


导游辞 篇1







导游辞 篇2

















东湖磨山导游辞 篇3
























北京颐和园英文导游辞 篇4

Out side the East Gate-side the East Gate –in front of the Hall of benevolence and Longevity-in front of Garden of Virtuous Harmony-in front of the Grand Theater Building-a lakeside walk from the Garden of Virtuous Harmony to the Hall o Jade Ripples-in front of the o Jade Ripples-in front of the Yiyunguan(Chamber of Mortal Being)-Hall of happiness and longevity-in front of the Yaoyue(Chamber of Mortal Beings)-Hall of Happiness and Longevity-in front of the Yaoyue(Inviting the Moon)Gate of the Long Corridor-strolling along the Long Corridor-visiting an exhibition of cultural relics-in front of the Hall of Dispelling Clouds-inside the Hall of Dispelling Clouds-atop the Tower of Buddhist Incense-on a hilltop leading from the back door of the Tower of Buddhist Incense-on a hilltop leading from the back door of the Tower of Buddhist Incense-inside the Garden of Harmonious Interest –outside the south gate to Suzhou Shopping Street-atop the stone bridge inside the Suzhou shopping street –on the road from the south gate of suzhou shopping street-on the road form the south gate of suzhou shopping street to the marble boat-in front of the ruins of the Garden of complete spring –along the lakeside by the marble boat-boating on the Kunming Lake-leaving out through the East Gate.

(Out side the east gate)

Ladies and Gentlemen: Welcome to the Summer palace.(After the self-introduction of the guide-interpreter)I hope this will be an interesting and enjoyable day for you.During our tour, you will be introduced to time honored historical and cultural traditions, as well as picturesque views and landscapes.The construction of the Summer palace first started in 1750.At that time, the Qing Dynasty was in its heyday and China was a powerful Asian country with vast territories.The monarch in power then was Emperor Qianlong.With supreme power and large sums of money, he summoned skillful and ingenious artisans from all over the country to carry out this construction work in honor of his mother `s birthday.After 15 years and one seventh of the nation` s annual revenue spent, the Garden of Clear Ripples was completed and served as a testimony to China` s scientific and technological achievements.In 1860, this vast royal garden was burnt down along with the Yuanming Yuan(Garden of perfection and Brightness)by Angol-French allied forces.In 1888, Empress Dowager Cixi reconstructed the garden on the same site and renamed it the Garden of Nurtured Harmony(Summer palace).Characterized by its vast scope and rich cultural embodiments, the Summer palace has become one of the most famous tourist sites in the world.This is the main entrance to the Summer palace-the East Gate On top of the eaves of the door there is a plaque bearing a Chinese inscription which means “Garden of Nurtured Harmony” , whose calligrapher was Emperor Guangxu.The gate that you are now entering was used exclusively by the emperor, the empress and the queer mother.All others used the side doors.(Inside the East Gate)

the Summer palace can be divided into two parts: Longevity Hill and Kunming Lake.The whole garden covers an area of 290 hectares, of whih three-fourths consists of a lake and rivers.This imperial garden features 3,000 room-units and covers an expanse of 70,000 square meters with more than 100 picturesque spots of interest.The layout of the Summer palace includes three groups of architectures: palaces where the emperor attended to state affairs, resting palaces of the emperor and empress, and sightseeing areas.Entering the East Gate we will come the the office quarters.Entering the East gate we will come to the office quarters.The annex halls on both sides were used for officials on duty.This is the Gate of Benevolence and Longevity.Above the door there is a plaque bearing the same name in both Chinese and Manchurian characters.The gigantic rock in the foreground is known as Taihu rock, or eroded limestone, quarried in Jiangsu province and placed here to decorated the garden.On the marble terrace sits a bronze mythical beast, known as Qilin or Xuanni.It was said to the one of the nine sons of Dragon King.A point of peculiar interest is that it has the head of a dragon, antlers of a deer, the tail of a lion and hooves of a ox, and is covered with a unique skin.IT was considered an auspicious creature that brought peace and prosperity.This grand hall is the Hall of Benevolence and Longevity.It was built in 1750 , and was known as the Hall of Industrious Government.Emperor Qianlong ruled that the halls where monarchs attended to state affairs would be named after them.After the rebuilding of the Summer palace, the hall was renamed, suggesting that benevolent rulers would enjoy long lives.The arrangement of the hall has been left untouched.In the middle of the hall stands a throne made of sandalwood and carved with beautiful designs.In the background there is a screen carved with nine frolicking dragons.On either side of the throne there are two big fans made of peacock feathers, two column-shaped incense burners, crane-shaped lanterns and an incense burner assuming the form of Luduan, a mythological animal which was suppose to have the power to prevent fire.The small chambers on eight side were where the Emperor Qianlong and Empress Dowager Cixi rested and met officials on formal occasions.On the verandah in the foreground of the hall there are bronze statues of dragon and phoenixes which served as incense burners on major occasions.They are hollow and smoke comes through holes on their backs.Also on the veranda are Tai ping(peace)bronze water vats made during the reign of Emperor Qianlong.As a precaution in case of fire, a fire was lit underneath the vats in the winter to keep the water in them from freezing.(At the entrance of Garden of Virtuous Harmony)

