glad you came 英文歌词


glad you came 英文歌词(通用12篇)

glad you came 英文歌词 篇1


When I was yong,当我年轻时,I’d listen to the radio,常听收音机,Waiting for my favorite songs。等待心爱的歌曲。

When they played I’d sing along,听到播放时便随声歌唱。It made me smile。这使我欢畅。

Those were such happy times,那时多么幸福的时刻!And not so long ago。就在不久以前。

How I wondered where they’d gone。我想知道他们曾去何处,But they’re back again,但我所有深爱的歌曲

Just like a long lost friend。他们现在又回来,All the songs I love so well。正如老友失散又重聚。

Every sha-la-la-la 每一句sha-la-la-la

Enery wo-wo still shines,每一句wo-wo仍闪烁,Every shinga-linga-ling,每一句shinga-linga-ling,That they’restarting to sing so fine。他们又开始唱得如此动听。

When they get to the part 当他们唱到一个地方

Where he,s breaking her heart,令她伤心断肠,It can really make me cry,这真能叫我哭出来,Just like before,正如从前一样,It’s yesterday once more。仿佛昔日又重来

Looking back on how it was 回头看

In years gone by,岁月如何消逝

And the good time that I had 这些过去的好时光

Makes today seem rather sad。使今天显得令人哀伤。So much has changed。变化多大啊!

It was songs of love 我向他们唱

That I would sing to them,爱的歌曲。

And I’d memorize each word,我会记住每一句歌词。Those old melodies 那些古老的曲调,Still sound so good to me,在我听来还是那么好,As they melt the years away。好像他们把岁月融消。

Every sha-la-la-la 每一句sha-la-la-la

Enery wo-wo still shines,每一句wo-wo仍闪烁,Every shinga-linga-ling,每一句shinga-linga-ling,That they’restarting to sing so fine。他们又开始唱得如此动听。

All my best memories 我所有美好的记忆

Come back clearly to me。清晰的重现。

Some can even make me cry,有一些仍能使我哭出来,Just like before,正如从前一样,It’s yesterday once more。仿佛昔日又重来。

Every sha-la-la-la 每一句sha-la-la-la

Enery wo-wo still shines,每一句wo-wo仍闪烁,Every shinga-linga-ling,每一句shinga-linga-ling,That they’restarting to sing so fine。他们又开始唱得如此动听。

glad you came 英文歌词 篇2


韩礼德和哈桑 (1976) 对衔接作了明确的界定, 用“衔接”这个词专门指那些组成语篇的非结构性关系。它们是语义关系, 语篇是一个语义单位。衔接出现于语篇中对某个成分的意义解释需要依赖于对另一个成分的解释时, 成分一预设了成分二, 两者相辅相承, 就有组成语篇的可能性。他们把衔接分为结构衔接和非结构衔接两种, 把衔接的意义和范围扩大到了实现谋篇意义的结构之间的关系。韩礼德和哈桑将衔接手段分为两大块, 即语法衔接手段和词汇衔接手段。语法衔接手段包括照应、省略、替代和连接, 词汇衔接手段包括词汇重述、同义、上下义和搭配等。不管是词汇衔接还是语法衔接, 在诸多歌词中都是有迹可循的。


