


一年级反义词练习 篇1













一年级反义词练习 篇2


一年级小学生虽然对左右的概念模糊, 但左右手却分得比较清楚, 因此在学习向左向右转时, 笔者和学生一起玩起了举手左右转身的游戏。要求举右手, 向右转;举左手, 向左转, 先举手后转身。为了强化记忆, 每一个方向的转身要连续做四次, 这样正好绕一圈。为了让活动充满趣味性, 练习中同时要求学生, 谁做错了, 就必须唱一首歌。这样, 学生练习起来就会兴趣盎然。


一年级小学生队列一般以纵队为主, 向前看齐时要求两臂向前平举, 掌心相对。但练习中, 有些学生伸臂时超过前面一名学生, 致使紧贴在前面学生的身后, 难以保持前后的距离。通过反复尝试, 笔者创设了一个“安装小栅栏”的游戏:四组学生手拉手首尾相接围成四边形的“小花园”, 并沿逆时针方向以跑跳步方式行进, 当听到安装“小栅栏”的口令后, 学生以小组为单位, 在“花园”的一个边上迅速做好向前看齐的动作, 这时如果孩子间隔的距离太近, “小栅栏”就会出现间隙, 这个小组的安装就判为失败。这样, 学生在游玩中领悟了看齐时保持前后距离的重要性了。


齐步走时, 小学生常常不知道先迈哪一只脚, 即或你告诉他先迈左脚, 可下一次他还会错, 致使齐步走的步伐混乱。如何解决这个问题?经过长期的教学实践, 笔者发现让学生四列纵队站好, 后面的学生将手搭在前面学生的肩膀上, 然后一起喊着“一、二”。这个游戏由于学生前后距离非常贴近, 出脚受到限制, 迫使学生按统一步调行进, 多次练习, 就能够达到步伐整齐的目的。但做这个游戏前, 一定要先强调“一”迈左脚, “二”迈右脚。在前行的时候, 全体学生一起喊“一、二、一、二”更容易保持队形的整齐。


关于一年级的写话练习 篇3

【关键词】用拼音写话 写完整的话 句式训练 创设情境说写







要想写好作文,首先得学会说话。对一个一年级学生来说,说话并非一件简单的事。有相当一部分孩子,怕在老师、同学面前讲话,声音小得几乎听不见,有的紧张得结结巴巴……。这就需要培养、扶植,给予引导。利用说话课,给孩子们提供说话的机会。例如让学生介绍自己身边发生的事。介绍时要求态度要大方,声音要响亮,要有条理,讲话干脆、利落,然后启发、调动不会说、不敢讲的学生,动员他们说。声音小的鼓励他放大声音重说一遍。第二遍明显就比第一遍声音响亮了,态度也大方了。这样,胆小的也敢说了,一个带动一个,课堂的发言逐渐踊跃起来。全班同学的说话水平便逐步提高了。对于说话有困难的学生,采取教师一句一句教的方法,让他们先敢说,学说,再自己练习说。 在培养学生说话能力的同时,要逐渐培养学生会说完整的话。那么怎样才是一句完整的话呢?首先学习重复老师说的话,告诉他们这样的话就叫完整话,让学生从感性上知道。在学生们明白了“完整话”的概念后,我就让他们在课堂上,大量地反复练习,并放手让学生评议。经过一段时间的训练,学生的口语表达能力普遍提高。


1 练写“三素句”,“四素句”,“五素句”。

“三素句”——谁 ? 在哪 ?干什么;“四素句”,——什么时间 ? 谁 ? 在哪儿 ? 干什么?“五素句”。——什么时间 ?谁?在哪儿?干什么?结果怎样(或心情如何)?



(1) 山坡上有一片果树林。(2)同学们在操场上做游戏。(3)我听见了一阵敲门声。(4)我看见他把地上的纸捡了起来。(5)我是小学生。(6)老师把作业判完了。(7) 艾乐乐没写完作业被老师批评了。(8)今天听写我全对,我感到很高兴。(9) 我心想:我们班一定要的第一呀!(10)老师说:“咱们班的同学真棒!”










