


英语六级写作问题详细解析 篇1


Section C Directions: There are 2 passages in this section.Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements.For each of them there are four choices marked A),B),C)and D).You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.Passage One Questions 46 to 50 are based on the following passage.Economically speaking, are we better off than we were ten years ago? Twenty years ago? In their thirst for evidence on this issue, commentators seized on the recent report by the Census Bureau, which found that average household income rose by 5.2% in 2015.Unfortunately, that conclusion puts too much weight on a useful, but flawed and incomplete, statistic.Among the more significant problems with the Census’s measure are that: 1)it excludes taxes, transfers, and compensation like employer-provided health insurance;and 2)it is based on surveys rather than data.Even if precisely measured, income data exclude important determinants of economic well-being, such as the hours of work needed to earn that income.While thinking about the question, we came across a recently published article by Charles Jones and Peter Klenow, which proposes an interesting new measure of economic welfare.While by no means perfect, it is considerably more comprehensive than average income, taking into account not only growth in consumption per person but also changes in working time, life expectancy, and inequality.Moreover, it can be used to assess economic performance both across countries and over time.The Jones-Klenow method can be illustrated by a cross-country example.Suppose we want to compare the economic welfare of citizens of the U.S.and France in 2005.In 2005, as the authors observe, real consumption per person in France was only 60% as high as the U.S., making it appear that Americans were economically much better off than the French on average.However, that comparison omits other relevant factors: leisure time, life expectancy, and economic inequality.The French take longer vacations and retire earlier, so typically work fewer hours;they enjoy a higher life expectancy, presumably reflecting advantages with respect to health care, diet, lifestyle, and the like;and income and consumption are somewhat more equally distributed there than in the U.S.Because of these differences, comparing France’s consumption with the U.S.’s overstates the gap in economic welfare.Similar calculations can be used to compare the U.S.and other countries.For example, this calculation puts economic welfare in the United Kingdom at 97% of U.S.levels, but estimates Mexican well-being at 22%.The Jones-Klenow measure can also assess an economy’s performance over time.According to this measure, as of the early-to-mid-2000s, the U.S.had the highest economic welfare of any large country.Since 2007, economic welfare in the U.S.has continued to improve.However, the pace of improvement has slowed markedly.Methodologically, the lesson from the Jones-Klenow research is that economic welfare is multi-dimensional.Their approach is flexible enough that in principle other important quality-of life changes could be incorporated—for example, decreases in total emissions of pollutants and declines in crime rates.全文翻译及命题分析










【内容概要】本篇阅读理解介绍了一种衡量经济福祉的新方法——Jones-Klenow method。它包含了影响生活质量的更多因素,比美国人口普查局所采用的方法更全面更灵活。【试题详解】

46.What does the author think of the 2015 report by the Census Bureau? A)It is based on questionable statistics.B)It reflects the economic changes.C)It evidences the improved welfare.D)It provides much food for thought.【题干译文】作者是如何看待美国人口普查局2015年的报告?

【选项译文】A.它基于有问题的统计数据。B.它反映了经济变化。C.它证明了福利的改善。D.它提供了许多值得思考的事情。【定位信息】将题干中2015以及Census Bureau等作为向导词,定位到第二自然段。也可以结合顺序法定位,该题作为本阅读文章第一题,阅读点一般在文章开头或靠前的位置。

【答案详解】答案是A。第二自然段第二句话“Unfortunately, that conclusion puts too much weight on a useful, but flawed and incomplete, statistic.”意思是:不幸的是,这一结论过于强调统计数据,而该数据虽有效,但有缺陷和不完整。该数据有缺陷且不完整,自然是有问题的数据。


47.What does the author say about the Jones-Klenow method? A)It is widely used to compare the economic growth across countries.B)It revolutionizes the way of measuring ordinary peopled livelihood.C)It focuses on people’s consumption rather than their average income.D)It is a more comprehensive measure of people’s economic well-being.【题干译文】作者对琼斯和克勒诺提出的方法有什么看法?