笔者从《奥斯卡经典100首珍藏》、《春节联欢晚会金曲100首》这两本书中随机挑选出50首歌曲组成语料库, 并将定性研究与定量研究相结合进行比较分析。总体而言, 两者的相同点是词汇衔接在中英文歌词的编写中使用最为频繁, 替代则使用最少。这其实是由于重复是歌词创作的常用手段这一原因造成的。针对衔接的具体手段, 英汉歌词也有细节上的异同。首先是指称方面。根据数据分析, 我们发现人称指称在英汉歌词中的使用均位居首位, 指示指称其次, 而比较指称则使用极少。笔者认为, 造成这一结果的原因可以用韩礼德的语言的功能所解释。语言的三大元功能是概念功能、人际功能和语篇功能。而歌词的撰写更多涉及到人际功能, 即为了唤起创作者与听众之间的情感交流, 因此人称指称的频繁使用可以加强这种互动。具体而言, 英语歌词中第三人称代词的使用最为频繁, 而汉语歌词中第一二人称代词则最为常见。笔者认为, 这是因为在中英两种语境下不同的文化所造成的思维方式的不同:大多情况下, 英语把客观角度作为出发点, 而汉语则习惯于从主观角度出发。同时, 由于英语歌曲多涉及到爱, 因此第三人称代词的使用也比较频繁。而汉语歌词的第二人称的使用, 不仅迎合了观众的情感需求, 也促进了创作者与听众之间能够建立一种亲密和谐的关系。此外, 汉语中没有定冠词the, 而英语中经常使用the, 这是它们使用指示指称的最大区别。但是, 这并不意味着中文歌词无法表达特殊概念的涵义。中文通常在所要描述的概念前加上“这”或“那”。这两个词的实际意义可以等同于英语中的the。例如, “你就像那冬天里的一把火, 熊熊火焰温暖了我的心窝。”这里的“那”就等同于the。另外, 英语中“this”和“that”与中文中对等的“这”与“那”的使用也存在一些不同。在英语中“this”的使用频率要比“that”高, 而在中文中“那”的使用频率则比“这”高。从时间和空间的角度来看, “这”一般指向较近的事物, 而“那”则指向较远的事物。笔者认为, 造成这一不同的原因是在中文歌词中“那”的使用并没有明确的时间和地点指向, 其充当的作用实际上等同于英语中的“the”。第二关于替换。从语法和修辞的角度, 替换的作用是为了避免重复。然而, 重复却是歌词写作中的一种重要手段, 它可以押韵, 突出重点以及增强情感。因此, 替换也不可避免地成为英汉歌词衔接中最常用的手段之一。同样地, 替换在中文歌词中使用的频率也低于英文歌词, 这是由于中文常常原封不动地重述词语和句子来完成文本的衔接。第三关于省略。省略实质上是一种特殊的替换, 它不仅能充当衔接的手段, 还能够使句子更加精简明了。通过数据分析, 笔者发现省略在英文歌词文本中的使用频率要低于在汉语歌词中使用的频率。造成这一结果的原因, 可以归结为两个因素:一方面, 英语是形合语言, 注重形式;而汉语是意合语言, 注重意义的表达;另一方面, 由于歌词篇幅短小且是时间艺术, 因此歌词要用较少的语言表达较多的内容。第四关于连接词。连接词的使用在英汉歌词中均有相同点, 即会选取简洁明了的。英文歌词通常选取的连接词有“and”, “or”, “but”, “because”, “so”, “for”;而中文的通常选择“只要”, “尽管”, “再过”, “那时候”, “从前”。原因其实比较简单, 歌词最终服务于歌曲, 而为大众所接受的歌曲, 其歌词必然是口语化和通俗易懂的。它们的不同点在于中文歌词文本中使用的连接词数量少于英语歌词文本中的, 由于英语注重形合, 汉语重意合, 因此英语更倾向于使用显性连接词, 汉语则倾向于使用隐性连接词。以英文歌曲Sutter’s Mill:“....Well, he took it to the city, where the word, like wildfire, spread.And old John Sutter soon came to wish (he’d) left that stone in the river bed.....”和中文歌曲“老王”:“老王老王进寨那天没出太阳, 乡亲都很高兴拍起巴掌, 他在城里满好还来这地方, 更莫说人家还是个什么长。握握手哎老王眼一热, 掀开锅哎老王泪汪汪。……”为例, 英文歌曲采用了“and”这个显性连接词来展示更多的信息, 而在“老王”中, 我们并未发现显性连接词, 但是这并不妨碍文本的连续性, 因为受众可以在歌曲的情节和主题中得到更为生动的形象。最后是关于词汇衔接。词汇衔接的两大常用手段重述和搭配, 在歌词中都得到了最频繁的应用。重复与排比的交替使用使得重述成为英汉歌词衔接的最基本和最常用的手段。

笔者以韩礼德和哈桑提出的衔接理论为基础, 重点研究了中英文歌曲中歌词的衔接手段的异同点及原因。通过对比分析, 笔者发现衔接手段的使用最终是为了服务于句子衔接和语篇衔接, 使它们能够过渡得十分自然, 从而更有利于思想情感的表达。


[1]Isa Sugiarti.An Analysis on Reference of Grammatical Cohesion Devices in the Lyrics of Creed’Song[D].Malang:English Department Education, Muhammadiyah University of Malang, 2004.

