


小学生英语剧本 篇1


It was a lovely summer day in the country.Mother Duck sat on her eggs for a long time.After a while, one by one, ducklings came out ofthe eggs.Ducklings: Peep, peep

Mother Duck: Quack, quack!Are you all out? Duckling1: No, one egg is still here.Look how big it is!At last, the big egg came open.This duckling was very big and very ugly!MD: Oh,my!This duckling is big and different from the others.I wonder if it is a turkey.We will soon find out.Mother Duck took her ducklings to the water.One after another, the little ducklings jumped in the water.The Ugly Duckling also jumped in the water and swam very well.MD: Oh, he is not a turkey.Turkeys can’t swim.He is my child.Let’s go to the farmyard.But you must stay close to me and watch out for the cat.Duck1:Look at that duckling!He looks so strange.Duck2:He is so big and ugly.Go away!MD: Please, leave him alone.He is not doing any harm.But the ducks pecked the Ugly Duckling.All the animals in the farmyard bit him and pushed him, too.Ducklings: I wish the cat would eat you!MD: You should never have been born.So the poor, little duckling was very sad.Finally, he ran away.UD: Why does everyone hate me? Is it because I am so ugly? But I am really nice.The Ugly Duckling met two wild ducks.WD: What kind of duck are you? You are really ugly.But that’s OK, if you don’t marry one of our family Then the Ugly Duckling heard, “Pop, pop!” And the two wild ducks fell dead.Just then, many hunting dogs appeared.The Ugly Duckling was very afraid.So, he tucked his head under his wing.A hunting dog sniffed the Ugly Duckling.“Sniff, sniff!” Dogs: You are ugly!And they went away without touching the Ugly Duckling.UD: Oh, I am alive!No one wants me.Even dogs don’t want to bite me.He felt lucky but, at the same time, he felt sad.The poor duckling waited for several hours, and then, ran away.A storm began.The rain and lightning terrified the Ugly Duckling.He was so cold and wet!He ran and ran as he looked for shelter from the storm.Finally, he arrived at a cottage.An old woman, a cat, and a hen lived in this cottage.He went inside.UD: May I have some food? Old Woman: Oh, what a prize!Is it a fat duck? Now, I can have duck’s eggs.The old woman’s sight was very bad.So the duckling lived there for a few days.But the hen and the cat were mean to the duckling.Hen: I can lay eggs.Can you do that? UD: No.Cat: I can catch a mouse.Can you do that? UD: No.Cat: Then, what can you do? UD: I can swim.Cat: Oh, no one should swim!You will surely drown!UD: I won’t drown.Cat and Hen: You are a big liar!So the poor duckling left the cottage.Soon, summer turned into fall.The Ugly Duckling swam in the pond.A group of swans flew over the duckling.UD: What beautiful birds!I wish I could be like them.The weather grew colder and colder.Now, winter came.UD:I must swim and swim, or the pond will freeze around me.But every night, the space became smaller and smaller.Finally, the pond froze, and the duckling couldn’t move any more.Early in the morning, a farmer saw the frozen duckling.Farmer: Oh, poor duckling!I’ll take you home to my wife and children.The wife took care of the duckling.Soon, the duckling got well.But the children wanted to play with the duckling.Children: Come play with us!Come play with us!The duckling was scared.The farmer’s wife and the children chased the duckling around the farm house.Finally, he ran out the door.A beautiful spring came.The Ugly Duckling saw the butterflies dancing and heard the birds singing.One day, his wings felt very strong.So, he flapped them against his sides and flew high into the sky.UD: Wow, I can fly so high!What’s happened to me?

The Ugly Duckling saw a beautiful garden with a pond.He decided to rest there for a while.UD: I want to stay with these beautiful birds.But, they will kill me because I am so ugly.At least, I will die happily, if I can be with them for a while.So, he swam towards the swans.When the swans saw the young bird, they swam to him.UD: Peck me, if you must!And he bent his head down to the surface of the water.The Ugly Duckling saw a beautiful swan looking back at him in the water!UD: Oh!Is that really me? I am a beautiful swan!I am not an ugly duckling after all!The three swans welcomed the young swan.Some children came to the pond and threw pieces of bread into the water.Children: Look, there is another swan!This new one is the most beautiful of all.The Ugly Duckling was so happy.He was more beautiful than he had ever hoped to be.And now, he knew where he belonged.

