is scared?

Big gangster: Ya~ we are professional.

Eliza: Not funny! I’m hungry. I want to go home! I want to go home!

Small gangster: Shut up. Don’t be so noisy!

Eliza keeps crying.

Small gangster: You! Get out of the car!

Big gangster: (Hit the small gangster angrily!) Idiot! I have a stupid partner. (Disappointed)

Eliza: I agree! (Nod head.)

Big gangster: Don’t cry baby, I give you a lollipop.

Eliza: Thank you. How kind of you.


Mother is preparing dinner.

Mom: Eliza! Eliza! Time for dinner! I’m hungry! Hurry up!

No one answers her. And she realizes there is something wrong.

Mom: Eliza, where are you? Don’t play hide and seek with me! It’s not funny. I’m hungry.

As the mother is finding her daughter, the phone rings.

Mom: Hello~ this is Anderson. I’m busy finding my daughter. Don’t bother me!

Big gangster: Are you finding your daughter? Ha! Ha! Ha… she is right here.

Mom: Good job! Tell her it’s time for dinner. I’m hungry!

Big gangster: Hey! You are clueless. I have already kidnapped your daughter, Eliza Anderson!

Mom: Hey! Buddy! Don’t trick me!

Big gangster: Sure! Listen! (The gangster takes the phone to Eliza.)

Eliza: Hello! Mom! I’m here! They are so kind. They gave me a lollipop.

The gangster takes the phone away.

Big gangster: Do you believe me now? If you want your daughter to come back for dinner. You have to prepare the ransom of NT $ 20,000,000.

Mom: Too expensive! 20% off.

Big gangster: Are you buying clothes?

Mom: Bargain is my hobby.

Big gangster: No negotiation you should bring the ransom to Tunghai Lake at 8:00 pm. And remember don’t call the cop. Or you will find your daughter in the lake.

Mom: O.K. See you then!

At Tunghai Lake. The gangsters and Eliza are baking fish from the lake because they are hungry. At this time, the mother is coming.

Mom: Ha! (Mom shouts.)

The gangsters and Eliza are shocked. And the small gangster’s fish is falling down on the floor.

Small gangster: Oh,! My fish! Who’s there?

Mom: It’s me, Bunny Anderson, Eliza’s mother, Anderson’s wife. Where is my daughter? Release my daughter.

Eliza: Hi! Mom, I’m here. Do you want to come here to eat fish?

Big gangster: Where is the ransom?

Mom: Release my daughter first!

Big gangster: Give me the ransom first!

Mom: No way!

And the battle begins.

Mom: Justice is always the winner.

Eliza: Oh~ Yeah! Mom, you win!

Celine: Ha! I got it! I got it! A new…… headline.

Celine: I am at Tunghai Lake. Earlier, there was a violent fighting. A watermelon knife V.S. A B.B.Q. fork. According to the witnesses, a mother fought with the gangsters for her daughter. And the mother won. Now, let’s interview the persons involved.

Celine: Do you feel regretful? Do you feel sorry to this society?

Small gangster: I……

Celine: I…… I know. You are very sorry and regretful. How about you? (Turn to the big gangster.)

Big gangster: None of your business. (Run to the wall.) Leave me alone.

Eliza: Me! Me!

Celine: What do you want to say?

Eliza: Uh…My mom is so cool. She came to save me!

Mom: My turn. My turn.

Celine: O.K. O.K. What do you want to say after winning the fight?

Mom: Well……

Celine: Well, you are very happy and proud of yourself to be the winner in the battle.

Mom: Yes. And the gangsters…

Celine: Oh, the gangsters are very stupid and silly.

Mom: Right. And they…

Celine: They want to trick you, but…

Mom: But… enough. I’m hungry. I want to go home with my daughter.
