


商务英语安排约会对话 篇1


Hi, everyone! This is 豆子. We shared how to leave a message by phone last week. Today, I would like to share the conversation about how to schedule a meeting by phone. Let’s start.

Linda:Hi, This is Linda Spencer speaking! May I ask who I speak with?

您好,我是Linda Spencer. 请问您是哪位?

John:Good morning! This is John Franklin. May I speak with Andrew Hall?

早上好,我是John Franklin。我能跟Leo Hall通话么?

Linda:Hold on please, let me check.




Linda:Sorry sir. Mr. Hall is at meeting right now. You may call later or may I leave a message?


John:So, are you his secretary?


Linda:Yes, I am.


John:I called yesterday, and Mr. Hall asked me to call this number to schedule a meeting with his secretary. So, I would like to schedule a meeting with Mr. Hall next week while I am in Beijing. I wonder if he could see me on next Wednesday.


Linda:All right! Let me check Mr. Hall’s schedule to see if his time is ok. He will be available at 3pm-4pm on next Wednesday, is that time ok for you, sir?


John:Let me check my schedule for a while. Yes, it works for me perfectly.


Linda:Great. May I have your name and phone number please?


John:My name is John Franklin, and my phone number is 123-456-7890.

名字是John Franklin, 电话是123-456-7890。

Linda:All right,let me confirm your meeting with Mr. Hall. Mr. Franklin, you have scheduled a meeting with Mr. Hall at 3pm-4pm on next Wednesday. If there is any change or you want to cancel the meeting, please let me know as soon as possible.


John:Sure. Oh, would you like to email me address of your office building?


Linda:No problem, what is your email address?




Linda:All right, I will email you our address in 5 minutes


John:Great, thanks for your help. Have a good one.


Linda:You too! Bye!



英语中表示约会的句子 篇2


2. Do you happen to be free?


3. Are you in a mood for a walk?


4. How about going for a cup of coffee?


5. May I ask you out?


6. Would you like to go with me on Friday night to the new restaurant?


7. Would you like to go to the movies with me?


8. How about going for a drink after work today?

商务商务谈判对话 篇3


学生会宣传部。所谓的宣传部就是负责与各部工作的联系和交流,坚持不懈地进行宣传工作,把学生会内部的各项工作及时地传递给广大师生。宣传部可以让我们交更多的朋友也可以参加各种课外活动,提高我们的社交能力。从而锻炼自己的社会活动能力 、扩宽自己的人脉关系网,.口才也大幅度的得到锻炼,提升。


商务交易会英语对话 篇4

lee: good morning sir, welcome to our booth.


smith: thank you very much.your booth was arranged very nicely.


lee: thank you for your compliment. would you like to have a seat?


smith: thanks.


lee: here’s my business card.


smith: thank you. please accept mine.


lee: oh, mr. smith, you are from america, have you known our company before?


smith: sorry, i haven’t. could you tell me something about it?


lee: yes, our company has engaged in textile production for many years, and our products have been sold all over the world.


smith: i hope we can make a successful cooperation in the future.


lee: i hope so too.


smith: may i know some of your new products?


lee: ok, here are our new products; they are sold very well aboard.


smith: oh, so many new products, i should say some of them could be found in the market in my country.


lee: i’m glad to hear that, take your time and look around,and you are welcome to our factory sometime.


smith: sure, i’m planning to visit some factories after this trade fair. by the way, which province are you from?


lee: zhejiang province.


smith: really, there is famous for light industry, isn’t it?


lee: it sure is. do you plan to go there?


smith: actually, i’ll be staying in guangdong for five days, and then i am going to zhejiang.


lee: that would be great.

商务日常英语口语情景对话 篇5


B:Thank you very much. I am very delighted to be invited to lunch.


A:Please, come in.


B:Thank you for preparing so splendid a lunch specially for me.