小学生英语剧本 篇2

现行的高中英语课本 (人民教育出版社出版) 出现了剧本这一体裁, 但关于英语剧本教学方面的介绍极为有限, 如果按照常规的阅读课形式进行课堂教学, 把重点放在掌握细节和分析人物的性格特征上, 学生难以实践和体验剧本中的语言;如果按照常规口语课形式进行课堂教学, 剧本中的文学语言无疑有别于日常口语交际, 所以这两种形式的课堂教学都难以揭示英语剧本的特点, 因而也就难以发挥其对英语学习的促进作用。为此, 笔者提出英语剧本教学的一种途径, 即让学生了解故事情节, 指导学生进一步品味剧本语言, 分析人物性格, 再创作和表演 (周丽敏, 2001) (包括时间、地点的设置、舞台说明、语言组织、人物心理变化、剧情发展) 等一系列的活动, 由学生自编自演短剧, 培养学生的创造能力、想象能力和表演能力, 让学生充分享受参与的乐趣、表演的乐趣以及成就感, 从而对学生的自主英语学习产生积极的影响。


现以SEFC Book1 Unit 15中的The Necklace为例, 探讨高中英语剧本的教学方法。

Step 1 Lead-in

Suppose you borrowed a bike, a CD player, an electronic dictionary or sth.else from your friend and then you lost it.

Have you ever experienced such an embarrassed situation?

What would you do?How would you explain it to your friend?And how would your friend react?

Can you show us just as what you and your friend said and did at that time once again?

【设计说明】朗读前活动较好地体现了开放性的特点, 为学生施展表演才华留出了足够的空间, 有利于调动全体学生的学习积极性, 培养其合作与参与的意识。同时, 活动内容与形式紧扣阅读主题, 为学生顺利阅读戏剧The Necklace做好了铺垫。

Step 2 Understanding the plot (梳理情节)

Now let’s see what the unlucky woman, Mathilde, did when she met such a situation.


(1) Find out how many scenes there are in the play.

(2) Find out how many characters are mentioned in the play and who they are.


Listen to the tape and complete the following chart.

【设计说明】通过播放课文录音, 让学生了解剧中人物及整个剧情发展, 快速获取主要信息。在此过程中, 教师有意识地引导学生预测剧情的发展, 如在播放第三个场景中, 教师可设计一些问题:

What do you think will the couples do after they found the necklace was lost?

What would they do?

How would Mathilde explain it to her friend?

Would Mathilde tell her friend the truth?

Did her friend learn the truth?etc.以引导学生融入剧情, 为后面的编演短剧奠定基础。

Step 3 Tasting and discussing (品味细节, 探究语言特色)

Scene 1

J:Mathilde!Oh yes.Sorry, I didn’t recognize you.

Q:Why didn’t Jeanne recognize Mathilde at first?How did Jeanne feel then?引导学生去分析人物语言, 以准确地把握好语气、语调等, 再让学生在朗读中感悟语言。

Scene 2

M:It can’t be true, Pierre!

M:Oh Pierre, how wonderful!But I don’t think we can go.I haven’t got an evening dress for the ball!

P:Does that matter?Can’t you just wear aflower instead?

M:No, I couldn’t do that.Everybody else will be wearing jewellery.I can’t be the only woman who isn’t wearing jewellery.

M:…I’ll go and see her on Friday after Iget the new dress.

让学生通过赏析剧中人物Mathilde的话, 使学生知道怎样从赏析的角度去总结人物的性格特征, 看出她虚荣、爱美的本性。从学生的总结中, I can see a vain but honest Mathilde.说明学生不仅能从字面上理解, 而且能把握其深层含义, 深刻地领悟作者的语言艺术和思想内涵。通过分角色朗读, 让学生在读中去分析、理解、概括, 形成“读—思—悟”的基本过程, 探究语言特色。

Scene 3鼓励学生想象、预测故事情节, 并复述故事, 让学生体会人物的心理变化。

【设计说明】通过声情并茂的朗读 (注意发音、语调、音韵、语气、停顿、表情、动作) (石儒居博士) , 分角色朗读、扮演及肢体动作来表达人物心理, 让学生在朗读中感悟, 在讨论中加深感悟。

Step 4 Creating and acting (创作及表演)

1.Find a character that you are interested in and play the role just as you are were the person.


