6月大学英语四级阅读练习、答案 篇1
Not all sounds made by animals serve as language, and we have only to turn to that extraordinary discovery of echolocation (回声定位) in bats to see a case in which the voice plays a strictly practical role.
To get a full appreciation of what this means we must turn first to some recent human inventions. Everyoneknows that if he shouts near a wall or a mountainside, an echo will come back. The further off this solid obstacle, the longer time it will take for the return of the echo. A sound made by tapping on the main body of a ship will be reflected from the sea bottom, and by measuring the time interval between the taps andthe receipt of the echoes the depth of the sea at that point can be calculated. So was born the echo-sounding equipment, now in general use in ships. Every solid object will reflect a sound, varying according to the size and nature of the object. A shoal of fish will do this. So it is a comparatively simple step fromlocating the sea bottom to locating a shoal of fish. With experience, and with improved equipment, it is now possible not only to locate fish but to tell if it is herring, cod, or other well-known fish, by the pattern of its echo.
A few years ago it was found that certain bats emit squeaks (吱吱声) and by receiving ’he echoes they could locate and steer clear of obstacles--or locate flying insects on which they feed. This echolocation in bats is often compared with radar, the principle of which is similar.
Choose correct answers to the question:
1.The main purpose of this passage is to ______.
A. describe that animals can make different sounds
B. prove that animals’ voices can play practical roles
C. inspire the readers to make more inventions
D. startle the readers with some shocking facts
2. The discovery of echolocation may help with all of the following EXCEPT
A. measuring the depth of the sea
B. distinguishing different kinds of fish
C. improving the functions of radaar
D. varying the size and nature of an object
3. By saying “A shoal of fish will do this”(Lines 6-7, Para. 2), the author means ________.
A. only one special kind of fish can reflect sounds
B. only one special kind of fish can be used to help locate a ship
C. a large group of fish can reflect sounds
D. a large group of fish can be used to help locate a ship
4. As it is discussed in the passage, the squeaks of bats can be functionally compared with ________.
A. human languages
B. a mountainside
C. a shoal of fish
D. taps on a ship
5. Which of the following statements can be inferred from the passage?
A. Animals are more intelligent than humans.
B. Humans are more intelligent than animals.
