


It的用法小结 篇1

一般而言, 代词it在英语中是用来指人以外的一切生物和事物, 意思是“它”。这看上去似乎很容易理解和掌握, 但实际上it这个词不仅用法复杂, 而且意思多变。它既可以代替无生命的物质, 又可以指代包括人在内的有生命的生物;既可以在句中作形式主语或宾语, 又可以引导强调句型, 以加强句中某一成分。它不仅改变了句型的单一局限性, 而且增加了句子的表达活力, 在句子结构方面发挥着重要的作用。正是因为it的这种“多面”的能力, 因此会经常出现在各种英语考试的试题中。本文从it作代词、作形式主语、作形式宾语、引导强调句, 以及与it相关的几个经典句型、固定用法或习惯用法等方面对其进行了详细总结, 以帮助学生熟练掌握该词的用法。


it在英语中既可以作非人称代词和指示代词, 又可以作人称代词;既可以有确定的所指, 又可以没有确定的所指;既可以指上文提及的内容, 又可以指下文提及的内容。其用法如下:

1. 代替整个句子。例如:

You mustn’t play on the road.It’s dangerous.


2. 指代上下文出现的事物或提及过的内容。例如:

If I can help it, I don’t like working late into the night.

如果我有办法就好了, 我也不喜欢工作到深夜。

3. 用来表示不确定指代或双方都知道的事情。例如:

—Do you like it here?

—Oh, yes.The air, the weather, the way of life, everything is nice.


—哦, 喜欢。我喜欢这儿的空气、天气、生活方式, 这儿的一切都不错。

4. 作无人称动词的主语, 表示时间、天气、温度、距离和自然现象等。例如:

It is only a night’s journey to my home by car.


5. 用来指代人时, 常用于指代性别不详的人或小孩, 说话者心目中已知或未知的人, 常在打电话或敲门时用。例如:

Someone is ringing the doorbell.Go and see who it is.

有人在按门铃, 去看看是谁。

注意:看到这样的句子 (或听到这样的话) 时, 要仔细思考分析一下, 不要一看到it就把它译成“它”。


当不定式、动名词、从句等用作主语时, 为了保持句子的平衡, 避免头重脚轻, 通常将较长的主语放在句尾, 而将it置于句首充当形式主语。

1. it作形式主语, 真正的主语是后面的不定式复合结构。例如:

It is very important for us to read English aloud every morning.


2. it作形式主语, 真正的主语是后面的动名词。例如:

It’s no good sitting up too late.


3. it作形式主语, 真正的主语是后面的从句。例如:

It happened that I had no money with me.



1. 在“动词+宾语+宾语补足语”这个复合结构中, 当宾语是不定式、动词的现在分词形式或名词从句时, 要用it作宾语并把它放在宾语位置上, 而真正的宾语放在宾语补足语的后面。其结构往往是“主语+think/find等动词+it+adj./n/现在分词+to do/从句”例如:

I found it very interesting to study English.


2. 当love, hate, appreciate等动词后需要接一个if或when引导的从句时, 此时必须要先在动词后接it作形式宾语。例如:

I would appreciate it very much if you would help me with it.

如果你能帮助我做这事, 我会十分感激。

3. 用于句型“动词+介词+it+that从句”中。能用于此结构的动词不多, 常见的有see to, depend on, answer for等。例如:

I can’t answer for it that the boy is honest.


4. 用于句型“动词+it+介词短语+that-从句”。能用于此结构的动词也不多, 常见的有take it for granted, owe it to sb.等。例如:

I owe it to you that I am still alive.



当it用于强调句子中除谓语外的主语、宾语、表语和状语等成分时, 就可以采用强调句型:“It is/was+被强调部分+that (who) +句子的其余部分”。要注意的是, 不管被强调部分是单数还是复数, 其前一律用is/was。另外, 如果强调的是人, 可用who, whom代替that。如果被强调部分是指时间或地点时, 被强调部分后通常用that, 而一般不用when, where之类的词。例如:

It was yesterday that he got married.


注意:当it用于强调句时, 我们也可以根据上下文的表达需要, 把句子中的某些成分给省去。例如:

—Where did you get to know her?

—It was on the farm where we worked.



其实, 这个对话答句的完整形式应为:It was on the farm where we worked that I got to know here, 答句中的where引导的定语从句修饰先行词farm, 而句子的另外一个部分“that I got to know here”出于句子表达简洁的需要而被省去了。

另外, 在英语中还有一种特殊的强调结构, 结构看上去也是“It...that...”, 但它们大多都是谚语, 而且都用一般现在时, that在从句中作主语, 主句中的表语一般都是a (an) +adj.+n.形式。这种特殊的强调结构还有一个重要特点是, 在这种结构中, 如果从句是肯定的, 汉语要用否定来表示;反之, 如果从句是否定的, 汉语要用肯定来表示。这种特殊的强调结构在意义上不相当于一个简单句, 而是相当于另一个复合句, 即一种含让步状语从句的复合句。例如:

It is a wise mother that knows her own daughter.



