


职场双语:我的同事真讨厌 篇1





Last week I met a couple of girlfriends for dinner. We conversationally sprinted over work, men and family before settling on to our new favourite subject: the woman my friend hates at work.

This woman – let’s call her Louise – has become so irritating to my friend, and has been rendered in such painstaking detail to us, that I cringe inside whenever I hear Louise’s name. She has become my friend’s office equivalent of an ex-boyfriend. Someone you have fallen so out of love with that their every breath makes your skin crawl and you daydream of dashing their head against the wall.

The difference being, of course, that my friend has never been in love with Louise. In fact, she has always hated everything about her. From her long, swishy skirts and giant mugs of tea cradled to her chest to the way she sits really close when she wants to speak to you.

Hatred is not an admirable emotion. The loser is usually the hater rather than the hated. But to imagine it doesn’t exist in the workplace is like saying no one has affairs in the office. If you are allowed to feel passionate about your work, why can’t you feel intense dislike for colleagues?

There are all sorts of ugly reasons for hating people at work. One friend in advertising hates a colleague who does a similar job. Put bluntly, she is jealous because her rival is incredibly organised and efficient, is regularly described as a “high flyer” and puts my friend to shame.

Another friend thinks open-plan offices that dump unrelated departments next to each other foster grievances. You sit near people you don’t work with but you have to hear them and see them all the time. Every day. And so you focus on niggly conversational tics and sartorial twirls. He now has a deep dislike for a man whose Bluetooth headset is welded to his head.
