英文表达 篇1
1 Introduction
Motion is a fundamental human activity.A motion verb usually describes how a physical entity changes from one place in space,towards a certain direction,to another place in space.And the entity described is usually dynamic,while it is prevalent in linguistic expressions such as The mountain range goes from Canada to Mexico”.
It seems that the sentence have the same semantic content as that in There is a mountain range between Canada and Mexico.The difference lies in how it is construed.Among the various ways of construing a scene,scanning mode plays a necessary role.
2 Theoretical Framework
2.1 Fictive Motion
This phenomenon has interested many scholars in the circle of cognitive linguistics and cognitive psychology.It is originally studied by Leonard Talmy in the late 1970’s.Talmy(2000)conducts a comprehensive study and refers it to fictive motion and classifies it into six categories.One subtype is coverage path which is termed as a depiction of from,orientation or location of a spatially extended object in terms of a path over the object’s extent.Matlock(2004;2005)gives a systematic investigation of the phenomenon,and conducts a series of experiments from a psychological linguistic perspective.Suzuki(2005)reports on a comparative study of the expressions of subjective motion in Japanese and Chinese from the viewpoint of motion of subject and motion of eyes.Translations of Japanese sentences are exemplified to conclude that there are some restrictions on the expression of coverage path as the Chinese language tends to adopt only summary scanning.Concerned with the coverage path expressions in Suzuki(2005),research questions thus arise:
1)Do Chinese seldom adopt sequential scanning when describing actual motion?
2)Are the fictive motion expressions constrained by motion direction?
3)Can Chinese adopt fictive motion expressions for the motion of eyes?
2.2 Scanning Mode
In cognitive linguistics,meaning is a process of conceptualization,thus meaning resides in conceptualization.Semantic structures are simply the conceptual structures evoked by linguistic expressions.However,an expression’s meaning consists of not only its conceptual content but also how that content is structured and construed.In some degree,meaning is also a matter of construal,which describes the ability to construe a conceived situation in alternate ways for purposes of thought or expression.Among the various ways,scanning is one.
Langacker(1987)puts forward the term scanning,which means different ways of construing a scene.There are two kinds of mode:sequential scanning and summary scanning.Sequential scanning is defined as the mode of cognitive processing in which a series of states are conceived through the successive transformation of one into another(Langacker 1987:493).It is the mode of tracking an event sequentially;the aspects of the scene are not simultaneously present at any stage of the scanning.Each state begins to decay as the next one is activated,so that only one is fully active at any one instance.So any one state is only momentary.
3 Methodology
3.1 Research Question
Based on the theoretical frame work above,this paper aims to answer three research questions concerned with coverage path.Three related assumptions are then put forward:
1)Assumption 1:Chinese also adopt sequential scanning when describing actual motion.
2)Assumption 2:The fictive motion expressions are not constraint by motion direction.
3)Assumption 3:Chinese adopt fictive motion expressions for the motion of eyes.
3.2 Materials
As is observed,the subject in the coverage path expressions is usually linear or spatially extended entities.About 208 pieces of prose are searched in the website:http://www.vn700.com/Prose/List_4.html.As a special case of fictive motion,the coverage path expressions are relatively few compared with those in English and Japanese.These sentences may also serve good evidence in explaining such phenomenon.
4 Analysis
Matusmoto(1996)assumes that there are three kinds of coverage paths among English and Japanese,that is actual motion,hypothetical motion and the motion of sight.The following passage will analyzes coverage path from these three perspectives.
4.1 Actual Motion
Actual motion refers to focal attention moves along the motion of a conceptualizer.In forming such a sentence,sequential scanning plays an important role.It is the conceptualizer that mentally scans the path sequentially.Without sequential scanning,the conceptualizer could only activate various locations or points in a construal as discrete and not contiguous.No coherent whole would be achieved.
Suzuki(2005:13)uses the Chinese translation in 1)to summarize that summary scanning instead of sequential scanning can be used because the state of the road is first described and then the location of the conceptualizer depicted in the Chinese version.He further concludes that the subjective motion for actual motion expressions can not be used in Chinese.After careful linguistic investigation,we find that Chinese also adopt sequential scanning.How the tree in the two sides extends along the road and the mountain ranges zigzag towards far places?Without sequential scanning,such sentences can not be formed.Thus the assumption 1 collapsed.
1)The road went up the hill as we proceeded.
4.2 Hypothetical Motion
In the hypothetical motion,one supposes that an entity is moving.Suzuki(2005)admits that there exists the hypothetical motion as in 3(a,b),but the hypothetical motion is constrained by the direction of the motion as in 3(c).The English sentence in 3(c)involves fictive motion,but the Chinese translation can not be expressed fictively.When the path is ascending,it can also be described fictively.So just using one example in 3(c)one can not get the conclusion that Chinese can not have the fictive motion expressions when ascending is expressed.As Talmy(1983)point out,fictive motion involves the notion of directionality.
3)a.The high way enters California there.
b.The road descends down a very steep slope.
c.The road slowly climbs up the mountain.
路面随着山势增高。(Suzuki 2005:13)
When we refer to the hypothesized motion,it seems that one entity is moving,thus,the direction should be involved.Again the sequential scanning functions.Expressions in 5)are another pair example from Chinese.“Lai”in Chinese indicates a direction towards the conceptualizer.Shen(2001:269)describes two kinds of subject,that is sentence subject and speaker subject The speaker subject is implicit in linguistic expression but we can still sense its presence.The speaker is construed as a reference point,so the stationary object is described as moving towards the speaker.A careful linguistic investigation will reveal that directionality is an essential feature of fictive motion expressions,not only in hypothesized motion expressions as in 6).Now it seems that assumption 2 does not hold water.Contrastively,directionality is an essential feature of fictive motion expressions.
