


新概念英语4练习详解 篇1


1.Last week the writer went to the theatre.He was _______ the theatre.a.atb.toc.ond.into

2.The young man and the young woman were sitting behind him.He was sitting ________them.a.aboveb.beforec.in front ofd.ahead of

3.________ did the writer feel? Angry.a.Whyb.Wherec.Whend.How

4.He looked at the man and the woman angrily.He looked at ________angrily.a.theyb.themc.usd.their

5.The young man and the young woman paid ________ attention to the writer.a.anyb.nonec.nod.not any

6.He had a good seat.He was sitting in a good ________.a.placeb.chairc.classd.armchair

7.He was a young man.He wasn’t very ________.a.bigb.oldc.larged.tall

8.The writer looked at the man and the woman angrily.He was very ________.a.unhappyb.sadc.pleasedd.cross

9.The writer could not bear it.He could not ________ it.a.sufferb.carryc.liftd.stand

10.The young man spoke rudely.He wasn’t very ________.a.rudeb.cleverc.kindd.polite

11.He sometimes ________ in bed until lunchtime.a.is stayingb.stayc.staysd.staying

12.He stayed in bed until lunchtime.He went ________ bed late last night.a.intob.inc.atd.to

13.He doesn’t get up early on Sundays.He gets up ________.a.latelyb.latec.hardlyd.slowly

14.________ did Aunt Lucy come? By train.a.Howb.Whenc.Whered.Why

15.The writer can’t see Aunt Lucy ________.He’s having breakfast.a.nowb.stillc.alwaysd.often

16.He ________ out o the window and saw that it was raining.a.sawb.lookedc.watchedd.remarked

17.Just then, the telephone rang.It rang ________.a.immediatelyb.at oncec.at that momentd.again

18.She was his aunt, so he was her ______.a.grandsonb.sonc.nieced.nephew

19.Breakfast is the first ________ of the day.a.dinnerb.foodc.meald.lunch

20.Aunt Lucy said, ‘Dear me,’ because she was ________.a.surprisedb.angryc.pleasedd.tired

21.Las summer he went to Italy.He was ________ Italy last summer.a.toa.atc.ond.in

22._______ him a few words of Italian? The waiter.a.Who did teachb.Who taughtc.Whom did he teachd.What did he teach

23.He was a friendly waiter.He spoke to the writer ________.a.as friendsb.friendc.in a friendly wayd.like friends

24.The writer ________ a few lines, but he didn’t understand a word.a.readb.readsc.readingd.red

25.He spent the whole day in his room.He was in his room ________day.a.the allb.the holec.all ofd.all

26.A waiter usually works in a ________.a.shopb.public gardenc.private housed.restaurant

27.The waiter lent him a book.He ________ a book from the waiter.a.borrowedb.lentc.stoled.took

28.On the last day he made a big decision.It was the ________ day of his holiday.a.endb.finalc.bottomd.latest

29.He made a big decision.He ________.a.made u his mindb.thought about itc.made a wishd.changed his mind

30.He didn’t write a single card.So he ________.a.didn’t write even oneb.wrote only one

c.wrote all the cards except oned.wrote just one.31.Tim is in Australia.He went ________ Australia six months ago.a.inb.toc.intod.at

32.Tim is in Australia.How long ________ there?

a.has he beenb.is hec.was hed.has he

33.Tim has been in Australia for six months.His brother hasn’t seen him ________ January.a.sinceb.forc.byd.from

34.He has just bought an Australian car.He bought one _______.a.a long time agob.a short time agoc.six months agod.last year

35.He has just gone to Alice Springs.He has never ______ there before.a.beingb.wentc.wasd.been

36.Tim is working for a big firm.He is working for a big ______.a.companyb.societyc.stored.factory

37.He has visited a great number of different places.He hasn’t stayed in ______ place.a.a similarb.the onlyc.aliked.the same

38.Alice Springs is a small town.A town is usually ______.a.bigger than a cityb.bigger than a village but smaller than a city

c.the same size as a villaged.the same size as a city

39.He will soon visit Darwin.He will visit Darwin ______.a.for a short timeb.quicklyc.in a hurryd.shortly

40.He will fly to Perth.He will go there ______.a.in airb.with airc.through aird.by air

41.Mr.Scott has a garage.The garage is ______.a.of himb.to himc.hisd.of his

42.Mr.Scott cannot get a telephone for his garage.____ he has just bought twelve pigeons.a.That’s whyb.That’s soc.ford.Because

43.He has just bought twelve pigeons.When did he ______them?