二年级近义词 反义词练习 篇4











































































































































胖-瘦 香-臭 明-暗 忙-闲 凉-暖 来-去 尖-钝

好-坏 轻-重 前-后 左-右 是-非 有-无 老-少

深-浅 高-低 快-慢 升-降 入-出 开-关 斜-正

落-升 冷-热 饿-饱 贫-富 死-活 穷-富 买-卖

旧-新 细-粗 明-暗 首-尾 始-终

洁白-漆黑 美丽-丑陋 仔细-马虎 告别-会合 舒服-难受

粗心-细心 出发-归来 安宁-喧闹 宽敞-狭窄 困难-容易

热闹-寂静 空闲-忙碌 打开-关闭 流动-固定 暖和-寒冷

弯曲-笔直 微笑-悲伤 昂首-低头 开始-结束 现在-将来

喜欢-讨厌 欢快-沉重 机灵-愚笨 明白-糊涂 希望-失望

傍晚-清晨 秘密-公开 高大-矮小 坚定-动摇 张开-合拢

经常-偶尔 愤怒-高兴 坚定-犹豫 清楚-模糊 熟悉-陌生

保护-破坏 勇敢-懦弱 聪明-愚蠢 失败-成功 敞开-关闭

飞快-缓慢 明白-糊涂 失败-成功 烦恼-高兴 特殊-一般

特别-普通 漂亮-丑陋 高兴-伤心 仔细-粗心 精彩-枯燥

洁净-肮脏 心爱-厌恶 飞快-缓慢 极小-极大 温和-暴躁

好事-坏事 奔跑-停止 灾害-幸福 坚硬-松软 堵塞-畅通

贵重-便宜 锋利-迟钝 聚集-分散 新鲜-陈旧 破碎-完整

未来-现在 诚实-狡猾 可爱-可恨 活泼-呆板 赶紧-拖延

透明-浑浊 凉爽-炎热 永远-短暂 凉爽-闷热 广阔-狭小

相信-怀疑 裂开-合拢 相信-怀疑 节省-浪费 亲密-疏远

高明-低劣 热闹-冷清 喜欢-讨厌 茁壮-虚弱 得意洋洋-垂头丧气

斜-歪 脚-足肥-胖 降-落 找-寻 心惊肉跳-胆战心惊 丝毫未动-未动分毫祝愿-祝福 茁壮-强壮 召唤-呼唤 嘱咐-叮嘱 希望-盼望 闪烁-闪耀

希望-盼望 袭击-攻击 打扰-打搅 暖和-温和 拜访-访问 艳丽-鲜艳

节省-节约 美丽-漂亮 快乐-欢乐 时光-时间 惊讶-惊奇 亲密-亲切

依然-依旧 高明-高超 喜欢-喜爱 热闹-喧闹 开心-快乐 举行-进行

凉爽-凉快 广大-广阔 永远-永久 消失-消灭 饥荒-饥饿 广阔-宽阔

飞翔-飞行 奇怪-惊奇 眨眼-瞬间 聚集-聚拢 根据-依据 诚实-老实

未来-将来 称赞-赞扬 发现-发觉 赶紧-抓紧 快乐-高兴 解落-降落

波纹-波浪 颤动-颤抖 颤动-抖动 破碎-破裂 珍珠-珍宝 财富-财宝

锋利-锐利 伤心-难过 高兴-快乐 连忙-赶忙 拦住-挡住 极小-微小

漂浮-漂移平时-平常 奔跑-奔驰 温和-温顺 灾害-灾难 帮助-关心

温和-亲切 无数-很多 愿意-同意 立刻-连忙 如果-假如 仔细-认真

传说-传奇 目录-名目 招聘-聘请 洁净-干净 特殊-特别 聆听-倾听

领袖-首领 盼望-希望 费力-费劲 使劲-用劲 救护-抢救 挑选-选择

本事-本领 烦恼-苦恼 究竟-毕竟 拼命-舍命 浪费-白费 干净-洁净

录取-录用 聊天-谈天 盼望-希望 耽误-耽搁 敞开-放开 躲藏-隐藏

胆量-胆识 飞快-飞速 比赛-竞赛 害怕-可怕 亲爱-友爱 保护-爱护

谢谢-感谢 清楚-清晰 渐渐-慢慢 面颊-脸蛋 脖子-颈项 歌唱-唱歌

寻找-查找 拾起-捡起 办法-方法 告别-离别 准备-预备 洁白-雪白

美丽-秀丽 出发-动身 观察-观看 很多-许多 宾客-来宾 安宁-安静

逃窜-逃跑 突然-忽然 宽阔 宽敞 热闹-吵闹 住所-住宅 闪现-出现

寺庙-寺院 卧室-卧房 流动-流淌 连忙-赶忙 忽然-突然 好似-好像

连忙-急忙 正要-刚要 浮上-浮现 辽阔-宽阔 昂首-仰头 眼力-视力

故乡-家乡 本事-本领 劝告-劝说 依赖-依靠 何必-为必 凭着-靠着

机灵-机智 奔走-奔跑 秘密-隐秘 专心-用心 著名-闻名 奇怪-惊奇

发现-发明 好象-仿佛 有趣-有味 愤怒-气愤 坚定-坚决 仍旧-照旧

一年级反义词练习 篇5










一年级反义词练习 篇6


《秋思》第一句说客居洛阳,又见秋风。平平叙事,不事渲染,却有含蕴。秋风是无形的,可闻、可触、可感,而仿佛不可见。但正如春风可以染绿大地,带来无边春色一样,秋风所包含的肃杀之气,也可使木叶黄落,百卉凋零,给自然界和人间带来一片秋光秋色、秋容秋态。它无形可见,却处处可见。羁留异乡的游子,见到这一派凄凉摇落之景,不可避免地要勾起羁泊异乡的孤孑凄寂情怀,引起对家乡、亲人的悠长思念。这平淡而富于含蕴的“见”字,所给予读者的暗示和联想,是异常丰富的。第二句紧承“见秋风”,正面写“思”字。“欲作家书意万重”,这“欲”字颇可玩味。它所表达的正是诗人铺纸伸笔之际的意念和情态:心中涌起千愁万绪,觉得有说不完、写不尽的话需要倾吐,而一时间竟不知从何处说起,也不知如何表达。本来显得比较抽象的“意万重”,由于有了这“欲作家书”而迟迟无法下笔的神情意态描写,反而变得鲜明可触、易于想象了。三四两句,撇开写信的具体过程和具体内容,只剪取家书即将发出时的一个细节——“复恐匆匆说不尽,行人临发又开封。”诗人既因“意万重”而感到无从下笔,又因托“行人”之便捎信而无暇细加考虑,深厚丰富的情意和难以表达的矛盾,加以时间“匆匆”,竟使这封包含着千言万语。“复恐”二字,刻画心理入微。这“ 临发又开封 ”的细节,与其说是为了添写几句匆匆未说尽的内容,不如说是为了验证一下自己的疑惑和担心。而这种毫无定准的“恐”,竟然促使诗人不假思索地作出“又开封”的决定,正显出他对这封“意万重”的家书的重视和对亲人的深切思念——千言万语,惟恐遗漏了一句。




高考英语综合练习题(一) 篇7

第一部分听力 ( 略)

第二部分阅读理解 ( 共两节, 满分40分)

第一节 ( 共15小题; 每小题2分, 满分30分)

阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的四个选项 ( A、B、C和D) 中, 选出最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。


It's wonderful to go to another country, complete a volunteer project and feel that you reallyhave a positive influence. But how can you become an international volunteer?

* Plan practically. Contact the organizationa few months before leaving and find out if thereare materials which are rare and hard to attain forthe project. What you often consider plentifulhere, such as nails or hammers, is in great needin other parts of the world.

* Do the project together, not on your own.You are a guest in the community. The most successful result is not that you build something andwalk away, but that you and the community buildsomething as a team. Share skills and build together.

