


模拟试卷 篇1

PartⅠWriting (30 minutes)

Directions:For this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled PayingKids for Chores?You should write at least 120 words according to the outline given below.




Paying Kids for Chores?

PartⅡReading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning)(15 minutes)

Directions:In this part,you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answerthe questions.For questions 1-7,choose the best answer from the four choices marked A),B),C)and D).For questions 8-10,complete the sentences with the information given in the passage.

Universities Must Deal Better with Complaints

With student complaints at a record high,universities will have to raise their game once tu-ition fees rise.

Two universities that have broken official rules for dealing with student complaints are namedtoday in the independent adjudicator's(仲裁人的) annual report.The two,Southampton and Westminster,are the first to be exposed in this way—yet another sign of the new era in which universities are expected to be more accountable (负责的) to students who expect to be treated as customers.

The Office of the Independent Adjudicator (OIA),which reviews complaints when students haveexhausted their university's procedures,also reports a record rise in the number of cases.Last year the office received 1,341 complaints against universities in England and Wales,the highest number ever and an unprecedented(空前的) rise of one-third on the year before.

As the adjudicator himself,Rob Behrens,points out,1,341 complaints represents just 0.05%of higher education students,and 53%of those were not justified.But,he also observes,the proportion of justified and partly justified complaints has grown for the first time in several years.He predicts the increase in complaints will continue."It's to be expected where you have rising tuition fees,where students are being invited to behave like consumers and where the labour market is difficult so students will do what they can to ensure they qualify."

He says his decision to expose the universities of Southampton and Westminster is not"nam-ing and shaming,with all the associations of moral censure that term implies".He was,he explains,simply following OIA rules—something those two institutions failed to do.

Westminster fell short in its handling of two complaints.One was from a student who argueda disability hadn't been properly taken into account.The adjudicator agreed.The other student claimed that an exam question and its marking scheme had been unreasonable.In both cases the university broke the rules by failing to resolve the cases,as recommended,promptly and in full.

At Southampton University,four months after the OIA concluded that an undergraduate had ajustified complaint about their experience on a placement,the university continued to oppose the decision and was refusing compensation.

In a second case,the university also failed to comply with the adjudicator's decision.And ina third one,although the complaint turned out to be unjustified,for 10 months the university delayed the investigation by failing to provide evidence despite the adjudicator's repeated reminders.

At both universities,it was only after the adjudicator involved the vice-chancellors (大学副校长) that the complaints began to be resolved.

Behrens is pleased the relationships between his office and both universities are now muchmore positive."As the government places more emphasis on the student experience,complaints have an important role in safeguarding that,"he says."Universities must see complaints as feedback to become more professional."

Both Southampton and Westminster universities want to charge undergraduates annual fees of£9,000.There is an expectation,not only from ministers,but importantly from students and their families,too,that all universities wishing to increase charges will move to increase student satisfaction as well.

Before making an investment of£27,000,for example,each student will ask,"Is this good val-ue?Is the teaching good?Is this the best route to a successful career?"

Universities are being encouraged,some may say pressurised,to become more transparent andaccountable in a number of ways.

The government is urging all universities to publish a student charter,a sort of statement ofterms and conditions to remind students of their responsibilities and their rights.Universities are also expected to publish"key information sets"by September 2012.These will enable students to shop around by providing the same 17 pieces of information about each institution,including,for example,the proportion of"contact"time and group work,and the careers and starting salaries of previous graduates.

The OIA is already looking at creative ways to cope with both limited resources and likelyfurther rises in student complaints.Settling more disputes by phone is one option;helping universities to install an independent ombudsman (巡视员) on each campus—an idea borrowed from the Netherlands and the US—is another.

The question is,are UK universities well prepared for the new consumer culture where thedeal is if you pay more,you expect more,and if you feel you're not getting it,you'll complain?

The question is particularly pertinent for the universities of Southampton and Westminster onthe day they are exposed for dragging their feet with a legally established adjudicator.Both vicechancellors were unavailable for interview.

In a statement,Professor Debra Humphris,Southampton's pro-vice-chancellor,education,saidthe vast majority of the small number of student complaints are dealt with swiftly,described the dialogue with the OIA as"constructive and supportive"and said that an improved complaints procedure will be in place this autumn.

In a more defiant statement,Professor Geoffrey Petts,vice-chancellor at Westminster,points outthat the university is working with the OIA towards compliance with its recommendations:"The University of Westminster was disappointed to have been cited in the OIA report.The university has robust procedures for handling the very small number of formal complaints which it receives from stude nts.”

Aaron Porter,the president of the National Union of Students,has welcomed the new step ofnaming universities that don't fully co-operate with the adjudicator."In an environment where students are paying higher fees and will therefore raise expectations,they need to know which institutions stic.k to the rules."

He also makes this warning:"Faced with increasing competition to recruit students,many uni-versities are being tempted to make grander and grander claims.They need to improve their offer,but they need to be honest in what they promise."

The advice is echoed by Steve Smith,president of Universities UK and vice-chancellor of theUniversity of Exeter.He sees,in the adjudicator's annual report,a sector getting to grips with a new world where students are more demanding and will make sure universities correctly follow procedures."It is vital that institutions are honest and transparent about what students can expect from their courses.In an age of marketing,don't oversell.Any institution will have to make sure they do what they say.”

1.Southampton and Westminster's being named shows that______.

A) the independent adjudicator is quite impartial

B) the two universities have a very bad reputation

C) universities are expected to be more responsible

D) college students are treated with much respect now

2.What is said about last year's complaints against universities in England and Wales?

A) Few of them turned out to be completely justified.

B) They were much less than those on the year before

C) Most of the complaints were exposed in the report.

D) The number of the complaints reached a record high.

3.According to Rob Behrens,the increase in complaints is likely to continue as long as______.

A) we are living in a customer culture B) universities increase tuition fees

C) students have to pay their tuition fees D) the level of unemployment keeps rising

4.When a student complained about an exam question,the University of Westminster______.

A) deliberately delayed the investigation B) didn't deal with the complaint swiftly

C) modified the marking scheme promptly D) handled the case following official rules

5.Behrens believes that complaints play an important role in______.

A) safeguarding the student experience

B) protecting the interests of universities

C) enhancing customers'shopping experience

D) improving government employees'service

6.Students and their families expect that universities wanting more tuition fees will______.

A) offer more part-time jobs B) lower entrance requirements

C) increase student satisfaction D) invest more in teaching facilities

7.For the OIA,to resolve more complaints with limited resources,one option is to______.

A) urge universities to simplify their procedures

B) use the telephone to deal with the complaints

C) cooperate with officials from other countries

D) send an independent ombudsman to each school

8.According to Professor Debra Humphris,the University of Southampton will be ready to use______this autumn.

9.Aaron Porter warns that universities should not only______butalso be frank in their offer.

10.Steve Smith,president of Universities UK,understands that we have entered a new era wherestudents become more______.

PartⅢListening Comprehension (35 minutes)

Section A

Directions:In this section,you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations.Atthe end of each conversation,one or more questions will be asked about what was said.Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once.After each question there will be a pause.During the pause,you must read the four choices marked A),B),C) and D),and decide which is the best answer.

11.A) He fell ill on the jet plane.B) He has been working too hard.

C) He went to bed too late last night.D) He hasn't adapted to the new time yet.

12.A) The man doesn't have a strong enough will.

B) The man loves horror films.

C) The man will see the film anyway.

D) The man studied for the whole night last night.

13.A) Not to worry about the ticket.B) Buy a ticket at a higher price.

C) Book an air ticket in advance.D) Wait for others to cancel their booking.

14.A) The young man had some unusual problems.

B) The problem is common for young people.

C) It's not common for young men to leave home.

D) It was a problem for John when he left home.

15.A) The man will have no choices left.

B) The man had better go there quickly.

C) The man should go when he has spare time.

D) The books are a bit scratched and are of poor quality.

16.A) She can't afford the time for the trip.

B) She will manage to leave this month.

C) She has to change the time for the trip.

D) She hasn't decided where to go next month.

17.A) It is located near a large residential area.

B) It is open around-the-clock on weekends.

C) It is the same as other banks in any way.

D) It provides convenience and quality service.

18.A) He will go to see a doctor about his coughing.

B) He has had a heart attack because of smoking.

C) He is coughing because of too much smoking.

D) He has a serious lung disease and heart attack already.

Questions 19 to 22 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

19.A) Go to summer school.B) Take a vacation.

C) Stay at home.D) Earn some money.

20.A) They hired someone to stay in their home.

B) They left their pets with neighbors.

C) They rented their house to a student.

D) They asked their gardener to watch their home.

21.A) Walking the dog.B) Cutting the grass.

C) Watching the children.D) Feeding the fish.

22.A) They attend a house-sitter's party.

B) They check a house-sitter's references.

C) They interview a house-sitter's friends.

D) They look at a house-sitter's transcripts.

Questions 23 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

23.A) Writing reports for them.

B) Teaching them foreign languages.

C) Helping them deal with daily existence.

D) Introducing work for them.

24.A) They don't have support networks.

B) They cannot cope with the difficulties in their lives.

C) The woman is famous for helping others.

D) People from their nationality refuse to help them.

25.A) They were surprised at the flavors.

B) They could find food they know and love.

C) There was at least one Chinese restaurant in every China town.

D) Americans have different foods.

Section B

Directions:In this section,you will hear 3 short passages.At the end of each passage,youwill hear some questions.Both the passage and questions will be spoken only once.After you hear a question,you must choose the best answer from the four choicesmarked A),B),C) and D).Passage One

Questions 26 to 29 are based on the passage you have just heard.

26.A) To do some research.B) To support his family.

C) To pay for his college education.D) To help his partner expand business.

27.A) It stood at an unfavorable place.

B) It lowered the prices to promote sales.

C) It lacked control over the quality of sandwiches.

D) It made no profits due to poor management.

28.A) They had enough money to do it.

B) They had succeeded in their business.

C) They wanted to make others believe that they were successful.

D) They wished to meet the increasing demand of customers.

29.A) Learning by trial and error.B) Making friends with suppliers.

C) Finding a good partner.D) Opening chain stores.

Passage Two

Questions 30 to 32 are based on the passage you have just heard.

30.A) To exchange ideas.B) To prove their value.

C) To achieve success in life.D) To overcome their fear of silence.

31.A) About whatever they have prepared.B) About whatever they want to do.

C) About learning something new.D) About getting on well.

32.A) To explain why people keep talking.

B) To persuade people to stop making noises.

C) To encourage people to join in conversations.

D) To discuss why people like talking about weather.

Passage Three

Questions 33 to 35 are based on the passage you have just heard.

33.A) Bettering his way of life.

B) Improving his surroundings.

