


写英语演讲稿的格式 篇1




英语日记的书端是专门写日记的日期、星期和天气的。左上角是日期(年、月、日)、星期。右上角写上当天的天气情况,如:sunny, fine, rainy, windy, snowy, cloudy等。

1、日期表达有多种形式。年、月、日都写时,通常以月、日、年为顺序,月份可以缩写,日和年用逗号隔开。例如: december 16, XX 或者 dec.16, XX

a)september 1, XX或september 1st, XX也可省略写成sept.1, XX或sept.1st, XX;b)the 1st of september in XX(月份不可以缩写)


september 1或september 1st(月份可以缩写)


september XX或the september of XX(月份不可以缩写)

以上的1或1st都应读作the first。


saturday, october 22nd, XX;october 21nd, XX saturday

3.天气情况必不可少。天气一般用一个形容词如 :sunny, fine, rainy, snowy 等表示。写在日期之后,用逗号隔开,位于日记的右上角。如:

saturday, march 5, XX, windy;1st january, XX, fine








march 12th, XX, tuesdaysunny(fine)

today is tree planting day.at 7:30 in the morning, all the students in our class met at the school gate.we walked to the park.miss gao and other teachers went and worked with us.all the students worked very hard, and we planted about 200 trees.though we were dirty and tired, we still felt very happy.

写英语演讲稿的格式 篇2

1. 演讲稿的内容 (content) :

内容的现实性。演讲稿是为了说明一定的观点和态度的。它讨论的应该是现实生活中存在的并为人们所关心的问题。比如:你个人的经历、短小精悍的逸闻趣事和成功奋斗的故事, 你如何面对大学生活的各方面的压力, 你认为大学英语四六级考试应不应该取消及其原因, 等等。

2. 演讲稿的结构 (structure) 。

演讲稿的结构通常包括开场白 (Introduction) 、正文 (Body) 、结尾 (Conclusion) 三部分。

2.1 演讲的开场白即演讲的开头, 在通篇演讲中处于领先的特殊位置, 在演讲者和听众之间架起一座沟通思想情感的桥梁, 为演讲的成功开辟道路。 (李伟华, 2005:50) 不论哪种开场白, 目的都是使听众立即了解演讲主题、引入正文、引起思考等。英语演讲稿常用的开篇模式有:设问, 悬念, 讲故事, 引言及幽默等。

2.2 演讲稿的正文也是整篇演讲的主体。它必须有中心句、有重点、条理清晰、层次分明。在节奏上要做到鲜明适度, 张弛起伏, 维持听众的注意力。切入正题后, 每个单词, 每个句子和每一思想的表达都要恰到好处。紧扣主题展开论述。

2.3 演讲稿的结尾起着深化主题的作用。结尾的方法有反问法、引文法及归纳法等。反问法不需要听众回答, 以问句引发听众思考和对演讲者观点的认同。引文法是引用名言警句, 升华主题、留下思考;归纳法是概括一篇演讲的中心思想。此外, 演讲稿也可以用感谢、展望、鼓舞等语句结尾, 给人留下自然深刻的印象。

3. 演讲稿的语言。

演讲的语言风格体现在它的简明化、口语化和修辞化等特点上。写作英语演讲稿时, 要特别注意其语言风格, 以期达到理想的演讲效果。句子要简短, 要富于变化, 语意要明白, 声调要顿挫, 语气要自然, 要口语化, 便于演讲者调动声音技巧来表情达意。在表达形式方面, 要调动修辞手段, 借以增强感情色彩, 激发听众情绪。这样, 演讲稿就会富有鼓动性。以下举例说明修辞手段的运用:

1) 对照法 (contrast) 和比较法 (comparison)

对照法的运用可以揭示相互对立的现象, 使它们相映相衬, 以达到加强文势的效果;而比较法可以说明两个事物或现象之间的异同, 发人深思。

2) 重复法 (rhetorical repetition)