44.What’s the distance form Pinhurst to Silbury? How _____ is Pinhurts ______ Silbury?a.long…awayb.long ago…untilc.far…fromd.away…till

45.The pigeon flew from one garage to the other ______ three minutes.a.intob.inc.ond.with

46.Mr.Scott has a garage in Silbury.His ______ garage is in Pinhurst.a.otherb.anotherc.differentd.else

47.Mr.Scott can’t get a telephone.Telephones are hard to ______.a.receiveb.takec.findd.obtain

48.He has sent requests for spare parts.He has ______spare parts.a.asked forb.askedc.pleasedd.begged

49.Urgent messages are important, so they must be sent ______.a.slowlyb.quicklyc.largelyd.by hand

50.Mr.Scott’s telephone service’ is private, it is ______.a.spareb.generalc.his ownd.secret


1.She shops close on Saturday afternoons.(always)

2.Our teacher collects our exercise books.(frequently)

3.We spend our holidays abroad.(sometimes)

改写下列句子,用What 来引导下列感叹句。

1.This is a surprise!_____________________________________________________

2.He is causing a lot of trouble!_____________________________________________

3.She is a hard-working woman!__________________________________________

4.He is a strange guy!________________________________________


1.He paid the shopkeeper some money.(写出paid原形:)

2.He handed me the prize.3.The waiter brought a bottle of beer_________ the man.(brought的原形:)

4.He sold all his books to me.(sold原形:)

5.The shop assistant found some curtain material _______ me.6.He did me a big favor.7.She showed her husband her new hat.8.She promised a reward to the finder.9.He gave his son some advice.10.His uncle ___________(留给)him some money.11.He is teaching English________ us.12.I bought this bunch of flowers_______ you.13.Bring that book_______ me please.14.He offered me a cigarette.15.Read me the first paragraph.16.I’ve ordered some soup ______ you.17.I owe him a lot of money.18.Pass the mustard________your father.改写下面的句子,用spare 的形容词形式或动词形式来代替句子中用斜体书写的单词或短语,并对句中的其他部分做必要的改动。

1.There is an extra wheel in the back of the car.2.I always go on excursions in my free time.3.‘Have you any old clothes that you do not want?’ he asked.4.The guest slept in the room we do not use.5.‘Do not kill me!’ begged the prisoner.

新概念英语4练习详解 篇2

1 量子力学的角动量究竟是怎么回事

量子力学的传统理论认为, 量子力学的能量是h的整数倍, 是不连续的, 因此, 微观领域内的粒子的角动量也是h的整数倍, 是不连续的, 据此有人认为是一顿一顿运动的。对此, 首先我们回顾一下牛顿第一定律, 在真空中, 物体受力后, 如果没有阻力迫使它停下来, 它会一直运动下去。也就是说, 用在这里, 能量是h的整数倍, 而角动量也在变换不同的惯性系, 即每一次跷跷板效应后, 变换一次惯性系。由此, 我们可以作以下归纳表述。

1) 轨道角动量, 由于h取自身的整数倍, 故其轨道是不同的, 但绝非是传统理论所认为是同心圆的, 它是由轨道进动率改变而决定的, 轨道进动使轨道变狭长或椭圆, 从而形成新的轨道, 而不是传统理论认为的内外层轨道。

2) 自旋角动量, 自旋角动量同上, 能量取h的整数倍, 但与自旋是同步的, 也就是h取不同的整数倍能级, 自旋角动量取不同的惯性系。它的物理表现是, 电子的圆表面上某一点, 受高频激发, 于是此处频率加快, 并膨胀, 进而引起跷跷板效应, 即引起质心轴心的分离与重合, 进而引起电子张力的变化, 即电子由纺锤形向陀螺形变化, 进而引起角动量守恒, 进而达到整体的角动量升级稳定。电子受低频激发与此正相反, 这我在«续论与连带性能量保留即能量不守恒有关的几个问题»一文中已有论述。