【答案详解】答案是D。第三自然段第二句话“While by no means perfect, it is considerably more comprehensive than average income, taking into account not only growth in consumption per person but also changes in working time, life expectancy, and inequality.”意思是:它谈不上完美,但比平均收入作为唯一衡量指标要全面得多。它既考虑到人均消费的增长,也考虑到工作时间、预期寿命的变化和经济不平等等因素。很明显,作者在此发表自己对琼斯和克勒诺提出的方法的看法;虽不完美,但更全面。


48.What do Jones and Klenow think of the comparison between France and the U.S.in terms of real consumption per person? A)It reflected the existing big gap between the two economies.B)It neglected many important indicators of people’s welfare.C)It covered up the differences between individual citizens.D)It failed to count in their difference in natural resources.【题干译文】琼斯和克勒诺是如何看待美国和法国在真实人均消费方面的比较? 【选项译文】A.它反映了两个经济体之间存在的巨大差距。B.它忽视了许多重要的人民福利指标。C.它掩盖了公民个人之间的差异。D.它没有将自然资源方面的差异计算在内。

【定位信息】将题干中comparison between France and the U.S.以及 real consumption per person作为向导词,结合顺序法,定位到第四、五自然段,这两个自然段主要讲美、法两国在真实人均消费方面的比较。

【答案详解】答案是B。第五自然段第二句话“However, that comparison omits other relevant factors: leisure time, life expectancy, and economic inequality.”意思是:然而,这种比较忽略了其他相关因素:闲暇时间、预期寿命和经济不平等。很明显,B选项中neglected和important indicators分别与该句中omits和relevant factors对应。


49.What is an advantage of the Jones-Klenow method? A)It can accurately pinpoint a country’s current economic problems.B)It can help to raise people’s awareness of their economic well-being.C)It can diagnose the causes of a country’s slowing pace of economic improvement.D)It can compare a country’s economic conditions between different periods of time.【题干译文】琼斯和克勒诺提出的方法有什么优势?


【定位信息】将题干中Jones-Klenow method作为向导词,结合顺序法,定位到第七自然段。【答案详解】答案是D。第七自然段第一句话“The Jones-Klenow measure can also assess an economy’s performance over time.”意思是:琼斯和克勒诺提出的衡量标准也可以用来评估某个国家在某个时间段的经济业绩。琼斯和克勒诺提出的衡量标准可以用于对比国与国之间的经济业绩,也可以用于评估某个国家在某个时间段的经济业绩,显然是该方法的一个优势。


50.What can we infer from the passage about American people’s economic well-being? A)It is much better than that of their European counterparts.B)It has been on the decline ever since the turn of the century.C)It has not improved as much as reported by the Census Bureau.D)It has not been accurately assessed and reported since mid-2000s.【题干译文】下列有关美国人民的经济福祉方面的推断正确的是哪一个?


【定位信息】将题干中American以及economic well-being作为向导词,结合顺序法,定位到最后两个自然段。该题作为本阅读文章最后一题,阅读点一般在文章结尾或靠后的位置。


【干扰分析】本题为推理判断题,需要通篇考虑。A选项中much better与实际程度不符,B选项与美国经济福祉持续改善的事实不符。D选项有一定的迷惑度,但since mid-2000s与文中的实际时间不符。

Passage Two Questions 51 to 55 are based on the following passage.If you’ve ever started a sentence with, “If I were you...” or found yourself scratching your head at a colleague’s agony over a decision when the answer is crystal-clear,there’s a scientific reason behind it.Our own decision-making abilities can become depleted over the course of the day causing indecision or poor choices, but choosing on behalf of someone else is an enjoyable task that doesn’t suffer the same pitfalls.The problem is “decision fatigue,” a psychological phenomenon that on the quality of your choices after a long day of decision making, says Evan Polman, a leading psychologist.Physicians who have been on the job for several hours, for example, are more likely to prescribe antibiotics to patients when it’s unwise to do so.“Presumably it’s because it’s simple and easy to write a prescription and consider a patient case closed rather than investigate further,” Polman says.But decision fatigue goes away when you are making the decision for someone else.When people imagine themselves as advisers and imagine their own choices as belonging to someone else, they feel less tired and rely less on decision shortcuts to make those choices.“By taking upon the role of adviser rather than decision maker, one does not suffer the consequences of decision fatigue,” he says.“It’s as if there’s something fun and liberating about making someone else’s choice.”