C. Animals are often compared with human inventions.
D. Humans are often inspired by animals.
1.[B] 主旨大意题。文章第1段就点明主题,明确指出以蝙蝠为例,动物发出的声音有实际作用,只有B可以概括文章的这个写作目的。
2.[C] 事实细节题。本题考査列举处,可用排除法解答。A、B、C在文中都有相关提及。D利用第2段中的varying制造干扰。在原文中,指的是回声因障碍物的不同而不同,而D偷换概念、曲解文意,D中的varying为及物动词,意为“改变”,显然不可能是回声定位的发现带来的功效。
3.[C] 词义推断题。本题考查对shoal的词义推测及代词this的理解。依据第2段最后几句话,可推测出a shoal of fish指的是“海里的一群鱼”;this则是指上一句提到的“任何固体都可以反射声音”,因此这句话表明一大群鱼就能像一个固体一样反射声音。
4.[D] 推理判断题。根据最后一段可知,蝙蝠发出吱吱声可以探测障碍物的`距离,而第2段也指出轻敲船体可测知海底的距离,因此在功能上,D与蝙蝠的吱吱声相同。A中的human languages在文中未提到;B和C在文中各自的例子中充当的都是障碍物的角色,因此都不正确。
5.[D] 推理判断题。文章先说动物的回声定位功能,再说到回声定位探测仪的发明,由此可见,是动物的某些能力启发了人类的创造,因此只有D可从文中推测。文章并没有从智力方面比较人类和动物,因此可以排除A 和B;尽管文章说到了蝙蝠和雷达的原理相似,但是C中的often一词无据可循,且C的说法浮于表面,没有说到重点,故排除。
6月大学英语四级阅读练习、答案 篇2
写作作为语言输出的重要部分, 是学生必备的一项基本技能。教育部于2007年颁布实施的《大学英语课程教学要求》中对学生的书面表达能力做出了如下规定:能完成一般性写作任务, 能描述个人经历、观感、情感和发生的事件等, 能写常见的应用文, 能在半小时内就一般性话题或提纲写出不少于120词的短文, 内容基本完整, 中心思想明确, 用词恰当, 语意连贯。能掌握基本的写作技能。 (教育部高等教育司, 2007) 然而目前我国的大学英语写作教学现状却不容乐观, 学生对写作提不起兴趣, 英语写作似乎变成了写“洋八股”, 而教师的批改和讲解又流于形式, 课堂效果很不理想, 这不得不引起教育工作者的反思了。而过程写作法能使学生在一种积极主动又轻松愉悦的合作氛围中进行写作的每一个步骤, 提升自己的思维能力和写作能力 (邓丽鸣、刘红, 2003) , 这就为英语写作教学提供了理论支撑。
过程写作法是20世纪70年代, 美国西北大学教授Wallace Douglas首先提出的, 他指出:写作是一个过程, 写作课应该教授的是构成写作过程的每一步的操作方法。 (Judy, 1981) 这种写作方法以交际理论为基础, 将写作过程视为复杂的心理认知和语言交际过程, 提倡通过写作过程学习写作, 强调学生在写作中发挥写作主体的主观能动性, 并且强调反复修改在写作过程中的重要作用。 (童长涛, 2003) 经过Raimes和Zamel这两位学者的积极倡导, 过程写作法被用于课堂教学实践。
过程写作法由五个阶段构成, 即:写前准备、初稿、反馈、修改、定稿。这五个阶段并非呈线性排列, 而是循环往复, 相互渗透, 相互交叉的, 贯穿整个写作过程。 (李森, 2000) 在任何一个写作阶段, 学生都可以回到上一个或者最初阶段, 比如学生发现自己拟定的提纲还需要进一步完善, 就可以再次进行第一阶段的工作。过程写作法对这五大阶段的每一阶段都严格把关, 有利于学生英语写作能力和语言运用能力的提升。
3 实例分析
笔者以2014年6月的英语四级作文题目为例, 严格依照过程写作法的各个过程指导学生写作。2014年6月英语四级考试的作文题目是:Suppose a foreign friend of yours is coming to visit your hometown, what is the most interesting place you would like to take him or her to see and why?该作文题特别贴近学生的现实生活, 学生对自己的家乡都很熟悉, 并且充满着情感, 因此该话题很适合用于课堂和小组讨论, 只要引导正确, 学生能有感而发。
(1) 写前阶段
在写前阶段, 教师充分利用网络资源, 搜索与家乡相关的有趣的视频和音频材料。笔者选用的是《美丽的长白山, 我的家乡》的英文视频, 通过播放这段英文视频来介绍家乡有趣的地方。随后, 笔者把学生分成几个小组, 根据老师的要求, 进行自由讨论, 向组员介绍自己家乡有趣的地方, 介绍要能引起大家的兴趣。讨论活动以英文为主, 因为与自己的生活息息相关, 整个讨论过程中, 学生们表现出了很高的热情, 并在讨论中记录下了对自己的写作有帮助的内容。如:很多学生记下了place of interests、attraction、beautiful scenery、old buildings with national characteristics、custom等内容。很多学生反映, 以前拿到作文题目, 不知从何下手, 现在通过观看视频和组内讨论, 思维一下子打开了, 对于如何构思文章, 有了清晰的认识。
(2) 初稿
学生在进行完上述写前准备之后, 开始进行为时30分钟的写作, 并交上初稿。初稿重心不在语法的正确性上, 而在于让学生把所想变成笔头文字, 有合理的结构和丰富的内容, 目的在于鼓励学生积极写作。在此过程中, 笔者尤其关注基础薄弱的学生, 鼓励他们把自己所思所感写下来, 不必过度在乎英语句子结构、语法等问题。
(3) 反馈
教师可选用多种方式对学生的初稿进行反馈, 如:同伴提问及反馈、教师反馈等。同伴反馈可以采取同伴互评的方法, 教师组织学生以小组为单位, 分别对小组内各成员的文章进行讨论, 由同伴对文章进行提问并给出建议, 这样促进交流, 能使学生对自己所写的内容的优劣有更清晰的认识。当然在这个过程中教师也可以根据学生的实际情况, 每组选取一篇, 引导组内成员对该篇文章进行反馈, 师生共同参与反馈。在反馈时, 建议首先关注结构和内容, 以肯定性评价为主。至于语法错误, 应由学生自己去发现。在这一过程中, 笔者发现, 学生在对组内成员的文章进行讨论时, 很多同学都能先关注结构是否正确, 内容是否符合主题, 其次再关注语法错误。