英语面试对话 篇6




人资部经理(Director of Personnel Department):李杰




杰: Hello!This is Lijie speaking.May I Speak to ruili Nie? 赵聪聪:你好!我是李杰,我找聂瑞丽。聂瑞丽: Hello!This is ruili Nie.赵聪聪:你好!我是聂瑞丽。

杰: I am director of Personnel Department, Huawei Science Co., Ltd.We received your application last Friday, and decided to meet you tomorrow morning.赵聪聪:我是华为科技有限公司人事部经理。上个星期六我收到了你的求职信,我决定在明天早上和你见个面。

聂瑞丽:I’m afraid I can’t arrive at your city until the day after tomorrow.Can you kindly put it off? 赵聪聪:我可能到后天才能到达你们城市,你可以推迟一下时间吗? 李

杰:Let me see.Is Thursday morning OK? 赵聪聪:让我看一下。周四上午怎么样? 聂瑞丽:OK.No problem.赵聪聪:好的,没问题。

杰:I’ll be expecting you at 9:00 o’clock on Thursday morning.My office is Room 504 on the fifth floor of the office building.赵聪聪:我会在周四早上9:00等你,我的办公室在办公楼5楼504房间。聂瑞丽:I’ll be there on time.Thank you very much.赵聪聪:我一定会准时到的,非常感谢。李

杰:All right.See you next time.赵聪聪:好的,下次见。聂瑞丽:Bye.再见。

(Thursday morning 8:55 o’clock)

袁洪梅:Come in, please.请进。

聂瑞丽:Good morning!Nice to meet you.I am ruili Nie.赵聪聪:早上好!很高兴见到你们,我是聂瑞丽。李

杰: Good morning!Ms.Nie.You are quite punctual.Take this seat, please.赵聪聪:早上好!聂小姐,你很准时,请坐吧!聂瑞丽:Thanks a lot.谢谢!

杰:Have you traveled in your school? 赵聪聪:你在学校出去旅游吗?

聂瑞丽:Yes.Sometimes I feel tired on studies, I would go out on weekend to wide the field of view and lighten my pressure, this will make me feel relax.赵聪聪:是的。有时在学习方面感觉累,我在周末都出去开阔视野减轻压力,这将是我感到轻松。

杰:Now tell me if you have a good command of English.赵聪聪:现在说下你英语是否学得很好。

聂瑞丽:I am prepare for CET-Band 4,fluent oral English and good pronunciation.And I believe I can pass CET-Band 4 this time.赵聪聪:我的英语口语流利,发音正确,正在为四级做准备。我相信这次一定


于豫东:I have read your resume.I know you will graduate from Ping dingshan industrial college of technology.What do you know about this company? 赵聪聪:我已经看过你的简历了,你即将从平顶山工业职业技术学院毕业,你对这个公司了解多少?

聂瑞丽:As far as I know, your company is one of the leading enterprises on electronic industry in our China, I respect your company’s culture.What’s more, I know that your company invest more than 10 percent sales in research and development each year to study and follow new technique and area constantly.It is proved that your company must have a satisfying prospect.The environment here is favorable for an individual to develop his abilities.赵聪聪:据我所知,你们公司是中国电子行业中的龙头企业,我崇尚贵公司的企业文化,而且,我知道贵公司每年都会将10%的销售额投入到研发项目中。不断的研究和跟踪新技术、新领域。这一点证明了贵公司有这令人满意的发展前景。对于个人而言,这儿的环境有益于开发个人潜能。

于豫东:Why are you interested in our company? 赵聪聪:你为什么对我们公司感兴趣?

聂瑞丽:A friend of mine works here, and he told me about your company, so I became interested.I think working in this company would provide me with a good opportunity to use my knowledge.赵聪聪:我的一个朋友在这里工作,他告诉我关于贵公司,所以我开始感兴趣。


范振杰:What qualifications do you have that make you feel you will be successful in this field? 赵聪聪:你具备些什么条件,使你觉得会在这一领域中取得成功?

