


机械中英文翻译论文题目 篇1

专做机械类毕业设计,可代画CAD、PROE图 有需要可联系Q Q3590003551、Calypso2、Calypso13、HOLONIC生产系统的产品设计


































































机械英文参考文献及翻译 篇2

After modeling in SolidWorks, it is necessary to save the model as a type of Parasolid(*.x_t)so as to import it into ANSYS correctly.Then, in ANSYS, the importing of the model is completed with the command “PARAIN, Name, Extension, Path, Entity, FMT, Scale” or the choice of “FileDImportDPARA...” in the GUI interface.There are two means of importing: selecting or not selecting “Allow Defeaturing”,the differences of which are shown in Fig.3 and Fig.4.图片 Fig.3 Importing with defeaturing Fig.4 Importing without defeaturing 3 Analysis of temperature field of intake tower The temperature analysis of the intake tower during the construction period involves aspects of the temperature field and thermal stress.The calculation must deal with the problems of simulation of layered construction, dynamic boundary conditions, hydration heat, dynamic elasticity modulus, autogenous volume deformation of concrete and thermal creep stress, which are difficult to simulate directly in ANSYS.APDL is a scripting language based on the style of parametric variables.It is used to reduce a large amount of repetitive work in analysis(Gong and Xie 2004).This study carried out a simulation analysis of the temperature field considering nearly all conditions of construction, using the birth-death element and programming with APDL.3.1 Solving temperature field principle 3.1.1 Unsteady temperature field analysis The temperature of concrete changes during the construction period due to the effect of hydration heat of cement.This problem can be expressed as a heat conduction problem with internal heat sources in the area.The unsteady temperature field T(x, y, z,D)is written as(Zhu 1999): 公式1

where □ is the thermal conductivity of concrete, c is the specific heat of concrete, □ is the density of concrete, □ is the adiabatic temperature rise of concrete, and □ is the age of concrete.In the 3D unsteady temperature field analysis, the functional form I e(T)is 公式2 where □R is a subfield of unit e;□0 is the area on surface D , which is only in boundary units;c

□ □ □

□;□ is the exothermic coefficient;the thermal diffusivity c □ □ □ □;and is

the air temperature.a T

3.1.2 Initial conditions and boundary conditions of concrete The initial conditions are the distribution laws of the initial transient temperature of internal concrete.The calculated initial temperature of concrete is 10 □.The index formula of hydration heat of cement is 公式3 where t is the pouring time.The conversion between Q and □ is 公式4 The boundary conditions involve the laws of interaction between concrete and the surrounding medium.When concrete is exposed to the air, the boundary condition is 公式5 where n is the normal direction.Both and a T □ are constants or variables(Ashida and Tauchert 1998;Lin and Cheng 1997).During the maintenance period, the insulation materials of concrete are steel formworks and straws, and the exothermic coefficient of the outer surface is reduced as equivalent processing.The exothermic coefficients of the steel formwork and the straw are 45 kJ/(m2h+0)and 10 kJ/(m2h+0),respectively.Based on the local temperature during construction, the following formula can be fitted according to the temperature variation curve: 公式6

3.2 Analysis of temperature field in ANSYS The simulation scheme of layered construction, which is based on the real construction scheme, is shown in Table 2.The pouring days in Table 2 are all the total days of construction for each layer.A layer is not poured until the former layer is poured.图表2

The feature points are selected in every layer above the base plate.The maximum temperatures and the temperature curves are given in Table 3 and Fig.5, respectively.Table 3 Coordinates and maximum temperature of feature points 图表3 图片5 Fig.5 Maximum temperature curves Fig.5 shows that the maximum temperature of each layer occurs on the 3rd or 4th day after pouring, and then the temperature decreases with time, which is consistent with related literature(Lin and Cheng 1997;Luna and Wu 2000;Wu and Luna 2001).In Fig.5, the numbers of feature points from 2 to 8 are corresponding to their maximum temperature curves from Nodetemp 2 to Nodetemp 8, and the curve of Nodetemp 9 is the air temperature curve.Feature point 8, the maximum temperature of which is 29.934 □ , occurring on the 206th day of the total construction period, shows the maximum temperature rise during the construction period.Feature point 4, the coordinates of which are(16.4, 16.0, 5.0), shows the maximum temperature difference of 23.5340.4 Analysis of thermal stress of intake tower Expansion or contraction of the structure occurs during heating and cooling.If the expansion or contraction of different parts is inconsistent, then thermal stress occurs.The indirect method was adopted in this study: the temperature of nodes was first obtained in analysis of the temperature field, and then applied to the structure as a body load.4.1 Selection of calculating parameters The parameters of concrete are given in Table 4.The elasticity modulus is 公式7 Table 4 Parameters of concrete 图表4 The creep effect must be considered in analysis of temperature stress.The creep degree of concrete is influenced by the cement type, water-cement ratio and admixture.The formula of the creep degree is 公式8 Considering the creep degree, the formula of the elasticity modulus is adjusted to be 公式9