重复法是指一个词、一个词组或一个句子的反复使用。演讲中, 恰当使用重复, 可以增强语势, 抒发感情, 起到明显的感染听众、激发共鸣的效果。马丁·路德·金就是一位娴熟高超的重复法大师, 在他最著名的演讲“I have a dream”中

(1963年8月28日华盛顿) , “I have a dream”和“Let freedom ring...”两句话都重复使用了八次。

3) 头韵 (the alliteration)

头韵即连续数个单词的头音或头字母相同, 这种现象在英语中常见。“At our best when at Our boldest” (布莱尔, 工党会议, 2002) 。英语的头韵短语异常活跃, 它们既简短明快, 又富于表现力, 还具有音乐性。

4) 尾韵法 (end rhyme)

尾韵法指相同的词尾辅音在一组词、一句话或一行诗中重复出现如果运用得当, 读来顺口, 听来顺耳, 意义突出。如:“We wil fight to show that we are fight.”。

5) 排比, 平行 (parallelism)

这种修辞法是把两个或两个以上的结构大体相同或相似, 意思相关, 语气一致的短语、句子排列成串, 形成一个整体。平行法的有效使用可使语句精美整齐, 通过精美的语言形式更好地表达丰富的内容。如:”No one can be perfectly free till all are free;no one can be perfe ctly moral till all are moral;no one can be perfectly happy till all are happy.”。

当然, 写好英语演讲稿还有诸多其他因素需要考虑, 由于篇幅有限, 笔者将会在以后的时间里继续探讨。


[1]Halliday, M A K and Hasan.Cohesion in English[M].London:Longman, 1976.

[2]丁往道, 等.英语写作手册[M].北京:外语教学与研究出版社.1994.

[3]李伟华.演讲口才[M].北京:当代世界出版社, 2005.11.

[4]马状寰.演讲英语[M].北京:北京大学出版社, 2005.8.

[5]祝蔚红.实用英语演讲教程[M].南京:南京大学出版社, 2007.7

写英语演讲稿的格式 篇3

摘 要:本文在分析职业院校高考升学班英语课教学现状的基础上,介绍了如何运用格式塔理论,创新现在英语课的教学方法,以期达到更好的教学效果,提高学生运用英语的水平和在对口升学高考中的英语高考成绩。

关键词:英语 职校 高考 创新





该理论还包括图示理论,英国心理学家 Bartlett在其《记忆》一书中对“图式”进行了这样的描述:“图式是对过去经验的反映或对过去经验的积极组织。”内在的图示有助于提高人们对新知识认知的能力。对于语言的学习者来说,要有大量听读的输入,最后才能输出。20世纪八十年代,图式理论已经成为阅读理论的重要组成部分,该理论明确指出人们是通过激活大脑中相关的图式来理解新信息的。


由此可见,英语语言的习得和有效运用与格式塔理论有着内在的必然联系。根据完形理论,英国学者威尔逊泰勒在1953年首先设计出完形填空。完形填空作为必考题被视为是考查学生英语综合水平的有效又经济的手段。既然完形填空就是根据格式塔理论设立的,并且在对口升学英语考试中也占有相当比例,教师在平时讲课过程中就不应只讲解课文中出现的语法知识点,而是以全局为着眼点,训练学生把握整篇文本的能力。把在教学过程中以老师教为中心转化为以学生学为主体。在阅读过程当中,教师要求学生运用Context(语境),对整篇文章进行一个逻辑猜测,完成Guess Work。学生粗略阅读一遍后,教师提问学生该文章讲的是一个什么故事,文章的逻辑连接在文中的什么地方,然后再分析文章的重要语法点。让学生想象如果自己是出题者,会在什么地方设置障碍,在意见得到教师的赞同后着重记忆。这样一来,教师教的东西并没有减少,但是学生学的知识却无形中增加了,被动学习变成了主动学习,学生主动感知文章整体与部分、认知英语文章的水平得到了有效提高。一篇文章的精读学习抵得过以前三四篇文章的题海战术,达到了事半功倍的学习效果。





[1]秦明星.格式塔理论和英语完形填空的关系研究——以大学英语四级考试为例[J].哈尔滨职业技术学院学报, 2011(5).