1.“It is/was+时间段+before”引导的从句。表示“过了一段时间, 才……”;否定形式表示“没过多久就……”。该句型中主从句的时态搭配很值得注意:一般来说, 主句是将来时, 从句为现在时;主句为过去时, 从句也为过去时。例如:

I’m sorry you’ve been waiting so long, but it’ll still be some time before John gets back.

让你等了这么长时间, 真不好意思。但是约翰还要过一段时间才回来呢。

It was not long before he left.


2.“It is/was+时间段+since”引导的从句。意思是“自从……以来有一段时间”。这个句型要注意两点。一方面, 当主句的系动词为is/has been时, 从句用过去时;主句的系动词为was时, 从句用过去完成时。另一方面, 在这个句型中, 如果从句中的谓语动词为短暂性动词, 则句意为“自从 (短暂性动词表示的动作开始) 以来, 已经…… (时间) 了”;如果从句中的谓语动词为延续性动词, 则句意为“自从 (延续性动词表示的动作结束) 以来, 已经…… (时间) 了”。例如:

That was really a splendid evening.It’s years since I enjoyed myself so much.

那真是一个精彩的夜晚, 好多年我没有玩得那么开心了。

It has been three years since he lived here.


3.“It is/was+时间点+when”引导的从句。该句型表示“当……的时候, 是……”。该句型中的when引导的是一个时间状语从句。系动词的时态没有明显的限制, 时间点前不加介词。例如:

It was already twelve o’clock when he came here.


4.“It is (high) time+that”引导的从句。该句型表示“该是……的时候了”, 其中的that可以省去。使用该句型时, that从句中的谓语动词用一般过去时, 也可以用“should+动词原形”, 但是should不可以省略。例如:

It’s time that we made up the missed lessons.


5.“It is/was+the first/second/third...time+ (that) ”引导的从

句。表示“这是某人第几次……”。注意这个句型中的主从句的时态搭配:当主句动词用is时, 从句谓语动词要用现在完成时;主句动词用was时, 从句谓语动词要用过去完成时态。另外, 这个句型中的it也可以换作this或that;句型中的that也可以省去。例如:

It/This is the first time that Jenny has visited the Great Wall.


It/That was the second time that I had been to Japan.



1. 交通工具的名词bus, boat, cab, foot等转化的动词带it。例如:

Shall we walk to the cinema or bus it?


2. 在口语中作某种动词或介词的宾语, 或作短语的主语、表语等成分, 构成习语。例如:

You are in for it.


After receiving a large inheritance, Alice began to live it up.

爱丽丝继承了一大笔遗产, 此后就开始痛快享受起来。


Forget it.别提了/忘了它吧。

Don’t mention it.不用谢。

It doesn’t matter.没关系。

It/That depends.视情况而定。

You guessed it.你猜对了。

That’s it.就这样。

Take it easy.别紧张。


[1]王介忠.从高考题看it的六大用法[J].中小学外语教学, 2011, (2) .44-48.

[2]王益民.英语中七种It...that...句子结构的理解及其翻译[J].英语自学, 2007, (3) .40-42.

[3]徐广联.大学英语语法讲座与测试[M].上海:华东理工大学出版社, 2000.

[4]于凤.含义模糊的it[J].英语知识, 2007, (6) :36.

[5]章振邦.新编英语语法教程[M].上海:上海外语教育出版社, 2003.

[6]赵余燕.IT的用法与高考[J].英语画刊, 2007, (10) :17-18.

[7]郑天生.新高考英语必备[M].北京:世界知识出版社, 2003.

It的用法小结 篇2

1. one/that/it都可以用作代词, 指代前面所提到的名词。一般说来, it指代同名同物;而one与that指代同名异物。

I have a ticket for tomorrow’s football game. My aunt gave it to me.(句中it指代前面的a ticket,同名同物)

I found the very watch of mine where I had left it. (句中it指代前面的the watch of mine,同名同物)

I like movies starring Jackie Chan. Have you ever seen one? (one指代上文中的movies中的一个,同名异物)

The speech made by Obama was more inspiring than that made by McCain. (that指代前面的名词the speech,同名异物)

2. one与that虽然都可以用来指代同名异物, 但one为泛指, 相当于“a/an+名词”;that为特指, 相当于“the+名词”。

A bridge made of stone is stronger than one made of wood. (句中one相当于a bridge,表泛指)

I’m looking for a novel. I’d like one written by Jin Yong. (句中one相当于a novel,表泛指)

Yao Ming said that the basketball match against the Spanish team was one of great importance.(句中one相当于a match,表泛指)