4.2 Analysis of thermal stress in ANSYS As in analysis of the temperature field, feature points were selected in each layer above the base plate, and their coordinates were the same as those in the temperature field analysis.The maximum thermal stress of each point is shown in Table 5.Feature point 9, the coordinates of which are(17.4, 10.8, 8.0), is the point with the maximum thermal stress.Table 5 Maximum thermal stress of feature points 图表5

The thermal stress curves of feature points are shown in Fig.6.图片6

应对面试英文题目 篇3






E06 What are your greatest weaknesses?

The Real Question: Am I right in thinking X about you? And are you going to give me the same old evasive and lame answers that everybody else did, or are you going to level with me?

Top-line Tactic: If you’ve been invited for interview, chances are that the interviewer is seeking affirmation of predicted weaknesses, not information about new ones.Here’s how you can do that and remain attractive to them:

1)Tell them what they already know.By sticking only to weaknesses apparent on your CV, you’ll avoid introducing a new monster-under-the-bed that the interviewer hadn’t spotted.2)Make it abundantly clear you know what your weaknesses are, and that they don’t perturb you.Answer like you’re giving your name and address, not a forced confession.Speak with the confidence of someone who knows that their weakness isn’t going to be a deal-breaker.3)Cite evidence to show you’re working on your weaknesses.A life-long learner is better suited to today’s rapidly changing workplace than someone born with a natural but narrow talent that they rest on.4)Talking about gaps in your CV is a lot less subjective and disaster-prone than talking about what you or others see as moral failings in your character.— Example

I’d say that my greatest weakness so far as you’re concerned is that I’ve been out of the workforce for a couple of years in order to raise my family.I didn’t drop out of the industry altogether during that time, though.My contacts book is up to date and I’ve kept up with industry trends.For example, I enrolled for online professional development courses with [give examples].That’s something I wouldn’t have had time to do if I’d been at work, so in a way being out of the workforce has done me some good.Also, I’m a regular on most of the [industry name] blogs and forums.If you take me on, I certainly don’t think I’ll need retraining.In my last job, our KPIs measured all things great and small, and I didn’t hit every target I was set, so that’s perhaps a weakness.I did hit all the KPIs that counted the most, though.Was there anything on my CV that especially concerned you?

E07 你喜欢什么样的管理风格?






E07 What is your preferred management style?

The Real Question: Are you and I going to get on?

Top-line Tactic: Aim to be the boss and the subordinate you always wanted for yourself, even if nobody’s perfect.The blueprint for answering this question is predictable enough.Bosses want to see someone who can work under their own steam but who also recognizes that a workplace is hierarchical.Bosses want to feel that their style of communication is such that they can brief you to do the job without actually spelling it all out for you.Bosses want to hear that you are always prepared to take good and bad news with equally good grace, and that, perhaps as a manager yourself, you can give out bad news with respect and humility, and give off enough good energy to pep the troops.Future Boss will also want to see you have some degree of sympathy with their trials and tribulations as a manager.After all, managing people can be a thankless experience – too many subordinates forget that.— Example

Good question.I think that half the trick of managing people is not being scared to ask them what they think – like you’ve just asked me.It seems to me that being a boss is straightforward in principle.It’s about clear goals, clear communication and clear rewards.Ideally, I’d like a boss who knows when to intervene and when to let me get on with it, but obviously we won’t always agree about that, which is as it should be.It’s not easy, being a boss, I appreciate that.You have to lead by example, even when you’re not sure what the best thing to do is, and you’re going to get it wrong occasionally.I don’t expect perfection in a boss, but I do like one with a sense of humour when things don’t go to plan, and that goes for the team as well.E08 你五年后的工作规划是什么?