4.3 The Motion of Sight
When the conceptualizer’s sight is moving or mentally tracing in fictive motion,it is classified into the third type of motion as the sentences in 7).Can Chinese have such kind of expressions?That is to say,does the third type of motion exist in Chinese?The fictive motion expressions in Chinese like English sentence in 8)also exist.Again,the assumption 3 is also overturned.
7)a.The highway crawls through the city.
b.The mountain range runs from north to south.
5 Conclusion
Three assumptions are all overthrown in the process of analysis.Sequential scanning is an important means involved in fictive motion.No matter the expression belongs to actual motion,hypothesized motion or the motion of sight,sequential scanning plays an important role.There is no exception that Chinese also adop sequential scanning when describing actual motion.Directionality is an essential or common feature for all kinds of path expressions There is no reason that the fictive motion expressions in Chinese are constrained by motion direction.For a special kind of fictive motion,the motion of sight also exists in Chinese.
The movement is believed to be subjective because it is the conceptualizer that mentally scan or move along the path associated with the subject noun phrase.In doing so,the conceptualizer experiences something akin to actual motion,for it involves going from a starting point to an end point,and it takes time to complete.
[1]Langacker R W.Foundations of Cognitive Grammar:Theoreti-cal Prerequisites[M].Stanford,CA:Stanford University Press,1987.
[2]Matlock T.The Conceptual Motivation of Fictive Motion[C]//Radden G,Panther K U.Studies in Linguistic Motivation[M].Berlin:Mouton de Gruyter,2004:221-248.
[3]Matlock T.Fictive Motion as Cognitive Simulation[M].Memory&Cognition,2005.
[4]Matsumoto Y.Subjective Motion and English and Japanese verbs[J].Cognitive Linguistics,1996(7):183-226.
[5]Talmy L.Toward a Cognitive Semantics,Volume I:Conceptual Structuring Systems[M].Cambridge:MIT Press,2001.
有关防晒的英文表达 篇2
1. Can you pass me the sun block? 能不能把防晒油递给我?
在防晒护肤品的瓶子上都有一个SPF的标识,它是Sun Protection Factor 的缩写,意思就是防晒指数。SPF值越高,防晒时间越长。防晒SPF值×15=防晒的时间(分钟);如果你要旅游,可以使用SPF20左右的防晒品。在高原烈日下活动或去海滩游泳,则至少要用SPF30的防晒品。记得防晒霜要在出门前30分钟涂哦!此外,一顶帽子或是一把遮阳伞(sunshade)也可以帮你挡住热辣的阳光。
2. You might get sunburned if you stay in strong sunlight for a long time. 如果在强烈的阳光下呆得太久,你可能会被晒伤的。
“晒伤”就是sunburn,这个词既可作动词也可以作名词用。万一晒伤也没关系,这里有几个小诀窍,可以帮你改善一下皮肤。You can use certain kinds of vegetables and fruits. 用黄瓜的切片或者去皮的芦荟涂一涂晒伤的皮肤。黄瓜片可以让你感到清凉,芦荟还能起到消炎的作用。如果皮肤晒得脱皮,千万不要用手撕,可以用毛巾包着冰块冷敷一下,你会感觉好多了。
3. You have a nice suntan. 你晒的很棒。
英文表达 篇3
1 情态化及量值
2 方法与结果
本研究按照随机抽样的原则从5种SCI收录的英文医学期刊中分别抽取1篇医学研究性论文,所抽样的5篇论文均由母语为英语的作者撰写且均发表于2001-2005年期间。抽样所选的5种医学期刊分别为:New England Journal of Medicine,Journal of the American Medical Association,Biology of Reproduction, Journal of Biological Chemistry, European Journal of Pharmacology。研究以小句(clause)为单位记录语料中所有的情态化表达。统计结果如表2所示。
3 讨论与分析
3.1 认知程度对情态化表达的影响
①An explanation for this difference may lie in the cause of the epileptiform activity and the mechanism of action for each drug.
② It is possible that only transient contact is required; however, our observations may be a result of the relative positions and diffusional ability of the globin genes within the nucleus.
在例 ①中,作者在解释研究结果中差异产生的原因时可能考虑到自己对这一问题的认知模糊性,于是在表达观点时就会对自己的话语留有余地。选择表达低量值的may而没有使用确定的语气或更高量值的可能性推测就真实准确地体现了作者的这一想法。同理,在例 ②中,由于受到认知程度的限制,作者所得到的结论本身就不是“确定的”,因此连续使用低值情态化表达“It is possible that”和“may”在一定程度上反映出作者对该命题的真实认知程度。
3.2 情态化表达中的礼貌策略
G. Yule认为“礼貌”是说话者表达重视听话者“面子”的一种手段[8]。以适当的方式表达礼貌会在交际双方之间建立良好的沟通桥梁,从而使作者(说话者)的观点更易被读者(听话者)接受。Leech提出礼貌有消极和积极之分[9]。前者是指“最小限度地表达不礼貌的信念或损及他人”,而后者是指“最大限度的表达礼貌的信念或惠及他人”。读者受损越大,话语越不礼貌;话语越礼貌,读者受惠越大。张建社等指出情态量值的不同选择将会影响言语行为的礼貌程度[10]。量值越低,礼貌程度越高;反之则礼貌程度越低。
③ We cannot exclude the possibility that some of the effects of prenatal DHT on subsequent neuroendocrine function were due to the metabolism of this androgen to 3βAdiol, subsequent activation of ER by this metabolite.
④Rather, it is likely that the enhancement of perfusion pressure results from loss of a tonic endogenous vasodilator influence in the ciliary artery.
