


青少年新概念英语2a 篇1


Unit 1 句型:

1.Is Paul eating a sandwich? 2.What is Paul doing? 俚语:无 语法:



3.现在进行时(be doing)————一般疑问句肯否定回答,陈述句句型 4.现在分词变化规则 日常情景会话:

1.Here you are.给你

2.There it is.它在这。

Unit 2


1.Are Robert and Lucy waiting for a taxi? 罗伯特和路西在等出租车么?

2.What are Robert and Lucy doing? 罗伯特和路西在做什么?

俚语:That‟s the spirit.这就对了。语法:

1.people 集体名词,be动词用复数形式 2.on+具体某天 3.翻译疑问句

日常情景会话:Good luck!好运!

Unit 3


1.whose …? 提问谁的

1.who does this … belong to?这个属于谁? 2.It belongs to….它属于… 俚语:无 语法:

1.名词性物主代词 2.let sb.do sth.3.give sb.sth./ give sth.to sb.日常情景会话:无

Unit 4


3.Are you going to have a drink? 你打算去喝些东西么? 4.I‟m going to have lunch.我打算去吃午餐。

5.What are you going to do? 你打算去做什么? 俚语:无 语法:


2.动词短语:当宾语为名词时,词序可以是Put your jacket on 或

Put on your jacket;当宾语为代词时,语序可为Put it on.日常情景对话: 1.Congratulations.祝贺你 2.Well done!做得好!3.Thanks.谢谢。

4.Best wishes.美好的祝愿。

5.What‟s your name?


Unit 5


1.What‟s the time?/ What time is it?


2.What do they do at eight o‟clock in the morning?

他们早上8点在做什么? 3.They usually go to school.他们通常去学校。俚语:无 语法:


2.in the morning :表示在一段时间用介词“in”。3.频度副词usually&always.4.时间表达法 日常情景会话: 1.What time is it? 几点了? 2.Look at…

看… 3.Really? 真的么?

Unit 6


a)When do Robert and Lucy go to school by bus? 罗伯特和路西什么时候去学校坐公交车?

b)Are Robert and Lucy going to school by bus today?

罗伯特和路西今天准备坐公交车去学校么? 俚语:无 语法:

1.by bus----表示交通方式通常用介词by 如by bus/car/train/air.但是一个例外 on foot(步行)日常用语:无

Unit 7


1.How many times a week does he go to the cinema? 他一周会去几次电影院?

2.How often do they go to the cinema? 他们多久会去一次电影院? 俚语:无 语法:

1.at her desk----表示“在”某一个具体的地点用介词at.2.频度副词(once , twice , three times)3.How often…?/How many times…? 句型 日常用语: 1.Goodness!2.That‟s all right!

Unit 8


1.Are you hungry? 你饿了么?

2.What are you going to do? 你打算去干什么? 3.Are you going to…?

你打算去…么? 俚语:无 语法:

1.be going to---用来表达将来和打算要做的事情。(归纳将来时的时间状语)

2.a nice quiet afternoon----当两个形容词并列时通常将比较具体的形容词放在比较笼统的形容词后。3.将来时及特殊疑问句,一般疑问句,肯否定回答。日常用语:

1.Are you hungry? 你饿么? Yes, I am.是的,我饿了。2.Very nice.非常好。

Unit 9

俚语:无 语法:


2.hundreds of----表达不确定的很多数量,后面跟复数可数名词 3.at about 5:30----表示“在”某一时间点用“at” 4.复习宾格 日常用语:

1.I‟m not sure.我不确定。



Does he usually get up early? 他常常早晨起很早么? 进行时的一般疑问句

Is he staying in bed this morning? 他今天早上赖床了么? 将来时的一般疑问句

Is he going to get up late tomorrow morning? 他明天准备晚些起床么? 俚语:

Tomorrow „s another day!明天再说吧!语法:

1.复习,现在时,进行时,将来时 2.加入现在时动词单三的变化 日常用语:无

四会: 句型:


Was Robert at school yesterday? 罗伯特昨天在学校么? 俚语:

We all have our troubles!家家有本难念的经!语法:

1.过去时(be动词的过去式)2.一般疑问句,肯否定回答 3.at in 的用法

4.过去时,将来时的时间状语归纳 日常用语:无



Unit 10

Unit 11

Unit 12

Were Robert and Lucy at school an hour ago? 罗伯特和路西一个小时前在学校么 Where were they? 他们刚才在哪? 俚语:无 语法:


2.年份表达法,介词in+年份 3.介词on的用法 4.复习be动词过去式 日常用语:无

Unit 13


Was there any snow on the hills last month? 上个月这里的山上有雪么? 俚语:无 语法:

1.There be的过去时句型 2.a few后接复数可数名词

3.hundred,thousand,million等数词在形式上是单数 4.between和among的区别 日常用语:无

Unit 14


Did the grocer have any rice? 食品杂货店的商人还有米么? Yes,he did./No, he didn‟t.是的,他有。不,他没有。

How much rice did the grocer have? 杂货店供应商那有多少米? 俚语:无 语法: much 和many的区别 some 和 any 的区别 日常用语: I‟m back.Unit 15


Did William have a bath this morning? 威廉今天早上洗澡了么?