(4) 修改
学生根据同伴的反馈和教师的反馈, 对自己的文章进行修改, 修改中遇有疑问的可与同伴或老师再进行讨论, 并且自己检查文章是否有词汇、语法错误, 修改完后上交。有些学生因为初稿结构、内容不错、语法错误少, 修改的篇幅不大, 但有些同学没有把握好结构和内容, 修改的篇幅很大, 对于这一部分学生, 笔者在他们需要的时候, 及时提供给他们帮助, 协助他们完成二稿。
(5) 教师评阅反馈
教师对学生所上交的二稿根据内容、结构、语法三个单项进行评阅, 有错误的地方直接用红线画出, 而不是直接改正。对于错误很多的学生, 笔者及时与学生面谈, 协助他们修改文章。当然, 在写评语时, 笔者均以肯定性或中性评语为主, 鼓励学生积极写作。
(6) 修改
在笔者评阅完后, 学生及时地对自己的习作进行修改。对于学生普遍犯的错误, 笔者集中讲解。如:笔者发现在交上来的习作中, 很多学生都对定语从句的使用不熟悉, 笔者重点讲解了定语从句的相关知识, 并且列举学生先前习作中的一些定语从句误用的例子供学生们修改。同时, 笔者还给出一些写作中可以用到的涉及定语从句的亮点句型供大家翻译。如:登上蒙山之巅, 你将发现一个亭子的两边柱子上刻有孔子的名诗:“登东山而小鲁, 登泰山而小天下”。通过这一系列的方法让学生熟练掌握定语从句这一语法知识。
(7) 定稿
学生完成二次修改后, 上交给老师, 进行定稿。定稿的显著特征是内容丰富、结构完整合理、语法错误很少。经过反复的讨论和修改, 笔者发现学生上交的定稿大部分达到了《大学英语课程教学要求》里的规定。
通过尝试将过程写作法运用于大学英语写作课堂, 笔者发现学生对于写作不再那么畏惧, 那么不敢兴趣了。具体表现为:学生写作的信心增强了, 写作态度变得更为积极了。同时, 通过不断的讨论、修改, 学生的英语水平、写作能力都有了提升, 学生对写作的本质的认识也加深了, 修改意识也变强了。最终的习作较之前有很大的进步。
4 结语
笔者把过程写作法用在大学英语写作教学中的尝试是成功的, 它让学生在不断的修改中进步, 培养了学生的兴趣, 树立了学生对写作的自信。过程写作法将写作视为一个循环往复的、复杂的心理认知、思维创造和社会交际过程, 符合写作教学的实质, 能够有效地提高学生的写作水平。
[1]Judy, S.N.and S.J.Judy.An Introduction to the Teaching of Writing[M].Illionois:Scott.Foresman Company, 1981.
[2]邓丽鸣, 刘红.过程写作法的系统研究及其对大学英语写作教学改革的启示[J].外语教学, 2003.
[3]教育部高等教育司.大学英语课程教学要求[M].上海:上海外语教育出版社, 2007.
[4]李森.改进英语写作教学的重要举措:过程教学法[J].外语界, 2000.
6月大学英语四级阅读练习、答案 篇3
首先,从文章题材来看,三篇快速阅读的文章涉及三个不同的内容。三篇文章的标题分别是“School Lunch”(学校午餐)、“Can Digital Textbooks Truly Replace the Print Kind?”(电子版教材能否真正替代印刷版教材?)、“Surviving the Recession”(在萧条中求生)。从标题基本可以看出,第一篇文章涉及饮食和健康,第二篇文章主要讨论新技术对传统教学的冲击,第三篇文章应该与商业经济有关。从题材的角度来看,以上三篇文章可分别归入健康、新技术和商业经济的范畴。
最后,从命题的角度来看,快速阅读的命题方式依然是“7 + 3”的结构,即七道选择题和三道填空题。本次的选择题依然以考查文章细节内容为主,整体难度适中。而填空题则有难有易,所填答案主要是动词性成分和名词性成分。下面笔者重点分析两道比较典型的题目。其中一题是标题为“School Lunch”的快速阅读文章的第8题,其题干是这样的:“Students are advised to stay away from snack foods offered à la carte because their extra fat and sugar will make them ———.”考生可根据题干定位词à la carte将答案信息定位到原文倒数第五段的倒数第三句和倒数第四句:“Stay away from snack foods offered à la carte. They may fill you up now, but the ones that contain a lot of fat and sugar will slow you down later.”该题有一定难度,因为题干中有明显的表示因果关系的词because,而原文中没有出现明显的表示因果关系的词。其实,原文两句之间也暗含因果关系,只是考生需要自行判断出来。对照原文与题干中的这种因果关系,此题空格处应填入动词性成分slow down later。另一题是标题为“Can Digital Textbooks Truly Replace the Print Kind?”的文章的第8题。该题较简单,考生只要通过同义替换就能找到答案。该题题干是这样的:“One of the challenges to build an interactive digital textbook from the ground up is that it takes a great deal of ———.”考生可根据题干定位词interactive和from the ground up将答案信息定位到原文倒数第四段的这句话:“Each interactive textbook is a media-heavy experience built from the ground up, and you can tell that it takes a respectable amount of manpower to put together each one.”考生只要能看出a great deal of和a respectable amount of是同义替换,就能立刻找到答案:manpower (to put together each one)。