* Be flexible. Not everything is going tohappen as planned. Often the country doesn'thave the right tools, manpower, transportation orfunds to get all the needed work done. In a word, they lack infrastructure ( 基础设施) .

* Connect with the people in the community. Often you will have “downtime”outside ofthe range of the project. Rather than retreat to thegroup with whom you traveled, be sure to spendtime with the people of the community. Listen tothe things about their lives. If you can't speak thelanguage, smiles work wonders. And you will besurprised — you will find a way to communicate!

Volunteering is a special and life-changingexperience for everyone involved. Be preparedthat the person who may be changed most is you.It's a joyful, often careful experience which willencourage you to view yourself, your neighborsand your world quite differently.

21. When you volunteer to join in a project, you are advised to _.

A. build something and walk away

B. make good preparations in advance

C. avoid involving locals in activities

D. depend on yourself to solve problems

22. According to the author, volunteeringwill _.

A. reduce challenges in the world

B. determine the future of a volunteer

C. change a person's opinion of the world

D. benefit volunteers most in their learning

23. What is this passage mainly about?

A. What prepares you to become a volun teer.

B. Where volunteers are needed most in the world.

C. Why volunteering is popular with young people.

D. How volunteers develop a relationship with local people.


What would you do if you were a fifth graderfacing a huge homework load every night, and youfound out that there was a machine that would doall the work for you? That's the situation presentedto Sam, Kelsey, Judy and Brenton in DanGutman's entertaining new book for young readers, The Homework Machine.

The four children, all fifth graders in MissRasmussen's class at Grand Canyon School, are asdifferent as any other 11-year-old child could be, but they have one thing in common — all aresomewhat separated from their classmates. Sam isa newcomer and has had his share of school trouble before; Kelsey quietly carries her pain at losing her father; Judy's sense of justice always annoys others; Brenton is the smartest child in theschool, so smart that even his parents and teachers have trouble keeping up with him. WhenBrenton and his three classmates are put into thesame study group by their teacher, the others discover that Brenton has made a time-saving gadget ( 装置) to do homework for him. While the boy isperfectly able to do his homework himself, Sam, Kelsey and Judy can use the help.

Having perfect grades is something new forthese three, and as they meet every day to“dohomework”, they find that they're learning a lotabout each other. Such a good thing can't lastthough, and when a secret man starts trying to getin touch with them, they begin to get nervous.Soon there's an even more frightening problem —why can't the Homework Machine be turned off?

Told in different voices as all the childrenmake statements to the Grand Canyon Police, thestory develops in an interesting fashion. Gutman isa gifted writer who has written dozens of children'sbooks, each with a funny and impressing tale thatshould be equally liked by boys and girls.

24. What is one common thing that all thefour children have to deal with at school?

A. Getting along with their classmates.

B. Doing their homework by themselves.

C. Overcoming difficulties on their own.

D. Catching up with others to get goodgrades.

25. Which of the following words can bestdescribe Brenton?

A. Strange and nervous.

B. Quiet and smart.

C. Brave and special.

D. Clever and helpful.

26. Why did the children get frightened?

A. They lost touch with each other.

B. They were questioned by a strange man.

C. They had no idea how to stop the machine.

D. They were tracked down by the police.

27. This passage most probably comes from _.

A. a student's diary

B. a book review

C. a school report

D. a science story


Scientists have been puzzled by the phenomenon that migrating ( 迁徙的) birds fly not just ingroups all the time, but in“V”formations andthey have tried to figure out what benefit birds getfrom this particular formation. Now, a researchgroup from University of London may have foundthe answer—migrating birds fly in a“V”to saveenergy, according to a study published in thejournal Nature.

When a bird flaps ( 振翅) its wings, it stirsthe air around it and causes the air to move in different directions. Scientists found in the study thatthe air creates an upward-moving wave at the tipsof the wings, which means that if a bird fliesaround the wingtips of another bird, it can get aboost ( 抬高) from the rising air and therefore useless energy to stay in the air.

But there is a small problem — the lead birdgets no lift advantage and can easily get tired.This is why a group of migrating birds regularlyswitches leaders, according to The New YorkTimes.

Apart from the“free ride”strategy, scientistswere also surprised to observe that migrating birdstimed their wing beats and adjusted their positionsin a very precise way to maximize the lifting effectwhile avoiding areas where the air moved downward.

“They're able to sense what's going on fromthe bird in front, where this ‘good air' is comingfrom and how to position themselves perfectly init, ”lead researcher Steven Portugal told BBC.

In fact, the“V”formation has long beenthought to help birds fly more efficiently ( 效率高地) . A previous study showed that birds' heartrates went down when they were flying together ina“V”formation. Jet fighters were also found tobe able to reduce their energy use by up to 18%by staying near the wingtips of other jet fighters.Both of these findings led scientists to suspect thatthe“V”formation had an efficiency purpose, butuntil now they still lack proof.

“For scientists, the new study provides aninsight into an interesting natural phenomenon.But it could mean even more for aircraft companies — helping them understand how they canimitate that with their plane formations to savefuel, ”said Portugal.

28. What is the author's purpose in writingthis article?

A. To explain how birds benefit from migration.

B. To introduce how migrating birds find their way.

C. To tell some applications of migrating birds'“V”formations.

D. To report new findings about migrating birds'“V”formations.

29. According to the recent study, whenbirds migrate _.

A. they don't often change their lead birdsduring the whole journey

B. they fly in“V ” formations to protectthemselves against enemies

C. they form the shape of a “V ”to makebest use of the lifting effect

D. the air they stir around makes it hard forthe birds behind to fly fast

30. What is the significance of the new studyaccording to this article?

A. It might inspire aircraft companies tothink of ways to save fuel.

B. It has proved that the “V”formation canimprove efficiency in many fields.

C. It has led scientists to discover that birds'heart rates go down when they fly in a “V”.

D. It shows that the best formation of jetfighters in battles should be a “V”formation.

31. The underlined word“imitate”in the lastparagraph most probably means“_”.

A. use

B. copy

C. change

D. learn


Facebook ( 脸谱网) friends cannot replacethe real thing, say psychologists ( 心理学家) .

