


中考指导:初中英语语法之介词 篇1



1.In out side between, among


What’s in the box?盒子里是什么?

She put her book in the desk.她把书放进了书桌。


There are many people out side the room.房间外有很多人。

What did you see out side the hall?你在大厅外看见了什么?


There is a hospital between the hotel and the post office.在宾馆与邮局之间有所医院。

The building stands between the park and the small river.那栋建筑位于公园和小河之间。



“There is a thief among you.” The policeman shouted to the crowd.


He found his place among the crowd.他在人群中找到了他的位置。

2.on, above, over, below, under


There is an apple on the table.桌上有一个苹果。

On the top of the hill, there is a flag.山顶有一面旗子。


A plane flew above our heads.一架飞机从我们头上飞过。

The Turners live above us.特纳一家人住在我们的上面。


There is a bridge over the river.河上有一座桥。

The picture is hanging over the blackboard.那张图挂在黑板的正上方。


There are many flowers below the window.窗下有很多花。

Her skirt reaches just below her knees.她的裙子刚到膝盖下。


They sat under a big tree, drinking.他们坐在一棵大树下喝酒。

What are you wearing under your coat?你外套里面穿了什么?

3.near, by, beside


A hospital was built near the railway station.在火车站附近建了一所医院。

My hone is near the school.我的家离学校很近。


He just sat by/ beside me in the cinema.在电影院他就坐在我旁边。

He lay down beside the statuary.他在雕像旁躺下了。

4.In front of, behind, around

(1)in front of在……前面

A river flows in front of the house.房子前有一条河

They put a bunch of flowers in front of the door.他们在门前放了一束花。

In the front of表示“在……前部”,指里面。

There is a red chair in the front of the room.在房间前半部有把红椅子。


A high building stands behind the village.村子后面有一高层建筑。

The cat lies behind the door.猫躺在门后面。


There are many trees around the village.村子周围有很多树围绕。

There are flowers around the stage.舞台周围摆着鲜花。

5.from, to, for, into, out of


The train started from Paris.火车发自巴黎。

She will fly from Beijing to Hong Kong.她将从北京飞往香港。


He went to Germany last year.他去年去了德国。

They got to the town very late.他们很晚才到那个镇。


He left for Tianjin on business yesterday.他昨天出差去天津了。

The train for Shanghai has been away.去往上海的火车已经开走了。

towards, to和for都可表示“向……”,其区别如下:


②for作“向(目的地)”时,常用于固定搭配中,如:leave for; start for


Please put the water into the bottle.请把水倒入瓶子里。

The teacher came into the classroom with a smile.老师微笑着走进了教室。

(5)out of从……出来

A beautiful girl in red went out of the shop.一个穿红衣服的漂亮女孩从商店里走了出来。

They pulled him out of the water.他们把他从水里拉了出来。

6.along, across, through


He likes to drive along the river.他喜欢沿着河开车。

There are all kinds of beautiful flowers along the road street.沿街有着各种美丽的花。


The little girl is afraid to go across the street.这个小女孩不敢横穿马路。

It’s dangerous to run across the busy road.跑着穿越繁忙的马路是很危险的。


It took us ten minutes to drive through the tunnel.开车穿过这条隧道花了我们10分钟时间。

He pushed his way through the crowd to the plat form.他从人群里挤到了站台。

中考英语语法复习之情态动词 篇2



Sam can speak English well. 萨姆英语讲得很好。


She can’t be at home because I saw her out. 她这会儿不可能在,因为我看见她出去了。


Can I borrow your bike? 我能借你的自行车用一下吗?

2.Could是can 的过去式


Lang Lang could play the piano well when he was young. 朗朗很小的时候钢琴就弹得非常好。


Could I have one cup of tea?我可以要一杯茶吗?



You must finish your homework first! 你必须先完成你的家庭作业!


The coat must be Mary’s because her name was on the coat. 这个大衣肯定是玛丽的,因为上面有她的名字。



We should keep the air fresh. 我们应该保持空气清新。

5.ought to


You ought to teach them carefully. 你应该耐心地教导他们。



You may sit here if you want. 如果你想的话,你可以坐在这儿。


He may go by train, but I’m not sure.他可能坐火车去,但是我不能确定。

7.might,may 的过去式

①表示请求,许可,语气比may 更委婉。

He asked if he might go home. 他问是否他可以回家了。

Might I smoke here?我可以在这里吸烟吗?


It might rain tomorrow. 明天可能有雨。



You needn’t say sorry to him. 你不需要对他说对不起。


(1)由need 引导的一般疑问句,肯定回答常用must或have to;否定回答常用needn’t。

如:Need I answer the question? 需要我回答这个问题吗?

