


熊海虹研究生英语答案 篇1

我在 网上经营一家书店,准备再招一名快递员,可是面试了几个人都不太满意。这天,员工都已经下班了,我还要面试一个应聘者。















“怪不得,名字怪人更怪。”小六说,“穿着那身行头就是 不肯脱下来。”







他每天都工作到很晚,把所有订单仔细地配 书、打包,连同小六和微微的那份。第二天一早,天不亮就开始配送。






















5你怎样理解 文末“虽然熊先生说不出他的家在哪,但是只要有树林、有自由、有蜜蜂和蜂蜜,而且少人烟的地方,就是他的家吧”这句话?

周书熊安生传文言文阅读答案 篇2



熊海虹研究生英语答案 篇3

一、In my opinion,the problem with many colleges is that they let undergraduatebuild little communities inside their great walls.The university can’t help students see beyond themselves and better understand the interdependent word.so the students will remain ignorant and indifferent to our world.I think the undergraduate with enlightened leadership is urgently needed.Because this kind of undergraduates are care about people and cultures other than their own,they see beyond themselves and have compassion, integrity and civility.二、If I were the only child of a family with different interests.I would pursue my own dreams, because everyone has his right and ways to live.My parents gave my life, I appreciate it.But even theycan notdecide my life.Besides I think they will be happy if they seeI try my best to pursue my interest.三、I think the automobiles give us lot of convenience to travel one place to another.It saves our time and has been the great liberator, permitting monumental population shifts.As millions of people move to the place that need the labor, our economic opportunities and society improved, this is how the automobiles makes contribution to our society.四、I think not all the married couples fit for the parenthood.Some people are good at it and they should have children.While others aren’t, and they should feel they have other alternatives.Besides it’s a life-style choice, some people like privacy and leisure, so they are not fit for parenthood.一、Certainly I like my college life.There are only seven classes in a week, so I can spend much time to do something that I really like, such as play basketball(swimming)with my friends , reading a novel with a cup of coffee

熊海虹研究生英语答案 篇4

1—-10: A D C B D A C B C C11—15: D A D B C / / / / / 21—30: A C B A D C A B C D31—40: B D A C A C D C B A 41—50: B D C A C B A D B D51—60: A D B C D C B A B D 61—70: A D B A C D C D C D71—80: C A A C A D C B C C




熊海虹研究生英语答案 篇5

3B1 与当今的年轻人不同,在我们还是十几岁孩子时,不得不承担起家庭的责任,帮助父母干家务活。Unlike the young people today, we had to take on family responsibility and help our parents with housework when we were teenagers.2 X这一代人对工作认真负责,但他们蔑视其父母及上司那种工作狂似的,拼命工作的心态。Generation X’ers take work seriously, but they disdain the workaholic, hardworking mentality of their parents and bosses.3 当今许多孩子都能独自地使用各种计算机软件程序并能很快地理解它们。Many kids today can work with a variety of software programs on their own and comprehend them quickly.4 因为他们的幻想破灭了,不知道在新获得的自由下该做些什么,因此被称作为失落的一代。They were referred to as the Lost Generation because they were disillusioned and did not know what to do with their new liberties.5 这些不同文化背景的年轻人都具有共同的爱好,喜欢同样的服饰、音乐和娱