People are happier and laugh 50% morewhen they talk face to face with friends or viawebcam ( web camera) than when they use socialnetworking sites, a study has found.

Dr. Roberts, a famous lecturer at the University of Chester, said such websites don't appearto help people make true friendships. Based ontwo questionnaires ( 调查表) , he found there wasno link between Facebook use and people withlarger groups of friends.

Dr. Roberts, whose work will be presentedat the British Psychological Society conference inHarrogate, said, “The bottom line conclusion isthat our relationships are not dependent on thequantity of our communication. They depend onquality, and even Skype ( 一种网络即时语音沟通工具) is better at increasing the quality of ourcommunication than time spent on Facebook. ”Even talking on the phone or texting does notmake people feel as good as sharing a smile, theresearch says. The studies suggest quality, notquantity, of communication is the most importantfor keeping friends for life.

People find the most satisfying relationshipscome from a small number of close friends, withan outer“ring ” of 10 significant others. Withthese people, it doesn't matter what type of socialmedia you use for communication. But people whowant to “contact the world at large”using Facebook can be disappointed because they spreadthemselves too thinly, claim researchers.

In a third study, Dr. Roberts asked peopleto communicate with friends face to face or viaSkype and keep a 14-day diary. This was compared with communicating via phone, text messages or social networking sites. People communicating face to face or on Skype were 50% more likely to laugh, and they rated themselves as significantly happier.

32. Dr. Roberts's finding that there was noconnection between Facebook use and people withmany friends was _.

A. based on questionnaires

B. based on conversations

C. through instant messages

D. through social media

33. What is the main idea of the fourth paragraph?

A. Most people contact each other online.

B. Keeping a friend for life is not easy.

C. The quality of communication is important.

D. Skype is better at understanding us thanFacebook.

34. What does the underlined sentence inthe fifth paragraph probably suggest?

A. They are too excited to express themselves.

B. They limit their social circle to a smallrange.

C. They spread their information at a lowspeed.

D. They lack information to introduce themselves.

35. What is Dr. Roberts's attitude towardsthe use of Facebook?

A. Positive.

B. Casual.

C. Responsible.

D. Unsupportive.

第二节 ( 共 5 小题; 每小题 2 分, 满分 10分)

根据短文内容, 从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。选项中有两项为多余选项。

Most cars have seat belts as part of theirequipment. Seat belts protect drivers and passengers in case of accidents. They also reduce the effect of a crash on the bodyWorldwide, the devices have protected up to a million people.

America first recognized the invention of anautomobile seat belt in 1849. The governmentgave a patent to an engineer named Edward Claghorn of New York City so that others would not copy his invention of a safety device.This early version of safety belt was said to includehooks and other attachments for securing the person to a fixed object.

Other inventors followed with different versions of the seat belt.It resulted from the work of a Swedish engineer, Nils Bohlin. Histhree-point, lap and shoulder seat belt first appeared on cars in Europe 50 years ago.

Nils Bohlin recognized that both the upperand lower body needed to be held securely inplace. His invention contained a cloth strap ( 带子) that was placed across the chest and another strap across the hips.Volvo was the firstcompany to offer the modern seat belt to its cars.This company also provided use of Nils Bohlin'sdesign to other car-makers.

A. The Swedish engineer won many honorsfor his seat belt.

B. Claghorn was a promising young engineer with many honors all his life.

C. The design joined the straps next tothe hip.

D. There are many companies adopting NilsBohlin's invention of the seat belt.

E. Safety experts say that seat belts savethousands of lives a year in America alone.

F. But more than 100 years passed before thecurrent seat belt was developed.

G. Claghorn called his invention a safetybelt.

第三部分 英语知识运用 ( 共两节, 满分45 分)

第一节 完形填空 ( 共 20 小题; 每小题1.5 分, 满分 30 分)

阅读下面短文, 从短文后各题所给的四个选项 ( A、B、C和D) 中, 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

One October morning, the sky was clear andthe sun was shining. Bethany Hamilton decided to gowith some friends in Hawaii.

As one of the best teenage surfers in theworld, the 13-year-old American girl was planning to become asurfer. Cheerfully, she was lying on her surfboard, waiting for the next bigwave. Suddenly, a big sharkher left armand shook her backwards and forwards. Bethanyheld onto her board and the shark eventuallyswam away — but it took heraway with it., it attacked only once. It happened sofast that she didn't even

As Bethany started to swim back to the beachwith one arm, her friends thought she was joking.But to their horror, they saw theand rushed to help.

Having lost almost half the blood, Bethany'swas a miracle ( 奇迹) , according to doctors. But she wanted to dojust survive.

“It never crossed my mind that I might neverget on a surfboard again, ”she recalled later, “I wondered whether I would actually betodo it or not. ButI left hospital, I had decided that I was going to surf. ”

With the support of her family, Bethanyto get back on her board only one month after the attack. Her dad fixed a handle on hersurfboard to help her paddle ( 划水) through andinto waves.

When she returned to surfing at a competition in Hawaii, Bethany wasin dangerous waves that broke her surfboard. As a result, shegave away her remaining boards and quit. Shetried using an artificial arm, but it turned out to bewhile surfing.

Afterin Thailand in the 2004 earthquake and helping homeless survivors who had lost everything, Bethanyher decision togive up the sport she loved andto try pro-fessional surfing again. Less than a year after theaccident, she won first place in a surfing competition in Hawaii. And all her struggles and effortswhen she won in a world championship years later.

She also received several, including aspecial award for courage at the MTV Teen ChoiceAwards in 2004 and the Woman of the Year awardfrom King Fahd of Saudi Arabia in 2006. Her, true story gained wider attention with the release ( 发行) of the film“Soul Surfer”.