we are now visiting the Garden of Virtuous Harmony, where Emperor Qianlong and Empress Dowager Cixi were entertained with Beijing Opera performances.IT mainly consists of the Dressing House, The Grand Theater Building and the Hall of pleasure smiles.The grand Theater Building known as the “Cradle of Beijing Opera” was uniquely laid out and magnificently decorated.On September 10, 1984, the Garden of Virtuous Harmony opened its doors to visitors.There are also 7 exhibition halls with articles of daily use on display here.The staff here put up court dresses of Qing Dynasty in order to give the visitor a more vivid impression.(In front of the Grand Theater Building)

this building is 21 meters in height and 17 meters in width and features three tiers of tilted eaves and stages.All of the stages are connected to a raise ,and a winch is installed at the top.A well and 5 ponds were sunk under the ground stage.There are trapdoors in the ceiling for fairies to descend, as well as on the floor for demons to surface.The underground passages also served as a means of improving resonance and making the performers` voices more audible.Of the three main theater building of the Qing Dynasty, the Grand Theater Building is the tallest and the largest.The other two are Changyin(Fluent Voice)pavilion in Chengde, an imperial summer resort.The building played a major part in fostering the birth and development of Beijing opera: since the completion of the Grand Theater Building, many performances were held in it in honor of the Empress Dowager Cixi.(A lakeside walk from the Garden of Virtuous Harmony to the Hall of Jade Ripples)

we are now standing in the middle of a rockery behind the Hall of Benevolent and longevity.It appears that there` s nothing special ahead.However, after we clear the rockery, we will reach Kunming Lake.This is a application of a specific style of Chinese gardening.Not far away in the lake there is a islet.It is filled with peach and weeping willow trees and serves as a ideal place to appreciate the scenery.The pavilion on the islet is called Zhichun(Understanding Spring)pavilion and is chardcterized by four-edged, multiple eaved roofs.(In front of the Hall of Jade Ripples)

this group of special and quiet courtyard dwelling is the Hall of jade Ripples.It was first used by Emperor Qianlong to attend to state affairs.IT was also where Emperor Guangxu of the late Qing dynasty was kept under house arrest.This hall is a hallmark of the Reform Movement of 1898, Emperor Guanxu was Empress Dowager Cixi` s nephew.After Emperor Tongzhi died, Empress Dowager Cixi made her nephew, who was at that time four years old a successor in order to continue her wielding of power behind the scenes.When Emperor Guanxu was 19 years old ,Empress Dowager Cixi relinquished power to him but continued to exert considerable influence.In 1898, the Reform Movement took place with the aim of sustaining the corn principles of the Qing Dynasty while reforming outdated laws.The movement lasted for 103 days until it was suppressed by Empress Dowager Cixi.The emperor` s six earnest reformists were beheaded and Emperor Guangxu was placed under house arrest which lasted for 10 years.All the back doors were sealed and a brick was was put up behind the wooden partition on each side of the two annexes of the courtyard.Emperor Guangxu was closely watched by eunuchs.The wall remains intact for tourists to see..Dynasty while reforming outdated laws.The movement lasted for 103 days until it was suppressed by Empress Dowager Cixi.The emperor` s six earnest reformists were beheaded and Emperor Guangxu was placed under house arrest which lasted for 10 years.All the back doors were sealed and a brick was was put up behind the wooden partition on each side of the two annexes of the courtyard.Emperor Guangxu was closely watched by eunuchs.The wall remains intact for tourists to see.(In front of Yiyunguan(Chamber of Mortal Beings)

this was where Empress and empress dowager of China` s feudal system.However, Emperor Guanxu was not the last emperor of the Qing Dynasty.The last in the line was Emperor puyi, who ascended the throne in 1908 at the age of three, too young to be married.In 1912, he was forced to abdicate.During the short reign of Emperor puyi.Empress Longyu handled state affairs on his behalf in the name of Empress Dowager.In 1911, a revolution led by Dr.Sun Yat-sun succeeded, and the year after, Empress Longyu announced the abdication of the last emperor of China.(In the Hall of Happiness and Longevity)

