


现在完成进行时 篇1

现在完成进行时表示某动作从过去某个时间开始,一直延续到现在,并且还有可能持续下去。现将学习现在完成进行时态要注意的四大点归纳出来希望能对同学们的学习有所帮助。如下 :


现在完成进行时是由“助动词have(has) + been+动词的现在分词(动词 -ing)”构成。


1. 表示从过去某时开始一直持续到现在的动作,并且还将持续下去。


He has been skating for three hours. 他溜冰已经溜了3个小时了。( 动作还将继续下去 )

I have been learning English since three years ago. 自从三年前以来我一直在学英语。( 动作还将继续下去 )

2. 有些现在完成进行时的句子等同于现在完成时的句子。


The Browns have been living in this city for eight years.

The Browns lived in this city for eight years.


We have been working here for five years.

We have worked here for five years.


3. 表示状态的动词不能用于现在完成进行时。


I have known him for years. 我认识他已经好几年了。

I have been knowing … (×)

这类不能用于现在完成进行时的动词还有 :love,like,hate等。


1. 肯定句 :“主语 +have(has) been+ 动词的现在分词 + 其他”。


I have been sitting here all the afternoon. 我在这儿坐了一下午。

He has been collecting all kinds of stamps since he was ten years old. 自十岁起他就开始收集各式各样的邮票。

2. 否定句 :“主语 +have(has) not been+ 动词的现在分词 + 其他”。


They haven’t been meeting each other for five years. 他们有五年没见面了。

Wendy hasn’t been working here since the car accident. 自从出了车祸之后,温蒂就没有来这里上班了。

3. 一般疑问句 :“Have(Has) + 主语 + been + 动词的现在分词” ,其肯定回答 :“Yes, 主语 + have(has).”否定回答 :“No, 主语 + haven’t (hasn’t).”


— Have you been studying for the English test today?

你今天一直在准备英语测试吗 ?

— Yes, I have. / No, I haven’t.

是的。 / 不,我没有。

— Has Mary been skating for two years?

玛丽滑冰已经有两年了吗 ?

— Yes, she has. / No, she hasn't.

是的。/ 不,他没有。

4. 特殊疑问句 :“ 特殊疑问词 + 一般疑问句”


What movie have you been watching recently? 最近你在看什么电影?

How has your brother been getting on with his work?

你哥哥的工作进展得怎么样 ?


信号词有 :already, yet, just, before, recently, still, lately,since等。


He has been collecting kites since he was ten years old.

注意 :

有些不能用现在进行时的动词,如be, have, like, love, know, see,hear等,同样也不能用现在完成进行时,而应用现在完成时。例如 :

The poor woman has been ill for a long time. 那可怜的妇人已经病了好久了。

Have you seen her parents these days? 这些天你看见她的父母了吗 ?

现在完成进行时 篇2

1 定义 现在完成进行时表示动作从过去某一时间开始,一直延续到现在,可能还要继续下去。

2 现在完成进行时的构成


3 现在完成进行时的基本句型

肯定式 疑问式 简略回答

I have been working. Have you been working? Yes, I/we have.

No, I/we havent.

He/She/It has been working. Has he/she/it been working? Yes, he/she/it has.

No, he/she/it hasnt.

We/You/They have been working. Have they been working? Yes, they have.

No, they havent.

注: 现在完成进行时基本上没有否定结构

4 现在完成时的语法作用

(1)在强调指出动作还未结束,还要继续下去。如:Ive been reading this book for two hours, but I havent finished it. 这本书我已读了两个小时了,但我还没读完。

Ive read this book.我已读完这本书了。


She has always been working like that.她一贯是这样工作的。


Theyve been building a ship.(在进行)他们一直在造一艘船。


Weve been seeing quite a lot of each other recently.最近我们经常见面。




Weve been living here for ten years.

Weve lived here for ten years.我们在这儿已经住了十年了。


The students have been preparing for the exam.(还在进行)学生们一直在准备考试。

The students have prepared for the exam.(已经结束)学生们为考试作了准备。

(3)有些表示状态,感情,感觉的动词如:have, exist, like, hate, hear, know, sound等动词不能用于现在完成进行时,但可用于现在完成时。如:

Theyve known each other since 1970.自从1970年起他们就相互认识了。



1.Even though they ___ for twenty years, the two neighbours are not on good terms.

A. have been lived side by side B. had been living side by side

C. have been side by side living D. have been living side by side

2.I havent seen Mary these past few days, Im afraid she ___ herself for some time.