When did William have a bath? 威廉什么时候洗的澡? 俚语:无 语法:

1.一段时间+ off+ work, school, collage 指正常的活动终止一段时间。

2.复习一般现在时,一般过去时和将来时 日常用语:

It‟s a mystery to me!这对我来数真是个谜!Welcome home!欢迎回家!It happens.它发生了。That‟s life.这就是生活。

青少年新概念英语2a 篇2

Unit 4 Robert isn’t well.【教学目的】:



1.well E.g.I’m very well.我(身体)非常好。

Well done.做得好。

2.How? E.g.(1)—How are you? 你好吗?—I’m fine.我很好。

(2)—How old are you? 你多大了?—I’m ten.我十岁。

(3)—How do you go to school? 你怎么去学校?

—I go to school by bus.我乘公共汽车去上学。

(4)How about you? 你呢? 3.fine 健康的:I’m fine.我很好。

晴朗的:It’s a fine day.今天很晴朗。

4.but 连词,表示转折; 拓展:and 连词,表示并列。

5.very 词组:very well 非常好

very good 非常好 very much 非常多 6.What’s the matter with? = What’s wrong with? …怎么了? 7.hot 反义词:cold 冷的 8.poor 反义词:rich 富有的

be poor at…


I’m poor at Chinese.9.doctor 词组:see a doctor 看医生 10.busy

句型:be busy with sth


be busy doing sth 忙于做某事

E.g.I am busy with my homework.我忙于我的作业。

I am busy doing my homework.我忙于做作业。

11.or 或者

在一般疑问句中构成选择疑问句,or前面读成声调,后面读成降调,回答时选择一项来回答,不可用yes或no.E.g.Is he thirsty or hungry?他饿了还是渴了?

He’s thirsty./ He’s hungry.【重难点句型】: 1 How are you? 2 Robert isn’t well.3 What’s the matter? 4 Is he hungry / thirsty ? 5 Prepare better than safe.(有备无患。)【教学过程】: 1.Warm Up 教师提问学生,如果问how are you? 应如何回答好与不好,来导入新课.2.Presentation A.讲解正确回答身体状况不好的情况,用somebody isn’t well.来回答;听到对方说身体状况不好的时候,礼貌回答应是I’m sorry to hear that./ I’m sorry.B.根据课文情节,继续讲授重点句子:What’s the matter?(怎么了?)Prepare better than safe.(有备无患。)并延生俗语名言,如:Practice makes perfect.熟能生巧。

英语2A 篇3

She’s my mother.她是我的妈妈。B Look and learn father 爸爸


brother 哥哥,弟弟

sister姐姐,妹妹 C Sing a song My family我的家庭

I’ve got a sweet, sweet family.我有一个甜蜜甜蜜的家。

They are brother, sister, Daddy and Mummy.他们是哥哥姐姐爸爸和妈妈。

Oh, Daddy happy, happy Daddy, Mummy happy, happy Mummy.哦,爸爸高兴,高兴爸爸,妈妈高兴,高兴妈妈。We have got a sweet family.我们有一个甜蜜的家。D Make and say Who’s …? …是谁? …my…


Unit 2 What is your father?你爸爸是做什么的? A Learn to say What’s your father?你爸爸是做什么的? He’s a doctor.他是一名医生。

What’s your mother?你妈妈是做什么的? She’s a teacher.她是一名老师。B.Look and learn a doctor 一名医生

a nurse 一位护士

a worker 一个工人 a cook一名厨师 C Say a rhyme What is she?她是谁?

Peter, Peter, who is she?彼得,彼得,她是谁?

She’s my sister, nice and neat.她是我的姐姐,又漂亮又干净。Peter, Peter, what is she? 彼得,彼得,她是谁?

She’s a student, like you and me.她是一个学生,像你和我。D Act and guess What’s he?他是谁?

