


高二英语复习教案 篇1





settle, struggle, freeze, exploit, refer, block, average, be famous for, a great deal of, make use of, clear up, from time to time, tell the difference between, tell…from…,generally speaking, sound/look strange, the second largest, struggle against, all the year around, refer to, live on, settle down, breath, injure, lay, wound, safety, wherever, quantity, ought to, take it easy, first aid, muth-to-mouth, deal with, running water, out of one’s reach, hold up, throw up, stay still, give first aid, lie on one’s back, out of reach, get sb.to do sth., by mistake, pay attention to, leave her where she is.2.句型

(1)You mean it looks strange!(2)I’ll tell you something that does sound strange.(3)The population of Canada is…

(4)As in China,the weather is different from area to area.(5)I think she must be injured.(6)Leave her where she is.(7)Repeat this as often as necessary.(8)Don’t reach sideways while standing on a ladder.(9)If anyone in the country knew first aid, many lives would be saved.3.语法


(2)复习情态动词must和should的用法,学习ought to的用法 4.交际英语

(1)A lof of people can’t tell the difference between…(2)Are there many differences?(3)What do you mean by…

(4)I’m sorry, I don’t quite follow you.(5)Do you use American or British spelling?(6)American spellings are used more and more in Canada now.(7)We must carry her to the side of the road.(8)You should/ shouldn’t(9)I ought to go home.(10)Don’t try to get up.




a drop of blood一滴血;drop by rop/in drops一滴一滴地;drop from the tree从树上掉下来;drop to the ground 落在地上;drop the letter into the mailbox把信投进信箱;drop a handkerchief/stone掉下手帕/石头

习语:drop in 顺便拜访;drop in on sb.顺便走访某人;drop in at his school顺便拜访他的学校。[应用]完成句子

①我看见一个苹果从树上掉下来。I saw an apple______ _______ the tree.②他们这样做是搬起石头咂自己的脚。

In doing so they are lifting a rock to _______ ________on their feet.③你路过的话,千万要来。

Do _______ _______ if you happen to be passing.Key: ①drop,from

②drop, it

③drop, in


average 可用作名词,表示“平均数,一般水平”,也可作形容词,表示“平均的”。如: the average of the pay平均工资;above/below the average平均以上/以下; the average age of the girls姑娘的平均年龄; the average temperature平均气温; on(an,the)average平均起来 [应用]完成句子


_________ _________,one worker in this factory gets 700 yuan every month.②他的功课一般以上。

He is_________ _________ in his lessons.Key: ①On, average

②above, average 3.reach sth./reach for sth.(1)reach sth.表示“够得着某物”,reach是及物动词。如:reach the top of the shelf够得着架子顶部;reach the apple on the tree够得着树上的苹果。

(2)reach for sth.表示“伸手(脚)去够某物”,其中的reach是不及物动词。亦可替换成reach out for sth.或reach out one’s hand(foot)for sth.,意义相同。

(3)reach还可用作不及物动词表示“延伸”。如:The woods reach as far as the river.树林子延伸到河边。(4)短语:reach an agreement达成协议;

beyond/out of one’s reach够不着,力所不及; out of the reach of sb.某人够不着; within one’s reach够得着,力所能及。[应用]完成句子


He ______ ______ the stick but could not_______it.②你最好把吃的东西放在小孩够得着的地方。

You’d better have the food _______the boy’s ________.Key:①reached, for, reach ②within, reach 4.表示态度、语气的短语归纳

generally speaking一般说来;strictly speaking严格说来;honestly speaking诚实地说来;personally speaking就我个人而言;exactly speaking准确地说来。to tell you the truth说实话;to be honest老实说;believe it or not信不信由你;judging from his appearance从他的相貌来说


①严格说来,加拿大英语和美国英语并不完全一样。_______ ________,Canadian English is not just the same as American English.②老实说我不赞同你的想法。

_______ _______ ________,I can’t agree to your idea.③一般地说,青年人喜欢流行音乐。

___________,young people enjoy pop music.Key:①Strictly,speaking ②To,be,honest ③Generally, speaking 5.如何表示“不同,区别”

1)tell the difference between A and B.说出A和B的区别;辨别A和B 2)tell A from B.区别、辨别A和B 3)What’s the difference between A and B?A和B什么不同?

4)There be some differences between A and B.A和B 之间有不同之处。5)A be different from B.A和B不同

6)make sb./sth.different from使某人/物不同于„„ 7)do sth.differently from…做起某事与„„不同 8)make no difference无关紧要



I can hardly_____the difference________ these two words.②绵羊和山羊有什么不同?

________ ________ ________between a sheep and a goat? ③哪一边赢对我都不重要。

It _______ ________ ________ to me which side may win.④你确实很富,但这并不能使你不同于别人。

You are rich indeed, but that doesn’t _________ __________ __________ ________ __________.⑤事实和他所说的大不一样。

The fact _______quite________ _________ what he said.⑥你能分辩出她和她的姐姐吗?

Can you _________ her________her sister? Key:①tell, between ②What’s,the,difference ③makes,no, difference ④make, you,different,from,others ⑤is,different,from ⑥tell,from 6.ordinary, common 二者都有“普通的,平常的”的意思,但侧重点不同。ordinary侧重表示“外表平凡,平平常常”;而common指“普遍存在,经常碰到”。对比:

in ordinary dress穿着平常的衣服; in an ordinary way以通常的方式;

an ordinary – looking man相貌平常的人; an ordinary event平常的一件事; common excuse常用的借口;

common knowledge常识;common people普通人,老百姓; have a bathroom in common合用洗澡间。[应用]完成句子


It was a piece of______dance music.②这种天气在南方是很常见的。

This sort of weather is quite _________in the south.③这弟兄两个没有什么共同之处。

These two brothers have nothing ________ _________.Key:①ordinary ②common ③in common 7.freeze,freezing,frozen freeze是动词“结冰,凝固”;freezing可用作名词“冰点”,用作形容词“冰冷的”,用作副词“极冷地”;frozen既是freeze的过去分词形式,也可用作形容词,表示“冷冻的”。对比:

Water freezes below freezing.冰点以下时水结冰。It was freezing cold that morning.那天早晨非常地冷。The roads are frozen in places.路上多处结冰。[应用]英译汉

①above/over freezing ②freezing weather ③be frozen to death ④give sb.a freezing cold ⑤freezing machine ⑥frozen meat ⑦I’m frozen,so I can’t write

⑧I’m freezing,so I’ve to put on a heavy coat.Key: ①零度以上



④冷冷地看某人一眼 ⑤制冷机


⑦我冻坏了,不能写东西了。⑧我觉得冷极了,我得穿件厚大衣。8.refer to, refer…to

1)refer 可用作及物动词,用于refer… to,表示“将„„提交给”。如: refer this problem to the school把这个问题提交学校;

refer the matter to the United Nations.将这件事情提交联合国

2)refer表示“谈到,涉及;查阅,参考,指”时是不及物动词,需用refer to结构。如: The book which you referred to is not in the library.你所指的那本书不在图书馆。

His report refers to the situation in the Middle East.他的报告谈到中东的形势。

短语:refer to the map/one’s notes/the dictionary 查阅地图/参考笔记/查字典

注意:look up word in the dictionary 查字典

对比:refer to 指语言、内容与某人(物)有关;而point to表示用手指向某人(物)。如: I didn’t know whom she was referring to.我不知道她指的是谁。

She pointed to the map and explained to the students.她指着地图给学生做出解释。[应用]完成句子


A friend of mine often ______ _______ Dr.Bethune when I was in Canada.②两国把这件事提交给了联合国。

The two countries._______the matter _______the United Nations.Key:①referred,to ②referred,to 9.clear


in a clear voice以清楚的声音;

be clear about sth.对„„清楚,明白; be clear to sb.对某人来说很清楚;

make one’s meaning clear 说明自己的意思;

注意两个句型:A:make it clear that…声明,说明;B.It’s(was)clear that…很明显(清楚)„„。(2)用作动词,表示“清除,清理,使干净”。如: clear one’s room/a table/a street/the desk 整理房间/收拾桌子/清扫大街/整理书桌;

clear away the dishes/waste把餐碟收走/把垃圾清除(3)clear up 的三个意义: A.表示“清理,收拾,解决”。如:

The dustmen were busy clearing up the snow on the road.清洁工正在清除路上的积雪。

This book has cleared up many problems for me.这本书给我解决了许多难题。B.表示“(天气)转晴”。如:

It’s snowing now, but I think it will clear up soon.现在正在下雨,但是我想天气很快会晴的。C.表示“露出喜悦的心情”。如: Her face cleared up as she read the letter.她看信的时候面露喜色。[应用]完成句子


She is _________ _________what to do next.②很清楚敌人是不会放弃他们的计划的。

________ _______ _______that the enemy wouldn’t give up their plan.③他明确表示他要离职。

He _________ _________ ________that he would leave office.④在离开办公室以前,请把你的桌子整理一下。

_________ ________your desk before you leave the office.Key:①clear,about

②It, is, clear ③make , it clear

④Clear,up 10.on+身体部位

lay the person on one’s back让这个人仰卧着;

lie on one’s back/stomach/side仰卧/趴着/侧着身躺着; sleep on one’s side 侧身睡; stand on one foot 一条脚站着; stand on one’s head倒立 [应用]完成句子


She ______ _______ ______ ______in the bed,crying all the while ②你想倒立几个小时是很不容易的。

It’s difficult for you to _____ ______ ______ ______ for several hours.Key:①lay, on, her, stomach ②stand,on, your,head 11.deal with,do with

1)二者都可表示“对付,应付,处理,安排”,但deal是不及物动词,可与how连用;而do是及物动词,只与what连用表示上述意义,不能单独使用。对比:We don’t know what to do with the waste materials./We don’t know how to deal with the waste materials.我们不知道怎样处理这此废料。

What’s the best way of dealing with thieves? 对付小偷最好的办法是什么?

(此句中的deal with不可替换成do with)

2)deal with还可表示“论述,涉及到;与„„相处”等意义,而do with 无此用法。如: The books dealing with Asian problems sell well in colleges.论述亚洲问题的书在大学里很畅销。

That man is easy to deal with.这个人容易相处。[应用]完成句子


_________did you deal with matters of this sort? What did you ________ _________matters of this sort? ②我们要处理的棘手事太多了。

There are too many difficulties for us to _________ ______.Key:①How/ do,with ②deal, with 12.still


如:keep(stay)still保持不动;lie(stand)still躺着(站着)不 动;a still lake/evening平静的湖/寂静的夜晚。

2)用作副词,表示“还,仍旧”,可以修饰形容词、副词比较组。如: be still busy仍然很忙;win still greater success取得更大成功。3)辨析still,quiet,silent;still侧重“一动不动”,quiet指“安静”,无动作,无声音,无骚乱,其反义词是noisy(吵闹的、喧哗的);silent指不出声,不说话。对比:sit still坐着不动;Be quiet,and the class will begin.请安静,马上就要开始上课了。

Hearing the answer,be was silent for a minute or more.听了回答之后,他沉默了一两分钟。[应用]完成句子


He is tall,but his brother is _________ _________.②我已经考虑了几个小时,但仍然不能决定。

I have been thinking for hours, but I ______can’t decide.Key:①still, talker ②still

13.hurt,wound 二者都有“受伤”之意,但含义有所不同。


be badly wounded in the battle 战斗中受重伤; wound sb.to death 使某人受伤致死;

hurt one’s back摔伤了后背;hurt one’s feeling伤害某人的感情;be hurt by his words被他的话所伤害。注意:A.wound可用作名词:

have a wound in the chest胸部受伤;

receive a serious wound受重伤;the wounded伤员。B.hurt还可用作不及物动词,表示“疼痛难受”对比: The girl fell off her bike.She hurt one of her legs hurts.姑娘从自行车上掉下来,有一条腿疼得厉害。[应用]完成句子