A. hasnt been feeling B. hadnt been feeling C. isnt feeling D. wasnt feeling

3.She ___ on this essay for twenty minutes but she has written only about a hundred words.

A. will be working B. worked C. has been working D. will have worked

4.---Hi, Tracy, you look tired. ---Im tired. I ___ the living room all day.

A. painted B. had painted C. have been painting D. have painted

5.---Hi, Joan, I have seen you for weeks. What ___ recently?

---Carrying on some research on wildlife.

A. have you been doing B. have you done C. were you doing D. did you do

6.You must be tired now since you ___ for five hours.

现在完成进行时五注意 篇3




We have been cleaning the classroom. 我们一直在打扫教室。(其直接结果可能是我们现在还在打扫,身上都是灰)

We have cleaned the classroom. 我们已把教室打扫过了。(其结果是现在教室很清洁,也可能是昨天打扫的)


They have been widening the road. (该句的意思是他们在加宽马路,但尚未完工)

They have widened the road. (该句意思则是已完工了)


Mr. Smith has lived in London since 1978. (该句有“史密斯先生在伦敦久居”的含义。)


My mother has been teaching English for twenty years. (该句表示动作现在仍在继续,并将延续下去,在此并无临时性质,但较口语化。)

My mother has taught English for twenty years. (该句较为正式,动作是否延续下去,须由上下文决定,但在一般情况下都是延续下去的。)


Have you been meeting her lately? (该句有“经常相会”之意)

Have you met her lately? (该句只表示“最近你见过她吗?”,没有经常的意味。)


What have you been doing? (该句表示惊异)

What have you done? (该句只是一个问题)

Who’s been eating my apples? (该句有强烈的感情色彩,表示愤怒不满;它兼有进行时态,所以有“苹果未被全部吃光”的意思)

现在完成进行时 篇4


人教版八年级英语 (下) 第六单元, 出现了现在完成进行时。通常一个新语法的出现, 教师要让学生通过观察这种语言现象, 逐步感知、理解, 然后归纳、总结, 直至接受。但在配套的基础训练里, 现在完成进行时的所有内容都出现了。如果不及时系统地学习, 学生几乎无法完成配套练习。这势必给他们造成心理阴影, 影响他们对这一语言的学习。但如果在一节课完成这一庞大语法的学习, 确实有难度。

现在完成进行时把过去、现在甚至将来联系了起来, 学生理解起来有一定的困难。另外, 它常和how long, for, since短语和句子连用, 但究竟用for还是since, 还有一堆讲究。学生能在这么短的时间里, 理解并掌握这一语法吗?带着所有的疑问, 我准备进行尝试。

首先, 我重新学习了这一语法, 并将其梳理归纳;然后思考教学方法, 力求新颖、有趣、自然、高效。接下来我仔细安排每一个教学步骤。一切准备就绪, 我要开讲了:

我通过提问, 引出所学内容:

T: Hi, Mary.Do you like sports?


T: What kind of sports do you like best?

M:I like playing basketball best .

T:When did you start playing basketball?

M: I started playing basketball when I was ten.

T: So you have been playing basketball for three years .Yes?


然后我又同Rose, John互动, 并将句子板书到黑板上:

1.Mary has been playing basketball for three years.

2.Rose has been swimming for four years.

3.John has been playing tennis for five years.

首先学生翻译、理解上面的句子:他们从过去开始这种活动, 一直延续到现在, 并有可能一直延续到将来。我们学过一般过去时、一般现在时、现在进行时和一般将来时。但这种把过去、现在、将来联系起来的现象是什么呢?我引出了新的语法:现在完成进行时。接下来我启发学生归纳它的定义。现在完成进行时表示从过去某一时间开始一直延续到现在的动作。这一动作可能刚刚开始, 也可能仍在延续, 并可能延续到将来。通过观察, 学生得出了它的公式:主语+have (has) been +V-ing +其他。否定句:主语+have (has) not been +V-ing+其他。一般疑问句:Have (has) +主语+been+Ving +其他。

然后我启发并指导学生用since改写句子。Mary已经打球三年了, 我们是不是可以说, 她从三年前就已经开始打球了?Mary has been playing basketball since three years ago . 她今年十三岁, 我们也可以说, 从她十岁开始, 就已经开始打球了。Mary has been playing basketball since she was ten .同理, 我板书句子到黑板上

1.Mary has been playing basketball for three years. →

Mary has been playing basketball since three years ago.

Mary has been playing basketball since she was ten.

2.Rose has been swimming for four years. →

Rose has been swimming since four years ago.

Rose has been swimming since she was nine.