E08 Where do you see yourself in five years’ time?

The Real Question: Are you after this job or just any job? How soon will you need a new challenge? Do you have a realistic sense of what we can offer you?

Top-line Tactic: If you don’t know, calmly say so, as if not knowing were the most natural thing in the world – because it is.If you’re one of those superhuman types with a well-mapped-out career plan, one that doesn’t sound too prescriptive and presumptuous, then by all means wheel that plan out when you’re asked this question.Employers may not expect to hear ruthless or driving ambition.‘I want to be doing your job!’ is usually an instant fail – for many interviewers it’s far too confrontational.— Example one

It’s common knowledge that your company has the highest programming standards and the best software engineers in the industry, so if that’s still the case five years from now, I hope I’ll be working here.— Example two

Five years from now I hope to have learned enough to be training other people, maybe managing them too – if the opportunity arises.— Example three

A home nurse’s job is all about helping patients get back on their feet after illness, so in five years I hope to still be doing that, one way or another – whether as a nurse in the field or a team leader in the office.E09 你对这份工作有什么计划安排?






E09 How would you approach this job?

The Real Question: How well do you know us? What’s your take on what we need? What’s your preferred style of working?

Top-line Tactic: Talk about diplomacy before talking about your plans.This question may give you a chance to talk about your experience and skills that are relevant to the role, but you can’t know how a company really functions until you’ve started working there – so don’t be wrong-footed into making sweeping statements.You can answer by referring to previous successes in your current job.Describe your way of working there and what you achieved, taking care to relate everything to the vacancy on offer.Say you’d like to replicate those successes if you are offered the role.You can also use this question to show your ability to adapt to the company you hope to join.You should acknowledge that all companies are different, so you would use your first few weeks on the job to learn systems and get to know colleagues before creating your departmental plan.This will show the interviewer that you are planning for success in the new role but that you don’t have a completely rigid idea of how the company should operate.— Example

Well, the best way to do this job won’t become clear until I join the company, so the first thing I’ll be doing is getting to know my colleagues, listening, taking notes, building relationships, helping them out where I can.And it never hurts to ask colleagues what they’re expecting from me.I’d also hope my manager will tell me about the unwritten rules and conventions here – every workplace has some of those.After I’ve done all that I’ll be able to come up with a plan of action.In my last job I got good results by …

E10 你之前取得过什么成就?






E10 What have you achieved elsewhere?

The Real Question: What’s the very best that we can expect from you? Is it what we need?

Top-line Tactic: Keep it recent, work-related and well-rehearsed.Permit yourself to sound confident – they want you to be.Don’t be afraid to include dramatic effects such as jeopardy, doubt, conflict, growth and transformation.— Example

I’d say my greatest achievement at work was last year’s launch of W—— snack bars.It’s the first-ever health snack to sell a million units in the UK in under twelve months.W—— was well known in America but had no UK distribution.We weren’t the strongest candidate to win the distribution deal, since both the company and I were relatively inexperienced, but W—— had a product I believed in and I made that clear both to my directors and to W——.W—— gave me three months to make it work, saying that if I didn’t get some traction in that time, they’d reassign the distribution rights to a rival firm.Obviously, I hoped it wouldn’t come to that, because that would have looked awful on my CV, but there were times when I thought it might.Sales were slow to start with, but I was determined to see it through.I just worked all hours and tried everything I could think of – I must have called literally hundreds of independent food shops trying to get them to stock W—— products.It wasn’t easy, but by doing that I got to know those customers a lot better and they got to know my company better too.Building those bridges is what really made the product take off.Plus, a lot of my customers discovered there was a good profit to be made from health products, which they hadn’t realized before, so everyone was happy.W—— is my best achievement to date, not least because I’ve turned an underdog product into a household name.I couldn’t have done that selling Coca-Cola or iPads.E11 上份工作你喜欢/不喜欢的地方是什么?






E11 What did you like and dislike about your last job?

The Real Question: What do you want from us that the last lot couldn’t give you? Can we give it to you?

