


武汉大学1n 篇1


【摘要】目的了解大学生对甲型H1N1流感的认知、行为、态度及心理变化,探索大学生对突发性公共卫生事件的反应能力,为今后在大学生中进行突发性公共卫生事件的健康教育提供依据。方法采用随机整群抽样方法,在国内出现第一起学校聚集性病例后的6月末,对丹东市某大学在校学生以无记名方式进行有关甲型H1N1流感认知、态度、行为和心理状况等问卷调查。结果98.8%的大学生关注甲型H1N1流感,对甲型H1N1流感基本知识和预防措施了解程度较高。98.5% 的学生采取了预防措施,92.9%的学生因甲型H1N1流感而取消了旅游计划;89.1%的学生表现出战胜甲型H1N1流感的信心,但具有恐惧心理的占12.5%。医学生和非医学生差异无显著性。结论健康教育对大学生甲型H1N1流感认知水平的提高和抗击甲型H1N1流感心理承受能力的增强起了非常重要的作用。


Study on the knowledge,attitude and behavior Influenza A(H1N1)among university students in Dandong citySONG yu-tang,CUI shi-min,XIA rong jun.health education institute of Dandong,Dandong118000,China

【Abstract】ObjectiveTo know knowledge,attitude,practice(KAP)and mental health status to Influenza A(H1N1)among colege students in Wuhan,to explore their abilities to react to unexpected events of public health and to provide information for health education among college students.Methods1 090 colege students were investigated twice respectively at the beg inning of the second week and the last of the third wek after the nation proclaiming epidemic situation of Influenza A(H1N1).The questionnaire Was about KAP of Influenza A(H1N1)and students’mental health status. ResultsAbout 97 .9% of college students concerned about Influenza A(H1N1)and basicallymasteredthe related knowledge,97 .5% ofthem adopted preventivemeasures,91.9% cancelled traveling plansfor Influenza A(H1N1),87.1% were confident of controlling Influenza A(H1N1)。but 12.5% ofthe students were afraid of Influenza

A(H1N1).The ratio of students who were afraid of Influenza A(H1N1)Was lower(8.1%)and they paid more attention to Influenza A(H1N1)in the second survey.Th ere were no significant diferences betwen medical students and no-medical students. ConclusionHealth educations play all importan t role in improving knowledge and ability of emotional reaction to Influenza A(H1N1)among coHege students.

【Key words】Influenza A(H1N1);university students;knowledge,attitude and behavior









1.4统计方法采用Epi Data 3.0建立数据库,采用SPSS 11.5软件进行统计分析。2结果

2.1基本情况共发放问卷1 000人,有效问卷992份,有效率为99.20%。调查对象中男生521人,女生471人;问卷学生平均年龄21.07±2.03岁,最大25岁,最小16岁。专科学生550人,本科学生442人。理科生580人,文科生412人。城市学生558人,农村学生434人。2.2对甲型H1N1流感基本知识的认知情况根据对甲型H1N1流感6个基本知识选项的回答情况判断认知程度。医学生和非医学生差异无显著性(P>0.05)(表2)。(甲型H1N1流感是呼吸道传染病、通过咳嗽和打喷嚏传播、与被感染者直接接触传播、与感染的生猪接触传播、不能通过食用猪肉传播、人们极易感染)


答对题数 4项以上 3项 理科生

专科生本科生合计专科生文科生 本科生合计2.3 采用的预防措施及行为习惯的改变情况有97.50%的大学生采取了预防措施。在问卷调查表中所列各项措施中,采取“增加室内通风”和“增加洗手”2项措施的人数最多,“吃药及保健品”的所占比例最少。


行为改变 保持室内通风 勤洗手


锻炼 室内经常消毒 不去公共场所 出门戴口罩






女生 非医学生



遮掩口鼻 不随地吐痰 避免接触流感症状


发现可疑病人报告 预防性服药 接种疫苗

2.4 对甲型H1N1流感的相关行为和态度95.2% 的大学生对政府所采取的预防措施表示满意,98.1% 的认为对甲型H1N1流感患者及接触者采取隔离措施是非常必要的。有91.9%的因甲型H1N1流感疫情而取消外出游玩或回家计划。2.5 对疫情流行控制的认识调查中有69.9%的大学生相信在6个月内可以控制,17.2% 的认为在6~12个月内可以控制,少部分(12.9%)认为要1 年以上时间才能控制。

