


牛津英语7a全套教案 篇1

Module 1 : Relationships unit 1: relatives in Beijing tasks in this unit:

talking about relatives;starting relationship, where they live and ages;making travel arrangements;planning departure dates and length of holidays;writing about travel plans, means of transport and costs;talking about places of interest in Beijing;reading about timetables;writing a personal letter about holiday plans.Listening and speaking : Planning a trip to Beijing Knowledge objectives: Using the present perfect tense to relate past events to the present Skill and ability objectives: listening: listen for specific information speaking: open and maintain an interaction by asking and answering questions reading: scan a text to locate specific information Emotional objectives Help students make plans for the things they want to do Key point Using the present perfect tense to relate past events to the present Difficulties Using the present perfect tense to relate past events to the present

Pre-task preparation: read and answer: Dear David We haven’t seen each other for a long time.How are you and your family in Garden City?

We would like to invite you to stay with us in Beijing in August.My children haven’t seen their cousins before.They want to see them very much.They also want to take them to some interesting places in Beijing.We will be very happy if you can come in August.It won’t be very hot here.Please write to me soon.Yours Weiming questions: 1

Where do Weiming and his family live?

When would Weiming like to invite them to Beijing? 3

Have Ben and Kitty seen their cousins before? 4

What do Ben and Kitty’s cousins want to do? while-task procedure: look and learn: invite/invitation cheap/ expensive agent/ brochure listen and say: read the passage after the tape practice reading look, read and answer: read the passage after the tape practice reading Post-task activies Think and talk Listen and choose Homework: Workbook 7A, pages 1 and 3.*act out the dialogue

say and act& listen and say& read and write Knowledge objectives: using modal verbs to express preferences using adjectives to describe objects Skill and ability objectives: llistening:listen for specific information speaking: maintain an interaction by replying and asking reading: skim a text to obtain a general impression and the main ideas writing: gather and share information by using strategies such as questioning Emotional objectives Help students make plans for the things they want to do Key point using modal verbs to express preferences using adjectives to describe objects Difficulties How long does it take to do? Pre-task preparation: read and write: Kitty is telling Mr Hu about their trip plan to Beijing.Can you complete what she says?

Mr Hu, I will travel to(1)_______ in the summer holidays.My uncle lives there.He has(2)_______ us to visit them in(3)_______(month).He has a son called(4)_______ who is(5)_______ years old and a daughter of(6)_______ years old called

(7)_______.Ben and I have(8)_______ seen our cousins before.So we are happy we can go there.while-task procedure: think and say: Sally __________(be)to Thailand.We __________(get)a letter from our cousin, Judy.Billy __________(invite)Andy to his birthday party.Wendy __________(send)an e-mail to Mary.It takes __________________ hours to travel from Shanghai to Beijing by train.It costs __________________ ________________________ yuan.It takes __________________ hours to travel from Shanghai to Guangzhou by train.It costs __________________ ________________________ yuan.It takes … hours to travel from Shanghai to … by _____.It costs … yuan.look and read: Where is Mr Li? At the travel agent’s.read the passage after the tape practice reading

listen and say: at the end of August /Back to Garden City read the passage after the tape practice reading answer the questions: • When are the Lis going to leave for Beijing? • When are they going to come back from Beijing? • How long are they going to stay there? • How are they going to travel to Beijing? • Why won’t they take the train there?

read and write: The Lis have decided to go to Beijing.Mr Li is writing a letter to his brother, Weiming.Can you help him complete the letter to Uncle Weiming? Post-task activies Look and say Listen and answer Homework: Workbook 7A, pages 2 and 4.*look and say(ppt)

reading : welcome to Beijing Knowledge objectives: using proper nouns to refer to places using nouns to show position using adverbs to show position Skill and ability objectives: listening: using visual clues, context and knowledge of the world to work out the meaning of unknown words speaking: open and maintain an interaction by asking and answering questions reading: read written language in meaningful chunks writing: gather and share information and ideas by using strategies such as brainstorming Emotional objectives Help students make plans for the things they want to do Key point read written language in meaningful chunks Difficulties using nouns to show position using adverbs to show position

Pre-task preparation: look and talk: Work in pairs.Suppose you are at the travel agent’s.You are S2 and you are asking the agent for some information.S1, the agent, should try to answer your questions.make a dialogue according to the sentence structure: think and write: Mr Li received a(1)__________ from his

(2)__________, Weiming.Weiming is Ben and Kitty’s(3)__________.He lives in(4)__________.He has a(5)__________ called Simon and a

(6)__________ called Lucy.Simon is(7)__________ years old and Lucy is(8)__________.Weiming asked Mr Li to stay with them in

(9)__________(month).They can go there by

(10)__________ or by(11)__________.The next day, Mr Li went to visit a(12)__________(13)__________ because he wanted to get some

(14)__________.Mr Li knew that it takes about(15)______________ hours to travel from Garden City to Beijing by plane and it costs

(16)__________ yuan.That’s(17)__________.But it takes about(18)__________ hours by train.It is too(19)__________.It costs only(20)__________ yuan.while-task procedure: listen and say: The Li family has arrived in Beijing.Simon and Lucy want to take Ben and Kitty to some interesting places.look and learn: new words and phrases:the summer palace/ the great wall/ tian’anmen square/ the palace museum/swan/ mountain/brick/stone/national/raise


read the passage after the tape practice reading answer the questions: • Where is the Summer Palace? • What are there at the palace? • What is the name of the lake? • What can you see on the lake? • Where is the Great Wall? • What did people build it with? • What can you see on the wall? • What can you see from the wall? • Where is Tian’anmen Square? • How many people can it hold? • What do soldiers do every morning in Tian’anmen Square? • Where is the Palace Museum? • What can people see at the Palace Museum? • Why do many people visit the museum? Post-task activies Listen and number Homework: Workbook 7A, page 7 *Watch and say(ppt)

look and read & look, write and say Knowledge objectives: using going to to talk about future activities using wh-questions to find out place using modal verbs to express ability Skill and ability objectives: listening: use visual clues, context and knowledge of the world to work out the meaning of unknown words speaking: open and maintain an interaction by asking and answering questions reading: scan a text to locate specific information writing: gather and share information and ideas by using strategies such as brainstorming Emotional objectives Help students make plans for the things they want to do Key point using going to to talk about future activities using modal verbs to express ability Difficulties using going to to talk about future activities using wh-questions to find out place

Pre-task preparation: look ,read and say:

Suppose you have just come back from a trip to Beijing.You want to tell your friends about these four interesting places in Beijing.Look at the photos and the captions you have written on the back of the photos.Then tell in your own words.while-task procedure: look and say: Lucy and Simon have made a holiday plan for Ben and Kitty.Look at the calendar and tell what they are going to do each day.They are going to visit … on … look and learn: new words and phrases: places of interest

look and read: The children are planning to visit different places of interest in Beijing.read the passages after the tapes practice reading

look, write and say: Look at the calendar on the next slide and page 5 in Student’s Book again.Pretend you are Ben, Kitty, Simon and Lucy, and talk about your visits.make a dialogue Post-task activies Look and talk Homework: page 5 *Look, ask and answer

Lucy’s holiday plan

Knowledge objectives: using formulaic expressions to begin and end a letter using the simple past tense to talk about past activities Skill and ability objectives: listening: listen for specific information speaking: maintain an interaction by replying and asking questions reading: read written language in meaningful chunks writing: develop written texts by expressing own ideas and feelings Emotional objectives Help students make plans for the things they want to do Key point using the simple past tense to talk about past activities Difficulties

using formulaic expressions to begin and end a letter

Pre-task preparation:

look and write: You are going to read four pages from Kitty’s diary in her blog.She wrote the diary when she came back to Garden City.But some words are missing.Can you help her complete them? fill in the blanks

while-task procedure:

think and say: Suppose your cousin is visiting you in Shanghai now.Look at the pictures and notes.Talk about the visits.look and read: read the passage after the tape practice reading

read and choose: Read Kitty’s letter again and pick out which two photos Kitty is going to send together with her letter to Lucy.answer the questions according the given passage:

write: You are Lucy.You want to write a letter to Kitty about your holiday plan for the Spring Festival.Post-task activies Read and answer Homework:

page 8 *Read and write

牛津英语7a全套教案 篇2


(一) 牛津版初中英语教材与人教版教材语法项目的异同

同人教版教材不同的是, 牛津版初中英语教材在内容上, 编排了更为贴近生活、紧跟时代步伐的内容, 因此在语法上的编排也与以往人教版的教材有所不同。语法体系有所创新和改变, 这就使得教师在设计教案时感到无从下手, 因此就要求教师对牛津版教材的语法进行更细致深入的研究分析, 掌握更为合适的教学思路和教学主线。从整体上来看, 牛津版教材的语法项目与人教版相比, 只是多了间接语法这一项, 其他大项与人教版大同小异, 如果教师可以很好地理解把握人教版的语法内容, 掌握学习要点, 就能在教学过程中掌握主动性, 更好地把握牛津版教材的教学要点。