写英语演讲稿的格式 篇4

ladies and gentlemen:

it is a great honor for me to talk about the topic with you all, my dear friends!

as you all know, there is a flinty problem that many many fresh graduates can not find their jobs today. what is worse, it seems that we have few ways to sovle it. probably, some others would argue that why not let our ya go abroad since there are so many chances there? on second thoughts, should our government propose that we youth go abroad for job hunting? my answer is absolutely “ no”!

just think, my friends, why somebody suggest our fresh graduates go abroad? are our markets for job seekers really saturated ? are there really bags of jobs waiting for the jobless abroad? can the migration really put the axe in the helve? it is unlikely, in my opinion.

in some degree, it is a illusion thinking that there have been dead-alive on the labor market home. so many graduates say they can not find their jobs, so many parents worry about their young ones’ future, so many companies close the doors for job seeking…… how it just be a illusion ? do i have a bee in my head?

first ,we should make it clear that what kind of jobs that our graduates want to take, and where they want to work? it goes without saying, only jobs providing high salary in big cities, for instance beijing, can satisfy them. unfortunately ,that kind of jobs are limited. therefore, it is not that our graduates can not find jobs but that they can not find the fictive jobs , as a matter of fact. no matter how flourish and how actively a city is, it can provide numbered positions for the job seekers. what they want is perfect, but what they can gain in the end is another pair of shoes.

in fact, in the country, in the undeveloped places, more and more persons with ability are needed. however, there are no theatres, there are no cafes, there are no kfc, and there are supermarkets… as a result, no body like to work there. as we all know, developed countriess usually have the same problem that large numbers of person lost their work, which is even serious than china. millions of people pageant nearly every day, speaking for a piece of work. so what we can do after we get there? how can we support ourselves?

not all emigrants live a happy life, in fact, most of them worry about their life from time to time. digesting the culture seems always difficult, the salary stays at a low level, and the miss to their motherland always follows…

how about the developing country? are there more jobs, higher wages and comfortable life? i am sorry ,the answer is still “no”! plumply speaking, many developing counties are disordered. you can not prosuppose when the terrorists may attack you, when the epidemic may come and how can you make a living?

now you can see, as i refered to, foreign countries are not the paradise, at least, to most of the people having gone abroad. in this case, why we still suggest our graduates go overseas? in addition, will that really be good for our country after number of fresh graduates entering overseas for their job seeking?

英语演讲比赛主持稿格式 篇5

a: first of all, let me introduce our distinguished leaders and judges.they are„„

professor xxx, vice president of faculty of foreign languages.2 associate professor xxx, director of graduate teaching and research section 3 associate professor xxx 4 associate professor xxx 5 doctor xxx 6外教


b: and our honorableguests.1 :2:(对决赛规则介绍)

a:now we would like to introduce the rules for the contest。this contest will be divided into three parts.part oneis prepared speech , the topic is decided by contestants , each constant has 3 minutes to deliver the speech.a yellow card will be shown at 2 minutes 30 seconds a red card will be shown at 3 minutes.part two is impromptu speech, after prepared speech, each constant select the topic on the screen, each constant has 2 minutes to deliver the speech.a yellow card will be shown at 1 minute 30 seconds.a red card will be shown at 2 minutes.part three is question and answer.question master will ask one or no more than two questions, contestants should answer each question in 30 seconds b:(计分规则):scoring rules;it is hundred-mark system.the score of prepared speech is 40 the impromptu speech is 40 the answering questions is 20.after contestant no 7 ends the speech we will declare the final score of contestants no1 to no 6.the score of the rest will be known when all the contestants finish their speeches.a:we hope it will be a good opportunity for the participants to display their talents in language and public speaking,and it will be a great chance to exchange ideas on important current issues.b:we also hope that you, the audience, will enjoy this exciting contest and benefit from what you hear.ok, i think everybody here cannot wait to see now, so let’s begin.————————定题演讲过程 thank for you wonderful performance,now,please choose the number, ok your question is „„„„„.————————选手回答过程 a:now i will declare the final score of no7 to no 12: the final score of no7 is „no8„„for now ,all of the contestants have finished their speeches.i believe all of us have been impressed by their fabulous performance.(公布获奖情况)b:ladies and gentlemen.now it is time to announce today’s results.it’s really an exciting moment.firstly, i will declare the best popularity prize, the winner is„„ a:i would like to announce the 6 excellent winners they are „„ congratulations b:now i will tell you the third winners, they are„„„„congratulations a:oh!i think i’m more nervous now, and the second winners are„„.congratulations is xx congratulations.a: congratulations!a:it is time to say good-bye.but i’d like to say thank you.thank all of speakers and audiences.thank you for joining us, inspiring us.“春藤”杯英文演讲比赛主持稿(a 男 b 女)