He’s a …


Unit3 Look at the moon看月亮 A Learn to say Look at the moon!看月亮!Oh, it’s bright.哦,它是明亮的。B.Look and learn sun 太阳

moon 月亮

star 星星

big 大的small小的 bright明亮的 C Say a rhyme Look at the moon看月亮 Look at the moon,看月亮,Like a big balloon.像一个大的气球。So round and so bright,很圆又很明亮,In the sky at night.在夜晚的天空中。D Draw and say Draw a star.画一个星星。

Look at the star.It’s small.看星星。它是小的。

Unit4 Clean the table, please请擦桌子 A Learn to say Clean the table, please.请擦桌子。All right.好的。

Clean the chair, please.请擦椅子。OK.好的。B.Look and learn a door 一扇门 a window 一扇窗户

a desk一张书桌

a sofa 一张沙发

a table 一撞桌子

a chair一张椅子 C Sing a song Clean the chair擦椅子

Clean, clean the chair.Clean, clean the door.擦,擦椅子。擦,擦门。Clean, clean the sofa.Clean, clean the floor.擦,擦沙发。擦,擦地板。Clean the table.Clean the window.擦桌子。擦窗户。Clean the chair.Clean the door.擦椅子。擦门。D Play a game Simon says, ‘Clean the table, please.’西蒙说‘请擦桌子。’ Clean the chair, please.请擦椅子。

Unit5 At the market在市场 A Learn to say What are these?这些是什么? They are carrots.它们是胡萝卜。B.Look and learn a carrot 一个胡萝卜

a bean一个豆子

a tomato一个西红柿

a potato一个土豆 C Sing a song At the market在市场 At the market, we can see tomatoes, potatoes, carrots and beans.在市场我们能看见西红柿,土豆,胡萝卜和豆子。

Tomatoes, potatoes, carrots and beans.西红柿,土豆,胡萝卜和豆子。

Tomatoes, potatoes, carrots and beans.西红柿,土豆,胡萝卜和豆子。At the market, we can see, tomatoes, potatoes, carrots and beans.我们能看见西红柿,土豆,胡萝卜和豆子。

D Play a game What are these?这些是什么? They are beans.它们是豆子。

Unit6 A picnic一次野餐 A Learn to say What are those?那些是什么? They are ants.它们是蚂蚁。B.Look and learn an ant 一只蚂蚁

a butterfly 一只蝴蝶 a flower 一朵花

a tree一棵树 C Say a rhyme Sing in the trees在树上唱歌 Trees, trees,树,树,Those are trees.哪些是树。Birds, birds,鸟,鸟,Singing in the trees.在树上唱歌。D Find and say What are those?那些是什么? They are ants.它们是蚂蚁。

Unit7 Here you are给你 A Learn to say A pie, please.一个馅饼,请。Here you are.给你。Thank you.谢谢。B.Look and learn a pie一个馅饼

a cake一个蛋糕

a hamburger一个汉堡包

a hot dog一个热狗 C Say a rhyme At a snake bar在一个零食店

A pie, a cake, a hot dog, please.一个馅饼,一个蛋糕,一个热狗,请。And a hamburger with cheese.和一个有奶酪的汉堡包。

For Tom, for Mary, for Jack and me.给汤姆,给玛丽,给杰克和我。Thank you, Mr Lee.谢谢李先生。D.Act and say A hot dog, please.一个热狗,请。Here you are.给你。Thank you.谢谢。

Unit8 Dinner time晚餐时间 A Learn to say Have some rice, Mike.请吃些米饭。

Ok.Thanks, Mum.I like rice.好的。谢谢妈妈。我喜欢米饭。B.Look and learn bread面包

rice 米饭


juice果汁 C Say a rhyme I like rice群殴喜欢米饭。Rice, rice.米饭,米饭,Rice is nice.米饭是美味的。Rice, rice.米饭,米饭,I like rice.我喜欢米饭。D Play a game Have some bananas, please.请吃些香蕉。OK.I like bananas.好的。我喜欢香蕉。

Unit9 Merry Christmas!圣诞节快乐 A Learn to say Merry Christmas!圣诞节快乐!Merry Christmas!圣诞节快乐!The bell is for you.铃铛给你。Thank you.谢谢。B.Look and learn a gift 一个礼物

a bell 一个铃铛

a chocolate一个巧克力

a sweet一颗糖 C Sing a song Merry Christmas圣诞节快乐

Merry Christmas!Merry Christmas!圣诞节快乐!圣诞节快乐!Merry Christmas!Merry Christmas!圣诞节快乐!圣诞节快乐!Ding-dong, Ding-dong-dong.Ding-dong, Ding-dong-dong叮咚,叮咚咚,叮咚,叮咚咚。D Play a game The gift is for you.礼物给你。Thank you.谢谢。

Unit10 Put on your coat穿上你的外套 A Learn to say Put on your coat.穿上你的外套。All right.好的。

Take off your sweater.脱下你的毛衣。OK.好的 B.Look and learn a coat 一件外套

a sweater一件毛衣

a T-shirt 一件T恤衫

a skirt一条短裙 C Say a rhyme Put on your coat穿上你的外套 Cold, cold,冷,冷,It’s so cold.它很冷。Coat, coat,外套,外套,Put on your coat.穿上你的外套 D Play a game It’s cold.Put on your coat.它是冷的。穿上你的外套。It’s hot.Take off your coat.它是热的。脱下你的外套。