(二) 针对具体语法进行分析、比较

1. 时态方面:

牛津版教材与人教版相比, 在时态走线上基本一致, 只是“现在进行时”与“一般现在时”出现的先后顺序有所调整, 并且在牛津版教材中没有“过去将来时”。对学生们来说, 在小学就接触到了“现在进行时”和“一般现在时”, 所以顺序作出调整后, 接受起来并不困难, 主要是能够区分助动词的形式:do/does/is/are;动词的形式:work/works/working等。

2. 语态方面:

牛津版教材中, 被动语态比人教版教材出现的早些, 由于之前已经学习了五个基本时态, 时态的问题就不难解决了, 助动词的用法也熟悉了, 因此被动语态就比较容易学习了。在学习被动语态时, 语感对掌握被动语态是非常重要的, 因此提醒学生平时要加强语感练习。

3. 词类方面:

代词在小学阶段已经有了基础, 只要将人称代词与物主代词放在一起进行讲解就可以了, 不定代词可穿插在各单元中讲解;数词的讲解可以放在序数词之后, 容易拼错的序数词要让学生反复记忆;冠词、介词的讲解在整个初中英语教材中是贯穿始终的, 冠词的讲解从固定用法到习惯用法, 介词的讲解从方向、时间、位置到动词中的介词等;名词的单复数也在小学阶段就学习过了, 教师只要再加上不可数名词的讲解即可, 而名词的所有格要等学生掌握了物主代词之后进行讲解。名词的难点是名词与动词一致, 这可以通过加强学生的预感训练来解决;动词在牛津版教材中并没有归纳, 而学习英语的基础是掌握be动词, 所以教师可以适当变通, 提前讲解;非谓语的讲解相对来说是个难点, 教师可根据其出现的位置, 联系实际情况进行讲解。


教案是教师教学方式的呈现, 是教学过程中的重要环节, 是教师思维方式和思考成果的载体, 教案的优劣好坏要在实践的基础上来评判。能够最大限度地发掘教师的教学能力, 让学生在最短的时间内接受新的知识, 这样的教案就是好教案, 就是成功的教案。

(一) 教案要有针对性

教师在编写教案时, 要以了解学生为基础前提。教师要了解班上每个学生的学习个性, 熟悉不同学生的性格特征、接受水平的差异, 这样在备课的时候就会产生事半功倍的效果, 并以此来设计教案。在教案设计中针对这一点的体现是:制定有层次性的学习目标, 设计有梯度性的问题, 进行选择性练习。根据学生的不同特质, 有针对性地设计教案, 才能够发挥每个学生的特长, 增加学生学习英语的兴趣, 才能够提高教学质量。

(二) 教案要深刻、要创新

教案设计的是否深刻, 主要看教师对知识点的思考是否深刻。能够透过现象看本质, 抓住事物的内在联系, 把握教学进展, 这都是由教师的素质和特点决定的。在当代社会中, 中学生正值青春期, 个性鲜明、兴趣广泛, 同时求知欲强, 想象力也很丰富, 提出的问题也五花八门, 因此教师要考虑到这些因素, 联系教材内容, 设计出更有深度与创新性的教案, 这样才能形成自己独特的风格, 让学生在接受自己的同时更好地学习英语知识。

(三) 教案要体现教学过程中的反思

教师只有不断地反思自己的教学过程, 才能不断地提高自身的教学能力, 因此, 教师应在每节课或者每学期结束后, 根据自身的教学实践活动, 对自己的教学方法进行有意识、有目的的回顾、分析与反思, 不断地积累经验, 总结教训。而课后在教案的相应位置, 记录反思札记就是最简单易行的反思方式。同时, 将原有的教案做进一步的充实和修改, 对以后的教学工作也是有所帮助的。


牛津英语7a全套教案 篇3


《课程标准》中倡导“任务型”的教学途径,培养学生综合语言运用能力 。以学生 “能做某事”的描述方式设定各级目标要求。教师应该避免单纯传授语言知识的教学方法,尽量采用“任务型”的教学途径。教师应依据课程的总体目标并结合教学内容,创造性地设计贴近学生实际的教学活动,吸引和组织他们积极参与。学生通过思考、调查、讨论、交流和合作等方式,学习和使用英语,完成学习任务。


课堂教学是教学的基本途径,也是学生获取信息,锻炼提高多种能力和养成一定思想观念的主要渠道。它就像一面镜子,清楚地反映一名教师在落实《初中英语课程标准》,提高英语课堂教学实效,提升英语教学质量的情况,新课标要求改变课堂上以教师灌输为主,学生被动听课,教学效率低下的状况。如何通过一节节生动,活泼、有效的英语课使学生的英语知识和语言综合能力得到更好,更快的提高,我们泰州市海陵区在英语教学上创设语言情境 优化英语课堂教学的《牛津初中英语的五分钟活动有效教学》,这不仅是推进“素质教育”,提高课堂效率的需要,减轻学生学习负担的直接途径,也是广大教育工作者最基本的主观愿望和落实我们江苏省委的“五严”的要求。成为我们现代课堂教学的主旋律。激发学生的学习兴趣,保持有效的主动学习。本教学案例是牛津英语教材9A Unit1 Star signs Reading的内容中的一个五分钟的活动。

二、Five-minute activities教学案例描述

Five-minute activities教学名称:我的课堂我做主——Star sign show

Five-minute activities教学目的:




Five-minute activities教学的课前准备:


Five-minute activities教学过程:

Step 1:课前在黑板上画出下列表格。教师导入:Star signs are very interesting just for fun, our students must want to know more about them, next some of our students will bring us a wonderful star sign show. Let’s welcome them.三名學生主持本节活动。

Step 2:三名主持人相互交流引入课题,然后组织本节活动的流程。

Step 3:完成黑板上的表格。所分各组通过比拼的方式,来展示各个星座的优点,指出对方星座的缺点。同时每组派一名学生来完成黑板表格上自己星座的内容。

Step 4:大家一起来检测、讨论、订正表格的每一行的内容。

Step 5:熟记表格中有关星座与性格有关的形容词。

三、Five-minute activities教学设计的分析及其反思

(一)Five-minute activities教学设计的分析

(1)本Five-minute activities的教学设计是由学生自己组织,导演、完成课堂教学活动的过程。课堂上学生们通过相互交流活动,熟记有关星座与性格有关的形容词,掌握有关描述人物性格和品质的知识,共同讨论形成书面的有关各个星座的描述,最终完成表格,达到学习语言的目的。激发了学生学习英语的兴趣。


(二)Five-minute activities教学设计的反思



第二,教学活动中,学生参与的热情很高,但个别学生的自控能力较差,很容易造成影响大部分学生的思考 。


牛津英语7a全套教案 篇4


Comic strip+ Welcome to the unit

一 教学目标

1 能听、说、读、写单词holiday, as, monkey, why, mooncake, 并了解其含义。能听懂、会说单词celebrate, ghost, king, festival, Christmas, Easter,短语dress up, the Mid-Autumn Festival,能理解单词dragon, Halloween,短语the Dragon Boat Festival。

2 能了解中外一些重要的节假日及主要庆祝方式,从而激发对本单元的学习兴趣,并初步培养自己的世界文化意识。

3 能就有关“个人对节日的喜好”情况相互进行简单询问及回答。

4 能在教师的指导下,参与简单的角色扮演活动。

二 教学重点

1 日常交际用语和生词的正确读音;

2 能模仿第35页Part B的对话,简单谈论个人对节假日的喜好情况。

三 教学难点

1 能根据相关情景,正确地理解,区分相应的节假日名称;

2 能初步在情景中运用本课所学的互相询问节假日的交际用语。

四 课前准备

1 教具准备:实物投影仪幕布、四幅卡通漫画图片(第3页)、六幅图片(第35页Part A)、一张人物图片(《西游记》中孙悟空的形象)。

2 教学准备:请学生准备一张白纸并两人一组讨论写出他们所知道的节日名称(中文)。

3 板书准备:黑板上预先写好课题Unit 3 Let’s celebrate!

五 教学步骤(第34页 Comic strip)

1 教师用实物投影出示第34页卡通图片,指着图片说Look! We can see Eddie and Hobo again.