C) Modifying the face of the planet.

D) Altering the physical features of the earth.

34.A) When the ecological balance of the river is lost.

B) When people consume more fish than they used to.

C) When large numbers of algae,fish and birds are killed.

D) When the production of marine petroleum is increased.

35.A) Ecologists.B) Industrialists.

C) Businessmen.D) Environmentalists.

Section C

Directions:In this section,you will hear a passage three times.When the passage is read forthe first time,you should listen carefully for its general idea.When the passage is read for the second time,you are required to fill in the blanks numbered from 36 to 43 with the exact words you have just heard.For blanks numbered from 44 to 46 you are required to fill in the missing information.For these blanks,you can either use the exact words you have just heard or write down the main points in your own words.Finally,when the passage is read for the third time,you should check what you have written.

Today we are going to practice evaluating the main tool used when addressing groups—the (36)______.There are three main elements that combine to create either a positive or negative(37)______for listeners.They can (38)______in a voice that is pleasing to listen to and can be used effectively,or they can create a voice that doesn't hold the attention,or even worse causes an (39)______reaction.The three elements are volume,pitch and pace.

When talking about volume,keep in mind that a good speaker will adjust to the size of boththe room and the audience.Of course,with an (40)______device like a microphone,the speaker can use a (41)______tone.But speakers should not be (42)______on it.A good speaker can speak loudly without shouting.

The second element—pitch—is related to the highness and lowness of the sounds.High pitchesare for most people more difficult to listen to,so in general,the speaker should use the lower (43)______of the voice.(44)______.

The third element,pace—this is how fast or slow words and sounds are articulated—should al-so be varied.(45)______.Pauses ought to be used to signal transitions or create anticipation.It can be very effective when moving from one topic to another(46)______.

PartⅣReading Comprehension (Reading in Depth)(25 minutes)

Section A

Directions:In this section,there is a passage with ten blanks.You are required to select oneword for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage.Read the passage through carefully before making your choices.Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter.You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once.

Questions 47 to 56 are based on the following passage.

Perhaps like most Americans you have some extra pounds to shed.You may even have tried afad(时尚) diet or two,but found yourself right back where you 47.The key to weight loss is regular 48 activity.And surprisingly,you don't have to give up eating or make the gym your second home to see long-term,49 effects.

Your body needs a certain amount of energy to maintain basic 50 such as breathing,blood circulation and digestion.The energy required to keep your organs functioning is referred to as the resting or basal metabolic rate.Any time you are active,51 energy is required.It isobtained from glycogen(糖原) and fat stored in the blood,liver,and muscles.The key to losing weight is to draw on the fat rather than on the carbohydrate reserves.

Which of the two energy sources you use depends on the intensity and 52 of your activi-ty.The higher the intensity,the more your body will pull from the stored carbohydrates.The lower the intensity,the 53 your body will rely on fat as its fuel.

Aerobic exercise is most 54 for weight loss.When you perform aerobic activities you 55contract large muscle groups such as your legs and arms.Walking,running,rollerblading,swimming,dancing,and jumping jacks are all forms of aerobic activity.Surprisingly,if your aerobic activity is low to moderately intense and of long duration,you will burn more fat than if you had 56 in a short burst of high-intensity exercise.In short,a brisk 30-minute walk will burn fat while a 100-yard sprint will burn glycogen.

Section B

Directions:There are 2 passages in this section.Each passage is followed by some questionsor unfinished state me nts.For each of them there are four choices marked A),B),C) and D).You should decide on the best choice.

Passage One

Questions 57 to 61 are based on the following passage.

The warming of the Arctic is releasing a new wave of banned toxic chemicals that had beentrapped in the ice and cold water,scientists have discovered.

The researchers warn that the amount of the poisons stored in the polar region is unknownand their release could"undermine global efforts to reduce environmental and human exposure to them."

The chemicals leaking out as temperatures rise include DDT,lindane,chlordane,PCBs andHCBs.All of these persistent organic pollutants (Pops) are banned under the 2004 Stockholm Convention.

Pops can cause cancers and birth defects and take a very long time to degrade(降解),mean-ing they can be transported for long distances and accumulate over time.

Over past decades,the low temperatures in the Arctic trapped volatile(易挥发的) Pops in iceand cold water.But scientists in Canada and Norway have now discovered that global warming is freeing the Pops once again.

They examined measurements of Pops in the air between 1993 and 2009 at the Zeppelin re-search station in Svalbaard and Alert weather station in northern Canada.After allowing for the decline in global emissions of Pops,the team showed that the toxic chemicals are being remobilised by rising temperatures and the retreat of the sea ice,which exposes more water to the Sun.For example,air concentrations of PCBs and HCBs have shown a rising trend from about 2004 onwards.

Hayley Hung,a member of Environment Canada and of the team,said its work provided thefirst evidence of the releasing of Pops in the Arctic."But this is the beginning of a story,"she said."The next step is to find out how much is in the Arctic,how much will leak out and how quickly."With the exception of lindane,there was little existing knowledge of the scale of the Pops stored in high latitude(纬度) regions.

The fate of the frozen Pops depends on the speed of warming in the Arctic—it is currentlyheating up much more quickly than lower latitudes—as well as how the chemicals interact with snow and rain.Pops accumulate in fats and are therefore concentrated up the food chain,but Hung cautions that food chains themselves in the Arctic may be altered by climate change.

57.What have the researchers discovered in the Arctic?

A) The ice and cold water in the region contain banned toxic chemicals.

B) Poisons stored in the region are leaking out due to global warming.

C) The amount of toxic chemicals in the region could destroy all mankind.

D) The ecosystem in the region has been changed by rising temperatures.

58.What do we learn about Pops from the passage?

A) They pose a threat to marine life and humans.

B) They are substances that are easily degraded.

C) They can be found only in the polar region.

D) They will decrease in number if moving in the air.

59.By"the toxic chemicals are being remobilised"(Line 3,Para.6),the author means that the Pops______.

A) are taking in the form of ice or water

B) are becoming more and more poisonous

C) are able to move easily and quickly in the water

D) are no longer trapped in the ice and cold water

60.According to Hayley Hung,the scientists need to figure out______.

A) the harm the Pops will do to human beings

B) why the Pops have been trapped in the ice

C) the scale of the Pops stored in the Arctic

D) how to eliminate the banned toxic chemicals

61.What is said about the warming in the Arctic?

A) Human activities have sped it up.

B) It may change the food chains.

C) It is affected by the release of the Pops.D) It happened earlier than other regions.

Passage Two

Questions 62 to 66 are based on the following passage.

If you haven,t heard or seen anything about road rage in the last few months,you've proba-bly been avoiding the media.There have been countless stories about this new and scary phenomenon,considered a type of aggressive driving.If you drive,you have more than likely encountered aggressive driving.

While drunk driving remains a critical problem,the facts about aggressive driving are surely asdisturbing.For instance,according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA),41,907 people died on the highways last year.Of those fatalities,the agency estimates that about two-thirds were caused at least in part by aggressive driving behavior.

Why is this phenomenon occurring more than ever now,and why is it something that seemedalmost nonexistent a few short years ago?Experts have several theories,and all are probably partially correct.One suggestion is sheer overcrowding.In the last decade,the number of cars on the roads has increased by over 11%,and the number of miles driven has increased by 35%.Meanwhile,the number of new road miles has only increased by 1%.That means more cars in the same amount of space;and the problem is magnified in urban areas.

Also,people have less time and more things to do.With people working and trying to fit extrachores and activities into the day,stress levels have never been higher.Stress creates anxiety,which leads to short tempers.These factors,when combined in certain situations,can spell road rage.

You may think you are the last person who would drive aggressively,but you might be sur-prised.For instance,have you ever yelled out loud at a slower driver,honked long and hard at another car,or sped up to keep another driver from passing?If you recognize yourself in any of these situations,watch out!

Whether you are getting angry at other drivers or if another driver is visibly upset with you,there are things you can do to avoid major confrontations.If you are susceptible (受影响的) to road rage,the key is to discharge your emotion in a healthy way.If you are the target of another driver's rage,do everything possible to get away from the other driver safely,including avoiding eye contact and getting out of their way.

62.What do we learn from the first paragraph?

A) The media coined the term"Road Rage"only a few months ago

.B) People have been raged by media reports and want to avoid them.

C) People not interested in the media know little about recent happenings.

D) Road rage has received much media coverage in the last few months.

63.According to NHTSA,last year on the highways______.

A) approximately two thirds of drivers were killed by road rage

B) road rage remained the No.1 killer and took 41,907 people's lives

C) more people were killed by aggressive driving than by drunk driving

D) drunk driving was a problem more serious than aggressive driving

64.Which of the following is not mentioned as a cause of aggressive driving?

A) Drivers'stress and anxiety.B) Rush hour traffic.

C) Increasing number of cars.D) Overcrowded roads.

65.According to the passage,aggressive driving is characterized by______.

A) driving at full speed B) yelling at another driver

C) talking while driving D) sounding the horn when passing

66.The last paragraph is intended to______.

A) tell people how to cope with road rage

B) inform people how aggressive drivers could be

C) tell people how to control themselves when angry

D) warn people against eye contact with another driver

PartⅤCloze (15 minutes)

Directions:There are 20 blanks in the following passage.For each blank there are fourchoices marked A),B),C) and D) on the right side of the paper.You should choose the ONE that best fits into the passage.

Are organically grown foods the best food choices?The advantages claimed for such foods 67 conventionallygrown food products are now being 68.Advocates oforganic foods—a term whose meaning 69 greatly—frequently proclaim that such products are safer andmore nutritious than others.

The growing interest of consumers in the safetyand nutritional quality of the 70 North American dietis a welcome development.71,much of this interest has been sparked by sweeping claims that the foodsupply is unsafe or inadequate in meeting nutritional72.Although most of these claims are not supported by scientific 73,the preponderance (优势) ofwritten material advancing such claims makes it difficult for the general public to distinguish fact74 fiction.As a result,claims that eating a diet consisting entirely of organically grown foods75 or cures disease or provides other benefitsto health have become 76 advertised and form the basis for folklore (民俗).

77 daily the public is surrounded by claimsfor"no aging"diets,new vitamins,and other wonder foods.Many an unfounded report 78 that naturalvitamins are superior 79 synthetic ones,that fertilizedeggs excel unfertilized eggs nutritionally,and the 80.One thing that most organically grown foodproducts seem to have in 81 is that they cost more than conventionally grown foods.But in many82 consumers are misled if they believe thatorganic foods can 83 health and provide better nutritional quality than conventionally grown foods.84 there is a real cause for concern ifconsumers,85 those with limited incomes,distrust the regular food supply and buy merely expensive organic foods 86.