①这位战士头部受了伤.The soldier ______ ______ _____in his head./The soldier ______ _______in the head./The soldier head ______ ______.②他们说我的那些话使我很伤心。

I was rather__________by what they said about me.③我右腿疼。

My right foot ________.④他的伤似乎是很重。

It seemed that he _________badly_________.Key:①received,a, would/was, wounded/was wounded ②hurt ③hurts ④was, hurt/wounded 14.happen句型归纳

(1)happen to do sth.(主语常为“人”),意为“碰巧。恰好”。to 后可用不定式的一般式to do,完成式to have done进行式to be doing如:

You happened to be out when I came to your house.我到你家时,你正好出去了。

She happened to have just finished reading the book.碰巧她刚刚读完那本书。

The two salesmen happened to be quarrelling when the manager entered.经理进去时两个售货员碰巧在吵架。(2)It(so)happen that…“(如此)碰巧,恰好”。如: It happens that he is a teacher of English.恰好他是位英语老师。

It so happened that he was going that way too.如此碰巧的是他也往那边走。


I happened to have no money with me./It happened that I had no money with me.我碰巧身上没带钱。

(3)happen to sb./sth.“某人/物出事,发生了„„情况”。如:What has happened to your hand?你的手怎么了? Be careful not to let anything happen to that child.小心别让那个孩子出任何事。[应用]选择正确答案

①—We haven’t heard from Jane for a long time.(MET’91)—What do you suppose __________to her? A.was happening

B.to happen C.has happened

D.having happened ②They happened to _______for Tianjin when we got there.(MET’)A.leave

B.have left


D.had left ③If anything __________you,let me know.A.is happened to

B.is happening C.happens on

D.happens to Key:①C ②B ③D 16.mistake短语归纳

1)用作名词:by mistake由于差错;make mistakes 出错;make no mistake没出错;correct one’s mistake改正错误;recognize one’s mistake承认错误;make mistake about sb./sth.误会(解)某人/事

2)用作动词:mistake one’s meaning误解某人的意思;mistake sb./sth.for错当成,误以为是„„;be mistaken 弄错,错误的。




Time will _________ whether I made the right choice or not.A.seee



D.tell 分析:D。tell意为“辨别”。题2(NMET 1998)

They ___________the train until it disappeared in the distance A.saw



D.observed 分析:B。题干中until it disappeared in the distance 表明“他们在注视着火车,直到它在视野中消失。”see(be able to use your eyes to look at things and know what they are);watch(look at and pay attention to something that is happening;);notice(see,hear,or feel something);observe(see and notice sth.)从上面内容可知答案为B。题3(上海


Either you or the headmaster__________the prizes to these gifted students at the meeting.A.is handing out

B.are to hand out C.are handing out

D.is to hand out 分析:D。句中表按预定的计划做某事,而hand out 不是表示“出发、动身”等意的瞬间动词,因此不能用现在进行时表示将来时,不能选A或C。另外either…or + 主语 + v.结构中的动词单复数形式应与靠近的主语一致。题4(上海


It is hard for me to imagine what I would be doing today if I __________in love,at the age of seven,with the Melinda Cox Library in my hometown.A.wouldn’t have fallen

B.had not fallen C.should fall

D.were to fall 分析:B。虚拟语气。题5(MET 1992)

We _________last night,but we went to the concert instead.A.must have studied

B.might sutdy C.should have studied

D.would study 分析:C。从but一词表示转折来看,前句应与后句相反,所以前句应为“过去本应做的事,而未做。” 题6(NMET 1995)

It’s nearly seven o’clock.Jack ___________be here at any moment.A.must



D.can 分析:C。题干中有be expected to,或具有一种对现在的推测意味,可用should.题7(NMET 1994)

I told Sally how to get there,but perhaps I________for her.A.had to write it out

B.must have written it out C.should have written it out

D.ought to write it out 分析:C。此题表示“过去本应该做而未做”。题8(NMET 1998)

—When can I come for the photos? I need them tomorrow afternoon.—They ________be ready by 12:00.A.can



D.need 分析:B。此题表示对未来情况的推测意味。

高二英语复习教案 篇2

【原句】Yet two years had gone by and I was not that much worse.


【精讲】Go by在句中意思相当于pass,是指“(时光)逝去”,by是副词,整个短语是不及物动词短语。


go in for 爱好

go with与……协调

go out 熄灭

go against违反,违背

go back to返回,追溯到

go off爆炸

go all out (to do) 全力以赴(去做)

go over走过去;仔细检查;复习

go after(a job, a prize) 追求(职位),争取(奖品)

go through with sth. 做完某事,完成

go on with继续

【精练】We'd better try to _______ with the experiment, I think. Now let's _______ with it.

A. go through; go onB. go on; go over

C. go over; go throughD. go on; go through

【解析】A。go through with sth.做完,完成;go on with继续。

『要点2』more than的用法(Unit 2)

【原句】Newspapers and other media do more than simply record what happens.


【精讲】本句中more than与动词连用,表示强调,意为“不只是,不仅仅是”,表示这个含义时,more than还可以与名词连用,如:

Modern science is more than a large amount of information.

Jason is more than a lecturer; he is a writer, too.

More than的其他用法;

1) More than与数词连用,意为“不止,多于,超过”,如:

I have known David for more than 20 years.

2) More than与形容词或分词连用,意为“非常,十分”,如:

In doing scientific experiments, one must be more than careful with the instruments.

3) more than和含有情态动词的句子连用,有否定意义,意为“是……难以……”或“超过了……所能”,如:

That's more than I can do.

Don't bite off more than you can chew.

4) More...than...相当于rather than,表示取舍。意为“与其说后者,倒不如说前者”,“是……而不是……”,这时more...than...后接两个对等成分,more后接形容词的原形,如:

Catherine is more diligent than intelligent.

This book seems to be more a manual than a text.

5) No more than意思是“仅仅,只不过,只是”,如:What he is saying is no more than a joke.

【精练】More than one student _______ sent abroad for further study recently.

A. has been B. have been C. was D. were

【解析】A。More than one意为“不止一个”,后接单数可数名词时,谓语动词用单数;后接复数名词时,谓语动词用复数。本题中more than后接的one student是单数,谓语动词用单数。同时句尾的recently,说明整个句子说的是到目前为止的情况,用现在完成时,选A。

『要点3』 would rather的用法 (Unit3)

【原句】Well, I must say I'd rather live in a traditional siheyuan.


【精讲】Would rather在本句中意为“宁可,宁愿”,注意以下would rather的用法:

1) 后接从句,表示“宁愿、希望……”,从句要用虚拟语气:表示和现在或将来事实相反的虚拟,从句谓语动词用过去式;表示与过去事实相反的虚拟,从句谓语动词用过去完成式,如:

Danny's mother would rather that he was a girl.

2) 后面不接从句时,表示现在或将来的主观愿望与选择,结构为:would rather + (not) do;表示与过去事实相反的愿望,结构为:would rather + (not) have done,如:

I would rather not have worked there.

注意:would rather常与than连用,表示“宁愿……也不……”,表示现在或将来的情况,用动词原形;表示过去的情况,用过去完成式,如:

He would rather die than betray his motherland.

【精练】— Shall we go skating or stay at home?

— Which _______ do?

A. do you ratherB. would you rather

C. will you ratherD. should you rather

【解析】B。本题考查rather的用法,would rather+ do sth.,意为“宁愿”;本题为疑问句,would提前。

『要点4』 of + 名词的用法 (Unit3)

【原句】Old factory buildings have many halls and workshops of different sizes.


【精讲】“of + 表示人或物属性的名词”,这一介词短语可以用来描述人或事物的属性,在句中作表语或后置定语。常用于这一短语的名词有:size、color、height、length、age、shape等,这些名词前可用形容词修饰,如:different、the same等。



1. This book is _______(没用).

2. Both of them are _______(同岁).

3. This problem is _______(很有趣).

4. The dictionary is _______(很有价值).


1. of no use2. of the same age

3. of great interest4. of much value

『要点5』 过去分词作状语的用法 (Unit4)


1) 表时间,相当于一个时间状语从句,有时过去分词前可加连词when或while来强调时间概念。

2) 表原因,相当于as、since、because等引导的原因状语从句。

3) 表条件,相当于if、unless等引导的条件状语从句。有时过去分词前可以用if等词来强调条件,如:

If given(=if it had been given) more time, the work could have been done better. 如果多给些时间,这项工作会做得更好。

4) 表让步,相当于though、even if等引导的让步状语从句。

5) 表方式或伴随情况,不能用状语从句替换,但可以改变成并列句。

【精练】 _______ in thought, he almost ran into the car in front of him.

A. LosingB. Having lost

C. Lost D. To lose


『要点6』 名词性从句——同位语从句和主语从句(Unit5)


1) 常见的先行词有idea、belief、doubt、fact、hope、news、possibility、thought、promise、advise、suggest、proposal、demand、request、wish、word、message、information、truth、case、problem、question等。

2) 引导词一般为that、whether(在从句中不充当任何成分,但不可以省略),但how、when、where、why等连接副词也可引导同位语从句,并在从句中充当相应成分,如:

I have no idea when he will be back.

I have no impression how he went home, perhaps by bike.


1. The news _______our team had won 150 gold metals excited us.

2. The news _______he told us excited all of us.

A. thatB. whichC. whatD. when

【解析】1. A2. B



1) What和that的选用:what和that都能够引导名词性从句,但是在名词性从句中,that只起连接作用,无词义,不充当句子成分;而what在名词性从句中既起连接作用,又充当主语、宾语或表语,意思是“所……的东西(事情)”。

2) Whether与if的选用:whether能引导主语从句,而if不能。

3) It与其他引导词:有时候为了避免头重脚轻,主语从句会移至句末,而用it作形式主语。


1. _______we'll go camping tomorrow depends on the weather.

A. If B. WhetherC. ThatD. Where

2. _______this text can be used for listening has not been decided yet.

A. WhichB. If C. Whether D. As

3. I have never dined with you, sir; and I see no reason _______ .

A. how can I know B. how I ought to know

C. why shall I know D. why I should know


1. B。分析句子结构可知,本题缺主语从句的引导词。If不可引导主语从句;that引导的从句表示肯定的含义;而如用where,“到哪里野营取决于天气”,不符合常理。故选B,是否外出野营要看天气。

2. C。分析句子结构可知,has not been decided是句子的谓语部分,所以前面部分是主语从句。If、which与as不可引导主语从句,排除。句意为“这篇课文能否用于听力还未定下来”。

高二英语复习教案 篇3

2. Nobody likes being made fun of in public.

3. I asked him a question but he made/gave no response.

4. There have been several responses to our advertisement.

5. Our call for new suggestions evoked(=produced) little response

6. .She opened the door in response to the knock.