2.6 信息来源大学生有关甲型H1N1流感基本知识和预防措施的主要来源,依次为报纸(92.7%)、电视(78.5%)、网络(46.8%)、同学之间传闻(44.3%)、电台(35.9%)、讲座及宣传单(34.2%)3讨论

本次调查结果显示,丹东市大学生对甲型H1N1流感的认知程度较高:被调查的大学生中,97.50% 采取了预防措施,且以采用加强室内通风和勤洗手的人数最多。一方面因为媒体宣传不断强调加强室内通风是防止呼吸道传染病最有效的方法之一,洗手是防止感染甲型H1N1流感的关键之一;另一方面是因为这2项措施简便、易行。被调查的大学生中,有91.9% 的因甲型H1N1流感疫情,为减少感染机会而取消了外出游玩等计划,说明大学生对社会有较强的责任感和一定的自我保护意识。在公共卫生事件发生后,人们常会出现不同程度的心理应激反应,包括焦虑、恐惧、抑郁、愤怒等。甲型H1N1流感因其突发性和意外性以及这一新型疾病的许多不确定因素,故在流行初期,“不安”和“传闻”普遍存在。本次调查中发现,在国家疫情公布后恐惧心理的只占8.1%,说明随着政府及时发布正确信息和宣传教育,大学生的关注程度、认知水平随之不断提高,抗击灾难的心理承受能力也大大地增强。调查结果还显示,医学生和非医学生在认知、行为态度及心理变化上差异无显著性。主要是由于甲型H1N1流感是新型疾病,在此之前,不论医学生或非医学生在学校接受有关如何应对突发性事件方面的教育都很少;疫情发生后,政府及时地调整对策,全国每天发布疫情信息,并加大力度增强宣传,医学生和非医学生对甲型H1N1流感相关知识的了解和防范意识同时得到提高。

总之,对原因不明的突发性公共卫生事件,及时发布正确信息、宣传预防知识是重要的控制措施之一。从这次调查中也可看出,相关的宣传教育增强了大学生对甲型H1N1流感的认知水平和心理承受能力。健康教育在预防和控制突发性公共卫生事件中具有非常重要的作用,高校应加强对大学生应对突发性公共卫生事件相关知识的教育。4 参考文献

[1]卫生部.《医院感染控制技术指南(试行)》[EB].http:///publicfiles/business/htmlfiles/mohyzs/s3593/200905/40561.htm.2009-05-13.[2]教育部 卫生部.《学校甲型H1N1流感防控工作方案(试行)》[EB].http:///publicfiles/business/htmlfiles/mohwsyjbgs/s3577/200906/41396.htm.2009-06-22.

武汉大学1n 篇2

1 对象与方法

1.1 对象

按照专业分层, 以班级为单位整群抽样, 抽取西北民族大学本科学生500名, 其中医学院医学生250人, 非医学院学生250人, 于甲型H1N1流感疫情暴发后进行问卷调查。共收回有效问卷481份, 有效回收率为96.2%, 其中医学生246份, 非医学生235份;男生150份, 女生331份。

1.2 方法

采用自行设计的调查问卷, 问卷内容包括: (1) 一般情况; (2) 甲型H1N1流感信息来源途径; (3) 对甲型H1N1流感病毒、传播途径、主要症状及常见预防措施等基本知识的掌握情况; (4) 甲型H1N1流感的暴发对大学生日常生活习惯和外出等行为的影响; (5) 对控制甲型H1N1流感的信心和态度。由笔者统一讲解填写说明, 学生独立完成问卷, 当场收回。

1.3 统计学处理

采用SPSS 12.0 软件进行统计分析, 各率的比较采用χ2检验。

2 结果

2.1 甲型H1N1流感信息来源途径

大学生有关甲型H1N1流感基本知识和预防措施信息的主要来源依次为:网络 (54.68%) 、电视新闻 (45.53%) 、广播 (21.62%) 、书刊杂志 (14.14%) 、亲戚朋友 (13.31%) , 医学生和非医学生信息来源途径差别无统计学意义 (P=0.373) 。