3.John has been playing tennis for five years. →

John has been playing tennis since five years ago.

John has been playing tennis since she was eight.

通过观察学生看出, 现在完成进行时常和for, since短语和句子连用。three years , four years , five years是一段时间, 即时间段;three years ago, four years ago , five years ago是时间点;she was ten , she was nine, she was eight是一般过去时的句子。由此, 我们得出结论:for后跟是时间段, since后既可跟时间点又可跟一般过去时的句子。到此, 我们对这一语法有了全面的认识。

随堂进行练习检测, 效果很好。通过这节课, 我明白了一个道理:教师在平时教学中, 要敢于尝试, 敢于挑战, 敢于突破。我们相信, 在教师的正确引导、鼓励下, 学生的潜能能最大限度地发挥, 并会有意想不到的收获。


[1]刘建华.中学英语创新教法[M].北京:学苑出版社, 1999:126-129.

现在完成时教案 篇5

保定七中 马楠

The Present Perfect Tense No.7 Middle School Ma Nan Tools: multimedia Aims: 1.revise the Present Perfect Tense 2.Get Ss to tell the differences between the present perfect tense and the simple past tense Keys: the Present Perfect Tense Difficulties: the usages of the tense Procedures: Step 1.Revision Teacher(lead in): what tenses have we learned for three years? What are they? Today we will revise one of the tenses.First let’s look at these two sentences together.Would you like talk something about them? The present perfect tense.Ask the students to Show the meaning and the structure of the tense.Step 2.Presentation Talk about the tense.Present the present Perfect tense.Get Ss to know the usage of the tense.Past Action, Present result.Get Ss to match the action and the result, make sure that the students can connect the tense with the present result.Get Ss to image the present result, make sure they know the tense is focused on the present result.Get Ss to summarize the formation of the tense and the past participle.Step 3.Teach the tense 1 Ask the students to revise the key words…

Find the clues of the present perfect tense: already, just, ever, never , before , yet…

Show the time and the action: Get Ss to be familiar with the second usage of the present perfect tense.Get Ss to talk and boast with the present perfect tense(II).Get Ss to find the clues: for + a period of time;since + time point;so far;in/during the past / last + a period of time;since + past simple Make sure: 1.We use insistent verbs when we talk about the usage 2.2.The usage of “have /has been to, have/ has gone to” 3.The usage of the momentary and durational verbs 4.What is the difference between the present perfect tense and the simple past tense? Step 4.do the exercises Step5 make a survey and then write a short passage according to their answers Homework: I.hand in the studying plan II.write a short passage of the survey.首先,在上这堂课之前,我就已经进行了课前反思。即-备大纲、备教材、备教学目的、备教学内容及重点难点,备习题、备板书设计,同时更应备学生,即根据自己学生特点,因人施教,因材施教。从激发学生兴趣入手,把知识完全溶入现实生活之中,为课堂教学做好充分的准备,奠定坚实的基础。


解读“现在完成时态” 篇6

助动词have (has)+过去分词




I have posted the photos already. 我已经把照片邮寄了。



We have learned English for about two years.


The Greens have lived in China since 2003.



现在完成时态属于现在时态的范围,因而不能和表示过去的时间状语连用,如yesterday, last week, three months ago, in 2000等,但可以和already(已经), yet(尚未), never(从未), ever(曾经), just(刚刚), twice(两次)等状语连用。例如:

Linda has already been to the aquarium. 琳达已经去过水族馆。

Harvey’s friends have never spoken to a foreigner.


I haven’t visited the Palace Museum yet. 我还没有参观过故宫。

现在完成时态还可以和表示从过去时刻延续到现在(包括“现在”在内)的一段时间的状语连用,像today, these days, since…, for a long time等。例如:

Have you seen her these days? 这几天你见过她吗?

Mr Johnson has worked in the Optie Valley of China for two years.


They have lived in the High-tech Zone since 2002.


警示现在完成时态可以与形似过去时间的状语,如in the past(在过去), in the last ten years(在近十年), recently(最近), so far(到目前为止)连用。例如:

China has sent up a spaceship with people so far.


Great changes have taken place here in the last five years.




I have been to Water World.


I went to Water World last Wednesday.


My uncle has worked in the amusement park since 1999.


My uncle worked in the amusement park in 1999.


4.have been to, have gone to和have been in/at的区别

表示“曾到过某地”用have been to, 表示“去了某地并且没回来”用have gone to,表示“去某地并且一直呆在那里”用have been in/at。例如:

Where has he been? 他到哪儿去了?(他已回来。)

Where has he gone? 他上哪儿去了?(他现在不在这里。)

How long has he been in Wuhan?


