


中国驻英使馆举行新春招待会 篇1



A Time for Celebration

Speech by Fu Ying, at the National Day Reception for the 60 years Anniversary of PRCSept.24,2009, London

Your Excellencies,Secretaries of State,My Lords,Distinguished guests,Ladies and Gentlemen,值此中华人民共和国成立60周年之际,我们热烈欢迎各位嘉宾的光临,感谢大家与我们一道为中华人民共和国的生日祝福。我特别要感谢布朗首相发来视频讲话,感谢他带给中国人民美好的节日祝愿。

I would like to thank all of you for joining us in this celebration of the 60th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China.I owe a special note of thanks to Prime Minister Brown for sending a video message to congratulate the Chinese people on this auspicious occasion.在中国传统的纪年形式中,60年为一个甲子,也就是一个周期。所以,中国人非常看重60周年的纪念,无论是一个人的年龄,还是一个国家的历程。

years on the Lunar calendar is called “Jia Zi”, meaning a full cycle.It is therefore an important age for a person as well as for a country.60年前,毛泽东向世界宣告中华人民共和国成立,中国人民站起来了。不过当时的中国还处于积贫积弱、百废待兴的状况,而60年后的今天中国已经发生了历史性的巨变。这一成就的取得绝非一帆风顺,中国为探索符合自己国情的发展道路经历了千辛万苦的曲折和艰难。改革开放以来,中国走上了持续稳定的经济社会发展之路,使13亿人民迈向实现小康的目标。

years ago, Chairman Mao Zedong announced the founding of the PRC.He famously stated that the Chinese people had stood up.The country at that time was in a state of poverty and dire need.60 years on, China has gone through a historic transformation and this has not been an easy journey.We went through all kinds of difficulties trying to find the right path to economic prosperity.Finally we’ve succeeded through reform and opening up, to embark on economic and social progress, the 1.3 billion people are advancing towards “Xiao Kang”(the Chinese word for prosperous living.)


The parades in Beijing in a few days time will be watched worldwide.People may ask, what message China is trying to convey to the world.I am sure every Chinese has an answer.最近在中国出现了一个今昔对比的风潮,人们在博客上讲述着60年家庭生活变迁的故事。主妇用照片比较着厨房家具的变化,男人们谈论着从自行车到汽车的跃进。At this very moment in China, the mood of celebration is tinged with nostalgia.One hot

topic for the bloggers is about stories of changes in the lives of families, housewives comparing photos showing how their kitchens have totally changed, men talking about the experience from trying a new bicycle to buying the first car.我也受到这个怀旧情调的感染,翻出珍藏的母亲留给我的粮票,这方寸间斤、两的标注,记录着中国人生活窘迫的岁月。而今粮票已经成为历史,我已经答应把这些粮票赠送给大英博物馆。

Hit by this wave of nostalgia, I have brought this handkerchief parcel left by my mother.She wrapped in it some food coupons.At one moment in our history, food was scarce and tokens were needed.My mother kept these in case those times were to return.They never did.For their historical value, I’ve promised to give them to the British museum.These small pieces of paper are powerful testimony to the strides China has taken.中国人2008年一天创造的财富,比1952年全年的总和还要多。我们永久告别了贫困和落后,这就是为什么我们高兴、我们自豪,为什么我们举国欢庆。

China turned out more wealth in a day in 2008 than in a whole year of 1952.This is what we are celebrating: farewell to poverty and backwardness.抚今追昔,我们没有理由自满,改革开放任重而道远。我们信心十足,将建设一个和谐稳定的国家,实现全体人民学有所教、劳有所得、住有所居、病有所医、老有所养。

However, we have no reason to be complacent.Our reforms remain a far and hard journey.We want to build a harmonious and stable society, where every kid is in school, every one has work to do, every one has a roof over the head, every sick is treated and the elderly taken cared of.今天,当世界为中国喝彩的时候,当胡锦涛主席在联合国的讲话引起全世界对中国应对气候变化努力的一片褒扬的时候,我们深刻地认识到,中国已走上国际舞台。中国的一言一行,中国的每一分成就,都与世界息息相关,同样,世界的动向时刻对中国产生着影响。我们将认真对待时代赋予的国际责任,为世界的和谐与发展做出自己的贡献。

Today, when the world cheers for China, when we hear praise for President Hu Jintao’s statement on climate change at the UN podium, we are aware that China has emerged on the world stage.China’s words and deeds, China’s every success are important to the world.Likewise, what happens in the world affects China.We need to learn and fulfill the international responsibilities time has endowed on us and contribute to building harmony and prosperity in the world.英国是我们重要的国际伙伴,双方在国际事务中有广泛共识,对双边合作有全面的投入,而且,我们能够通过对话妥善处理分歧与差异。双方应共同努力,抓住新机遇将两国关系推向新的高度。

Britain is our important international partner.We share wide common views on contemporary issues and we are both devoted to closer bilateral cooperation.We have also been able to handle differences through candid dialogues.Given the new opportunities, the two sides should work together to bring our relations to a new high.最后让我们共同举杯:为中国,为英国,为中英合作,干杯!

In conclusion, I would like to propose a toast:

To China, to Britain, and to friendship.Thank you.

中国东盟协会新春招待会在京举行 篇2