2.2 甲型H1N1流感基本知识认知情况

医学生较非医学生更知道甲型流感曾多次引起世界大流行, 更了解甲型H1N1流感主要症状 (P=0.000) ;医学生和非医学生对甲流病毒存活时间、传染源、潜伏期、二代病例、本地甲流病例等了解均较差, 差异均无统计学意义 (P值均>0.05) 。见表1。

注: () 内数字为正答率/%。

2.3 防治甲型H1N1流感的态度及行为

81.91%的大学生能采取积极的预防措施预防甲型H1N1流感。92.52%的大学生表现出战胜甲型H1N1流感的信心且医学生和非医学生差异有统计学意义 (P=0.004) 。医学生比非医学生能更注重戴口罩、保持室内通风、充足睡眠、加强锻炼以增强机体免疫力, 以及减少外出降低感染概率 (P值均<0.05) 。86.28%大学生对甲型H1N1流感不感到恐慌, 仅13.72%大学生害怕感染, 医学生和非医学生对甲流态度差异无统计学意义 (P>0.05) 。见表2。

注: () 内数字为正答率/%。

2.4 希望建立的公共行为和措施

大多数学生对甲型H1N1流感患者及疑似病人寄予较高希望。75%以上的大学生表示, 希望能通过禁止患者随地吐痰、减少公共场合出入、积极配合治疗以及接触者积极配合医学观察等公共行为, 和通过限制有症状者、限制聚会、加强知识宣传、控制捕杀染疫动物等公共措施, 有效地阻断甲型H1N1流感的传播, 医学生比例明显高于非医学生 (P值均<0.05) 。见表3。

注: () 内数字为正答率/%。

3 讨论

调查结果显示, 大学生在甲型H1N1流感暴发时具备积极的态度和较好的行为能力。被调查大学生中, 85%以上对甲型H1N1流感不感到恐慌, 能积极上报可疑病人;80%以上能积极采取预防措施, 且以采用加强室内通风和加强锻炼的人数最多。一方面因为媒体不断宣传强调加强室内通风是防制呼吸道传染病最有效的方法, 加强锻炼是提高自身机体免疫力防止感染甲型H1N1流感的关键之一;另一方面也因为这2项措施简便、易行。有近60%的大学生为降低感染概率而决定取消外出游玩计划, 说明大学生有较强的社会责任感和一定的自我保护意识, 这与大学生对SARS知识的认知情况[3]一致, 说明政府及时公布疫情, 采取各种途径进行健康宣传教育, 对大学生甲型H1N1流感认知水平的提高和抗击甲型H1N1流感心理承受能力的增强起了非常重要的作用。

调查结果还显示, 医学生和非医学生对甲型H1N1流感基本知识如甲流病毒存活时间、传染源、潜伏期、二代病例、本地甲流病例定义的了解差异无统计学意义, 且各知识点回答正确率均较低, 主要是由于本次甲型H1N1流感是由新的流感病毒变异株引起[4], 在疾病暴发之前, 医学生和非医学生对此疾病了解均较少, 疾病暴发时, 医学生和非医学生才开始从各个途径了解关于甲型H1N1流感的基本知识, 其中最主要的途径是网络, 这可能与大学生学习生活条件有关。医学生较非医学生更知道甲流曾多次引起世界大流行, 更了解甲流主要症状, 更注重戴口罩、保持室内通风、加强锻炼以增强机体免疫力, 以及减少外出, 这是由于医学生学习过有关流感的基本专业知识, 知道其是一种以呼吸道为主要传播途径的传染性疾病。其次对于大学生希望建立的公共卫生行为, 医学生更重视禁止患者随地吐痰、减少公共场合出入、积极配合治疗以及接触者积极配合医学观察, 隔离有症状者、限制聚会、加强知识宣传、控制捕杀染疫动物等, 说明医学生较非医学生具有更多的专业知识和更强的卫生防范意识, 体现出对预防突发公共卫生事件暴发流行采取公共措施的理解和配合。再次, 医学生表现出更强的战胜甲流的信心, 这与其所具备的医学知识密不可分。