She has been to Shanghai. 她到过上海。(她可能已不在上海。)

She has gone to Shanghai. 她到上海去了。(她可能在去上海的路上,或者已到上海,总之,现在不在这里。)

She has been in Shanghai. 她一直呆在上海。(她可能是以前去的上海,但她一直呆在上海。)

比较表示“一直呆在一个大地点”用have been in,而“一直呆在一个小地点”用have been at。例如:

She’s been at our school for years. 她在我们学校呆了几年。

She’s been in Tianjin since years ago. 她在天律住了几年。



①His brother ____ at this school two years ago.

A. studiesB. studiedC. has studiedD. will study

②Mr Black isn’t here. He ____ London and he’ll get back in two weeks.

A. has gone toB. has been inC. has been toD. went to

③____ you ever ____ the Great Wall, Juan?

A. Do, go toB. Are, going to

C. Have, been toD. Have, gone to

④I ____ a League member for two years.

A. amB. becameC. have becomeD. have been

⑤They ____ to that McDonald’s several times.

A. have goneB. have comeC. have beenD. are going

⑥President Bush(布什总统) came to China on a friendly visit ____.

A. last weekB. for weeks

C. since last weekD. in weeks


①B 短语…ago与一般过去时连用。

②A Mr Black已去了London,可能在去London的路上,或者到了London。

③C ever与完成时态连用,表示“曾去过某地”用have been to。

④D for…短语与完成时或一般过去时连用,但谓语动词必须是持续性动词。

⑤C 表示“曾去过某地”用have been to。

现在完成时态用法扫描 篇7

如: (1) I have seen the film.

(2) He hasn’t seen the film.

(3) —Have they seen the film?—Yes, they have. (No, they haven’t.)


现在完成时态表示过去发生并已完成的某一动作对现在造成的影响, 或过去发生持续到现在的行为。

1. 表示过去的动作对现在造成的影响或结果。标志词有already, yet, just ever, never, before等。

如: (1) I have lost my bike.我的自行车丢了。 (即:我现在没有车了。)

(2) Thank you.I’ve had my supper.谢谢你, 我已吃过晚饭了。 (即:我现在不需要。)


▲如果句中有一个表示特定的过去时间的状语, 如:this morning, yesterday last week, three days ago, just now等, 谓语动词用一般过去时。而现在完成时则常与already, yet, just等与现在有联系的时间状语连用, 并表示动作的持续。试比较:

(1) I found my bike just now.我是刚刚找到我的自行车的。

(2) I have found my bike.我已找到我的自行车了。

▲如果单纯谈一个过去的动作, 不涉及它对现在的影响, 通常用一般过去时;如果谈一件事已经发生, 不考虑它是什么时候发生的, 而主要考虑对现在的影响, 即现在情况如何, 则用现在完成时。试比较:

(1) I closed the door. (表示门过去关好, 现在可能关好, 也可能没关好。)

(2) I have closed the door. (表示门现在关上了。)

2. 表示过去发生的动作持续到现在。标志词有for, since, so far, these days等。如:

(1) Mr Green has lived in Beijing for two years.

格林先生住在北京已两年了。 (说明“居住”从两年前持续到现在。)

(2) He has worked here since 1998.

他从1998年起一直在这儿工作。 (说明“工作”从1998年持续到现在。)

(3) He has lived with his aunt since his mother died.

自从他妈妈死了, 他一直和他姑妈住在一起。 (说明他仍将与姑妈一起生活下去。)


▲与for, since连用的现在完成时, 其谓语动词必须是持续性的。如果谓语动词为短暂性动词 (或词组) , 可改为表示状态的“be+形容词 (副词、分词、名词、介词短语) ”。如:begin/start→be on;come back→be back;close→be closed;die→be dead;get up→be up;fall ill→be ill;leave→be away from;join→be a member of/be in;finish/end→be over;marry→be married;open→be open。

也可将某些短暂性动词改为与其意思相近的延续性动词, 如:buy→have;become→be;borrow→keep。


他回来已三天了。He has been back for three days.

=He has been back since three days ago.

=It is/has been three days since he came back.

=Three days has passed since he came back.

=They came back three days ago.

(不能说:He has come back for three days.)