7. I’m writing in response to the question you raised in your letter.

8. What’s your reaction to the news?

9. How did he react to your suggestion?

10. Children at this age tend to react against their parents by going against their wishes.

11. The suffering has affected both her mental and physical health.

12. There was a long queue outside the cinema.

13. We queued up for the bus with great anxiety.

14. This technology is still in its early stages.

15. People tend to work hard at this stage of life.

16. We can take the argument one stage further.

17. She acted on our suggestion.

18. A trained dog can act as a guide to a blind person.

19. He acted as if he had never seen me before.

20. Does the drug take long to act ( on the nerve centres)?

21. She’s been awarded a scholarship to study at Oxford.

22. The award for this year’s best actress went to …

23. Make exercise a part of your daily routine.

24. The fault was discovered during a routine check.

25. His bright clothes were badly appropriate for such a solemn occasion.

26. I think this is an appropriate moment to raise the question of my promotion.

27. Complaints must be addressed to the appropriate authority.

28. The new toys kept her amused for hours.

29. The children amused themselves by playing games.

30. Your support is vital to/for the success of my plan.

31. It’s vital that we should act at once.

32. The issues are of vital importance.

33. You don’t sound very enthusiastic about the idea.

34. She never lost her enthusiasm for teaching.

35. It was a tough decision to make.

36. He faces the toughest test of his leadership so far.

37. The smile on her face made it all worthwhile.

38. It didn’t seem worthwhile writing it all out again.

39. The painting is the work of a master.

40. It takes years to master a new language.

41. He has never mastered the art of public speaking.

42. We’ve decided to take on a new clerk in the accounts department.

43. These insects can take on the color of their surroundings.

44. His face took on a worried expression.

45. I’m too tired and I can’t take on extra work.

46. After she had got over/overcome her initial shyness, she became very friendly.

47. It’s a highly skilled job. We need skilled workers.

48. Reading and writing are two different skills.

49. The job calls for skill.

50. Hurry! Go and see what’s going on there.

51. Be careful while crossing the street.

52. I crossed his name off the list.

53. He stood still there with his arms crossed on his chest.

54. I felt warm and cosy sitting by the fire.

55. I was annoyed with him because he kept interrupting.

56. The river wanders through some very beautiful country.

57. The bus was crowded/packed with noisy schoolchildren.

58. The entire village was destroyed in the flood.

59. The disease threatens to wipe out the entire population.

60. She raised her finger to her lips as a sign for silence.

61. The builders raised the ceiling by 6 inches.

62. How do people react to the appeal to raise money for victims of the disaster?

63. His long absence raised fears about his safety.

64. The situation has raised concern both nationally and internationally.

65. We need to raise public awareness of the issue.

66. They are kids raised on a diet of hamburgers.

67. They raised some cattle on the farm.

68. She was never keen on performing in public because she was afraid of making a fool of herself.

69. She fooled the old man out of all his money.

70. He’s fooled a lot of people into believing he’s a rich man.

71. This material tears easily, so be careful when you wear it.

72. She’s so absorbed in the book that she simply couldn’t tear herself away from it.

73. I was torn between my friends and my family.

74. She burst into tears upon hearing the bad news.

75. She exited pretty quickly when she heard him arriving.

76. Ring the bell in an emergency.

77. The situation grew worse and the government declared a state of emergency.

78. I don’t hold out much hope that the weather will improve.

79. How much longer can our supplies hold out?

80. The town was surrounded but the people held out until help came.

81. He’s fond of making jokes about the mistakes his classmates have made.

82. “ Can’t you make your little boy behave(himself)?” said Mary, pointing to the naughty boy’s mother.

83. He tripped over the root of a tree and was hurt.

84. The two cars ran/crashed/knocked/bumped into each other in the darkness.

85. The speech made a strong impression on us.

86. First impressions are often misleading.

87. All such possibilities must be considered before we make a decision.

88. Like many other young people, he prefers pop music.

89. It’s known to us all that Beijing will host the Olympic Games.

90. The address is being broadcast live on TV.

91. Every time he’s caught being late, he will make up an excuse.

92. Girls make up two-thirds of the class.

93. The audience howled with laughter at the words.

94. I’ve never doubted his popularity with his students because he’s so humorous.

95. You’re expecting too much of her. After all, she’s so young.

96. Many young people now don’t hope to follow in the footsteps of their parents.

97. Taking regular exercise and having a balanced diet can help you stay healthy .

98. Whatever the cost, we must carry out the research work.

99. Please look up the new words in your dictionaries after class.

100. The kids looked up from their books at the knock.

101. Mind that all the sentences you make should make sense.

102. Soon/Shortly after their arrival, the play began.

103. Follow the instructions while in the lab.

104. The old buildings are being torn down to make room for the new mall.

105. It’s everyone’s duty to contribute to the construction of our society.

106. The boy burst in with a book in his right hand.

107. He got seriously injured in the accident.

108. They struggled just to pay their bills.

109. I struggled up the hill with the heavy bags.

110. He struggled against cancer for two years.

111. I struggled and screamed for help.

112. How did she manage to struggle free?

113. Life is hard but we all have to struggle on.

114. He is engaged in a bitter struggle with his rival to get control of the company.

115. They were struggling to get out of the burning car.

116. The accident disabled him from playing basketball.

117. On their small income they live very simply.

118. To put it simply, the new proposals mean that the average worker will be about 10% better paid.

119. I don’t like driving; I do it simply because I have to get to work each day.

120. She is very dedicated to her work.

121. The doctor dedicated her life/herself to finding a cure.

122. He dedicated his first book to his late mother.

123. The programme reviews the most important events of 1985.

124. The 800 meters is the fourth event of the afternoon.

125. The two villages are three miles apart.

126. The two sides in the dispute are still a long way apart and it is unlikely that any agreement will be reached.

127. He took the clock apart to repair it.

128. He and his wife are living apart.

129. It’s a good piece of work, apart from a few slight faults.

130. Apart from being too large, it just doesn’t suit me.

131. I don’t think we should devote any more time to this question.

132. Several pages of the paper were devoted to an account of the election.

133. He is very devoted to his wife.

134. Most of our meetings were devoted to discussing the housing problem.

135. They rushed out into the street.

136. The fire engine rushed past us as we waited at the traffic lights.

137. Doctors and medical supplies were rushed to the scene of the accident.

138. Don’t rush into marriage; you might regret it later.

139. There was a rush for the exits when the film ended.

140. She received severe head injuries in the accident.

141. She was in severe pain.

142. The rejection came as a severe blow to his pride.

143. She had a severe look on her face.

144. Competition for the job is very severe.

145. I heard the cheers of the crowd, and I knew our team was winning.

146. Christmas and New Year are a time of good cheer in the company of family and friends.

147. The crowd cheered( the president) as he drove slowly by.

148. She was cheered by the news from home.

149. Oh, come on----cheer up!

150. Give Mary a call; she needs cheering up.

151. He felt bright and cheerful and full of energy.

152. The restaurant is bright and cheerful.

153. She overcame injury to win the Olympic gold medal.

154. The two parties managed to overcome their differences on the issue.

155. In the final game Sweden easily overcame France.

156. She can’t overcome her shyness.

157. She’s accomplished a great deal in the last few weeks.

158. That’s it. Mission accomplished.

159. When we moved to France, the children adapted ( to the change) very well.

160. I’m afraid he can’t adapt to the idea of having a woman as his boss.

161. These styles can be adapted to suit individual tastes.

162. It took him a while to adapt himself to his new surroundings.

163. Three of his novels have been adapted for television.

164. She tried to be more positive(=confident) about her new job.

165. We should have positive attitudes towards life.

166. We must take positive steps to deal with the problem.

167. It will require positive action by all in the industry.

168. We’ve had a very positive response to the idea.

169. His family have been a very positive influence on him.

170. We have no positive evidence that she was involved.

171. Are you positive that you’ve never seen that man before?

172. Thinking positively is one way of dealing with stress.

173. The experts are optimistic about our chances of success.

174. He tried to inspire them to greater efforts.

175. I was inspired to work harder by her example.

176. She showed remarkable courage when she heard the bad news.

177. I didn’t have the courage to tell him the bad news.

178. She showed admirable self-control.

179. He’s always looking in the mirror, admiring himself.

180. I was filled with admiration for her courage.

181. The documentary aroused public sympathy for victims of the disaster.

182. I have no sympathy for her; it’s all her own fault.

183. He had always obeyed his parents without question.

184. You’ll have to observe the speed limit on the highway.

185. I’ve arranged for a taxi.

186. He called at 9, as arranged.

187. I’ve arranged for a doctor to see him.

188. We still have to arrange where to meet.

189. They went to Italy on a coach tour.

190. They believed the witness had been coached on what to say.

191. I coach people for English exams.

192. She coaches me in French.

193. A large sum has been allocated for buying new books for the library.

194. More resources are being allocated to the project.

195. The space available is not adequate for our needs.

196. There is a lack of training that is adequate to meet the future needs of industry.

197. I hope he will prove adequate to the job.

198. Her performance was adequate, though hardly exciting.

199. People are confused about all the different labels on food these days.

200. The children gave a confused account of what had happened.

201. He has decided to quit as manager of the team.

202. He quit the show last year because of his poor health.

203. I’m tired of watching television; let’s go for a walk.

204. The agency offers practical guidance to people starting their own business.

205. She went on holiday alone---she’s very independent.

206. He was innocent of the crime and was set free.

207. The man gave a vivid description of what happened.

208. He’s a shy boy who can’t communicate very well.

209. We can communicate with each other by sending e-mails.

210. Basic human rights, including freedom of speech, are now guaranteed.

211. The ticket will guarantee you free entry.

212. We guarantee to deliver your goods within a week.

213. These days getting a degree doesn’t guarantee you a job.

214. We’ll do all we can to assist you.

215. We’ll assist you in finding somewhere to live, so don’t worry.

216. Two men are assisting the police with their enquiries.

217. Anyone willing to assist can contact this number.

218. This heating system has an automatic temperature control.

219. Breathing is an automatic function of the body.

220. At the turn of a tap you get instant hot water.

221. The instant I saw him I knew he was the man the police were looking for.

222. What’s the maximum amount of wine you’re allowed to take through customs duty-free?

223. He smokes (up to) a maximum of ten cigarettes a day.

224. I enjoy Mary’s company.

225. He’s coming with me for company.

226. The children are very good company at this age.

227. Jane is very mature for her age.

228. Technology in this field has matured considerably over the last decade.

229. She has matured into one of the country’s finest actresses.

230. Information must be stored so that it’s secure from accidental deletion.

231. Check that all windows and doors have been made as secure as possible.

232. What’s the motivation behind this sudden change?

233. He’s intelligent enough but lacks motivation.

234. It doesn’t make any difference/the slightest difference to me whether you go or stay.

235. When you’re learning to drive, having a good teacher makes a big difference/makes all the difference.

236. There are no significant differences between the education systems of the two countries.

237. She noticed a marked difference in the children on her second visit.

238. Why don’t you settle your differences and be friends again?

239. Your age shouldn’t make any difference to whether you get the job or not.

240. Their house differs from mine in having no garage.

241. The brothers differ widely in their tastes.

242. people’s talents differ from person to person.

243.She looks different with her hair short.

244. Boys and girls may behave differently.

245. By investing wisely, she accumulated a fortune.

246. It is a long time since he has visited his native Poland.

247. The tiger is native to India.

248.The kangaroo is a native of Australia.