PartⅥTranslation (5 minutes)

Directions:Complete the sentences by translating into English the Chinese given in brackets.

87.______(冒着破产的危险),he invested all his money in this facto-ry.

88.Many people______(理所当然地认为)marriage is the goal of every young woman's inmost thought.

89.It's time______(采取一些有效措施)to solve the pollution prob-lem all over the county.

90.John can not afford a car,______(更不用说房子了).

91.It______(我想起来)he might be interested in the problem we had disucssed.




Possible version 1:

Paying Kids for Chores?

A rising proportion of parents pay their children to do chores around the house nowadays.Forexample,some parents will give their kids allowances if they clean the room,do laundry,set the table,or prepare simple food for the family.

People differ on whether parents should pay their kids for doing housework.Supporters saytying kids'allowances to housework is a good way to teach kids accountability and responsibility.It also helps children learn about money and how it works.But critics of this approach say children should do routine housework for free.The reason is simple:chores are part of a family,and everyone does chores.

Personally,I don't think parents should adopt the pay-for-work view.Paying kids to help outsends the wrong message:they are entitled to freely have everything parents provide for them while the contributions they make to the family have to be paid for.It risks creating teenagers who would worship money and who are likely to drive a hard bargain just to take out the garbage.

Possible version 2:

Paying Kids for Chores?

To foster a love for work and help them become accustomed to it,many Chinese,especiallythose in big cities,pay their only child to do chores at home.Usually the amount of money given to the child depends on the child's age,the family's income and the child's expenses.

People's opinions vary towards this phenomenon.Some people think it's a good idea for par-ents to pay kids to do housework.It motivates children to do more jobs around the house,as paying chores shows them that they have to work in order to get allowances.Others,however,argue that it's improper for parents to take this approach,since paying them makes them lazy.They say many children now refuse to do anything unless there is some kind of compensation.

I'm in the camp that parents should pay their children in return for work done around thehouse.On the one hand,it teaches children that they should work for what they want in life.Onthe other hand,it provides solid lessons and opportunities related to money management.

PartⅡ1.C) 2.D) 3.B) 4.B) 5.A) 6.C) 7.B) 8.an improved complaints procedure9.improve their offer 10.demanding

PartⅢ11.D) 12.A) 13.D) 14.B) 15.B) 16.C) 17.D) 18.C) 19.D) 20.A)21.C) 22.B) 23.C) 24.B) 25.B) 26.C) 27.D) 28.C) 29.A) 30.D) 31.B) 32.A) 33.A) 34.C) 35.B) 36.voice 37.experience 38.result 39.adverse 40.amplifying41.natural 42.dependent 43.registers 44.During a presentation,it's important to vary pitch to some extent in order to maintain interest 45.A slower pace can be used to emphasize important points—note that the time spent not speaking can be very meaningful too 46.because a pause gives the listener time to think about what was just said or even predict what might come next

PartⅣ47.K) 48.F) 49.A) 50.H) 51.B) 52.C) 53.E) 54.D) 55.L) 56.I) 57.B) 58.A) 59.D) 60.C) 61.B) 62.D) 63.C) 64.B) 65.B) 66.A)

PartⅤ67.D) 68.B) 69.A) 70.B) 71.C) 72.A) 73.C) 74.B) 75.A) 76.C) 77.D) 78.B) 79.C) 80.D) 81.A) 82.D) 83.C) 84.B) 85.A) 86.D)

PartⅥ87.At the risk of going bankrupt/Running the risk of going bankrupt

88.take it for granted that

89.(that) some effective measures were taken

90.let alone/not to mention a house

91.occurs to me that


Short Conversations

11.W:You look very sleepy and tired.What's wrong,John?Did you stay up very late last night?

M:Oh,no.Well,you know,I've been here for only a few days.In my home country,it isstill late at night now.I am suffering from jet lag.It's so hard to overcome this.

Q:What does the man mean?

12.M:Hey,I've rented a horror film from the shop near the college.Could you come over andenjoy it with me?

W:You told me last night you're going to study this morning.Your plans are always good enough,yet you rarely carry them out.

Q:What can we infer from the conversation?

13.M:I can't believe I can't get a plane ticket for the summer holiday.I mean,it's only March.

W:Well,you know I wouldn't worry about it too much.People cancel their reservations allthe time.

Q:What does the woman suggest the man do?

14.W:John's room was in a mess.It seemed that he had never cleaned it.

M:This problem is not uncommon for a young man from home.

Q:What does the man mean?

15.M:I think I'll get my second-hand books at the Student Union this year.So many of the books we are using are the same print.

W:I hope you're not planning to take your time going there.They are usually snapped up withinthe first week.

Q:What does the woman mean?

16.M:You're going to make a trip to San Francisco,aren't you?

W:Yes.But I haven't got the plane ticket yet.I'm thinking of postponing the trip to next monthsince this is the busiest month for the airlines.

Q:What do we know about the woman from this conversation?

17.W:The bank near the supermarket opens on Sundays,quite different from the other banks in the same street.

M:On Sundays people have time to go there.It is really convenient for people.Besides,theyoffer quite satisfactory service.

Q:What does the man think of the bank?

18.W:Did you go to see the doctor about your cough?

M:The doctor said if I keep smoking it will increase my chance of having a heart attack or,lungdisease.And I am thinking about quitting smoking as the problems seem to be quite serious.

Q:What do we know about the man?

Long Conversation One

M:I really don't know what to do this summer.I can't afford to just sit around,and there don't seem to be any jobs available.

W:Why don't you try house-sitting?Last summer my friend Margaret house-sat for the Dodds when they went away on vacation.Mr.Dodd hired Margaret to stay in their house because he didn't want it left empty.

M:You mean the Dodds paid Margaret just to live in their house?

W:It wasn't that easy.She had to mow the lawn and water the house plants.And when Eric housesat for Dr.Cohen,he had to take care of her pets.

M:House-sitting sounds like a good job.I guess it's a little like baby-sitting—except you're taking care of a house instead of children.

W:The Student Employment Office still has a few jobs posted.

M:Do I just have to fill out an application?

W:Margaret and Eric had to interview with the home owners and provide three references each.

M:That seems like a lot of trouble for a summer job.

W:Well,the home owners want some guarantee that they can trust the house-sitter.You know,they want to make sure you're not the type who'll throw wild parties in their house,or move a group of friends in with you.

M:House-sitters who do that sort of thing probably aren't paid then.

W:Usually they're paid anyway just because the home owners don't want to make a fuss.But if the home owner reported it,then the house-sitter wouldn't be able to get another job.So why don't you apply?

M:Yeah,I think I will.

Questions 19 to 22 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

Q19.What does the man want to do this summer?

Q20.What did the Dodds do when they went away last summer?

Q21.What is one responsibility the house-sitter probably wouldn't have?

Q22.How do home owners determine the reliability of a house-sitter?

Long Conversation Two

M:So,you must have a lot of contact with overseas students in your work helping people coping with daily existence.

W:Sometimes.You know the life of a social worker is not all wonderful and working to help people in their daily life.I have to spend a lot of time pushing paper,and writing reports too.But when I do get out,yeah,I see a lot of foreigners.And sometimes they come in because life in A merica has just beaten them down and they can't cope financially or emotionally.

M:Really?I would think that they had a good support network in place,especially university students.

W:They do have a network,and a variety of support groups,but these can't meet all of the students'needs.They can't help with paying bills,dealing with American neighbors and customs,fitting in,getting a driver's license,etc.They try,but very often the student has to figure out a lot of this stuff by himself.And if he or she is shy,they don't have the courage to ask other people,even other people from their nationality.people,

M:So what are some of the things that overseas students struggle with?

W:This might interest you,but they struggle with the food,especially Chinese.You know,they come here knowing that Americans love Chinese food so much.They think that there will be good restaurants with Chinese food that they love.But they get here and they are extremely surprised.Americans enjoy totally different flavors.

M:So what do they do?

W:If they're brave and curious,they look around and test all the restaurants.There is usually at least one restaurant in every town that has almost quality food.

Questions 23 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

Q23.In which aspect does the woman help people in her work?

Q24.Why do people come to the woman for help?

Q25.How did Chinese students expect the American-made Chinese food before they came to the US?

Passage One

It was the summer of 1965.DeLuca,then 17,visited Peter Buck,a family friend.Buck askedDeLuca about his plans for the future."I'm going to college,but I need a way to pay for it,"DeLuca recalls saying."Buck said,you should open a sandwich shop."

That afternoon,they agreed to be partners.And they set a goal:to open 32 stores in tenyears.After doing some research,Buck wrote a check for$1,000.DeLuca rented a storefront in Connecticut,and when they couldn't cover their start-up costs,Buck kicked in another$1,000.

But business didn't go smoothly as they expected.DeLuca says,"After six months,we weredoing poorly,but we didn't know how badly,because we didn't have any financial controls."All he and Buck knew was that their sales were lower than their costs.

DeLuca was managing the store and going to the University of Bridgeport at the same time.Buck was working at his day job as a nuclear physicist in New York.They'd meet Monday evenings and brainstorm ideas for keeping the business running."We convinced ourselves to open a second store.We figured we could tell the public,'We are so successful,we are opening a second store.'"And they did—in the spring of 1966.Still,it was a lot of learning by trial and error.

But the partners'learn-as-you-go approach turned out to be their greatest strength.Every Fri-day,DeLuca would drive around and hand-deliver the checks to pay their suppliers."It probably took me two and a half hours and it wasn't necessary,but as a result,the suppliers got to know me very well,and the personal relationships established really helped out,"DeLuca says.

And having a goal was also important."There are so many problems that can get you down.You just have to keep working toward your goal,"DeLuca adds.DeLuca ended up founding Subway Sandwich,the multimillion-dollar restaurant chain.

Questions 26 to 29 are based on the passage you have just heard.

Q26.What was DeLuca's purpose in opening the first sandwich shop?

Q27.What can we learn about DeLuca and Buck's first shop?

Q28.Why did DeLuca and Buck decide to open a second store?

Q29.What contributes most to their success according to the speaker?

Passage Two

Silence is unnatural to man.He begins life with a cry and ends it in stillness.In between hedoes all he can to make a noise in the world,and he fears silence more than anything else.Even his conversation is an attempt to prevent a fearful silence.If he is introduced to another person,and a number of pauses occur in the conversation,he regards himself as a failure.He knows that ninety-nine percent of human conversation means no more than the buzzing of a fly,but he is anxious to join in the buzz and to prove that he is a man and not a waxwork figure.

The aim of conversation is for the most part,to communicate ideas;it is to keep up thebuzzing sound.There are,it must be admitted,different qualities of buzz;there is even a buzz that is as annoying as the continuous noise made by a mosquito.But at a dinner party one would rather be a mosquito than a quiet person.Most buzzing,fortunately,is pleasant to the ear,and some of it is pleasant even to the mind.He would be a foolish man if he waited until he had a wise thought to take part in the buzzing with his neighbors.