▲某些非延续性动词的否定形式可以和for, since引导的时间状语连用。

如:I haven’t met him for a long time.我好长时间没见到他了。

I haven’t met him since he left.自从他离开我就没遇到他。

3. 区别下列词组

(1) have/has gone to去了某地还没有回来

(2) have/has been to曾经去过某地已经回来了

(3) have/has been+介词短语曾经在某个地方


(1) They have gone to Beijing.他们已到北京去了。 (他们可能在去北京的路上或已到了北京, 总之他们现在不在这里。)

(2) He has been to Beijing twice.他去过北京两次。 (现在他不在北京。)

(3) I have been in Nanjing for two years.我在南京呆了两年。 (现在还在南京。

(4) His brother has been in the army for half a year.

=His brother has been a soldier for half a year.他哥哥参军半年了。

(5) Tom has been on the school football team for a year.

=Tom has been a school football player for a year.汤姆参加校足球队一年了。

练一练 (写出同义句) :

1.He joined the army two years ago.

He___ ___ ___the army___two years.

2.It’s five years since I came here.

Five years___ ___ ___I came here.

3.Sam’s grandfather died 10 years ago.

Sam’s grandfather has been___ ___ 10 years.

4. Wu Dong joined the League three years ago.

Wu Dong has____ in the League___three years.

5. We got to know each other ten years ago.

We___ ____each other____ten years ago.

6. I got up half an hour ago.

I___ ___up for half an hour.

7. He has been in the army for eight years.

He___ ___a___ ___eight years.

8. He has been away from here for six days.

It’s six days___he___here.

9. My friend went to Beijing last year.She is still in Beijing now.

My friend____ ____ ____Beijing____last year.

1 0. Half an hour ago“The Cat Play”began.

“The Cat Play”has____ ____for half an hour.

1 1. I’m sorry to hear that he got killed in the traffic accident 5 years ago.

I’m sorry to hear that he has____ ____for 5 years in the traffic accident.

1 2. He left home two months ago.

He has____ ____from home____ ____two months ago.


1.has been in, for 2.has passed since 3.dead for 4.been, for

5.have known, since 6.have been 7.has been, soldier for 8.since, left

现在完成时的用法复习归纳 篇8

1. 表示过去或已经完成的某一动作对现在成的影响或结果。常与下列状语连用:already, just, yet, ever, never, before。现在完成时用来表示过去发生或已完成的动作或状态对现在造成的影响或结果, 也就是说, 动作或状态发生在过去但它的影响现在还存在.

I have lost my wallet. (含义是:现在我没有钱花了)

Jane has just had it. (含义是:简现在不饿了)

Michael has been ill. ( 含义是:现在仍然很虚弱)

He has returned from abroad. ( 含义是:现在已在此地)

2. 表示过去已经发生, 持续到现在的动作或状态, 可以和表示从过去某一时刻延续到现在 (包括“现在”在内) 的一段时间的状语连用。表示持续动作或状态的动词多是延续性动词, 常与since和for连用。for和表示一段时间的词组连用。如:for 10 years;since和表示过去某一时刻的词或词组连用。如:since 1997, since two years ago, since last week


1. 分清时间状语

现在完成时所表示的是过去的发生的动作对现在造成的影响和结果, 强调的是现在的情况, 现在完成时往往同表示不确定的过去时间状语连用, 如already, yet, just, before, recently, still, lately等;现在完成时常常与表示频度的时间状语连用, 如often, sometimes, ever, never, twice等;现在完成时还往往可以同包括现在时间在内的时间状语连用, 如now, now, just, today, this morning/week/month/year, so far等。所以不能和表示过去的时间状语连用, 如:yesterday, last night, three weeks ago, in 1990。一般过去时表示的是过去发生的动作或状态, 和现在不发生联系, 它可以和表示过去的时间状语连用。

I have seen the film. ( 我了解这部电影的内容。)

I saw the film last week. (只说明上星期看了这部电影, 不涉及现在的情况。)

2. 分清have (has) gone和have (has) been的用法

1) have (has) gone表示“已经去某地了”

She has gone to Shanghai. ( 她可能已在去上海的路上, 或已到上海, 总之现在不在这里。)

2) have (has) been表示“曾经去过某地”

She has been to Shanghai three times. ( 她已经不在上海, 只说明她曾经去过。)

3. 分清延续性动词和瞬间动词的用法

1) 延续性动词表示动作能够持续一段时间, 所以其现在完成时能和表示一段的时间状语连用。

I have lived in Guiyang for 10 years.

I have lived in Guiyang since 2002.

2) 终止性动词表示的动作极其短暂, 不能持续, 所以其现在完成时 (只限肯定式) 不能和表示一段的时间状语连用, 而应该把终止性动词改为同义的延续性动词, 也不能用于how long引导的疑问句中。

如不能说:He has borrowed the book for two months. (x)

但可以说:He has kept the book for 2 months.