乐。The young people with diverse culture backgrounds all have in common a love for the same clothing styles, music and entertainment.6 X一代人非常喜欢娱乐,因此无论在工作岗位上、学校还是在家中,对他们来说,过得快活是最重要的。Generation X’s has a strong propensity for fun and enjoyment, and it is more important for them to have a good time whether they are at work, school or home.7 在中国,许多人把自己的工作看作为自己的事业,因此对工作单位忠心耿耿,富有责任感。Many people in China look upon their job as a career and have loyalty and commitment to the workplace.8 这些年轻人渴望改善他们的处境,一旦可能有更好的职位,他们总是跳槽。These young people desire to upgrade their situation and they are always jumping ship at the hint of a better position.9 这代人由于受到负罪感重而又常常不在家的父母的溺爱,在政治、教育和经商等方面都没有做好接班的准备。Being spoiled by their guilty-ridden, seldom-home parents, X’ers are not ready to take over in politics, education and business.10 年轻的企业家受到激励,与同事携手,以不可匹敌的速度研究并创造新产品。Young entrepreneurs are encouraged to team up with their colleagues to do research and create new products at unparalleled rates.4B1 一个出身贫寒的青年梦想成为百万富翁,结果幻想彻底破灭,因为他企图使用非法的电子交易手段达到致富的目的。A young man of humble origin dreamed of becoming a millionaire, but he was thoroughly disillusioned because he tried to seek his fortune by means of a law-violating electronics acquisition.2 她好不容易装出一副像是在满意地微笑的表情。She managed to what amounted to a smile of satisfaction.3 他最终为解决这个多年来一直未解决的问题设计出了软件。He ended up designing a software program to solve the problem which had been unsolved for years.4 他在一位同学的陪伴下去火车站接他生病的母亲。He went to the station in the company of his classmate to pick up his sick mother.5 大学毕业后,他被授予一份政府奖学金继续深造,这是他做梦也远远没有想到的。After graduation from university, he was granted a government scholarship to further his study, which was far beyond his dream.他是一位优秀教师,每当学生有困难时,他总是和他们在一起。He was an excellent teacher who always stuck by his students whenever they had difficulties.7 他在这城市里默默无闻,但我猜想他在自己村子里并非等闲之辈。He is a nobody here in the city, but I suppose he is a somebody in his own village.8 她说,百万富翁是她爸爸而不是她本人,她要自己养活自己。She said that it is his father, not herself, who was a millionaire, and that she would like to earn her own living.9 恕我直言,我认为我们应该采取更为激烈的措施来控制通货膨胀。Therefore I think we must, so to speak, adopt more extreme measures to curb inflation.10 他的公司因管理不善而失败以后,他决定在保险业方面碰碰运气。After his company failed because of poor management, he decided to try his luck in insurance.5B1 当布莱克先生的太太没星期能挣1000美元时,他开始感到有些不安。Mr.Black felt somewhat upset when his wife pulled down $1,000 a week.2 随着高薪女性人数的增加,越来越多的男士会对妻子的成功感感到理所当然。With the increasing number of high-paid women, more and more men will be comfortable with their spouses’ success.使职业妇女感到棘手的问题是,如何弥补她们应对家庭承担的责任。It is a tough problem for career women how to make up for the responsibility to the family that they are supposed to take? 4 为了安慰病人,许多医生认为对其 的严重性说得轻些是明智的。In order to comfort the patients, many doctors thought it wise to play down the serious nature of his illness.5 如果一个人的自尊心主要来自他的工作或收入的话,那么他就会感到很难适应经济地位的变化。It may be hard for a person to adapt to a shift in economic power if his or her self-esteem is derived mostly from a career or income.6 一项调查表明,夫妻间的一些问题与传统的观念有关。A survey shows that some problems between husband and wife are connected with traditional ideas.7 由于传统观念,有些丈夫竭力阻止妻子从事家庭以外的工作。Owing to traditional ideas, some husbands try hard to hold their wives back from working outside their houses.8 我们应该让人人都明白,当一个人在生活上遇到问题时,以酗酒或者找婚外情的方式去解决是一种愚蠢的做法。We should make everybody realize that it is

stupid to retaliate by drinking more or having an affair when a person has encountered some problems in life.9 驻香港的总部曾提供给王女士一份很好的工作,但她却拒绝了,因为她有一个刚满两岁的孩子。Wang was offered a good job in the head office of Hong Kong, but she passed it up because she had a two-year old infant.10 一位著名影星11年来与她丈夫一直以恩爱夫妻的姿态出现在公众场合,但最近她却宣布将要离婚。A famous movie star kept up appearances in public with her husband for eleven years but recently she has announced a divorce.6B1 在这家公司工作了一段时间后,大部分的雇员就公司的基本信条取得了一致看法。Having worked in this company for a certain period of time, most employees came to agreement on its basic beliefs.2 每家公司都应保持自己的特色,这样才能区别于其他公司。Each company should keep its peculiarities which will differentiate one from another rather than strip them away.3 越来越多的企业家信奉的是利润和社会效益,以便为企业所在社区造福。More and more entrepreneurs believe in managing for profit and the common good and contributing to the well-being of the communities where their companies are located.4 组委国家的重点大学之一,它在发展社区文化方面起到了重要作用。Being one of the nation’s key universities, it is instrumental in developing community’s culture.5 尊重顾客好提供优质服务,使我们在与提供打折扣商品的大型连锁店的竞争中更有竞争力。Respecting customers and providing the best service have made us more and more competitive with large discount chains.6 他把自己奉献于社区工作并对自己所做的工作充满热情。He has devoted himself to his work for the community and is passionate about what he is doing.7 有的人认为将外国的生产和管理技术移植到中国企业是没有意义的。Some people think that it does not make any sense to transplant foreign production and managerial techniques into Chinese companies.8 尽管我们在技术开发上取得了巨大成功,但是我们却为我们给环境所造成的破坏感到羞愧。In spite the fact that we have made great achievements in the development of techniques, we are ashamed of the damage we have done to our environment.9 毫无疑问,引入外资对当地的经济发展起了重要作用。There is no doubt that