b:同学们请注意!比赛即将开始,请大家坐好,并保持赛场安静。比赛开始: b:尊敬的各位老师a:亲爱的同学们!ab:大家下午好!b:欢迎参加辽宁对外经贸学院第三届“春藤”杯英文演讲比赛。我是比赛主持人______(a:我是____。)下面我宣布:辽宁对外经贸学院第三届“春藤”杯英文演讲比赛———ab:现在开始!







b:thanks contestant no.3, for the wonderful performance!a:谢谢三号选手的精彩演讲,现在由我公布前三位选手的成绩,一号选手...二号选手...让我们以热烈的掌声祝贺他们。好,让我们继续比赛,有请四号选手__。(6号选手演讲完)b:棒极了!多么动听的声音!好的,现在然我们继续比赛。接下来有请七号选手。有请!



a: right now, what we’re going to announce the winners :(获奖名单)the third winner is : b: 获得三等奖的是: a: the second winner is : b: 获得二等奖的是: b: 欢迎,让我们以热烈的掌声欢迎我们一等奖获得者:


from different classes.all of they are freshman.i hope you can have a good day!b:女士们先生们,各位早上好!首先非常荣幸的担任这次比赛的主持人,接下来你们将看到的是“我的大学我的梦”杯英语演讲比赛,在此次比赛中有17名来自不同班级的大一选手参赛。我希望大家能在这儿过得愉快。a:now,i will tell you something about this contest in general,today’s contest includes prepared contest,questions and answers,impromptu speech and talent show。the judges will judge you by substance style,delivery and pronunciation of your speech。the rewards contain a first winner two second winners three third winners and five excellent winners b:现在我将简要的介绍一下比赛规则,本次比赛分为主体演讲,现场提问,即兴演讲和才艺展示四个部分。评委将从演讲内容,演讲风格,个人形象,发音等方面进行打分。本次比赛奖项设置为:一等奖一名,二等奖二名,三等奖三名,优秀奖五名 a:in prepared contest,you have about four minutes to take you speech something important is you have to speech without draft,then,you will face the impromptu speech, after you choose the question, you have 40s to prepare ,2 minutes to answers。and judges may ask you something.b:在主体演讲中,你有大约四分钟的时间进行演讲,值得一提的是必须脱稿。接下来你将迎来即兴演讲,当你抽完选题后有四十秒的准备时间,然后做一个两分钟左右的演讲,评委可以针对你的演讲提一些问题。b:现在我很荣幸的向大家介绍我们的评委大家欢迎!?..b:让我们再次以热烈的掌声欢迎他们的到来!a:thank for join us,it’s time for show.b:欢迎你们的到来,现在比赛开始!b:现在我们欢迎第一位选手,来自xx班的xx同学 b:感谢你的精彩表现,我们有请下一位来自xx班的xx同学,欢迎

„„„„„„.„„„„„„ b:谢谢,谢谢,你们太棒了,我简直不敢相信自己的眼睛,每个人是如此的多才多艺,我想这源于你们平时丰富的课余爱好吧。现在激动人心的时刻到了,我 将宣布这一轮的得分情况。