在例 ③中,作者选用“We cannot exclude the possibility that”对that引导的投射小句所述命题做出了低量值推测。低值情态化表达的使用给读者留下了足够的质疑空间,避免了把自己的观点强加给读者,其实质是通过不干预他人的行动自由这种方式来实现消极礼貌。在例 ②中,作者选择了中值情态化表达“it is likely that”而没有选用低值情态化表达,表明自己对推断的正确性有比较强的信心,希望读者接受自己观点的愿望也比较强烈。但是,例 ②中,中值情态化的表达同样避免了将自己的观点强加给读者,给读者留下了独立思考的自由,同样属于消极礼貌策略。
3.3 情态化表达中的权位因素
在交际中,每个交际的参与者都有与自己身份相对应的社会地位,也称权位。 在交际中,如果某一方在某一点(如社会地位、身份、年龄、辈分、财富等)上居于优势(年龄大一些、辈分高一些、财富多一些、社会地位高一些等),则该方比另一方权位更高。“同等关系”指的是社会地位相似的人视对方为伙伴关系。根据参与者的权位, 人们往往产生一种符合常规行为的预期。一旦某一方的言语行为不符合人们的预期,交际中止现象将不可避免。
⑤This finding is important, because it suggests that intravascular ultrasonography can be used successfully to determine both the benefits and potential hazards of new therapies.
在例 ⑤中,作者在强调“发现很重要”时没有使用情态表达,语气很强。但在解释原因时,则使用了表达低值意义的suggest。低值情态化表达的使用明显降低了整句的语气强度。在接下来的投射小句中,作者再次使用了表达低值意义的can,使整句的语气进一步弱化。强势语气之后连续使用低值情态表明作者对读者感受的重视。例⑤ 中,论文写作者恰当地选择低值情态表达来解释原因有助于实现作者和读者双方学术交流的“同等关系”。
4 结语
[2]M.A.K.Halliday,Matthiessen.An Introduction to FunctionalGrammar[M].London:Hodder Arnold,2004.
[3]柯林斯出版公司.Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner’sEnglish Dictionary[M].北京:外语教学与研究出版社,2006.
[7]Ken Hyland.Hedging in academic writing and EAP textbooks[J].English for Specific Purposes,1994,13(3):239-256.
[8]George Yule.Pragmatics[M].上海:上海外语教育出版社,2000.
[9]Leech,G.N.Principles of Pragmatics[M].New York:Long-man Inc.,1983.
惊吓的英文表达 篇4
3.I am frightened out of my wits!我的魂都被吓飞了!
4.That nearly scared me to death!我差点被吓死!
5.Spiders scare me stiff.蜘蛛把我吓坏了。
6.You did give me a good scare!你着实吓了我一跳。
7.That sudden scream in the middle of night scared the daylights out of me.半夜那突如其来的一声尖叫把我给吓得魂飞魄散。8.What a scare you gave me, disappearing like that!你那样突然失踪,可真把我吓了一跳!
9.The ghost story frightened the pants off me.这个鬼故事把我吓得够呛。
英文表达 篇5
例1:There is always hope that in its (指antique shops) labyrinth of musty, dark, disordered rooms a real rarity will be found amongst the piles of assorted junk that litter the floors. (《新概念3》 Lesson 34: A Happy Discovery)
分析:这句话摘自“A Happy Discovery”一文,文章主要探讨如何在古玩店中发现稀世珍品。这句话的结构比较复杂,包含主句(there is always hope)和两个that引导的从句。其中,第一个that引导的从句充当hope的同位语,第二个that引导的从句作the piles of assorted junk的定语。根据句子的主干可以判断,这句话主要想表达的意思是“人们常常抱有某种希望”。但作者并未使用people作为全句的主语,而是使用了hope这一无灵主语。在第一个that从句中,作者同样未使用其暗含的主语people,而是使用了无灵主语a real rarity。这种表达方式体现了西方客体型的思维方式,即把客观世界作为观察、分析、推理和研究的重点,注重体现客观事物对人的影响和作用。意识到中英文在这方面的表达差异后,大家在翻译时就要注意转换思维,尽量使译文符合相应语言的表达习惯。就例1来说,将其翻译成中文时,译者要注意从“客体意识”转化为“主体意识”,为句子加上适当的主语,使译文符合中文的表达习惯。
例2:The path led to a tiny village perched on the steep sides of a mountain.(《新概念3》 Lesson 48: The Silent Village)
分析:这句话摘自“The Silent Village”一文,文章主要记述了作者在偏僻乡村一次不太愉快的旅行经历。在这句话中,作者想表达他和妻子顺着一条小路来到了一个小村庄,但他并未使用we作主语,而是运用了表示地点的名词path作为主语,使整句话显得简洁、生动。如果按照中文的思维方式,大家很可能会把这句英语说成:“We followed that path, and finally came to a tiny village perched on the steep sides of a mountain.”这句话虽然表达了与例2同样的意思,但语言略显啰嗦,形式也过于中规中矩,失去了例句的灵动性。
英文中常用表示地点或时间的名词作主语,这一方面是源于英文重客体的表达习惯,另一方面是为了表示强调或增强句子的生动性。在表示地点或时间的名词作主语的句子中,其谓语动词常用lead、witness、bring、see、find等词。大家可能在备战四级考试时遇到过类似这样的句子:“As is known to all, 2003 saw the successful launch of China’s first manned space flight.”这句话的主语就是表时间的名词“2003”,谓语动词使用了see,这一表达方式不仅简练、生动,而且达到了强调时间的效果。