249. She speaks Italian like a native, though she is a native speaker of French.

250. Judging from his accent, he’s a Southerner.

251. This newspaper has a long tradition of attacking corruption and mismanagement.

252. He intends to continue the family tradition and seek a career in politics.

253. The traditional English breakfast includes bacon and eggs.

254. A great party was held that day in celebration of their fiftieth wedding anniversary.

255. These good results have given us something to celebrate.

256. He settled back in his chair and closed his eyes.

257. He settled himself comfortably in his usual chair.

258. I settled my daughter on the sofa and put a blanket over her.

259. Dust had settled on the tables and chairs.

260. Settle down, children; stop running about!

261. That’s settled; we’ll leave tomorrow.

262. It’s all settled---we’re leaving on the nine o’clock plane.

263. They settled their quarrel/differences in a friendly way.

264. The American West was hardly settled until the 19th century.

265. She settled (herself) down in a chair with a book and a cup of tea.

266. I hate all this travel; I want to get married and settle down.

267. It was so embarrassing when the children started laughing in the middle of the service.

268. He bought a little model of the Eiffel Tower as a souvenir of his holiday in Paris.

269. She asked him to clarify what he meant.

270. When will the government clarify its position on equal pay for women?

271. She didn’t participate in the discussion.

272. We want to encourage students to participate fully in the running of the college.

273. Details of the competition are available at all participating stores.

274. A back injury prevented active participation in any sports for a while.

275. I got a warm reception that day.

276. They’re holding a reception to welcome the new ambassador.

277. Leave your key at reception/at the reception desk.

278. According to the estate agent’s ad, the house has three bedrooms and two reception rooms.

279. Wine usually contains about 10% alcohol.

280. He’s been told by the doctor to keep off alcohol.

281. Watch out for sharp turns and adjust your speed accordingly.

282. Adjust your language to the age of your audience.

283. It took her a while to adjust to living alone after the divorce.

284. I hope you’ll quickly adjust yourself to student life.

285. It’s time for me to log off. Bye!

286. In order to log in ( to the system), you have to type in a special password.

287. You need a password to log in/on.

288. Let’s analyse the problem and see what went wrong.

289. The analysis of the food showed the presence of poison.

290. The following is a summary of our conclusions.

291. In summary, this was a disappointing performance.

292. She has an annoying habit of biting her fingernails.

293. I smoke only out of/from habit; I wish I could break the habit.

294. My daughter’s got into the habit of turning on the TV as soon as she got home.

295. She’s tried to give up smoking but just can’t kick the habit.

296. I hope you won’t make a habit of it.

297. Social customs vary greatly from country to country.

298. It was his custom to get up early and have a cold bath.

299. It is the custom in that country for women to marry young.

300. I usually enjoy his films, but the latest one didn’t come/live up to my expectations.

301. Unfortunately, the new software has failed to meet expectations.

302. Some parents have unrealistic expectations of their children.

303. She lives in France but has British nationality.

304. The product sells well both at home and overseas/abroad.

305. If the pain continues, consult your doctor.

306. I need to consult with my colleagues on the proposals.

307. Consult your dictionary if you have any questions.

308. The audience showed its approval by cheering loudly.

309. The new proposals have won the approval of the board.

310. You made a good decision, and I thoroughly approve of it.

311. She’s clever but she lacks ambition.

312. One of her ambitions is to become a doctor.

313. He has at last achieved his lifetime ambition of running a private school.

314. The attack was the latest in a series of incidents in the area.

315. I was invited to their wedding feast.

316. The band’s new album takes up where their last one left off.

317. The table takes up too much room.

318. I won’t take up any more of your time.

319. Her time is fully taken up with writing.

320. They’ve taken up golf.

321. He takes up his duties next week.

322. Their protests were later taken up by other groups.

323. Give out the exam papers, please.

324. They gave out on the radio that the president had died.

325. She gave out a yell at the sight of the terrible accident.

326. Our supply of sugar has given out.

327. My strength gave out after the long walk.

328. That’s not the proper way to stop the machine. You should stop it this way.

329. What’s the correct procedure of renewing your car tax?

330. He’s standing still with his hands in his pockets.

331. It’s easy to have your pocket picked in a big crowd.

332. All members of the club are requested to attend the annual meeting.

333. The teaching staff requested of the head teacher that he should reconsider his decision.

334. They have made an urgent request for international aid.

335. She’s holding up well under the pressure.

336. The construction of the new road has been held up by the bad weather.

337. An accident is holding up traffic.

338. He remarked that it was getting late.

339. The judges remarked on the high standard of entries for the competition.

340. What exactly did you mean by that last remark?

341. The law states that everyone has the right to practise their own religion.

342. It is now generally accepted that…

343. Generally, Japanese cars are very reliable and breakdowns are rare.

344. She finds the divorce too upsetting to talk about.

345. One major difference between these computers concerns the way in which they store information.

346. What concerns me most is our lack of preparation for the change.

347. I have enjoyed my visit very much, and would like to thank all the people concerned.

348. As far as I’m/we’re concerned, you can go whenever you want.

349. He asked several questions concerning the future of the company.

350. I haven’t the slightest idea (= I have no idea) what you’re talking about.

351.--- Do you mind if I open the window?----Not in the slightest/least. (=Not at all)

352. She was shaking with laughter/anger/fear.

353. Shake the bottle before taking the medicine.

354. They shared the work equally between them.

355. We went on a guided tour round/around/of the castle.

356. The project has been given the government’s seal of approval.

357. Only drink bottled water and check the seal isn’t broken.

358. Make sure you’ve signed the cheque before sealing the envelope.

359. She gave the police a full account of the incident.

360. The diaries contained detailed accounts of the writer’s experiences in China.

361. She retired early on account of ill health.

362. On no account should the house be left unlocked.

363. The company takes accounts of environmental issues wherever possible.

364. Coursework is taken into account as well as exam results.

365. The poor weather may have accounted for the small crowd.

366. How do you account for the show’s success?

367. All passengers have now been accounted for.

368. The Japanese market accounts for 35% of the company’s revenue.

369. He hid his hatred under a mask of loyalty.

370. He carved the wood into the shape of a bird.

371. The country is governed by elected representatives of the people.

372. He accused the opposition party of being unfit to govern.

373. Prices are very much governed by market demand.

374. All his decisions have been entirely governed by self-interest.

375. She’s still hunting for a new job.

376. The hunt is on for a suitable candidate.

377. Is he learning an instrument?

378. The plain fact is that we just can’t afford it.

379. Explain it in plain English, please.

380. The thief was caught by a policeman in plain clothes.

381. Spread the map out flat on the floor.

382. Children from the flats(=the block of flats) across the street were playing outside.

383. We got a flat (flat tyre) on the way home.

384. The aim is to give people more power over their own lives.

385. It is not within my power to help you.

386. The drug may affect your powers of concentration.

387. There was a power failure/cut last night.

388. The police and the army have been given special powers to deal with the situation.

389. People say that Britain is no longer a world power.

390. The scientist referred to the discovery as the most exciting new development in this field.

391. The figures in the left-hand column refer to our overseas sales.

392. Let me just refer to my notes to find the exact figures.

393. The new law does not refer to land used for farming.

394. The shop referred the complaint back to the makers of the articles.

395. The star refers to items which are intended for the advanced learners.

396. Do you know how to operate the heating system?

397. The machine is not operating at maximum efficiency.

398. Our company operates in several countries.

399. The new law operates against us/doesn’t operate in our favor.

400. Some people can only operate well under pressure.

401. We will have to operate on his eyes.

402. Doctors performed an emergency operation on her.

403. The police have launched a major operation against drug suppliers.

404. We’re deeply honored that you should agree to join us.

405. The president honored us with a personal visit.

406. It was a great honor to be invited here today.

407. Did you come to London to see your family, or for business purposes?

408. I haven’t got a pen, but a pencil will serve the same purpose.

409. Our campaign’s main purpose is to raise money.

410. He did it on purpose, knowing it would annoy her.

411. His coat was so long that it was almost touching the floor.

412. He hasn’t touched the money his aunt left him.

413. What he said really touched my heart.

414. All this information is readily available at the touch of a button.

415. Are you still in touch with your friends from college?

416. The violence was the result of political and ethnic conflicts.

417. She found herself in conflict with her parents over her future career.

418. She proved herself a worthy successor of the former champion.

419. No composer was considered worthy of the name until he had written an opera.

420. The performance is really worthy to be remembered.

421. There’s a plan to cut the company’s labor force.

422. Attendance on the course is purely voluntary.

423. He volunteered for guard duty.

424. Jenny volunteered to clear up afterwards.

425. This work costs us nothing: it’s all done by volunteers.

426. Unlike the American , the British press operates on a national scale.

427. It is important that students develop an awareness of how the Internet can be used.

428. There was an almost complete lack of awareness of the issues involved.

429. Draw a circle and write your name in it.

430. She drew the doctor aside to discuss her mother’s illness.

431. They drew their wages every Friday.

432. The play is drawing big crowds.

433. Her shouts drew the attention of the police.

434. They drew courage from his example.

435. We should draw some lessons from the accident.

436. You will be fined the sum of $200 if you break the rule.

437. The sum of 7 and 12 is 19.

438. I had to spend a large sum of money to get it back.

439. The hospital is trying to raise funds for a new kidney machine.

440. The projects have been cancelled because of lack of funds.

441. The scientists’ search for a cure for the disease is being funded by the government.

442. The disease is in urgent need of medical attention.

443. The poverty-stricken area made an urgent request for international aid.

444. He’s good at his job but he seems to lack perseverance.

445. There was no lack of volunteers.

446. The reasons for my decisions are set out in my report.

447. I think you’re deliberately setting out to annoy me.

448. The meal was set out on a long table.

449. First, allow me, on behalf of all my classmates, to express our thanks to you.

450. He comes from a remote village in the hills.

451. I’m afraid your chances of success are rather remote.

452. The information ought to be made more accessible.

453. The island is accessible only by boat.

454. Students need easy access to books they want.

455. Her ex-husband has access to the children at weekends.

456. After two hours’ frustrating delay, our train at last arrived.

457. I’m feeling rather frustrated in my present job; I need a change.

458. The bad weather frustrated our hopes of going out.

459. If only I were 10 years younger now.

460. If only I had gone by taxi yesterday.

461. This is a matter of individual conscience.

462. The book aims to cover all aspects of city life.

463. The house has a south-facing aspect.

464. We should consider a problem in all its aspects.

465. My time is precious; I can only give you a few minutes.

466. Don’t remind me of that awful day-I made such a fool of myself.

467. The sight of the clock reminded me that I was late.

468. Remind me to write to Mother.

469. The flood victims received money and clothes from several charities.

470. The painting comes from his private collection.

471. The first stage in research is data collection.

472. The total collection last week amounted $500.

473. Her new book is a collection of short stories.

474. We’ll have to face the facts---we simply can’t afford a holiday this year.

475. The main difficulty that faces us today is of supplying food to those in need.

476. When we faced her with all the evidence, she admitted the crime.

477. The house faces a park.

478. She is faced with a tough decision this time.

479. The country is involved in a border incident.

480. Running a car is a big expense.

481. You can claim back your travel expenses.

482. The results are well worth the expense.

483. They need financial help to meet the expenses of an emergency.

484. We were taken out for a meal at the company’s expense.

485. He built up the business at the expense of his health.

486. The price was somewhat higher than I’d expected.

487. We followed the river back to discover its source.

488. The faulty connection is the source of the engine trouble.

489. What is their main source of income?

490. Your local library will be a useful source of information.

491. Petrol is no longer a cheap fuel.

492. The heart is a kind of natural pump that moves the blood around the body.

493. She has gone to fetch the kids from school.

494. My car broke down on my way home yesterday.

495. Please state your name, address and occupation.

496. She was born in France during the German occupation.

497. Writing occupies most of my spare time.

498. She occupied herself with routine office tasks.

499. Problems at work continued to occupy his mind for some time.

500. The president occupies the position for four years.

501. His arguments forced them to admit he was right.

502. We had to force the window open because we had forgotten to bring our keys.

503. I never force my ideas upon anyone else.

504. I thought their smile was rather forced.

505. The thief took the money from the old man by force.

506. Use whatever means you can to persuade him.

507. We express our thoughts by means of words.

508. The quickest means of travel is by plane.

509. The company’s commitment to providing quality at a reasonable price has been vital to its success.

510. A career as a teacher requires one hundred percent commitment.

511. Heavy snow has caused total chaos on the roads.

512. The house was in chaos after the party.

513. She burst into tears and fled at this sight.

514. He was caught trying to flee the country.

515. Many people around the world die of starvation during famines every year.

516. She and I are colleagues: we work in the same unit.

517. There’s a vacant place over there where we can park.

518. The job was advertised in the ‘situations vacant’ column in the newspaper.

519. Students often find temporary jobs during their summer holidays.

520. The patient is being treated in the local clinic.

521. George got hold of the dog by its collar.

522. Where have you been? I’ve been trying to get hold of you all day.

523. It’s almost impossible to get hold of tickets for the final.

524. There may be some minor changes to the schedule.

525. Women played a relatively minor role in the organization.

526. The cut will soon heal up/over.

527. He was healed of his sickness.

528. The patient was asked to take some medicine to prevent the bacteria from spreading.

529. Mary was cutting the grass, and meanwhile, Adam was planting trees in the garden.

530. In the storm, I took shelter under the big tree.

531. These plants must be sheltered from direct sunlight.

532. They were anxious to find shelter for the night.

533. People were desperately seeking shelter from the gunfire.

534. Please ask a member of staff for directions to the nearest terminals.

535. The police put up barriers to control the crowd.

536. Lack of confidence is the biggest barrier to investment in the region.

537. We’re now living in great comfort.

538. We can take comfort from the fact that the situation is not actually getting worse.

539. I tried to comfort Mary after her mother’s death

540. I don’t think it makes a lot of difference what color it is.

541. “Shall we go on Friday or Saturday?” “ It makes no difference to me.”