the aged empress Dowager Cixi was so fond of the Summer palace that she decided to live here from April through October of every year.This group of buildings served as her residence.This group of courtyard dwellings consists of a forecourt and a backyard with annex courts on each side.The whole compound was basically made of wood, which is ideal for ventilation and lighting.With its quiet and tasteful layout, the Hall of Happiness and Longevity made life very easy and convenient.No wonder one of Empress Dowager Cixi` s pleasure boat.On the pier there is a tall lantern post.Flanking the staircase leading to the main entrance of the hall, there are bronze cranes, deer and vases, symbolizing universal peace.The interior layout is the same as the imperial court, with throne, a large table and incense burners placed in the middle.At mealtime, eunuchs-in –waiting would make a gigantic table out of this table and Empress Dowager Cixi would dine on 128 courses.Because of this more than 1,800 tales of silver would be spent each month on meals.On the east side of the Living Room is the Cloak Room.The bedroom in on its west.In front of the yaoyue(Inviting the Moon)Gate of the Long Corridor

The famed Long Corridor is ahead.Facing Kunming lake and in the foreground of Longevity Hill, the Long Corridor stretches from Yaoyue(Inviting the Moon)Gate to Shizhang(Stony Old Man)pavilion.IT is 728 meters in length and consist of 273 sections and connects four octagonal pavilions.In 1990 ,it was listed in Guinness Book of World Records.(In the front of the Tower of Buddhist Incense)

An octagonal structure with three storeys and quadruple eaves, the Tower of Buddhist Incense is the very center of the Summer palace, and is one of the masterpieces of ancient Chinese architecture.The tower is 41 meters in height, and is buttressed by 8 solid pillars made of lignumvitae logs.With its complex structure, ingenious layout, towering terrace and convincing grandeur, the Tower of Buddhist Incense was artfully set out by the imperial gardens and beautiful scenery surrounding it.The Tower overlooks Kunming Lake and other picturesque spots within an area of tens of kilometers.On the west side of the Tower stands Baoyunge(precious Cloud pavilion).IT is made of bronze and is7.5 meters in height and 270 tons in weight.It resembles its wooden counterparts in every detail.It is one of the largest and most exquisite bronze pavilions still on existence in China.Lamas prayed here during the reign of Emperor Qianlong in honor of the monarchs and their families.At the turn of the century 10 bronze windows were spirited abroad.In 1992 an American company bought the windows and returned them intact to China.(On a hilltop leading from the back door of Tower of Buddhist Incense)

Now we can see the long and snaking Western Causeway and a shorter dike that divides Kunming Lake into three areas that contain South Lake Island, Seaweed-viewing Island and circle city island.The three island represent three mountain in ancient Chinese mythology, i.e.penglai, Fangzhang and Yingzhou.This peculiar method of incorporating a lake a three mountains within a single garden was a brainchild of Emperor Wudi of the Han Dynasty more than 2,000 years ago, bearing testimony to feudal monarchs` s longing for longevity.As the legend goes many heavenly elixirs grew on the three mythical islands.Using artificial building techniques, the ancient Chinese built this masterpiece based on the myth to make the mythical on appear to be accessible to humans.(Inside the Garden of Harmonious Interest)

Setting a garden within a larger garden has been one of China traditional architectural styles.The Garden of Harmonious Interest serves as a fine example of this.This Garden was built under the order of Emperor Qianlong and modeled after the Jichang Garden(Garden of Ease of Mind)at the foot of Mount Huishan, Jiansu province.IT was renamed by his son Emperor Jiaqing in 1811.The existing Garden was rebuilt by Emperor or Guangxu.Empress Dowager Cixi used to go fishing here.The Garden features 10 waterfront platforms, pavilions and halls as well as hundreds of galleries

With all of its structures facing the lake and pools, the Garden of Harmonious Interest is basically a garden of waterscape.Spanning the vast expanse of the lake and pools are five bridges, each quite different from the others.The most famous of them is the bridge known as “Knowing –the Fishing-bridge.” IT is said that more than 2,500 years ago during the Warring States period, two philosophere named Zhuang Zi had an interesting argument by the side of a pond.Zhang said, ”Fish swim to and fro in the water.What happy fish!”

Hui asked , ”You are not a fish.How do you know they are happy? ”

Zhuang replied, “You are not me.How do you know I don’t know? ”

Hui signed, “I am not you ,therefore, I don’t know you.And you are not a fish ,so how

do you know that fish are happy? ”

Zhang said, “you ask me how I know fish are happy, why do you keeping me the same question?”