聂瑞丽:My major is electronics.I study hard and master profound received knowledge at my college.Now I can make use of single-chip and PCB technique to develop functional circuit board, In addition,during every vocation, I have always applied for a job at electronic industry.I’m almost familiar with all kinds of work process.I hope I can benefit your company by my education and work experience.赵聪聪:我的专业是电子,在学校里,我努力学习,掌握了深隧的理论知识,我可以利用单片机和PCB技术开发一些多功能电路板。除此之外,每逢假期,我都会寻求一份儿电子类工作,因此对这一行业的工作都很熟悉。我希望用我所学的知识和工作经验为贵公司带来效益。

范振杰:Describe the relationship that should exist between a supervisor and those reporting to him.赵聪聪:说说管理者和被管理者之间应保持一种什么关系?

聂瑞丽:I think they should show respect to and confidence in each other and have an equal, cooperative and harmonious interpersonal relationship.Such a relationship can stimulate them to devote themselves to the growth of the company.赵聪聪:我认为,管理者和被管理者应该相互尊敬、相互信任,保持一种平等、合作、和谐的人际关系。这种关系能激发他们为公司发展而努力的敬业精神。

袁洪梅:How would you describe your personality? 赵聪聪:说说你的个性怎样? 聂瑞丽:I’m a person of great perseverance.If I pick up something, I never leave it half-done.I’m strong-willed and I never withdraw before difficulties.I like helping others, because it not only do others good but also give me a sense of satisfaction.赵聪聪:我有坚持不懈的精神,一旦开始干什么事,绝不会半途而废,且一定要做到尽善尽美。我意志力极强,绝不会在困难面前退缩。我性情和善,乐于助人,因为这不但对他人有意,而且我自己也可以获得满足感。

袁洪梅:What do you want to know about the job and the company? 赵聪聪:对于我们公司的工作情况你想了解些什么? 聂瑞丽:How about the work days? 赵聪聪:贵公司的工作制怎么样?

袁洪梅:Our company has been sticking to work intensely, we had had 6-day study, now we have a large and small rest in two weeks.赵聪聪:多年来我们公司一直奉行高强度劳动,曾经一直是6天工作制,后来是两周一大休一小休,最后是一个月有一周是6天。

聂瑞丽:Oh, I see.Thank you.赵聪聪:哦,我明白啦。谢谢你!

杰:W’ll notify you of our final decision within one week.赵聪聪:我们将在一周内通知你我们的最终决定。

聂瑞丽:Thank you for your interview with me.You can Email your decision to me.I hope I can become a member of your company.Good-bye.赵聪聪:非常感谢你们这次见我,你们可以通过电子邮箱通知我。我迫切的希望成为贵公司的一员,再见!

英语口语对话 篇7

C:Oh god!What a crowd!

Y: We come at the worst time ,is there a starvation(饥荒)breaking out(爆发).C:That’s true ,I’m starving ,I can’twait, let’s just have some instant noodlesall right?

Y:Oh come on,that’s not good for our health,hey look!There are still two sits over there.C:Great,let’s go.W: Are you ready to order?

C:I’d like something to eat now, I’m so hungry.W:Ohtoday is the dragon boat festival so we offer every customer two rice dumpling for free.C: That’s great.And I’d like spring rolls, how about you?

Y: Well, I want beef noodles,it’s my favorite.W: Okay, anything else?

Y: What about some vegetables(to A)

C: Depends on you

Y: Okay let me see …….W: How about cucumber(黄瓜)or turnip(萝卜)?

C:Oh cucumber is fine with me.W: Anything to drink?

Y:Yes,I love orange juice.C: I prefer coca –cola.W: Okay one orange juice and one Coca-Cola.Is that right?

Y:Um, hey today is the dragon boat festival,let’s have somethingspecial!C:Good idea, do you have any recommendations?