美国翻译理论家尤金·奈达(Eugene Nada)曾说过:“就英语和汉语而言,也许在语言学上最重要的一个区别就是形合和意合的对立。在英语和大多数印欧语言中,句子的从属关系大多是用连接词if、because、although、but、when等明确表达出来。”而著名翻译家傅雷先生在《论翻译书》中说道:“东方人与西方人之思想方式有基本分歧,我人重综合,重归纳,重暗示,重含蓄;西方人则重分析,细微曲折,挖掘唯恐不尽,描写唯恐不周。”这种思维方式体现在中英文表达上,就表现出了如下特点:中文表达注重传情达意,在形式上较为松散,颇有“得意”而“忘形”的轻灵洒脱和“形散而神聚”的飘逸风格;而英语则注重形式逻辑,各语言符号之间有较强的逻辑联系,常常运用各种有形的、明确的、显性的联结手段以使句法完备、逻辑严密、表意精确。下面我们来看两个例句。
例3:If you are catching a train, it is always better to be comfortably early than even a fraction of a minute too late. Although being early may mean wasting a little time, this will be less than if you miss the train and have to wait an hour or more for the next one; and you avoid the frustration of arriving at the very moment when the train is drawing out of the station and being unable to get on it. (《新概念3》Lesson 60: Too Early and Too Late)
分析:这一段摘自“Too Early and Too Late”一文,文章探讨了关于守时的问题。在这段话中,作者通过使用if、although、and等连接词使句与句之间的连接很紧密,结构非常紧凑,整段话仿若节节相连的竹子。正是由于英语重形合这一特点,语言学家把英语句子描述为“竹节句法”。大家可以试想一下,如果这段话少了这几个连接词,不仅语法上说不通,整段话表达的意思也会支离破碎。连接词在英语表达中的重要性由此可见一斑。而相比英语,中文在形式上则较为松散,例如人们常说的 “冬天来了,春天还会远吗?”这句话在形式上就体现了中文“形散而神聚”的特点:句子表意明确,但句中并未出现让句子结构更严密的逻辑连词。但如果把这句话翻译成英文,就要注意形式的严谨了,比如可翻译为:“If winter comes, can spring be far behind?”
例4:I should wish to die while still at work, knowing that others will carry on what I can no longer do, and content in the thought that what was possible has been done. (《新概念4》 Lesson 11: How to Grow Old)
分析:这句话摘自“How to Grow Old”一文,文章主要探讨了老年人如何安度晚年。在这句话中,作者使用了连词while和and,使句子的逻辑结构非常清晰,句意明了。掌握了英文行文的这一特点后,大家在写作时就要注意适当地使用连接词,以增强文章的连贯性和可读性;而将英文翻译成中文时,则要根据中英文在表达上的差异,在结构上做适当调整,使译文符合中文表达习惯。
西方人喜欢开门见山,开宗明义。这一思维方式使英语的篇章结构具有如下特点:在开篇直接切入主题,随后的句子都是围绕主题句层层展开,并深入论证,最后做一个总结,与开头的主题句相呼应。因此,英语的篇章结构具有直线型特点,呈演绎式。而中国人内敛和含蓄的特点则使中文表达注重迂回、暗示和渲染。因此,汉语的篇章具有螺旋型特点,呈归纳式。例如中国考生在写英文作文时,常喜欢以这样的句子开头:“With the development of science and technology, great changes have taken place in my hometown over the past three decades.”这个句子并无语法错误,但一些无意义的渲染成分使整句话看起来像是一句空话。下面我们来体会一下英语篇章结构的特点。
例5:Why, you may wonder, should spiders be our friends? Because they destroy so many insects, and insects include some of the greatest enemies of the human race. Insects would make it impossible for us to live in the world; they would devour all our crops and kill our flocks and herds, if it were not for the protection we get from insect-eating animals. We owe a lot to the birds and beasts who eat insects but all of them put together kill only a fraction of the number destroyed by spiders. Moreover, unlike some of the other insect eaters, spiders never do harm to us or our belongings. (《新概念4》 Lesson 2:Spare That Spider)
分析:这段话摘自“Spare That Spider”一文,文章旨在说明蜘蛛是人类的朋友,呼吁人类不要伤害蜘蛛。这段话通过自问自答的形式,在开头的两句话中直接点明了文章主题,即蜘蛛是人类朋友及其原因。随后的句子开始层层深入地探讨昆虫的危害、蜘蛛消灭昆虫的能力(与鸟和兽消灭昆虫的能力进行对比,以加强表达效果)以及蜘蛛对人类的无害性(与其他食虫动物进行对比),由此论证和强调了主题句。这一表达方式使文章主题明确、论证清晰、意义明了。
考生可以将上述这一表达方式运用在英语写作中。例如,如果考生想写一篇关于“全球变暖”(Global Warming)的文章,那么考生可以这样开宗明义地开篇:“Why, you may wonder, should the issue of global warming become one of the most urgent and challenging problems faced by mankind? Because it has posed an increasingly serious threat to the environment.”