Those who hate to pick up the weather as a conversational opening seem to me not to knowthe reason why human beings wish to talk.Very few human beings join in a conversation in the hope of learning anything new.Some of them are content if they are merely allowed to go on making a noise into other people's ears.They have nothing to tell them except that they have seen two or three new plays or that they had food in a Swiss hotel.At the end of an evening,during which they have said nothing meaningful for a long time,they just prove themselves to be successful conversationalists.

Questions 30 to 32 are based on the passage you have just heard.

Q30.What is people's purpose in making conversation according to the speaker?

Q31.What do people usually talk about to their neighbors according to the passage?

Q32.What is the speaker's purpose in giving this speech?

Passage Three

Throughout history man has changed his physical environment in order to improve his way oflife.With the tools of technology he has altered many physical features of the earth.He has transformed wood lands into farmland,and made lakes and reservoirs out of rivers for irrigation purposes or hydroelectric power.Man has also modified the face of the earth by draining marshes and cutting through mountains to build roads and railways.

However,man,s changes to the physical environment have not always had beneficial results.Today,pollution of the air and water is an increasing danger to the health of the planet.Each day thousands of tons of gases come out of the exhausts of motor vehicles;smoke from factories pollutes the air of industrialized areas and the surrounding areas of countryside.The air in cities is becoming increasingly unhealthy.

The pollution of water is equally harmful.In the sea,pollution from oil is increasing and killingenormous numbers of algae (a very simple plant without stems or leaves that grows in or near water),fish and birds.The whole ecological balance of the sea is being changed.The same problem exists in rivers.Industrial wastes have already made many rivers lifeless.

Conservationists believe that it is now necessary for man to limit the growth of technology inorder to survive on earth.

Questions 33 to 35 are based on the passage you have just heard.

Q33.What is the purpose of man changing his physical environment?

Q34.When is the ecological balance of the sea lost?

Q35.Who would most probably disagree with conservationists?

Compound Dictation

Today we are going to practice evaluating the main tool used when addressing groups—thevoice.There are three main elements that combine to create either a positive or negative experience for listeners.They can result in a voice that is pleasing to listen to and can be used effectively,or they can create a voice that doesn't hold the attention,or even worse causes an adverse reaction.The three elements are volume,pitch and pace.

When talking about volume,keep in mind that a good speaker will adjust to the size of boththe room and the audience.Of course,with an amplifying device like a microphone,the speaker can use a natural tone.But speakers should not be dependent on it.A good speaker can speak loudly without shouting.

The second element—pitch—is related to the highness and lowness of the sounds.High pitchesare for most people more difficult to listen to,so in general,the speaker should use the lower registers of the voice.During a presentation,it's important to vary pitch to some extent in order to maintain interest.

The third element,pace—this is how fast or slow words and sounds are articulated—should al-so be varied.A slower pace can be used to emphasize important points—note that the time spent not speaking can be very meaningful too.Pauses ought to be used to signal transitions or create anticipation.It can be very effective when moving from one topic to another because a pause gives the listener time to think about what was just said or even predict what might come next.

模拟试卷 篇2

近年来,精准扶贫战略实施后,慕名来找他的人越来越多,保国帮扶的地方也越来越多,常常开车奔走于各地,帮扶基地的家我们住得少了,在车上的日子越来越多了,一年行程约 4万公里。他开车,我坐在旁边,替他接打电话,安排工作,联系事情。有时看他累了,陪他聊聊天,喝水、吃药、中午 休息,都是在车里。一些常用物品,雨鞋、草帽、衣服、工具包等,把后备箱塞得满满的,车成了我们流动的家。

比较起来,在保定市里的那个家待得最短。20xx 年春节前,我俩回到保定的时候是腊月二十九, 想准备准备年货,第二天过个年三十儿。可是我俩忙得都不知道,今年没有年三十儿,看着家里冰锅冷灶啥也没有,我心里一阵难受。最后,还是我们亲家打来电话,让我们去他们那里过了个除夕。我想初一总不能还在人家过吧,就张罗着去买点肉馅想包顿饺子,可是附近卖菜卖肉的摊贩早就都回家过年去了。


高考数学模拟试卷(十四) 篇3

1. 复数i(1+i)2的模是.

2. 若命题“x∈R,sinx

3. 若“x1”充分不必要条件,则实数a的取值范围是.

4. 以下伪代码:

Read x






PRINT f(x)



5. 为了解某年段1 000名学生的百米成绩情况,随机抽取了若干学生的百米成绩,成绩全部介于13s与18s之间,将成绩按如下方式分成五组:第一组[13,14),第二组[14,15),…,第五组[17,18].按上述分组方法得到的频率分布直方图如图所示,已知图中从左到右的前3个组的频率之比为3∶8∶19,且第二组的频数为8,则调查中随机抽取了个学生的百米成绩.


6. 一个质地均匀的正四面体骰子,四个面上分别标有1,2,3,4这四个数字.抛掷这颗正四面体骰子,其底面落于桌面,观察抛掷后能看到的数字,若抛掷一次,则能看到的三个面上的数字之和大于6的概率是.

7. 矩形ABCD的边AB⊥x轴,且矩形ABCD恰好能完全覆盖函数y=asinax(a>0)的一个完整周期的图象,则当a变化时,矩形ABCD的周长的最小值为.

8. 如图,矩形ABCD内放入了5个单位小正方形,在其中有向量a,b,c,则(a+b)·c=.

9. 若函数f(x)=2x2-lnx在其定义域内的一个子区间内(k-2,k+1)存在极值,则实数k的取值范围是.


10. 如图,双曲线的中心在坐标原点O,A,C分别是双曲线虚轴的上、下顶点,B是双曲线的左顶点,F为双曲线的左焦点,直线AB与FC相交于点D.若双曲线的离心率为2,则cos∠BDF=.

11. 将一个长、宽分别为a,b(0

12. 设等差数列{an}满足:公差d∈N*,an∈N*,且{an}中任意两项之和也是该数列中的一项.若a1=35,则d的所有可能取值之和为.

13. 直角坐标系内的点集A=(x,y)m∈1,2,(x-m)2+y-3m2≤m2,则集合A中的点形成的图形面积为.

14. 函数f(x)=x-x31+2x2+x4的最大值与最小值的乘积是.

二、 解答题(本大题共6小题,共90分.解答时应写出文字说明、证明过程或演算步骤)

15. (本题满分14分)


(1) 设θ∈-π2,π2,且f(θ)=3+1,求θ的值;

(2) 在△ABC中,AB=1,f(C)=3+1,且△ABC的面积为32,求sinA+sinB的值.

16. (本题满分14分)


(1) PA⊥平面EBO;

(2) FG∥平面EBO.

17. (本题满分14分)

请你为某养路处设计一个用于储藏食盐的仓库(供融化高速公路上的积雪之用).它的上部是底面5 m的圆锥,下部是底面圆半径为5 m的圆柱,且该仓库的总高度为5 m.经过预算,制造该仓库的圆锥侧面、圆柱侧面用料的单价分别为400元/m2、100元/m2,问当圆锥的高度为多少时,该仓库的侧面总造价(单位:元)最少?

2010年中考数学模拟试卷 篇4

1.如图, 如果点A、B、C是数轴上的三个不同的点, 分别对应实数a、b、c, 那么下列各式中, 错误的是, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ()

A.a+b<0 B.c-a<0

C.bc<0 D.ab+c<0

2.二次函数y=-x2-2的图象大致是, , , , , , , , , , , , , ()

3.下列命题中, 假命题的是, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ()





4.如图, 已知△ABC的六个元素, 则下面甲、乙、丙三个三角形中和△ABC全等的是, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ()


5.甲、乙两人各随意掷一枚骰子, 如果所得的点数之积为奇数, 那么甲得1分, 如果所得点数之积为偶数, 那么乙得1分.若接连掷100次, 谁的得分总和高谁就获胜, 则获胜可能性较大的是, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ()


6.下图是由一些相同的小正方体构成的几何体的三视图, 在这个几何体中, 小正方体的个数是, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ()

A.7 B.6 C.5 D.4

7.小明用如图所示的胶滚沿从左到右的方向将图案滚涂到墙上, 下列给出的四个图案中, 符合图示胶滚涂出的图案是, , , , , , , , , , , ()

8.如图, 边长为12m的正方形池塘周围是草地, 池塘边A、B、C、D处各有一棵树, 且AB=BC=CD=3m.现用长4m的绳子将一头羊栓在其中的一棵树上, 为了使羊在草地上活动区域的面积最大, 应将绳子拴在, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ()


二、填空题 (本大题共有10小题, 每小题3分, 满分30分)


10.当x=______时, 分式的值为零.

11.我国“杂交稻之父”袁隆平主持研究的某种超级杂交稻平均亩产820千克.某地今年计划栽插这种超级杂交水稻3000亩, 预计今年收获这种杂交水稻的总产量 (用科学记数法表示) 是_______千克.

12.某校组织九年级学生春游, 有m名师生租用45座的大客车若干辆, 共有4个空座位, 那么租用大客车的辆数是________ (用m的代数式表示) .

13.如图, ⊙O为△ABC的外接圆, 且∠A=30°, AB=8cm, BC=5cm, 则点O到AB的距离为_______cm.

14.“五一”期间, 某风景区在1至7号的7天中对每天上山旅游的人数统计如下表:


15.下面的扑克牌中, 牌面是中心对称图形的是_________. (填序号)

16.如图, 在一次军棋比赛中, 如图所示, 团长所在的位置的坐标为 (2, -5) , 司令所在的位置的坐标为 (4, -2) , 那么工兵所在的位置的坐标为_________;

17.扑克牌游戏中, 小明背对小亮, 让小亮按下列四个步骤操作:

第一步分发左、中、右三堆牌, 每堆牌不少于两张, 且各堆牌现有的张数相同;

第二步从左边一堆拿出两张, 放入中间一堆;

第三步从右边一堆拿出一张, 放入中间一堆;

第四步左边一堆有几张牌, 就从中间一堆拿几张牌放入左边一堆.

这时, 小明准确说出了中间一堆牌现有的张数.你认为中间一堆牌现有的张数是_______.

18.如图, 矩形ABCD中, AB=5, AD=2, 点P是AB边上不与A、B重合的点.要使△DPA与△PCB相似 (相似比不为1) , 则AP的长为_________.

三、解答题 (本大题共有10小题, 满分96分)

19. (本题8分) 计算与化简.

(1) -2-4sin60°+.

(2) 先化简, 再求值:, 其中x=-2.

20. (本题8分) 解方程与不等式组:

(1) 解方程 (x-1) 2=2.