(图片1)问:What are they doing? Can you guess? 帮助学生回答:I think they’re celebrating their holiday.学习并操练单词:celebrate, holiday。

Holiday-the day you don’t have to go to school.

Celebrate-do something for the day.

(图片3)问:What is Eddie doing? (He’s dressing up as a ghost)用手势或其它动作、表情教学生短语dress up as……和单词ghost。然后问:Do you like dressing up as a ghost?

(No, we don’t). Eddie doesn’t like, either.

(图片4)问:What’s Hobo dressing up as now?(He is dressing up as Monkey King).学习单词monkey和king.教师出示孙悟空图片,Do you know him? We often call him Monkey King.(可以让喜欢孙悟空的学生模仿其造型)Who can dress up as Monkey King? (5分钟)

2 让学生分角色朗读。


3 学生两人一组练习对话,并轮流扮作Eddie和Hobo,几分钟后,让一些小组到前面表演,鼓励学生自由发挥,尽量用自己的造型。 (5分钟)

六 教学步骤(第35页Welcome to the unit)

1 老师让学生展示事先准备好的节日清单并称赞:Very good! 介绍课本内容:In this unit, I will help you to learn more about the Festivals in English.学习单词festival(s),并写在黑板上。用实物投影出示第35页Part A图片(按以下顺序介绍)


中国节日:直接用英语教短语Mid-Autumn Festival, Chinese New Year, Dragon Boat Festival,并写在黑板上。

西方节日:允许学生先用中文猜测,然后告诉他们:In English, we call it Christmas/Easter/Halloween,并逐词写在黑板上。 (5分钟)

2 领读数遍单词、短语后,再用实物投影出示第35页Part A图片,询问学生:What’s the name of the festival? 然后学生两人一组活动,互相问答。 (5分钟)

3 告诉学生:My favourite festival is Mid-Autumn Festival. Do you know why?

Because I like to eat mooncakes.学习单词mooncake,可用简笔画来表示,相信学生能猜出其含义。

板书:My favourite festival is……

Because I like to ……

要求学生仿照黑板上的例句介绍自己的喜好情况,展开小组交流活动。老师可巡视,进行必要帮助。 (5分钟)

4 打开书,带领学生富有感情地朗读Part B,采用男女生分组分角色方式朗读。 (2分钟)

5 学生两人一组练习对话,再进行表演。 (4分钟)

6 让学生用自己的信息替换划线部分,鼓励他们用真实情况来表演对话,可四人一组活动。为方便学生自如地表达,老师可提供以下词汇并板书:

eat chocolate/make pumpkin Lanterns.

eat rice dumplings/get Christmas presents/(此举也为以后的阅读教学带来方便。)(5分钟)

7 选出几组同学到前面表演,可让他们看黑板上的选用词汇。鼓励他们增加动作,提高表演欲望。在表演以后,领着其他同学给予掌声鼓励。

Don’t you think they’re very good?(Yes)

Let’s give them a big hand. (3分钟)

七 家庭作业



鼓励有条件、特长的学生课外制作南瓜灯剪纸、手提灯笼及面具等,或画出相应的图片也可。 (2分钟)


Reading: A Getting ready for Halloween

一 教学目标

1 听、说、读、写单词USA,special, shout, if, face, own, cut, sharp(adj), tooth, chocolate, winter, drink,短语cut out并了解其含义。能听懂、会说单词trick, treat, knock, candy, mask, paint, lantern, sharp(n)短语trick or treat,play a trick。能理解单词costume, pumpkin。

2 能正确理解本课课文,就获取的信息进行相互询问及回答。

3 能通过本课学习,对英语国家的文化习俗产生兴趣。

二 教学重点

1 生词和短语的正确读音。

2 能通过阅读准确获取信息并能基本正确地朗读课文。

三 教学难点

1 能在教师的指导下,简单地复述故事。

2 能通过对西方节日及庆祝方式的进一步了解和中外文化对比,加深对中国文化的理解。

四 课前准备

1 教具准备:磁带、录音机、实物投影仪幕布、三幅图片(第35页Part A中的图1、2、3)。

2 教学准备:请学生准备事先制作好的道具或图片。

3 板书准备:黑板上预先写好课题Unit 3 Let’s celebrate!

五 教学步骤(第36-37页)

1 教师用实物投影展示第35 页Part A 图2,问:What’s the name of the festival?(It’s Mid-Autumn Festival)指着图中男孩提着的灯笼,教单词Lantern: This is a lantern in English.教师说:Show me your lanterns, please! 让学生出示他们制作的实物或图片。接着,展示图片1:What’s the name of the festival?(It’s Halloween).告诉学生:This is a pumpkin lantern.把lantern写在黑板上。最后展示图片3。让一学生用第35页Part B的对话发问:Which is your favourite festival?(Easter)Why do you like it?(Because I like to eat chocolate eggs .(用手指着图片中的chocolate eggs),再板书chocolate。 (5分钟)

2 介绍课本内容:Today we’re going to learn something about Halloween .In China, we do not celebrate Halloween. But in the USA , people celebrate it. They have a special party on that day. And they play a game called “trick or treat”, They also wear different costumes with masks. They even paint their faces. People do not know each other. They make pumpkin lanterns, eat a lot of chocolates and candies. Don’t you think how interesting it is?(Yes).教师伴着手势、表情,借助于学生手中的实物或图片,给学生简单描述,并将上文的划线部分写在黑板上,然后让学生分组展开讨论:What do people in the USA do for Halloween? 组织学生收集信息,并互相交流。 (7分钟)

3 放课文录音,听一遍。Now, please listen to the tape. This is a letter from Wendy to Millie. Try to answer: When is Halloween? 并把答案(On October 31st)写在黑板上。 (3分钟)

4 打开书本,让学生细读一遍课文,然后就课文内容提一些问题

Paragraph1: What’s Wendy’s favourite festival?

Paragraph2: How do you play the game called “trick or treat”?

Paragraph3: How do they dress up at Halloween?

Paragraph4: How do you make your own pumpkin lantern?

Paragraph5: What do they eat on that day?


让他们通过手势、表情等动作或上下文猜出shout, if, own, cut, sharp, tooth, winter等生词的含义,如有必要,可给予适当的汉语提示。 (8分钟)

5 再放一遍录音,让学生跟着录音,模仿语音、语调进行朗读训练,提醒学生注意黑板上生词的正确读音。 (5分钟)

6 学生两人一组,就第5步中所提问题进行相互问答。 (5分钟)

7 教师用实物投影展示课文复述提纲

Celebrating Halloween

play a game→dress up →make own pumpkin lanterns→have a special party

先给学生示范一次,再要求学生看书复述,最后选一部分同学到前面复述。 (8分钟)

六 家庭作业



鼓励有能力的学生模仿本课文,以Middlie口气,写一封信,告诉Wendy 有关Mid-Autumn Festival的庆祝方式。




Reading: B&C

一 教学目标

1 能熟练掌握和理解上一课所学的语言知识并进行交际运用。

2 能进一步熟悉和了解西方节日及主要庆祝方式,逐步增强自己的世界文化意识。

3 能正确理解与上一课内容相当的课外短文并准确搜集信息。

二 教学重点

1 复习巩固上一课所学单词、短语。

2 能流利地运用所学语言表达不同的情景。

三 教学难点

1 能通过阅读获取简单的信息 。

2 能在交流中用英语介绍祖国文化。

四 课前准备

1 教具准备:实物投影仪幕布、四幅图片(第38页Part B)

2 教学准备:请学生准备一些自制实物或图片。

3 板书准备:黑板上预先写好课题Unit 3 Let’s celebrate!