[3]陆正兰.中国现代歌词国内研究综述[J].湖南人文科技学院学报, 2008, (5) , 87-90.

论英文歌词的翻译原则 篇3

【关键词】英文歌词 英文歌曲 翻译原则




1.忠实原作、没有译痕。综合严复及刘重德先生的观点,文学翻译应遵循“信、达、切”的原则,歌词作为文学的一部分,理应遵循这些原则,其中,“信”是指“忠实”,译文首先需要忠于原文,故“信”是文学翻译的最基本原则,歌词的翻译也是如此。这就要求译者在翻译之前必须对歌曲创作的形式和内容进行研究,掌握歌曲创作的时代、背景、社会、文化等要素,正确传递歌词含义,最大限度体现出忠实原作的风格、意境和表现方法,力求翻译真实可信,准确到位,不仅要表现原作字面意义的忠实,而且还要表现在忠实于字面意义下所蕴含的深层含义、语境、意象和作者的创作意图、风格及世界观等,要将原作中原汁原味的内容通过转码的方式更多的呈现给听众。例如《Happy Birthday to You》(《祝你生日快乐》)中,整首歌不同的旋律却只有一句话——祝你生日快乐,这首歌歌词最简单,但是最“忠实原文且没有译痕”。

2.通顺自然,优美动听。这一点与“达”相符合,是指译文要通顺自然,在译文表达上要尽量化解英汉语言文化障碍,要求译者在对歌词进行翻译时充分考虑原曲词汇的排列顺序,词藻风格的选取,节奏和音域的运用等特点,必要时可以“以歌译歌”,在词汇、句式和风格方面下功夫,使翻译后的歌词准确自然,无违和感。具体地说,也就是要符合歌曲的节奏,韵律,但需要注意翻译时不能单纯的原曲对应、英汉死译而导致译词和节奏变化不协调,使之听上去生硬晦涩无美感。歌词作为诗歌的一个分支,应具有诗歌一般的优雅和美感,这种美不仅要体现在歌词词藻和意境的优美上,还应该体现在旋律与歌词相配合的和谐之美上,使译文进入雅境,要使译文读者真切地感受到原作的意境美、音律美、自然美、语言美、哲思美。同时,译文一定要在节奏、音韵、旋律等要素方面充分达到原歌词之配于原歌曲。大家熟知的泰坦尼克号主题曲《My Heart Will Go on》(《我心永恒》)便是一个很好的译例,译文歌词优雅,意境优美,歌词和旋律相得益彰,充分表达了原作的独特韵味并拨动听众心弦从而产生共鸣:

That is hour I know you go on 你是依旧深情相许

Far across the distance and spaces between us 穿过那早已逝去的岁月

You have come to show you go on 向我诉说永远的爱 ……

3.切合原文风格。这是“切”的观点,要求我们在翻译过程中,在再创原文风格上,紧密结合原文人物的个性化语言,最佳地切合原文本身的创作风格。作者的创作风格和音乐风格受各种音乐要素——曲调、节奏、音色、力度、和声、织体和曲式等富有个性的结合方式的影响,同时受时代、民族、流派、大环境、大区域甚至作者本身固有的鲜明个性的影响,这些因素都不能忽略,要求译者平时注重提高自身的音乐鉴赏力。译文用语要审时度势,最大限度遵循原创作曲风格,搞错了原文风格,就不叫译作,叫改编。例如,美国乡村音乐特点是曲调简单,节奏平稳,带有叙事性,乡土气息浓厚,所以翻译时既要考虑译品能表现美国白人民族的感情与习尚,又要译出他们独特的名族气质与风情格调并体现浓郁的地域色彩。来自John Denver《Take Me Home Country Road》(《乡村路带我回家》),译品具有较浓的乡土气息,亲切热情,且不失流行元素,家乡的思念之情淋漓尽致:

Almost heaven West Virginia 简直是天堂啊

Blue Ridge Mountain Shenandoah River 兰岭山,谢纳多阿河

Life is old there 那里的生命年代久远

Older than the tree 比树木古老

Younger than the mountains 比群山年轻

Growing like a breeze 象和风一样慢慢生长

4.可唱性强。这是对英文歌曲歌词译者的最高要求,译者需按照四项基本翻译原则进行翻译,处理好译文“达意”和“配乐”之间的关系,努力将译文的形、音、意相结合,在忠实原作的基础上,使译文朗朗上口,优美押韵,可唱性强,达到词与谱的完美结合。如果只做到“词”的翻译,而做不到“歌”的翻译,译文不能“入歌”,就无法配曲歌唱,译文歌词再忠实原作、再优美华丽,如果不能唱,不能为译文歌手再度创作发挥作用,那么它充其量是“歌词大意”罢了。所以,翻译出的歌词不仅应该具有文学性,还应具有音乐性。一般情况下,词与谱的配合应包括两个方面:一是词与音符的配合,尽量做到一个汉字与英语单词的一个音节相对应,如果一个音符下有多个汉字,就很有可能超出节拍限制,过多这样的情况发生,就会破坏译文的语气,不利于歌唱,此情况应结合“可译”或“可不译”的互补理论处理,而且译文要将实词或者需要强调的词对应到英文的重音节上,把虚词或不重要的词放在非重音上;二是词与曲谱所表现的情绪的配合,曲调伤感宜选用闭口或撮口呼词,曲调欢快高亢,则宜选用开口呼的词。经典歌曲《Yesterday Once More》(《昨日重现》)脍炙人口,译文“入歌”,具有较强的“音乐性”,“词”和“谱”完美结合、“达意”与“配乐”处理得当,可唱性强。








英文儿歌歌词 篇4

Raining raining, it’s a raining day,xilili hualala, it’s a raining day.Happy happy, it’s a happy day,xixi haha ,it’s a happy day.bell’s ringing ,bell’s ringing, here I am , here I am, how are you today.very well thank you ,make a circle.6 Old macdonald had a farm old macdonald had a farm ,yi-a-yi-a-o ,and on the farm he had a cat ,yi-a-yi-a-o with a miaomiao here,and miaomiao there,here miao there miao, everywhere miaomiao.old macdonald had a farm, yi-a-yi-a-o。

old macdonald had a farm ,yi-a-yi-a-o,and on the farm he had a dog ,yi-a-yi-a-o, with a owow here,and owow there,here ow there ow ,everywhere ow ow , old macdonald had a farm, yi-a-yi-a-o

old macdonald had a farm,yi-a-yi-a-o,and on the farm he had a duck,yi-a-yi-a-o,with a quarkquark here, and quarkquark there, here quark there quark,everywhere quarkquark.old macdonald had a farm, yi-a-yi-a-o,old macdonald had a farm, yi-a-yi-a-o,and on the farm he had a cow, yi-a-yi-a-o, with a mumu here, and mumu there,here mu there mu, everywhere mumu old macdonald had a farm,yi-a-yi-a-o

Row, Row, Row Your Boat


row row row your boat, gentely down the stream, merrily merrily merrily merrily, life is but a dream.Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star


Twikle twinkle little star How I wonder what you are Up above the world so high Like a diamond in the sky Twikle twinkle little star How I wonder what you are

When the blazing sun is gone When he nothing shines upon Then you show your little light Twinkle twinkle all the night Twikle twinkle little star How I wonder what you are Twikle twinkle little star How I wonder what you are

儿歌名称:Follow Me:跟我来 Follow me Follow me 跟我来,跟我 Hands up Hands up举起手,举起手 Follow me Follow me跟我来,跟我来 Hands down Hands down 放下手,放下手 Follow me Follow me 跟我来,跟我来 Wave your arms 挥挥手

Follow me Follow me跟我来,跟我来 Bend your knees屈屈膝

圣诞节英文歌词 篇5

We wish you a merry Christmas and a happy new year.

We wish you a merry Christmas. We wish you a merry Christmas

We wish you a merry Christmas and a happy new year.

Good tidings we bring to you and your kin

We wish you a merry Christmas and a happy new year.

Oh bring us some figgy pudding. Oh bring us some figgy pudding

Oh bring us some figgy pudding. Ill bring it out here!

Oh bring us some figgy pudding. Oh bring us some figgy pudding

Oh bring us some figgy pudding. Ill bring it out here!