41. A. swimming B. boating

C. sailing D. surfing

42. A. professional B. free

C. dream D. special

43. A. touched B. struck

C. bit D. took

44. A. arm B. surfboard

C. friend D. hand

45. A. Strangely B. Especially

C. Surprisingly D. Fortunately

46. A. think B. fight

C. scream D. escape

47. A. shark B. blood

C. attack D. scene

48. A. survival B. courage

C. accident D. injury

49. A. rather than B. more than

C. better than D. other than

50. A. suitable B. lucky

C. strong D. able

51. A. while B. after

C. before D. until

52. A. hoped B. managed

C. agreed D. offered

53. A. caught B. noticed

C. lost D. driven

54. A. helpful B. useless

C. wonderful D. meaningless

55. A. training B. settling

C. traveling D. volunteering

56. A. reconsidered B. remembered

C. recognized D. recalled

57. A. refused B. started

C. decided D. continued

58. A. paid out B. paid for

C. paid in D. paid off

59. A. gifts B. honors

C. rewards D. praises

60. A. exciting B. dangerous

C. inspiring D. adventurous


第三部分 英语知识运用 ( 共两节, 满分 45分)

第二节 ( 共 10 小题; 每小题 1. 5 分, 满分15 分)

阅读下面材料, 在空白处填入适当的内容 ( 不多于3个单词) 或括号内单词的正确形式, 并将答案填写在答题卡相应的位置上。

I was walking along the main street of a smallseaside town in the north of England looking forsomewhere to make a phone call one early wintermorning. My car had broken down outsidetown and I wanted to contact the repair company.

There was no signa call box, norwas there anyone at that early hour whom I couldask. I had thought I might find a shop opena milkman doing his rounds, but the town was ( complete ) dead. The only livingthing I saw was a thin frightened cat outside asmall restaurant.

Then suddenly I foundI was lookingfor. There was a small post office, and almost hidden from sight in a dark narrow street. Next to itwas the town's only public call box. I hurried forward, but stopped in ( astonish) when I saw through the dirty glass that there was a man inside.He was fat, and was wearing a cheap blue plastic raincoat. I could not seeface and he did noteven raise his head at the sound of my footsteps.

Carefully, I remained ( stand) a fewfeet away and ( light) a cigarette to wait my turn. It was when I threw the dead match on the groundI noticed something bright red running from under the call box door.

第四部分 写作 ( 共两节, 满分 35 分)

第一节 短文改错 ( 共 10 小题; 每小题 1分, 满分 10 分)

假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文, 请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误, 每句中最多有两处。错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。

增加: 在缺词处加一个漏词符号 ( ∧) , 并在其下面写出该加的词。

删除: 把多余的词用斜线 ( /) 划掉。

修改: 在错的词下画一横线, 并在该词下面写出修改后的词。


1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处, 多者 ( 从第11处起) 不计分。

There are too many cars in our town now.For a result, there are lots of traffic jams, and theair which we will breathe is terrible. Our town isvery old but all the streets are quite narrow, sothere is no room for bus lanes, which mean thatbuses always get stuck in the traffic jams, too.However, lots of accidents with cyclists often happen because of crowded street. But I think thereis a simple solution of these problems. Thegovernment should close city center to all trafficexcept buses and bikes, and build very larger carparks outside the town. Car drivers can take a businto the city center and arrive at work or the shopsrelaxing and in a good mood.

第二节 书面表达 ( 满分 25 分)

假定你是郑州某中学的学生李华, 你校将于5月5日至8日接待来访的加拿大中学生乐团。请你根据下面表格中的内容, 代表学校用英语给对方团长Ms. Jones写一封电子邮件, 告知活动的大致安排。


1. 词数: 100左右 ( 开头和结尾已为你写好, 不计入总词数) ;

2. 可适当增加细节, 以使行文连贯。

参考词汇: 少林寺Shaolin Temple; 风味小吃local flavor snacks

Dear Ms. Jones,

We're very glad to hear that the members ofyour orchestra will visit our school. On behalf ofour school, I'll tell you the schedule of activitiesin general.


Best wishes,


Li Hua

高考英语综合练习题 ( 一) 参考答案与解析

第一部分听力 ( 略)





21. B。考查推理判断的能力。根据第二段中的“Plan practically. Contact the organizationa few months before leaving and find out if thereare materials which are rare and hard to attain forthe project. ”可以推断出, 当你志愿参加某项活动时, 要制定切实可行的计划, 提前准备好。该句中的“Contact the organization”和“find out ifthere are materials”都属于要做的准备工作。因此, 该题选B。

22. C。考查推理判断的能力。根据最后一段中的“It's a joyful, often careful experiencewhich will encourage you to view yourself, yourneighbors and your world quite differently. ”可以推断出, 作者认为做志愿者工作将会改变一个人的人生观, 因此该题选C。

23. A。考查理解主旨要义的能力。本文是说明文, 第一段中的“But how can you becomean international volunteer?”引出要说明的主题“如何成为一名国际志愿者”, 接下来的文章就此提出建议。因此, 该题选A。



24. A。考查推理判断的能力。根据第二段中的“but they have one thing in common—allare somewhat separated from their classmates. ”可以推断出, 他们有一个共同的地方是: 他们被班上的同学孤立起来了。由此可知, 他们需要跟同学们处好关系。因此, 该题选A。

25. D。考查推理判断的能力。根据第二段中的“Brenton has made a time-saving gadget ( 装置) to do homework for him. While the boy isperfectly able to do his homework himself, Sam, Kelsey and Judy can use the help. ”可以推断出, Brenton发明了帮他做作业的机器, 他的同学也能得到他的帮助, 这说明Brenton是聪明的、乐于助人的。因此, 该题选D。

26. C。考查理解事实细节的能力。根据第三段中的“Soon there's an even more frightening problem—why can't the Homework Machine be turnedoff?”可知, 孩子们不知道如何让作业机器停下来, 这使他们感到害怕。因此, 该题选C。