总之, 当前通过政府强化疫情监测, 保持信息畅通[5], 及时、准确、完整公布疫情以及媒体、学校各界的正确宣传, 已使大学生具备了积极的态度和较好的行为能力, 提高了大学生对甲流预防措施认知程度及防范意识, 提升了大学生抗击突发公共卫生事件的心理能力, 这与非典时期调查[6]一致。据此, 笔者建议: (1) 针对大学生不熟悉甲型H1N1流感病毒常识、传染源、潜伏期、二代病例及本地甲流病例等问题, 以及80%以上的学生希望加强基础知识宣传教育、以了解更多甲流知识的情况, 加强基础知识宣传教育; (2) 重视对非医学生关于甲型H1N1流感症状、流行特征、预防感染等的宣传讲解, 进一步提高其防治疾病、促进健康的能力[7], 降低与医学生关于应对突发公共卫生事件能力的差距; (3) 学校应及时开展心理咨询服务, 使心理应激较重的学生及时调整心理状态, 保持良好的应对甲型H1N1流感的心态; (4) 从遗传学角度来说, 甲型H1N1流感仍然具有引起大流行的可能性[8], 针对大学生这个特殊的聚集性群体, 校园健康中心应建立完整的疑似病例追踪体系, 发现疫情后必须及时准确上报, 杜绝缓报、瞒报和漏报[9]; (5) 按照卫生部提出“减少二代病例, 严防社区传播, 加强重症救治, 应对疫情变化”的目标, 密切关注流感疫情变化, 采取科学应对措施, 严密监控防范, 维持目前良好的防控状态, 避免疫情进一步扩散[10]。


[1]王鸣, 肖新才.目前甲型H1N1流感疫情的防控形势与对策探讨.中国预防医学杂志, 2009, 10 (10) :881-882.

[2]张芯.做好学校甲型H1N1流感防控工作, 确保学生身心健康.中国学校卫生, 2009, 30 (9) :771-773.

[3]贺莉萍, 郭毅, 冯贇, 等.武汉市大学生对SARS的认知态度和行为.中国学校卫生, 2004, 25 (3) :273-274.

[4]代涛, 池慧, 许培扬, 等.甲型H1N1流感疫情进展与应对策略综述.中国健康教育, 2009, 25 (8) :602-605.

[5]于竞进, 于明珠, 苏海军, 等.中国疾病预防控制体系建设策略和落实效果.中国公共卫生管理, 2007, 23 (2) :98-101.

[6]王南平, 郭秀, 绍灵红, 等.大学生对SARS的认知、态度和行为的调查与分析.长江大学学报, 2006, 3 (2) :279-281.

[7]李星明, 黄建始.我国甲型H1N1流感防控工作面临的挑战与对策.首都医科大学学报, 2009, 30 (4) :409-412.

[8]吕正兵, 李谦, 黄宏杰, 等.甲型H1N1流感的流行现状及处理对策的思考.药物生物技术, 2009, 16 (3) :287-290.

[9]韩一芳, 张宏伟, 曹广文.2009年新型甲型H1N1流感流行特征及防控措施.第二军医大学学报, 2009, 30 (6) :610-612.

预防甲型H1N1流感 篇3




























H1N1流感防控预案范文 篇4































2、自疫情初步诊断之日起,应每天上报一次疫情; 最后一个病例处理后,疫情后续进展情况每周上报一次以上,直至封锁令解除。


第四章 应急反应






















甲型H1N1流感小知识 篇5

























武汉大学1n 篇6

1 The Stylistic Features of Headlines

Headlines are seen as the window of news reports, which try to present basic content of the news by concise words.News is to report what is happening timely.Therefore, as the window of news reports, headlines should be brief, accurate and eye-catching, which form their own features in words and grammar.

1.1 Lexical Features of Headlines

1.1.1 Abundant Use of Abbreviations

Abundant use of abbreviations not only saves the space, but also makes the headlines eye-catching.Abbreviations in headlines consist of two kinds.One is abundant use of acronyms.Due to conciseness of News English, even phrases are shortened.Therefore news workers create lots of new words by using acronyms.For example,

DOH chief hails local H1N1 vaccine clinical trial results

(China Daily, Oct.22, 2009)

(DOH=Department of Health)

TCM tabled as possible H1N1 cure

(China Daily, Nov.3, 2009)

(TCM=Traditional Chinese Medicine)

ASEAN-US meeting to discuss disaster control, flu prevention

(China Daily, Nov.4, 2009)

(ASEAN=Association of South-East Asian Nations)

Acronyms in headlines consist of three kinds.One is for organization, e.g.ASEAN=Association of South-East Asian Nations.The second one is for things we are familiar with, e.g.TCM=Traditional Chinese Medicine.The third one is for occupations or titles, e.g.PM=prime minister.