五 教学步骤

1 教师用实物投影展示上一课的复述提纲,鼓励更多的同学到前面复述 celebrating Halloween.也可采用小组集体复述形式。即该小组每位同学各复述到一两句。还可让其他小组进行补充。 (10分钟)

2 教师说: I’m glad to see that most of you know how to celebrate Halloween. And if you are Millie , your friends wants to have a Halloween party with you .What do you have to do? Please look at the pictures on Page 39.让学生看第39页C2的图片,分组说出相应的短语:buy some chocolates, want special costumes, make a pumpkin lantern, dress up as a tiger,然后指导学生按要求完成书中任务。 (4分钟)

3 实物投影展示第39页C1,指着headings告诉同学们:

Middlie wants to tell her classmates about Halloween. She makes a poster and uses these headings.Can you help her find which paragraphs they are in ?You can say out the correct numbers for each heading.让学生快速浏览第36-37页课文,两人一组,寻找答案并互相核对,然后写在书上。 (4分钟)

4 用实物投影展示第38页Part B图片,并在黑板上给出party, pumpkin lantern, special costume, trick or treat 等关联词或短语,说,OK!Then let me check if you know names one by one .学生两人一组讨论答案,然后选出一些小组与全班同学核对,并把答案写在书上。 (6分钟)

4 游戏

把学生分成若干小组,每组由同学们选出一位代表,扮演Millie ,到前面向全班同学介绍有关Halloween的信息。该代表若有困难,可以有三次机会向本组同学“求助”,以说出句子数多者为优胜,相同成绩则以“求助”次数少的为优胜。最后带领全班同学为获胜者所在小组鼓掌并赠送同学们的自制实物或图片,以示鼓励。 (10分钟)

6 打开书本,学生两人一组完成第38页Part B2,全班核对答案。 (2分钟)

7 选用一位同学写好的有关Mid-Autumn Festival的信,用实物投影展示。(如没有同学完成,则采用自己事先准备好的范文)。学生两人一组互相询问以下问题并回答。When is the Mid-Autumn Festival? What do we eat on that day? Why do we call it mooncake? Where do we celebrate it ? 收集信息,全班共同核对,让大家分享合作学习的快乐。 (5分钟)

六 家庭作业


根据所了解的信息,运用上一课学过的语言,仿照第39页C1中的Headings,制作一张有关Halloween的poster。 (1分钟)



一 教学目标

1 能听、说、读、写单词May, national, card, rice, 短语May Day, National Day并了解其含义。能听懂、会说单词dumpling,短语rice dumplings。

2 能掌握一年中几个重要节日的名称并了解其日期。

3 能就所了解的节日信息进行相互交流。

二 教学重点

1 生词和短语的正确读音。

2 能较熟练地运用所学交际用语询问及回答。

三 教学难点

1 能就所了解的节日信息进行相互交流。

2 能针对不同的交际情景作出正确判断和应答。

四 课前准备

1 教具准备:实物投影仪幕布、活页式台历或日历、贺卡若干张、四幅图片(第40页Part B)。

2 教学准备:请学生准备台历(日历)、贺卡等本课所需实物或图片。

3 板书准备:黑板上预先写好课题Unit 3 Let’s celebrate.

五 教学步骤

1 教师问:Which special days of the year do you know?把 days of the year 写在黑板上,学生两人一组进行讨论,然后将搜集到的信息,如:Mid-Autumn Festival, Chinese New Year ,Christmas,Dragon Boat Festival, Easter, Halloween 等写在days of the year下面(如学生答出Children’s Day, Teacher’s Day, Women’s Day, Fool’s Day等给予鼓励),然后在节日名称右边用阿拉伯数字表达法写出一些日期(顺序打乱),让学生上黑板用线连出相应的节日名称。接着,添上10.1、5.1、1.1三个日期,学习短语National Day, May Day ,New Year’s Day, 并板书在其它节日一边,让学生猜出其含义。 (6分钟)

2 用实物投影展示活页式台历,指着某一周,与学生开展free talk,说,Let’s look at the days of the week. What day is it?(It’s Monday) Do we have to go to school on Monday/Tuesday?

(Yes) Do we have to go to school at the weekend ? (No)

让学生用自备的台历(日历)就上述问题进行两人或三人小组问答。 (5分钟)

3 介绍课本内容:

Millie and Simon want to know which days they do not have to go to school. Now ,please help them. If they have to ,write “Yes”. If they do not have to ,write “No”.学生打开书本,完成第40页Part A。 (3分钟)

4 让学生看黑板上的节日名称,问:Whose favourite festival is Mid-Autumn Festival?

Why do you like it ? (Because I like to eat chocolate eggs.) 然后出示贺卡,学习单词card并板书。 Look! Here are different kinds of cards. These are Christmas cards .I like Christmas because I can get the cards .Now , please show me your cards. (学生出示自己的贺卡并用英文说出Christmas card和New Year’s Card)。接着用实物或图片教短语rice dumplings。并让两个学生用the Dragon Boat Festival大家互相表演对话:Why do you like the Dragon Boat Festival?(Because I like to eat rice dumplings) (12分钟)

5 学生两人一组,仿照上面的对话进行表演。教师为提高兴趣,可增加一些内容,如:Why do you like Chinese New Year? Because I can wear new clothes and get money. (5分钟)

6 打开书本,要求学生完成Part B的笔头填空,全班核对答案并分组朗读四个句子,提醒学生注意介词at的用法。 (5分钟)

7 游戏

合上书,教师说:At Christmas,让学生分组或全班集体答出We get cards and presents。然后选出若干同学,到前面代替教师,依次说出At Easter ,At the Dragon Boat Festival, At Mid-Autumn Festival.其它同学分组或集体答出书上的下一句。可多给一些学生机会,反复操练数遍或打乱顺序随意说出一个介词短语。 (6分钟)

六 家庭作业

抄写第40页Part A中的节日短语。

仿照Part B用At…编写若干句子。 (1分钟)



Grammar: (A) Prepositions of time

一 教学目标

1 能听、说、读、写单词date, season, spring, summer, autumn, January, February, March, April, June, July, August, September, November, December, Sunday, Saturday并了解其含义。能听懂、会说单词during 。

2 能初步掌握介词at ,on, in表达时间的用法及在不同交际情景中的运用功能。

3 能体会出中英语言交际中存在的文化差异。

二 教学重点

1 生词的正确读音。

2 能熟练运用介词谈论时刻、月份、年份、季节,相互进行信息交流。

三 教学难点

1 单词学习的记忆效果或掌握程度。

2 能正确理解图表所提供的信息。

四 课前准备

1 教具准备:实物投影仪幕布、生词卡片、活页式台历。

2 教学准备:请学生事先准备台历或日历。

3 板书准备:黑板上预先写好课题Unit 3 Let’s celebrate!

五 教学步骤

1 教师用实物投影展示活页台历。先指着某一周,复习已学过的名词

What day comes after

Thursday? (It’s Friday.) What day comes after Friday? (It’s Saturday.) What day comes after Saturday?(It’s Sunday.)学习单词Saturday, Sunday,并写在黑板上。Do we have to go to school on Friday?(Yes).Do we have to go to school on Saturday?(No)What about on Sunday?(No) 带领学生操练单词:Saturday comes after Friday. Sunday comes after Saturday.再指着十月,复习October.。问:What month comes after October? (It’s December.) What month comes after December.( It’s November.)依次学习其他十一个月的单词名称,并一一写在黑板上。带领学生操练单词:Which is the first/second /tenth/eleven… month of the year ?It’s January/February/October/December…

问学生:When is Christmas ?It’s in December. Which season is it in?It’s in winter.

复习已学过的winter,学习单词season 并写在黑板上。告诉学生:There are four seasons in a year. Winter is one of them. We have the other three seasons. They’re spring, summer and autumn.带领学生操练单词:New Year’s Day is in spring. Children’s Day is in summer.

Mid-Autumn Festival is in autumn. (12分钟)

2 帮助学生回忆刚使用过的介词,并将on、in分别写在黑板上相应的单词前。复习第40页 Part B中的句型:What do we eat at Christmas? What do we eat at Mid–Autumn Festival?板书at Christmas, at Mid-Autumn Festival。让学生两人或三人一组讨论介词at ,on ,in在时间表达方式中的基本用法,再搜集信息,进行适当矫正和归纳。 (5分钟)

3 实物投影展示第41页Part A中的表格,带领学生浏览,并正确理解其中的“What for”和“Example”。让学生仿照例句,用Example中的短语at six o’clock, on Monday, in the evening等造句,再迁移拓展为at eight o’clock, on Saturday in the morning等其它相似短语造句,可进行“造句竞赛”,将学生分成若干小组,先分组限时(1-2分钟)做Pair work,再集中统计,评出优胜。 (5分钟)

4 打开书本,学生完成第41页A1中的介词填空,做完后两人一组纠正错误,让学生集体朗读句子,并作小结。 (3分钟)

5 实物投影展示三类生词卡片,分别用以下类型两人一组进行信息交流,以加强理解、加深记忆。Seasons: What season comes after spring/summer/…?

Months: What month comes after January/February/…/?

Days of the week:What day comes after Monday/Tuesday/…/?