27. B。考查推理判断的能力。根据最后一段中的“the story develops in an interestingfashion”可以推断出, 本文选自一段书评。因此, 该题选B。



28. D。考查理解作者写作意图的能力。根据第一段中的“Now, a research group fromUniversity of London may have found theanswer—migrating birds fly in a‘V' to saveenergy, according to a study published in thejournal Nature. ”可以推断出, 本文接下来要说明鸟在迁徙过程中呈“V”字形阵势排列原因的新发现。该说明文的明显特征是在一开始就点明了作者的写作意图。因此, 该题选D。

29. C。考查理解事实细节的能力。根据第一段中的“migrating birds fly in a‘V' to saveenergy”和第二段中的“therefore use less energyto stay in the air”可知该题选C。

30. A。考查推理判断的能力。根据最后一段中的“But it could mean even more for aircraftcompanies—helping them understand how they canimitate that with their plane formations to save fuel”可以推断出, 这种新研究的意义在于, 科学家从鸟类迁徙过程中呈“V”字形阵势排列的特点中得到启发, 将此运用到诸如航空等领域中, 以便节约能源。因此, 该题选A。

31. B。考查猜测词义的能力。根据文章最后一句可知, 人们将从鸟类迁徙的阵势排列的好处中得到启发, 将此运用于航空事业中, 飞机“模仿” ( copy) 鸟类迁徙的排列阵势以便节约燃料。因此, 该题选B。


【主旨大意】本文讲述Roberts博士调查研究发现像脸谱网这样的社交网站不会帮助人们建立真正的友谊, 对网上社交持不支持的态度。

32. A。考查理解事实细节的能力。根据第三段中的“Based on two questionnaires ( 调查表) , he found there was no link between Facebook use and people with larger groups offriends. ”可知该题选A。

33. C。考查理解主旨要义的能力。根据第四段中的“our relationships are not dependent on the quantity of our communication. Theydepend on quality”以及“The studies suggestquality, not quantity, of communication is themost important for keeping friends for life. ”可以推断出, 人们的友谊是建立在交际的质量上而不是数量上, 本段就“交际质量是至关重要的”这一观点展开论述。因此, 该题选C。

34 . B。考查推理判断的能力。解答该题的关键是结合上文对画线句子的正确理解。其中“thinly spread”的意思是“传 播得不广泛”。根据第五段中的“But people who want to‘contact the world at large' using Facebook canbe disappointed because they spread themselvestoo thinly”可知, 研究者说那些想利用脸谱网大范围联系的人们可能会很失望, 因为他们借助脸谱网并不能将他们的信息传播得那样广泛, 反而限制了他们的社交圈。因此, 该题选B。

35 . D。考查理解 作者态度的 能力。通过Roberts博士的调查、实 验、研究可知, 朋友圈较大的人们与脸谱网之间没有联系, 想借助脸谱网广泛交友的人们不能把自 己的信息传播得很广, 面对面交流或通过即时语音沟通比通过电话、短信或社交网站交流效果更好。根据这些情况可以推断, Roberts博士对脸谱网的使用持不支持的态度。因此, 该题选D。