(2) 解不等式组

21. (本题8分) 如图, 给出下列论断: (1) AD=BC, (2) DE=CE, (3) ∠1=∠2.请你将其中的任意两个作为条件, 另一个作为结论, 用“若……则……”的形式构成一个真命题.写出各种情况, 并选择一个加以证明.

22. (本题8分) 根据今年参加中考的学生体检情况, 教育局有关部门对这些学生的视力进行了一次抽样调查, 得到频数分布直方图 (如图, 每组数据含最小值, 不含最大值) .

(1) 本次抽查的样本是什么?

(2) 视力正常的学生占被统计人数的百分比是多少? (说明:视力不低于4.9均属正常)

(3) 根据图中提供的信息, 请谈谈你的感想.

23. (本题10分) 现有四张扑克分别为1, 2, 3, 4. (1) 同时从中任取两张, 猜测两数和为奇数的机会; (2) 先从中任取一张, 放回搅匀后再取一张, 猜测两数和为奇数的机会.小明说 (1) (2) 中和为奇数的机会相同;小刚说 (1) (2) 中和为奇数的机会不相同.你认为他们两人中谁的说法正确?说出你的理由.

24. (本题10分) 如图, 地面上有不在同一直线上的A、B、C三点, 一只青蛙位于P点.第一步青蛙从P跳到P关于A的对称点P1, 第二步从P1跳到P1关于B的对称点P2, 第三步从P2跳到P2关于C的对称点P3, 第四步从P3跳到P3关于A的对称点P4, ……, 以下步骤类推.

问: (1) 青蛙能否跳回到原处P?如果能, 请作图并回答至少跳几步回到原处P?

(2) 青蛙跳完第2010步落在地面什么位置?

25. (本题10分) 如图 (1) 所示为一上面无盖的正方体纸盒, 现将其剪开展成平面图, 如图 (2) 所示.已知展开图中每个正方形的边长为1.

(1) 求在该展开图中可画出最长线段的长度?这样的线段可画几条?

(2) 试比较立体图中∠BAC与平面展开图中∠B′A′C′的大小关系? (需有说理过程)

26. (本题10分) 某印刷厂计划购买5台印刷机, 现有胶印机、一体机两种不同设备, 其中每台的价格、日印刷量如下表:

经预算, 该厂购买设备的资金不高于22万元.

(1) 该厂有几种购买方案?

(2) 若该厂每天至少印刷17万张, 为节约资金, 应选择哪种购买方案?

27. (本题12分) 如图, 在梯形ABCD中, AD∥BC, AB=CD=5, AD=6, BC=12.点E在AD边上, 且AE∶ED=1∶2, 连接CE.点P是AB边上的一个动点, 过点P作PQ∥CE, 交BC于点Q.设BP=x, CQ=y.

(1) 求cos B的值;

(2) 求y关于x的函数关系式, 并写出x的取值范围;

(3) 当EQ⊥BC时, 求x的值.

28. (本题12分) 如图, 已知抛物线y=-x2+bx+c经过A (-2, 0) , C (2, 8) 两点, 且与y轴交于点D, 与x轴的另一个交点为点B.

(1) 求抛物线的函数关系式, 并写出顶点M及点D的坐标;

(2) 图中标有字母的点共六个, 适当选取其中的四个点即可构成一个四边形.在构成的所有四边形中, 请你写出形状最特殊的两个四边形, 说明名称, 并给出相应的证明过程;

(3) 请探索:是否存在点P, 使以点P为圆心的圆经过A、B两点, 并且与直线MD相切?如果存在, 求出点P的坐标;如果不存在, 说明理由.




9.x (x-2) (x+2)






15. (1) , (3)

16. (1, -2)




19. (1) 2.

(2) .

20. (1) x=1±

(2) -3


22. (1) 240名学生的视力.


(3) 许多学生眼睛都是近视的, 应加强用眼卫生, 保护视力.

23. (1) 过程略, 概率; (2) 列表, 概率, 结论“机会不相同”.

24. (1) 青蛙能跳回原处P, 至少跳6步回到原处, 作图略.

(2) 2010=335×6, 青蛙跳完第2010步时, 回到原处P.

25. (1) 最长线段的长度为, 这样的线段可画4条.

(2) ∠BAC与∠B′A′C′相等, 证明过程:



在平面展开图中, 连接线段B′C′, 由勾股定理可得:







26. (1) 设购买胶印机x台, 一体机 (5-x) 台, 根据题意得:

5x+4 (5-x) ≤22, x≤2.

满足x≤2的非负整数解为0, 1, 2.

当x=0时, 5-x=5.

当x=1时, 5-x=4.

当x=2时, 5-x=3.

∴有三种方案分别为: (1) 购买5台一体机;

(2) 购买1台胶印机、4台一体机;

(3) 购买2台胶印机、3台一体机.

(2) 根据题意得


满足1≤x≤2的整数解为1, 2.

当x=1时, 5x+4 (5-x) =21.

当x=2时, 5x+4 (5-x) =22.

∴应购买1台胶印机, 4台一体机.

注:第 (2) 题也可以逐一代入检验并比较大小.

27. (1) 过点A作AF⊥BC于F, 易求得BF=3, 则cos .

(2) 解法较多.y关于x的函数关系式是y=-2x+12, 0≤x≤5.这里介绍两种解法:

方法一:过点A作CE的平行线, 交BC于点G, 易求得CG=2, BG=10, , 即, 故y=-2x+12, 且0≤x≤5.

方法二:作PH⊥BQ, H为垂足, 则BH=, PH=x, 从而HQ=x, 下略.

(3) 易得CQ=7, 则2-x+12=7, 解得x=

28. (1) y=-x2+2x+8=- (x-1) 2+9.顶点M (1, 9) , 点D (0, 8) .

(2) 四边形AOCD是平行四边形, 四边形ABCD是等腰梯形, 证明略.

(3) 点B (4, 0) , 假设存在这样的点P, 使以点P为圆心的圆经过A、B两点, 并且与直线MD相切, 则点P首先必须在线段AB的中垂线 (即抛物线的对称轴) x=1上, 故可设P (1, m) .

无论m是正还是负, 都有PA2=m2+32.

作PE⊥MD, 垂足为E, 则当PE=PA时, 以点P为圆心、PA长为半径的圆与直线MD相切.求出直线MD的函数关系式为y=x+8, 再推知△PME是等腰直角三角形.

无论m是正还是负, 都有PM=9-m, 因此

由PE2=PA2得, 解得m=3或m=-21.

模拟试卷 篇5


综 合 能 力




C.老态龙钟无稽之谈变本加厉并行不悖 D.好高骛远众志成城销声匿迹揭杆而起 6.下列各句标点符号使用正确的是()。A.四川大学以“海纳百川,有容乃大”作为校训,即与学校所在地名有关,更体现了学




7.唐代大画家()所画的《步辇图》,描绘的是贞观15年唐太宗接见吐蕃松赞干布的使者和亲的场面。A.吴道子 B.顾恺之 C.阎立本 D.张旭 8.屈原是战国时期()的爱国政治家和伟大的诗人。A.魏国 B.赵国 C.楚国 D.齐国 9.唐初文坛四杰有:王勃,杨炯,骆宾王和()。A.王维 B.李商隐 C.卢照邻 D.欧阳修 10我国古典十大悲剧:纪君祥《赵氏孤儿》、高则诚《琵琶行》、冯梦龙《精忠旗》、孟承舜《红

记》、李玉《清忠谱》、和()等。A《孔雀东南飞》 B.李渔《风筝误》 C.方城蓓《雷峰塔》 D.《儒林外史》 11.下列对文学常识的表述,不正确的一项是()。A.《楚辞》是屈原,宋玉等人的总集,这些作品具有浓厚的楚地色彩,屈原的长诗《离



D.举世公认的文学经典《哈姆雷特》,写的是丹麦王子哈姆雷特为父复仇的故事,该剧是莎士比亚四大悲剧之一。12 《雷雨》 的作者是()。A.曹禺 B.钱钟书 C.老舍 D.矛盾 13.世界电视文艺和中国电视文艺分别诞生于()年和()年。A1936和1956



14.魏巍的《谁是最可爱的人》是写()时采访到的事例。A.抗日战争 B.抗美援朝 C.中越战争 D.十年内战

高考语文模拟试卷(十二) 篇6

1. 下列词语中,字形和加线的字读音全都正确的一项是(3 分) ( )

A. 沽名钓誉 韬光养晦 冗 (rǒng) 长

恪尽职守 (kè)

B. 提纲挈领 咄咄逼人 怆 (chuàng) 然

发扬 踔 (chuò) 厉

C. 锲而不舍 暇不掩瑜 攫 (jué) 取

唾 (tuò) 手可得

D. 消声匿迹 按图索骥 荒 谬 (miù)

返 璞 (pú) 归真

2. 下列各句中,加线的成语使用恰当的一项是(3 分)  ( )

A. 我读过弗莱的著作,很喜欢他那 高屋建瓴的气势和包罗万象的体系,更欣赏他努力摆脱主观印象式品评的文学批评方法。

B. 吴羽先生指导弟子写论文时强调,学术论文要有的放矢,论证严密,语言准确而简洁,不能模棱两可,也不能 繁文缛节。

C. 这是一家国家级出版社,近几年来,出版了很多深受读者尤其是在校大学生喜爱的精品图书,不少作家都对它 趋之若鹜。

D. 虽然已经是晚上了,但候车大厅里依然人来人往,热闹非凡,大喇叭的广播声、商贩的叫卖声、孩子的哭泣声 不绝如缕。

3. 阅读下面一段文字,找出能概括人工降雨形成过程的四个重要词语。(4 分)


____________ ____________

____________ ____________

4. 在无锡惠山有一处古墓,其石碑背面刻有一首黄庭坚写的诗《送少章从翰林苏公余杭》,诗中有两句:“东南淮海惟扬州,国士无双秦少游。”

(1) 这是谁_______________的古墓,我们学过他的诗《_______________》。

(2) 请为一位已故名人写一幅挽联,要求在挽联中能看出人物的某一成就。



二、 文言文阅读 (19 分)


方孝孺,字希直,宁海人。孝孺幼警敏,双眸炯炯,读书日盈寸,乡人 目为“小韩子”。长从宋濂学,濂门下知名士皆出其下。孝孺顾末视文艺,恒以明王道、致太平为己任。父克勤 坐“空印”事诛,扶丧归葬,哀动行路。