(1) First collect supporting facts from the text by yourselves.

(2) Then share your ideas with your classmates.

【设计说明】通过讨论交流自己感兴趣的人物形象, 以便更深刻、准确地把握人物特征, 并对学生提出“言必有据”的要求, 这也是阅读理解中必需的。

2.Continue the story and try to act it out!

Scene 1:Mathilde who looked very old, met her old friend Jeanne in the park.

Scene 2:In their home, Pierre Loisel, told his wife, Mathilde that they were invited to an important ball.

Scene 3:In the park, Mathilde continues to tell Jeanne her story.

Scene 4:In their home, the couple found the necklace was lost.

Scene 5:Mathilde comes back home to tell her husband about the truth.



Can you add some stage directions?Setting time, place, narrator, etc?

(1) What is another person doing?

(2) How did she/he look like?

(3) What about her/his feeling later?

【设计说明】通过小组分配任务和分配角色, 如导演组、演员组 (角色安排宜多, 分组轮流演出) 、旁白 (较难, 可由教师或程度较好的学生担任) 、道具服装、场地、灯光音效、演出时间和地点、彩排、正式表演安排, (石儒居博士) 再创作和表演, 鼓励学生学习作者语言运用的技巧, 根据玛蒂尔德和皮埃尔的人物形象, 创设情境, 让学生通过合理的想象, 改编或拓展延伸故事, 创作并表演英语短剧, 这是剧本学习的精华所在。


【设计说明】通过评价和自我评价, 使学生在知识、技能、心理、社会及文化等各个层面都有所提高, 促进个人的成长。

Step 5 Homework

Encourage students to read the original novel The Necklace in their spare time.

[设计说明]由于课文是以故事梗概或缩写的形式呈现, 如果教师能简单介绍名著的背景及其作者, 则容易唤起学生探究的热情和阅读原著的欲望, 使他们在阅读中领悟语言的魅力和了解西方的文化。


笔者在剧本教学实践中, 有如下反思:

(1) 英语学习应强调内容、思想、情感的分享与沟通, 并且由角色扮演及肢体动作来表达语意, 进而让学习活动更具自然、生动与趣味化 (石儒居博士) 。剧本教学是一种非常有效的方式。

(2) 教师在关注学生对语言的感悟时, 应强调感悟的过程, 不过分计较感悟的结果 (黄钊莲) 。在整个学习活动中, 教师要珍惜学生的求异思维, 鼓励学生提出问题, 发表意见和看法。这样可以切实提高学生的素养。

(3) 在分组时, 教师应尽量考虑学生各方面的因素, 如学生的个性、学习风格和与同学的关系等, 如教师可以安排性格内向又不善于主动发言的学生与性格直爽又能扮演提问者的学生同组。这是对生性害羞或是自信心不足的孩子给予莫大的帮助。

(4) 除剧本The Merchant of Venice外, 剧本教学还可类推于其他故事类阅读教学。

(5) 剧本教学受到多方面因素的制约, 如耗时长、使用道具繁多, 还有适用程度不同等等。在运用方面, 应根据具体情况而定。

摘要:本文是英语剧本教学的一次尝试, 文章以The Necklace的教学为例。通过指导学生感悟人物语言, 分析剧情发展, 领会作品的思想内容和艺术情趣, 鼓励学生结合人物心理和性格特征, 通过合理的想象, 创造性地运用文学语言, 来探讨英语剧本的教学方法并进行反思。



[1]周丽敏.通过表演学习英语.中小学外语教学, 2005 (1) .


学生涉猎剧本学习的思考 篇3







小学生英语剧本 篇4

Lines 1:(6:40~6:54)He was so shy and so cute, and his hair, it smelled like watermelon.I couldn’t get enough of it.I spent the whole year secretly sniffing watermelon, and wondering if I was ever going to get my kiss.他如此腼腆可人,他的发丝间弥漫着西瓜的香氛,简直让我如痴如醉.整整一年我都沉浸在这秘密的迷人芬芳中,期待我的何时能迎来我的初吻。

Lines 2:(12:36~)You have to look at the whole landscape.A painting is more than the sum of its parts.A cow by itself is just a cow.A meadow by itself is just grass, flowers.And the sun peeking through the trees is just a beam of light.But you put them all together and it can be magic.你得看到整体的风景。一幅画绝对不是各个部分的简单拼凑,一头牛就其本身而言只是一头牛,一块草地就其本身而言只是些花花草草,阳光透过树林漏出的不过一抹微光。倘若你能将它们看作一体,就会收获意想不到的成果。