最后,从题型来看,往年四级考试的深度阅读部分主要考查三种题型:细节题、词义题和推断题(关于词义题和推断题的介绍请参见本刊2011年4月号和2011年10月号的相关文章)。本次四级考试深度阅读部分出现的题型基本都是细节题。词义题难度相对较大,但并没有出现在目前笔者搜集到的三套题中。在这三套题中,推断题只出现了一道,也算是本次考试深度阅读部分最难的一道题。下面笔者就来重点分析如何解答这道推断题。该题的题干表述是典型的推断题:“We can conclude from the passage that ———.”由于该题出现在最后一题的位置上,因此既有可能是针对最后一段的内容而设置的,也有可能是针对全文内容而设置的主旨性题目。审题之后可知,这道题需要联系全文内容来解答,属于一道全文主旨题。文章内容主要围绕“爱情”和“婚姻”展开论述,甚至上升到了文化的高度,通过论述阐释了婚姻的重要性。虽然文章末段没有直接给出本题的答案,但实际上结合全文主要内容,再结合文章第二段的末句“That’s why historically we see an increase in romantic love as a basis for forming long-term relationships”,考生便可得出答案。本题答案是“Romantic love is becoming increasingly important in family relationships”这一选项。
其次,从解题的角度来看,本次考试的选词填空部分仍侧重考查词性、词义和语法搭配。需要提醒考生的是,选词填空题最难的地方在于选项词经常会出现一词兼有两种词性的情况,如本次考试的三套题中出现的以下几个词:reason (作名词表示“原因”,作动词表示“推理”)、monitor (作名词表示“监视器”,作动词表示“监测”)、maximum (作形容词表示“最大的”,作名词表示“最大值”)、excess (作名词表示“过度,过量”,作形容词表示“过度的,过量的”)等。另外,就语法而言,考生除了要分析句子成分从而确定空格处所缺单词的词性外,还要重点关注名词的形式,因为名词有可数和不可数以及单数和复数之分。本次考试中出现的以下几个名词在选项中就是以复数形式呈现的:results (结果)、symbols (象征,符号)、symptoms (症状)、accidents (事故)、instances (例子,情况)等。此外,副词有时也会给考生造成一定的障碍,因为很多考生对副词不是特别熟悉。本次四级考试中出现的较难的副词有以下几个:consequently (因此)、dramatically (显著地)、briefly (短暂地,简单地说)。
1. 关注改革后的官方样题。改革后的题型没有太多现成的真题可供研究,唯一可以参考的就是官方样题,因此针对这次四级改革,考生应该重点关注官方样题,最好能自己做一做样题,找找做题的感觉(官方四级样题下载地址:http://www.cet.edu.cn/cet4_2013.pdf)。
2. 以真题为核心备考。考生在备考时应该把主要精力集中在真题上。实际上,考生只要能把近五年的真题研究透彻,通过四级考试就是水到渠成的事情。至于市面上那些令人眼花缭乱的模拟题,考生应尽量不接触,因为模拟题毕竟不是命题人出的,所以在题目的难度和考点上或多或少会偏离真题,严重时可能会误导考生的做题思路。
3. 扩大阅读面。阅读的基本功还是很重要的,所以笔者建议考生平时多做阅读训练。当然,这里说的阅读未必是四级真题的阅读文章,也可以是其他阅读内容,比如网络、报纸、杂志上的英语文章都可以作为阅读材料。读得多了,考生就能逐渐熟悉英语的很多用法和表达方式,而这些对于应对四级考试来说都是极有帮助的。
6月大学英语四级阅读练习、答案 篇4
Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a letter to express your thanks to one of your friends who helped you most when you were in difficulty.You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.今年四级时隔九年之后首次考了一道应用文写作,虽然出乎意料,但是大家可以根据题干中的关键词“letter”迅速判断今年要写的是书信。书信本身难度不大,但是需要特别注意英文书信的书写格式。
3、落款:祝福(yours sincerely)+写信人名
二、感谢信格式模板: Dear ______, I am writing to extend my sincere gratitude for __________________(感谢的原因).If it had not been for your assistance in __________________(对方给你的具体帮助), I fear that I would have been___________________(没有对方帮助时的后果).No one would disagree that it was you who___________________________(给出细节).Again, I would like to express my warm thanks to you!Please accept my gratitude.Best wishes.Yours sincerely,Li Ming(注意:抬头的Dear+人名顶格靠左写,后面一定要加逗号!落款yours sincerely和写信人名顶格靠右写,yours sincerely后面也一定要加逗号!Yours sincerely为书信的惯用套话,这个必须得有!)