或:It has been 2 months since he borrowed the book.

或:Two months has passed since he borrowed the book.

初中教材中常见的终止性动词, 可以编成口诀:

晨起离去购物, 出生入死搬回来

东西一到开始用, 花未够 方可

get up→be up leave→be away (from) go→ be buy →have join→be in /be a +n. die →be dead move→be out ofreturn→be back come→be arrive→be here start/begin→be on finish→/end→be over borrow→keep

开始结束死买卖, 来去借入离开

get up→be up leave→be away (from) go→ be buy →have join→be in /be a +n. die →be dead move→be out of return→be bcome→be arrive→be here start/begin→be on finish→/end→be over borrow→keep


The old man has died for five years. (×)

The old man has been dead for five years. (√)


I haven’t bought anything for two days.


1. 规则变化的变化规则与过去式的构成规则相同

2. 不规则动词的过去式以及过去分词, 在不规则变化表中寻找巧记规律

AAA:put–put–put let—let–let ABA:become—became—become

ABB:stand—stood—stood ABC:eat—ate—eaten


下列每组的A, B句都互为同意句, 其中A句采用了一般过去式表达, 请你应用现在完成时在B句的空白处填入恰当的词, 使其与A句意思相同。

1. A: The baby fell asleep half an hour ago.

B:The baby____________for half an hour.

2.A:I left the school at nine O'clock this morning.

B:I _____ _____ _____ from the school since nine O'clock this morning.

3.A:Did you find your pen?

B:_____ _____ _____ your pen yet?

4.A:The hospital closed in 2010.

B:The hospital _____ _____ _____ since 2010.

5.A:Maria bought the piano in 2009.

B:Maria _____ _____ the piano since 2009.

6.A:Kangkang borrowed the knife five days ago.

B:Kangkang _____ _____ the knife for five days.

7.A:The TV play began twenty minutes ago.

B:The TV play _____ _____ _____ for twenty minutes.

8.A:Tom's grandmother died two years ago .

B:Tom's grandmother _____ _____ _____ for two years.

9.A:My uncle became a teacher in 2007.

B:My uncle _____ _____ a teacher since 2007.

10.A:We got to Guizhou three days ago .

B:We _____ _____ _____Guizhou for three days.

11.A:The Greens came to China in 2003.

B:The Greens _____ _____ _____ China since 2003.

12.A: I joined the Party last year .

B: I ____ _____ _____ _____of the Party since last year.

13.A:Jane caught a cold the day before yesterday.

B:Jane____ _____ a cold since the day before yesterday.

14.A:The classes ended ten minutes ago.

B:The classes _____ _____ ____ for ten minutes.

15.A:The students knew each other two years ago.

B: The students _____ _____ each other for two years .


1.has been asleep 2.have been away

3.Have you found 4.has been closed

5.has had 6.has kept

7.has been on 8.has been dead

9.has been 10.have been in

11.have been in 12.have been a member

13.has had 14.have been over

现在完成进行时 篇9





回答:Yes,I have./No,I haven’t.

Yes,she has./No,she hasn’t.


例如:I have just eaten dinner.


例如:I have lived here for three years.

I have lived here since 2004/three years ago.


例如:1)I have studied English since last year.


2)She has lived in Beijing for five years.



不能说:a.He has come to Beijing for two years.

b.He has bought that book for three weeks.

c.He has joined the Army for one and a half years.

d.His grandma has died for nine months.

e.I have received his letter for a month.

可以说:a.He has been in Beijing for two years.

b.He has had that book for three weeks.

c.He has been in the army for one and a half years.

d.His grandma has been dead for nine months.

e.I haven’t received his letter for almost a month.

或者说:a.It is two years since he came to Beijing.

b.It is three weeks since he bought that book.

c.It is one and a half years since he joined the army.

d.It is nine months since his grandma died.


a.I have cleaned my room.(My room is clean now.)我已经打扫过我的房间了。

b.I cleaned my room last week.(I did it in the past.)我上周打扫了我的房间。

c.Father has gone to Xiamen.(He went to Xiamen and he is not here now.)爸爸已经去厦门了。

d.They have bought a dictionary.(They bought a dictionary and they have it now.)


注意:现在完成时不能和明确指出时间的状语(如:yesterday,last,year,in 1976,two days ago,just now,when she came in等)连用,但可以和不明确指出时间的状语(如:already,yet,ever,never,sometimes,always,often,before,once,twice,recently,lately等)连用;也可以和表示包括现在在内的时间状语(如:today,this morning,this week,this year等)连用。





例如:I have been a doctorfora year.