英文表达 篇6
对我校189名学生进行了“关于学生自主口语表达的现状”的调查。结果为: 76%的学生能够做到发音准确、清晰;53%的学生能够注意到语调的轻重变化, 升、降调较为规范;23%的学生初步形成较好的语音感, 表达时语言流畅、连贯、达意, 有一定的感染力;18%的学生词不达意, 被动地参与活动, 甚至不愿意开口;有的开口, 说的也是不规范的“两不像”。针对此显现进行了如下实践。
二、提高学生自主口头表达能力, 培养学生“英文”嘴巴的实践与研究
1.妙用预约朗读 (reading aloud) , 夯实学生口头自主表达的基础。英语作为一门语言学科, 它需要通过有声的途径来学习和掌握。而朗读则是把无声的书面语言转化为有声语言的最佳途径。因此, 在教学中应以朗读作为突破口。
(1) 听读并行——激活学生朗读欲望。朗读是一种较为简单的语言输出, 学生较为容易模仿, 可以降低中等以下水平学生的表达焦虑。正确的语音、语调及语感的形成都是以“听”为起点的。在日常的教学中提前和学生进行“预约”, 做好“听”的工作。如:将“静听”和“模仿”相结合, 引导学生在每节课前有目的地用好音频资源, 为正确的读和说提供保障。同时, 为学生创造朗读、展示的机会。让学生在每节课前朗读一段自己最拿手的内容, 评出“朗读之星”。极大地调动了学生的兴趣, 学生们渐入朗读佳境, 主动完成“口语”作业。趁着他们兴趣高涨, 我加大了语言输入的量, 学生在不知不觉中了“计”, 连平时不敢开口的学生也愿意绘声绘色地读上一段, 激活了学生“开口”的欲望。
(2) 有效指导——提高学生“预约朗读”水平。在教学实践中将主动权交还给学生, 在学生明确朗读的一些基本要求后。仍以预约的方式, 采用让学生个人与小组相结合的方法进行。让学生反复听规范的录音材料, 逐句模仿跟读, 并在小组中交流, 评价、改进后, 再集体交流, 进行“最佳团队”的评比。与此同时, 让学生自己录制课文录音, 课堂上播放后, 引导学生自己发现问题并改进, 培养学生自主学习的能力。经实践后, 再对学生进行口语测试, 发现学生树立了信心, 乐于开口说, 且有接近87%的学生能够做到语音、语调正确、流畅, 较之前有了较大幅度的提高。
2.立足良好语感 (language sense) 培养, 提高口语自主表达的质量。语感即语言的感受力, 是学习、发展、运用语言的的最根本基础。语感则是左右听、说、读、写等活动质量和效率的杠杆。语音感又是其中最为基础的, 大力培养学生的语音感至关重要。学生必须经过大量的有声语言的实践的洗礼, 方能有所感。
(1) 在日常的教学中让学生通过反复听录音或教师的范读, 初步建立语感。结合每节课常规的Daily report或者Title为学生创造性的发展、运用语言提供了可能。起初, Title只是为优秀学生提供了展示的舞台。此时我抓住机会大力表扬, 并让他们通过寻找“搭档”的方式带动一些不敢开口的学生, 充分发挥榜样的作用。慢慢地一些平时不愿意张口的孩子也自觉悄悄地加入到队伍之中来, 对于这些孩子哪怕只是“零星”的几句话, 也能够得到大家的掌声, 在这种良性的循环中, Title已经成为孩子们英语课上特有的“秀场”了, 自主口头表达的内丰富多样。
(2) 小学生好奇心强, 思维活跃, 容易对新鲜事物产生兴趣。将为“动画片配音”引入教学之中, 空前调动了学生参与口语表达的热情。由于动画片语言的难易程度适中, 适合大部分学生, 利于学生掌握英语的连读、弱读以及语音、语调的变化规律, 促使学生的语言输出是面广、量大、质高, 在很大程度上促进了学生语感的形成。经过一段时间的训练, 学生口语表达的水平明显提高。
3.巧“释”语言回避现象 (avoidance) , 提高学生自主口头表达效度。英语作为第二语言, 要学好它需要时间和毅力, 小学生由于年龄较小, 意志力不够坚强, 遇到困难容易退缩。因此在小学生的英语学习中经常出现回避现象。在教学实践中我正视这一现象, 采取有效策略, 帮助学生顺利跨过这一“障碍物”。
(1) 有很大一部分学生, 出现回避现象是因为平时的语言输入量相对贫乏, 或是担心说错出丑, 因而在很大程度上影响了孩子自主表达的积极性。针对这情况我及时采取有效的心理疏导, 鼓励其敢于开口, 在同学们赞许的目光中和热烈的掌声下, 体验到了成功带给他的巨大喜悦。就这样由一次次成功的“量”的积累, 终于发生了表达的“质”的飞跃。在后来的活动中, 虽然他的口语表达水平在班级不是最棒, 但在遇到较难的语言点不再采取回避态度, 而是主动发问。
(2) 由于缺乏英语语言环境, 缺少语言交流的机会, 对一些语言内容, 在运用时由于不熟练而回避使用。根据这一实际情况, 采用了“内外兼治”的策略:在课堂教学中注重情景的创设, 让学生能够“有话想说、有话可说”, 最大范围的运用语言材料进行交际。在课后成立英语角, 定期组织学生进行“Topic”活动, 引导学生使用有可能回避的语言知识, 作到有的放矢, 有效“冰释”学生的回避现象, 学生自主口语表达的效度大大提高。
英文表达 篇7
Peptic ulcer(PU)is a common clinical disease.The incidence rate of peptic ulcer increased in the past 21 years[1].One of the major problems concerning gastroduodenal ulcer disease is that although the healing rates with H2antagonists and the proton pump inhibitor omeprazole are about 80%~100%after a 4~8-week therapy,the recurrence of ulcer within 1 year after stopping the treatment is between 40%~80%in most of the studies.And Helicobacter pylori(HP)eradication ameliorates symptoms and improves the quality of life of the patients,yet none of them can avoid the ulcer relapse[2].
The repair of gastric ulcers requires the reconstitution of epithelial structures and the underlying connective tissue,including vessels and muscle layers.This complex sequence of events requires a high degree of coordination between different cell types and is regulated by several factors.Among them,some growth factors such as vascular endothelial growth factor(VEGF)and platelet derived growth factor(PDGF)have received much attention in recent years because they play a pivotal role in gastric ulcer repair[3].MUC5AC is the main mucin which is the important mucosa defend factor.Previous studies including experimental and clinical studies indicated that Chinese medicine Jianweiyuyang Granules(JWYY)accelerates ulcer healing,improves scar quality,and prevents ulcer recurrence[4].However,the mechanisms responsible for the actions of the medicine are not fully elucidated.In this study,we demonstrated the specific expression of PDGF and MUC5AC at the gastric ulcer margin,using reverse-transcription polymerase chain reaction(RT-PCR)and Western blotting.The aim of this study was to determine whether JWYY can accelerate ulcer healing through enhance the expression of PDGF and MUC5AC.