In those days they lived a life worse than that of a beast of burden.(句中that相当于the life,表特指)

The song by Andy Lau(刘德华) is more beautiful than that by Nicholas Tse(谢霆锋).(句中that相当于the song,表特指)

His seat was next to that of mine. (句中that相当于the seat,表特指)

3. one只能指代可数名词单数, 指代可数名词复数时用ones;that既可以指代不可数名词也可以指代可数名词单数, 指代可数名词复数时用 those。

The song Beijing Welcomes You is more popular than that one.(one指代可数名词单数song)

These records are mine and the ones on the desk are Mary’s.(ones指代可数名词复数records)

The climate here is often said to be similar to that of Japan.(that指代不可数名词the climate)

The resistance of a thicker wire is less than that of a thin one.(that指代不可数名词resistance,one指代可数名词单数wire )

The students who do best in the exam are not always those with the best brains.(those指代可数名词复数students)

4. one既可指代物, 也可指代人;that只能指代物而不能指代人。有时可以用the one或the ones代替that或those。

He has never won a gold medal in international competitions, but he is going to get one in Beijing Olympic Games. (句中one指代物)

A football player serving a foreign club earns a lot more than one playing for a domestic club.(句中one指代人,不能用that)

My child doesn’t like this book.Show her a more interesting one.(句中one指代物)

The girl standing on the highest podium was the one who won the gold medal.(句中one指代人)

The ones /Those for sale are books for children.(句中the ones指代物,可以用those替换)

Jay Chou (周杰伦)is the singer, the one who is loved by young people.(句中the one指代人, 不能用that)

He likes to watch football games, especially the ones/thosebetween Brazil and Germany.(句中the ones指代物,可以用those替换)

5. one/ones经常带有前置修饰语, 有时也可带后置修饰语。而that/those不能有前置修饰语, 但可带后置修饰语。当替代词one/ones带有后置修饰语时,它们前面常有定冠词,表特指。如果是表泛指,就不用定冠词。

Today’s football match is more exciting than the one we watched last week.(表特指)

He likes many professional basketball players, but Yao Ming and Michael Jordan are the ones he likes most.(表特指)

It’s easier to catch a sleeping lion than one that’s awake.(句中one表泛指,所以前面没有加the)

The study of English is as important as that of Chinese.

I think the table tennis technology of Zhang Yining is better than that of Wang Nan.

6. it可以指代句中的不定式、动名词短语或从句等, 充当形式主语或形式宾语。one与that则不行。

It is known to all that the Chinese Sports Delegation ranks first in the total number of gold medals in the 29th Olympic Games in Beijing.(it指代句中的that从句, 作形式主语)

I think it unwise that the French president Sarkozy meets Dalai Lama in spite of China’s opposition.(it指代句中的that从句, 作形式宾语)

It will be no good learning without practice.(it指代句中的动名词短语, 作形式主语)

I found it no use arguing with them about the matter.(it指代句中的动名词短语, 作形式宾语)

It is also important to remember that new inventions don’t always work well in the beginning.(it指代句中的不定式短语, 作形式主语)

China’s advanced space technology makes it possible for Shenzhou Ⅶ to be sent up into space successfully.(it指代句中的不定式短语, 作形式宾语)

7. 有些动词,如enjoy, like, dislike, love, hate, prefer, appreciate等后接if从句或when从句时,通常应先在动词后接it作形式宾语。

I hate it if you say such things about my idols in public.我讨厌你在大庭广众之下那样说我的偶像。

He hates it when people say a lot without doing anything.他讨厌别人光说不做。

We won’t like it if you regard your idols as God.我们不喜欢你把偶像视为上帝。

I would appreciate it very much if you could offer me a chance to have a photo taken with Beckham.如果你能给我一次机会和贝克汉姆照张像,我会十分感激。

I’d prefer it if you could get me a ticket for tomorrow’s football game.要是你能为我弄到一张明天的足球比赛票,那就太好了。

有些动词短语,如see to, look to, insist on, stick to, depend on, answer for等,也可以用于这个结构。后面常接that从句。

See to it that you don’t give up what you can’t do well.注意千万不要放弃你没有做好的事情。

Look to it that your child doesn’t drink milk powder of Sanlu any longer.注意不要让孩子再喝三鹿奶粉了。

I can’t answer for it that the Chinese Women’s Volleyball Team will win the game.我不能保证中国女排会赢这场比赛。

You may rely on it that the 29th Olympic Games will be held in Beijing successfully.你放心,第29届奥运会将会在北京成功举办。

常见的还有take it for granted that,bring it to sb.’s attention that,owe it to sb. that 等。

8. it与that均可以指代上文全句的内容或部分内容, 而one/ones则不可以。

Michael Phelps got eight gold medals in Beijing Olympic Games, and it is true.(it指代前面整个句子所表达的内容)