He has been in this hospitalsince1992.

We have worked heresincewe came to this hospital.


例如:Have youeverbeen to Beijing?

I havejustfi nished my homework.

I have fi nished my homeworkalready.

I haven’t fi nished my homeworkyet.


例如:a.Jim has already fi nished his work.(Jim已经把他的工作做完了。)

b.Mother hasn’t come home yet.(妈妈还没回来。)

c.Haven’t you read The Call of the Wild yet?(你还没读过《野性的呼唤》吗?)

d.She has already fi nished her work.(她已经把工作做完了。)

e.I haven’t read the story yet.(我还没读过这个故事。)

f.Have you met him before?(你从前曾见过他吗?)

g.Lily has always been a good student.(Lily一直是个好学生。)


h.I have seen him this morning.我上午看见他了。(说话时在上午)

i.I saw him this morning.今天上午我遇见了他。(说话时可能是下午或者晚上)

j.It has been cold this winter.今天冬天一直很冷。(说话时仍是冬天)



现在完成时:表示过去发生或已经完成的某一动作对现在造成的影响或结果,或从过去开始一直延续到现在的动作或保存的状态,强调的是现在的情况,不能和表示过去的时间状语连用(如:in 1990,last Sunday等)。




例如:Have you read that story?你读过那个故事吗?(“读”这一动作发生在过去,对现在造成的影响是:是否知道故事的内容。)

例如:I have bought two apples.我买了两个苹果。(“买”这一动作发生在过去,对现在造成的结果是:拥有两个苹果。



a.I have already fi nished my homework?我已经做完家庭作业了。

b.He has just had his meal.他刚吃过饭。

c.Have you ever sung this English song?你曾唱过这首英文歌吗?

d.They haven‘t started yet.他们还没有身。

e.We have never heard of it.我们从来没有听说过这件事。

7.have been in,have been to与have gone to的用法

1)Have(has)been in意为“已经在某地呆了多长时间”,常与表示一段时间的状语连用。

例如:a.Mr.Brown has been in Shanghai for three days.布朗先生来上海已经有三天了。

b.They have been in Canada for fi ve years.他们到加拿大有五年了。

2)Have(has)been to意为“曾经去过某地”,表示现在已经不在那里了。可与just,ever,never等连用。

例如:a.I’ve just been to the post offi ce.我刚才去邮局了。

b.Have you ever been to Hangzhou?你曾经去过杭州吗?

c.Mary has never been to the Great Wall.玛丽从未去过长城。

3)Have(has)been to后面可接次数,表示去过某地几次。

例如:a.I’ve been to Beijing three times.我去过北京三次。

b.They have been to that village several times.他们去过那个村庄好几次了。

4)Have(has)gone to意为“到某地去了”,表示到了某地或正在去某地的途中。总之,说话时该人不在现场,一般不用第一、二人称代词作主语。

例如:—Where is Tom?汤姆在哪里?

—He has gone to the bookshop.他到书店去了

例如:a.He has gone to Hong Kong.他到香港去了。(他已前往香港,或在途中,或已到达。说话人暗示他现在不在现场)

b.He has been to Hong Kong.他曾到过香港。(说话人认为他过去到过香港,现在已不在该地。言外之意他对香港有所了解)

总结:Have been to/in和have gone to的区别

1)have/has been to+地名去过某地(去过已回来);

2)have/has gone to+地名去了某地(还没回来);

一般过去时和现在完成时的区别 篇10

1. 一般过去时只单纯地表示过去的动作或状态, 和现在不发生联系。


我口很渴, 喝了五杯水。 (只说明口渴和喝水这一情况, 状态和动作与现在无关。)

2. 现在完成时表示某一完成的动作对现在造成的影响或结果, 强调的是现在的情况。


我已喝了五杯水。 (说明“我”现在不渴。)


1. 一般过去时常和过去的具体时间连用。如:

Theysawafilm lastweek.

他们上周看了一场电影。 (lastweek为过去具体时间)

2. 现在完成时和时间的搭配情况。

(1) 现在完成时不能直接和过去的具体时间连用。


(2) 现在完成时可以和for+时间段连用, 也可以和since+具体时间 (表示一段时间起点) 连用。此时句中动词须用延续性动词或相当于延续性动词的短语。如have, be, stay, live等。


我们有三个月没见过面。 (虽然see为非延续性动词及瞬间动词, 用否定式来表延续。)

Wehavestayheresince 1998.