1 Materials and methods
1.1 Materials
1.1.1 Animals and ulcer induction
90 SpragueDawley rats,half male and half female,weighing 180to 220 g,were used in the experiments.All the rats were obtained from Animal Centre of Xiangya Medical college,Central South University.The rats were kept individually in wire-bottom cages with free access to a standard rat diet and water.The animal rooms were illuminated on 12-hour light-dark cycles.Room temperature was kept at 18 to 22℃and humidity at 60%to 70%.Rats underwent laparotomy under pentobarbital anesthesia.
90 rats were divided into 6 groups which were normal group,sham operation group,ulcer model group,ulcer recurrence group,Ranitidine group,JWYY group.Gastric ulcers were induced by modification of the method described by Okabe acetic acid method[4].Control rats underwent similar procedures except application of acetic acid(sham operation).
Rats with healed ulcers were subjected to experiments on induction of ulcer recurrence.Rats in normal group,sham operation group and ulcer group were killed without treatment with interleukin 1β(IL-1β)and underwent measurement of PDGF and MUC5AC.1μg/kg recombinant human IL-1βdiluted to 1 mL with isotonic saline was injected intraperitoneally to the remaining animals to induce to the ulcer recurrence model by Watanabee method[5].
1.1.2 Treatment
JWYY group was treated with JWYY granules,0.162 g/(mL·100 g)rat a day;Ranitidine control group was treated with Ranitine 5.4 mg/(mL·100 g)rat a day.Other groups were treated with distilled water.
1.1.3 Medicine and reagents
JWYY granules were purchased from Hunan Xiangya Pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd(No:Z10960018).Ranitidine capsule(purity 98%)was from Hangzhou Sanofi-Synthélabo Minsheng Pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd(No:H33021741).Trizol reagent was from GIBCO BRL Co.,Ltd(MRI,USA).FactorⅧantibody,revert Aid TM first strand cDNA synthesis kit and marker were provided by Fermentas Life Sciences Co.(MBI,Lithuania).DEPC was from Sigma Co.(St.Louis,USA).SABC kit and DAB kit were from Wuhan Boster Biotechnology Co.,Ltd.Western blotting chemiluminescence reagent was from Pierce Co.,Ltd.
1.1.4 Equipments
PCR machine(Perkin ElmerCompany),high speed centrifuge(Beckman company,USA),ultra deep-freeze equipment(Sanyo Company,Japan),computerized video gel imaging system(Shanghai Tianlong Company,P.R.China)
1.2 Methods
Rats were killed on the 7thday or the 92ndday after they accepted the treatment or feed,and the stomach wall was taken out.One part of stomach wall was put into 4%formaldehyde polymerisatum for 1 hour to examine for ulcer index.Then the other part of stomach wall was embedded into the paraffin wax for HE Staining.Gastric ulcer margin tissues were removed separately for MVD,PDGF and MUC5AC measurements.Stained sections were screened at low power field,and five areas with the most intense neovascularization were selected.
1.2.1 Determination of MVD
The consecutive 5-μm sections were cut and mounted onto glass slides.Sections were stained with HE.The microvessels were examined using immunohistochemistry method with an anti-Ⅷmouse monoclonal antibody with a dilution of1∶80.Negative controls were detected by PBS substitution for the primary antibodies.All the procedures were carried out according to the manufacture′s instruction.
The stained sections were screened under low power,and five areas with the most intense neovascularization were selected.Microvessel counting of these areas was performed at the ulcer margin(×400).Any brown-stained endothelial cell or endothelial cell cluster was counted as a vessel.Vascular counts of each case were calculated.The mean microvessel count of the five richest vascular areas was taken as MVD.
1.2.2 Determination of PDGF mRNA and MUC5AC mRNA expression by reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction(RT-PCR)
RNA was isolated from gastric biopsy samples using Trizol reagent according to the manufacturer′s instructions.
RT-PCR was performed as the manufacturer′s instructions too.The following reaction mixture was prepared in a tube on ice:Total RNA 2μL,oligo(dT)18(0.5μg/μL)1μL,ddH2O 9μL.It was mixed gently and spinned down for 3~5 seconds in a microcentrifuge.The mixture was incubated at 70℃for 5 minutes and chilled on ice and drops were collected through brief centrifugation.5 x buffer 4μL,10 mM dNTP 2μL,Rnasin 1μL(20 u)were added at 37℃for 5 min;M-MuLV reverse transcriptase 1μL(200u/μL)was added and put at 42℃for 60 min,and the reaction was stopped by heating at 70℃for 10 min.The first strand cDNA synthesized was chilled on ice and stored at-20℃.
The specific primers were designed by software primer Premier 5.0 and purchased from Shanghai DNA Biotechnologies Corporation Ltd.The primers for PDGF were:5′-GAT CCG CTC CTT TGA TGA TC-3′(sense),5′-GTC TCA CAC TTG CAT GCC AG-3′(antisense),and the size of the amplified fragment conserved in all of the variant spliced forms was 435 bp.PCR forβ-actin was used as a positive control and as an internal standard.The primers for MUC5AC were 5′-CAC CGG CCT CAC CCG ACG CCC ACC-3′(Sense),5′-GAT GGG GCC GGC CTC CCG GAG AGC-3′(Antisense)and the fragment length is 437bp.The primers forβ-actin were:5′-ATT GGC AAT GAG CGG TTC CGC-3′(sense),5′-CTC CTG CTT GCT GAT CCA CATC-3′(antisense),and the fragment length is 336 bp.The polymerase chain reaction(PCR)was carried out in a final volume of 25μL reaction mixture containing ddH2O 9.5μL,10 x buffer2.5μL,MgCl21.5μL,10 mM dNTP 0.5μL,PDGF or MUC5AC primer 4μL,β-actin primer 4μL,Taq DNA polymerase(1.5 u)0.5μL,cDNA 2.5μL.The final concentration of each primer is 0.1μM.