W:Yes we have deep fried beef steak mixed fried noodlesand Beijing roast duck.C: Have you ever had spaghetti(意大利面条), how about that ? Y: Yes,that’s wonderful!Do you have?

英语对话,yy 篇8

P:Today is bob’s birthday,and,it is a rainy day.People in the party:Bob, Kelly,Jack.Now the story begins.Scene 1:In the Bob’s living room.Bob:Welcome,my friends.Kelly:hello,Bob,nice to meet you.Bob:glad to see you too,Kelly.Jack:Today is your birthday,Bob:Yeah,and I am very happy today because you two guys come here to celebrate my birthady,it is my honor.By the way,today’s weather is really a little bad.Jack:It is raining outside,I feel a little cold on my way here.Kelly:what about now?Here?

J:A lot better,thank you.P:Then ,they began talking about NBA.Scene 2:On the sofa.K:Have you heard that Dallas has beaten Miami Heat,and to be a new champion in NBA.J:Yeah,I know that.I have watched all the games of this season’s NBA playoffs.B:I love Wade,what about you?

J:Lebron James is the greatest player,I think.I am a fan of Miami Heat.B:Me too.K:so?

J:I am very sad when they losed the games.K:I hope that Miami Heat get The Rings next season.B:I hope so,and I do want to see Yao Ming coming back to NBA.P:They talk about NBA stars,and after that,they begin talking about the food in dinner.Scene 3:In the dining room.B:What do you want to eat,Jack?

J:In fact ,I just want some birthday cakes.B:Okay,what about you ,Kelly ?

K:hehe,cakes are good,but I prefer some chicken.B:Let me see,en…...We have bought a big cake ,but we now don’t have chicken.J:We can book it in KFC’s hotline,K:Good idea!Let’s do it.Haha.By the way,I take some beer here,we can drink it together.P:Now,having dinner!

Scene 4: around the table.K&J:Happy birthday ,Bob!

B:Thank you very much,I am very exciting now.Let’s drink,cheers… K:I wish you good luck in your next year,B:You too,my friend.It is very happy to be with you,today is a unforgettable day.P:After that,the party comes to an end,Jack an Kelly is about to leave.Scene 5:In the doorway.K:It is pretty late today,and we have to go home now.J:Yeah.We have to go now.B:Okay,goodbye,Jack,Bye ,Kelly.K&J:Bye.P:Finally,when Jack and Kelly comes out, they luckily find that the rain have already stopped.What a peaceful evening.That’s the end of our dialogues.Thank you for watching us.Yemelor

英语口语对话 篇9

do on this weekend ?

B: HI!I m going to play the badminton and visit my friend

who study in songtian college.A: The badminton is your favourite hobby.Right?

B: YES!I love it very much.A: Yet I had seen your friend before , he is kind.B: But he had gotten a fever recently.I want to visit him.A: I m sorry to hear that.And I m going to play a new

computer game.Can you play with me ?

B: OH!It is not good for you.We re going to have a final

exam.We should make use of our time to reviewlessons.A: OK, I will go to the library and study.when we finish

the final exam.we can play it together.B: Year!I think it will be very fun!

A: I think so!Could you tell me what gamesyouwant to

play after the final exam ?

B: Let me think …… The CALL OF DUTY is very good.A: I have sound it before.It’s a nice game.It’s time

to go to library now, Have a good time!Bye!

英语作文短对话 篇10

1. 时间数字题常见的提问形式有:

How much/ many...?

How far/ long...?

What time...?


When will...?

How long will the man do?

2. 人物身份题常见的提问形式有:

Who is the man/ woman?

What is the man’s/ woman’s job/ profession/ occupation?

What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?

Who is the man/ woman most probably speaking to?