Lines 3:(13: ~)From that moment on, that became my spot.I could sit there for hours, just looking out at the world.Some days the sunsets would be purple and pink.And some days they were a blazing orange setting fire to the clouds on the horizon.It was during one of those sunsets that my father’s idea of the whole being greater than the sum of its parts moved from my head to my heart.从那一刻起,我彻底爱上了这里。我可以坐上好几个钟头,只是静静地欣赏这世界。落日时而泛着微醺的紫红,时而迸发出橙色的余晖瞬间布满天边的晚霞。正是在如此瑰丽的景象中,我终于对爸爸所说的整体胜于局部之和有所领悟。

Lines 4: Some of us get dipped in flat, some in satin, some in gloss, but every once in a while, you find someone who’s iridescent.And when you do, nothing will ever compare.我们中有些人会渐趋平庸浅薄,有些人金玉其外,而败絮其中,但你偶尔才能遇上一个光彩夺目的人。当你真正遇上的时候,会觉得一切都无与伦比。

Scene one:35:15 ~ 39:38 Bryce’s family 角色:

Bryce Loski(男主角)LynettaLoski(男主姐姐)Pasty Loski(男主妈妈)Steven Loski(男主爹地)Chet Duncan(男主外公)(一家人围坐看电视,lynetta下楼)

Steven:(严肃)Where are you going and why are you dressed like that? Lynetta:(不耐烦)Skyler’s.Matt and Mark are bringing over recording stuff and they’re gonna make a demo.Steven: Demo(嘲讽)? Like they know how to make a demo? Lynetta: You don’t even know them(生气).Steven: I don’t have to, I know the type.Lynetta: You don’t know anything.Steven: Don’t talk to me like that.Lynetta:I’m late.Steven: Be back by eleven.(Chet搓抹膏药)Steven: Is that girl working you too hard? Chet: That girl’s name is Julia.And, no, she isn’t working me too hard.Steven: You’ve developed quite a soft spot for her, huh? Pasty: Steven? Steven:No, Pasty.Just wanna find out why your father has the energy to befriend a complete stranger when he won’t throw a baseball around with his own grandson.Bryce:It’s okay, dad.Steven:No, it’s not okay.Bryce: Julia reminds him of grandma.Steven: Of Renee? Heh hm.That’s ridiculous.Chet: You know why the Bakers haven’t fixed their yard until now? Steven:Yeah, because he’s too busy with his paint-by-numbers kit.Chet: If you had a brother with severe handicapped, what would you do? Steven:What’s the hell does that have to do with anything? Chet: Julia’s father has a retarded brother.Steven:So what? He’s not the gardener, is he? Heh hm.Pasty: Steven? Steven:It was a joke.You know, other people have family troubles and they manage to mow their own lawns.I don’t know where their pride in ownership is.Chet:They don’t own that house.The landlord’s supposed to maintain it.Mr.Baker puts every extra penny he has into caring for his brother.Pasty:Don’t they have government facilities for that sort of thing? Chet: Maybe they thought that a private facility would be better for him.Steven: Either way, it’s not our fault that their family has some chromosomal abnormality.Chet: It has nothing to do with chromosomes.When Juli’s uncle was born, he had the umbilical cord wrapped around his neck.If he’d had enough oxygen, he would’ve been a perfect little baby, just like your son.(Pasty触景生情,难过离席)Steven:Goddamn it, Chet.Pasty?Pasty? Pasty: Leave me alone!Chet:Sorry about that.Bryce: Why is mom so upset? Chet:(叹气)ah,because, but for the grace of God, your mother could be standing in Mr.Baker’s shoes.Bryce:Did her brother have the cord wrapped around his neck too? Chet: You did.Luckily, the doctor who delivered you was on the ball and got it untangled, but it easily could’ve gone the other way.Chet: Wanna go for a walk? Bryce: Huh? Chet: I find it helps clear the mind.Bryce:What would they have done with me? Chet: You can’t dwell on something that might’ve been, Bryce.Bryce: I mean, the way my dad was talking, sounds like he would’ve thrown me in a nuthouse or something.Chet: No, no, no.that’s not fair.You can’t condemn him for something he hasn’t done.(微笑)This is where that tree was, wasn’t it? Bryce: Yeah.Chet:(点头,仰望天空)Must’ve been a spectacular view.(相视而笑)She’s quite a girl.Some of us get dipped in flat, some in satin, some in gloss, but every once in a while, you find someone who’s iridescent.And when you do, nothing will ever compare.Scene two:40:22 ~ 43:58 Julia’s family Julia Baker(女主角)Trina Baker(女主母亲)RichardBaker(女主父亲)Mark Baker and Matt Baker(女主哥哥)Trina: Oh, you’re sounding really good.M: we’ll record it in Skyler’s garage this weekend.Trina: That’s sounds like a wonderful project.Julia: Speaking of projects, I was thinking it might be cool to fix up the yard.Richard: What? Julia:I mean, how much can grass seed cost? I could plant a lawn, maybe some flowers.I could even put up a fence.Richard: Honey, that’s a major undertaking.Julia: I could pay for it with my egg money.Richard:No.That’s your money.The landlord should be the one taking care of all this.Julia: But he doesn’t.And we live here.And it looks so bad.Richard: Jules.What’s going on? Julia: Nothing, dad.Trina: It’s okay, sweetheart.You can tell us.Julia: The Loskis have been throwing away my eggs because they’re afraid of salmonella.Because our yard is such a mess.Trina: Did Pasty say that? Julia: No, Bryce did.Trina:(叹气)ah, but it must have been a family discussion.A boy doesn’t come up with that on his own.M: Who cares about what they think? M2: Yeah, who cares? Trina:I care.Richard: Trina.Let’s not get into this.Trina: No, I’m tired of living like this, Richard.I’m tired of having to take temp jobs to make ends meet.I’m tired of having to push a chair up against the washing machine just to keep the door shut.I’m tired of having to borrow Mrs.Steuby’s vacuum cleaner every time ours breaks done.And I’m….(被打断)Richard:Do you think this is the life I pictured for us? Sometimes you have to sacrifice to do the right thing.We always end up agreeing that Devonhurst is the right thing for Daniel.Trina: Well, maybe we should start thinking about what’s right for us.Our daughter is suffering because we won’t fix up our own yard.Richard:It’s not our yard!