与经典理论不同的是, 量子力学认为, 微观领域角动量不守恒, 角动量的平方守恒, 这已为实验所证实。但它的物理意义在哪呢?现在, 我们可以反推, 正因为角动量不守恒, 所以就证明光子是在一个周期内从电子体内发射出去的, 在这个周期内, 角动量不守恒。从这里, 我们就可以发现, 电子向高能级和向低能级跃迁是在一个周期内完成的, 这就是笔者在系列文章中论证的, 电子的高能级是在轨道的远日点, 低能级是在同一轨道的近日点, 由此也证明, 笔者所设计的升频和降频两个波动方程及所绘的波形是正确的, 从而也证明, 只要把这两个波动方程联立起来, 就正与量子力学角动量平方守恒相吻合。同时也证明, 电子轨道的波形与电子自旋的波形是一样的, 这也正是笔者设计的升、降频波动方程所及的波形。这个联立的波形, 就明确了量子力学角动量守恒的物理意义。也就是相当于两个不同的周期的联立, 这是因为, 一个周期内包含两个跃迁, 显然每个跃迁都是半波, 因此跷跷板效应, 即电子张力由纺锤形向陀螺形转变, 然后再回归原始, 达到质心与轴心新的重合, 是绝对完不成的, 因此, 只有这两个不同周期波动方程的完整波形联立起来, 角动量才能守恒。因为上面论述了电子的轨道波形和自旋波形是一样的, 所以这两个波动方程完整波形的联立, 就是电子轨道波形和自旋波形的耦合, 就是电子轨道角动量与自旋角动量的耦合。这样, 也不会把量子力学的角动量守恒理解为, 是在两个周期内完成的了。也就是说, 电子发射光子的动态始末, 完全是由内外力 (本系统的质子或外系统的粒子的辐射及磁场作用) 及自身内力共同造成的, 因此, 轨道进动与本身自旋 (跷跷板效应) 就是角动量守恒的决定性的因素。

2 光线传播的曲与直

光的传播是直线的, 还是抛物线的?

1) 如果光源是静止的, 则光线是直线传播的。

2) 如果光源是 (左右旋电子加减左右旋星球) 旋转的, 则光线是抛物线传播。但因光一般是左右旋都有的, 故一般是直线传播。

3) 如果光源是旋转的, 且力是膨胀的, 即有连带性能量保留 (能量不守恒) , 则光线组成的光子幔, 基本是呈米字形叠加弯曲的, 抛物线方向与膨胀方向正相反, 一个反时针, 一个顺时针。例如爱因斯坦环, 因为光线本身是抛物线的, 再进入引力场, 则弯曲度加倍, 这就是爱因斯坦环。但请注意, 光线通过引力场, 只形成爱因斯坦环, 而不是爱因斯坦点 (即聚成一个点) , 这环是引力场的最大有效作用力的边界。而连带性能量保留 (能量不守恒) 力, 则使叠加的引力场的弯曲度止步, 或者说, 引力场的作用力与连带性能量保留 (能量不守恒) 的作用力, 是相反的, 这就是宇宙膨胀的基本原因之一。

3 量子引力及其相对性兼谈电磁力及鸽笼问题

谈到引力, 人们一直被其表面现象所迷惑, 认为真有一种超距的力所作用, 其实所谓引力, 就是光子及光子幔辐射到物体或粒子后, 物体或粒子自发的作轨道运动, 即在跷跷板作用下, 自发绕辐射源旋转。宏观万有引力, 就是牛顿万有引力定律所描述的力, 微观万有引力就是笔者在《关于量子力学-经典力学-相对论力学的统一性理论可行性研究》 (续) 一文中所论述过的, 与宏观万有引力所不同的, 就是相位正相反。另外, 上面我们论述了, 能级与惯性系是同步的, 因此, 万有引力在量子力学中, 能级与万有引力也应是同步的.而且是叠加的。再有, 从光线的传播直与曲来看, 既然, 光子幔是万有引力场的动力源, 那么, 万有引力场自然也是弯曲的, 只是, 当有连带性能量保留 (能量不守恒) 产生时, 引力场的力度和密度亦加大, 时空即引力场弯曲的更加明显, 这就是广义相对论所描述的。另外, 如果, 笔者没有判断错的话, 爱因斯坦预言的引力波和连带性能量保留 (能量不守恒) 是同义的。

而电磁力也是由同一光线引起的, 那是由跷跷板效应引发的, 在电子的质心与轴心的分离、重合的过程中, 即电子的张力, 从纺锤形变为陀螺形的过程中, 产生了许多同心圆的磁力线, 即小磁子, 这些电子小磁子, 按磁极排成阵列, 这就是电磁场, 电子一进入电磁场, 就会受其作用而运动, 这就不必赘述了。