先是,成祖发北平,姚广孝以孝孺为托,曰:“城下之日,彼必不降, 幸勿杀之。杀孝孺,天下读书种子绝矣。”成祖颔之。至是欲使草诏。召至,悲恸声彻殿陛。成祖降榻劳曰:“先生毋自苦,予欲法周公辅成王耳。”孝孺曰:“成王安在?”成祖曰:“彼自焚死。”孝孺曰:“何不立成王之子?”成祖曰:“国赖长君。”孝孺曰:“何不立成王之弟?”成祖曰:“此朕家事。”顾左右授笔札,曰:“诏天下,非先生草不可。”孝孺投笔于地,且哭且骂曰:“死即死耳,诏不可草。”成祖怒,命磔诸市。孝孺慨然就死,时年四十有六。

《颜氏家训》有云:士君子处世,贵能有益于物耳,不徒高谈虚论,左琴右书,以费人君禄位也。国之用材,大较不过六事……人性有长短,岂责具美于六途哉?但当皆晓 指趣,能守一职,便无愧耳。


5. 对下列句子中加线词的解释,不正确的一项是(3 分) ( )

A. 乡人 目为“小韩子” 目:看待

B. 父克勤 坐“空印”事诛 坐:因为……而获罪

C. 彼必不降, 幸勿杀之 幸:侥幸

D. 但当皆晓 指趣 指趣:宗旨、意义

6. 下列句子中,全都表现方孝孺“不慕虚谈,尽忠国事”的一组是(3 分) ( )

①濂门下知名士皆出其下 ②恒以明王道、致太平为己任

③日与诸生讲学不倦 ④劝帝他幸,图兴复

⑤召至,悲恸声彻殿陛 ⑥死即死耳,诏不可草

A. ①②⑥ B. ②③④

C. ②④⑤ D. ②③⑥

7. 下列对原文有关内容的概括和分析,不正确的一项是(3 分) ( )

A. 方孝孺自幼聪颖,特别勤奋,被人称作“小韩愈”。宋濂门下有名的人后来都向方孝孺学习,以他为师。

B. 燕王朱棣起兵,皇帝下诏征集四方军队。方孝孺献计希望通过假装割让土地,拖延时间,等待援军的方法转危为安。但燕王没有答应皇帝的请求。

C. 因为姚广孝的求情,成祖也认为方孝孺是著名的才子,所以没打算杀他,希望他可以为自己草拟诏书。

D. 方孝孺的事论证了《颜氏家训》中一个道理:君子立身处世,贵在能做一些有益的事情,不要虚耗君主赐给他的俸禄职位。

8. 把文中画线的句子翻译成现代汉语。(10 分)

(1) 孝孺顾末视文艺,恒以明王道、致太平为己任。(3 分)



(2) 孝孺力请守京城以待援兵,即事不济,当死社稷。(4 分)



(3) 人性有长短,岂责具美于六途哉?(3 分)



三、 古诗词鉴赏 (10 分)

9. 阅读下面这首宋诗,然后回答问题。


悲 秋






【注】 诗人黄公度因反对朝廷推行的投降求和政策,被扣上“讥谤”国事的罪名,贬为肇庆府通判。

(1) 请从“景”与“情”的角度,赏析本诗的颔联。(4 分)




(2) 颈联中“山鸟”和“井梧”是带有喻意的艺术形象,指出“山鸟”和“井梧”分别喻指哪类人。(2 分)




(3) 古人写秋之诗多伤感,这首《悲秋》却格调高致,请结合诗歌内容简要分析。(4 分)




四、 名句名篇默写 (8 分)

10. 补写出下列名句名篇中的空缺部分。

(1) 举世而非之而不加沮,定乎内外之分,  。 (庄子《逍遥游》)

(2) ____________,以手抚膺坐长叹。 (李白《蜀道难》)

(3) 及尔偕老,老使我怨。淇则有岸,____________。 (《诗经·卫风·氓》)

(4) 瓦缝参差,____________;直栏横槛, 多于九土之城郭。 (杜牧《阿房宫赋》)

(5) 千古江山,____________,孙仲谋处。 (辛弃疾《永遇乐·京口北固亭怀古》)

(6) 冰泉冷涩弦凝绝,凝绝不通声暂歇。  ,此时无声胜有声。 (白居易《琵琶行》)

(7) 读书之法,________________________。 (朱熹)

五、 现代文阅读:文学类文本 (20 分)



















11. 文章写了哪些指腕之间的动作?分别具有什么特点?请简要概括。(5 分)




12. 请分析文中画线文段的表达特色。(4 分)




13. 联系全文来看,作者在B13小节写老者上台表演书法有什么作用?(5 分)




14. 文中反复强调“简洁地泡茶”“简洁地抚琴”“简洁地写”,请结合全文主旨,探究“简洁”在文中的深层意蕴。(6 分)






六、 现代文阅读:论述类文本 (18 分)











15. 请简要说明文章的思路。(6 分)






16. 本文作者认为当代文坛存在一些问题,请分条陈述指哪些问题。(6 分)






17. 作者提出“作家要俯下身倾听民声”,这句话应如何理解?(6 分)






七、 作文 (70 分)

18. “放好合适的位置并作出某种评价”,谓之“定位”。能够正确地自我定位,才能有正确的行为。在社会生活的方方面面,作为个体的人,时时处处需要正确的定位。



(无锡市辅仁高级中学 戴启江提供)

模拟试卷 篇7



1.温哥华冬奥会花样滑冰双人滑比赛中,中国选手包揽了金、银牌,中国选手申雪/赵宏博获得了金牌,两人燕式联合旋转非常漂亮,赢得了众多掌声.如图1所示,男运动员以自己为转动轴拉着女运动员做匀速圆周运动,若男运动员的转速为30 r/min,女运动员触地冰鞋的线速度为4.7 m/s,则:女运动员做圆周运动的角速度及做圆周运动的半径分别为()

(A) 2πrad/s、1.5 m (B) 2πrad/s、3 m

(C)πrad/s、1.5 m (D)πrad/s、3 m







(A) g (B)

(C) 0 (D)



(A) 2.2V (B) 1.9V

(C) 1.5V (D) 1.2V




(A) 0点电场强度为零

(B) D点电场强度为零





(B) C的作用是阻碍低频电流通过乙扬声器


(D) L的作用是阻碍高频电流通过甲扬声器












本卷包括必考题和选考题两部分.第1 1题~第16题为必考题,每个试题考生都必须做答.第17题~第19题为选考题,考生根据要求做答.











14.(8分)(1)用已调零且选择旋钮指向欧姆挡“×10”位置的多用电表测某电阻阻值,根据图13所示的表盘,被测电阻阻值为______Ω;若将该表选择旋钮置于1 mA挡测电流,表盘仍如图13所示,则被测电流为______mA.






(e)电压表V2(量程30V,内阻30 kΩ)











16.(11分)如图15所示的坐标平面内,y轴左侧存在方向垂直纸面向外、磁感应强度大小B1=0.20T的匀强磁场,在y轴的右侧存在方向垂直纸面向里、宽度d=12.5 cm的匀强磁场B2,某时刻一质量m=2.0×10-8 kg、电量q=+4.0×10-4C的带电微粒(重力可忽略不计),从x轴上坐标为(-0.25m,0)的P点以速度v=2.0×103 m/s沿y轴正方向运动.试求:






(Ⅰ)(4分)已知气泡内气体的密度为1.29 kg/m3,平均摩尔质量为0.29 kg/mol,阿伏加德罗常数NA=6.02×1023 mol-1,气体能完全变为液体,请估算液体体积与原来气体体积的比值为______.(结果保留一位有效数字)










(Ⅰ)(4分)我国首个火星探测器“萤火一号“飞船在哈萨克斯坦航天发射中心升空,飞船将历时10个月,飞行3.5亿公里,途中将通过一个密度ρ=2.0×10-5 kg/m3的宇宙尘埃区,若此时飞船速度v=1.0×103 m/s,设飞船的最大正截面积S=5 m2,尘埃与飞船碰撞后都附在飞船表面上,则飞船所受的阻力约为______.

(A) 10N (B) 50N

(C) 100N (D) 200N



1.(C).女运动员绕男运动员转动,转速相等,n=30 r/min=0.5 r/s,角速度ω=2πn=πrad/s;














































答案:(1)0.5 m;(2)60°;(3)B2≥0.4T


代入数据解得r1=0.5 m.(1分)






解得r2=0.25 m.(2分)



















解析:以宇宙飞船参照系,宇宙尘埃以速度v=1.0×103 m/s与宇宙飞船碰撞,在Δt时间内撞在飞船面的尘埃质量Δm=ρSv·Δt,尘埃受到的平均作用力







全国英语等级考试一级模拟试卷 篇8

(因听力部分不方便实施, 故此处30题听力试题改成听力指导。)

第一节是图片判断。这部分的听力测试, 从图片内容中就可以大致猜测到所测试的内容, 如有的图是关于运动的, 有的图是关于天气的等。所以在听之前马上浏览图片, 根据图片的主题有针对性地听取关键词。

例如, 某题给出三张图, 图片1:一名医生;图片2:一名警察;图片3:一名邮递员。看图片就可以判断出听力内容是关于职业的。从图片的信息中可推测出三个职业doctor, policeman和postm an.所以当听到句子“J o hn w o rk s in a ho s p it al, he is a do ct o r”的时候, 就能很容易地选出正确的图片了。

第二节是对话应答。此题型中给出三个答句, 让你根据答句选出相应的问句。对话应答的听力中往往会涉及不同形式的问句, 所以在听的过程中根据给出的选项推断问句形式很重要。如从“Yes, No”的答句中可以推断问句是一般疑问句;如果三个答句有关于地点的, 那就要关注关键的特殊疑问词;如果是一般的情景交流, 那要根据情境选出相应的回答语。另外, 还要注意从三个答句中寻找出信息差异, 从不同的信息中判断询问的重点也是很关键的。

例如, 听力试卷中给出如下三个选项:

A.Ye s, I doB.No, I didn’tC.H e live s in Canada.

通过这三个选项, 我们可以判断出问句可能是一般疑问句或特殊疑问句。而且从前两个选项中可看到, 差异在于时态的不同。A是一般现在时, B是一般过去时。当分析完三个句子, 听到问句“Did you go shopping yesterday?”时, 就能确定应该选B项。

又如, 听力试卷中给出如下三个选项:

A.Go o d lu ck!

B.Thank yo u!

C.So rry t o he ar t hat.

通过这三个选项, 我们可以判断出这是情景对话。这时, 就要关注句子中的具体情景。第一句表示祝福好运, 第二句表示感谢, 第三句表示遗憾。所以在听时, 要关注到句子中的关键信息。从听力材料“I w ill have a driving test tomorrow!”中, 可发现关键信息就是“driving test”, 结合以上分析, 就可以选出A选项。

第三节是对话理解。一般是一问一答式的对话, 所以提炼问题的主旨很重要。带着问题去听, 有的放矢, 听力测试的正确率相对会提高。同学们在听的过程中往往想听清每一个单词, 但有时又跟不上节奏, 所以, 听关键信息就显得尤其重要。另外, 我们还要注意, 有时, 问句的答案并不能从对话中直接找到, 需要从对话的相应信息中推测并提炼出答案。

例如, Q:What is the man looking for?