1、写作思路: 第一段:表明对朋友的感谢并点题;
2、范文: Dear Tom, I am writing to extend my sincere gratitude for your great help when I failed that vital English interview.If it had not been for your assistance in giving me those brilliant suggestions and warm encouragement, I fear that I would have lost my way.No one would disagree that it was you who stayed with me and pulled me through the hard time.First and foremost, you told me it is the priority for me to calm down.This is due to the fact that the ability to stay sober and positive made me come up with quite a few ideas to cope with the consequence that failure triggered.Furthermore, you made me learn to analyze my lack of interview skills and find solutions.Plenty of evidence has shown that this work played an indispensable role in my success the next year.Last but not the least, you helped to build my confidence.Again, I would like to express my warm thanks to you!Please accept my gratitude.Best wishes.Yours sincerely, Li Ming
一、文章主旨: 根据首句,我们可以看到整篇文章的主旨意思:physical activity does the body good, and there’s growing evidence that it helps the brain too.(身体活动对身体活动有好处,越来越多的证据显示它对大脑也有好处),所以我们可以知道整篇文章实际是在讨论身体活动与大脑活动相关的影响。
二、对15个选项进行词性分类 A.n B.adv C.n D.v-ing E.v-ing F.adj G.adj H.v I.n J.adv K.adv L.n M.v N.v O.v
26., ___ to have higher GPAs and better scores 固定搭配 tend to 倾向于
答案:O 27.In a ___ of 14 studies that 空格词性为名词,备选项有 ACIL A.出席,出勤 C 趋势 I 心境 L 表现
答案:C 28.physical activity and academic ___ 空格词性为名词,备选项有 A I L 答案:A 29., ___ in the basic subjects of math, 空格词性为副词,备选项有BJK 答案:K 30.schools struggle to ___ on smaller budgets.空格词性为动词原形 备选项有HMN 答案:N 31.With standardized test scores in the U.S.___ in recent years, 空格词性为动词ing,备选项有DE 答案:E 32.exercise and academics may not be ___ exclusive.空格词性为副词,备选项有BJ 答案:J 33.can improve blood ___ to the brain 空格词性为动词 备选项有 DHM 答案:H 34.,which are ___ to learning.空格词性为形容词 备选项有FG 答案:F 35.can improve ___ and relieve stress.空格词性为名词,备选项有IL 答案:L 篇章阅读第二篇
51.A 解析:审题,问的是这个研究的目的,根据题干中的大写字母JAGS定位到第一段,JAGS looked at this question那一句,可以发现研究的目的是为了回答这个问题,由此可知就是上文提到的两个问题,所以是跟personality affect longevity 有关的,答案选A 52.D 解析:审题,根据outgoing and sympathetic people 定位到第二段,由最后一句话可知 作者暗示这些人是更有可能度过艰难时期的人。答案选D 53.C 解析:审题,finding 研究发现,out of our exception 出乎我们的意料的,所以结合题文同序原则定位到第三段,一开头就出现了however,所以出乎意料的是有一些你认为有利的人格却对长寿没有影响。后面接着就举例说明了。答案选C 54.D 解析:关键词定位到倒数第二段,研究发现母亲的人格对孩子的寿命有影响,选D 55.B 解析:定位到最后一段,说明身、心健康二者才是促成长寿的原因。翻译
乌镇是浙江的一座古老水镇,坐落在京杭大运河畔。这是一处迷人的地方,有很多古桥,中式旅馆和餐馆。在过去一千多年里,乌镇的水系和生活方式并未经历多少变化,是一座展现古文明的博物馆。乌镇所有房屋都用石木建造。数百年来,当地人沿河边建起了住宅和集市。无数宽敞美丽的庭院藏身于屋舍之间,游客们每到一处都会有惊喜的发现。Wuzhen, an ancient waterside town in Zhejiang Province, is located by the Great Canal.It is a charming scenic spot with numerous old bridges, hotels and restaurants of Chinese style.In the past more than 1,000 years, the water system and life style in Wuzhen has experienced few changes, which is a museum unfolding the ancient civilization.All the houses there are constructed with stones and wood.For hundreds of years, the locals have built dwellings and markets along the river banks.There are innumerable roomy and beautiful courts hiding among the houses, and tourists will have surprise discoveries wherever they go.解析:
1.第一句是个标准的A is B, and A is C句式,根据我们之前在课程上讲过的公式直接套取即A is B, and A is C = A, B, is C。把“浙江的一座古老水镇”这个部分写成“乌镇”的同位语,用“坐落”作为该句的谓语部分。
3.第三句,第一个逗号之前是明显的时间状语,提醒了第二个逗号前的句子应该使用现在完成时,第二个逗号之后的句子是用来陈述客观事实,可用一般现在时。前后句主语一致,都为乌镇,所以根据我们所说过的合句提分的方法,后句直接用“,which……”即可连接。而此句难点在于“展现古文明的”这个定语如何翻译,如果不会直接翻译,我们可以把这个句子拆成“是一座博物馆,它展现了古文明”来解决,或者像例文中所示一样,用我们所说过的非谓语动词作定语的结构,由逻辑主语主动发出并与谓语动词同时发出的原则选取doing作定语,译成“unfolding the ancient civilization”的后置定语即可。4.第四句是难度很小的一句话,判断出用一般现在时和被动语态即可。
6月大学英语四级阅读练习、答案 篇5
Questions 31 to 35 are based on the following passage:?
