托马斯诗歌:A Dedication to My Wife(共2篇)
托马斯诗歌:A Dedication to My Wife 篇1
Thomas Stearns Eilot
To whom I owe the leaping delight
That quickens my senses in our wakingtime
And the rhythm that governs the repose of our sleepingtime,
the breathing in unison.
Of lovers whose bodies smell of each other
Who think the same thoughts without need of speech,
And babble the same speech without need of meaning...
No peevish winter wind shall chill
No sullen tropic sun shall wither
The roses in the rose-garden which is ours and ours only
But this dedication is for others to read:
These are private words addressed to you in public.
托马斯诗歌:A Dedication to My Wife 篇2
Thomas Hardy was born on June 2, 1840, in Higher Bockhampton, Dorset, England, and died after a short illness, on January 11, 1928, in Dorchester, Dorset, England;One of Hardy’s unusual claims to distinction as a poet is that his first book of verse was not published until he was fifty-eight and had already achieved fame as a novelist.
Philip Larkin was born in 1922 in Coventry, England.He attended St.John’s College, Oxford.His first book of poetry, The North Ship, was published in 1945 and, though not particularly strong on its own, is notable insofar as certain passages foreshadow the unique sensibility and maturity that characterizes his later work.
They both wrote famous war poems, Hardy’s represented works are Drummer Hodge, Channel Firing, The Man He Killed and In Time of“The Breaking of Nations”, these poems are about different wars.While Larkin’s famous war poem is Church Going, which describes the England after the World War II.
II.War Poems
Channel Firing is spoken in the first person by one of the dead buried in a church, in which the windows have been shattered by the report (noise and vibration) of guns being fired for“practice”in the English Channel.So great is the disturbance that the skeletons believe Judgment Day to have come.
Church Going was written by Larkin after the World War II, the title is vague, and it contains two meanings:going to church or church is going.This poem demonstrates a more evenhanded critique of religion than Hitchens’.For while Larkin’s narrator is clearly ambivalent about the claims of the church, he also writes“Yet stop I did:in fact I often do”.
III.The Similarities between the War Poems
From the letters of the poems, readers cannot see a word about the war apparently.Hardy use“drummers, old man, girl, horse”, this kind of common people and things, it seems to describe a farm picture in peaceful and happy time.While Larkin prefers the daily life of common people, Church Going, written in first person, which tells of the circumstance of the church after the World War II.
Both these two poets use very simple and clear words to describe what the wars have brought to the common people.We cannot read a complex word in the poems.The poets use small words to declare big significance.They don’t condemn the wars apparently in their poems, however, from the poems we can get that they dislike the wars what brought no good.
Hardy and Larkin are two famous poets, both they wrote poems about wars at different times.Both of them are pitiful for the common people, who have suffered in the wars.But they use different tones to tell readers the story, the sufferings, and the effects.We can not deny the feelings which the poets brought to us are so real.Though the poems are written by two poets and at different times and about different wars, they give readers the same feeling.
[1]Williams, Merryn.A Preface to Hardy[M].Peking University Press, 2005.
[2]Shuohua Qi Willian W.Morgan.回应悲剧缪斯的呼应[M].上海:上海外语教育出版社, 2001.
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