Good tidings we bring to you and your kin

We wish you a merry Christmas and a happy new year

We wont go until we get some. We wont go until we get some

We wont go until we get some. So bring some out here!

We wont go until we get some. We wont go until we get some

glad you came 英文歌词 篇6


《Who Says》是美国18岁小天后Selena Gomez 2011年发表的最新单曲。她的声线非常特别, 有极高的辨识度, 沙沙的声音中带着很是吸引人的性感和磁性, 极具爆发力。这首歌还作为了电影《蒙特卡洛》的片尾曲, 这首歌的歌词表现了这样的一个中心思想:主张自我, 相信自己, 不要在意世俗的眼光和看法, 每个人都可以是自己生活的主角和美丽的公主。


文体学, 它是一门研究文本体裁的特征、本质及其规律, 介于语言学、文艺学、美学、心理学等学科之间, 方兴未艾的综合性边缘学科。它正处于发展、完善的阶段。文体学是语言学的一个分支学科。文体学是一门具有特定的研究对象、原则和方法的独立学科。文体学是一门须多学科、多角度探讨的综合学科。



(1) 衔接手段:常见手段有:语法手段 (照应、替代、省略等) 和词汇手段 (复现关系、同现关系等) 的使用都可以表现结构上的粘着性, 即结构上的衔接。衔接是语篇的有形网络, 或称为形连 (cohesion) 。

(2) 连贯 (connection) 指的是语篇中语义的关联:连贯存在于语篇的底层, 通过逻辑推理来打到语义连接, 它是语篇的无形网络, 或称为意连或连贯性 (coherence) 。

二、Who Says语篇分析


这首歌的歌词为了达到以上效果, 运用了很多音位文体标记。英语诗歌的押韵可以根据单词的内音素重复的部位不同而分成不同种类, 最常见的有头韵 (Alliteration) 、元韵 (Assonance) 和尾韵 (Rhyme) 。

(1) 尾韵:尾韵则指词尾音素重复。在这首歌词中, 尾韵 (包括行中韵) 也反复出现过。这首歌词中的尾韵表现在以下几处:








[enʃəl]:第五小节中的potential、presidential (这对属于尾韵中的行中韵) 。

通过这些尾韵, 使得歌词易懂好记, 便于人们传唱。不仅如此。这些尾韵的出现, 使得歌词每一句, 每一节即使没有连词, 也可以起到语篇衔接的作用, 整体衔接连贯, 读起来优美动听。

(2) 头韵:头韵 (Alliteration) 是英语语言学分支文体学的重要术语, 头韵仅第一部分或第一部分辅音群的第一个音素相同。如果第一部分完全缺失, 那就只能让主元音相同。这首歌词中头韵表现在以下几处:

wouldn’t want:相同辅音[w]开头。

be the best:相同辅音[b]开头。

通过这些头韵, 使得歌词整体节奏加强, 连续的两个辅音[w]强烈的表达了歌词中坚持自我, 不想被别人的思想而左右的中心思想。同时也构成了音韵上极强的美感。

(3) 元韵:元韵指的是重读元音的重复。这些元韵在歌词中的出现, 使得歌词读起来朗朗上口, 优美婉转。这首歌词中的元韵表现在以下几处:





在这首歌曲中, 分为了五个小段落, 其中第二段和第四段为重复相同段落。第一段和第三段句子数量也相同, 为结构相同段落。这样的分段形式, 即使没有标点符号, 也使得听着理解其中内容。歌词结尾处出现的省略号, 形式上预示着歌曲的即将结束, 情感上给歌者和听者同时留下了回味的空间。


Who Says中共有283个词, 其中均为简单词汇。一首英文歌歌词, 语言越简单, 单词越普遍, 越容易被大家理解和接受。Who Say这首歌的歌词基本都为简单词汇, 传达了歌者的主张, 让听众跟着歌者的疑问一同去思考, 一同去感受。


重复是这首歌中所用到的一个修辞手段, 其中包括单词的重复, 短语的重复, 句子的重复和段落的重复。

在Who Says这个歌词中, you出现了18次, me出现了8次, I出现了7次, who says出现了15次, who said出现了3次。beautiful me出现了2次, beautiful life出现了2次。