Trina: How can you say that, Richard? How? We’ve lived here for 12 years and for 12 years we’ve been saying it’s temporary, but it’s not.This is our home.Is it wrong to wanna live somewhere you can be proud of? To have enough to send your kids to college.Maybe it’s time we considered government care.Julia: Mom, stop …

Richard: We are not moving my brother.Trina: He’s more important than your own children?

搞笑英语话剧剧本 篇5





旁白:A quiet village is covered with white snow.Birds are dancing in the cold.A man is walking along the street ,step by step.Wind is coming in silence.Another mysterious man approaches.Y与X相遇.

X:oH ,I am sorry to knock you!Y:, Never mind baby.X:Excuse me,who are you on earth? Could you tell me your name? Y:,I won’t change my name!no matter what happens.I’m the most famous——-YeGucheng.Who are you? X:Iamximenchuixue.Y惊讶:Ar, ximenchui xue?the best MartialArts? X:Great, you know me!Today is your dead date!Y抱腿:Please, please…… Don’t kill me!Let me go!X:No, I must kill you!Y:I don’t want to be killed.There are a eighty-year-old mother and a three-year old son to be looked after by me!X:No way!Because we are fighting now!you know ? Y突然站起冷冷的说:Don’t force me!X:Pardon!(Y拿出一袋牛奶)X抢过牛奶:milk, very good!I like drinking it.How do you know that? Y:please drink it!X喝完牛奶:Thanks, Y:Do you still want to kill me ? X:Sure, must!Milk is milk.Y(恼怒+冷酷):Very good!very good!I hope you will not forget what you said!? X:I’m sure I won’t!

Y:I must give you a lesson!If I don’t beat you this time, you’ll never behave properly!3-2-1!X捂着肚子,蹲下(做痛苦状):Oach,Oach!Y大笑:HaHa……the milk is exceed the time limit(一人路过,x起身跑过去)

X可怜状: excuse me!Help , help , Where is the washroom?please ,tell me.Y:Oh,I see ,go along this street and turn right when you see a corssing road!