PDGF reaction condition:initial denaturation at95℃for 5 minutes,denaturation at 94℃for 45 seconds,annealing at 56℃for 45 seconds,extending at72℃for 60 seconds,30 cycles,and extending at 72℃for 10 minutes in the end.MUC5AC reaction condition:initial denaturation at 95℃for 5 minutes,denaturation at 95℃for 45 seconds,annealing at 55℃for30 seconds,extending at 72℃for 60 seconds,30 cycles,and extending at 72℃for 5 minutes in the end.Negative reaction mixture had no cDNA.PCR products were separated on 1.5%agarose gel in 1X TBE buffer,after which the gel was stained with ethidium bromide(0.5μg/mL).For the quantitative assessment of the PCR products,a computerized video analysis system was used.The results are expressed as the PDGF/β-actin ratio or MUC5AC/β-actin ratio.
1.2.3 Determination of PDGF by Western blot-ting
Gastric biopsy sample was sheared and put into a homogenizer and lysate 1 mL and PMSF 10 uL was put into it.The sample mixture was centrifuge 30 seconds under 12 500 rpm/min.Tissue lysate including Tris-HCl 20 mM(PH:7.4),NaCl 10 mM,EDTA 1m M,MgCl21 mM,β-ME 1 mM and NT-40 1%。
Concentration of protein was determined by lowing method.Proteinum equation is that Y=0.0354X+0.0217.X is the Concentration of sample protein(μg/mL),and Y is the OD of Concentration of sample protein.
NC membrane was transferred according to Molecular Cloning Techniques Guide method[6].Band Leader computerized video analysis system was used for the determination of OD of concentration of sample protein.
1.3 Statistical analysis
Results were expressed as the mean±SD.Student′s t-test was used to determine statistical significance of differences between two treatment groups.Comparisons of data between multiple groups were performed with analysis of variance followed by F-test.Statistical software SPSS11.0 was used in this study.
2 Results
2.1 Ulcer recurrence
In normal and sham operate rats after receiving IL-1β,no ulcers were detected on macroscopic examination.Nine of 10 rats in the model recurrence group had relapsed.In contrast,only 1 of 10 in the model group after receiving no IL-1βtreatment,8 of10 in Ranitidine group and 3 of 10 in the JWYY group had relapsed.See table 1.
Note:1)compared with model group,P<0.01;2)compared with model group,P<0.05;3)compared with model group,P<0.01;4)compared with Ranitidine group,P<0.05;5)compared with model recurrence group,P>0.05;6)compared with Ranitidinegroup,P<0.01
2.2 Effect of JWYY on MVD
As shown in Table 2,MVD in the normal and sham operation groups were relatively low.MVD in the model group was increased compared with normal group,and MVD in the JWYY group was significantly increased versus other groups.
Note:1)P<0.01,vs the normal and sham operation groups;2)P<0.05,vs the model group;3)P<0.01,vs the model group;4)P<0.01,vs ranitidine group
2.3 Purity of RNA
A260/A280 of RNA measured by the spectrophotometer was between 1.807 to 1.913,which meant RNA had high purity.
2.4 Expression of PDGF mRNA
PDGF mRNA had low or no expression in normal and sham operation groups.And it was enhanced in other groups on the 7thday.JWYY could enhance the expression of PDGF mRNA.See Table 3.
Note:1)compared with normal and sham operate groups,P<0.01;2)compared with model group,P<0.01;3)compared with Ranitidine group,P<0.01;4)compared itself at the 7 day,P<0.01;5)compared itself at the 7 day,P>0.01
The result in black figure was considered as the result of model recurrence group as well as the model group.
2.5 Expression of MUC5AC mRNA
MUC5AC mRNA decreased in model group,Jianweiyuyang group and Ranitidine group on the 7th day while the expression of MUC5AC mRNA in Jianweiyuyang group and Ranitidine group was higher than that in model group.The expression of MUC5AC mRNA in model recurrence group decreased while JWYY enhanced the expression of MUC5AC mRNA.See Table 4.
Note:1)P<0.05,compared with JWYY group;2)P<0.01,compared with JWYY group;3)P<0.01,compared with model group;4)P<0.01,compared with model recurrence group;5)P<0.05,compared with model group;6)P<0.01,compared with model group
2.6 Expression of PDGF protein
PDGF had low or no expression in normal and sham operation groups.And it was enhanced in other groups on the 7 day.JWYY could enhance the expression of PDGF mRNA.See Table 5.
Note:1)P<0.05,compared with JWYY group;2)P<0.01,compared with JWYY group;3)P<0.01,compared with model group;4)P<0.01,compared with model recurrence group;5)P<0.05,compared with model group;6)P<0.01,compared with model group
2.7 Correlation analysis of MVD and PDGF mR-NA
Pearson coefficient of correlation between MVD and PDGF mRNA on GU rat is 0.878(P<0.01)through correlation analysis.It means there was line correlativity between MVD and PDGF mRNA on GU rat.
3 Discussion
IL-1βis secreted by monocytes,macrophages and other inflammatory cells.It can cause acute damage of gastric mucosa.Recently,Watanabe et al.have developed a rat model of gastric ulcer recurrence induced by IL-1βand the pathologic characterization is very similar to that of the human chronic gastric ulcer[5].