The second one is abundant use of clippings.That is omissions of the front, mid and back letters of words.For example,

Expo leaders say H1N1 won't hurt attendance

(China Daily, Nov.13, 2009)


Afghan gov't shuts down schools to check flu outbreak

S Korean gov't raises alert level against A

(China Daily, Nov.3, 2009)

(S=South, gov't=government, flu=influenza)

1.1.2 Abundant Use of Midget Words

Because of time limit and space limit, news workers try to convey as much information as possible by using as few words as possible.Let's take some as examples.

China faces"severe challenges"of flu

(China Daily, Oct 28, 2009)

Youths worst hit by H1N1

(China Daily, Oct.28, 2009)

H1N1 claims first Beijing victim

(China Daily, Oct.29, 2009)

Beijing gives residents free A (H1N1) jabs

(China Daily Nov.16, 2009)

Midget words (claim, face, hit, give) in given examples are simple but impressive, which may be easy for understanding and also show clear news content in limited space.

1.2 Grammatical Features of Headlines

In order to ensure the conciseness of news headlines, news workers try their best to save the space even by breaking the grammatical rules, adopting omission and simplification, flexible use of tenses and so on, which forms its own grammatical features.

1.2.1 Ellipsis and Simplification

As for grammar, headlines in news reports usually do no express themselves in a complete sentence.Content words are left, while sometimes function words such as article, conjunction are omitted.For example,

H1N1 deaths'tip of iceberg'

Pets picking up H1N1

(China Daily, Nov.18, 2009) (Pets are picking up H1N1)

WHO:Deaths not linked to H1N1 vaccines (China Daily, Nov.19, 2009)

(WHO:Deaths are not linked to H1N1 vaccines) Students forced to eat garlic to prevent H1N1 flu (China Daily, Nov.20, 2009)

(Students are forced to eat garlic to prevent H1N1 flu) Detected mutations'not dangerous'

(China Daily, Nov.25, 2009)

(Detected mutations are not dangerous)

From the examples given, we can see even we do not express in a complete sentence, it doesn't affect or interfere with our understanding, which may help save the space.

1.2.2 Flexible Use of Tenses

Tenses that we can find in the headlines are the simple present tense, the present progressive tense and the simple future.

The simple present tense is used to report what happened.

Facts in news reports are those what has happened already.So as for grammar, tenses in the headlines should be the simple past tense, which may cause us to think it is dated.In order to make up for this, the simple present tense is used to impress our readers freshness, reality and immediacy.And because of the omission of–ed, save the space for the headlines.For example,

Shandong reports first A (H1N1) flu death case (China Daily, Nov.17, 2009)

H1N1 mother gives birth

(China Daily, Nov.17, 2009)

MOH responds to expert doubt over flu reports

(China Daily, Nov.19, 2009)

Official refutes A (H1N1) vaccine suspension rumor

(China Daily, Nov.19, 2009)

Norway finds H1N1 mutation in victims

(China Daily, Nov.21, 2009)

We can find lots of examples here.To sum up, instead of the simple past tense, the simple present tense impresses readers the timely report of news.

The simple future takes the form of the infinitive.

Headlines take the form"be to"to express the future action with the omission of"be", trying to save the space.For example,

ASEAN-US meeting to discuss disaster control, flu prevention

(China Daily, Oct.17, 2009)

All Beijingers to get H1N1 vaccination

(China Daily, Nov.7, 2009)

H1N1 jab roll-out to include all of Beijing

(China Daily, Nov.7, 2009)

A/H1N1 drug to be circulated

(China Daily, Nov.9, 2009)

China's health ministry to launch web spokesman

(China Daily, Nov.9, 2009)

The present progressive tense is used to describe what is going on.

If headlines use the present progressive tense, usually they will omit"be".For example,

More H1N1 cases stoking public fears in China

(China Daily, Nov.3, 2009)

Flu infections starting to peak in some areas:WHO

(China Daily, Nov.16, 2009)

Pets picking up H1N1

(China Daily, Nov.18, 2009)

H1N1 flu spreading east, peaking in some areas-WHO

(China Daily, Nov.21, 2009)

The features of headlines, which should be brief, accurate and eye-catching, to some extent, decide the stylistic features of headlines.To have a understanding of these features may help us have a knowledge of our world by reading news.