教师在班上巡视,在读音、拼读规则等方面适当给予学生帮助、点拨。 (8分钟)

6 游戏:让学生三人一组,用事先准备好的台历或日历,一人指着某一周或某一月,一人尝试说出英文名称,另一人进行统计。轮流操练,比一比规定时间内谁说出的多,评出每组冠军。(4分钟)

7 告诉学生,Millie writes a letter to Wendy about her week. But she is not good at the Prepositions. Can you help her?(Yes!)OK, turn to Page 42.Use “at, in, on” to fill in the blanks.要求学生单独完成,选出一些同学逐句读出答案,最后让学生分组朗读全文。 (5分钟)

六 家庭作业

抄写单词。复习第41页A中表格。读第42 页课文。 ( 1分钟)



Grammar (B) Asking ‘wh–’questions

一 教学目标

1 能听、说、读、写单词cook, fishing, by, 短语by bus 并了解其含义。能听懂、会说单词 skate board。

2 能熟练地运用‘wh–’questions互相交流有关人或事物的信息。

3 能结合本单元中心话题,用所学语言知识进行交际。

4 能培养自己乐于用英语主动提问的学习态度。

二 教学重点

1 能理解what, which, who, whose, when, where, why, how 等疑问词的不同含义,掌握其 基本用法。

2 能灵活应用本课所学语法项目谈论 Festivals。

三 教学难点

1 能理解第43页Part B中的图表,获取准确的信息。

2 能根据不同的情景,正确地使用‘wh–’questions。

四 课前准备

1 教具准备:实物投影仪幕布、一幅图片(第44页Part B2 )。

2 教学准备:请学生准备一些物品,如书包、钢笔、尺子等。

3 板书准备:黑板上预先写好课题Unit 3 Let’s celebrate!

五 教学步骤

1 师生对话开展Free talk:

What is your name? How old are you? When is your birthday? Where do you live? Which is your favourite sport? Who is your favourite star? What do you do on Sunday? Why do you like Mid–Autumn Festival?板书What, How ,When, Where, Which, Who, Why.然后拿起一些学生的物品,问:Whose bag/pen/ruler is this? 再板书Whose。 (5分钟)

2 学生两人一组,仿照以上问题,谈论身边的物品,或询问对方的基本信息,进行语言交际训练。 (5分钟)

3 用实物投影展示第43页Part B中‘wh–’question图表,帮助学生对语法项目进行归纳小结。用简笔画表达短语by bus并教单词by。把它写在黑板上,问:Who goes to school by bus today? Hands up! Who doesn’t go to school by bus ? Hands up.操练短语by bus,然后让学生用表中的Questions, Answer,分组回答。 (7分钟)

4 教师告诉学生:Millie is a good girl. She loves to ask questions. Do you love to ask questions? (Yes)Good! I think every one should love to ask questions in English, then you’ll be better at your English! 打开书本,完成第43页Part B1。 检查学生能否通过看图观察、联想,正确地填出who, what, why等疑问词。借助于图片学习单词look, fishing。接着鼓励学生作出应答。允许有不同的答案,以开拓学生的思维及培养他们积极用英语来进行交际表达的学习态度。 (7分钟)

5 用实物投影展示出第44页Part B2图片。先帮助学生回忆图中物品所代表的节日名称:the Dragon Boat Festival, Christmas, Mid–Autumn Festival, Chinese New Year.通过图片教单词skateboard。并问:Do you want a skateboard? (Yes) Maybe I can give you one as a present for Christmas.然后设计以下‘wh–’questions,让学生看图分组问答:

Why do you like the Dragon Boat Festival? How do you celebrate Christmas? By giving presents。(把该短语写在黑板上以给学生提示。)When is Chinese New Year this year?

再鼓励学生用自己设计的‘wh–’questions来交流。 (10分钟)

6 打开书本,学生完成第44页B2填空练习。两人一组核对并纠正错误,再相互询问、应答。(5分钟)

六 家庭作业



以第36-37页Wendy’s letter为范文,设计出若干‘ wh–’questions,写在作业本上。(1分钟)


Grammar ( C ) ‘some’/‘any’+ Integrated skills(A)

一 教学目标

1 能听、说、读、写单词food, lion, midnight, happen并了解其含义。能听懂, 会说单词packet traditional, excited.能理解单词Chinatown.

2 能听懂与本单元中心话题有关的语段,利用所给提示,获取简单的信息。

3 能通过阅读短文或海报,了解海外中国传统节日的庆祝方式,提高对中外文化异同的鉴别能力,增强自己对民族文化的自豪感。

4 能理解和掌握some与any 的基本用法。

二 教学重点

1 生词的正确读音。

2 通过对话题How to celebrate Chinese New Year的听、说、读、写综合训练,培养学生综合运用语言的能力。

3 能正确区分some与any 在不同句式中的使用。

三 教学难点

1 掌握一定的听力技能。

2 能使用简单的海报传达信息。

3 能基本理解“some”在疑问句中的特殊含义。

四 课前准备

1 教具准备:磁带、录音机、实物投影仪幕布、三幅图片(第45页)。

2 教学准备:请学生自制新年“压岁钱”红包。

3 板书准备:黑板预先写好课题 Unit 3 Let’s celebrate!

五 教学步骤(第45页 Using ‘some’/‘any’)

1 用实物投影出示第45页图片、指着图片说Look! What festival are they getting ready for? (Christmas) What does the girl want to buy?(Some Christmas presents) Does she have any money? (No, she doesn’t have any money)把some和any写在黑板上,朗读图片上方的对话,然后学生两人一组,用其他物品替换,进行表演。

A: I want to borrow some Japanese books/Christmas cards/… Do you have any?

B: No, I don’t have any. (4分钟)

2 打开书本,和学生一道浏览图片下方的表格,帮助学生小结some 和any的基本用法,使学生能正确理解它们在三种不同句式中的运用。Do you understand the three different kinds of sentences? I’m sure they’re not too hard for you. But don’t forget to read the words in the right box. Sometimes, when we want to get the answer “yes”, we can use “some” in question forms.领着学生边读边理解。例句:Would you like some tea? (I hope you want

some tea ) Can I have some stamps ?(I hope I can get some stamps) (4分钟)

3 教师与学生这样交谈Do you like Chinese New Year?(Yes) Why do you like it? (Because I can get some money from my parents) Where do they always put it? 学习单词packet及短语a red packet.帮助学生回答: They always put some money in the red packets. 教师说Show me your red packets, please! OK! Do you have any money in it? (3分钟)

4 问学生: Do you know ICQ? Do you like to chat on ICQ? Wendy likes to chat with Millie on ICQ. Look, they’re chatting again.让学生用some和any完成第45页对话填空。两人一组,

先讨论并写下答案,相邻两组一齐核对、矫正,再交叉更换伙伴表演对话,鼓励学生尽量伴以动作、表情,加强对话的逼真度。 (5分钟)

六 教学步骤(第46页 Chinese New Year celebrations)

1 合上书本,问学生:Do you know why Wendy and Millie talked about Chinese New Year? Please look at the poster. Maybe you can find the answer. 用实物投影出示第46页A海报。让学生快读一遍找到答案:Because people will celebrate Chinese New Year in New York. Wendy wants to learn something about Chinese New Year celebrations in Beijing . (5分钟)

2 教师说:There are lots of Chinese people in New York. They often live in a place called Chinatown.(相信学生可以猜出其含义)They must celebrate Chinese New Year. Do you know why? (Because they’re Chinese, too)学习单词traditional, food(something to eat) 短语traditional food -such as dumplings, Sichuan hot food, Guang dong sea food.. Chinese New Year, Mid–Autumn Festival., the Dragon Boat Festival are all traditional festivals in China.用简笔画或动作教单词Lion及短语lion dance。Do you know a man called Huang Feihong? He is very good at lion dance.学习单词Midnight-in the middle of night or 12 p.m. (4分钟)

3 打开书本,让学生再读一遍海报,并根据A1的要求,两人一组讨论,完成下面图表中的部分空格。 (2分钟)

4 用英文解释海报左下方。If you want to know more information and complete the left part, please listen to the radio program. 让学生听一遍录音,只听不写,看他们是否能整体理解大意。然后再放一遍录音,要求他们努力捕捉关键词及相关信息,单独把答案写在A1的table内。第三遍则用来帮助学生核对、纠正错误。 (7分钟)

5 告诉学生:Wendy wants to tell Millie about the celebrations in New York. She is writing a postcard. Please help her finish the blanks.学生分成若干小组,分别讨论答案,最后汇集信 息,全班一起核对,共同提高,让同学们体验到合作学习的快乐。 (5分钟)

6 学生大声朗读短文数遍,再把答案写在书上。 (4分钟)

七 家庭作业



鼓励有能力的学生以Millie的口气,仿照书上的范文,回复一张明信片给Wendy,告诉她北京庆祝新年的情况。 (1分钟)


Period (8)

Speak up: Which is your favourite day? + Study skills

一 教学目标

1 能相互交流有关“个人对节日的喜好”信息。

2 能熟练运用‘wh–’questions 进行详细询问和应答。

3 能尝试使用适当的学习方法,克服学习中的困难。

二 教学重点

1 日常交际用语的正确读音。

2 能模仿第47页Part B 的对话,谈论个人所喜爱的节日。

三 教学难点

1 能熟练地在情景中运用本课所学的交际用语,互相询问对方所喜爱的节日情况。

2 能正确理解简短的书面指令(instructions)并根据要求进行学习活动。

四 课前准备

1 教具准备:磁带、录音机、实物投影仪幕布,事先制作好的学习卡片若干张。

2 教学准备:请学生准备一张较大的卡片, 一张白纸,一把剪刀及钢笔、彩笔等物品。

3 板书准备:黑板上预先写好课题 Unit 3 Let’s celebrate!