从1998年起我们一直住在这儿。 (since+具体时间相当于时间段)

3. 有些时间状语, 如:

this morning/afternoon/week/month/year…, tonight, today等, 既可用于一般过去时, 也可用于现在完成时, 但所表达的意义不同。用于现在完成时表示包括“现在”在内, 用于一般过去时, 则与“现在”无关。


今天早上, 他搬了十五张桌子。 (说话时是早上)


今天早上, 他搬了十五张桌子。 (说话时早上已过)


1.Most children_____ (have) a hard life in the past.

2.Great changes_____ (take) place in the past twenty years.

3.My father_____ (work) in Beijing since three years ago.

4. When he_____ (begin) to read this book?

5. you_____ (see) my umbrella?

Yes, I_____ (see) it on your desk a minute ago.

6. The workers_____ (build) three swimming pools this may.


现在完成时考题荟萃 篇11

—Yes. It ______ for almost one and a half months.

A. has openedB. has been opened

C. has been openD. was open

2. —When did you borrow the English storybook?

—I borrowed it last week. I______it for a week

A. have boughtB. have kept

C. have borrowedD. had

3. —______ my dictionary? I can’t find it anywhere.

—I______it on the shelf when I came in.

A. Did you see, have seenB. Have you seen, saw

C. Did you see, sawD. have you seen, have seen

4. —Wow, what a cool bike! How long have you______it?

—Two weeks.

A. boughtB. gotC. hadD. chosen

5. —Has the match started?

—Started? Finished! Guo Yue______ .

A. is winningB. winsC. will winD. has won

6. —I’m looking for Mr White.

—He was here just now. But he______to a meeting and he won’t be back until eleven o’clock.

A. wasB. will beC. has goneD. has been

7. —By the way,______you come up with the answer?

—Not yet.

A. didB. haveC. willD. do

8. The students are sorry to hear that the famous singer______for half an hour.

A. has leftB. has gone

C. has been awayD. has gone away

9. Since 2000, Nanchang has become a new city. Everything______ .

A. is changedB. was changed

C. has changedD. had changed

10. —I hear your father______to Japan once.

—Yes, he______there last year.

A. went, has beenB. has been, went

C. goes, wentD. has been, has been

动词的现在进行时 篇12


1.表示现在或说话时正在发生或进行的动作, 常与now, at the moment等时间状语连用。

如:They are playing soccer on the playground now.

现在他们正在操场上踢球。 (强调正在进行的动作) 。.


如:I am studying in No.1 Middle School.

我在第一中学学习。 (强调这一阶段内一直在学习) 。


如:Come on!The bus is coming.


快点, 公共汽车将要来了!用于现在进行时的时间有:now, at the moment, these days/weeks等, 并常和祈使句Look!/Listen!连用, 或者根据上下文情景可以推断出是正在进行的动作, 也应用现在进行时。

如:Look!The boy is running on the playground.



现在进行时的动词谓语部分有助动词be (am, is, are) +动词的ing形式 (现在分词) 构成。动词现在分词的构成遵从“一般、去e, 双写”六字 (母) 规则。如下表所示:





㈠现在或说话时正在进行的动作, 当前一段时间内的活动或现阶段正在进行的动作用现在进行时。

1.I am looking at the blackboard now.

2.We are drinking tea now.


1.Look!The boys are planting trees.

2.Listen!The girl is singing.

㈢根据上下文情景可以推断出是正在进行的动作, 也应用现在进行时。

1.Don’t make any noise!The boy is sleeping.

2.----Where is your father?

----He is mending the car in the garden.


1.He is coming. (他就要来)

2.The bus is leaving. (公共汽车就要离开)

㈤.某些表示感官知觉的动词, 如see, hear, smell, taste;或表示心理感觉的动词, 如love, like, hate, want, need, wish, understand, remember, mean, fit等, 不用现在进行时, 而用一般现在时代替。

1.I see a play in the sky.

2.He hears a noise in the room.


现在进行时的句型变换可遵从以下规则:be若提前变疑问, be后not变否定。 (特别注意:动词后面ing的不能丢掉) 。

例句:I am planting trees on the hill these days.

否定句:I am not planting trees on the hill these days.

疑问句:Are you planting trees on the hill these days?

肯定回答:Yes, I am.

否定回答:No, I am not.


一般现在时表示经常发生的动作或现在存在的状态, 用于日常行为、习惯、能力、职业、特征、客观事实、客观真理等。而现在进行时表正在发生或正在进行的动作, 或者是表一个阶段内正在发生或进行的动作。