„„„„„..„„„„„.a:ok,contest is continue, i’m exciting to say,let’t begin the prepared contest.expect your wonderful performance.b:主体演讲开始,期待你们的精彩表现。b:欢迎一号选手xx „„„„„„„„„..„„„„„„„„„..b:谢谢你们,谢谢你们精彩的表现,罗马不是一日建成的,成功的道路永远充满着艰辛和曲折,但是我们坚信只要努力不懈,梦想的曙光一定会出现在你的面前!我觉得在场的每一位选手都毫无疑问的证明了这一点。b:当看完这激烈的角逐之后,你们多少有些紧张吧,接下来我们将听到一曲天籁之音,你们将会拥有一段美妙的时光,让我们以最热烈的掌声欢迎 彭瑞玥学姐带来一曲rolling in the deep,现在,舞台属于你!a: how nice sound and what a sweat song,thank,let’s thank her again.b:多么甜美的声音,多么优美的旋律,让我们再次以最热烈的掌声感谢!b:另一个激动人心的时刻到来了,现在我将宣布第二轮的得分„„„„„ a: challenge is around the conner,now,the impromptu speech is begin b:挑战即将到来,现在是即兴演讲时间。b:好,第一位选手已经跃跃欲试了,欢迎 a: now,please choose the number,ok your question is „„„„„.now you have 40s to prepare timing beginning!b:请选择一个数字,你的幸运数字是?好,你的问题为。。。现在你有40秒的准备时间,计时开始 a:ok,begin!b:好,时间到,请开始!


。。。。。。。。a: good guys!the 17 contests gave us wonderful shows.the meaning of this contest is give us a chance to challenge ourselves, and the contest is supposed to offer a good atmosphere for we students, helping us get rid of dump english and speak out our dreams.then rebuild ourselves!b:太棒了,17位选手给我们带来了奇妙的体验。其实这次比赛旨在提供给大家一个挑战自我的机会,我们希望通过这次比赛给我们一种学好英语的气氛,大胆的说出你的梦想,沿着你的梦想努力下去,然后升华你自己 b:我衷心的希望通过这次比赛你们能学到一些对你们的生活有益的东西,现在我将邀请评委代表xx对此次比赛进行总结点评,大家欢迎!b:谢谢,谢谢您的精彩点评 a:i feel myself is shaking, you know why? now i will announce the final score of this contest,my dear, don’t be too nervous b:我感觉我自己在颤抖,想知道为什么吗?因为我将宣布此次比赛的最终结果,亲们,一定要hold住 a:first i would like announce the five excellent winners they are „„ congratulations b:首先我将宣布五名优秀奖的获得者,他们是。。。恭喜 a:now i will tell you the third winners, they are„„„„congratulations b:接下来是三等奖的获得者,他们是。。。。。。恭喜你们 a:oh!i think i’m more nervous now, and you the second winners are„„.congratulations b:我觉得我越来越紧张了,你们呢?二等奖的获得者是。。。。b:女士们先生们,你们有感觉到最激动人心的时刻即将来到了吗?到底是谁这么幸运的夺得了桂冠,你们能猜到吗?