从万有引力和电磁力的论述中, 我们不难看出, 在这两种力中起媒介作用的就是同一光子, 一身而兼二职, 这就是量子力学中典型的鸽笼现象问题。

4 从夸克的味变, 看中子是由质子与电子轨道耦合的理论是自洽的

质子的夸克为二个上夸克一个下夸克, 总电荷+1, 而中子是一个上夸克二个下夸克, 总电荷为0。笔者曾在系列文章中论述, 中子是由质子和电子轨道耦合而成的, 而不是质子电子合为一体的。如果是合为一体的, 则可以顺利解释夸克二下一上及总电荷为0的由头。但这也有许多费解的地方, 例如β衰变中, 一下夸克放出一虚w-玻色子, w-玻色子质量很大, 这种变化缺少物理意义。因此笔者认为夸克味的变化, 反映了质子或中子体内张力的变化情况, 即由反射带的位移引起的, 质子或中子体内张力变化的一种趋势, 这可看成是频率在质子或中子内部的变化的动态显现。具体到中子, 可看作是质子电子轨道深度耦合后, 质子频率下降, 电子频率上升, 因而电子电荷参与的份额变为两个-1/3, 与质子的+2/3相抵消, 因而总电荷为0, 而单独的质子, 因与电子轨道耦合浅, 且质子频率高于电子, 故电子参与份额为一个-1/3, 质子因频率占比高, 故为两个+2/3, 总电荷为1, 这就是一种由反射带的移动所带来的一种趋势。

5 宇称守恒与不守恒及对称与对称性破缺

一个现象似乎和宇称守恒有关系, 那就是粒子在交换能量的过程中, 存在能量互导和频率互导, 互导后二者平衡, 但磁场极性相反, 这可能就是宇称守恒的根源, 至于宇称不守恒, 在弱相互作用之外, 还有一个现象应该引起关注, 那就是连带性能量保留 (能量不守恒) , 它可能是引起普遍宇称不守恒的根源, 举个例子, 我在《宇宙膨胀和能量守恒问题》一文中, 提供了2个实验方法, 其中之一就是升降温实验, 即由于存在连带性能量保留 (能量不守恒) , 所以粒子降温比升温用的时间长, 这个实验若成功, 则可揭示普遍的宇称不守恒现象。

从上面对宇称守恒与不守恒的论述, 还可引发人们对对称性与对称性破缺进行深入的思考, 尤其升降温实验, 升温与降温时间不对称, 将会对人们深入研究对称性破缺提供有益的帮助。

上面能量互导和频率互导最直观的例子, 就是冷热水中和, 冷水与热水倒在一起, 立刻就变为温水, 这就是能量互导和频率互导, 这对于我们理解宇称守恒很有帮助。

6 态的叠加与态的纠缠

态的叠加是自然界的普遍属性。每个物质或质点或粒子就是一个态, 每个态都处于不同的状态, 且组合成一个整体, 这就是一种态的叠加, 我曾经论述过原子的潮汐运动, 这就是态的叠加, 每个电子都是量子化的, 但在原子中或原子群中, 这些电子组成的波却是可以连续的, 电子与电子之间的相位是可以衔接的, 也就是说, 潮汐运动可以使量子化的电子叠加成连续的、有序的波。而且我们知道, 电磁场的建立, 具有同时性的特点, 因此, 以上这些, 就为态的纠缠准备了条件, 可以说, 某个态 (粒子) 的独特性, 通过潮汐波的传播, 必在无限远处有回应, 因为电磁场的建立, 具有同时性的特点, 所以, 纠缠态也就具有同时性的特点了。

7 w、z玻色子及中子衰变

我曾论述过, w或z玻色子就是介子互相碰撞后形成的。我还曾论述过, 中子中的质子和电子经过相互作用, 频率再拉平后会形成介子 (因为频率拉平, 相互作用后, 产生的跷跷板效应不明显, 所以自旋为整数.) , 这一对介子的轨道缠绕的更紧, 所谓弱相互作用, 就是这两个介子碰撞后, 由于频率相近, 故相互作用后, 能量互导和频率互导产生的效果不大, 电流不强, 故称为弱相互作用。因此, 我们看到弱相互作用产生的中子衰变, 其实就是介子的碰撞衰变过程, 碰撞后先变为两个正负w玻色子 (一个就是所谓的起媒介作用的w+, 另一个就是释放出的所谓虚w-.) , 由于w玻色子存在的时间极短, 瞬间又进行介子形成时的逆过程, 因为, 碰撞后轨道会分开, 所以, 必会形成仿原子态, 即先变为中子, 随后又变为质子和电子, 只是在衰变过程中, 存在连带性能量保留 (能量不守恒) , 发射了一颗中微子, 因为是逆过程, 所以是反电中微子。介子之所以衰变, 那毕竟是介子碰撞后引起的核反应。正因为是核反应, 所以, 会引起许多中子的衰变。


[1]周万连.宇宙膨胀和能量守恒问题[J].北京:科技传播, 2013 (22) :152.