36. E。考查推理判断的能力。该句以美国使用安全带保护生命的情况与下句世界范围内的情况作对比。因此, 该题选E。

37. G。考查推理判断的能力。根据上文可知, Edward Claghorn发明了一种安全装置, 他称之为“安全带”。因此, 该题选G。

38. F。考查推理判断的能力。该句与上下文紧密衔接, 起承上启下的作用。其他发明家跟着发明了不同版本的安全带, 但是一百多年过去了, 现在通用的安全带才被研发出来, 它是瑞典工程师尼尔斯·布林发明的。因此, 该题选F。

39. C。考查推理判断的能力。该句与上句紧密衔接。尼尔斯·布林发明的三点式安全带包括一条跨越胸部的布带子和一条环绕臀部两侧的布带子, 这种设计将两条带子在挨着臀部的地方连在一起。因此, 该题选C。

40. A。考查推理判断的能力。该句与下文紧密衔接。这位瑞典工程师因为发明三点式安全带而赢得了很多荣誉, 1995年瑞典皇家工程科学院授予他金质奖章。因此, 该题选A。



【主旨大意】本文讲述美国灵魂冲浪人贝瑟尼·汉密尔顿在失去一只胳臂的情况下依然决定继续从事冲浪运动, 最终成为一名职业选手。

41. D。考查动词在语境中的词义理解。天气晴朗, 阳光明媚, 贝瑟尼决定与朋友一起在夏威夷“冲浪” ( go surfing) 。

42. A。考查形容词在语境中的词义理解。作为世界上最好的青少年冲浪选手之一的这位13岁美国女孩, 计划成为一名“职业的” ( professional) 冲浪选手。

43. C。考查动词在语境中的词义理解。正当她准备冲浪时, 突然一条大鲨鱼“咬住” ( bit) 了她的左臂。

44. A。考查名词在语境中的词义理解。鲨鱼咬断了她的“胳臂” ( arm) 后离去。

45. D。考查副词在语境中的词义理解。“幸运的是” ( Fortunately) , 鲨鱼仅发起了一次攻击。

46. C。考查动词在语境中的词义理解。鲨鱼的攻 击太快了, 她甚至都 没有“尖叫” ( scream) 。

47. B。考查名词在语境中的词义理解。当她独臂游回海滩的时候, 她的朋友们还以为她在开玩笑呢。但使她们恐惧的是, 她们看到了“血” ( blood) , 便立刻冲过去帮忙。

48. A。考查名词在语境中的词义理解。她的“幸存” ( survival) 是个奇迹, 因为她失血几乎一半。

49. B。考查连词在语境中的词义理解。但是, 她想要做的决“不仅仅” ( more than) 是幸存下来。more than在此意为“超过”。

50. D。考查形容词在语境中的词义理解。她不知道自己是否还“能够” ( able) 重新踏上冲浪板。

51. C。考查连词在语境中的词义理解。在她离开医院“之前” ( before) , 她已经决定继续冲浪。

52. B。考查动词在语境中的词义理解。在家人的支持下, 她在遭鲨鱼攻击仅一个月后便“设法” ( managed) 重返冲浪运动。

53. A。考查动词在语境中的词义理解。在夏威夷冲浪比赛中, 她“被卷入” ( was caughtin) 险浪中, 毁坏了冲浪板。

54. B。考查形容词在语境中的词义理解。她在冲浪时试着用假肢, 但结果证明这是“无用的” ( useless) 。

55. D。考查动词在语境中的词义理解。在2004年地震中, 她在泰国参加“志愿活动” ( volunteering) 后, “重新考虑” ( reconsidered) 了是否要放弃她所热爱的运动的决定。

56. A。考查动词在语境中的词义理解。参考第55解析

57. C。考查动词在语境中的词义理解。经过认真考虑, 她“决定” ( decided) 再次尝试她的职业冲浪运动。

58. D。考查短语动词在语境中的词义理解。几年后, 她在世界冲浪锦标赛中获胜, 她所有的拼搏和努力都“得到了好结果” ( paid off) 。

59. B。考查名词在语境中的词义理解。她还获得了一些“荣誉” ( honors) 。

60. C。考查形容词在语境中的词义理解。随着电影《灵魂冲浪》的发行, 她的“鼓舞人心的” ( inspiring) 真实故事赢得了更为广泛的关注。


61. the。考查冠词。此处的town是第二次提到的名词, 其前应该用定冠词表示特指。

62. of。考查介词。“……的标志”表达为“a / any / no sign of”。

63. or。考查连词。根据句意“我原以为我会发现有商店开门或者送奶工送奶”可知, 应该用or表示选择关系。

64. completely。考查副词。修饰形容词, 作状语, 应该用副词。

65. what。考查连接代词。分析句子结构可知, “I was looking for”是宾语从句, 从句中缺少作宾语的连词, 但该连词无实在意思, 应该用连接代词what引导该从句。

66. astonishment。考查名词。在介词in后用名词astonishment构成短语in astonishment, 意为“惊奇地”。

67. his。考查物主代词。指代上文中出现的那个男子, 应该用物主代词his作定语。

68. standing。考查非谓语动词。remain是系动词, 其后跟动词 -ing形式表示状态, 即“一直站着”。

69. lit。考查动词时态。从句子结构来看, 该空与前面的remained同为并列谓语, 应该用一般过去时。

70. that。考查固定句型。分析句子结构可知, 该句使用 了强调句 型“It is / wasthat”, 强调时间状语“when I threw the deadmatch on the ground”, 故应填that。



第1处: For改为As。考查固定短语中的介词。as a result意为“因此”。

第2处: 删除will。考查动词时态。此处讲述现在的一种实际情况, 应该用一般现在时。

第3处: but改为and。考查连词。根据句意“我们的城镇很破旧, 街道相当狭窄”可知, 这两句之间是并列关系。

第4处: mean改为means。考查主谓一致。分析句子结构可知, 非限制性定语从句对前面的句子起补充说明作用。从句中的主语which是关系代词, 替代前面的整个句子, 为单数第三人称形式, 因此谓语动词也应该用第三人称单数形式。

第5处: However改为Besides。考查副词。从上下文语境可知, 此处和上句之间是递进关系而不是转折关系, 即“公交车总是陷入交通堵塞, 此外由骑自行车者引发的事故时常发生”。

第6处: street改为streets。考查名词的数。根据句意和名词的意思可知, 此处的可数名词street应该用复数形式表示泛指。

第7处: of改为to。考查惯用法中的介词。“……的解决 办法”习惯上 表达为“asolution to”。

第8处: city前加the。考查冠词。此处的city center是大家心目中都清楚的地方, 应该用定冠词表示特指。

第9处: 将larger改为large。考查形容词的比较等级。根据上下文语境可知, 此处表示“建造一些大型停车场”, 并没有与上文形成对比, 应该用形容词的原级。

第10处: relaxing改为relaxed。考查非谓语动词。此处表示汽车驾驶员所处的一种“放松的”状态, 应该用过去分词做伴随状语。


One possible version:

Dear Ms. Jones,

We're very glad to hear that the members ofyour orchestra will visit our school. On behalf ofour school, I'll tell you the schedule of activitiesin general.

We'll pick you up at the airport on May 5thand take you to stay at Huanghe Hotel. On themorning of May 6th, our headmaster will make aspeech and then we'll show you around our schoolcampus as we communicate. In the afternoon, you're to visit Henan Museum, where you'll learnabout the history of Henan province. In the evening, you'll watch a performance given by bothyour members and our students. On May 7th, you'll pay a visit to Shaolin Temple and in theevening, you'll have a chance to taste local flavorsnacks in Zhengzhou. On May 8th, we'll see youoff at the airport.

We sincerely hope that you'll have a goodtime here!

Best wishes,


Li Hua

一年级反义词练习 篇8


1. ____(面条) are my favorite, because I was born in Henan and I like eating them.

2. He doesn’t like d____ milk, but his mother always asks him to do so.

3. Please give me a big ____ (碗) of rice. I’m very hungry.

4. We should eat more vegetables like c____, carrots and onions.

5. ——What s____ shoes do you take? ——37.


1. ——What ____ bowl of noodles would you like?

——I’d like a small bowl, please.

A. kindB. kinds ofC. sizeD. sizes

2. ——Would you like ____ eggs?

——No, ____.

A. any; pleaseB. any; thanksC. some; thanksD. some; I don’t

3. There are some ____ here. You can eat them.

A. orangeB. appleC. breadD. tomatoes

4. ——I’d like some tea.


A. Here you areB. Here they are

C. Here are youD. You are here

5. I don’t like apples, oranges ____ bananas.

A. andB. orC. butD. so

6. ——____ would you like?

——Some ice cream, please.