Getting input from others not only offers a fresh perspective and thought process, it often also includes riskier choices.While this sounds undesirable, it can be quite good, says Polman.“When people experience decision fatigue—when they are tired of making choices—they have a tendency to choose to go with the status quo(现状),he says.But the status quo can be problematic, since a change in the course of action can sometimes be important and lead to a positive outcome.”

In order to achieve a successful outcome or reward, some level of risk is almost always essential.“People who are susceptible to decision fatigue will likely choose to do nothing over something,” he says.“That’s not to say that risk is always good, but it is related to taking action, whereas decision fatigue assuredly leads to inaction and the possible chagrin(懊恼)of a decision maker who might otherwise prefer a new course but is unfortunately hindered.”

Just because you can make good choices for others doesn’t mean you’ll do the same for yourself, Polman cautions.“Research has found that women negotiate higher salaries for others than they do for themselves,” he says, adding that people slip in and out of decision roles.全文翻译及命题分析










51.What does the author say about people making decisions? A)They may become exhausted by making too many decisions for themselves.B)They are more cautious in making decisions for others than for themselves.C)They tend to make decisions the way they think advantageous to them.D)They show considerable differences in their decision-making abilities.【题干译文】作者对人们做出决策的看法是什么?


【定位信息】本题题干中缺乏明显的向导词,making decisions是主题词,散落于文章各个地方,因此不适合作定位用的向导词。只有利用顺序法定位,该题作为本阅读文章的第一题,阅读点一般在文章开头或靠前的位置。【答案详解】答案是A。根据第一自然段第二句话:“Our own decision-making abilities can become depleted over the course of the day causing indecision or poor choices...”意思是:我们自己的决策能力会在一天中被消耗殆尽,导致优柔寡断或决策失误。决策能力被消耗殆尽,意味着人们可能会因为做太多的决定而筋疲力竭。


52.What does the example about the physicians illustrate? A)Patients seldom receive due care towards the end of the day.B)Prescription of antibiotics can be harmful to patients’ health.C)Decision fatigue may prevent people making wise decisions.D)Medical doctors are especially susceptible to decision fatigue.【题干译文】医生的例子说明了什么?



【答案详解】答案是C。根据第三自然段第一句话:“Physicians who have been on the job for several hours, for example, are more likely to prescribe antibiotics to patients when it’s unwise to do so.”意思是:例如,那些连续工作了几个小时的医生更倾向于给病人开抗生素,尽管这样做很多时候并不明智。这里以医生作为例子,证明了决策疲劳可能会阻碍人们做出明智的决定。

【干扰分析】本题为细节题,定位以及文中对应的阅读点均不难,其他几个选项迷惑性也较小。53.When do people feel less decision fatigue? A)When they take decision shortcuts.B)When they help others to make decisions.C)When they have major decisions to make.D)When they have advisers to turn to.【题干译文】人们在什么时候不太容易感到决策疲劳?


【定位信息】题干中缺乏明显的向导词,decision fatigue也是主题词,散落于文章各个地方,因此不适合作定位用的向导词。只有利用顺序法定位,前面的52题在文中对应的阅读点在第三自然段,本题的阅读点在53题的阅读点也就是第三自然段第一句话之后的部分。结合选项,可以定位到第四自然段的第一句话。【答案详解】答案是B。根据第四自然段第一句话:“But decision fatigue goes away when you are making the decision for someone else.”意思是:然而,为他人做决定时则不会遭遇决策疲劳。那么人们在什么时候不太容易感到决策疲劳呢?答案自然是当他们帮助别人做决定时。


54.What are people likely to do when decision fatigue sets in? A)They turn to physicians for advice.B)They tend to make risky decisions.C)They adopt a totally new perspective.D)They refrain from trying anything new.【题干译文】当决策疲劳时,人们可能会做什么?