Although The Garden of Harmonious Interest was designed after Jichang Garden, it not only absorbed the original designs, but exceeded it.(Outside the south entrance to Suzhou Shopping Street)

Now lets have a look at longevity Hill.On the back slope of the Hill stands a group of architectures.The centerpiece of structures there are known as the Four Continents and are dedicated to Buddhism.This group was laid out and arranged in accordance with Buddhist cosmology.Aside from a main shrine and structures embodying the Four Continents, there are eight towers representing Minor Continents.The shrine is surrounded by four Lamaist pagodas and between the major and minor continents, there two platforms representing the sun and the moon.(Boating on Kunmin Lake)

陕西-秦始皇陵兵马俑英文导游辞 篇5

Emperor Qin Shihuang (259-210B.C.) had Ying as his surname and Zheng as his given name. He name to the throne of the Qin at age 13, and took the helm of the state at age of 22. By 221 B.C., he had annexed the six rival principalities of Qi, Chu, Yan, Han, Zhao and Wei, and established the first feudal empire in China's history.

In the year 221 B.C., when he unified the whole country, Ying Zheng styled himself emperor. He named himself Shihuang Di, the first emperor in the hope that his later generations be the second, the third even the one hundredth and thousandth emperors in proper order to carry on the hereditary system. Since then, the supreme feudal rulers of China's dynasties had continued to call themselves Huang Di, the emperor.

After he had annexed the other six states, Emperor Qin Shihuang abolished the enfeoffment system and adopted the prefecture and county system. He standardized legal codes, written language, track, currencies, weights and measures. To protect against harassment by the Hun aristocrats. Emperor Qin Shihuang ordered the Great Wall be built. All these measures played an active role in eliminating the cause of the state of separation and division and strengthening the unification of the whole country as well as promotion the development of economy and culture. They had a great and deep influence upon China's 2,000 year old feudal society.

Emperor Qin Shihuang ordered the books of various schools burned except those of the Qin dynasty's history and culture, divination and medicines in an attempt to push his feudal autocracy in the ideological field. As a result, China's ancient classics had been devastated and destroy. Moreover, he once ordered 460 scholars be buried alive. Those events were later called in history “the burning of books and the burying of Confucian scholars.”

Emperor Qin Shihuang, for his own pleasure, conscribed several hundred thousand convicts and went in for large-scale construction and had over seven hundred palaces built in the Guanzhong Plain. These palaces stretched several hundred li and he sought pleasure from one palace to the other. Often nobody knew where he ranging treasures inside the tomb, were enclosed alive.

Emperor Qin Shihuang's Mausoleum has not yet been excavated. What looks like inside could only be known when it is opened. However, the three pits of the terra-cotta warrior excavated outside the east gate of the outer enclosure of the necropolis can make one imagine how magnificent and luxurious the structure of Emperor Qin Shihuang's Mausoleum was.

“网络新媒体技术”发刊辞 篇6

2012年, 原名“微计算机应用”的本刊, 以全新的面貌, 以变革的思维, 以崭新的刊名——《网络新媒体技术》与读者见面。

从微计算机技术兴起的1980到新媒体产业崛起的2012, 从《微计算机应用》到《网络新媒.体技术》, 三十余年, 弹指一挥间, 本刊秉承创新、求实的宗旨聚集了同行的学术交流, 一直得到了众多作者和读者的关爱。

《网络新媒体技术》由国家网络新媒体工程技术研究中心主办。依托中国科学院声学研究所, 联合国内网络和媒体行业的重要机构;国家网络新媒体工程技术研究中心 (2010年通过了国家科技部的验收) 。


网络新媒体技术是现代通信技术、网络技术、计算机技术和消费类电子技术融合的产物。随着互联网和移动通信技术的快速发展, 以互联网、数字信息娱乐和移动通信为标志的各种新媒体正渗入到我们生活的方方面面。

目前, 国内网络新媒体技术交流主要分散发表在包括本刊在内的计算机、网络通信和广播电视技术刊物上, 显然, “微计算机应用”的刊物已不能反映该领域飞速发展的现实, 我们经有关主管部门批准, 与时俱进, 适时地将《微计算机应用》更名为《网络新媒体技术》。它将为网络新媒体技术领域的作者、读者搭建一个相对集中的交流平台, 以期更好地为国内同行在网络、通信、计算机、新媒体及其融合技术方面的研究开发成果的集中展示交流提供服务。

《网络新媒体技术》致力于新媒体创新领域, 倡导跨媒体融合理念, 建立新媒体交流平台, 加强网络新媒体创新技术的学术交流、成果推广和应用, 推进产业链协作发展。