Yes,you must/have to./No, you needn’t. 是的,你必须回答。/不,你不需要。

(2)need作为实义动词有人称和数的变化,后面可接名词、代词、动名词及带to 的动词不定式,可用于肯定句、疑问句和否定句。

如:She doesn’t need to see the doctor. She just needs a rest. 她不需要看医生,她只需要休息一下就好了。



①must 表示肯定推测,意为“一定”,语气最强烈。

如:They must be very tired after a long walk. 走了这么长的路,他们一定很累了。

②may 表示肯定推测,意为“也许”,语气一般。

如:Your sister may be waiting for you now. 你的妹妹也许正在等你呢。

③might 表示肯定推测,意为“或许”,语气更弱。

如:She might have gone to the library. She likes reading in the afternoon. 她或许去图书馆了。她喜欢下午的时候看书。

④could 也可以表示肯定推测,意为“很可能”。

如:The French book could be Alice’s. She studies French. 这本法语书很可能是爱丽丝的。她学法语。

⑤can 表示可能性时,常用在疑问句中。

如:Where can my book be? 我的书可能在哪呢?


①can’t 意为“一定不”。

Miss Gao can’t be in the classroom. I just saw her in the supermarket. 高老师不可能在教室,我刚刚在超市看见她了。

②may not意为“可能不是”。

It may not be my pen. 它可能不是我的钢笔。

③mustn’t 意为“一定不要,不允许”。

You mustn’t play football on the road. 你不能在马路上踢足球。

④shouldn’t 意为“不应该”。

We shouldn’t waste water. 我们不应该浪费水资源。

⑤needn’t 意为“不需要”。

Must I finish my homework now?No, you needn’t. 我必须现在完成我的家庭作业吗?不,你不需要。

⑥had better not 意为“最好不要”。

You had better not smoke. It’s bad for your health. 你最好不要吸烟了,它对你的身体不好。

中考英语语法之数词 篇3



one,two,three,four,five,six,seven,eight,nine,ten,eleven,twelve,thirteen,fourteen,fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty

(2)21-99 先说“几十”,再说“几”,中间加连字符。



586→five hundred and eighty-six,803→eight hundred and three


million,第三个“,”前为billion(美式)或thousand ,million(英式),然后一节一节地表示。

1,001→one thousand and one

9,785→nine thousand, seven hundred and eighty-five

18,423→eighteen thousand, four hundred and twenty-three

6,260,309→six million two hundred and sixty thousand three hundred and nine

750,000,000,000→seven hundred and fifty, billion(美式) seven hundred and fifty thousand million(英式)



eg.Four Of them come from Paris.


eg.一 How many books would you like?

一I would like two.


eg.Seven minus two is five.


eg.There are three people in my family?


eg. You two will go swimming with us.

(6)表具体数字时,hundred, thousand ,million用单数。

eg. There are six hundred students in our grade.

(7)表不确定的数字时,数词用复数。若带名词,再加of。 hundreds of(数百,成百上千的),thousands of(数干,成千上万的),millions of(数百万)two thousand (两千)

Thousands and thousands of people have visited the city.成千上万的人参观了这座城市。


eg,They arrived in two sand threes.他们三三两两地来了。


eg. He is in his early thirties.他有三十来岁(31—34岁):

This took place in the 1930s.这事发生在二十世纪三十年代;



顺读法(钟点+分钟) 如:4:30 four thirty 4:45 four forty-five 4:15 four fifteen 倒读法(分钟+to/past+钟点)

如:4:30 half past four

4:15 fifteen past four/a quarter past four 4:45 fifteen to five/a quarter to five

eg.I watch CCTV News at seven o’clock every evening.


百分数的表达方式是:基数词+ percent(单数形式)+of+名词。如:

Thirty percent of the students in my class are from cities. 我班30%的学生来自城市。

About 61 percent of the surface is covered by water. 大约61%的表面被水覆盖着。

(12)小数的读法:小数点读作“point”,小数后各位数要分别读, 小数点前的数若为“0”可略去不读。

Examples: 2.468 读作:two point four six eight

II 序数词





one→first, two→second, three→third, five→fifth,eight→eighth,



twenty→twentieth, forty→fortieth, ninety→ninetieth


twenty-first,two hundred and forty-fifth



eg.Tom is their second son.

He is the first one to come here.


eg: He tried a second time.他又试了—次。

Shall l ask him a third time?还要我再问他—次吗?我已问了他两次)


1st 2nd,3rd,4th,20th,21st,22nd,23rd


8月15日:(英)15,8,=15th,August,2005;(美)8,15,2005=August 15th,2005


The first lesson=Lesson Two(第二课)

第305房间:Room three o(零)five

长安街76号:seventy-six Changan Street

电话号码:204-2244:telephone number two o(零) four two two(double two four four

十一路公共汽车:Bus(No.) eleven



eg.1/3-one third;2/5-two fifths


eg.3+5=8 Three plus/and five is eight.

9-2=7 Nine minus two is seven.

6x5=30 Five times six is thirty /six unutilized five is thirty.