【定位信息】题干中缺乏明显的向导词,decision fatigue也是主题词,散落于文章各个地方,因此不适合作定位用的向导词。只有利用顺序法定位,前面的53题在文中对应的阅读点在第四自然段,本题的阅读点在53题的阅读点之后的部分,结合选项,可以定位到第五自然段。

【答案详解】答案是C。根据第五自然段第三句话:“When people experience decision fatigue—when they are tired of making choices—they have a tendency to choose to go with the status quo...”意思是:当人们经历决策疲劳——也就是他们厌倦了做出选择的时候——他们会倾向于维持现状。既然是维持现状,自然就不会尝试新的方法。


55.What does the passage say about taking some risk in decision making? A)It is vital for one to reach the goal desired.B)It is likely to entail serious consequences.C)It will enable people to be more creative.D)It will more often than not end in regret.【题干译文】关于在决策中冒一些风险,文中的观点是? 【选项译文】A.它对达到所期望的目标至关重要。B.这可能带来严重后果。C.它将使人们更有创造力。D.它往往会以后悔而告终。

【定位信息】题干中risk可作为向导词,结合顺序法,定位到第六自然段。【答案详解】答案是C。根据第六自然段第一句话:“In order to achieve a successful outcome or reward, some level of risk is almost always essential.”意思是:为了获得成功或奖励,一定程度的风险总是必不可少的。既然必不可少,当然至关重要。【干扰分析】本题为细节题,很明显,A选项中的vital 以及reach the goal desired 分别与文中对应的阅读点中essential、achieve a successful outcome or reward相对应。

英语六级写作问题详细解析 篇2







(原因功能) In an age when science and technology changes with each passing day, (现象功能) the use of robots is becoming more and more popular and they are gradually taking the place of human beings in industry and our daily lives, (空泛影响) which is bound to exert profound influences on human society.


(具体影响) On the one hand, human beings will be relieved of some tedious or dangerous work such as cleaning the floor or exploring the deep ocean. On the other hand, vast numbers of jobs will evaporate because they can be done by robots. Therefore, I believe that the use of robots that can make our lives much easier by reducing human labor, improving work efficiency and helping people avoid unnecessary danger will also pose a potential threat to human society. Many people will lose their jobs.


(观点功能) Accordingly, the use of robots, an inevitable trend in modern society, has its pros and cons. However, we create these machines and we are the masters of them. If we use robots to substitute our brawn (体力), we should learn to make better use of our brains.








考生在日常学习时一定要善于发现,勤于记录,积累这些功能表达。比如在范文中,“A that can do B will also do C”这个句型(见左栏范文中的斜体部分)是来自于阅读真题中的句型;而exert profound influences on、pose a potential threat to这类表示影响的表达都是写作范文中的常用表达。下面笔者给考生罗列上述常见功能表达的具体例句,这些例句的写法都比较经典,值得大家背诵模仿,其中加粗部分都是考生可以在不同的话题中模仿套用的常见词或结构。


① In this day and age, people, especially young people, are becoming increasingly dependent on digital products, some of whom even forget how to write a simple word by themselves without the use of a computer or a mobile phone.


② Recent years have witnessed a phenomenon that there is an increase in the number of parents who see their children as little princes or princesses and think their children are the best of the best.


2 阐释原因

① Why? The reasons are simple and can be listed as follows. To begin with, the parents and teachers are mainly responsible for such a phenomenon, for the reason that most of them only attach importance to children’s tests scores while totally turning a blind eye to their personal interests and overall development. What’s more, fierce competition in the job market drives students to concentrate on getting high scores in school tests so that they may graduate with an Honor’s Degree, which may help them get a decent job after graduation.

这个现象为什么发生呢?理由很简单,可罗列如下:首先,父母和老师要对这个现象负主要责任,因为他们中大多数人都只关注孩子的成绩,而对孩子的个人兴趣和全面发展熟视无睹。其次,就业市场的激烈竞争也在驱使学生专注于在学校考试中取得好成绩, 这样他们就能获得荣誉学位而毕业,而这能帮助他们在毕业之后找到一份体面的工作。

② It is understandable that in a society where fierce competition is going on in all areas of life, the great majority of people are living under a lot of pressure and are busy with their jobs, so it is not an easy task for them to exercise frequently.


3 讨论影响

① Such a phenomenon is bound to adversely affect children’s emotional and intellectual growth as their parents’ words and deeds have far reaching influences on the formation of a child’s character. For instance, how can we expect a child to become a person of responsibility and moral integrity without his parents acting like good role models?


② Optimism not only helps us face hardships and adversities bravely and confidently, but also lays a solid foundation for bringing our ability and potential into full play.



4 发表观点

① In my opinion, optimism is therefore a necessity of life and all of us should learn to keep our face turned towards the sunshine, be we in good times or bad times.