In this experiment,we observed gastric ulcer in all the rats after they received from operation by Okabe′s method.Nine of ten healed ulcers in the group treated with IL-1βrelapsed in the model recurrence group.In contrast,only one of ten relapsed in the model group and no ulcer was observed in the normal and sham operation groups.Taken together,this model of ulcer recurrence was very successful.
The repair of gastric ulcers is a complicated process.It is associated with the reconstitution of epithelial structures and the underlying connective tissue,including vessels and muscle layers.It has been reported that the recurrence of ulcer is associated with the quality of ulcer healing(QOUH),which is related to angiogenesis.Some studies have shown that several growth factors and their receptors are involved in ulcer healing process.All these events are controlled by the cytokines and growth factors(EGF,PDGF,KGF,HGF,TGF-beta,VEGF,angiopoietins)and transcription factors activated by tissue injury in spatially and temporally coordinated manner[7].Of those,PDGF has received considerable attention,since it is considered to be the factor that specifically acts on endothelial cells.The delay of ulcer healing and the poor QOUH may result from lower expression or absence of some growth factors and their receptors[8].
In this experiment,our results showed that JWYY enhances the expression of PDGF and MUC5AC in the gastric ulcer in rats.PDGF is a peptide which is generated by blood platelet and activated macrophages.Recently experiments suggested that PDGF might play a key role in mucosal protection and repair.It might contribute to the development of the angiogenic response together with other growth factors.The recent research findings indicate that the gene therapy with either VEGF or PDGF may be a rapid approach to achieve duodenal ulcer healing[9].The main mucosa distribution on the gastro-intestine is mucin which has protection and lubrication function.MUC5AC is a kind of mucin glycoprotein participating in renovation and differentiation of epithelium and adjusting cell adhesion.MUC5AC also participates in cell signal conduction and has important effect on defence of gastrointestinal mucosa and the reparative process after the barrier is injured[10,11].
JWYY enhanced the expression of PDGF mRNA by stimulation of angiogenesis in the human gastric mucosa in our study.As a result,it improved the quality of ulcer healing,accelerated the healing of ulcer and prevented its recurrence.
JWYY granules consist of Chinese thorowax root,pilose asiabell root,white peony root,corydalis tuber,common bletilla tuber,natural indigo,pearl powder and liquorice root.It can soothe the liver and strengthen the spleen,it has anti-spasm and pain-relieving effects,and can stop bleeding,and regenerate muscle,and disperse the visceral heat.Previously,we demonstrated that JWYY accelerated the healing of acetic acid induced gastric ulcer in rats and had good effect in the peptic ulcer patients with stagnation of liver Qi and deficiency of spleen Qi syndrome or inharmonic liver and gastric syndrome.At the same time,it could prevent ulcer recurrence[4,12].
Previous studies indicated that the Chinese traditional medicine Jianweiyuyang granules(JWYY)can stimulate angiogenesis and enhance the expression of some growth factors(VEGF mRNA,TGF-β1 mRNA)in gastric ulcer rats[13,14].In this experiment,our results showed that JWYY enhances the expression of PDGF and MUC5AC in the gastric ulcer of rats.This may be the mechanism by which JWYY enhances the expression of protective factors(PDGF and MUC5AC),promotes capillary anagenesis and increases the thickness of gastric mucous gel layer,improves the quality of ulcer healing,and prevents its recurrence in the treatment of peptic ulcer.
摘要:目的观察健胃愈疡颗粒(jianweiyuyang granules,JWYY)对复发胃溃疡大鼠胃粘膜组织中PDGF、MUC5AC表达的影响及抗复发机制研究。方法腹腔注射IL-1β制作胃溃疡复发模型。运用RT-PCR、Western blotting方法检测胃溃疡复发大鼠PDGF、胃黏膜黏蛋白5AC(MUC5AC)表达的变化。结果健胃愈疡颗粒能明显升高PDGF、MUC5AC的表达水平,且模型组PDGF、MUC5AC的表达水平明显高于对照组(P<0.01)。结论健胃愈疡颗粒通过增高PDGF、MUC5AC的表达,促进血管生成,增加粘膜粘液凝胶厚度,提高溃疡愈合质量,降低IL-1β所致的大鼠胃溃疡复发率,这是JWYY抗消化性溃疡复发的机制之一。
英文表达 篇8
【关键词】英文商务信函 模糊表达式 关联翻译理论
2.模糊表达式的国内研究现状。1979年,北师大伍铁平教授,在Foreign Language上发表论文“模糊语言初探”中最早运用模糊理论对语言模糊性进行研究,并于1998年将该篇文章收录于他的著作《模糊语言学》一书,开创了我国模糊语言学的先河,标志着模糊语言学在中国的诞生。1990年,何自然发表论文“浅论语用含糊”,在其论文中提出语用含糊这一概念,指出在语用中,话语的命题是非离散型的。
1.直译法。例1:Favorably impressed with the fine quality of our products and the reasonable price, many customers have kept placing substantial orders with us.
例1中存在模糊的表达,Favorably impressed,fine quality,reasonable price,many和substantial orders,这几种模糊的表达分别译成留下了良好印象,质地优良,价格合理,许多和大量订货。译者采用这种翻译方法,更符合中国人的语言表达习惯,认为该价格可能会低于其他供货商的价格。
2.增译法。例2:As compared with rival makes, your product is better.
3.省译法。例3:Our cost of raw materials has risen sharply in the past three months and it is impossible for us to reduce the price by 20% as you requested.
例3中存在模糊表达as you requested,译者将“如你方要求”直接省略,不仅符合英文商务信函语言简洁的这一特点,且不影响收信人领会发件人的表达意图。
[2]姜望琪.语用学——理论及应用[M].北京:北京大学出版社, 2000.