Top-line Tactic: Start with a long list of what makes you happy, then let them know that you don’t expect perfection in any job.— Something you can share

• meet interesting people

• opportunities for progress

• work independently

• atmosphere of trust, honesty and integrity

• overseas travel

• varied tasks

• constant learning

• requires or rewards creativity

• likeable co-workers

• face-to-face contact

• caring for others

• customer interaction

• clearly defined role

• close to management

• developing people

• positive impact on the community

• supportive culture

• playing with cool technology

Just make sure that your answer demonstrates grit and a strong work ethic.— Example

There was a lot about the job I enjoyed at my last company.I loved being out of the office, working on site, which put me in close contact with our customers and my colleagues.I felt like I was at the sharp end of the industry, in a way that I wouldn’t have done sitting in an office.But there were a few drawbacks.Being on site all the time often meant leaving home before breakfast and getting in after dark, so my family life was suffering.I had to do it, of course, in order to keep our promise of next-day service.I became so focused on the job that in the end I stopped thinking about the time of day.That’s not really how I want to live.I know the job I’m applying for will occasionally mean working unsocial hours, but I’m happy to accept that, since it’s not something I’ll be doing day in, day out.E12 讲述你在团队中的工作情况






E12 Tell me about a time you worked in a team

The Real Question: No one achieves anything on their own – and you know that, right?

Top-line Tactic: Find a recent, real-world example where you’ve played successfully with others.— Example

Last summer the company I’m currently working for relaunched its website with several important new features.It was a big project involving IT, several designers and marketing.My portion of the project – helping to develop a content-marketing strategy – was completed but a bug in the software accidentally deleted all the images for the redesign from the database the night before the big relaunch.As you can imagine, it was pandemonium, but we all said we’d do whatever it took to fix it.Several of us from marketing were there half the night uploading the new pictures the designers had come up with while the IT people tried to fix the code – and we also ordered the pizzas to keep everyone going.I volunteered to keep management up to date on our progress to relieve some of the pressure on the technical team.We managed to get the website launched on time and traffic is now up more than 20 per cent after the redesign.Of course, it would have been better if that last-minute problem hadn’t happened, but I actually feel the experience really bonded me to my teammates.Some key words relating to team work

• communication

• adaptability

• empathy

• ability to appreciate the perspective of others

• sense of humour

E13 你的同事是如何评价你的?






E13 What do your co-workers say about you?

The Real Question: Do you sound calm or wary about this question? Are you

self-aware or just self-conscious?

Top-line Tactic: Testimonials, not adjectives.For maximum points, go through your contacts book to see if you can obtain a testimonial from an employee of a trade body or regulatory authority.A testimonial there willshow that you’ve been thinking globally, beyond yourself and your immediate job description, and will definitely mark you out from the average candidate.The main thing they’ll want to hear other people say about you is:

• You can do the job.• You won’t be a burden to manage.• You’re hungry for whatever it is the firm is offering.E14 你如何面对压力和失败的?






E14 How do you deal with stress and failure?

The Real Question: When the pressure increases, will you turn into a monster, a useless blob of jelly or someone who sets a good example?

Top-line Tactic: Don’t pretend you live in a stress-free bubble.Instead, give

concrete examples of the steps you take to handle pressure.You only need to convince the interviewer that you won’t crumble at the slightest hint of pressure.As with all successful answers, the key to doing that is detail.Replace generalities with specific practices you’ve used to cope with stress, such as:

• exercise

• Analyzing the source of the stress

• prioritizing the tasks

• delegating

• re-conceptualizing pressure as motivating

• deep breathing

• taking short breaks

四级的翻译练习题目 篇4

1.That theory must go hand in hand with practice is a principle_______(这是我们应当牢记的`一条原则 ).

2. ________ (除了以身作则), theres no better way to teach children.

3. The more things a man is ashamed of, ________ (他就越受人尊敬).

4.True wisdom consists not only in seeing what is before your eyes, ________ (而且在于预见将来的事情).

5.Not until people can completely trust you ________ (你才能对他们产生积极的影响).


1.we should always keep in mind

牢记-keep in mind/learn by heart/remember firmly等等,注意是应当,使用should(应该)而非must(必须)。

2. Apart from setting a good example

除了-besides、except、apart from是最常用的,而在这里使用apart from最合适。besides用做除了以外=except for 如:What has he done, besides reading the paper? 除了看报,他还做了什么?不过这个词更常见是用做副词,如:Besides, I want you to promise me one thing.此外,我要你答应我一件事。except与except for有时可以通用,不过,一般情况下,except for可置于句首,而except则不能。以身作则:set oneself an example to others。

3. the more respectable he is