542. A few kind words at the right time makes all the difference.

543. The traditional backpack with a difference---it’s waterproof.

544. The minister refused to comment on individual cases.

545. Respect for individual freedom is advocated in that country.

546. Treatment depends on the individual involved.

547. She wears very individual clothes.

高二英语复习教案 篇4


welcome to the unit---- word power

1. make friends with sb. 和某人交朋友

2. develop friendships with sb. 与某人发展友谊

3. What do you think the proverbs tell us about…?

4. Beijing is well worth a visit. Beijing is well worth visiting. 北京值得一游。

Beijing is worthy to be visited. Beijing is worthy of being visited.

5. get along well with sb. 与某人友好相处

6. feel betrayed 感到背叛了

7. betray sb. to sb. 把某人出卖

8. a surprise math test 一次突然的数学考试

9. be / feel ashamed of … 对……感到惭愧

10. be proud of/ take pride in 以…为豪

11. feel like (doing) sth /clause. 想、感觉像 ……

12. be determined to do / determine to do sth./ make up one’s mind to do sth. 下定决心去做某事

13. I admitted that I had made a mistake/ I admitted having made a mistake. (承认)

He has been admitted to Beijing University. 被录取

14. keep one’s secret 保守秘密

15. keep one’s word / keep one’s promise 信守诺言

16. go straight to 直奔

17. break one’s word 食言

18. forgive sb. for doing sth. 原谅某人所做的事

19. yell at sb. 对着某人大叫

20. laugh at / make fun of / play a joke on/ tease sb 嘲笑、取笑,跟某人开玩笑、取笑某人

21. focus one’s attention on 集中精力于

22. as a result of / because of/ owing to/ due to/ thanks to 由于;因为

23. can’t stand (doing) sth. 不能忍受(去做)某事

24. apologize to sb. / make an apology to sb. 向某人道歉

25. lead to / contribute to / result in/ cause 导致

26. turn into a horrible argument 转变成可怕的争论

27. feel guilty about… 因为……感到内疚

28. feel jealous of 嫉妒

29. can’t help doing sth. 禁不住做某事

30. an unforgettable experience 一次难以忘怀的经历

31. have every right to do sth. 完全有权利做某事

32. embarrass sb. in public 当众使某人尴尬

33. mean to do= intend to do= intend doing= plan to do 打算干某事

34. mean doing 意味着

35. blame sb for sth / blame sth on sb/ 因为某事而责备某人

36. sb be to blame for sth 某人因受到责罚

37. The problem lies with you. 在于

38. before long 不久

39. There is no doubt that he will succeed. 无疑

I have no doubt that…

40. I doubt whether / if he is right. 我怀疑……

41. first of all 首先

42. stay up late/ stay up at night / stay late into the night 熬夜

43. make it 成功

Module 5 unit 1 grammar – project

1. cheer sb. up 使某人提起精神

2. persuade sb to do sth = persuade sb into doing sth 6

try to persuade sb to do sth= advise sb to do= suggest sb’s doing

3. speaking of friends, I’ve met some… 谈到;说到

4. rather than 而不是

5. join the school badminton team 参加学校羽毛球队

6. ever since 自从那以后

7. would rather do sth than do sth = prefer to do sth rather than do sth

= would do sth rather than do sth 宁可…而不…

8. had better do sth. 最好做某事

9. can’t wait to do sth. 等不及去做某事

10. chat on the Internet / chat online. 在网上聊天

11.discourage sb. from doing sth. 阻止某人去做某事

12. spend an absurd amount time of time online

13. offer/give sb. practical advice 给某人提供实用的建议

14. free from

15. in advance 提前

16. get through to … 打通……的电话

17. apart from 除了……之外

18. be absorbed in … 全神贯注于……

19.three and a half hours later= three hours and a half later

20. in the world = on earth 到底,究竟

21. have / take different attitudes towards … 对……有不同的态度

22. It is likely that = sb. be likely to do 很可能做某事

23. be based on shared activities or interests 建立在共同的兴趣基础之上

24. It is said that the book has been put into English= The book is said to have been put into English

25. hesitate to do sth. 迟豫于去做某事

26.without hesitation 毫不犹豫地

27.without doubt 毫无疑问

28.one another / each other 彼此,互相

29.on the other hand 另一方面

30. soon/shortly after… 在。。。。。。后不久

31. take sb./sth. seriously; be serious about… 认真对待某人/某事

32. the other day 前几天


welcome to the unit---- word power

1. follow our usual schedule 遵循往常的日程

2. open the floor for discussion 自由发言

3 in addition to /besides/as well as/apart from 此外

4 be full of = be filled with 充满

5 have a lasting/ good/ great/ instant/ effect on(upon )对……有持久的影响

6 grow to / climb to/ rise to/increase to 增长至

grow by / rise by/ increase by 增长了

7 wipe out 扫除;消灭

8 give voice to sth=voice 发表

9 cut back/ down on 减少

10 My suggestion is that sb should do sth.

11. be beneficial to…;be good for; do good to; do sb. good; benefit…对。。。。。。有益

12. environmentally friendly way of living 环保的生活方式

13. at the same time 同时

14. This room is twice bigger than that one. 这个房间是那个的三倍大。

This room is three times as big as that one.

This room is three times the size of that one.

15. be concerned about/ for concern oneself about / for 担心

16. be concerned with 与……有关

17. be responsible for (doing) sth 对……负责

18. see/ consider/ regard/ treat/ think of sb as 把……视为

19. the people running these factories 经营这些工厂的人们

20. the key to success / the key to solving the problem 成功/解决问题的关键

21. pay slightly higher prices for 为……付更多的钱

22. ask around 四处打听

23. be willing to do sth. 乐意干某事

24. My money has run out.(无被动) / I have run out of money. 我们钱已经用完了。

25 recycled material ( 可回收的材料)

26 What if we run out of space? 要是我们没有空间了怎么样?

27 What fun it is! How funny! 真有趣!

28 do harm to = be harmful to = do damage to 对……有害

29. run across= run into = come across 偶遇

30. so/as long as…; if only… 只要。。。。。。

31. personally (speaking),… 就我个人而言,。。。。。。

32. cause damage to… 对。。。。。。造成破坏/损害

Module5 unit2 grammar – project

1 be covered with/in 被……覆盖

2 clean up the mess 清理

3 customs officers 海关关员

4 come over to 靠近

5 watch the arrivals closely 仔细地观察到来者

6 draw conclusions 得出结论

7 natural disasters 自然灾害

8 form up 形成

9 according to 根据

10 combat desertification 对抗沙漠化

11 take steps to stop the process of desertification 采取措施来阻止沙漠化进程

12 provide sth for sb/ provide sb with sth 向……提供

13 be stocked with 储备有

14 set up a centre 建立中心

15 pick out 挑选出;辨认出

16 in the form of 以……的形式

17 on account of 因为;由于

18 present your point of view 表达你的观点

19 turn off the tap 关水龙头

20 raise concern both nationally and internationally/ both at home and abroad 引起国内外关注

21 Not only does he like English but also he likes French. 他不仅喜欢英语,而且还喜欢法语。

22 rely on/ depend on 取决于;依赖于

23 recognize importance of doing sth 认识到做……的重要性

24 be under way/ be under discussion / construction 正在进行/讨论/建筑过程中

25 work out solutions to many problems

26 replace…with… 取代

27 He will be a great success= He will be very successful. 他将会是个成功的人。

28 be home to a diverse range of fish and animals 是大量的鱼及动物的发源地

29 the most endangered animals 大多数濒临灭绝的动物

30 the number of + 谓单/ a number of + 谓复 ……的数目; 许多

31 prohibit sb from doing sth 阻止某人做某事

32 remain to be done / remain single/ the remaining $20= the $20 left 有待/保持单身/ 留下的20美元

33 have harmful effects on 对……有害的影响

34 We still have a long way to go to solve all the problems concerning (about) the Yangtze river 关于

35 appreciate doing / one, ones doing 欣赏/感激做某事

36. encourage sb. to do …鼓励某人做某事

37. fight against…; struggle against同。。。。。。作斗争

38. be stocked with…贮备,备有。。。。。。

39. make progress 取得进步

40. so far; up to now 到目前为止

41. work on 致力于

第三单元短语Module 5 Unit 3

Welcome ~ word power

1) 超乎想象beyond one’s imagination

2) 指出 point out

3) 指向 point to ; 直指 point at

4) 干涉;干预。。。。。。interfere with…

5) 正在做某事的过程中 on one’s/ the way to doing sth.

6) by the way 顺便问问,顺便说说 by way of 途经; in this way 用这种方式

in a way 在某种意义上,在某种程度上 in one’s (the) way 挡路

7) 临近be approaching;be coming;be on the way;be around the corner;be at han

8) 一般说来 in general; in a general way 一般,通常

as a general rule 在一般情况下; generally speaking一般说来

9) praise sb for sth因某事而表扬某人; win high praise 受到高度赞扬

in praise of 赞扬(某人); beyond all praises 赞美不尽的,赞不绝口的

10) 为了,以…为目的或意图 with the intention of 无意地 without intention

11) 说清楚自己的目的 make one’s intension clear

12) 声明自己的意图 state/ announce one’s intention

13) 渴望做… be anxious to do sth. 对…担心 be anxious for/about sth.

14) desperate adj.不顾一切的, 拚死的, desperation n. 绝望的表情 the desperate look

绝望的呼救声 a desperate cry for help. 急切想干某事 be desperate to do sth.

15) 采取措施/ 采用新办法/ 采纳意见 adopt measures/ new methods/ an idea

16) 养子an adopted son;外来词adopted words

17) 自己的 of one’s own

18) 与。。。。。。有关 be related to…

19) while (conj.) 当…的时候,和…同时(while引导的从句要表示一段时间)

John came in while I was typing a letter. 当我正在用打字机打一封信时,约翰进来了。

(conj.) 然而,虽然,尽管

While he was hated by others, I liked him. 虽然别人恨他, 但我却喜欢他。

20) deliver sb. from danger 救某人脱险

21) deliver sth. to sb. 把某物交付给某人

22) deliver a message/ a letter 传话/ 送信

23) deliver a speech 发表演说

24) succeed in doing sth. / be successful in doing/ have success in doing 成功地做某事

25) be of benefit to 对…有裨益 = be beneficial to sb.; for the benefit of…为了…的利益

26) benefit sb./sth. 有益于某人/某物 benefit from/by 从…中获益

27) 待出售 for sale

28) 用光 use up

29) 对。。。。。。感到遗憾feel sorry for…

30) 对。。。。。。做出评论comment on…; make comments on…

31) 完全同意。。。。。。be in complete agreement with…; totally agree with…

32) 毕竟 after all

33) above all 首要,特别是 ; first of all 首先,首要的 in all 总共,总计;

not…at all 一点儿也不 all the same 仍然,还; not at all 一点也不,不用客气

all the best 万事如意 ; all the time 一直

34) 偶遇。。。。。。come across; come about 发生; come to 达到,总计

come on 加油,快点; come over 过来; come up 走上前,走过来

come out 出来, (花)开放,出版, (消息)传出

35) die of hunger/ old age/ cancer die from the wound/ diseases

36) “结果是, 证明是” turn out+形容词/不定式/从句,

37) 讲得通;有意义make sense

38) 与自然作对; 违背自然go against nature

39) 把……放在适当的位置 put sth. in place

40) 以。。。。。。而告终end up doing…; end up with sth; end up in sp.

