


新概念英语1_Lesson139-140 篇1


1.Last week the writer went to the theatre.He was _______ the theatre.a.atb.toc.ond.into

2.The young man and the young woman were sitting behind him.He was sitting ________them.a.aboveb.beforec.in front ofd.ahead of

3.________ did the writer feel? Angry.a.Whyb.Wherec.Whend.How

4.He looked at the man and the woman angrily.He looked at ________angrily.a.theyb.themc.usd.their

5.The young man and the young woman paid ________ attention to the writer.a.anyb.nonec.nod.not any

6.He had a good seat.He was sitting in a good ________.a.placeb.chairc.classd.armchair

7.He was a young man.He wasn’t very ________.a.bigb.oldc.larged.tall

8.The writer looked at the man and the woman angrily.He was very ________.a.unhappyb.sadc.pleasedd.cross

9.The writer could not bear it.He could not ________ it.a.sufferb.carryc.liftd.stand

10.The young man spoke rudely.He wasn’t very ________.a.rudeb.cleverc.kindd.polite

11.He sometimes ________ in bed until lunchtime.a.is stayingb.stayc.staysd.staying

12.He stayed in bed until lunchtime.He went ________ bed late last night.a.intob.inc.atd.to

13.He doesn’t get up early on Sundays.He gets up ________.a.latelyb.latec.hardlyd.slowly

14.________ did Aunt Lucy come? By train.a.Howb.Whenc.Whered.Why

15.The writer can’t see Aunt Lucy ________.He’s having breakfast.a.nowb.stillc.alwaysd.often

16.He ________ out o the window and saw that it was raining.a.sawb.lookedc.watchedd.remarked

17.Just then, the telephone rang.It rang ________.a.immediatelyb.at oncec.at that momentd.again

18.She was his aunt, so he was her ______.a.grandsonb.sonc.nieced.nephew

19.Breakfast is the first ________ of the day.a.dinnerb.foodc.meald.lunch

20.Aunt Lucy said, ‘Dear me,’ because she was ________.a.surprisedb.angryc.pleasedd.tired

21.Las summer he went to Italy.He was ________ Italy last summer.a.toa.atc.ond.in

22._______ him a few words of Italian? The waiter.a.Who did teachb.Who taughtc.Whom did he teachd.What did he teach

23.He was a friendly waiter.He spoke to the writer ________.a.as friendsb.friendc.in a friendly wayd.like friends

24.The writer ________ a few lines, but he didn’t understand a word.a.readb.readsc.readingd.red

25.He spent the whole day in his room.He was in his room ________day.a.the allb.the holec.all ofd.all

26.A waiter usually works in a ________.a.shopb.public gardenc.private housed.restaurant

27.The waiter lent him a book.He ________ a book from the waiter.a.borrowedb.lentc.stoled.took

28.On the last day he made a big decision.It was the ________ day of his holiday.a.endb.finalc.bottomd.latest

29.He made a big decision.He ________.a.made u his mindb.thought about itc.made a wishd.changed his mind

30.He didn’t write a single card.So he ________.a.didn’t write even oneb.wrote only one

c.wrote all the cards except oned.wrote just one.31.Tim is in Australia.He went ________ Australia six months ago.a.inb.toc.intod.at

32.Tim is in Australia.How long ________ there?

a.has he beenb.is hec.was hed.has he

33.Tim has been in Australia for six months.His brother hasn’t seen him ________ January.a.sinceb.forc.byd.from

34.He has just bought an Australian car.He bought one _______.a.a long time agob.a short time agoc.six months agod.last year

35.He has just gone to Alice Springs.He has never ______ there before.a.beingb.wentc.wasd.been

36.Tim is working for a big firm.He is working for a big ______.a.companyb.societyc.stored.factory

37.He has visited a great number of different places.He hasn’t stayed in ______ place.a.a similarb.the onlyc.aliked.the same

