


八上英语unit6教案 篇1

Unit 6 I’m going to study computer science.Section B(1a-1e)


Ⅰ.Teaching aims

(1)能掌握以下单词和词组:resolution, team, make the soccer team, foreign(2)能掌握以下句式结构:

① ─What are you going to do next year?

─I’m going to take guitar lessons.② ─I am gong to learn another foreign language.─But foreign languages are not for me.Ⅱ.Key and difficult points: 1.Structures Future with going to Want to be What, Where, When, How questions 2.Grammar The simple future tense: be going to Ⅲ.Teaching aids : A tape recorder Ⅳ.Teaching methods: Audio-lingual method;Communicative Approach;PPP Ⅴ.Teaching procedures: Step1 Review

1.Play a small game “challenge your eyes”.Ask the students to point

out the jobs that appear in the picture as quickly as they can.2.Show some pictures about jobs and let students talk about the two

questions: What are you going to be? How are you going to do that? Step2 lead in

Get the students discuss the New Year’s resolutions in group of four by asking the questions like the following:

What are you going to do next year?

Why are you going to do so?.....Task 1 Ask students to tell when New Year’s Day is.Ask students what they do on New Year’s Eve.Task 2 Ask students to explain the resolutions in their own words.Task 3 Ask students to match the phrases and pictures on their own.Step 3 Pair work Task 1 Read the instructions and read the conversations to the class.Task 2 Ask students to work in pairs to discuss what things they are going to do.Task 3 Ask several pairs to present their conversations to the class.Step 4 Listening Task 1 Read the instructions and the phrases in activity 1a.Task 2 Play the recording the first time.Students only listen.Task 3 Play again.Ask students to circle the resolutions in activity 1a that they hear.Task 5 Check the answers.Step 5 Listening Task 1 Read the instructions.Task 2 Play again.Ask students to fill the chart.Task 4 Check the answers.Step 6 Group work Task 1 Read the instructions for the activity.And read the sample conversations.Task 2 Ask students to work in pairs.Task 4 Ask some students to present their dialogues to the class.Ⅵ Homework 1 Revise the target language.2.write a composition: New Year’s Resolutions

八上英语unit6教案 篇2

Unit 6 Find the right place!

Lesson 21

林永文 (/10/25)

一. Teaching aims: 1.Asking for directions: Where’s the … ?

2.Giving directions: It’s next to the …

二.Teaching tools: pictures, computer ……

三.Teaching steps:

1. Organization.( omitted )

2. Revision.

Park farm

School shop factory




Say: The farm is behind the factory. The shop is next to the school.

Ask: Where’s the school? …… ( Using behind / next to )

3. Presentation.

Park farm

School shop factory


Ask: Where’s the farm / park / school / shop / factory ? etc.

( Using on the left / right side of, in front of, on the left / right )

Let the Ss ask and answer in pairs about the map.

4. Read, say and learn.

Part 1. Look at the picture and ask: Where’s the hospital?

Present this dialogue, using on the left / right, next to ,

in front of ,behind, outside.

A: Excuse me, where’s the hospital?

B: It’s over there, on the left.

Do Wb. L21. Ex.1 individually. Check the answers with the whole class.

5. Ask and answer.

Part 2. Play the tape of the first dialogue and practise it with the Ss. Make up another example. Practise the second dialogue in the same way. Get some pairs to act theirs out.

6. Homework.

① Finish Ex.3 in Page 101 for homework.

② Go over L 21 and recite Part 2.

Language points:

1. Look at the picture.

Look at 看 look through 查看 look up 向上看 、查 look out 向外看 look over 复习

2. the post office.

合成词:①、写成一个单词: bookshop ②、写成开放式: post office


3. next to 紧挨

4. in front of 反义词 behind

5. Excuse me 的用法

①、引起别人注意 ②、请求让路 ③、向人问路或打听消息

6. Thank you all the same.

All the same 仍然

The hospital the bus station the bookshop

The post office the bank the toilet

The hotel the police station the school

The park the factory the farm

八上英语unit6教案 篇3

Unit 6 At a PE lessn



5B.Unit 6 E,G,H 部分.

1. 复习人体部位名称,以及体育课上的动作词组, D.E部分

2. 复习祈使句

3. 复习现在进行时


1. 通过复习,要求学生能熟练地掌握本单元所学的有关活动类词汇。

2. 能熟练的在情景中运用本单元所学的.句型和日常交际用语。

3 能初步了解字母组合ai和a在单词中的发音。


能正确听 说 读 写四会句型“Put…n… Tuch…with… All right.”


1. 准备录音机和本课唱歌的磁带。

2 准备E部分图片

3. 课前写好本课的课题5B.Unit6.


Step 1 Organizatins.

1. Greetings

T: Gd rning/afternn, bs and girls.

Ss: Gd rning/afternn, Miss Zhang.

2. Let’s sing a sng.学生听录音跟读唱英语歌曲 Tw acets.

Step2 Revisin

1. Free tal

T: Wh’s n dut tda? Ss: I a.

T: What da is it tda? Ss: It’s Mnda.

T: What subect d u lie? Ss: I lie…

T: What class are u in? Ss: I’ in Class Tw.

T: What lessns d u have n Mnda? Ss: We have…

2. 教师出示人体图片,请学生快速说出人体部位名称

3.请同学板演默写人体部位名称单词新 课标 第 一 网

Step3 L and read

1. 教师出示图片,复习单词 a pineapple, a grape, an egg, a head和a uth

2. 师生问答:Can u …? es, I can. N, I can’t.以及Where’s …? It’s in …

3. 教师出示图片,指导学生看图,并练习读句子。

4. 同桌互相讨论读对话。

5 同桌表演对话。

Step 4 Listen and repeat

1快速展示单词图片,一闪即停,然后问学生:What’s issing? 让学生看图后说单词。

2 集体认读单词,并让学生找出单词的共同音素。


Step 5 Sing a sng

1 播放歌曲,学生静听欣赏。

2 学生读歌曲,并理解歌词大意。

3 跟随录音简单哼唱,再学唱歌曲。

4 生表演歌曲

Step6 Hewr
