


权力的游戏英文影评 篇1

Movie Review of the Truman Show

Born as a TV star, Truman is living in a small island called Seahaven for the first half of his life.But he doesn’t know that everyone and everything happened around him is fake.Nor dose he know that the place he lives for so many years is actually a huge studio.With the plot spreading, Truman gradually realizes that there is something wrong with his life;It seems that everybody and everything is focused on him.Leading by his dream, he managed to get out;leaving the world that was created for him and went to that unknown outside, dark and dangerous.Freedom is an eternal topic in western movies and is also very important for all of us.How can a people live without freedom and privacy? I see that Truman lives in such an amazing environment that everybody in the world can see him and there is no privacy for him at all.But after he finds that he is living in a fictitious world, he makes up his mind to leave the studio to live a life that belongs to him.To get the girl he loves and his freedom back, he overcomes his psychological barrier and fights with the storms and lightening made by the chief conductor of the movie---the Truman Show.Finally, Truman makes it and get out of the fictitious world although he knows that there maybe many unknown obstacles waiting for him.This is the power of freedom and love.Another thing I’d like to mention is that when reporters ask why Truman has never come close to discovering the true nature of his world

until now, and then the answer is that we accept the reality of the world with which we are presented.I was shocked when I heard this.In our daily life, we get used to what is happening around us so we never ask why this just happens.Although we live our lives everyday, life itself is the thing easiest forgotten by us.If we pay more attention to our life, we may find that there are so many things for us to do to enhance our life.We are usually getting numb with time going by.So be curious about the things happened in our life and you may find that life is interesting and happy.Cherishing your life and enjoying your life, you can make a big difference.

权力的游戏英文影评 篇2

Ifyouthoughtplaying gamesonyourmobilephone while at work was a mindless distraction and waste of time, then think again.

In fact, it has been discovered that if you play popular game Angry Birds while at your desk—it could make you smarter and a better worker.

Research has suggested that playing such games can make you a more“resilient (适应性强的) ”employee and help you focus at work.

A recent article in the Harvard Business Review (HBR) cited research suggesting that engaging in some activities we think are non-productive—such as small exercises—may be a smart way to spend time, particularly at work.

People across the world reportedly spend 300 million minutes a day on Angry Birds, one of the most popular games available on touch-screen smartphones.

Indeed, the Prime Minister David Cameron has himself admitted to being an Angry Birds addict.

Writing in the HBR, Jane Mc Gonigal, a game designer and author of Reality Is Broken:Why Games Make Us Better and How They Can Change the World, referred to research suggesting these practices can make people better problem solvers, more collaborative (合作的) , and less likely to give up.

“In other words, they can make people more resilient, ”she wrote.As a result, she has made it a personal goal to“waste”at least four minutes every hour.

Ms Mc Gonigal made her discoveries after realising that activities such as looking at photos of baby animals or wandering around the neighbourhood—seemingly a waste of time—had helped her focus with work.

权力的游戏 篇3






雾都孤儿 的英文对话式影评 篇4

A: The film Oliver Twist is wonderful, I like it very much.What about you? B: Me too.C: Do you know that the film is adapted from a novel which is written by Charles Dickens.A: Yeah,I have read it , and I think the novel is better compared with the film.B: Generally speaking, the original novel can reflect the reality of the society deeply.C: who know well about the background? A: The author who himself was born in a poor family wrote this novel in his twenties with a view to reveal the ugly masks of those cruel criminals and to expose the horror and violence hidden underneath the narrow and dirty streets in London.B: I think Oliver Twist is a wretch.He suffered enormous pain, such as hunger, thirst, beating and abuse.While reading the tragic experiences of the little Oliver, I was shocked by his sufferings.I felt for the poor boy, but at the same time I detested the evil Fagin and the brutal Bill.C: En, I can’t agree with you more.To my relief, as was written in all the best stories, the goodness eventually conquered devil and Oliver lived a happy life in the end.A: One of the plots that attracted me most is that after the theft, little Oliver was allowed to recover in the kind care of Mrs.Maylie and Rose and began a new life.He felt as if he had left behind forever the world of crime and hardship and poverty.B: We should think about the most important question that how can such a little boy who had already suffered oppressive affliction remain pure in body and mind? C: From my perspective, the reason is the nature of the goodness.I think it is the most important information implied in the novel by Dickens-he believed that goodness could conquer every difficulty.A: Although I don’t think goodness is omnipotent, yet I do believe that those who are kind-hearted live more happily than those who are evil-minded.。

B: For me, the nature of goodness is one of the most necessary characters for a person.Goodness is to humans what water is to fish.He who is without goodness is an utterly worthless person.C: On the contrary, as the famous saying goes, ‘The fragrance always stays in the hand that gives the rose’, he who is with goodness undoubtedly is a happy and useful person.People receiving his help are grateful to him and he also gets gratified from what he has done, and thus he can do good to both the people he has helped and himself.A: To my disappointment, nowadays some people seem to doubt the existence of the goodness in humanity.They look down on people’s honesty and kindness, thinking it foolish of people to be warm-hearted.B: As a result, they show no sympathy to those who are in trouble and seldom offer to help others.On the other hand, they attach importance to money and benefit.In their opinion, money is the only real object while emotions and morality are nihility.C: That is to say a person without goodness is destined to lose everything.Therefore, I want to tell those ‘vermin-to-be’ to learn from the kind Oliver and regain the nature of goodness

忠犬八公的故事英文影评 篇5

To begin with, I believe that most people who have watched this film were moved by the dog’s loyalty. The dog has waited for his owner for a lifetime and hid loyal behavior has taught us never forget anyone we loved—the meaning of loyalty. We can learn that we should try to get along with each other with true affection and never betray in an intimated relationship so that we can strengthen our relationship and understand each other better. And we should believe that there is still a true affection in the world.