2 The Stylistic Features of the Body of News

2.1 Lexical Features of News English

As a distinctive kind of language, news English has its own features in vocabulary.The words used in news English tend to be simple, short and popular.And many new words are always created and first appear in news.

2.1.1 Wide Use of Simple and Short Words

An investigation shows that the average vocabulary of newspaper readers ranging from scholars to common people is 3000-5000 words in the United States.Therefore, News English tends to use simple words to make the news more understandable.In addition, using short words can save much time and space while they are limited in newspaper and daily life.For example, in News English, they prefer"aid"to"help", "aim"to"purpose"or"object", "over"to"more than", "ask"to"inquiry", "eve"to"the day before", "key"to"very important".Take the news"Flu fear closes panda base"as an example, we may find the wide use of simple and short words besides professional words and set phrases.

XI'AN:A giant panda research base in Shaanxi province has closed the panda living and entertainment areas to visitors to protect the endangered species from the risk of H1N1 flu infection.

The Shaanxi Wild Animal Rescue and Research Center, one of the country's four giant panda bases, stopped recruiting volunteers and made a 2, 000-sq-m area off-limits to visitors last week after a heavy snowfall brought sudden temperature drops and a rise in the number of H1N1 flu patients, said Wang Gang, a zoo worker at the center.

The center, located in Zhouzhi county at the foot of the Qinling mountain range, is home to 21 giant pandas, including three cubs born this year, and other species including golden monkeys takins and crested ibis. (China Daily 11/25/2009 page5)

2.1.2 Wide Use of New Words

With the development of science and technology, many new words are created to indicate the newly developed technology or science and the improved economy and ideology."H1N1"is a good example, being as a new word.

2.2 Sentence Features of News English

News English has its own sentence features.The feature of the simple sentences, that is, it can carry a lot of information at the phrase level, makes it a convenient vehicle for writers who wish to pack a number of relevant or related details into a statement, for clarity, brevity or emphasis.

2.2.1 Expanded Simple Sentence

In most cases, the simple sentence is expanded by positional phrases, participle phrases and informative phrases, which are used as attributives and adverbial.For example,

1) "A woman who didn't provide her name and was in charge of the health policy division of the bureau, told METRO:"This medicine is very effective.Our director's son has tried it." (China Daily, Nov.3, 2009)

The word"who"leads an attributive subordinate clauses, trying to modify the subject"a woman".Thus, the very simple sentence is expanded into a long one by adding an attributive clause.

2) "The patient, a 14-year-old middle school student in Changning City, died Saturday after nearly one month of medical treatment failed, the Hunan Provincial Public Health Department said." (China Daily, Nov.2, 2009)

"A 14-year-old middle school student in Changning City"is an appositive.The word"after"brings a time-adverbial subordinate clause.Thus, the very simple sentence is expanded into a long one.

2.2.2 One Sentence and One Meaning in One Paragraph

One sentence is always written as one paragraph to make the news clear and explicit, with no room for misunderstanding or misinterpretation.For example,

1) "The patient, a 14-year-old middle school student in Changning City, died Saturday after nearly one month of medical treatment failed, the Hunan Provincial Public Health Department said." (China Daily, Nov.2, 2009)

There is only one sentence in it.The main structure is"The patient died".

2) The South Korean government plans to raise the nation's disease alert level today against the H1N1 influenza from the second-highest to the top level as the pace of the virus spread is growing faster, health authorities said yesterday.An average8, 857 people were confirmed as having the Influenza A every day last week, up from 4, 420 tallied the week before." (China Daily, Nov.3, 2009)

There are two sentences in this paragraph.But there is only one major meaning, that is"The South Korean government plans to raise the nation's disease alert level against the H1N1 influenza".

2.3 Grammatical Features of News English

As a branch of language, News English developed its own grammatical features that may be different from other kind of language.Pre-modification and ellipsis are always used in news.In order to report the events clearly and detailed as well as truly, appositive is also used very often.At the same time, simple present tense is largely used to make readers feel the news is very timely and fresh.