[2]周万连.续论与连带性能量保留即能量不守恒有关的几个问题[J].北京:科技传播, 2014 (3) :111.

[3]周万连.关于量子力学-经典力学-相对论力学的统一性理论可行性研究[J].北京:科技传播, 2014 (21) :162.

[4]周万连.关于量子力学-经典力学-相对论力学的统一性理论可行性研究续[J].北京:通讯世界, 2014 (23) :224.

[5]周万连.关于量子力学-经典力学-相对论力学的统一性理论可行性研究续2[J].北京:通讯世界, 2015 (10) :196.

英语四级阅读练习及详解(10) 篇3




When school was out, I hurried to find my sister and get out ofthe schoolyard before seeing anybody in my class.But Barbaraand her friends, had beaten us to the playground entrance andthey seemed to be waiting for us.Barbara said, “So now you’rein the A class.” She sounded impressed.“What’s the A class?” Iasked.Everybody made superior yet faintly envious gigglingsounds.“Well, why did you think the teacher moved you to thefront of the room, dopey? Didn’t you know you were in the C class before, way in the back of theroom?”

Of course I hadn’t known.『The Wenatchee fifth grade was bigger than my whole school whichhad been in North Dakota, and the idea of subdivisions within a grade had never occurred tome.』① The subdividing for the first marking period had been done before I came to the school,and l had never, in the six weeks I’d been there, talked to anyone long enough to find out aboutthe A, B, and C classes.洛基国际英语

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I still could not understand why that had made such a difference to Barbara and her friends.Ididn’t yet know that it was shameful and dirty to be a transient laborer and ridiculous to be fromNorth Dakota.I thought living in a tent was more fun than living in a house.I didn’t know that we were gypsies, really(how that thought would have excited me then!), andthat we were regarded with the suspicion felt by those who plant toward those who do not plant.It didn’t occur to me that we were all looked upon as one more of the untrustworthy naturalphenomena, drifting here and there like mists or winds, I didn’t know that I was the only child whohad camped on the Baumann’s land ever to get out of the C class.I didn’t know that schooladministrators and civic leaders held conferences to talk about the problem of transientlaborers.I only knew that for two happy days I walked to school with Barbara and her friends, playedhopscotch and jumped rope with them at class intervals, and was even invited into the house forsome ginger ale—a strange drink I had never tasted before.1.The tone of this passage as a whole is.A.reflective B.enthusiastic C.impersonal D.defensive 洛基国际英语

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2.The narrator had most probably been placed in the C class because.A.she was a poor reader

B.she had come from a small school

C.the marking system confused her

D.all children of transient laborers were placed in the C class

3.The basic reason why the people in the community distrusted the transient workers was that thetransient workers.A.tended to be lawbreakers B.had little schooling

C.were afraid of strangers D.were temporary residents

4.Which of the following is not characteristic of Gypsies?

A.Wandering around the world.B.Make ginger ale in their house.C.Never plant something.D.Had been foreigners wherever they go.洛基国际英语

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5.Immediately after the narrator was moved to the A class, what was the attitude of Barbara andBarbara’s friends towards her?