Another thing we can learn from the film is to value what we have. In other words, we should learn to count our fortunes. What we own is always unique and cannot be replaced by others, so we have to value what we have. As the saying goes, “Tree prefers calm while wind not subsides; Son chooses filial while parents died”.We should never be regretful until losing.

天生一对英文影评 篇6

Love will never change This is an inviting film.The plots of the film are ups and downs, which attract my attention from beginning to the end, and the film full of warm scene.Hallie Parker and Annie James meet each other for the first time on the summer camp.At the beginning they hate each other, but later they find they are twins.When the summer camp is over, Hallie Parker and Annie James exchange their identities.Hallie meet her mother and Annie also gets her wish.Their father, Nick, prepare to marry a lady Meredith, but the twins hope their parents remarried.The twins tell their parents their real identities arranging for their parents to meet.Then the climax of the story is appeared.The whole family members come together including Nick’s girl friend Meredith.The twins destroy the relationship between their father and his girl friend successfully, but their mother does not want remarry.She takes Annie back to London.We think the film is over and the will never meet each other any more, but we are worry.When Elizabeth and Annie step into the house they see Nick and Hallie.What an amazing time it is!Nick does not want lose Elizabeth again so he takes Hallie come to London.So the family members get together again and the story has a perfect ending.The film tells us that it is love that brings them back together.The love between family members will never change, and love can make anything

你看过《权力的游戏》吗? 篇7







《阿甘正传》英文影评 篇8

----the film review on the film “Forrest Gump”

Forrest Gump, the movie which I have watched for three times, is a film that surprised and moved me so much.It was based on the novel of Winston Groom while the hero is a famous actor—Tom Hanks.He performed so well all through the film that I enjoyed the warm human nature, the inspiration of belief and other virtues through any scene in it.The female, a kind of role, is very essential in the film as it acts in the real society.As the Chinese saying goes, women hold up half the sky.In the life of Forrest Gump, there are two women—one is his great mother, the other is his lifelong lover, Jenny.They accounted for Forrest’s whole life.At the beginning of the film, Mrs.Gump, Forrest’s mother, impressed me much.I think Forrest with an IQ of 75 was so lucky to own such a strong-minded and smart mother.She and her Forrest lived in Greenbow, Alabama, all on their own.She told Forrest he was no different than anybody else was though he braced his legs.Under her philosophical words, “life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you are going to get”, Forrest achieved marvelous success in his life step by step such as entering college, being awarded the Congressional medal of honour, being a gozillionaire and so on.She was just like any mother to love Forrest from the bottom of her heart and inspire him any time.In turn she was also proud of Forrest with happy smile in his college graduation ceremony and when he was awarded as a Vietnam War hero.Unfortunately, she was sick with a cancer and died on a Tuesday.At the end of her life, she still teached her son to accept death as a part of life and to pursue his own destiny.Though keeping far away in the heaven finally, I think this mother would still look at and bless her son.Jenny was Forrest’s lifelong lover.They met each other in the school bus.In the film Jenny did many bad things to Forrest.From their childhood right on up Jenny and Forrest were good friends.They came to school together and grew with each other’s accompany.Finally though they stayed far away from each other, Forrest

必看英文电影 影评 篇9





2012 杰克逊是幸运的,从电台疯子那里知道了2012地球毁灭的秘密,坐飞机去被地震吞陷的洛杉矶拯救前妻和两个孩子,冒险驱车去正面临火山大爆发的怀俄明州黄石公园拯救广播电台主持人寻找可以逃亡的地图,诺亚第一次叫他“Dad”第一次对着他喜欢的戈登大喊“他是我爸爸”!一路披荆斩棘从毁灭几十亿人的灾难中逃脱出来,最后成了拯救整艘美国“诺亚方舟”大船的超级英雄……他们成功了,也因此更爱彼此……

















权力的游戏英文影评 篇10









《通天塔》Babe的l英文影评 篇11

The Bible gives us the story of the tower of Babel, the magnificently tall  structure whose height was deemed offensive and impertinent by God. To punish  humanity for its architectural hubris, God then decided to drive a linguistic  wedge between the nations of the world, who until then had spoken the same  tongue. As fables go, this is a particularly effective one in that it both  illustrates a moral -- don‘t think you‘re better than God or you shall be struck  down with all speed -- and also provides a handy answer to those who wondered  why there are so many different languages anyway.

In Babel, directed and co-written by Alejandro González Iárritu (21 Grams,  Amores Perros), a clutch of characters from a range of cultures and walks of  life attempt to build a towering film of meaning from coincidence and portent;  unfortunately, in the end it is the viewer who is punished for the filmmaker‘s  hubris.

What is one even supposed to make of this film, where so many stories and  moments seem to strain for larger import but end up only as fractured shards of  disconnected drama? It is, after all, a film whose director had the good sense  to cast Cate Blanchett, but the inexcusably bad taste to then give her a role in  which she‘s required to spend the bulk of her screen-time unconscious or barely  coherent. (It‘s sort of like getting Anthony Hopkins for your movie and then  killing him off in the first 30 seconds.)

Blanchett plays Susan, a rich California tourist roaming around Morocco  with her husband Richard (a pleasantly grizzled Brad Pitt). As their bus wends  its way through the mountains, a pair of young shepherds are roaming above,  testing a new rifle‘s accuracy with the abandon of immature brothers. The  tragedy of unintended consequences: in a scene that‘s heartstopping for its  matter-of-factness, a bullet smacks through the bus window, seriously wounding  the sleeping Susan.