“Who says……Who says you’re not beautiful Who says“出现了2次。

运用重复的修辞方法, 使得歌词流畅鲜活, 优美悦耳, 感染力强。


在这首歌词中, 语篇的衔接是通过各种衔接手段实现的。首先, 这首歌曲中主要运用了人称代词的前后重复达成上下文的呼应和连接。其次词汇的衔接也很重要。特殊疑问词who引起的多个问句和下文的listen to me, 这样不断的提问, 思考, 回答, 达到了前后语篇的关联。不仅在语篇的结构上起到了衔接, 同时在语意上, Who的提问和“I’m no beauty queen, I’m just beautiful me”以及最后的“listen to me”娓娓道出了这个歌词的语意, 让听众明白了这个歌词背后的故事和主张, 起到了语意上的连接。一开始听众听到第一小节时, 多个you, me和I的出现, 好像在跟听众讲述一个故事, 听众会对这个自我陈述形式的开头产生兴趣, 后面的Who引导的问题, 更是设立和疑问, 让听众去思考, 去体会。歌曲名“Who Says”在歌中重复出现, 二四小节更是以它为开头。歌名的不断重复, 使得这首歌结构更加紧密, 内容更加连贯。


以上是笔者对Who Says这首歌的歌词从文体学, 押韵, 修辞, 语篇衔接, 修辞, 标点等几个角度进行的语篇分析。激情的旋律, 动感的节奏, 通俗易懂的语言, 青春洋溢的表演风格, 组织有序的句式, 注定了这首歌一经推出, 就受到美国广大年轻人的喜爱。


[1]胡壮麟.语篇的衔接与连贯[M].上海:上海外语教育出版社, 1994.[1]胡壮麟.语篇的衔接与连贯[M].上海:上海外语教育出版社, 1994.

[2]张德禄.英语文体学教程[M].北京:高等教育出版社, 2008.[2]张德禄.英语文体学教程[M].北京:高等教育出版社, 2008.

爱很简单英文歌词 篇7

I can only give my love,

and show you what I am,

in the blast I breathe.

I will promise you my heart,

and give you what you need,

if you take some times.

And if you tell me you don’t leave me any more,

but I love want blast forever, woo ~

I will ask you for your chance to try again

to make a love I leave to better, woo ~ oh.

I love you,

say we together baby, say we together.

I love you,

I need you forever baby, you and me.

You say you how we know

exactly who I am to how to understand. woo ~

I do right from the sideling,

no way after said, if you read my mind. woo ~

If you tell me you don’t leave me any more,

but I love want blast forever

I will ask you for your chance to try again

to make a love or leave to better. woo ~ oh.

I love you,

say we together baby, say we together.

I need you,

I need you forever baby, need you forever.

Remember when I news to while clear,

remember when I make you to cry.

Yes, you still love me.

Oh, dear.

If you tell me you don’t leave me any more,

but I love want blast forever woo~

I will ask you for your chance to try again

to make a love or leave to better. woo ~ oh.

I love you,

say we together baby, say we together.

I love you,

I need you forever baby, you and me.

all right

I love you,

say we together baby, say we together. Hi,we come baby!

I love you,

好久不见中英文歌词 篇8

The steps that we left behind

Your lonely eyes stare back at mine

In pictures from that time

I hold my heart,closing my eyes

I see your smile,lies behind

In this place,you entered my life

How I wish,you were still mine

I know that if I see you again

Beside that cafe we met

I'd forget about the past

Lose track of time,with you

Talking about our lives

To show you a whole new side of me

And see the changes we've made,can we

Be more than we have been

Start our story again

All I can say,is tell you just one thing

I hold my heart,closing my eyes

I see your smile,lies behind

In this place,you entered my life

How I wish,you were still mine

I know that if I see you again

Beside that cafe we met

I'd forget about the past

Lose track of time,with you

Talking about our lives

To show you a whole new side of me

And see the changes we've made,can we

Be more than we have been

Start our story again

All I can say,is tell you just one thing


稍息立正站好英文歌词 篇9

This is my way I repeat day by day,

How can I do ? Can you tell me? My dear friend?

I don’t wanna be a loser every time!

Make up my mind , be a superman.

There is a way where there is a will

Believe in myself all the time !

When I open the door!

Pili pala, hulu huala! Teacher says :stop!

Keng keng qiang qiang, ping ping pang pang!