A.Dislike B.Acceptance C.Apology D.Jealousy


1.envious adj.嫉妒的 2.giggling n.傻笑

3.subdivision n.细分

4.transient adj.短暂的 5.mist n.薄雾

6.hopscotch n.跳房子游戏


①【解析】and连接两个并列的句子。第一个分句中含有than引导的比较状语从句,注意主从句中时态的不同。occur to译为“想到,想起”。

【译文】Wenatchee 的五年级比我以前在Dakota北部的学校规模还要大,在一个年级内分班这是我以前从未想到过的。


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1.A主旨题。reflective在此意为:回顾的。在这个问题中tone意为:语气、心情。纵观全文,我们可以看出,叙述者是在回忆她童年时发生的一件事(第一、二、三、四段)及这件事 的发生所给她带来的感受(第四、五段)。impersonal意为:不涉及个人情感的,客观的。defensive意为:辩护的,申辩的。这里并非是作者因受到指责而为自己辩护,本文主要谈的是人与人之间的歧视给作者当时幼小心灵带来的困惑。

2.D细节题。在文章第五段第六句,本文叙述者告诉我们,在所有生活在Baumann这个地方 帐篷里的孩子中,她是迄今为止(ever)从 C班(低级班)升入 A班(高级班)唯一的一个孩子。而生活在那里的人无固定工作,被称作“无固定工作者”(transient laborer,见本段第三句与第七句)。C意为:记分体制(或方法)使之困惑。3.D推断题。文章第四、五段指出,当地的人(农民:those who plant)用怀疑的眼光(with thesuspicion)来看待他们,因为,他们住帐篷,“没有固定职业,像吉普赛人(gypsies: 这里并非真指吉普赛人,而是指他们的生活方式像吉普赛人)一样游移不定,四海漂泊


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(drifting here andthere like mists or winds)。A意为:很可能成为违法分子; B意为:受过很少教育。”

4.B推断题。吉普赛人住帐篷,没什么房子,因而也不会在房子里做ginger ale。另外三项都是他们的生活特色。

5.B推断题。答对题的关键是准确地理解这个题。这个题提问的焦点是:叙述者刚刚升入A班后(Immediately after…A class),Barbara及其朋友对她是什么态度,而不是后来。仔细审视一下本题,我们就会得出这样一个结论:在叙述者介入A班后,Barbara等起初是一种态度,尔后,她们改变了这种态度。从原文第四段第三句我们了解到:叙述者与Barbara等在那个学校上学至少有六个星期了,只是不知道A、B、C班的分班基础。同时,在文章 最后一段,我们了解到:叙述者与Barbara等至少共度了两天的快乐时光,如,课间(at class intervals)一起玩,到她们家做客等。很明显,这两天说的是叙述者刚刚升入A班。




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5.D观点题。根据文章末尾,and how they come out is bound to influence American universityand political life in the 1990’s.作者认为在哈佛的争论的结果一定会影响美国的大学和政治生活。本题中的ferment意为“骚动,纷扰”,指的就是文章所说的争论。因此D符合作者的观点。



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新概念英语4练习详解 篇4

The key fact is that all three dictionaries can be seen to have a distinctly “c ultural” as well as language learning content. That being said, the way in whic h they approach the cultural element is not identical, making direct comparisons between the three difficult.

While there is some common ground between the encyclopedic/cultural entries for the Oxford and Longman dictionaries, there is a clear difference. Oxford lays cl aim to being encyclopedic on content whereas Longman distinctly concentrates on the language and culture of the Englishspeaking world. The Oxford dictionary c an therefore stand more vigorous scrutiny for cultural bias than the Longman pub lication because the latter does not hesitate about viewing the rest of the worl d from the cultural perspectives of the Englishspeaking world. The cultural ob jectives of the BBC dictionary are in turn more distinct still. Based on an anal ysis of over 70 million words recorded from the BBC World Service and National P ublic Radio of Washington over a period of four years, their 1,000 brief encyclo pedic entries are based on people and places that have featured in the news rece ntly. The intended user they have in mind is a regular listener to the World Ser vice who will have a reasonable standard of English and a developed skill in list ening comprehension.

In reality, though, the BBC dictionary will be purchased by a far wider range of language learners, as will the other two dictionaries. We will be faced with a situation where many of the users of these dictionaries will at the very least h ave distinct sociocultural perspectives and may have world views which are tot ally opposed and even hostile to those of the West. Advanced learners form this kind of background will not only evaluate a dictionary on how userfriendly it is but will also have definite views about the scope and appropriateness of the various sociocultural entries.

1. What feature sets apart the three dictionaries discussed in the passage from traditional ones?

A. The combination of two dictionaries into one.

B. The new approach to defining words.

C. The inclusion of cultural content.

D. The increase in the number of entries.

2. The Longman dictionary is more likely to be criticized for cultural prejudice because ______.

A. its scope of cultural entries goes beyond the culture of the Englishspeaking world

B. it pays little attention to the cultural content of the nonEnglishspeaking countries

C. it views the world purely from the standpoint of the Englishspeaking people

D. it fails to distinguish language from culture in its encyclopedic entries

3. It is implied in the last paragraph that, in approaching sociocultural content in a dictionary,social thought should be given to ___ ___.