Take your pound of flesh! I declare the court allows it and the law gives it to you.(it指代前面的句子“Take your pound of flesh!”的内容)

Tom is painting his house. I am told he does it every four years.(it指代前面句中的部分内容“painting his house”)

Liu Xiang injured. That was why he didn’t participate in the 110 meter hurdles race.(that指代前面整个句子所表达的内容)

During the 5·12 earthquake she heard a terrible noise, and that brought her heart into her mouth.(that指代前面句中的部分内容“terrible noise”)

He wants to study art and become a famous artist. That will need a lot of money and practice.(that指代前面整个句子所表达的内容)

We see Wang Liqin when he comes to Qian’an to participate in the table tennis club league, but that isn’t often.(that指代前面整个句子所表达的内容)

one/that/it 的替代用法小结:


1.Is________ necessary to complete the design before National Day?

A.thisB. thatC. itD. he

2.Mr Zhang gave the textbooks to all the pupils except________ who had already taken them.

A.the ones B. ones

C. someD. the others

3.___ ___ is a fact that English is being accepted as an international language.

A. ThereB. ThisC. ThatD. It

4.I was disappointed with the film, I had expected________ to be much better.

A. thatB. thisC. oneD. it

5. Tom’s mother kept telling him that he should work harder, but________ didn’t help.

A. heB. whichC. sheD. it

6.I’m looking for a house,________ with a garden.

A. oneB. whichC. thatD. it

7.I have quite a lot of homework to do. I must finish________ first.

A. itB. the oneC. thatD. those

8.Few pleasures can equal________ of a cool drink on a hot day.

A. someB. anyC. thatD.those

9.I’ve just seen no more than one copy of Gone with the Wind in the bookshop. Tom, go and buy___ ___ back.

A. oneB. anyC. itD. some

10.I hope there are enough glasses for each guest to have________.

A.itB. thoseC. themD. one


1. C it 作形式主语,指代后面的动词不定式短语。

2. A ones指代pupils, 后面有定语从句修饰,表特指,因此前面一定要加定冠词。

3. D it 作形式主语,指代后面的that从句。此题乍一看很容易被看成是There be结构,但根据意思和结构又很容易排除A。

4. D it指代前面的the film,指代同名同物。

5. D it指代前面整个句子所表达的内容。

6. A one指代上文的a house,指代同名异物,表泛指。

7. C 因为homework是不可数名词,而it应该指代同名同物,所以选C。

8. C that指代前面的名词pleasure。此处的pleasure意思是“令人愉快的事”,是可数名词。

9. C it指代上文的one copy of Gone with the Wind,指代同名同物。

it用法小结 篇3


eg.Who's that baby?It's me.那婴儿是谁?是我。 代替上文的单数名词。

eg.This is my book.I got it just now.这是我的书, 我刚才买的。 表示不知雌雄的动物。

eg.Look at the bird.It’s always coming my window.看这只鸟, 它总是来到我的窗前。

4.前面的 it 在强调式中做形式主语, It is (was) +强调部分+that ( who) .后面 it 意为“这件事”。

eg.It was she who did it.就是他做的这件事.

It is the farm that we visited last week.上周我们参观的就是这个农场。

5.it习惯用于打电话或敲门时, 即用于“只听其声而不见其人”时, 表示“你, 我”。

eg:Who's it It's Tom.你是谁?我是汤姆。

=Who's that?This is Tom. 表示天气。

eg.It's hot today, We shan't go there.今天太热了, 我们不去那里了。

It's getting colder and colder.天变得越来越冷了。 表示星期。

eg.What day is (it) today.It's Sunday.今天是星期几?星期日。

8.it表示日期, 即几月几日。

eg, What's the date today?It is January lst.今天是几号?一月一日。 表示物体的“长 (long) , 宽 (wide) , 高 (tall/high) , 深 (deep) , 远 (away) , 重 (heavy) ”等。

eg.How long is it?It's five metres long.它有多长?有5米长。 表示时间。

eg.What time is it?It's six o'clock.几点啦?六点。


eg.How far is it from here? It’s 50 kilometres (away) .从这有多远的路 50公里。

12.It is+时间+since+主语+过去时, it 表示时间。

eg.It is three years since I saw him.三年没看见他了。

=I haven't seen him for three years. 作不定式的形式主语.

eg.It isn't easy to learn English well.学好外语不容易。

It is too difficult to do this。做这个太难。 用在花费句型中, 其结构:

It+takes (took) +sb+一段时间/金钱+to do sth.花费某人多少时间/金钱做某事。

eg.It took me two months to finish the work. 作动词不定式的形式宾语, 常用于 believe, think, find 等动词后, 表达形式, 即“主语+谓语动词+it+形容词+to do sth.”

eg, We found it easy (difficult) to learn English.我们发现学英语很容易 (难) 。 表示人们心目中共知的事物。

eg.Doesn't it matter if he can't finish the job on time.