② As a matter of fact, as long as people can enhance their awareness of doing physical exercise, time is not a problem. For instance, they can run to work or ride bicycles; they can climb stairs instead of taking elevators. Always remember: “Life lies in movement.”


5 实例辅助

① The same modern digital devices that have provided great convenience for our life have also influenced our life in negative ways. For instance, an increasing number of youngsters are getting addicted to online games, both adults’ and youngsters’ spare time is occupied by mindlessly using various Apps on their phones and people are increasingly reluctant to leave their phones or computers, which undoubtedly wastes much precious time that should be spent in doing more meaningful things.


② There is no doubt that mutual learning is of great significance. The truth is that without mutual learning, Tu Youyou and her colleagues could never have succeeded in obtaining the pure substance qinghaosu since the whole process was so complicated that no one could have completed it alone.






1. 定语从句的灵活应用

We live in an age when science and technology changes with each passing day.


We live in a society where temptations, such as alcohol, drugs and gambling, abound.



2. 状语从句的省略

When (they are) confronted with difficulties and challenges, young people who lack self-confidence tend to give up easily.



3. 强调句

It was confidence that enabled Liu Xiang to overcome his serious injury and reach the peak of his career.


4. 倒装句

Only by doing our best today can we be sure that we are really making an effort to improve ourselves and we are approaching our goals step by step.


5. 同位语

The use of robots, an inevitable trend in modern society, has its pros and cons.


6. 虚拟语气

It is critical that important decisions be made on the basis of comprehensive investigation and analysis.


值得注意的是,这类虚拟表达的句式为:“It is important/urgent/necessary/imperative (或其他表示观点和态度的形容词) that sb. (should可省略) do sth.”




英语六级写作问题详细解析 篇3



2、练听力:听力在考试前一个月突击是没有什么太大的效果的。所以,在基础阶段时,要加大听力的练习。大家不需要特意去练习考试听力。可以从网上下载一些听力资料,也可以在线听。大家论坛为大家准备了英语听写资料VOA, BBC, CNN新闻听力练习100篇,每天听一篇,相信大家在9月份开学时,会有很大的收获因为四六级的听力语速很慢每天只需要听一篇。但是一定要一边听一遍写,直到能把英语都写下来,无论听多少遍。这就需要大家在寒假有着执着的学习精神。












12月英语六级翻译原文及解析 篇4

1.第1句中的“全长……公里”可表达为is... kilometers long,也可表达为has a length of..., kilometers。“第二长河”,在数量、规模等方面要表达“第几长”、“第几大”时应该是序数词加上形容词的最高级,故这里译为the second longestriver。“仅次于”可以表达为only second to或second to,如“他举世无双”,译为 He is second to none。

2.翻译第2句“黄河发源于……,流经……,最后流入……,可沿用原文的结构,译作The Yellow River has itsorigin in...,flows through..., and finally pours itself into...,但此种译法稍显生硬、平淡。可将 “黄河发源于…”处理为状语,用介词短语With its origin in...表达,使译文主次分明。“青海、四川、甘肃、宁夏、陕西等9个省区”翻译时可以先译中心词“9个省区”,具体的省区名称可以用such as引出,作为进一步说明。“流经”、“流入渤海”,这里的“流”可译为flow,但为了避免用词重复、译文表达丰富,“流人渤海”可更换表达为 enter the sea,reach the sea 或 pours itself into the sea。

3.第3句中的原因状语“由于夹带了大量的泥沙”表达为because it carries a lot of silt。“呈黄色”表达为inyellow 或 in the color of yellow,介词 in 表示“处于某种状态”。

4.第4句中的“黄河流域给中华文明带来……”可直译为the Yellow River basin brings significant influenceto...”但这样处理不如将名词短语“巨大的影响”转译为动词短语来得简单明了,表达为the Yellow River basininfluences... significantly。


英语六级写作经典句型 篇5




1.A number of factors are accountable for this situation.A number of factors might contribute to(lead to)(account for)the phenomenon(problem).2.The answer to this problem involves many factors.3.The phenomenon mainly stems from the fact that...4.The factors that contribute to this situation include...5.The change in...largely results from the fact that...6.We may blame...,but the real causes are...7.Part of the explanations for it is that...One of the most common factors(causes.is that...Another contributing factor(cause.is...Perhaps the primary factor is that …

But the fundamental cause is that