Pencils on the floor!

Wu ma ma huhu haha! What a mess I have got!

When I sit up so straight!

Pili pala, hulu huala! Gonna be OK!

Keng keng qiang qiang,

ping ping pang pang! Going on today!

Wu ma ma hu! Working hard without delay!

Everyday get up late miss the train,

This is my way I repeat day by day,

How can I do ? Can you tell me? My dear friend?

I don’t wanna be a loser every time!

Make up my mind , be a superman.

There is a way where there is a will

Believe in myself all the time !

When I open the door!

Pili pala, hulu huala! Teacher says :stop!

Keng keng qiang qiang, ping ping pang pang!

Pencils on the floor!

Wu ma ma huhu haha! What a mess I have got!

When I sit up so straight!

Pili pala, hulu huala! Gonna be OK!

Keng keng qiang qiang,

ping ping pang pang! Going on today!

Wu ma ma hu! Working hard without delay!

Make up my mind , be a superman.

There is a way where there is a will,

Believe in myself all the time !

When I open the door! bababalabala~

Pili pala, hulu huala! Teacher says :stop!

Keng keng qiang qiang, ping ping pang pang!

Pencils on the floor!

Wu ma ma huhu haha! What a mess I have got!

When I sit up so straight!

Pili pala, hulu huala! Gonna be OK!

Keng keng qiang qiang,

ping ping pang pang! Going on today!

Wu ma ma hu! Working hard without delay!

Pili pala, hulu huala! Gonna be OK!

Keng keng qiang qiang,

ping ping pang pang! Going on today!

glad you came 英文歌词 篇10

She hangs out every day near by the beach Havin a HEINEKEN fallin asleep She looks so sexy when she’ s walking the sand Nobody ever put a ring on her hand Swim to the oceanshore fish in the sea She is the story the story is she She sings to the moon and the stars in the sky Shining from high above you shouldn t ask why

She is the one that you never forget She is the heaven-sent angel you met Oh she must be the reason why God made a girl She is so pretty all over the world

She puts the rhythm the beat in the drum She comes in the morning and the evening she’ s gone Every little hour every second you live Trust in eternity that s what she gives She looks like Marilyn walks like Suzanne She talks like Monica and Marianne She wins in everything that she might do And she will respect you forever just you(repeat)

She is so pretty all over the world She is so pretty She is like you and me Like them like we She is in you and me(repeat)

Na na na na na …

Groove Coverage – She

She hangs out every day near by the beach Havin a HEINEKEN fallin asleep

She looks so sexy when she’ s walking the sand Nobody ever put a ring on her hand Swim to the oceanshore fish in the sea She is the story the story is she

She sings to the moon and the stars in the sky Shining from high above you shouldn t ask why

She is the one that you never forget She is the heaven-sent angel you met

Oh she must be the reason why God made a girl She is so pretty all over the world

She puts the rhythm the beat in the drum

She comes in the morning and the evening she’ s gone Every little hour every second you live Trust in eternity that s what she gives

She looks like Marilyn walks like Suzanne She talks like Monica and Marianne She wins in everything that she might do And she will respect you forever just you(repeat)

She is so pretty all over the world She is so pretty

She is like you and me Like them like we She is in you and me(repeat)

i love you英文歌词 篇11

If I had lots of love,I could love every body,animals and my family.Even though I love you only a few days,i feel good when look at her face.My love is like a red red rose.Sometimes,Loves can bring you a new feel as if was sunny in winter.But I wish I had lots of time to love you for my life.

If I were you,I would give up everything to follow you.When one person full in love with other person,He could care about you whether you here and he spent sometimes in keeping your company.Howevery,it is difficult for you to follow her.You are patient of waiting chance.On the contrary,you have no choice but to fill in love with her.Loving require waiting.If you missed the chance,you would be defeated.Sometimes,with the help of your friends,you complete the task that you get engaged to her.

A girl is sun,a boy is earth.Earth always moves around the sun.In contemporary society,a girl followed a boy.As love,sometimes love was loyal to me,but a few days.Love can go aganist your heart wish.You should pay attention to her every day.Thinking twice,you have bravery to her“I love you!”She can become shy and give you a hug.