A.H e is lo o k ing fo r t he w o m an.

B.H e is lo o k ing fo r t he m anag e r.

C.H e is lo o k ing fo r t he bu s ine s s o ffice.

从问句中可以看出, 本对话是询问“男士正在寻找什么”, 所以, 当听到原文:“W:What are yo u do ing he re, s ir?M:I’m lo o k ing fo r t he m anag e r’s o ffice.”时, 要注意“m anag e r’s o ffice”这个关键信息。这时应该冷静地判断, 若不仔细, 会误选C, 但此答案中bu siness office显然和句子的意思是不相符的。B才是正确选项。

又如, Q:What’s the relationship betw een t he t w o s p e ak e rs?

A.Te ache r and s t u de nt.

B.Int e rvie w e r and int e rvie w e e.

C.Cu s t o m e r and s ale s p e rs o n.

该问题就对话人的关系进行提问。此类问题没有直接的信息, 但可以从关键的信息中推测出答案。听力原文为:“W:w hat can I do for you, Sir?M:I’d lik e t o bu y a p re s e nt fo r m y dau g ht e r.”

此对话发生的背景是购物, 从两个关键词“w hat can I do for you?”和“bu y a present”就可以推断出答案为C。

当然, 要在听力测试中发挥得游刃有余, 需要平时多做训练。现在, 媒体很发达, 学习资源很多, 同学们可以选择适合自己、难度恰当的听力材料坚持进行听力训练。每天花一定的时间去训练自己的耳朵, 相信听力测试将不再是件难事。



阅读下面的句子和对话, 从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。

1.The re’s o ld p e ncil o n t he bo o k, ______p e ncil is m ine.

A.a/anB.a/t heC.an/t he

2.______p ict u re s are t he re o n t he w all?

A.H o w m anyB.H o w m u ch

C.W ho s e

3.—W hat_______do yo u u s u ally g o t o t he m u s ic clu b?

—I u su ally go there______arou nd 7:30.

A.day, t oB.t im e, atC.dat e, in

4.Thank s fo r_______m e t he cards.I lik e t he m ve ry m u ch.

A.s e ndB.s e ndingC.t o s e nd

5.The re are______p e o p le in t he s t re e t lo o k ing at t he t raffic accide nt.

A.t w o hu ndre dsB.hu ndre d o f

C.hu ndre ds o f

6.—Can yo u co m e t o A nn’s p art y?

—Sorry, I______look after my little sister.

A.amB.canC.have t o

7.J im as k e d m e______him w it h his m at hs.

A.he lpB.he lp ingC.t o he lp

8.The re are______o n t he t able.

A.3 bo t t le s o f o rang e s

B.3 bo t t le s o f o rang e

C.3 bo t t le o f o rang e

9.The bo y_____t he g re y hat is M rs.Bro w n’s s o n.

H e is______t he black bik e.

A.in, o nB.in, inC.o n, o n

10.—I find a do ll in t he p layho u s e.Is it______?

—No, I think it’s Lu cy’s.Yes, it’s______.

A.yo u rs, he rsB.yo u r, he rs

C.yo u r, his

11.Ple as e______yo u r s ho e s.It’s t im e t o g o t o s cho o l.

A.p u t o nB.p u t o ff C.p u t u p

12.—______W he re’s t he t e ache r’s ro o m?

—______, I don’t know.

A.So rry, e x cu s e m e

B.So rry, Ex cu s e m e

C.Ex cu s e m e, So rry

13.—M rs.Sm it h, yo u lo o k yo u ng.


A.I’m ve ry o ldB.Ye s, I am

C.Thank yo u

14.I’ll t e ll yo u abo u t t he ne w s as s o o n as I______yo u t o m o rro w.

A.s e eB.s awC.w ill s e e

15.H e______t he ho m e t o w n fo r 3 ye ars.

A.has be e n aw ay fro m

B.has le ftC.Le ft


阅读下面的短文, 从短文后所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选项。

A ro u nd t he W o rld by W he e lchair (轮椅)

16.A.handsB.le g sC.he ad


17.A.g ive inB.g ive u pC.g ive o u t

D.g ive o ff

18.A.lat e rB.lat e lyC.lat e

D.lat t e r

19.A.A tB.OnC.InD.W it h

20.A.w it hB.be t w e e nC.inD.o n

21.A.Go o dB.Be t t e rC.Bad

D.W o rs e

22.A.andB.s oC.o rD.bu t

23.A.hisB.himC.heD.him s e lf

24.A.ano t he rB.o t he rsC.o t he r

D.t he o t he r

25.A.rais e dB.rais eC.rais ing

D.rais e s



阅读下面的短文, 从A.Right、B.Wrong、C.Do e s n’t s ay三个判断中选择一个正确选项。

Do yo u k no w ho w t o g ive dire ct io ns in Eng lis h?H e re are s o m e w ays t o he lp yo u.

St re e t nam e o r ne arby bu ilding

The re are s t re e t nam e s in m o s t co u nt rie s.Yo u can s ay w hat s t re e t a bu ilding is o n.This is an e as y w ay t o g ive dire ct io ns.H o we ve r, t he re are no s t re e t nam e s in s o m e co u nt rie s lik e So u t h Ko re a.A t t his t im e, yo u can g ive an are a and a landm ark.Fo r e x amp le, it’s o n J ing J ia Ro a d.It’s ne x t t o t he p o s t o ffice.

Su bw ay o r bu s

So m e t im e s t he w ay is far.Pe o p le have t o t ak e a bu s o r s u bw ay t o g e t t he re.The n yo u can ju s t t e ll him/he r w hat bu s o r s u bw ay t o t ak e.Fo r e x am p le, t ak e No.238 bu s and g e t o ff at t he t hird s t at io n.

Dire ct io ns o n fo o t o r by car

If s o m e bo dy w ant s t o w alk o r drive a car t he re, yo u have t o t e ll him/he r t he dire ct io n.Fo r e x am p le, g o do w n t he s t re e t, and t u rn le ft at t he t hird cro s s ing.

Re m e m be r:Bad dire ct io ns are w o rs e t han no dire ct io ns.If yo u do n’t k no w t he w ay, do n’t cry.

26.If t he re is no s t re e t nam e in t he co u nt ry yo u m ay g ive an are a o r a landm ark.

A.Rig htB.W ro ngC.Do e s n’t s ay

27.If s o m e p e o p le ne e d t o t ak e a bu s o r s u bw ay, yo u m ay no t t e ll t he m w hich bu s o r s u bw ay t o t ak e.

A.Rig htB.W ro ngC.Do e s n’t s ay

28.If s o m e bo dy co m e s t o as k fo r dire ct io ns, yo u s ho u ld t ry t o he lp him/he r no m at t e r yo u k no w it o r no t.

A.Rig htB.W ro ngC.Do e s n’t s ay

29.St re e t nam e s, bu ilding s, ve hicle s are he lp fu l fo r yo u t o g ive dire ct io ns.

A.Rig htB.W ro ngC.Do e s n’t s ay

30.Bad dire ct io ns are be t t e r t han no dire ct io ns.

A.Rig htB.W ro ng C.Do e s n’t s ay


阅读下列短文, 从A、B、C三个选项中选择一个正确答案。


W he n yo u are fe e ling u nhap p y o r fo rg e t ho w g re at yo u are, t he s e are s ix w ays t o m ak e yo u fe e l g o o d abo u t yo u rs e lf.

(1) Look in the mirror and say to you r s e lf, “I am a s p e cial p e rs o n and t he re’s no o ne in t he w o rld lik e m e.I can do anyt hing!”It m ay no t s o u nd s o g o o d, bu t it re ally w o rk s!

(2) Do something nice for someone.Helping o t he rs alw ays m ak e s yo u fe e l g o o d.

(3) Smile!Be friendly to people you meet.Lo o k fo r t he g o o d t hing s in yo u r frie nds and fam ily.

(5) Read and start a diary.Tu rn off the TV and le t yo u r im ag inat io n fly!W rit e do w n yo u r t ho u g ht s, dre am s o r anyt hing yo u w ant!W rit i ng alw ays he lp s t o e x p re s s yo u r fe e ling s.

(6) Stay w ith you r family.We all need ou r fam ily t im e.Talk w it h yo u r M u m o r Dad o r m aybe e ve n yo u r co u s in.

31.This p as s ag e m ay be t ak e n fro m____________.

A.a s cie nce bo o kB.a s t o ry bo o k

C.a m ag azineD.s cho o l ru le s

32.A cco rding t o t he p as s ag e, w he n yo u are he lp ing o t he rs, yo u w ill____________.

A.be s p e cialB.be s u re

C.fe e l niceD.be re m e m be re d

33.W hat do t he u nde rline d w o rds in t he4t h p arag rap h“a s e ns e o f acco m p lis hm e nt”m e an?



34.W hich o f t he fo llo w ing s ho u ld yo u s ay“NO”t o w he n yo u are u nhap p y?

A.Yo u s ho u ld alw ays lo o k fo r t he g o o d t hing s o f o t he rs.

B.St ay alo ne at ho m e as m u ch as p o s s ible.

C.Le arn s o m e t hing ne w and g o fo r it!

D.Ke e p a diary t o e x p re s s yo u r fe e ling s.

35.The be s t t it le fo r t he p as s ag e is_____________.

A.Do Yo u r Be s t

B.Six W ays t o Fe e l Go o d abo u t Yo u rs e lf

C.It’s Ne ve r t o o Lat e t o Le arn

D.A lw ays Sm ile t o Yo u r Life


In t he Unit e d St at e s, it is no t u s u al t o t e le p ho ne s o m e o ne e arly in t he m o rning.If yo u t e le p ho ne e arly in t he day, w hile he is s having o r having bre ak fas t, t he t im e o f t he call s ho w s t hat t he m at t e r is ve ry im p o rt ant and re q u ire s (要求) im m e diat e at t e nt io n (注意) .So it is w ith the telephone calls made aft e r 11:00 p m.If s o m e o ne re ce ive s a call du ring s le e p ing ho u rs, he m ay t hink t hat it’s a m at t e r o f life and de at h.The t im e cho s e n fo r t he call co m m u nicat e s it s im p o rt ance.