41) 实现一个突破 achieve a breakthrough

Grammar~ Project

42) 在科学领域 in the field/area of science

43) 局限在。。。。。。范围内 be limited to…

44) 对。。。。。。有害 be harmful to…; be bad for…; do harm to…; do…harm

45) 抱怨/控诉。。。。。。 complain about/of...

46) 开展调查 conduct a survey; carry out a survey

47) 想出;理解;明白;计算出 figure out

48) 前几天 the other day

49) 对某人而言 on one’s part

50) 力劝某人做某事 urge sb. to do sth.

51) 在过去几年里over/in the past/last few years

52) 环保environmental conservation/preservation

53) 满足…的需要meet/satisfy/supply/serve one’s needs(requirements/demands/requests)

54) 招致灾难spell disaster

55) 做出选择 make choices

56) 结果是。。。。。。turn out ( to be)…; turn out that…

57) 恢复正常 return to normal

58) 送报纸 deliver newspapers

59) 医疗 medical treatment

60) 得益于。。。。。。benefit from/by…

61) 对。。。。。。要求严格be strict with sb in sth

62) 表现好,守规矩 behave oneself

63) 提倡做。。。。。。advocate doing…

64) 将。。。。。。付诸实践put sth into practice

65) 构建和谐社会construct/build a harmonious society

66) 与某人争论某事argue with sb about/over sth

67) 致力于。。。。。。concentrate/focus one’s efforts on…

68) 怀着。。。。。。目的去做。。。。。。do sth with the intention of…

69) 在。。。。。。上进行试验perform tests on…

70) 效仿。。。。follow in one’s footsteps 。

71) 赞成/支持/有利于。。。。。。in favour of…

72) 在某人看来from one’s point of view,…

73) 几十年decades of…

74) 而不是rather than

75) 以很快的速度at a fast rate

76) 跑题/切题go off/to the point

77) 赞美不绝beyond all praise

78) 极其需要。。。。。。in desperate need of…

79) 采纳某人的建议adopt one’s suggestions

80) 作演讲 deliver a speech

81) 卷入 be involved in…

82) 寻出路;去淘金 seek one’s fortune

83) 追求真理 seek after the truth

84) 找躲雨的地方 seek shelter from the rain

85) 向某人请教 seek advice from sb.

86) 惯常做法 the/common practice

87) 执行任务 perform tasks

88) 在建设中 under construction

89) 受某人欢迎;对某人有利 in one’s favor

90) 帮某人一个忙do sb. a favor; 请某人帮个忙ask a favor of sb.

91) 说服某人做/不做某事argue sb. into/out of doing…

Module 6

Unit 1 Laughter is good for you

1. 同意agree to (计划、安排、建议) one’s opinion/ suggestion/ plan/view

agree with 与……意见一致 (意见,看法) sb./what sb. said

agree on 在上达成一致意见(两者以上)

agree to do sth. 同意做某事

agreement n.

in agreement 意见一致

2. 疑问词+do you think + 其余部分(陈述语序)?

Who do you think is the tallest student in our class?

Where do you think he if from?

3. humour/ humor幽默;滑稽

a good sense of humor 很有幽默感

have a (no) sense of humor 有(缺乏)幽默感

in good/ bad humor 心情好/坏

humorous a. 幽默的

4. make fun of : laugh at/ poke fun at 取笑

The other children made fun of her because she was always so serious.

fun n.[U] It’s great fun to do sth.做…..真有趣。

What (great) fun it is to do… 做……多有趣啊!

for fun/ for the fun of it/ (just) in fun 闹着玩地;开玩笑似的

5. in response to 对……做出反应;回答;响应

He opened the door in response to a knock.

6. reaction n. 反应;回应 the ~ to…

react v. 做出反应;回应

7. observe v. 观察;观测;看到;注意到

observation n. 观察;注意;观察力

observational a. 观察评论的

He observed the thief stealing money from a woman’s bag.


8. make jokes about 拿……开玩笑

make a joke about/ of sb./ sth. 拿某人/某物开玩笑

play a joke/ a trick on sb. 戏弄某人

9. everyday a. 日常的;平常的; 每天发生的

every day adv. 每天

10. impressionist a. 印象模仿的

impression n.

impress v. ~ sb. 给……留下印象

~ sb. with sth. = ~ sth. on sb.使(某人)铭记; 使……了解某事的重要性

The hero impressed us with his courage. 英雄以其勇气给我们留下深刻印象。

11. queue up to do sth./ for sth. 为……而排队等候

The children queued up to get the tickets./ The children queued up for the tickets.

12. one such person

such与no, all, some, any, few, little, many, several, one等词连用时,应位于它们后面

No such person exists. I have met many such people.

13. award n. 奖金; 奖学金 win/ receive/ get an award for sth. 因某事赢得奖金

v. 授予;把某物颁发给某人 The winner was awarded a gold medal.

13. host n.主人;东道主;节目主持人

v. 支持;主办; 主持(活动)

14. live a. 现场直播的/地; 以现场直播方式

alive a. 在世的(多用作表语,后置定语或补语,不可作前置定语)

living a. 健在的; 有生命的(用于人或动植物,做表语、定语或补语)

lively a. 生动的;活泼的 (作定语、表语,指人也可指物)

live a. 有生命的;活的 (用作定语,放在表示物的名词前,一般不指人)

14. instead of 代替;而不是 (介词短语)

Nowadays, people like staying at home watching TV instead of going to the cinema.

in place of/ in sb.’s place/ take the place of

15. make up 捏造; 编写

make up an excuse 编一个理由

She spent an hour making herself up every morning. 化妆

He soon made up the lessons he had missed. 补偿;弥补

The four of them made up a team. 组成

16. It seems that…/ Sb. seems to do…

It seems that he is quite unhappy.= He seems to be quite unhappy.

There seems to be… 似乎有/看来有

seem like= seem to be…

17. prove v. 证明;证实 prove that…

Link- v. 证明是 ~ adj./ n./ prep./adv./ to be…

She proves (to be) a strict teacher.

18. follow in the footsteps of … 走…的道路; 照…的样子干

He followed in his father’s footsteps and became a scientist.

19. whatever 无论什么

1)引导让步状语从句 相当于no matter what

Whatever/ no matter what happens, keep calm.

2) 引导名词性从句 任何……的事或物; 无论…….都(不能用no matter what 带)

Eat whatever you like.

20. be supposed to do.= be expected to do 被要求/被期望干某事/ 应该

21. occur v. 发生 occurred

happen 往往指偶然或未能预见的发生, 后接不定式或It happened that…

take place 指事先布置或策划好后发生

occur 通常指意想不到地发生,可与happen 互换

Great changes have taken place in our country in the last few years.

When did the accident happen/ occur?

occur to sb. 想起; 想到;浮现在脑海中

It occurred to me that we should go there more often.

occurrence n.

22. at one time 一度;以前; at a time 一次;每次

at the/that time 当时/那一刻; at times 有时;间或

at the same time 同时; at no time 无论什么时候都不

in no time 立刻;马上;很快 at once; right away

23. dress sb. 给某人穿衣服

be dressed in/ be wearing sth.穿着

dress up 盛装

dress oneself/ get dressed

24. master n. 名家;大师;能手/ 主人;雇主

v. 支配;征服; 驯服;控制 master his temper

掌握/精通 master a foreign language

25. take on 招收;雇佣 employ

承担 take on the responsibility

呈现;露出 take on a new look

take in 摄取; 理解; 领会; 吸收/ 欺骗; 蒙骗

take off 起飞; 离开

take sth. for granted 认为某事是理所当然的

take up 占据

take over 接管;接任; 接替

take place 发生; 产生

take pride in 以……为自豪

26. have an interest in 对……有兴趣

lose interest 失去兴趣

26. move on 继续

27. put on a play 上演(戏剧等)

put on 穿上

28. as if/ though 引导状语从句; 在连系动词后引导表语从句



She looks as if she is going to cry.

My aunt treats me as if I were a stranger.

He raised his hand as if to take off his hat.

29. make room for 为……腾出空间;让位于

30.for a while 一会儿; once in a while 偶尔;间或

31. go on : take place; happen 发生

continue 继续 go on to do sth./ go on doing sth./ go on with…

32. Mind if I sit down. = Do you mind if I sit down? = Do you mind my sitting down?

33. wander v. 闲逛 wander the streets 在街上闲逛

34. must have done 表示对过去行为的肯定推测

35. raise vt. 抬高;举起;使上升

rise vi. 上升 The sun rises in the east.

36.burst in 闯进

burst out doing sth. 突然干某事

burst out laughing/ crying 突然哈哈大笑/大哭

37. present v. 呈现;呈递; 呈送 a. 在场的


1. stand-up comedy单口喜剧 2.a radio talk show 电台谈话节目

3. cross-talk performers相声演员 4. make fun of开...的玩笑;嘲笑

5. in response(answer)to回答,响应,反应 6. make jokes about sth.对...开玩笑

7. queue up (in lines) 排队(等候) 8. on stage在舞台上/on the stage当演员

9. lose weight减轻体重/put on weight增加体重 10. later on后来

11. be/ become famous as/for…作为/由于...而著名 12. point to指向/point at指着/point out指出

13.one such person一个这样的人/no such thing没有这样的事情

14. go on to do sth.接着做某事/go on doing sth.继续做某事/go on 发生,进行

15. host the show主持节目 16. be broadcast live on TV电视直播

17. one little-known fact鲜为人知的事实 18. the Academy Awards学院奖;奥斯卡金像奖

19.forget to do sth.忘记做某事/forget doing sth.忘记曾做过某事

20. turn on打开/turn off关掉/ 21. make up a story 编故事

22. follow in one’s footsteps/ follow in the footsteps of…走...的路

23. have an effect on/upon对...产生影响 24. stay healthy保持健康

25. make sense有意义,能理解;合理,讲得通 26. make an advertisement做广告

27. be supposed to do sth.应该做某事 28. prefer to/ would rather宁愿

29. a vital form of entertainment一种非常重要的娱乐形式 30. in charge负责;掌管

31.be made up of /consist of 由...组成 32. divide…into把...分成若干部分

33. at one time一次,同时;往昔,曾经一时 34. do fine做得好

35. laugh one’s head off开怀大笑 36. smile on someone(命运、天气等)向...露出微笑

37. win first place in the competition在比赛中获第一名

38. on sale出售/for sale待售 39. be worthwhile值得

40. a famous cross-talk master一位著名的相声大师 41. in request需要,受欢迎

42. take on雇用;承担;呈现 43. be popular with 受到...的欢迎

44. remind sb. of sth. 提醒某人有关某事 45. nice and非常

46. in reference to/in regard to/regarding 关于...