(1) .It's time (for sb) +to do sth.

(2) .It’s time for+sth

(3) .It's very kind of sb.


1.The book it not mine.I borrowed______ from library.

A.that C.this D.him

2.I don't think______necessary for you to worry too much about your son.

A.those B.that D.this

3.______ appears that the nurse is too tired.

A.It B.She C.This D.That

4.Is ______ possible to fly to the moon in a spaceship? c.that

5. ______in his small room that he wrote the great novel.

A.He is B.that was C.he was D.It was

6.______time for class.

A.This is B.It's C.That's D.What's

7. ______her young sister______she teaches English every Sunday evening.

A.It is, who B.That is, that C.It is, whom D.It is, that

8.Do you feel______ useful______ retell the text in our own words?

A.That, to that C.that’s, to, to

Key: 1 B 2 C 3 A 4 D 5 D 6 B 7C 8 D

注释:3 A, it 做形式主语, 真正主语是 that 引导的从句。

5 D, 这是强调句型, 被强调部分 in his small room.

It的用法小结 篇4

——I’m very sorry, Allen. I can’t find your favorite CD.

——_____,Torn. I’ll go and buy another one.(2013年江西省)

A. It doesn’t matter B. Don’t say that

C. Sure D. You are kidding.

该题的正确答案是A。此题是在考查同学们对It doesn’t matter.的掌握情况。英语口语中,“It doesn’t matter.”较为常用,它的基本意思是“没关系,随便”。常用于以下几种场合:



——May I come in? I’m late. ——我可以进来吗?我迟到了,对不起。

——It doesn’t matter this time. Please come in and sit down. But come to school earlier next time. ——这次没关系。请进来坐下,但下次要早点到校。

——It’s wrong of me to pick up your ruler. ——错拿了你的尺子是我不对。

——It doesn’t matter. ——没关系。

Sorry! I have no time to help you. It doesn’t matter. I can do it myself. 很抱歉!我没有时间帮助你。不要紧。我自己能做。

【温馨提示】回答对方道歉用语与It doesn’t matter.相当的还有That’s OK., You’re welcome., That’s nothing., Not at all.等。不过It doesn’t matter.不能用来回答Thank you., Thanks a lot.之类的感谢用语,其他说法则可以。例如:

——Thanks a lot. ——多谢。

——Not at all. ——没什么。


——Shall we watch TV or listen to the music? ——咱们看电视还是听音乐呢?

——It doesn’t matter (to me). ——我是无所谓的,怎么都行。

——Which would you like, pear or apple? ——你喜欢梨还是苹果?

——Pear or apple, it really doesn’t matter to me. ——随便吧。


——Broken? Oh dear! ——(自行车)坏了?天哪!

——It doesn’t matter. I like walking. Look at the sun. ——不要紧,我喜欢步行。看看太阳,正是散步的好天气。

——I have a little money left. ——我只剩下一点点钱了。

——It doesn’t matter, I’ll give you some more. ——不要紧,我再给你一些。


——Who is going to hold the meeting? ——谁来主持这个会议?

——It doesn’t matter who he is. What’s the most important to us is that what to do at the meeting. ——谁来主持会议倒无所谓,最重要的是会议上干些什么。

It doesn’t matter if we miss the early bus. 即使我们误了早班车也没关系。


1. ——You won the first prize in the Physics competition.

——_______. I made several terrible mistakes. (2013年江苏省南京市)

A. I think so B. You must be joking

C. You are welcome D. It doesn’t matter

2. ——Would you mind stopping your cigarette?

——_______. I forget it’s No-smoking here. (2013年内蒙古自治区包头市)

A. It doesn’t matter B. Not at all

C. Yes, please D. Just a little

3. ——I’m very sorry. I broke your tea cup.

——_______. (2013年湖北省武汉市)

A. It doesn’t matter B. You’d better not

C. Take it easy D. It’s too bad

4. ——Why not go to Lao She Teahouse tonight?

——_______. (2013年天津市)

A. It doesn’t matter B. Thank you

C. Sorry to hear that D. Sounds great

5. ——Sorry, I’m late again.

——_______. (2013年四川省广安市)

A.That’s OK B. It doesn’t matter C. Good idea

浅析高考中it的用法 篇5



It特指并代替上文中提到的同名同物,即可代单数可数名词,又可以代不可数名词;that用来特指并代替前文出现的单数可数名词或不可数名词,相当于“the+n(单),the one或the+不可数名词,that的前面不能有前置定语,但其后可跟后置定语,其复数为those;one泛指并替代前面提到的同类事物中的一个,但不是同一个,即“同类异物”,相当于a/an+单数可数名词,既可以替代人,又可替代物,其复数为ones.