A. the language levels of its users

B. the number of its prospective purchasers

C. the different tastes of its users

D. the various cultural backgrounds of its users

1. C) 根据文章第一段可知新出版的这三本字典都有一个新的特征(既不 同于以往的特征 )那就是,根据第二段第一句 “The key fact is that all three dictionaries can be seen to have a distinctly “cultural” as well as language learning content”,除 了语言学习的内容外又增加了有关“文化方面”的内容, 因此选项C为正确答案。选项A、B 文章未涉及,选项D不符合题意。

2. C) 根据文章第三段第四至六行 “The Oxford dictionary can there fore stand more vigorous scrutiny for cultural bias than the Longman publication because the latter does not hesitate about viewing the rest of the world from t he cultural perspectives of the Englishspeaking world.”可知, 作者对牛津和朗 曼字典进行了比较。作者认为相对于朗曼字典,牛津字典更能经得起文化偏见方面的推敲, 这是因为朗曼字典只是从英语国家的文化观点去审视其他国家的文化,这正好符合选项C的 内容。选项A、B、D都不符合题意。

3. D) 根据文章最后一段可知,这三本字典会有各种各样的读者来购买, 这些读者的社会文化背景也会是各种各样的,他们中一定有些人生活在世界观与之相反甚至 敌视的文化背景下。这些高级学习者不仅可以根据这本字典是否合用来评价它,而且对各种 社会文化词条的内容和准确性都有自己的看法,也就是说字典的编纂者要考虑到这些。选项 D符合以上分析的内容。










新概念英语4练习详解 篇5



Lesson 4 An exciting trip

Period 1








1.Found out the words that you don’t know and circle them.2.Read the text and try to answer the questions.四、教学过程 Step 1 1.Look at the picture, and have a discuss about it : What can you see in the picture ? Can you guess what the passage is about? 2.Listen to the tape and circle the words you don’t know.3.Learn the words in groups.(Use your dictionary if you need)Step 2 1.Listen to the tape again, and then answer some questions.(P24)2.Ask and answer : Ask your classmates some questions according to the passage and then ask some Ss to answer.Step 3 1.Try to read the passage correctly by yourself.2.Read the passage to your desk-mate.3.Ask some students to read aloud before the whole class.Step 4 Try to retell the story according to some key words.五、课后作业 1.Retell the story.2.Preview the key structure.六、小结与反思


Period 2







三、教学过程 Step1 高一英语备课组


2017.9 Find out some important words and phrases that you are interested in and then use your dictionary to understand the meaning and usage of them.(Group work)Step2 1 Share your works with other groups 1)find ….exciting/ interesting/boring/….We find football games interesting among boys.2)a number of / a lot of / lots of

the number of

____________________ students are reading in the classroom.____________________ students are 150.____________________ water is wasted around the world.3)in the centre of…/ in the middle of…/ in the north/south of……

Shaoguan ______________ of Gangdong province.The big tree _____________ of the garden.4)for / since

I have learnt English _______ 20 years.I have learnt English ________ 1998.5)just / never / ever / already

I have ____ had my breakfast, so I am full now.He ______ dreamt about being a teacher.Have you _______ been to America.They have __________ finished their homework.Step3 完成阅读理解P27练习

1、Do the exercises on P27.2、Try to use the useful phrases to make a sentence.四、课后作业





Period 3









2017.9 1.I have just received a letter from my brother, Tim.2.He has just bought an Australian car and has gone to Alice Springs.3.He has been there for six months.4.He has already visited a great number of different places.5.My brother has never been abroad before.思考:这些句子有何共同点?