38.Alice Springs is a small town.A town is usually ______.a.bigger than a cityb.bigger than a village but smaller than a city

c.the same size as a villaged.the same size as a city

39.He will soon visit Darwin.He will visit Darwin ______.a.for a short timeb.quicklyc.in a hurryd.shortly

40.He will fly to Perth.He will go there ______.a.in airb.with airc.through aird.by air

41.Mr.Scott has a garage.The garage is ______.a.of himb.to himc.hisd.of his

42.Mr.Scott cannot get a telephone for his garage.____ he has just bought twelve pigeons.a.That’s whyb.That’s soc.ford.Because

43.He has just bought twelve pigeons.When did he ______them?


44.What’s the distance form Pinhurst to Silbury? How _____ is Pinhurts ______ Silbury?a.long…awayb.long ago…untilc.far…fromd.away…till

45.The pigeon flew from one garage to the other ______ three minutes.a.intob.inc.ond.with

46.Mr.Scott has a garage in Silbury.His ______ garage is in Pinhurst.a.otherb.anotherc.differentd.else

47.Mr.Scott can’t get a telephone.Telephones are hard to ______.a.receiveb.takec.findd.obtain

48.He has sent requests for spare parts.He has ______spare parts.a.asked forb.askedc.pleasedd.begged

49.Urgent messages are important, so they must be sent ______.a.slowlyb.quicklyc.largelyd.by hand

50.Mr.Scott’s telephone service’ is private, it is ______.a.spareb.generalc.his ownd.secret


1.She shops close on Saturday afternoons.(always)

2.Our teacher collects our exercise books.(frequently)

3.We spend our holidays abroad.(sometimes)

改写下列句子,用What 来引导下列感叹句。

1.This is a surprise!_____________________________________________________

2.He is causing a lot of trouble!_____________________________________________

3.She is a hard-working woman!__________________________________________

4.He is a strange guy!________________________________________


1.He paid the shopkeeper some money.(写出paid原形:)

2.He handed me the prize.3.The waiter brought a bottle of beer_________ the man.(brought的原形:)

4.He sold all his books to me.(sold原形:)

5.The shop assistant found some curtain material _______ me.6.He did me a big favor.7.She showed her husband her new hat.8.She promised a reward to the finder.9.He gave his son some advice.10.His uncle ___________(留给)him some money.11.He is teaching English________ us.12.I bought this bunch of flowers_______ you.13.Bring that book_______ me please.14.He offered me a cigarette.15.Read me the first paragraph.16.I’ve ordered some soup ______ you.17.I owe him a lot of money.18.Pass the mustard________your father.改写下面的句子,用spare 的形容词形式或动词形式来代替句子中用斜体书写的单词或短语,并对句中的其他部分做必要的改动。

1.There is an extra wheel in the back of the car.2.I always go on excursions in my free time.3.‘Have you any old clothes that you do not want?’ he asked.4.The guest slept in the room we do not use.5.‘Do not kill me!’ begged the prisoner.

新概念英语1_Lesson139-140 篇2

Lesson 59 In or Out? 进来还是出去?


1.The dog was ______ all the night.A.bark

B.barked C.barking


2.I spent several weeks on ______ the dog.A.train

B.to train C.training


3.She ______ the button and then the door opened.A.pressed B.put


D.beat 4.______ the skirt was of high quality, it cost ¥2,000.A.As

B.So that C.When


5.“______!” he shouted at her.A.Shut out B.Shut on C.Shut up

D.Shut off

6.The economy ______ quickly in rural area in China.A.developing B.develops C.develop

D.being developed

7.I ______ the plates from the table after dinner.A.were being removed

B.were removed



8.Please open the door and ______ me ______!