A. WhatB. HowC. WhyD. Where

7. We have some great ____. Do you want to ____ the menu?

A. special; watchB. specials; have a look at

C. specials; lookD. specia; read

8. ——Do you want to eat some rice ____ lunch?

——No, I’d like to eat some noodles.

A. withB. onC. forD in.

9. There aren’t ____ books on the desk; there is only one.

A. manyB. anyC. someD. much

10. ——There ____ some bread on the table; ____ for you.

——That’s very kind of you.

A. are; they’reB. is; it’sC. are; it’sD. is; they’re



1. I want you to help me. (改为同义句)

I ____ ____ you to help me.

2. She’d like a small bowl of noodles. (对划线部分提问)

________ bowl of noodles would she like?

3. Cathy is tall and thin. (对划线部分提问)

____ does Cathy look ____?

4. He has a black beard. (改为否定句)

He ____ ____ a black beard.

5. Gloria is twelve years old. (用fourteen years old 改为选择疑问句)

Is Gloria twelve ____ ____ years old?


6. you, kind,would, what, of, dessert, like


7. today, your, get, dumplings, and, come


8. any, specials, have, you, do, new


9. think, the movie, great, don’t, so, I, is


10. hair, build, is, long, medium, has, and, she




drink, help, kind, and, in, with, about, please, what, like

Man: Good morning, sir!Can I __1__ you?

Mr Read: Yes, please. __2__ would you like, Ann?

Ann: A hamburger __3__ some salad.

Mr Read: What __4__ would you like?

Ann: A glass of juice.

Man: What would you like __5__ it?

Ann: Some ice, __6__.

Man: Some ice? But it is __7__ of cold today.

Ann: I like that. I think the juice __8__ ice is very cool.

Man: What __9__ you, sir?

Mr Read: I’d __10__ a small pizza with onions on it.

Man: OK. Here you are.

Mr Read: Thank you.


Let me introduce(介绍) Mr. Smith—my English teacher to you.

Mr. and Mrs. Smith __1__ England. They __2__ English in our school. Mrs. Smith likes __3__. There are many books in her room. She also likes cooking. She can cook some Chinese food. Mr. Smith likes playing football. He often plays it __4__ his Chinese students.

Mr. and Mrs. Smith have two __5__. One is a son, __6__ is a daughter. Both of their two kids are students. They are very friendly. They often teach __7__ English and we often teach them Chinese.

Mr. Smith has a brother. His name is Bill. He __8__ with the Smiths. He is a waiter in a coffee bar. He __9__ know much Chinese. So he goes to Chinese classes every night. He likes playing football, __10__.

1. A. be fromB. come fromC. fromD. is from

2. A. teachB. learnC. readD. listen

3. A. readB. to readC. readingD. reads

4. A. withB. forC. toD. from

5. A. childB. childsC. childrenD. childrens

6.A. the othersB. the otherC. anotherD. the other one

7.A. ourB. weC. oursD. us

8. A. liveB. livesC. to liveD. living

9. A. doesn’tB. don’tC. isn’tD. aren’t

10. A. alsoB. andC. tooD. but



A man goes to a fast-food restaurant (快餐店) for lunch.

“Hi!”a worker says. “Can I help you?”

“I’d like a hamburger, French fries and a medium pizza,” the man says.

“Anything else?” the worker says.

“No,” the man answers. “That’s all.”

“Is that for here or to go?” the worker asks.

“To go,” the man says.

The man pays for his lunch. The worker puts the man’s lunch in a bag. The man takes the bag.

“Thank you!”The worker says. “Have a nice day.”

The man walks to a park. He sits down and opens the bag. To his surprise(使他吃惊的是), there are no hamburgers in the bag. There are no French fries. There is no pizza. There is money(钱) in the bag—a lot of money. The man counts the money, 2,000 dollars!

Why is the money in the bag? The man doesn’t know. Do you know? Can you guess?

1. What size pizza would the man like? ____.

A. A large oneB. A small oneC. A medium one

2. Where does the man want to stay to have lunch? ____.

A. In the fast-food restaurantB. At homeC. In a park

3. What’s in his lunch bag? ____.

A. A hamburgerB. French fries and a pizzaC. A lot of money

4. From the passage we can guess that ____.

A. the money is the man’s

B. the worker gives the money to the man

C. the worker puts the money in the man’s bag by mistake

5. Which of the following is true? ____.

A. The man has a hamburger and French fries for lunch

B. The money is from the fast-food restaurant

C. The worker and the man are good friends


It’s Sunday today. My friends and I go to a small restaurant for supper. The waiter passes us the menu.

My friend A orders Special Ⅰ and a glass of lemonade. My friend B orders the same pizza as friend A. But he’d like to drink iced tea. I order Special Ⅱ and a hamburger. What’s more(而且), I ask the waiter to give me a glass of iced cola.


1. According to(根据) the menu, if you don’t like cheese on your pizza,you can choose (选择) Special ____.

2. My friend B likes Special ____ and a cup of ____.

3. If you’d like pepperoni on your pizza, you can choose Special ____.

4. My dinner costs(价值) ____.



Every country has its favorite food. Indians like hot food. Japanese like to e__1__ fish. Often they don’t cook it.

In England, one of the most popular kinds of food is fish and chips(炸土豆条). People u__2__ buy it in a fish and chips s__3__. They p__4__ it in paper bags, and t__5__ it home or to their workplaces. Sometimes they eat it on the road.

It seems(好像) that American fast food is the most p__6__ in the world. In New York, Paris, London and even some big c__7__in China, you can find people eat hamburgers and chips.

Chinese food is a__8__ very popular in the world. You can f__9__ Chinese restaurants in many cities. People like Chinese food b__10__ it has different tastes(味道) and is usually very delicious!

1. e____ 2. u____ 3. s____ 4. p____ 5. t____

6. p____ 7. c____ 8. a____ 9. f____ 10. b____



1. 能工作到很晚,并能在周末上班;

2. 热爱本职工作,吃苦耐劳,与人为善;

3. 喜欢与人交往,乐于与人交谈。


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