8÷2=4 Eight divided by two is four.


a. 主语+谓语+倍数(或分数)+ as + adj. + as

I have three times as many as you. 我有你三倍那么多。

b. 主语+谓语+倍数(分数)+ the size (amount,length…) of…

The earth is 49 times the size of the moon. 地球是月球的49倍。

c. 主语+谓语+倍数(分数)+ 形容词(副词)比较级+ than…

The grain output is 8 percent higher this year than that of last year.


d. 还可以用by+倍数,表示增加多少倍

The production of grain has been increased by four times this year.


高考英语写作指导之词汇语法 篇4

(1)表示增加的过渡词:also,and,and then,too,in addition,furthermore,moreover,again,on top ofthat,another,first second third等。

(2)表示时间顺序的过渡词:now,then,before,after,afterwards,earlier,lat er,immediately,soon,next,in afew days,gradually,suddenly,finally等。(3)表示空间顺序的过渡词:near(to),far(from),in frontof,behind,beside,beyond,above,below,tothe right left,around,outside等。

(4)表示比较的过渡词:in thesameway,justlike,justas等。

(5)表示对照的过渡词:but,still,yet,however,on theotherhand,onthecon trary,in spite of,even though等。

(6)表示结 果 和 原 因 的 过 渡 词:because,since,so,as a result,therefore,then,thus,otherwise等。

(7)表示目的.的过渡词:forthisreason,forthispurpose,so that等。

(8)表示强调的过渡词:in fact,indeed,surely,necessarily,certainly,withoutanydoubt,truly,torepeat,aboveall,mostimportant等。

(9)表示解释说明的过渡词:forexample,in fact,in thiscase,foractually等。

(10)表示总结的过渡词:finally,atlast,inconclusion,asIhaveshown,inoth erword,in brief,in short,in general,on the whole,ashasbeen stated等。

★ 考研英语核心词汇四

★ 考研英语运动类高频词汇

★ 考研英语常用领域词汇盘点

★ 英语考研5500必考词汇

★ 考研英语 将词汇进行到底

★ 考研英语 写作中

★ 考研英语:语法(非限定动词)

★ 考研英语复习初期 词汇攻坚战

★ 词汇大纲考研英语5500词

中考指导:初中英语语法之介词 篇5

例: on Octorber the first 1949 1949年10月1日

on February the thirteenth l893 1893年2月13日

on May the first 5月1日

on the first 1号

on the sixteenth 16号

on the second of January 或 on January the second 1月2日

on a summer evening 在夏天的一个夜晚

on Boxing Day 在节礼日(圣诞节次日)

on New Year‘s Day 在元旦

on my birthday 在我的生日

但 in the Christmas holidays在圣诞节假期; in the eighteenth century 在十八世纪; in ancient times 在古代; in earlier times 在早期; in modern times 在现代,则用in,the present time 现在,at the present day当今则用at.

on May Day 在“五?一”节

on winter day 在冬天

on Decenber 12th 1950 l950年12月12日

on Sunday 在星期天

on Monday 在星期一

on Tuesday morning 星期二早晨

on Saturday afternoon 星期六下午

on Friday evening 星期五晚上

但last night 昨夜;in the evening 在晚上; on time准时,in time及时,等则不同。


例: on the morning of 18th 18日早晨

on the evening of 4th 4日晚上

On the eve of their departure they gave a farewell banquet and their head gave a garewell speech. 他们在临行前夕举行了一次告别宴会,他们的团长发表了告别讲话。


例:Did your supervisor like the story over (or on) the radio last night?


I heard the news over (or on) the radio. 我从收音机里听到了这一条消息。

taIk over the radio 由无线电播音

on TV 从电视里……

hear something on the wireless 在无线电里听到

My brother works on an Army reclamation farm. 我哥哥在一个军垦农场工作。

The students are working on a school farm. 学生们正在校办农场劳动。

This is a farmer‘s house on a farm. 这是农场的农舍。

Who is on duty, tody? 今天谁值日?

We go on duty at 8 a.m. 我们上午8点钟上班。


例: This afternoon we are going to listen to a report on the international situation. 今天下午我们要听关于国际形势的报告。

Professor Shen will give us a talk on travelling in America. 申教授将给我们做关于美国之行的报告。

You are wrong on all these issues. 在这些问题上你的看法都错了。

The belief is based on practical experience. 这种信念是以实际经验为基础的。

Theory must be based on practice. 理论必须以实践为基础。

The people in the south live on rice. 南方人主食大米。(靠)

The citizens live on their salaries. 城市人靠薪金生活。

You can‘t afford luxuries, on an income of 100 yuan a month. 靠月薪100元的收入,你是买不起奢侈品的。

Her pet dogs were fed on the choicest food. 她用精饲料喂养她心爱的狗。

He is just a scrounger, who lives on other people. 他正是一个小偷,专靠损害别人过日子。

Keep the kettle on the boil (=boiling)。让水壶的水一直开着。