例1【2002全国卷,35】Meeting my uncle after all these years was an unforgettable moment,___I will always treasure.



Step2:找准指代内容:该题需一个代词指代an unforgettable moment;

Step3:弄清每个选项的具体作用:that=the one;One则可为同位语,可做moment的同位语,表示的是一个难忘的时刻;it应该指同类同物;而what没法在此处和an unforgettable moment构成同位关系;



Meeting my uncle after all these years was an unforgettable moment,and I will always treasure it.(=the unforgettable moment)


例2【2009四川,3】I like this house with a garden in front,but I don't have enough money to buy____.



Step2:第一句中this house中表明在该语境同类同物的用法;

Step3:one指同类异物,it同类同物,this指这个,近指;that=the one;



It可用于强调结构中,用以强调句中的除定语或谓语以外的成分.强调句的基本句式是It is/was+被强调部分+that who其他成分,强调人,且为句中主语时可用who及that做连接词.强调句的一般疑问句为Is/Was it+被强调部分+that/who+其他部分;特殊疑问句为:特殊疑问词+is/was it+that/who+其他部分。

笔者认为这种题型可用“假设法”解题,即遇见it is/was开头的句子就假设为强调句,再考证假设是否成立.该方法分三步解题:

step1.如果遇见it is/was...that/who...的句子,就假设它是强调句,去掉it is/was...that/who...后,剩余的部分如果还是个完整的句子,那么假设成立;



例1【2011湖南卷,35】It’s not what we do once in a while_______shapes our lives,but what we do consistently.


Step1:假设该题是强调句,即:去掉It’s...和空格,还剩下not what we do once in a while shapes our lives,but what we do consistently.从语法角度思考,此句分析如下:not what we do once in a while(主语)shapes(谓语)our lives(宾语),but wha we do consistently(主语).从分析看,句子完整但显得头重脚轻;



例2【2011四川卷,15】Was it on a lonely island_______he was saved one month after the boat went down?


Step1:见到Was it就用假设法,即去掉Was it和空格,剩下了he(主语)was saved(谓语)one month(状语)after the boa went down(状语从句)on a lonely island(状语)此句完整;


Step3:综合前面两步的分析,此处强调的是句子的地点状语on a lonely islond是强调句的一般疑问句型,was it+被强调部分that+句子?故选B.






It is+adj./n.(+of/for sb.)+to do sth./that...;

It is no use/good+doing sth.;

It is said/reported/announced/(well)known that…;

It is no wonder that…;

例1[2007全国卷II,7]___felt funny watching myself on TV.


Step1:还原句子为watching myself on TV(主语)felt(谓语)funny(表语).


Step3:通过思考题干,不难看出,watching myself on TV这部分是真正的主语,可以判定本句需要一个形式上的主语来使句子保持平衡.



It做形式宾语,用以代替不定式,动名词或从句,通常放在下列动词后面,构成:subject+consider,think,make,find,believe,count,declare,fancy,feel,guess,imagine,judge,prove,see,show,suppose,understand,take+it+adj./n.+for sb.+to do sth.



例如:It is/was+时间+since…自从…以来已经一段时间了;

It is+时间+before…过多久就会…;过多久才会…;

It is/was+the first(second/third…)time that…第一(二…)次做…;

It is time(for sb.)to do sth.该某人做…的时候了


例如:It depends.看情况而定.

Don't mention it.不客气.

Take it easy.别急,慢慢来.

Believe it or not.信不信由你.

Make it.办得到.

As it is...照...那样

It is hard to say.很难说.

If I can help it.如果我有办法.


例1【2006山东卷,24】I'd appreciate__________if you would like to teach me how to use the computer.

注:it做某些及物动词的形式宾语完全是英文句法结构的需要,如enjoy,like,hate,see to,prefer,appreciate,等,故选B.

例3【2006全国卷1,26】If I can help______I don't like working late into the night.

A soB thatC itD.them

If I can help it“如果我有办法”,表示有办法做或有办法控制某个局面,根据句意如果我有办法,我也不愿意晚上熬夜加班,故选B.


从一道中考题看it的用法 篇6

—Oh, there’s someone in the room.

—_______must be my brother (2008年青海省)


此题是考查代词it做主语的用法。he是人称代词, 意思是“他”;this是指示代词, 指身边的人或物;it是代词, 通常用来代替上下文提到的人或物。在这里是用来代替前一句中的不定代词someone, 所以选C项。

it用作代词时, 除了以上的用法之外, 还有以下几种用法:


1.—What’s this in English?这用英语怎么说?

—It’s an eraser.这是一块橡皮擦。

2.—What’s that?那是什么?

—It’s my pencil case.那是我的铅笔盒。


1.—What’s the time?几点啦?