When a heart-lung machine was invented that could take over the job of the heart, put oxygen into the blood and keep the circulation going during surgery, surgeons could stop the heart while they were cutting and suturing. Recently, in certain cases, some surgeons have begun operating without the pump while the heart continues to beat.?
“The benefits of off-pump surgery are tremendous for patients who meet the criteria for this procedure,” says Dr. Jim Zellner with the Alliance of Cardiac, Thoracic and Vascular Surgeons. “There is less need for blood products, less chance of complications during and after surgery, earlier recovery and earlier return to regular activity.” ?
Seawood Murray feels he was led by God to find Dr. Zellner and Memorial Hospital and to have off-pump surgery.?
A veteran of the United States Navy as a nuclear weapons security officer and commanding officer of a mine assembly group for more than 31 years, Seawood has never complained about stress or pain. He saw three tours of duty off the coast of Vietnam. ?
However, after suffering from chest pain for almost a year and being misdiagnosed with chronic heartburn, Seawood knew something was seriously wrong. At the Veteran’s hospital in Murfreesboro, he learned he had heart disease and was told to come back in six weeks.?
“I didn’t want to wait that long and asked for a referral to The Chattanooga Heart Institute,” Seawood says. “Dr. Noel Hunt found that 40% of my heart was not getting the amount of blood it needed to operate properly.” ?Four days later, Seawood was undergoing off-pump triple bypass surgery at Memorial Hospital under the hand of Dr. Zellner. “I was sitting up that evening, walking around the second day and feeling good enough to go home the third day, but I stayed till the fourth morning,” Seawood says. “Two others who had on-pump bypass surgery the same day I had mine off-pump were barely walking when I left.”?
31. How do surgeons usually operate on a heart-attacker according to the passage? ?
A) They operate without a pump.
B) They operate with a heart-lung machine.?
C) They operate by stopping the heart.
D) They operate with nothing but cutting and suturing. ?
32. Which of the following statements is NOT the benefit of off-pump surgery? ?
A) The heart-attack patients will be recovered in one day.?
B) There are fewer chances for heart-attack patients to suffer from other new diseases during the course of hear attack.?
C) Off-pump surgery needs fewer blood products.?
D) The heart-attack patients will be well again earlier. ?
33. What’s wrong with Seawood Murray? ?
A) He suffered from chronic heartburn.?
B) He suffered from heart attack.?
C) He had three tours of duty off the coast of Vietnam.?
D) His heart couldn’t get blood it needed to operate. ?
34. What did Dr. Zellner do for Seawood Murray’s disease? ?
A) Dr. Zellner gave him a surgery with a heart-lung machine..?
B) Dr. Zellner diagnosed his disease as chronic heartburn.?
C) Dr. Zellner gave him an off-pump triple bypass surgery.?
D) Dr. Zellner referred him to another hospital. ?
35. What can we learn from the last paragraph? ?
A) Seawood Murray could hardly walk four days after the surgery.?
B) Seawood Murray got recovered more slowly than other patients.?
C) Seawood Murray felt well and went home the third day after the surgery.?
D) Seawood Murray went home the fourth day after the surgery. ?
Passage 4
Questions 36 to 40 are based on the following passage:?
The key element to successful interviewing is not your experience, your grades,what classes you took, your extracurricular activities, or any of the other basic necessities. Those skills are what got you the interview. The key element to uccessful interviewing can be summed up in one word: attitude. If you want to rise above others with better experience, better grades, or better anything, you will need to work on developing a highly positive work attitude. ?