One day,my good friends have a girl friend,he said to me that he was very happy.He fill into love ocean throughout the year. finally,the girl who my good friend have girl friend graduate from the No 7 high school and go into Beijing University.But my good friend went out of the society.We should learn fromthe aritical when you say“I love you”,you should be responsible for yourself.

glad you came 英文歌词 篇12

I wanna put you all up against that wall.我想把你抵住墙。

Throw you on the bed and take your clothes off.把你扔到床上和把你的衣服脱掉。

Everybody dont like it slow consider me one of them folk.Lets get to it,每个人都不喜欢干这事慢吞吞的,我也是。

get to it,做吧

get to it,做吧

get to it.做吧

Kinda crunk and im on this scene a look back and thats my xxxx plus I had a shot of that quick Patron.(好黄噢!)这是Crunk的乐风,我回头一看那是我的xxx,我搞定了我的赞助人。

Now im in my boxers like botron.现在我像Botron一样穿着拳击底一裤

Everybody dont like it slow consider me one of them folk.And lets do it,谁都不喜欢干这事慢吞吞的,我们做吧。

lets do it,做吧

lets do it,做吧

lets do it.做吧

Baby thats the way I like it,宝贝,这是我喜欢的方式,thats the way you like it,这是你喜欢的方式,thats the way we like it,这都是我们喜欢的方式,making love to booty music.在战利品音乐中XX。

Go Leo its your birtday,狮子座,是你的生日,Go Virgo its your Birthday,处一女座,是你的生日,Go Pisces its your birthday making love to booty music.双鱼座,是你的生日,在战利品音乐中XX。

Girl I feel all in my bones trying to keep up with that tempo.女孩,我感到全身的骨头都在跟着这种节奏。

Do it all night till your back gets sore till we just cant take it no more.做整个晚上直到你的背部疼痛,我们都无法再继续。

Girl your xxx like “OH MY GOD!” make it clap back till you give me


applause sounded like clap clap clap clap clap clap mhmm when i get in them drawers.欢呼我像“啪啪啪啪啪”,当我进入时。

Got you hair in tangles their wrapped around your anckles,你的头发凌一乱地缠着你,im gripping on your handles,我紧紧地抱住你,im hitting on different angles like


10, 5 cent, 10 cent dolla,10美分,5美分钱

10, 5 cent, 10 cent, dolla,10美分,5美分钱

10, 5 cent, 10 cent, dolla.10美分,5美分钱

Now let me see you pop it,让我看你的涌一出来的。

pop it.涌一出来的Thats the way I like it,这是我喜欢的方式,thats the way you like it,这是你喜欢的方式,thats the way we like it,这是我们大家都喜欢的方式,making love to booty music.在战利品音乐中XX。

Go Aries its your birthday,白羊座,是你的生日,Go Libra its your birtday,天平座,是你的生日,Go Scorpio its your birthday making love to booty music.天蝎座,是你的生日,在战利品音乐中XX。

Now dont stop get it,现在别停止,get it,继续吧,pop that coochie let me hit it.告诉我要继续,I wanna rock,我想摇动

I wanna rock let me get a lil bit of that donkey right.我想要摇动让我进对位置,Now dont stop get it,现在别停止

get it,继续吧,let me put some stank up in it,让我放些xx进去,I wanna rock,我想摇动

I wanna rock,我想摇动

lemme get a lil bit of that donkey right.我想要摇动让我进对位置,Does anyone out there wanna let me get a lil bit of that donkey right?


Oooohh Oooohh,噢噢,baby thats the way I like it,宝贝,这是我喜欢的方式,thats the way you like it,这是你喜欢的方式,thats the we we like it,这是我们都喜欢的方式,making love to booty music.在战利品中XX。上一页12下一页

Go Taurus its your birthday,金牛座,是你的生日,Go Capricorn its your birthday,摩羯座,是你的生日,Go Aquarius its your birthday,水瓶座,是你的生日,making love to booty music.在战利品音乐中XX。

Thats the way you like it,这是你喜欢的方式,thats the we we like it,这是我们都喜欢的方式,making love to booty music.在战利品音乐中XX,Go Taurus its your birthday.金牛座,是你的生日,Go Gemini its your birthday,双子座,是你的生日,Go Sag its your birthday,射手座,是你的生日,making love to booty music.