—It’s nine o’clock.9点整。

2.It’s winter now.现在是冬季。

3.It’s going to rain.天要下雨了。


1.It’s only ten minutes’walk from my home to school.从我家到学校仅有10分钟的路程。

2.It’s very noisy in the classroom.教室里吵闹声很大。


1.—Who’s knocking at the door?谁在敲门?

—It’s me, Pingping.是我, 平平。

2.—Listen!Wang Hui is singing in the classroom。听!王辉在教室里唱歌。

—No.It can’t be Wang Hui.He has gone to Shanghai.不, 不可能是王辉。他到上海去了。

it除了作代词外, 还可以用作引导词, 在句子中作形式主语, 代替真正的动词不定式主语。例如:

It take us more than one hour to finish our homework.我们花了一个多小时的时间完成家庭作业。=We spent more than an hour on/doing our homework.


1.It’s time for school.上学的时间到了。

2.It seems that he is quite happy.他好像很开心。=He seems to be quite happy.

3.Don’t mention it.不用谢。

4.It’s very kind of you.你真好。

5.It’s hard to say.很难说。

6.It’s getting late.时间不早了。

7.It’s a pity.真可惜。

8.Take it easy.别紧张。

9.It doesn’t matter.没关系。

10.How’s it going (with you) ? (你) 近况如何?

it的用法还有很多。例如:用来代替动名词短语、从句;用于强调句等等, 这里就不一一列举了, 希望同学们在今后的学习中不断总结、归纳。


1.I can’t find the pen I was given.Have you seen_____?



2.—Who is singing in the classroom?

—_____must be Susan.




3.Your MP4 is quite cheap.Where did you buy____?I want to buy_____, too.;;it;;it


4.Most of young people find______ exciting to watch a football match.



5.—Thank you for such a good meal!

—_____. (2007年浙江宁波)

A.That’s right

B.Don’t mention it

C.Come here next time

D.We didn’t cook so well

6.—Do you think it will do us good or harm?

—______.Let’s beg for God’s help.


A.It’s hard to say

B.I’m sure

C.It’s impossible

D.You are right

感悟中学英语语法it的系列用法 篇7


1.1指代上文提过的生物或非生物, 复数形式为they。例如:

The earth is the planet that we live on.It is the fifth largest planet of the solar system.

This car is not fast enough.It can only do 60 miles an hour.

John is in the shool football team.It was reorganized last year.

“Where is the cat?”“It is in the garden.”

“Where are the cats?”“They are in the garden.”

1.2 指代上文提过的性别不明或无须指明性别的小孩。例如:

To feed a child without also educating it is a fault in the father.

What’s matter with the baby?It has been crying.

Her baby is due next month.She hopes it will be boy.

1.3 作主语时指代上文提过的人,后跟系表结构,用以指明该人的身份。例如:

“Who is that at the door?”“It’s the postman.”

The footsteps drew nearer and she saw from behing the curtain who her visitor was.And shi opened the door to welcome her.It was Maria Cragg. (文中的主人已知客人是谁, 所以在使用It之前就使用了her, 但读者依然不明白, 所以最后用It作主语, 后跟系表结构, 指明该人的身份。)

1.4 作主语,指代谓语部分所说明的自然现象(如:风、雨、热、冷)、季节、时间、距离、环境等。例如:

It was raining hard when he got off the train.

Is it very cold in your country in December?

It was high time (that) we had a rest.

It was early spring/1986 when we first met.

It is six months since he lost his job.

It won’t be long before we meet again.

It is only two hours’ride/eighty miles to Cleveland.

It is very dark/pretty/crowded/noisy/dirty in the room.

1.5 指代上下文或一定语境所表明的情况、事件等。例如:

“I’m trying to change my job.”“You’ll find it difficult.” (it指调换工作这件事。)

“I’ll have to work all night through.”“It is awful.”(it指你彻夜工作这件事。)

You’ll be in trouble before you know it.(it指你陷入困境这件事。)

English is very important, and we all know it.(it指英语的重要性。)

When the factory closes, it will mean 500 redundancies. (it指工厂倒闭这件事。有些学者把此处及以下四个句子中it解释为形式主语或形式宾语, 但却无法解释没有真正的主语/宾语何来形式主语/宾语。)

I’d appreciate it if you could help me with the work.(it指你帮助我工作这件事。)

I hate it when people speak with their mouths full.(it指人们边吃东西边讲话这一情况。)

He likes it when Mary is with him. (it指Mary的陪伴。)

It is dull when Mary is away. (it指无Mary相陪的状况。)

“Isn’t it lovely here?”“Yes, I like it here.”(it指这儿的环境。)

It seems that no one has any objection to the idea.(it指作为话题的事实、情况。有些学者把此处的it解释为形式主语,但却回避seem不能单独作谓语这一事实,或无法解释为什么主语从句不能复位。)

It happens that his sister is a close friend of mine. (同上)

It must be that I made a mistake about him. (同上)

2. 半实义的it


2.1 作形式主语,替代不定式短语、动名词短语及名词性从句,把这类较长的主语移至句尾,使句子显得匀称。例如:

It is a great pleasure to be working with you.