Your attitude determines whether you will “make the cut” or be discarded. Remember, there are plenty of competitors with the ability to do almost any given job-- especially at the entry level. The way most employers differentiate at the entry level is by candidates’ attitudes toward the job. Your attitude is often what recruiters will remember when the dust has settled after reviewing ten, twenty, or even one hundred candidates--the one who was sincerely willing to put forth his very best effort. If you have the attitude of wanting to do your very best for the company, of being focused on the company’s needs, of putting yourself forth as the person who will be committed and dedicated to fulfilling their needs, you will likely be the one chosen. ?
Why is attitude so important? Because most companies already have their full share of multi-talented superstars who care about no one but themselves. Ask any manager who the most valuable member of his team is, and he will point not to the overrated superstar, but to the person who has the “can do” attitude, the person who can be counted on in any situation, the person who truly strives for excellence. Give me a team player who is achieving at 99% and I will take her over a flashy superstar who is running at 50% efficiency any day of the week. And so will 99% of all hiring managers. ?
So don’t worry if you are not “superstar” quality. If you can show me, in your words and actions, that you are ready to put forth your very best effort toward achieving excellence, you will be chosen over the superstar. You can show your winning attitude in the way you present yourself. Incorporate the actual words “positive attitude,” “excellence,” and “striving to be my best” into your interview language. Then show by your stories and examples how these words positively affect your life. Show me when and where and how you have put forth extra effort above and beyond the call of duty. Show me how you beat a deadline, how you excelled in a project, or how you made a difference by going the extra mile. If you can show me, by words and examples, your “can do” attitude, it is you I will hire, while all of the superstars will receive polite rejection letters to add to their growing collections.?
36. What is the key element to successful interviewing according to this passage? ?
A) Courses taken before.
B) A varied experience.?
C) A positive work attitude.
D) Interviewees’ capability. ?
37. Which of the following statement is correct in the author’s opinion? ?
A) There are inadequate competitors with the ability to do almost any given job― especially at the entry level.?
B) Most interviewers generally depend on the candidates’ attitudes toward the job to choose the employees.?
C) Most employers tell the difference between candidates by their entry level.?
D) Better experience and better grades become the most important elements to be chosen. ?
38. Who is the most valuable member of his team to a manager? ?
A) The multi-talented superstar.?
B) The person who tries his best for excellence.?
C) The person who counts on himself and does not cooperate with others.?
D) The flashy star who makes the company famous. ?
39. In an interview, what makes you leave a good impression on the interviewer?
A) Your boasting words.?
B) The words such as positive attitude, excellence, and striving to be my best.
C) Your own stories.?
D) Words and examples to show your positive attitude. ?
40. What is the best title for this passage? ?
A) Your Attitude Determines Whether You Will “Make The Cut” or Be Discarded.?
B) How to Find a Good Job.?
C) The Most Important Aspect of Interviewing.?
D) A Successful Interviewing.
Part Ⅲ Vocabulary (20 minutes)
Directions: There are 30 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre. ?
41. To check that your mobile phone is ____with the products we sell, click on the link below that matches the manufacturer of your mobile phone. ?
A) confidential B) compatible C) conscientious D) conspicuous ?
42. 26% votes said they had a moment of silence or prayer to ____ the anniversary of Sept. 11. ?
A) commemorate B) manipulate C) withhold D) consensus ?
43. The medical researchers are trying to find out who is ____ to SARS. ?
A) infectious B) susceptible C) apt D) prompt ?
44. He is eager to get the information about when copyrights for computer authors or in visual arts ____. ?
A) abolish B) constrain C) amend D) expire ?
45. For the time being there are more____ to be filled in the companies, but
they are far from enough to meet the demands of so many graduates. ?
A)vacations B) varieties C)vacancies D) variations ?
46. The honest young man ____ the boss that he would try his best for the excellence. ?
A) ensured B) assured C) secured D) insured ?
47. The greenhouse effect was partly____ for the global warming and the temperature changes are likely to have great effect on the spread of diseases. ?
A to blame B) blame
C) to be blamed D) blaming ?
48. ____to China Daily is a good choice for an English learner. ?
A) Prescribing B) Transcribing
C) Describing D) Subscribing ?
49. Keeping speaking a strange language to random individuals, he made everybody____ by his behavior. ?
A) ridiculed B)enchanted C) bewildered D) induced ?
50. Nobody can exactly ____ the cause of severe acute respiratory syndrome though it has spread for a few months. ?
A) account with B) account on C) account for D)account of ?
51. The jury____ the football star of having committed murder and he was sentenced to capital punishment. ?
A) accused B) convicted C) charged D) acquitted ?
52. If your first business goal is to make money, you should set the goal of how much money you expect to gain and then work____. ?
A) accordingly B)therefore C) nevertheless D)however ?
53. ____ the cultural revolution, he would have been a VIP in this field.?
A) In spite of B)Or else C) Because of D)But for ?
