猜词技巧 篇1
摘要:本文通过一些实例阐明在英语阅读中我们可以通过语言环境即阅读材料中的每个词与它前后的词语或句子甚至段落有着互相制约的关系来推测、判断某些生词的词义, 从而扫除英语阅读中部分生词对阅读理解的障碍。
在英语阅读中, 我们自然会遇到许多生词。这时, 许多人立即翻阅字典, 查找词义。其实, 这种做法是不科学的, 它不但费时费力, 而且影响阅读速度。事实上, 阅读材料中的每个词与它前后的词语或句子甚至段落有着互相制约的关系。我们可以利用语境 (各种已知信息) 推测、判断某些生词的词义。当猜测词义时, 可利用语境中的针对性解释、内在逻辑关系和外部相关因素来猜测和判断生单词的词义。
针对性解释是作者为了更好地表达思想, 在文章中对一些重要的概念、难懂的术语或词汇等所作的解释。这些解释提供的信息具有明确的针对性, 利用它们猜词义比较容易。
1. 根据定义猜测词义
如果生词是句子或段落所解释的定义, 理解句子或段落本身就是推断词义。例如:
Anthropology is the scientific study of man.
由定义可知, anthropology就是“研究人类的科学”。
In slang the term“jam”constitutes a state of being in which a person finds himself or herself in a difficult situation.
同样, 从上下文的定义可知jam一词在俚语中的意思是“困境”。
定义句的谓语动词多为:be, mean, deal with, be considered, to be, refer to, be called, be known as, define, represent, signify, constitute等。
2. 根据复述猜测词义
虽然复述不如定义那样严谨、详细, 但是提供的信息足以使阅读者猜出生词词义。复述部分可以是适当词、短语或是从句。
同位语, 例如:
Semantics, the study of the meaning of words, is necessary if you are to speak and read intelligently.
此例逗号中短语意为“对词意义进行研究的学科”。该短语与前面生词semantics是同位关系, 因此我们不难猜出semantics指“语义学”。
在复述中构成同位关系的两部分之间多用逗号连接, 有时也使用破折号、冒号、分号、引号和括号等。
根据内在逻辑关系推测词义是指运用语言知识分析和判断相关信息之间存在的逻辑关系, 然后根据逻辑关系推断生词词义或大致义域。
1. 根据对比关系猜测词义
在一个句子或段落中, 有对两个事物或现象进行对比性的描述, 我们可以根据生词或难词的反义词猜测其词义。例如:
Andrew is one of the most supercilious men I know.His brother, in contrast, is quite humble and modest.
该例中supercilious对许多人来说可能是个生词, 但是句中短语in contrast (相对照的, 相对比的) 提示我们supercilious和后面词组humble and modest (谦卑又谦虚) 是对比关系。分析出这种关系后, 我们便能猜出supercilious意为“目空一切的, 傲慢的”。
2. 根据比较关系猜测词义
同对比关系相反, 比较关系表示意义上的相似关系, 例如:
Green loves to talk, and his brothers are similarly loquacious.
该句中副词similarly表明短语loves to talk与生词loquacious之间的比较关系, 以此可以推断出loquacious词义为“健谈的”。
表示比较关系的词和短语主要是similarly, like, just as, also等。
3. 根据因果关系猜测词义
在句子或段落中, 若两个事物、现象之间构成因果关系, 我们可以根据这种逻辑关系推知生词词义。例如:
Tom is considered an autocratic administrator because he makes decisions without seeking the opinions of others.
根据原因状语从句的内容, 我们可以推断出生词autocratic指“独断专行的”。
There were so many demonstrort in the Red Square that he had to elbow his way through the crowd.
此句为结果状语从句, 根据从句的描述“许多示威者”, 我们便可推知elbow的词义为“挤、挤过”。
外部相关因素是指篇章 (句子或段落) 以外的其他知识。有时仅靠分析篇章内在逻辑关系无法猜出词义。这时, 就需要运用生活经验和普通常识确定词义。例如:
Husband:It’s really cold out tonight.
Wife:Sure it is.My hands are practically numb.How aboutlighting the furnace?
根据生活经验, 天气寒冷时, 手肯定是“冻僵的, 冻得麻木的”。
The snake slithered through the grass.
根据有关蛇的生活习性的知识, 我们可以推断出slither词义为“爬行”。
综上所述, 利用各种已知信息推测、判断词义是一项重要的阅读技巧。在实践中, 我们可以灵活运用上面提到的几种猜测技巧, 排除生词的障碍, 顺利理解文章想内容, 提高阅读速度和阅读的准确性。
[2]肖恩, 霍利, 徐艳秋, 彭小马.报刊英语阅读关键词.外语教学与研究出版社.
[4]于世敬, 王若平.阅读基本功.航空工业出版社.
猜词技巧 篇2
23 Home medical aids
24 Regular amounts of exercise
25 Feelings of control over life
26 Feelings of loneliness
A may cause heart disease.
B can be helped by hormone treatment.
C may cause rises in levels of stress hormones.
D have cost theUnited Statesgovernment more than $200 billion.
E may help prevent mental decline.
F may get stronger at night.
G allow old people to be more independent.
H can reduce stress in difficult situations.
Maintaining a level of daily physical activity may help mental functioning, says Carl Cotman, a neuroscientist at the University of California at Irvine. He found that rats that exercise on a treadmill have raised levels of brain-derived neurotrophic factor coursing through their brains. Cotman believes this hormone, which keeps neurons functioning, may prevent the brains of active humans from deteriorating.