五 教学步骤(第47页 Speak up)

1 教师用实物投影展示第35页 Part A ,问学生:

Which is your favourite festival?(The Mid–Autumn Festival) Why do you like it?(Because I like to eat mooncakes).让学生两人一组,用其他节日名称替换,进行对话表演。

(相关材料:Halloween→dress up Easter→like to eat chocolate eggs.

Chinese New Year →get a red packet with money in it.

Christmas→get presents Dragon Boat Festival→like to eat rice dumplings)(5分钟)

2 教师说:Do you know which is Millie’s favourite day? Listen, and try to find the answer.

播放一次录音,让学生静听,找出答案后,举手回答:Her birthday。然后播放第二次录音,学生逐句跟读、模仿,并注意带着感情色彩来读。 (5分钟)

3 打开书,分角色朗读。 (3分钟)

4 学生两人一组练习对话,轮流替换角色,练习几分钟后,让一些小组到前面表演。(5分钟)

5 用实物投影出示第40页Part A 的节日名称。两人一组,扩展对话,可先与一学生作以下示范:

T: Which is your favourite day in the year? S: Children’s Day is my favourite day.

T: When’s Children’s Day? S: It’s on 1st June.

T: Why do you like it so much? S: I do not have to go to school and I can play with my friends.

T: Where do you play? S: In the park../At home/….

鼓励学生尽量运用更多的‘wh–’questions互相询问。 (5分钟)

6 在黑板上写出学生已学过的节日名称,让学生用自己真实的情况来表演对话,以便他们能在真实的情景中合理、自如地运用句子。 ( 5分钟)

六 教学步骤(第48页 Study skills)

1 游戏

拿出事先制作好的学习卡片,放在讲台上,让有图画的一面朝上,说:Let’s play a game to remember things. 先作示范:喊一个学生站到讲台边,任意抽出一张,把图对着教师,教师立刻根据图示说出:I like to eat mooncakes. 再让该学生看有英文句子的一面,问他:Am I right? (Yes, you are right). 然后让学生两人一组,依次选出三、四组学生到前面,仿照示范进行“看图记句游戏”。可事先让猜的学生浏览卡片上的英文短语,进行强记准备,再看图联想,说出英语。若有困难,可鼓励该学生主动向其他同学求助:Could you help me , please? (5分钟)

2 问学生:Do you think the cards can help you remember English words? (Yes)

告诉学生:This is a good way of learning English. If you have the cards and study them for 10 minutes every day, you’ll learn English better. (1分钟)

3 用实物投影出示第48页Part A。Do you want to make the flash cards? Now, look at the pictures and read the instructions first. Try to understand them.让学生看图并默读英文数遍,弄懂需哪些物品,该如何制作等。 (3分钟)

4 问:If you want to make some flash cards, what do you need? 学生出示准备好的物品。We need these. 教师说:OK, Let’s make flash cards. Are you ready? (Yes).学生先按照所理解的信息,用一张白纸制作“模拟卡片”。,再打开书本,二人一组互相检查对方的“卡片”是否符合要求。最后,学生动手制作真正的学习卡片,并事先分组讨论,设计好该写在卡片上的英文词、句、短语,鼓励他们最好采用本单元的语言。 (5分钟)

七 家庭作业

听磁带,跟录音读第47页Part B 对话。使用本课所制卡片学习10分钟,开始尝试帮助记忆英语词汇或句子。


模仿第47页Part B的对话,根据实际情景自编对话,鼓励有能力的学生运用更多的交际用语扩展对话。 (1分钟)



Main task

一 教学目标

1 能听、说、读、写单词west, way, usually, through,短语in the west, in many ways,并了解其含义。能听懂、会说单词 neighbour, shine。

2 能在写作前组织思想。

3 能写有关节日及庆祝方式的段落。


二 教学重点

1 生词和短语的正确读音。 2. 培养学生笔头表达思想的能力。

三 教学难点

1 能通过阅读某人关于节日海报内容的写作提纲,了解海报的写作方式。

2 能模仿所学短文,运用新单词或短语进行局面书面表达。

四 课前准备

1 教具准备:实物投影仪幕布。

2 教学准备:请学生准备几张A4的白纸。

3 板书准备:黑板上预先写好课题 Unit 3 Let’s celebrate!

五 教学步骤

1 教师问学生 Which is your favourite festival? (Halloween…)把学生的答案(节日名称)写 在黑板上,师生对话开展Free talk。

When is Halloween?(It’s on 31st October) Which people celebrate it?(People in the west) 学习单词west,可用手势比划方位来表示。Is the USA in the west of the world? (Yes). 操练短语in the west.

How do people celebrate Halloween ? (People celebrate it by dressing up, playing ‘trick or treat’, making pumpkin lanterns, having Halloween parties and eating lots of special chocolates and sweets). Oh, they have many ways to celebrate Halloween.学习单词way, 用手扳着指头数一数主要的庆祝方式,让学生领会way 的含义。告诉学生:We also celebrate our Chinese New Year in many ways.操练短语in many ways.

How do people play ‘trick or treat’? (They usually knock on their neighbours’ doors and try to get a ‘treat’, or they play a trick on the neighbour )

学习单词usually, neighbour .

How do people make pumpkin lanterns? (They cut out eyes, the nose and sharp teeth, then put candles in them). Do you know why they put candles in them? (Because the light can shine through them)学习单词shine, through, 可用动作、表情来表示。 (7分钟)

2 教师介绍说We will make a display about Festival around the world! What do you have to do for it? (We have to make posters showing our favourite festivals ). Do you know how to make a poster? First, you can learn to make a writing plan. (2分钟)

3 实物投影展示第49页,让学生浏览数遍。Here is Millie’s writing plan. She wants to make a poster showing her favourite festival -Halloween for school display. Read them silently and try to understand them and find the way of showing your favourite festival. (3分钟)

4 让学生读49页的提纲,并把自己获取的有关信息写在第50页Part B 的空白格内,两人一组核对答案,纠正错误,然后朗读数遍。 (4 分钟)

5 根据第49页Millie’s writing plan, 教师与学生一道展开讨论,帮助他们组织他们自己的写作思路。可让学生各自先拟定一个节日名称,再将写作提纲设计在草稿纸上。 (5分钟)

6 让学生根据自己的提纲,模仿第50页Part B范文,尝试写出自己的poster。教师巡视课堂,及时纠正错误或给予提示。 (6分钟)

7 游戏

学生做完后不写名字在草稿上,组织学生八人一组交流,把八份草稿混在一起发给组内不同的学生,每位学生在小组宣读。读完后猜一猜它的作者,并把poster还给作者。此活动可以让学生分享他人的写作思想,体验合作学习的快乐。 (6分钟)

8 两人一组互相交流poster , 在教师的指导下检查所写语句,纠正错误并进行比较。(5分钟)

9 找四、五个学生把他们的短文大声读给全班听。 (4分钟)

六 家庭作业


让学生在一张单独的纸上改写、补充内容,并画上相应的图片,制成真正的poster。 (1分钟)




一 教学目标

1 能听、说、读、写、单词warm 并了解其含义。

2 能熟练掌握和理解本单元所学的单词、短语以及语法项目。

3 能熟练地在不同的交际情景中运用本单元所学的单词、短语以及语法项目。

4 能就本单元的内容进行自我检测、评价,体验进步与成功。

二 教学重点

1 能复习巩固所学的语言知识。

2 能综合运用本单元所学的单词、短语以及语法项目。

三 教学难点

1 复习时间介词at/on/in、‘wh–’questions, ’some’/ ’any’ 的含义及功能。

2 掌握一定的书写技能。

四 课前准备

1 教具准备:实物投影仪幕布、自制flash cards 若干、活页台历一个。

2 教学准备:请学生准备一本测验本和几张白纸。

3 板书准备:黑板上预先写好课题 Unit 3 Let’s celebrate!