54. Xiao Wang is eager to go abroad to study architecture, but he hasn’t got a(n)____ passport. ?
A) valid B)efficient C) effective D)practical ?
55. The budget cuts will ____ the future of our children, as we will be forced to eliminate educational services. ?
A) jeopardize B)hazard C) venture D)risk ?
56. Failing to____ the Information Revolution, they are unable to meet the demands of the modern society. ?
A) come up with B) faceup with C) keep up with D) live up with ?
57. They would like to gratefully ____ the contribution of time and effort by the following companies. ?
A) admit B)acknowledge C) attribute D)accept ?
58. Tuition hike will ____ college plans, so it is necessary that the university administrators have a plan that will guarantee all of these students have enough fund for completing their education. ?
A) prevail B) orbid C) prohibit D) hinder ?
59. Everybody could see that the young man was ____ going abroad to study,whether his parents could afford the tuition or not. ?
A) lack of B)intent on C) deficient in D)adequate for ?
60. Exactly, the reason it’s so cool is that it is ____ to your mind and eyes that squares A and B are the same color, but they are. ?
A) intelligible B)indicative C) inconceivable D) invariable ?
61. Students have to____ life after graduation, though they are graduating without a clue about what they want to do with their lives. ?
A) contend B) contemplate C) visualize D)dwell ?
62. A local transaction management system is responsible for initiating, monitoring, and terminating____ in a computing system. ?
A) transactions B)transitions C) stimulations D)solutions ?
63. It is wise to draw a line between past and future, because it is impossible to calculate all that has been done―it is incommensurable and it is unworthy to rummage in yesterday’s dust. ____ let us establish a new step. ?
A) Moreover B) Where by C) However D) Hence forth ?
64. Researchers have identified a number of factors that affect how____ you are to stress―among them are eating and sleeping habits, caffeine and alcohol intake, and how we express our emotions. ?
A) vicious B) vulnerable C) vulgar D) void
65. Instead, the Indians produced a ____bowing performance in which their standards fell far below those on these great cricketing occasions. ?
A) feeble B) formidable C) exotic D) exquisite ?
66. No company will refuse to ____so mutually beneficial a plan as Jack came up with at the meeting yesterday. ?
A) put up with B) push on to C) fall in with D) make up for ?
67. As a result, some children may not be ____ to the human suffering created by wars, or the sadness and anxiety other children experience as a result. ?
A) sensitive B) sentimental C) sensible D) positive ?
68. This information will help you ____ with the President’s June 1, ,memo on plain language in government writing. ?
A) adhere B) comply C) dwell D) assimilate ?
69. There are many ways to excite, influence, and ____ students and one of the best techniques is the use of a discrepant event. ?
A) merge B) motivate C) mediate D) mobilize ?
70. Within two hours his complexion ____ colour and his limbs became warm。
A) took on B) took toC) took up D) took down ?
Part Ⅳ Error Correction (15 minutes)
Directions: This part consists of a short passage. In the passage there are altogether 10 mistakes, one in each numbered line. You may have to change a word, add a word or delete a word. If you change a word, cross it out and write the correct word in the corresponding blank. If you add a word, put an insertion mark(∧)in the right place and write the missing word in the blank. If you delete a word, cross it out and put a slash(/)in the blank. ;
Heavy falls of ash and rock fragments occurred over all of the inhabited parts of Montserrat. The ashfall deposit? was 115 mm in thick at Lime Kiln Bay. The ashburden 71.____?resulted from the collapse of several wooden buildings in 72.____?the Salem area. Vegetation damage was extensively with 73.____?downed trees and branches broken from many others. ?Many birds were killed by the ash or trapped live in it. 74.____?
Ashfall from this event was reported on the islands of?Nevis, St Kitts, Anguilla, and St Maarten, and resulted in?the close of several airports. At 09:10 on 13 July an 75.____?explosive eruption occurred, followed 2 hours of very 76.____?low seismic activity. The Washington VAAC estimated a ?cloud height of ~12 km a.s.l. ?
During a helicopter reconnaissance flight in the morning 77.____?of 14 July, a large collapse scar was seen in the lava?dome directed down the Tar River Valley. The Tar River?Valley was extensively modified also eroded with a deep 78.____ canyon gouged the pyroclastic flows. The fan had been 79.____?extended eastwards into the sea and northwards along the coast. The area the north of the Tar River Valley 80.____?extending to Killyhawk Ghaut was devastated.??
Part Ⅴ Writing (30 minutes)
Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition entitled “An Application Letter for Admission to Study Abroad” You must base your
composition on the following outline: ?
1.Your purpose of writing the letter.?
2. Brief introduction of your academic background ?