a:ok!i think i envy you now, he(she)is xx congratulations b:我想我也嫉妒你了,他(她)就是 恭喜你 a:let’s congratulations them by the warmly applause congratulations b:让我们以最热烈的掌声再次恭喜他们,恭喜 a:if you want, you can!try your best, and you can do anything!you can not change your past, but you can improve your future, try and believe,yes,we can!b:如果你愿意,你就能做到,尽你最大努力,你可以完成任何事。你无法改变过去,但你可以让将来更美好付出并相信,是的,我们可以做到!b:女士们先生们,本次演讲比赛到处结束了,感谢选手的精彩表现,感谢评委,感谢大家的到来,再见!篇四:英语演讲比赛主持稿 from different classes.all of them are freshmen.i hope you can have a good day!b:女士们先生们,各位早上好!首先非常荣幸的担任这次比赛的主持人,接下来你们将看到的是“我的大学我的梦”杯英语演讲比赛,在此次比赛中有17名来自不同班级的大一选手参赛。我希望大家能在这儿过得愉快。a: now, i will tell you something about this contest in general.today’s contest includes prepared contest,questions and answers, impromptu speech and talent show.the judges will judge you by substance style, delivery and pronunciation of your speech.the rewards contain a first winner, two second winners, three third winners and five excellent winners b:现在我将简要的介绍一下比赛规则,本次比赛分为主体演讲,现场提问,即兴演讲和才艺展示四个部分。评委将从演讲内容,演讲风格,个人形象,发音等方面进行打分。本次比赛奖项设置为:一等奖一名,二等奖二名,三等奖三名,优秀奖五名 a:in prepared contest,you have about four minutes to take your speech.something important is you have to speech without draft,then,you will face the impromptu speech, after you choose the question, you have 40s to prepare, 2 minutes to answer.and judges may raise questions according to your speech.b:在主体演讲中,你有大约四分钟的时间进行演讲,值得一提的是必须脱稿。接下来你将迎来即兴演讲,当你抽完选题后有四十秒的准备时间,然后做一个两分钟左右的演讲,评委可以针对你的演讲提一些问题。b:现在我很荣幸的向大家介绍我们的评委大家欢迎!„„„„„..b:让我们再次以热烈的掌声欢迎他们的到来!a:thanks for joining us,it’s time for show.b:欢迎你们的到来,现在比赛开始!b:现在我们欢迎第一位选手,来自xx班的xx同学 b:感谢你的精彩表现,我们有请下一位来自xx班的xx同学,欢迎

„„„„„„.„„„„„„ b:谢谢,谢谢,你们太棒了,我简直不敢相信自己的眼睛,每个人是如此的多才多艺,我想这源于你们平时丰富的课余爱好吧。现在激动人心的时刻到了,我将宣布这一轮的得分情况。

„„„„„..„„„„„.a:ok, contest is going on, i’m exciting to say, let’s begin the prepared contest, and expect your wonderful performance.b:主体演讲开始,期待你们的精彩表现。b:欢迎一号选手xx „„„„„„„„„..„„„„„„„„„..b:谢谢你们,谢谢你们精彩的表现,罗马不是一日建成的,成功的道路永远充满着艰辛和曲折,但是我们坚信只要努力不懈,梦想的曙光一定会出现在你的面前!我觉得在场的每一位选手都毫无疑问的证明了这一点。b:当看完这激烈的角逐之后,你们多少有些紧张吧,接下来我们将听到一曲天籁之音,你们将会拥有一段美妙的时光,让我们以最热烈的掌声欢迎 彭瑞玥学姐带来一曲rolling in the deep,现在,舞台属于你!a: how nice sound and what a sweat song,thanks,let’s thank her again.b:多么甜美的声音,多么优美的旋律,让我们再次以最热烈的掌声感谢!b:另一个激动人心的时刻到来了,现在我将宣布第二轮的得分„„„„„ a: challenge is around the corner, now, the impromptu speech is beginning.b:挑战即将到来,现在是即兴演讲时间。b:好,第一位选手已经跃跃欲试了,欢迎 a: now, please choose the number.ok, your question is „„„„„.now you have 40s to prepare.timing stars!b:请选择一个数字,好,你的问题为。。。现在你有40秒的准备时间,计时开始 a:ok, time is up!please!b:好,时间到,请开始!