五 教学步骤

1 教师介绍本课内容Today we will do some exercises to check if you can use the words and grammar which you have learned earlier in the unit to make sentences. (1分钟)

2 教师提出问题帮助学生复习本单元所学单词、句型和语法。

i) How much can you remember about Halloween celebrations? 用自制的含有与Halloween 相关的词或短语的flash cards,与学生一道做“看图记句”游戏,以巩固学生对语言项目的理解和记忆。

ii) What season is it in the USA when Halloween comes? ( winter) What do we usually wear in winter? (warm coat) 学习单词warm. Why do we have to wear warm coat? (It’s cold) 把warm与cold写在黑板上以加深学生的印象。 (7分钟)

3 教师组织学生以“小记者采访”的类型,复习节日类等单词和语法规则。

i) Which is your favourite festival /day/month/season? Why do you like it ?

ii) What do you usually do on Sunday/in the evening/at 8 o’clock? What do you like to eat at Mid–Autumn Festival/Easter/the Dragon Boat Festival?

iii) Do you have any flash cards? Do you wear any warm coat in summer ?(No, I don’t wear any.) 鼓励学生尽可能多地给出信息,教师应及时纠正学生的语法和语音错误。 (6分钟)

4 在以上两个游戏活动中,学生已经复习了Part B的所有词汇:Halloween, Chinese New Year, Mid–Autumn Festival, the Dragon Boat Festival, Christmas, Easter,让学生先把答案写在书上,然后做以下“Dreaming about”的游戏

叫一个学生假装趴在座位上睡着了。教师说:He/She is dreaming about the different days of the week. What is he/she dreaming about? 其它学生举手猜答,依次说出I think he/she is dreaming about Monday, Tuesday… 然后用months、seasons替换,方法同上。 (6分钟)

5 用实物投影分别出示第41页、第43页和第45页的表格,复习三种不同语法项目的含义和用法,帮助学生加强理解,加深记忆。 (3分钟)

6 让学生完成Part A语法填空练习,做完后两个一组纠正错误,把得分写在电子Hobo的手掌上。让学生集体朗读句子,并作小结。 (6分钟)

7 附加练习

a) 用第41页的词汇栏给学生进行听写小测验,学生写在测验本上。 (6分钟)

b) 写作训练

拟定标题My birthday ,让学生先安排自己的写作思路,立出提纲,然后仿照第16页范例制作一张poster来介绍自己生日晚会的信息。先写在稿纸上,教师当堂帮助学生检查、纠正或点评。 (5分钟)

六 家庭作业

复习本单元所学内容。制作生日晚会“海报”。对有能力的学生,鼓励他们仿照第36-37页书信,写一封信介绍某一节日的庆祝情况,尽可能多地用本单元的语句表达思想。 (2分钟)

牛津英语7a全套教案 篇5


- To revise vocabulary and expressions to describe people

- To guess meaning from context

- To generate ideas about people’s appearance and personalities

- To categorize adjectives to describe important qualities of a friend according to personal preferences

Language focus


nothing bowl honest secret

joy problems teenager magazine

good-looking musical


1. have something to drink

Can I have something to drink?

2. What about …?

What about some milk?

3. some more food

have some more food

4. nothing else

There’s nothing else in the fridge.

5. the pizza in your bowl

6. talk to him / her

talk to him / her when you are sad

7. talk to him / her about …?

talk to him / her about anything

8. have problems

9. Do you believe …?

Do you believe what he / she says?

10. write to us at ‘Teenagers’ magazine

Pre-task activities 1. Brainstorming and free discussion

- Are you hungry now?

- If you are very hungry, what can you do? What are you going to do?

- Do you want to have anything to drink, too? What would you like to drink?

- If you are still hungry, what can you do? (Have some more food.)

- If there’s nothing else in the fridge, what can you do?

During-task activities 2. Listening task

Listen to the conversation between Eddie and Hobo. Can you find out the answers to these questions:

1) ______ is / are hungry.

A. Eddie B. Hobo

C. Eddie and Hobo

2) Hobo wants to share the ______ with Eddie.

A. cake B. milk C. pizza

3. Reading

1) Read the conversation after the tape.

2) Explain the language points briefly.

- Do you want some?

Do you want some cake?

I have a cake.

- Can I Have something to drink?

Is there anything in the fridge?

- What about …?

- Have some more food

Have too much food

Have enough food

- Maybe we can share it.

3) Have my students read the conversation aloud.

4) Have my students act the conversation in pairs.

4. Talking about your best friend

My best friend in my class is ______.

He / She is ______.

(Ask questions according to the sentences given on Page 3.)

honest: Do you believe what he / she says?

Keep secrets: Can you talk to him / her about anything?

Share my joy: Do you talk to him / her when you are happy?

5. Qualities of a good friend (Page 3)

- Have my students finish the exercises by themselves.

- Check the answers in class

6. What are the important qualities of a god friend? Complete the table on Page 3.

Post-task activities Discussion: If you were Eddie, you are hungry, too. Do you want to share your pizza with Hobo? Why or why not?

Unit 1 Best friends (Pp. 4 – 6) Reading


- To guess general meanings from keywords and context

- To skim text for overall meanings and scan for details

- To identify specific information about different people from their friends’ descriptions

- To use adjectives to describe people’s appearance and characteristics

- To recognize the use of comparatives and superlatives

Language focus


slim generous willing ready

seat singer wonderful almost

poor eyesight smart sense

humour bored unhappy joke

fit knock advertisement shoulder-length

true vote


1. as slim as I am

2. for a long time

3. be generous

4. be willing to share things with her friends

5. be ready to help people

6. any time

7. help me with my homework

8. give seats to people

9. in need

10. on the bus 11. want to be a singer

12. travel around the world

13. grow up

14. see each other often

15. have a wonderful friend named Max

16. almost 1.75 metres

17. have poor eyesight

18. because of

19. too much computer work

20. wear small, round glasses 21. make him look smart

22. have a good sense of humour

23. feel bored or unhappy

24. be with me

25. tell funny jokes

26. make me laugh

27. walk fast

28. walk past me

29. knock over our books and pens

30. be so funny

Pre-task activities 1. Who is your best friend in your class? He / she is …

2. classify the words into the following parts:




future plan

During-task activities 1. Read the passages, find out the key words of each passage.

- Betty is _____________.

- Max is ____________.

- May is _____________.

Betty Max May

Appear. Slim

Short hair Tall, poor eyesight

Glasses – smart Small straight, shoulder – length hair – pretty

Person. Generous

Helpful A good sense of humour A true friend

Special Wants to be a singer funny Kind

2. Choosing the best friend

- Have my students finish the exercises on page 5. Check the answers in pairs.

- Check the answers in class.

3. Detailed study of the passages

- Read the passages one paragraph after another. Ask students questions and help them take down the key phrases. Have my students retell the passages.

- Explain the language points as well.

4. What makes a best friend?

- Have my students finish Part C, on Page 6. Check the answers in pairs.

- Check the answers in class.

Language study 1. as … as …

She is as slim as I am.

She is as tall as I am.

I am as tall as she is.

I run as fast as she does.

She runs as fast as I do.

I drove as quickly as she did.

She drove as quickly as I did.

I am driving as carefully as she is.

She is driving as carefully as I am.

I can run as fast as she can.

She can run as fast as I can.

2. be willing to do sth.

be ready to do sth.

3. want to be …

want to do …

4. I have a wonderful friend named Max.

I have a wonderful friend called Max.

5. … because of too much computer work.

… because he has too much computer work.

6. … and they make him look smart.

they: the glasses

look smart (adj.)

make sb. do sth.

make me laugh

7. I never feel bored or unhappy when he is with me.

feel bored (adj.)

8. … and they do not fit under the school desks.

fit v.

9. … when he walks past the desks, …

pass & past

10. knock over

11. think of …

12. Everyone thinks she is pretty.

13. When something worries me, …

14. say a bad word about anyone.


I want to ______ ______ ______(告诉你关于……的事) my best friend Betty. She is ______ ______ ______(和……一样苗条) I am. She has short hair. We have been best friends ______ ______ ______ ______(一段很长的时间).

Betty is generous. She is willing to share things ______ her friends. She is also very helpful and is ready to help people any time. She helps me ______ my homework and she always gives seats ______ people ______ need ______ the bus.

Betty ______ ______ ______ ______ ______(想要当一名歌手) and ______ ______ ______ ______(环游世界) when she ______ ______(长大). We may not get to ______ ______ ______(看见彼此)often but we will always be best friends.

I have a ______ (出色的)friend ______(叫做) Max. He is very tall - ______(几乎) 1.75 metres. However, he has ______ ______ (视力不好) ______ ______ (因为) ______ ______ (太多的) computer work ______ ______ (在夜晚). He ______ (戴) small, round ______ (眼镜) and they make him ______ ______ (看上去聪明的).