X:Thanks,byebye.Y:byebye(以胜利者的语气,转头,看见 花满楼)

Y:Who are you? H:Hua—man—-lou!Have you seen ximenchuixue? Y:Yes, he was beaten by me and is in “WC”.H惊讶:Now you are the best in the world!

Y:You are right!H:Teriffic!you are the one my king looking for!do you want join in us? If you follow my

king,he will give what you want.Y:Yes,It’s very good.H:Ok, follow me, Let’s go to see my king!


H:My dearest!let me introduce yegucheng to you!(指Y)this is yegucheng.K:sit down plese, yegucheng.Y:excuse me,I have a question.will you give me what I want just if I follow you?

King:yes,I will.Y:That’s good.Can you give me a MM ? K:of couse.You are the one who has the similar taste with me!Hahaha……

Y:of course.美女出场 M:hello,帅锅..K: this is shangguanxueer.ok,now let’s have a ritual.H走到Y前,《婚礼进行曲》起,H神甫状:Yegucheng!Do you want to follow my king no matter what happens such as cold headache , poor ,rich?

Y: Yes,I do.K: Huamanlou, come.put the ring on his finger!(音乐停)

X唱着上:(看到戒指)this ring should be mine!K:But who are you ? why should it belong to you? Y急切: king!Dear king!I must go now , my brother is looking for me.X冷酷:yegucheng!Come here!I want to tell you something!

Y抱X的腿:old brother!Forgive me!

X:Forgive you? Why ? Y: Once there was a chance before me , I lost it.If the god give me another chance, I’ll tell you “ I love you ” , If the remustbea limited period,I hope it is thousand year!X:You shall cheat me!all you did are wrong!how can you tell me the lady’s “WC”!Y:I like going lady’s WC.I……I……I think that you like what I like.(Y又拿出一袋牛奶)

X:milk?I love you.K:Don’t say that “you love me”.I’ll kill you for you saying dirty word to me!X:What?(侧耳装着听不到)You—kill—-me?come, come…(X上去抓住K)

K:Fuck you.I must kill you!X:How can you kill me? haha…… Y:Let me have a try!3-2-1(X捂着肚子,蹲下)

M: oh,what happened?(看着X,做惊吓状)are you ok?(跑到西门吹雪身边)

Y :do you want to go to wc? X:Yes,I……I…… do.Y:haha, the milk was added 三聚氰胺 beyond standards.M: you , stupid , bad behavior!go away!

少儿英语剧本 篇6

小熊请客 第一幕:

(旁白):在美丽的大森林里,住着一群可爱的小动物,它们快乐的生活着。小熊要在新年这天邀请朋友们做客,一大清早,小熊们就开始忙里忙外了。(音乐起,房子,树,小熊上场)House: Happy New Year.We are house.Trees: We are trees.Happy New Year.Tree: I’m Tree.Tree: I’m green.Tree: I’m Tree.Trees: We’re the forest.(树后退至背景处)Bear1: Happy New Year.My name’s Pat.I’m big brother.Bear2: My name’s Frank.This is my car.I can drive a car.Bear3: I’m Bob.I’m a good boy.I’m a good boy.Bear4: I’m Tom.I like riding a bike.Bear5: I’m Joe.I like playing football.Bear6:I’m Ken.I’m a little boy.I can draw.(熊爸爸,熊妈妈上场)Dady:I’m their father.Mumy:I’m their mother.Bears: Morning, Mum.Morning, Dady.(Bears唱My mother,my father.)Mumy:Let’s have a rest, OK? Children.Bears: OK!Yes!(下场)Mumy Dady:Today’s new year.We are going to play a host.Let’s get ready.第二幕:小熊的朋友上场。1. 音乐起,花上场。Flower: I’m red flower.Flower: I’m yellow flower.Flower: I’m purple flower.Flower: I’m blue flower.Flower: I’m pink flower.Flowers: We’re flowers.Dady:Hello, flowers.Welcome!Flowers: Hello, little bears.Dady:How are you? Flowers: Fine,thank you.And you? Dady:I’m fine,thanks.Come in,please.Flowers: Thank you.(花退至背景)2.音乐起兔上 Rabbit1: I’m Rabbit.Rabbit2: I’m Little Rabbit.Rabbit3: I’m Rabbit, too.Rabbits: We’re Rabbits.Rabbit: Lillte bear要请客,我们去做客。Let’s go.Rabbits: OK!(敲门)

小学生英语剧本 篇7





