2.3.1 Wide Use of Pre-modification

Wright and Hope pointed out that a noun phrase consists of four parts:ahead word, introduction element, pre-modifier and pos-modifier.Pre-modifier is placed before a headword while posmodifier is after it.In general English, a headword is easier to be modified by post-modifiers than pre-modifiers, which may affect conveying the core information promptly if too many pre-modifiers are used.However in News English, pre-modification is always used due to the special demands of news style.The use of pre-modifiers not only makes the news interesting to read but also provides more detailed information.

2.3.2 Voice of News English

Active voice is more widely used in News English, and it can make readers feel direct and straightforward.For example,

The official said the peak flu season this fall is coming earlier than in previous years, making prevention and control effort even more difficult.

In Beijing Children's Hospital, doctors are treating about2, 000 patients with all strains of flu every day.

Schools and universities are checking students'body temperature every day, and report symptoms of flu, such as fevers and coughs, to the health care department. (China Daily, Nov.32009)

They are all active voice, which makes readers feel clear and direct.

Although active voice is much often used in News English passive voice is also used when is employed to emphasize the action or result of an event.For example,

1) "Some children will be cured with only one dose (of No 2Cold Medicine) , while others might need two, "Tu said. (China Daily, Nov.3, 209)

2) The outbreak is expected to hit students and children hardest. (China Daily, Nov.3, 2009)

2.3.3 Tense of News English

Theoretically speaking, the tense of news should be past because all it reports happened in the past.But in order to make readers feel that the news is fresh and timely when reading, it tends to use simple present tense to make readers feel it as obsolete news.Of course, there are some exceptions.When indirectly quoting other people's words, past tense is also used.And sometimes, the present tense may express the actions in process or on the instant.

2.3.3. 1 Use of Simple Present Tense

News English tends to use present tense to make readers feel that the news is fresh and timely when reading.

1) The latest update on the virus shows the infection is still at epidemic levels but below its October peak, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported.

(China Daily, Dec.1, 2009)

2) In an interview with METRO, Liu Peicheng, media relations director of Sinovac Biotech Ltd, producer of China's first A (H1N1) flu vaccine, shares his views on the safety of the vaccine (China Daily, Nov.26, 2009)

2.3.3. 2 Use of Infinitive Phrase

The infinitive phrase is always used to express something in the future instead of"will verb"phrase, because infinitive phrase seems to be more urgent and thus is suitable for news.For example, "A surge in severe cases would definitely test the capacity of intensive care units and personnel, particularly in remote western and rural areas.So the priority is to avoid several outbreaks occurring at the same time", Zeng said. (China Daily, Oct.282009)

2.3.3. 3 Heavy Use of Direct and Indirect Quotations

Direct and indirect quotations, which make the readers feel the news true and objective, are very frequently used in news For example,

The WHO said it was not familiar with the TCM recommended for children and could not comment.

A woman who didn't provide her name and was in charge of the health policy division of the bureau, told METRO:"This medicine is very effective.Our director's son has tried it."

"Western medicines might harm the stomachs of children Chinese medicine does not have this side effect.This No 2 cold medicine is an upgrade of former anti-flu medicine, "she added.

Cui Xiany u, director of the Korean International School in Beijing said:"We haven't heard about No 2 cold medicine but we have faith in Chinese medicine."

"About one month ago, we provided our students with some Chinese medicine to protect them from H1N1 following a requirement from the municipal education commission.They didn't suffer from any side effects but we did have to close the school for a week after some students were infected, "Cui said. (China Daily, Nov.3, 2009)

We can find lots of direct and indirect quotations in news which will make the news more persuasive.

3 Conclusion

News English has its own features, which to some extent decides its stylistic features.From the above we can see that it tends to use simple words in News English, so that most people can understand it.And the sentences in it are always simply structured but expanded to be long;and there is always one sentence with one central meaning in one paragraph.In news English, ellipsis is heavily used in both headline and body to make the news vivid and easy.The wide use of quotation makes the news true and objective.And the tense used is always the present one, so tha readers may feel the news is very fresh and timely.


[1]Hu Yang.A Course of English Newspaper and Magazine Reading[M].Tsinghua University Press, 2003.

[2]Hu Zhuanglin.Linguistics:A Course Book[M].Peking University Press, 2001.

[3]Wright L.Stylistics:A Practical Course Book[M].Foreign Lan-guage Teaching and Research Press, 2000.

[4]秦秀白.英语语体和文体要略[M].上海:上海外语教育出版社, 2002.