Max _______________ (富有幽默感). I never _______________ (觉得厌烦或不开心) when he _______________ (与我在一起). He _______________ (讲述奇怪的笑话) and always _______________ (使我开怀大笑).

His legs ______ (be) very long and they ______ (not fit) under the school desks. He can ______ (walk) ______ (fast) but when he ______ (walk) ______ (pass / past) the desks, he often ______ (knock) over our books and pens. He ______ (be) so funny.

I ______ ______ (想到) my good friend May when I read your advertisement. She is small and she has ______ (直直的), ______ (齐肩发) hair. Everyone ______ (认为) she is pretty.

May is a ______ (忠实的)friend. When something ______ (困饶我), I can always go to her. I can tell her ______ (任何事情) because she can keep a ______ (秘密).

She is kind and never ______ (say) a bad word about ______ (someone).

Unit 1 Describing people’s appearance (P. 7) Vocabulary


- To use adjectives to describe people’s physical features

- To use adjectives to describe general appearance of people

- To select and use adjectives that are appropriate to describe the appearance of boys and girls

Language focus:

Vocabulary: thin, square, handsome

Pre-task activities Weekly Quiz 4:

I. Vocabulary (60’)

generous unhappy wonderful

almost advertisement shoulder-length

II. Phrases (24’)

1. travel around the world

2. each other

3. have poor eyesight

4. too much computer work

5. have a good sense of humour

6. tell funny jokes

7. knock over …

8. think of …

III. Sentences (16’)

1. I have a good friend named Max.

2. The teacher makes me do a lot of exercises every day.

3. Everyone calls me Betty.

4. He saw three policemen when he walked past the police station.

5. Be quick! Don’t walk so slowly.

6. She is as slim as I am.

7. She is willing to share things with her friends.

8. She wants to be a singer when she grows up.

9. We didn’t go to the park yesterday because of the heavy rain.

10. I never feel bored when he is with me.

11. Max is my best friend. He is an honest boy.

12. He is a clever boy. = He is smart.

During-task activities 1. Have my students study the new words by themselves: thin, square

2. Daniel is … / Daniel looks …

3. Pattern drills:

What is Daniel like?

What does Daniel look like?

4. Describing the appearance of boys and girls.

Post-task activities General appearance:

slim, thin, fat, strong, tall, short, beautiful, smart, good-looking, handsome, pretty, tidy, clean

Face: long, short, round, square

Eyes: big, small, round, bright, smiling

Nose: long, short, big, small

Hair: black, dark brown, long, short, shoulder-length, straight, ponytail

Unit 1 Grammar (Pp. 8 – 11) Grammar


- To use an adjective before a noun or after a linking verb to describe someone / something

- To use comparatives to compare two people / things

- To use superlatives to compare three or more people / things

Language focus:

Vocabulary: cheerful, than

The comparative and superlative forms of the following adjectives:

Tall, small / nice, fine / pretty, easy / slim, big / beautiful, important / good, bad, etc.

Pre-task activities 1. Write one sentence to describe the appearance of your partner.

2. Write several sentences about the appearance of your partner.

General appearance, face, eyes, nose, hair, etc.

During-task activities 1. Change the sentence forms:

Millie has short hair.

Millie’s hair is short.

2. Comparatives

Have my students study the forms of the comparative forms of adjectives:

Tall, small, nice, easy, big, beautiful, good, bad, etc.

3. Superlatives

Have my students study the forms of the superlative forms of adjectives:

Tall, small, nice, easy, big, beautiful, good, bad, etc.

4. Part B1, on page 9.

5. Part B2, on page 10.

6. Word study:

Outdoor activities: hiking, cycling, camping, skiing, diving

7. Using ‘ (not) as ’ + adjective + ‘as’

She is as slim as I am.

8. Part C1, on page 11.

Post-task activities What do you think about the activities?

Talking about the activities with a partner using ‘(not) as … as’.

Unit 1 My best friend (Pp. 15 – 16) Main task


- To plan ideas for personal writing

- To write a description of the appearance and personality of a friend

- To write for an audience

- To write for a newspaper competition using appropriate register

- To develop an understanding of the structure of the letter: introduction, main body and conclusion

Language focus:


Smiling, general, appearance, pleasant, ability, wear

Pre-task activities Task I: Brainstorming and free discussion

Who is your best friend?

… is _________. (Ask my students to give as many words as possible. Classify the words into different groups while writing.)

Face: long, short, round, square

Eyes: big, small, round, bright, smiling

Nose: long, short, big, small

Hair: black, dark brown, long, short, shoulder-length, straight, ponytail, bunches

General appearance: slim, thin, fat, strong, tall, short, beautiful, smart, good-looking, handsome, pretty, tidy, clean

Personality: friendly, kind, polite, happy, honest, helpful, cheerful, pleasant

Abilities: smart, clever, hard-working, musical

During-task activities Task II: John’s best friend

- Do you know who my best friend is? (Show my students the picture of Kate, on page 16.)

- What is she like? What does she look like?

1) General appearance: tall and slim

2) face: square

3) nose: long

4) eyes: bright, smiling

5) hair: black, should-length, long

- What is her personality?

- Look at this picture, what is she doing? (She is helping Daniel with his homework.)

- What is her personality, can you guess? (She is helpful.)

Task III: Listening task

Listen to my speech; tell me my friend’s name, appearance, personality and her future plan.

(Ask my students to take notes while listening.)

Personality: helpful, friendly, kind, happy, cheerful, pleasant

Task IV: Reading task

Read the passage on page 16 and find out Kate’s ability.

She is clever.

Task V: My best friend

1. Read the passage after the tape.

2. Say something about Kate according to the notes the students have taken.

牛津英语7a全套教案 篇6

备课组别 English 上课

日期 第 10 课时 课型 New 主备人 Lu Guomei

课 题: 7A Unit 2 Checkout


目标 1、To rvise the new words and useful expressions about this unit .

2、To practice using the personal pronouns of subject form and object form .

3、To talk about your school life and love your colourful school life .

重点 Grasp the new words and useful expressions .

难点 Practise using the grammar points .

教法Teaching and practice .

教具 Pictures and small test papers

教学基本环节 教学过程内容及组织过程 用案人自我创新

指导自学 Step Ⅰ Guidance to self-study

Activity 1 Lead--in

Have a free talk with the students .

Do you love your school life ?

Do you have lots of friends ?

Do you have hobbies ?

What’s your favourite activity/hobby ?

How many hours do you spend on it every day ?

… …

To encourage more students to talk about their school

life freely .

Show the teaching aims to the students .

指导自学 Activity 2 Checking homework.

Get group leaders to check the homework carefully and

give suitable marks to each group .

Praise the best group and the most careful students .

交流展示 Step ⅡDiscussion&presentation

Activity 3 Presentation

Get the students to practice reading the new words

and useful expressions .Then prepare for dictating

the important language points .

Activity 4 Dictation

Get No.1students to dictate the language points

on the blackboard .Others dictate in exercises books .

sleep just fun funny after-school

homework supper because best

chat first spend library

practiceswimmer kind mail

send usetwice week

newspaper letter together busy

information trip price ready

… …

Help the students to revise the important phrases .

wake up

be going to do something

how to have fun

spend (some time ) doing something

交流展示 be busy

a trip to the zoo

thank sb for sth

look forward doing … …

What do you think of … …?


Step Ⅲ Extension

Activity5 Practise

1) Help the students revise the personal pronouns .

Subject forms :I you he/she/it you you we they

Object forms : me you him/her/it you you us them

2) Practise doing the exercises on Page 37 of Part A .

Check the answers together :

(1) I (2) you (3) me (4) it (5) It

(6) He (7) we (8) him (9)He

3) To show some pictures about sports ,lead the students to say:

watch TV write letters read newspapers play football

make model planes … ….

Then get the students to talk about their shool life and

their favourite activities .Make them love their colourful

school life .

Step IV Checkout

Activity 6 Choose the best answer .

1、-How long do you spend _______your homework

every day ?

A do B to do C doing D are doing

2、Look at those books ._______ are new .My aunt gave

______ to me as a birthday gift .

A They ; them B They ; their C Their ;them D Their ;they

3、Mr Wang is my neighbour ._______ often talk with

________on Sundays .

A I ; him B me ;him C He ; I D He ; me

4、Mr Ye is a good teacher .He teaches ______ music .We

all like him .

A we B us C me D him

5、Come on ,Sally .It’s time _______class now .

A to B to C for D with

Unit 2 Checkout

Subject forms : I he /she/it you they we you