In s o cial life, t im e p laysa ve ry im p o rt ant p art.In t he USA g u e s t s t e nd t o fe e l t he y are no t hig hly re g arde d if t he invit at io n t o a dinne r p art y re ache s t he m o nly t hre e o r fo u r days be fo re t he p art y dat e.Bu t it is no t t ru e in all co u nt rie s.In o t he r are as o f t he w o rld, it m ay be co ns ide re d fo o lis h t o m ak e an ap p o int m e nt t o o far in advance (提前) becau se plans w hich are made for a date m o re t han a w e e k aw ay t e nd t o be fo rg o t t e n.The m e aning o f t im e is no t t he s am e in diffe re nt cu lt u re s t hat t re at t im e diffe re nt ly;be ing o n t im e is valu e d hig hly in A m e rican life, fo r e x am p le.If p e o p le are no t o n t im e, t he y m ay be re g arde d as im p o lit e o r no t fu lly re s p o ns ible (有责任的) .In t he USA no o ne w o u ld t hink o f k e e p ing a bu s ine s s frie nd fo r an ho u r;it w o u ld be t o o im p o lit e.A p e rs o n w ho is 5 m inu t e s lat e is e x p e ct e d t o m ak e a s ho u t ap o lo g y (道歉) .If he is le s s t han 5 m inu t e s lat e, he w ill s ay a fe w w o rds o f e x p lanat io n (解释) , thou gh perhaps he w ill not complete t he s e nt e nce.

36.A call at m idnig ht w o u ld m e an____________.

A.t he m at t e r is le s s im p o rt ant

B.t he m at t e r is t o o difficu lt t o handle

C.t he m at t e r re q u ire s im m e diat e at t e nt io n

D.it is a m at t e r o f life and de at h

37.A cco rding t o t he p as s ag e, t im e p lays a ve ry im p o rt ant p art in____________.

A.e ve ryday life

B.p rivat e life

C.g e t t ing alo ng w it h o t he rs

D.bu s ine s s

38.In t he p as s ag e, t he au t ho r s u g g e s t s t hat invit at io n cards s ho u ld be s e nt____________.

A.t hre e o r fo u r days be fo re t he p art y dat e in all cu lt u re s

B.t hre e o r fo u r days be fo re t he p art y dat e in s o m e cu lt u re s

C.t hre e o r fo u r days be fo re t he p art y dat e in t he USA

D.at yo u r cho s e n t im e

39.If p e o p le are no t o n t im e, t he y m ay be co ns ide re d as____________.

A.p o lit e B.im p o lit e

C.ho ne s t D.k ind

40.If s o m e o ne w ho is 5 m inu t e s lat e, w hat is e x p e ct e d t o do?

A.m ak e an e x cu s e

B.m ak e an ap o lo g y

C.s ay a fe w w o rds o f e x p lanat io n

D.s ay no t hing



下面有三对句子, 每对句子中, 第一句是原句, 第二句是对第一句的改写。要求根据原句和第二句中已经给出的部分, 用一到五个单词补全第二句。 (注意, 不能改变原句的意思)

41.M ary g o e s t o s cho o l by bu s in t he m o rning.

M ary_________t o g o t o s cho o l in t he m o rning.

42.M ary’s s cho o l is no t ne ar he r ho u s e.

M ary’s s cho o l is____________he r ho u s e.

43.It t ak e s M ary 30 m inu t e s t o g e t t o s cho o l.

M ary s p e nds 30 m inu t e s____________s cho o l.



模拟试卷 篇9


阅读漫画《无奈》, 针对这种现象, 国家发改委多次宣布降低药品的最高零售价格。这说明 ()





参考答案是C选项, 这次的考试结果是98%的学生选择了B选项 , 老师们也对这两个选项有争议。组里有四位老师 , 有两位倾向于选B选项, 有两位倾向于选C选项。让我们再整理这道题目的思路。

做漫画题目的要求是一定要把漫画的本意分析透彻, 如何“看懂”漫画呢?


标题是漫画的“眼睛”, 这个眼睛反映漫画的“心灵”———往往提示了漫画的内容或画旨。这幅漫画的标题是《无奈》, 谁“无奈”? 是漫画中的老人, 病人, 为什么“无奈”? 因为高额的医疗费。


漫画是一种艺术手法, 它是通过直观形象反映道理的。因此, 分析漫画的形象是理解漫画的另一个关键点。《无奈》漫画中, 有一位明显处于弱势地位的老人、病人。他正无奈地举着自己的“零钱”, 却被“巨额医疗费”挡了回来。


漫画是夸张的艺术, 它故意将生活中的现象变形, 达到既出人意料又在情理中的效果。因此, 解读漫画也要分析其夸张的手法。漫画《无奈》中巨大的“手”与病人、老人瘦弱的身体形成鲜明的对比;强有力的“手”与老人无奈、可怜的表情形成鲜明的对比。这正反映了老百姓常说的“看病难、看病贵”的现象。


有些漫画的内容, 作者无法用图画的语言表达, 只能借助文字语言。若是带有文字的漫画, 则要对漫画中的文字进行解读, 明了漫画作者想借助这些文字进行解读, 明了漫画作者想借助这些文字向读者传达怎样的信息, 文字和漫画有怎样的关系。漫画《无奈》中“巨额医疗费”一句话, 点名了这幅漫画的主旨, 面对高额的医疗费, 普通老百姓无力支付, 这已经影响了居民的正常生活和基本生活, 正是市场调节的弱点和缺陷的体现。需要加强国家的宏观调控。这正是这一漫画题要考的知识点———社会主义市场经济。社会主义市场经济一方面要发挥市场在资源配置中的基础性作用, 充分发挥市场经济三大调节机制———价格、供求和竞争, 更准确、灵活、灵敏地实现资源有效、合理配置。市场经济的调节有其固有的弱点和缺陷:自发性、盲目性和滞后性。市场经济的这些局限性会造成资源的浪费、经济的波动和社会收入分配不公平。这就要加强国家的宏观调控, 弥补市场经济的不足, 促进国民经济的平稳健康发展。


漫画是作者借用图画的语言, 表达对真善美的歌颂, 对假丑恶的鞭笞;是对生活直接或间接的反映。要看懂漫画, 不妨将漫画的直观图像所反映的内容同生活、社会实际联系起来, 想想自己周围有没有漫画中所要歌颂或讽刺的对象, 从而理解、把握漫画的要义。在我国, 巨额医疗费的形成是多方面原因造成的, 很大程度是因为某些药品价格居高不下。在此背景下, 从1998年5月21日起, 国家计委决定放开维生素C、诺氟沙星、环丙沙星、氧氟沙星等4种药品价格, 揭开了药品降价的序幕。迄今为止, 我国已针对不同品类的药品进行了3轮共31次降价。国家在运用行政手段加强对市场经济的监督和管理, 降低药品等的价格, 改善民生。

模拟试卷 篇10

2.“y=ax2+bx+c”是“对应的函数为一元二次函数”的( )





A.4 B.3 C.6 D.5

6.如图,边长为3的正方形有一个内切圆,在正方形图形上散落一粒黄豆,则黄豆散落在圆内的概率是( )

7.下列命题不正确的是( )





8.下列各式中恒成立的是( )

9.下列几何体中是棱柱的是( )

11.已知数列{an}是等比数列,a2=1,q=1,则S10=( )

A.1 B.5 C.9 D.10

13.下列函数在区间(-1,0)是单调减函数的是( )

15.一个几何体的三视图如图所示,请写出其表面积( )


16.下列各式正确的是( )






高考英语模拟试卷(十四) 篇11

第二部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分35分)

第一节 单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)


1. —You’re sure to do badly if you get really stressed. Try and calm down.

—It’s easy for you to say, Tim,_____top student in our class. You always get_____A in the exams.

A. a; theB. the; anC. /; anD. the; the

2. I have to lead a new, busy life to provide for my family and I’m thankful that I’ve built_____to the top where now I can support my children.

A. whatB. oneC. thatD. it

3. The police began to investigate after receiving reports from residents in Ninghai county, Zhejiang province,_____people were purchasing used oil from local restaurants.

A. /B. thatC. whichD. where

4. The data_____ however, suggest that for many women_____weight problems, the extra calories are probably not coming from alcoholic drinks.

星模拟器星光颜色模拟的初步研究 篇12


0 引言




1 星光颜色模拟基础

1.1 模拟原理


综上所述,我们选择恒星测光系统的色指数指标,作为星光颜色模拟方案的输入数据。为此,我们特地选用了耶鲁亮星星表(Bright Star Catalog,BSC)作为模拟软件数据。

1.2 模拟思路





2 星光颜色模拟步骤

2.1 色指数到色温的推导








其中:A=1 079.206 44,t=0.098 24,y0=8 180.594 19。相关系数平方R2=0.996 58。函数曲线见图4。


其中:A=8 906.094 11,t=1.597 61,y0=3.633。相关系数平方R2=0.999 98。函数曲线见图5。


其中:A1=1 079.206 44,t1=0.098 24,y01=8 180.594 19;A2=8 906.094 11,t2=1.597 61,y02=3.633。

2.2 黑体辐射公式


式中:W(λ,T)代表黑体在绝对温度T下,波长λ时的辐射出射度;h为普朗克常数,值为6.626 196×10-34 J·s;c为光速,值为2.997 925×108 m/s;k为波尔兹曼常数,值为1.380 622 J/K[10]。


2.3 光谱轨迹色度坐标

在CIE 1931xy色度图中,系以x和y对颜色定义。x色度坐标相当于红原色的比例,即R/(R+G+B),y色度坐标相当于绿原色比例,即G/(R+G+B)。光谱轨迹上的各点代表380 nm(紫色)到780 nm(红色)之间的所有单色光,从紫端到红端的连接直线则是光谱上不存在的颜色,直线与光谱轨迹组成的闭合曲线就是色三角。在色三角内包括一切物理上能实现的颜色。

接着,在CIE 1931xy色度图中画出黑体辐射的普朗克轨迹。首先,根据黑体辐射公式(式(5))计算出一定温度范围内(如1 000~50 000 K)的黑体在不同可见光波段(380~780 nm)的辐射量。在每个具体的可见光波长区,都有对应红绿蓝的光谱三刺激值。将一个特定的温度在各个波长的辐射量对应的光谱三刺激值积分,就计算出该温度黑体辐射出的色度学指标。对其进行归一化处理,得到黑体辐射的普朗克轨迹[11]。

2.4 模拟结果






3 结论

本文以当前星模拟器软件缺陷为切入点,提出了进行恒星颜色模拟的研究。先推导出恒星色指数与色温之间的函数关系,再根据黑体辐射公式计算黑体在各个温度下的辐射特性,由色度学知识进而计算出其光谱三刺激值。归一化后,得到色指数与RGB坐标之间的关系,完成了恒星颜色模拟的初步研究。包含有星光颜色模拟内容的星图生成软件采用Visual Basic 6.0中文版开发,在Windows XP中文版下运行良好。


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