。。。。。。。。a: good guys!the 17 contests gave us wonderful shows.the meaning of this contest is giving us a chance to challenge ourselves, and the contest is supposed to offer a good atmosphere for our students, helping us get rid of dump english and speak out our dreams, and then rebuild ourselves!b:太棒了,17位选手给我们带来了奇妙的体验。其实这次比赛旨在提供给大家一个挑战自我的机会,我们希望通过这次比赛给我们一种学好英语的气氛,大胆的说出你的梦想,沿着你的梦想努力下去,然后升华你自己 b:我衷心的希望通过这次比赛你们能学到一些对你们的生活有益的东西,现在我将邀请评委代表xx对此次比赛进行总结点评,大家欢迎!b:谢谢,谢谢您的精彩点评 a:i feel myself is shaking, you know why? now i will announce the final score of this contest,my dear, don’t be too nervous b:我感觉我自己在颤抖,想知道为什么吗?因为我将宣布此次比赛的最终结果,亲们,一定要hold住

a:first i would like announce the five excellent winners they are „„ congratulations!b:首先我将宣布五名优秀奖的获得者,他们是。。。恭喜 a:now i will tell you the third winners, they are„„„„congratulations b:接下来是三等奖的获得者,他们是。。。。。。恭喜你们 a:oh!i think i’m more nervous now, and how about you? the second winners are„„.congratulations!b:我觉得我越来越紧张了,你们呢?二等奖的获得者是。。。。b:女士们先生们,你们有感觉到最激动人心的时刻即将来到了吗?到底是谁这么幸运的夺得了桂冠,你们能猜到吗?

a:ok!i think i envy you now, he(she)is xx congratulations!b:我想我也嫉妒你了,他(她)就是 恭喜你 a:let’s congratulations to them by the warmly applause.congratulations!b:让我们以最热烈的掌声再次恭喜他们,恭喜 a:if you want, you can!try your best, and you can do anything!you can not change your past, but you can improve your future, try and believe,yes,we can!b:如果你愿意,你就能做到,尽你最大努力,你可以完成任何事。你无法改变过去,但你可以让将来更美好付出并相信,是的,我们可以做到!b:女士们先生们,本次演讲比赛到处结束了,感谢选手的精彩表现,感谢评委,感谢大家的到来,再见!篇五:英语演讲比赛主持词



男女: 尊敬的各位老师,亲爱的各位同学们,大家晚上好。欢迎来到157英语协会演讲比赛现场。

男:first , let’s me introduce the hostess ,a pretty young lady ,yinmeng, who is from college 首先,请允许我介绍一下今天的漂亮女主持人,她的名字叫殷梦,来自护理学院。女: standing here beside me is wu zhipeng.现在站在我旁边的是吴志鹏 男女: we are honored to co-host this speaking contest.男女: 很高兴我们来主持今天的演讲比赛

女: now ,let’s introduce the judges of this contest.they are luo dongsshan, hu lili , qiu jin ,wang yayun and zhang qiang 男: 现在向您介绍一下我们的评委老师,公共课部英语教研组组长罗东山老师,公共课部胡丽丽老师,邱谨老师,张蔷老师,让我们以热烈的掌声欢迎他们的到来。

女: next, let’s introduce these honorable guests : the president of student’s association union ,zhang li and the associate president of student’s association union ,li guoxin , and so on..男: 现在介绍到场的嘉宾,他们是社联主席张理 副主席李国新.女: let’s give you a brief account of grading method and scoring results :there are 100 points in grading ,contestants.do away with a maximum score and a minimum score ,the final score is the averaged caludation of three figures summing up.男:听完 精彩的致辞,下面简单介绍一下评分原则:总分100分,每位评委会根据各位选手的表现来打分,去掉一个最好分和最低分,最后的三位评委所打的平均分。

女:okay ,since you’ve already known these , i think it’s tine to begin ,so let’ get started.男:现在你已经了解了这些,我们开始吧!