老师和学生(teacher and student):grade, mark, score, term, course, assignment, pass, fail, scholarship, tuition, campus, dormitory, lab, experiment, etc.医生和病人(doctor and patient):fever, cough, cold, headache, injection, prescription, diagnose, temperature, medicine, blood pressure, heart disease, flu, surgery, etc.侍者和顾客(waiter/ waitress and customer):menu, order, reserve, steak, ham, salad, soup, coffee, juice, hamburger, sandwiches, buffet, bar, brandy, whisky, dessert, tip, etc.司机和乘客(driver and passenger):taxi, fare, get off, change, tip, destination, etc.老板和秘书(boss and secretary):typing, operating, copy, files, document, report, telephone, appointment, timetable, arrangement, etc.3. 地点方向题常见的提问形式有:

Where does the conversation probably take place?

Where is the woman going?

Where are the two speakers?


学校(school):required course, elective course, quiz, professor, thesis, make-up, credits, master, dormitory, department, lecture, essay, bookshelf, application form, entrance

旅馆(hotel):receptionbook, reservation, tip, check in, single room, double room

饭店(restaurant)、酒吧(bar):menu, bill, drink, dessert, soup, steak, beer, appetizer, barbecue, cheese, cream, roast, beer, drink, wine, cafeteria, dining, saloon, pub, snack, bar, recipe

商店(department store):supermarket, dress, color, style, fashion, price, bargain, reasonable 医疗(medical treatment):doctor, nurse, patient, surgery, operation, medicine, dose, pill, temperature, headache, sore throat, bad cold, fever, cough, stomachache, heart disease, cancer 火车(railway)、汽车(motor)、飞机(airplane)等交通设施:platform, traffic jam, airport, arrival time, departure, ticket agent, take off, board, land, flight, airlines, freight, passport, visa

4. 转折题常用but, though, however

5. 请求或建议的常用句式有:

Will/ Would/ Can/ Could you...? Would you mind...? I wonder if...? Shall we...? Why not...? You’d better...?

What/ How about...?

请求与建议常见的提问方式有: What did the man/ woman suggest? What did the man/ woman want?

What did the man ask the woman to do? What did the man offer the woman? What is the man’s/ woman’s advice?

6. 观点态度题常见的提问方式有: How does the man/ woman feel about...? What does the man/ woman think of...? What does the man/ woman say about...? What does the man/ woman mean?

7. 行为方式题常见的提问方式有: What is the man/ woman going to do?

What will the man/ woman most probably do? What did the man/ woman do...? What is the man/ woman doing? How did the man/ woman get there? How did the man/ woman know it?

How did the man/ woman respond to...?

8. 推理题常见的提问方式有: What does the man/ woman imply?

What can be inferred from the conversation?

What do we learn about the man/ woman/ conversation?


apartment n.公寓住宅,单元住宅ask for an leave for 请假 attend v.参加,出席bookstore n.书店 case n.案件cheat v.作弊 citizen n.公民client n.委托人 colleague n.同事consultant n.顾问 dramatic adj.巨大的,戏剧性的draw from 从中得出 easy-going adj.随和的,易相处entrance n.入口 fare n.车费figure out 弄明白,搞清楚 fill in a form 填单子final exam 期末考试

furniture n.家具

get off 下车in a hurry匆忙indifferent adj.漠不关心in that case 那样的话inflammation n.炎症light-blue adj.浅蓝色manufacture v.生产,制作open an account 开账户on sale 减价出售park v.停靠,停泊plumber n.管道工prescription n.处方regular-priced adj.正常价格run out 用完settlement n.解决方式,裁决Students’ Union 学生会Summer vacation 暑假tablet n.片剂thesis n.论文toll n.费用weather forecast 天气预报vacatoiner n.度假者hurry up 快点,加速 imply v.暗示

in charge 负责,掌管 intern n.实习生

in the long run 长远角度 letter of appication 申请信 next to 旁边,紧靠

mind one’s business 管闲事 on discount 折扣价格 opposite adj.相反的 part-time job 兼职 post a letter 寄信 quit smoking 戒烟 rent v.出租

schoolmate n.校友 spare time 业余时间 supermarket n.超市 sympathize v.同情 take place 发生