47. must have forgotten to do sth. 一定已忘记做某事 48. fall down倒下;(计划等)失败

49. tear sth. in two把某物撕成两半 50. chase sb. away/off 把某人赶走

51. burst in打断;闯入/ burst into the room闯入房间/ burst out突然开始

52. It is one’s duty to do sth.做某事是某人的责任 53. hold out伸出;拿出;继续;维持;

54. glare at怒视/ stare at凝视,盯着看/ glance at 瞥见 55. bump into撞上;不期而遇

56. a roll of 一卷 57. toilet paper手纸 58.move on 接下去;继续

59. in pairs 两人一组;结对 60. for a while一会儿

Module 6 Unit 2

1. search 1) 名词 搜查 搜寻 2) 动词 search sb./sth. for

I went off in search of a garage where I could buy some petrol.

The police continued a long search for the lost child.

They searched all the room for the missing papers.

2. injure 伤害, 损伤(主要指在事故中受伤); 损害,伤害(自尊,名誉等)

He was badly injured in the accident. He injured his pride.

3. struggle with 1)动词 2)名词

He struggled with cancer for four years. 与……搏斗/斗争

The shopkeeper struggled against the thief. 与……搏斗/斗争

The two leaders are struggling for power. 努力争取;为了……而挣扎/努力

We struggled through the crowd.

Don’t give up without ~. Reading was a ~ for him. 阅读对他来说是件费劲的事。

4. times时代 in ancient ~ in the ~ of Henry

the writers of the ~ ~ have changed.

5. in hospital 住院 in the hospital 在医院里

6. the world 世人们

7. the way 方式 the way to do; the way of doing; the way (that/ in which)…

I don’t like the way (that/in which) you laugh at her.

8 in case以防: Take your umbrella just ~ it rains/just ~ it should rain.

in case of 如果 万一 (后接名词 代词 动名词) ~ earthquake, crawl under the table.

in this/that case在这样/那样的情况下 in any case 无论如何 不管怎样

in no case决不 ~ shall we allow smoking in the classroom..

in the case of就……来说 Failure is no shame ~ a scientist.

9. by: not later than; before与完成时连用

~ the time the doctor arrived, the patient had died.

~ the end of this year, she will have been in Australia for two years.

10. describe …as…把……描述成

He ~d his school life as interesting and exciting.

11. could: might be possible (在这里) 表可能性

The new project~ create 5,000 new jobs.

The accident ~ have been prevented.

12. cost: to lead to the loss of something 使……付出代价;花费

His lazy attitude ~ the child his place in the team.

13. rush 1)vi. 冲 2)vt. 把……急忙送往

She rushed into the room. ~ the letter to the post office He ~ed his wife to the hospital.

3)n. 冲,抢购热潮 ~ hour Christmas ~

14. apart (adv.) (时间或空间上)分离; 相隔; 不在一起,分开

1) The two hills are 22 miles apart. 两座山相隔22英里。

2) The workers took the machines apart. 工人们把机器拆了。

apart from : besides ~ from some wine, he drank some beer.

15. devote … to …He ~d all his hours to working in the lab.

16. cheer up(使)高兴起来 Cheer up! Things are not as bad as they seem.

cheer 为……欢呼 The boy cheered their team.

17. spirits 复数 be in good/high/low/bad ~ Your letter raised my ~.

18. accomplish: complete

辨析:accomplish 成功地完成; complete 强调某事结束了

achieve 通过努力,克服困难,取得较大成绩

19. adapt to sth.适应 Our eyes adapted to the dark.

~ sth. to/for sth. 使……适应

~sth. for sth. 改编;修改 The plays were ~ed from novels.

20. inspire 鼓舞;激励;;激发

1) I hope this success will inspire you to great efforts. 2) He ~d confidence in us.

21. courage勇气 不可数名词

22. overcome overcame overcome克服

23. positive明确的;肯定的;积极的;确定的

receive a ~ answer ~ evidence be ~ of /about …

24. whenever : at whatever time ; at any time

I would like to see you ~ it is convenient.

25. try my hardest尽力

26. be jealous of 嫉妒某人 John is jealous of his friend’s ability.

jealousy名词 嫉妒She showed great ~ of them.

27. have sympathy for/towards sb.同情某人

We all have sympathy for him

be in sympathy with/out of 心里赞同/不赞同 …I am in sympathy with your suggestion。

28 across the world; all over the world

29. try one’s hardest: try one’s best

30. come over sb. (不用被动语态) 突然感到 A wave of sleepiness came over me.

31. be content with sth. 满足于某事;对……满意

be content to do sth. = be willing to do; be ready to do 愿意做

32. hear about 听说

33. go for 努力争取某物 go for the gold medal

34. be filled with 填满; be full of 充满

35. come first 获得第一名

36. feel caught catch caught caught

catch the murderer 抓住 catch the early bus 赶上

The teacher caught him sleeping in class.发觉;撞见

catch a cold 染上

catch the meaning of the sentence 理解

catch sb.’s attention/ interest/ imagination 引起

37. feel like 想要某物;想做某事 sth./ doing sth./ + clause

38. obey an order/ a command 服从

obey the law/ rules 遵守

39. focus on; concentrate on 集中精力于

40. arrange sth. for sb. 为某人安排某事

arrange for sb. to do sth. 安排某人做

arrange that… 商定; 安排

41. believe 相信某人所说的话; 后接that从句,表“相信或认为”

believe in 信仰;信奉(真理、宗教、原则等)

believe in: trust 信任某人(相信人格,为人)

42. allocate sb. sth. = allocate sth. to sb. 拨给; 分配给

43. whichever 无论哪个;不管哪些

引导状语从句 相当于no matter which

引导名词性从句 不能用no matter which 来替换

44. quit school 退学; quit office 离职; quit smoking 戒烟

45. be tired of 厌倦; be tired from 由于……而累了

46. wish 接从句 现在 did; 过去 had done; 将来 would/ could do

47. look back on 回首;回忆;回顾

He used to sit there, looking back on his happy childhood.


look on/ upon …as… 把……看作 look out 当心,小心;留神

look forward to 盼望 look up 查阅;仰视;改善,好转

48. encouragement n. [U] 鼓舞,激励;[C]起激励作用的事物

Her words was a great encouragement to them. 她的话对他们是极大的鼓舞。

encourage v. 支持,鼓励,激励 encourage sb. to do sth.

encouraging a. 乐观的;鼓励的

[反]discourage v.阻止,阻拦 discourage sb. from doing sth.

49.guidance n.指导,引导,咨询

老师给他很大的激励/鼓舞。He received a lot of encouragement from his teacher.

= His teacher gave him much/ a lot of encouragement.

under the guidance of 在……指导下 under the direction of 在……指导下

under the leadership of 在……的领导下

50.ahead of ⑴ (时间 、空间)在……的前面

⑵ earlier than sb./ sth. 早于

⑶ 领先 She was always well ahead of the rest of her class.

ahead adv. 在前面 go straight ahead 向前直走 go ahead 前进;(催促对方)先请!请!

51. at that point 在那时,在那个阶段

at/ on the point of 将近……的时候;接近;靠近

She was on/ at the point of leaving when I arrived. 当我到达时,她正准备出门。

52. golden days golden a. 金的,金质的; 金色的; 特别的,美好的

gold n. 金;黄金

53. rush n. 匆忙,急促 in a rush 匆忙地;急切地

54. independent a. 独立的,自主的,自制的;自主的,有主见的

That country became independent in the sixties. 那个国家在60年代独立。

independence n. 独立;自主

dependent a. 依赖的;依靠的 dependence n. 依靠;依赖 depend v. 依靠

55. All I had to do was go to school and spend a few hours studying when I came home.


56. innocent (a.) 无辜的,无罪的,清白的;天真无邪的,纯真的

innocence (n.) 无罪;清白

57. imagine (v.) 想象;设想 imagine sth.

imagine (sb./ sb’s) doing sth. imagine (sb. / sth.) to be

imagine that imagine her running her own company

58. fix many of the problems

fix v. 把……固定于…… fix + n. + adv.

v. 确定,决定 (有时与up连用) fix (up) a date/ a time/ a place for the meeting v. fix one’s attention / eyes/ mind on … 把某人的注意力/眼睛/ 思想集中于……

v.解决 Everything had been fixed in advance. 一切预先解决了。

59. communicate v. 交流,沟通;传达,传送; communication n. 交流,交际

communicate with sb./ sth. 与……交流/联系

communicate sth. to sb./sth. 把 ……传递给

e.g. We can communicate with people in most parts of the world by telephone.

He communicated the news to me. 他把那消息传达给了我。

60.guarantee v. 保证;担保 They guarantee this clock for a year. 这时钟保修一年。

v, ~ to do sth. = ~ that 保证做……

v. guarantee sb. sth. = guarantee sth. to sb.对……保证……

61. assist sb. to do sth. assist sb. with sth.

assist sb. in sth./doing sth.

62. company 陪伴,与他人在一起,交往 keep sb. company / bear sb. company 陪伴某人

1) I felt at home in your company. 和你在一起令我轻松自在。

3) He keeps good/ bad company.

= He is in good/ bad company. 他和好人/坏人来往。

in company (with) (和……)一道

keep company with 和……要好;和……常一道;伴随

M6 Unit 3


1. accumulate (v.) 积累;搜集;聚集(某物)

He quickly accumulated a large fortune.

收藏书籍___accumulate books 搜集足够的证据accumulate enough evidence

我们如果不打扫房间, 灰尘很快就会积聚起厚厚的一层。

___Dust will accumulate quickly if we don’t clean the house.

2. all the time一直地 at a time 每次

at all times 总是 at one time 曾经;一度at the time 那时候

I kept it all the time to remind me of you.

每次吃两片药。Take two pills at a time.

We should at all times be aware of our own shortcomings.

At one time I played a lot of sport, but I seem to have lost interest now.

I told you at the time that I thought you were stupid.

3. tradition传统观念、看法等的总称(不可数)

By tradition, people play practical jokes on April 1.

tradition一种传统习俗做法 (可数)

It’s a tradition that the young look after the old in China.

traditional adj.传统的, 惯例的

4. get excited

1) Hearing the news, they got astonished.

2) Be careful or you will get yourself hurt.

3) If I got married in the UK,I would expect a present. (marry)

4) Keep away from the fire. Don’t get __burnt_____. (burn)

5. 1) When it comes to politics I know nothing. __谈到;说到 _________________

2) The car came to a stop. _____达到______________

3) The water came to my waist. ____达到_______________

4) The bill came to $5.50. ____________共计_______

5) Suddenly the words of the song came to me. _____突然想起______________

6) At last he came to oneself in hospital. ______恢复知觉_____________

6. celebration n. 庆祝 (不可数). 庆祝活动(可数)

1) All night long the celebration of victory went on. ____________________________________

2) There were celebrations in the streets.

3) 那天晚上我们组织了一个庆祝活动. ____That night we organized a celebration.__

in celebration of The party was in celebration of mother’s silver wedding.


1) We celebrated the New Year with a dance party.

2) He celebrated his birthday with a banquet.

7. settle v.

1) 定居;使定居

我儿子已经在美国定居了。_My son has settled in the USA._______

2) 落下;栖息

The insect settled on a leaf. ______一只昆虫落在树叶上。_______

3) 使平静,使安静,使镇静

Wait until the excitement has settled down. ___等到兴奋劲都平复下来。________

4) 决定,确定;解决

他们解决了他们之间的问题。 _They finally settled the problems between themselves._

8. Well, if you had joined the chat room ten minutes ago, you would have known what…

本句为虚拟条件句, 表示与过去相反的假设。在这种情况下, 条件句中谓语动词一般用had done结构, 而主句中谓语动词用would/could/should/might have done 结构

1) 要是你准备功课再仔细一点的话,你就能通过考试了.

__If you had prepared the lessons more carefully, you would have passed the exam.____

2) If that hurricane had happened at night, there would have been more deaths.