It is necessary for you to obey the order.

It is no use crying over spilt milk.

It was fortunate that there was a doctor at the spot.

It doesn’t matter what he thinks.

2.2 作形式宾语,替代不定式短语、动名词短语及名词性从句,后接宾语补足句,把这类较长的宾语移至宾语补足句之后,使句子显得匀称。例如:

We consider it foolish of him to meet her.

Jane found it dull working at the kitchen sink all day.

George made it clear that he disagreed.

I take it for granted that you all know this.

3. 虚义的it


It was Jim that/who shot a bear yesterday.

It was abear that Jim shot yesterday.

It was yesterday that Jim shot a bear.

It may have been at Christmas that John gave Mary a silk handbag.

Was it because he was ill that he didn’t attend the lecture?

Where was it that you found the wallet?

It的用法小结 篇8

一、it特指前面提到同类同物, 常用来代替单数可数名词或不可数名词;有时也可以指不明性别的婴儿或小孩;还可以指代时间、天气、日期和距离, 常在句子中主语;还能在句中充当形式宾语或形式主语。如:

My mobile phone is old, but I like it.虽然我的手机旧但是我喜欢它。

What a love baby!Is it a boy?多么可爱的婴儿!是个男婴吗?

How far is it from here to your school?从这儿到你的学校多远?

——What’s the weather like today?今天天气怎么样?

——It’s sunny.阳光明媚。

It’s very important for us to learn English well.对于我们来说学好英语是非常重要的。

I found it interesting to learn physics.我发现学习物理是有趣的。

二、that特指前面提到的那类事物, 常用来代替可数名词的单数或不可数名词;其复数形式those用来代替可数名词的复数。如:

The weather in Guizhou is much warmer than that in Beijing.贵州的天气比北京的天气温和得多。

The students in Class Nine, Grade Eight are more than those in Class One, Grade Eight.八 (9) 班的学生比八 (1) 班的学生多。

三、one泛指前面提到的那类人或物另一个, 常用来代替单数可数名词;其复数形式ones。如:

My mobile phone is old, so I want to buy a new one.因为我的手机旧了所以我想要买一部新手机。

My brother’s pens were lost, so he had to buy some new ones.因为我弟弟的笔丢了所以他不得不买一些新的。


1.——There is still a copy of this book in the library.Will you go and borrow________.?

——No, I will buy________in the bookstore. (2011包头市) it

2.All of us find________necessary to take exercise every day. (2011乌鲁木齐市)

3.——Can I use your e-dictionary? (2011盐城市)

——Sorry.I don’t have________. B.this C.that

4.I’m expecting a digtal camera for long, but dad has no time to buy________for me.

A.itB.oneC.thisD.that (2011浙江省嘉兴市)

5.——Why don’t we take a little break? (2010苏州市)

——Didn’t we just have________?


6.——I need something for cutting the paper. (2010安徽省)

——Oh, you want a knife?OK, I’ll get________ for you. B.that C.this

7.——The shoes don’t fit me, Would you please show me________?

——Sure.Here you are. (2009绵阳市)

A.the other one B.the other C.another pair D.another one

8.——Look!What’s________ in the sky? (2009山西省)

——It looks like a kite.


9.These shoes are too big.Do you have a smaller________? (2008天津市)


10.My son wants a pet rabbit for long, but I have no time to buy________for him. (2008山东省)


11.The machines made in China are cheaper than ________made in Japan. (2008潍坊市)

12.I have got many collections of snow globes.You may take________if you like. (2008青岛市)


13.Your MP4 is quite cheap.Where did you buy________?I want to buy________, too. (2008湖北省恩施自治市) it

表示推测的情态动词用法小结 篇9


She must be at home.


The photo must be Mary’s. Those are her parents.



You can’t be right.


—Look! Mr Hu is on the other side of the street.

—It can’t be him. He has gone to Beijing.



◆may常用于肯定句中,表示对现在的事实把握性不大的推测,意为“可能” “也许”。例如:

This story may be true.


The red car under the tree may be Jeff’s.


◆could和might表示推测时,在某些场合中可以代替can和may,但比can, may更委婉和更加不肯定。例如:

Mary passed by just now. The bag could belong to her.


We saw something in the sky last night. It might be the UFO.


◆“情态动词 + be + 动词的现在分词”,表示对正在进行的动作的推测。例如:

They must be waiting for you at the bus station.


She can’t be watching TV now.


Can they be playing football?