三、教学过程 Step 1 1 Learn these words used in the sentences: just, never, for six months, yet, already, ever, so far, lately………(pay attention: where are these words used in sentences?)2 Finish some exercises using the words above.(1)I have had breakfast(just)

(2)He has been in prison.(for six months)(3)The police have not caught the thief(yet)(4)I haven’t seen George.(5)You have asked that question three times(already)(6)Have you been to Switzerland?(ever)(7)He is a wonderful runner and he has broken two records.(8)I have been to Switzerland.(never)Step 2 1.Try to be give the correct form of the verbs in parentheses according to the passage you learnt.(exercise B on P25)2.Exercises Two : what is happening? What has happened?(complete the sentence follow the example)The bell is ringing-----------The bell has just rung.(1)He is leaving the house.(2)He is having breakfast(3)She is writing a letter.(4)

My sister is turning on the radio(5)

My brother is making the bed.(6)She is buying a new hat.Step 3 Finish Exercise D&E on P26 Homework Translate the sentences.1、她在美国已经呆了十六年了。









Lesson 5 No wrong numbers

Period 1








1.Talk about what you know about ways of communication between people.2.Found out the words that you don’t know and circle them in the passage.3.Read the text and try to answer the questions on P28-29

六、教学过程 Step 1 1.Greetings.2.Free talk : How do you contact with your family and your friends daily?

What about other ways for that? Step 2 1.Show a picture:

What’s in the picture? What do they do in your opinion? 2.Listen to the tape, answer the questions:(1)What does the title mean?(2)Where has Mr Scott opened his second garage?(3)Where is his first one?(4)How far away is Sibury?(5)Can Mr.Scott get a telephone for his new garage or not ?(6)What has he bought?(7)In how many minutes do they carry messages from one garage to the other? Step 3 Ask questions Write the answers of the questions above and then ask each student to ask Step 4 1.Read the text together and then ask some students to read aloud.2.Try to retell the story according to key words.五、课后作业

1、Retell the story.2、Finish the exercises on P31






Period 2







三、在课文中找出下列短语。教学过程 Step 1 Check the homework.1.Read the passage together.2.Discuss some difficult words or phrases and sentences in your group and then show them to the whole class.Step 2 Group work(on the Bb)1.no / not

I had __________ money at all when I was in the shop yesterday I did _________ recognize him when I was in the shop yesterday.2.mean What does the word ___________?

Do you know the ___________ of the word? I don’t __________ that.3.the other another others

I have two sisters.One is a doctor , ______________ is a lawyer.The bag is broken.Can I change ____________ one ? Some students are reading under the tree._________________ are running in the playground.4 for(think about the usage of “for”)I have got an apple _______ you.There is a room only ________ reading.The cake is ________ your birthday.5 in(在时间之内)The birds covered the distance ______ five minutes.The police will come _______ one minute if there is a ring.6 cover

The country _________ about 980,000 square kilometer.The mountain ______________ by heavy snow.7 a great many / a lot of / lots of/ a great number of

_______________________ students are from countryside.________________________ water are under the ground.Step 3 练习

Finish some exercise on the screen.四、课后作业 高一英语备课组


2017.9 Try to make a similar sentence using the new words learnt today.课堂小结:本课主要学习课文词汇,多数词汇学生都掌握了基本用法,而对于一些衍生用法缺乏认知,高考文章中多存在一些词汇的衍生用法,因此也应该为学生所掌握。

Period 3






三、教学过程 Step 1


2、每个小组派同学上台交流展示 Step 2

1、Read the following sentences and find the diffence/(1)I wrote to him last month(2)I bought this car last year.(3)He came to see me this morning(4)I saw him ten minutes ago.(5)The train has just left the station(6)I have already seen that film(7)He has been abroad for six month(8)Have you ever met him before?(9)I have never seen him before.(10)I have not finished work yet(11)There have been a great number of accidents lately.(12)Up till now he has won five prizes.2 Underline the verbs in the sentences above and discuss in group: where are they different? Step3

Make a conclusion 一般过去时:

表示过去某一特定时间发生的事情或者动作,因此,句中常有表示过去某一刻的短语。如:yesterday, last week , last year, ten years ago…….(1)I _______________(go)and picked him up at the airport ten minutes before.(2)She ___________(carry)a black bag last night.(3)Lily __________(make)a big decision when she was young/(4)They often __________(swim)in the river ten years ago(5)No one __________(drive)a car yesterday.We went there by bus.现在完成时:

现在完成时用来表示发生在过去但对现在仍有影响的一个动作。也常用一些表示时间的词和短语:just already for six months ever before never before yet lately up till now since…..by now …..(1)She _________________(finish)her work and can go with us for our picnic.高一英语备课组


2017.9(2)We _________________(buy)six companies up till now.(3)No one _________________(escape)from the prison since it was built.(4)Many people ________________(go)out before the earthquake hit.(5)He ___________________(meet)his parents since he was born.Step 4 Finish the exercises on P29-30 2 More exercises on the screen.Homework