9. clarify vt. 阐明, 澄清

1) His explanation clarified the mystery. ______他的解释澄清了谜团。______________

2) 这纸条是用来澄清事实的。___The note is intended to clarify the truth._________

10. participate vi 参加, 参与(常和in连用)

1) Harris participated in the protests(抗议). __Harris参加了抗议。__________________

2) 你参加昨天的讨论了吗? _Did you participate in the discussion yesterday?_______

participation n.

11. reception n.

1) Jan had an enthusiastic reception when he returned home. ___热烈的欢迎____

2) We were given a warm reception.热烈的欢迎

3) 获胜的队伍在家乡受到了热烈的欢迎.

__The winning troop received a warm reception in the homeland.

12. adjust vt 调整, 调节, 使适应

1) The desks and seats can be adjusted to the height of any child.

2) You can’t see through a telescope unless it is adjusted correctly to your sight.

3)我必须得调一下手表,它慢了. ____I must adjust my watch. It is slow.____ ___


You should adjust your language to the age of your audience.

adjust vi. 适应

1) My eyes haven’t adjusted to the dark. __我的眼睛还没有适应黑暗。

2) 他很快使自己适应了新的生活方式.

_He adjusted himself to the new way of life quickly.____

adjustable adj 可调动的, 可调节的

adjustment n 调整, 调节, 适应

The newly-weds need a period of adjustment.

13. royal adj. 王室的, 皇家的; 豪华的, 极好的

1) The royal family consists of the King and Queen and their relations. ___王室_

2) The millionaire treated us to a royal feast. (宴会)盛大的宴会

3) The astronauts received a royal welcome.盛大的欢迎

14. Should you come to Brunei, you would have to take off …

Word power, Grammar, Task重点归纳

1. be connected with/to…与。。。有关联

2. way of life 生活方式

3. be linked to… 与。。。有关联

4. huge collections of…大量的。。。

5. provide sb. with sth.给某人提供某物

6. be famous for… 因。。。而闻名

7. be clever at doing sth.擅长某事

8. have the computer mended

9. enable sb. to do sth. 使某人能够做某事

10. be proud of sb. 为某人感到骄傲

11. the Forbidden City紫禁城

12. shake hands with sb. 和某人握手

13. order a real feast 点了一桌盛宴

14. have no idea 不知道

15. what to do with…如何处理。。。

16. take up a lot of time 占用了大量时间

17. give out 分发

18. go through

19. the Summer Palace

20. get held up

21. show sb. around 带领某人参观

22. in contact with sb. 和某人联系

23. interact with sb.

24. greet sb. with a firm handshake

25. with palms pressed together

26. stand close to sb.

27. a request for…

28. take turns in doing sth.

29. take action

30. crowded place


31. have the chance/opportunity to do… 有机会干某事

32. by chance 偶然地

33. seize/take/miss/find/get an opportunity

34. gather food / gather information [experience] 逐渐获得信息[积累经验]

35. swap sth. with sb./ swap sth. for sth.

36. join / join in / take part in / attend

37. take part in 指参加有组织的,严肃,重大的活动。

join in 指参加正在进行着的活动或游戏等,有时可与take part in换用。

join指参加团体或组织,成为其中的一个成员,也可用于join sb.(与某人一起)。

attend 相当于be present at意为“出席,参加”

38. give an account of sth. 描述某事

39. take sth. into account/ take account of sth. 考虑

40. on account of = because of 由于;因为

41. be carved from

42. govern a country 治理国家 You should govern your temper. 控制脾气

43. be home to 是……的家园 be the home of sth.

44. belong to 属于

45. be known as 被称作;作为……而著名 be known for 因为……而著名

be known to sb. 被……所知

46. have power over 控制


1. around the world

2. international aids

3. go wrong

4. keep the peace

5. a shortage of food

6. cause sb. to do sth.

7. live in poverty

8. in real life

9. people in need

10. belong to the UN

11. a UN Goodwill ambassador

12. give a speech

13. be pleased to do sth.

14. have the chance to do sth.

15. refer to sb. / sth.

16. be made up of

17. mean to do sth. / doing sth.

18. be honoured to do sth.

19. take on this role

20. set up / about doing / down / out to do

21. be based on

22. develop friendly relations with sb.

23. co-operate in doing sth.

24. promote respect for human rights

25. as you know

26. touch the lives of people everywhere

27. be involved in

28. with the help of sb.

29. worthy organizations

30. be worth doing sth. = be worthy of being done

31. assist the victims of wars

32. in addition (to)

33. protect sb. from doing sth.

34. prevent sb .from doing sth .

35. child labour

36. record sth.= make records of

37. be aware of sth. / make sb aware of

38. draw one’s attention=draw the attention of sb.

39. add sth. to sth. / add up / add up to

40. under the umbrella of

41. apart from

42. meet eight development goals

43. be available to sb.

44. look sth. up in a dictionary / on a website

45. express one’s opinion

46. be meant to do sth .

47. a successful businesswoman

48. on behalf of

49. work in remote places

50. be connected to / with

51. specialized agencies

52. loan money to sb.

53. set a standard for

54. aim to sth.

55. eliminate problems

56. can’t afford expense

57. be lack of

58. recommend doing sth.

59. break down

60. basic equipment

61. force sb. to do sth.

62. farm the land

63. suffer from malnutrition

64. be in chaos

65. be in a mess

66. put on weight

67. look out for

68. be concerned about/for

69. get hold of

70. remind sb. of sth

71. remind sb. to do sth.

72. communicate with sb.

73. think back to

74. be proud of = take pride in

75. make a difference

76. put sth. into action

77. from place to place

78. die from

79. if only

80. in honour of

81. on purpose 全世界
















打算做某事/ 意味着做某事



建立/着手工作/写下/ 开始做



















把…加到… / 加起来/ 加起来为










































高二英语复习教案 篇5

have a genius for…在某方面有天赋

It takes + n. + to do sth. 做某事需要……

undertake to do 许诺,保证

undertake sth.从事…

on the other hand 另一方面

be on fire for…热衷于……

a branch of science

debate sth. (with sb.)

debate wh- + to do sth./clause

debate on sth.

be curious about sth. 对……好奇的

be curious to do 很想做某事

be similar to 与……相似

be different from 与……不同

It is obvious that….…是显然的。


be known for =be famous for 因……而闻名

be known as = be famous as 作为……而闻名

be known to 为(被)……所知

have……in common 有相同之处

stop sth from doing sth 阻止……做什么

live a……life 过着……的生活

give lectures 演讲

a promising student

promise to do / that clause

make a promise

the top university

top student

the top news

There is no doubt that… 毫无疑问…

There is no need to do sth

Do you doubt that…? 你怀疑…?

There is no point in doing sth.


an incurable disease

use up

take measures to do sth

crime scene

be satisfied with

believe in

the other way around

reach one’s goal

come up with

be patient with sb

work on +n./pron./v.-ing 从事于,研究,工作,继续工作

go by “(时间)过去、走过、轻易放过(时机等)、依照 ”

get/be engaged to sb.“与某人订婚”

be engaged in(on)+n./doing sth.从事(工作)的,忙于……的

go on with sth

go on doing sth=keep on doing the same thing

continue to do sth/ doing sth

go on to do sth 继续做(另一件事)

dream of doing sth

the disabled

seek (for) sth 寻找,探索……

seek to do 企图做……

Turn out to be +副/+形/+to do/+that.

“结果是” “原来是” “证明是”

It turns out that ………

observe + sth / do / doing sth观察,察觉到,遵守,庆祝

what if: 万一…怎麽办

take a look at

be satisfied with sth./to do sth

make a difference

describe : (与as连用) 把……说成是

the other way around 相反地,从相反方向

unit two

reliable friends.

rely on = depend on

face (to) the south

face difficulty

be faced with 面临;面对

face up to 面对;承担

face the music 接受(不愉快的后果或情况)

be generous with sth. 对……很大方(慷慨)

go up = rise, increase

rob sb. / a place of sth

sb / a place is robbed of sth

burn down 烧毁,由于材料不足而火渐弱

burn up 烧尽,烧光; 烧起来,旺起来

more than不仅仅;不只;

rather than而不是; 与其说是…不如说是…

make sure

spiritual fulfillment

social problem

update the computer systems

make informed decisions作出明智的决定

keep sb informed

inform sb. of sth. 告知某人某事

inform sb. that/wh-…

inform sb.+疑问词+不定式

relate to sb (sth)

relate (A) to (B)

be related to

for once 就这(那)一次

= just for once=for this once=this once

develop the story 展开故事;阐述事实

develop a film

develop a habit of

develop natural resources

contact sb

have / lose contact with 和…有/失去联系

be in contact with 和…接触; 有联系

at present 目前

without effort 毫不费力

make an effort to do 努力,尽力

spare no effort to do 不遗余力

make no effort to do

adapt to

be addicted to sth. / doing sth

suffer from遭受……痛苦;患……的病

draw attention to sth / doing sth


draw / attract/ catch one’s attention


on all sides = on every side 在各方面, 到处

at the critical moment

change one’s mind 改变主意

keep in mind记住

the affairs of state/one’s family

So / As far as I am concerned,……就我而言

be concerned about / for sb(sth) 关心,操心

be concerned with sth 为某人(某事)担忧;涉及

nine out of ten十分之九 = nine in ten

the retired

retire a clerk辞退一名职员

look up to =respect, admire 尊敬,敬佩

look down on 轻视,看不起

fall in love with 爱上(表示动作,不延续)

be in love (with) 相爱,喜欢(表示延续状态)

cause trouble ( for ) (给……)带来麻烦或烦恼

ask / look for trouble自找麻烦,自寻烦恼

be in trouble处于困境,有麻烦

get into trouble陷入困境

arm …..with…. 用……武装

switch roles转换角色

read about读关于… 的文章, 获悉

an excited man一个感到激动的人

an exciting news令人兴奋的消息

a surprising story令人吃惊的故事

a surprised look一个感到吃惊的表情

the changing world

the changed world

boiling water

boiled water

fading flowers

faded flowers

a developing country

a developed country

Unit Three

be free to do sth不受约束,随意做某事

by design = on purpose 故意地,蓄意地

have designs on sb/sth 企图伤害…;企图将…占为己有

a piece/an article of furniture

many pieces /articles of furniture

for sale

on sale

have a preference for sth.

a block of apartments 一栋,一幢

stand sth / doing sth

It is convenient for sb to do sth

prefer sth to sth

prefer doing sth to doing sth

prefer to do…rather than do…

would rather do sth than do sth

look at关注

have sth. done使(让、叫)别人做某事;


go against

under construction 正在被建造

concrete thoughts

impress sth on/upon sb 使…铭记…;给某人留下印象

be impressed by/with/at sth 对…印象深刻

make a/an… impression on sb

act as扮演;担当;充当

feel invited = be attracted to

despite = in spite of 不管;不顾;尽管

fill up with用…装(满)…

be filled with= be full of

belong to +n

A is to B what C is to D.

be fit for sth胜任, 适合

stand + adj “处于……的状态”

( stand open / empty )

decorate…with 用……装饰

( be decorated with )

remind sb of sth

remind sb to do sth

remind sb that + clause

compare sth with sth

compare sth to sth

compare with/to (一般做状语)

set aside = put aside 把……放在一边;搁置;拨出;不理会;取消

for rent 供出租(的)

rent sth(out) to sb把…出租给…

rent sth from sb 从…处租用…

rent at / for sth 以一定租金出租…

with the development of 随着…的发展

develop into 发展成为

works of art艺术品

take examples from从… 中获得设计模式

modern - looking看起来现代化的

in and around在…里及周围

It looks/seems as if…. 看起来似乎

pull down

高二英语复习教案 篇6

