A.get, in

B.let, into C.let, in

D.get, out

9.We should form a good ______ in our daily life.A.habit

B.custom C.rule


10.His wife ______ of his laziness.A.complained B.complainants C.complaining D.complainant


When you hear the word “fast-food”, I am sure McDonald’s and Kentucky will come to your mind.Yes, they are the most famous fast food restaurants.Fast-food restaurants are very popular in the Unite States because the service is fast and the food is inexpensive.For many people, this is more important than the quality of the food.These restaurants are fast because of the food is always the same whether you in New York or in Washington.The menu usually involves sandwiches with peanut butter, jelly or cheese, turkey, ham, rolls, hamburgers, hot dogs, pizza, chicken, salad, fruit such as orange, banana, apple, milk, soft drink, tea or coffee.Also low cost is important to attract customers.Another reason is that about 50 percent of married women with children work outside their home.They are too busy and tired to cook meals at home.11.What is the word “inexpensive” mean?


B.cheap C.high-priced D.costly

12.Is the quality of the food the most important thing for many people?

A.Yes, it is.B.No, it isn’t.C.Maybe.D.Doesn’t say.13._______ are the features in the fast-food restaurants.A.Fast service and high cost B.Slow service and high cost

C.Fast service and low cost D.Slow service and low cost III.翻译

14.complain of

15.let … in

___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________

16.become an expert at

17.develop a good habit

18.get annoyed


________ ________ I called her she would ask me the same question.20.外面的噪音太大了以至我无法入睡。

The ________ outside was so loud that I couldn’t sleep.21.你留意到这个人了吗?

Have you ________ this person?


________ ________, Amy has never talked with me.23.父亲移走了阻挡我们路的大石头。

My father ________ the big stone that blocks our way.新概念英语2

Lesson 60 The Future 卜算未来 I.语法与词汇知识

1.I went to the temple ______ and bought many things.A.fair

B.collection C.street D.market

2.After I ______ her some money, she began to sing a song.A.has given B.have given C.had given D.having given

3.We began our work after his ______.A.arriving

B.arrival C.arrive

D.arrived 4.______ people went away because it was a boring movie.A.Few

B.A few C.Many D.Little

5.He knows this person ______.A.good




6.I am ______ forward to seeing you all the time!


B.seeing C.looking D.hoping

7.“When have you been?” the boy’s mother asked ______.A.patient

B.in patient C.impatiently D.impatient

8.He spent thousands of dollars in ______ three hours!That’s ridiculous!

A.more than B.no more C.no less than D.less than

9.They kept good ______ with each other.A.relate

B.relation C.relating D.related

10.“Please ______ me, I will show you the way.” the police says to me.A.follow

B.leave C.laugh



There were no classes that afternoon, so Henry went to a ___11___ shop near his home.The shop sold many kinds of jackets.He looked ___12___ them and at last chose a very nice one.He ___13___ it on and then told the shopkeeper to put it into a ___14___.At that time his friend Bruce came into the shop.They hadn’t seen each other for a long time.They were so ___15___ to meet each other again that they forgot ___16___.Soon they were busy talking on and on happily.It was nearly 6 o’clock, ___17___ they decided to go and have dinner together.Henry picked up the bag, and walked ___18___ the door of the shop.The shopkeeper stopped them and asked Henry to pay for the ___19___.Henry looked at him in surprise at first, but soon he remembered that he hadn’t paid for it.He said ___20___, gave him the money and then left the shop with his friend.11.A.fruit B.book C.food





















21.crystal ball

22.village fair

B.interested B.other things B.so

B.through B.bag



C.something C.because C.out of C.jacket C.hello D.anxious

D.everything D.but D.round D.ticket D.sorry

___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ 23.a relation of yours

24.less than

25.That is all


I got a ________ ________ that Li Hua attended my birthday party as well.27.我打算这个夏天去澳大利亚度假。

I ________ ________ spend my holiday in Australia this summer.28.铃声一响,孩子们冲出了教室。

As soon as the bell rang, the children ________ ________ ________ the classroom.29.只要他一出现,我会立即告诉你。

________ ________ he appears, I shall let you know.30.走快点,不然我们就要迟到了!