女:now.let’s invite the first contestants ,she will lead us to a colorful college.男:现在有请第一位参赛选手,她将带领我们走进一个丰富多彩的大学校园。

男: 谢谢第一位选手的精彩演讲,现在,让我们有请2号选手。


男: 谢谢3号选手的精彩演讲,下面有请4号选手。

男: 谢谢4号选手。以上4位迷人女孩带我们走进了一个梦幻的大学生活。我们都知道进入大学,我们有更多的业余时间,在你空闲的时候,你会做些什么呢?让我们有请5号选手。

男: 现在放松一下,让我们来享受一首美妙的轻音乐。

女:now, 男:感谢5号选手。现在我公布一下以上选手的得分。1号选手 分.2号选手 分.3号选手 分.4号选手 分.5号选手 分.现在让我们有情6号选手。


女:thank you!男: 谢谢7号选手。


男: 感谢9号选手,现在让我们有请最后一位选手,10号选手。

女:let’s have a shot break and wait for the final results.for this 男: 女士们,先生们,现在回到英语演讲比赛。现在我们公布的是后一组的结果。6号选手得分是„..7号得分是„„ 8号得分是„„9号得分是„„10号得分是„„


女: now ,i will announce the three honorable mention winner ,no no and no 男: 现在公布的是3位优秀奖获得者,号选手 号选手 号选手。

女: the four best winner ,the best cristing award ,no ,the best expressing award ,no„.the best creative award ,no„the best optimum mien award ,no „ 男: 最佳奖获得者,最佳实力奖,号选手 最佳表达奖 号选手 最佳创新奖,号选手,最佳风采奖 号选手,让我们一热烈的掌声送给她们。

女: the third prize winner ,no „


女: the second prize winner.no„


女:the first prize winner.no„congratulations!男: 首先,有请张蔷老师为三位优秀奖获得者颁奖。

女: next , let’s invite mrs wang to give the four winners awards.男: 有请汪雅云老师为四位最佳奖获得者颁奖。

女:now , let’s invite mis qiu to give the third prize winner 男: 现在让我们请邱谨老师为三等奖获得者颁奖。女:next ,let’s invite mis hu to give the second prize winner awards.男:接下来,有请胡莉莉老师为二等奖获得者颁奖。女:at last , let’s invite mr luo to give the first prize winner awards.男: 有请罗冬老师为一等奖获得者颁奖。

怎么写高二英语演讲稿 篇6

once in a while,id think back on the things of past one year.lucky and excited,i was admitted into this school which is the best high school in our city.i thought it could give me great stimulation to achieve the dream in my heart.however,when i was on the point of facing difficulties,i seemed so weak on the way to success.i gradully lost interest in studying.the stimulation had gotten out of my system and wasnt in control of my mental.i began being absent-minded in most of classes.playing cellphone became my foolish fault.finally i delayed my studies.how could i account for my low scores?the answer might be:i was wrong all the way.

but now its a new start for me.ive made up my mind to be on the right way.i must attach study to me and my future.in a way,i want to apologize to many people who think highly of me for my fault.from now on,ill never hesitate to strive for my future,although many things may add to my laziness.

i aint gonna be just a face in the crowd,youre gonna hear my voice when i shout it out aloud.i hope that not only me,but also everyone sitting here can study hard to strive for our futures.cheer up!lets whoop lyrically:we are the champions~~~

right now its my whoop,can you hear me?

ok.so much for this.much to my joy,youre listening to my speech..

thats all,thank you~~~~


win competition of environment protection for beijing

although the XX olympics are still three years away, another special competition has already started in beijing. this time, the competitors are not the athletes from all over the world, but the people living in beijing. the special competition is not held in a stadium, but in every street and every corner of beijing. i suppose some of you may have already guessed what the special competition is. yes, it is the competition of protecting our environment and creating a green beijing for the XX olympic games.

someone may ask who is our rival in this competition? the modern los angeles, the charming sydney, or the historic athens? no, none of them. the real rival is ourselves. it is our bad habits of neglecting to protect environment in our daily life.

several years ago, i was very lucky to have an opportunity to live in the united states for about two years. i not only enjoyed the beautiful environment there, but also appreciated the american peoples active way of protecting their environment. now, whenever the environment protection is mentioned, a beautiful view of california will arise in my mind: white clouds flying acrothe blue sky, green grassplot sprinkled with colorful flowers and small animals playing happily among the trees.

如何写好演讲稿 篇7
