利用题干中的信息(regular amounts of exercise)定位到原文(daily physical activity),进而对该段文字进行阅读,发现最后的deteriorate不认识,但是以de-前缀开头,一般都是否定的方向,那么与第五个选项中的decline方向一致,可以确定E为正确答案。
阅读中常见的并列关系词有and, or等,并列关系前后连接的词往往具有一定的一致性。我们这里拿or来举个例子,or前后的词常常含义是近似的。因此,如果or连接的前后的词我们有一个不认识,那么可以利用另一个来猜雅思阅读生词。我们来看下面的例子:
However, the major problems of the travel and tourism industry that have hidden, or obscured, its economic impact are the diversity and fragmentation of the industry itself.
题目:Marie and Pierre Curie’s research into the radioactivity of the mineral known as 8……… led to the discovery of two new elements.
原文:Turning her attention to minerals, she found her interest drawn to pitchblende, a mineral whose radioactivity, superior to that of pure uranium, could be explained only by the presence in the ore of small quantities of an unknown substance of very high activity. Pierre Curie joined her in the work that she had undertaken to resolve this problem, and that led to the discovery of the new elements, polonium and radium.
分析:通过观察题目,我们发现我们要填的单词处在“a mineral known as ...”这个结构下,说明要填的单词是一种矿物质的名字。那么利用题目中的two new elements定位到原文中,再利用代词往前查找,会找到pitchblende这个词,后面就跟随了我们说的同位语,那么可以确定这就是要我们找的答案。
The original patent outlined a three-stage process, in which phenol and formaldehyde (from wood or coal) were initially combined under vacuum inside a large egg-shaped kettle. The result was a resin known as Novalak, which became soluble and malleable when heated. The resin was allowed to cool in shallow trays until it hardened, and then broken up and ground into powder. Other substances were then introduced: including fillers, such as woodflour, asbestos or cotton, which increase strength and moisture resistance, catalysts (substances to speed up the reaction between two chemicals without joining to either) and hexa, a compound of ammonia and formaldehyde which supplied the additional formaldehyde necessary to form a thermosetting resin.
分析:很多同学在做这道题时,利用第6题前面的ammonia和formaldehyde定位,在原文中第4句中,我们看到了一个a compound of ammonia and formaldehyde …这个结构,于是就有同学把答案写成了compound。但是我们来看一下,a compound of ammonia and formaldehyde …就是我们之前说的“双标点中的名词短语”,所以它是一个同位语,那么是对谁的解释呢?逗号之前的名词hexa,所以hexa是我们的答案(原文的意思是hexa是ammonia和formaldehyde一起构成的混合物)。至于为什么不能填compound这个词,这是一个解释性的词汇,属于“类别”词,不够具体,而填空题需要填具体的词。
double-edged sword 双刃剑
earth-shaking changes 翻天覆地的改变
energy crisis 能源危机
depletion of resources 能源消耗
milestone 里程碑
sophisticated equipment 尖端设备
technical innovation 科技创新
expediency 权宜之计
scientific invention 科学发明
a heated discussion 热烈的讨论
exhaust gas 废气
opposite forces 负面影响
a fatal breakdown 致命故障
potential hazards 潜在危险
means of transportation 交通方式
transportation tools 交通工具
social status 社会地位
environmentally-friendly resources 环保的能源
alternative fuel 可替代燃料
sustainable development 可持续性发展
scientific exploration 科学探索
1.scope of knowledge:知识面
2. comprehensive knowledge :广博的知识
3. distance education :远程教育
4. multimedia teaching:多媒体教学
5. solid professional working experience :扎实的职业工作经验
6. vocational education : 职业教育
7. stress-related illness :与压力有关的疾病
8. the cultural diversity:文化的多元性
9. vocational guidance :职业指导
10. vocational training :职业训练
11. exam-oriented education: 应试教育
12. education for all-round development: 全面发展教育
13. fake diplomas :假文凭
14. compulsory education: 义务教育
15. quality Education :素质教育
16. rote learning :死记硬背
17. student-oriented education :以学生为主体的教育
18. bias of culture: 文化偏见
19. cradle of culture:文化摇篮
20. mainstream culture:主流文化
21. system of education :教育体制
zebra 斑马 (zebra crossing斑马线)
insect昆虫,Mosquito蚊子,mosquito net蚊帐
donkey 驴
horse hair马毛
hard-hoofed硬蹄的,hard-hoofed animal硬蹄动物
whale鲸鱼,killer whale杀 人鲸
sheep sheering 剪羊毛
Sheep and cattle畜群
endangered species 频危物种
extinct species 灭绝物种
harmful insects有害昆虫
insects haunting 闹昆虫
fur trade皮毛交易
大学英语阅读过程中猜词技巧研究 篇3
【关键词】猜词 上下文 构词法
表示转折的关联词主要有but, however, yet等,这类词出现后,上下文是转呈关系,是相反对照关系,且中心在后,后面也往往是作者所强调的,例如:
All people say she is ugly, but I think she is beautiful. 根据but的转折关系,可推断ugly 与beautiful词义相反相对,可猜测出ugly的含义。
表示因果关系的关联词有because, since, for, as等,这表示上下文有着因果关系,可以根据上下文的前因后果去推测生词的含义。例如:
The ground is wet, for it rained yesterday. 根据rain与地面的因果关系,可知是雨后地面湿了,可推断wet的意思。
表示让步关系的关联词主要有though, although, as等,意为尽管……但是,根据这种关系可以通过上下文猜测生词的含义。
If I reviewed carefully yesterday, I can answer this question now. 根据条件关系可知复习的含义。
当然还有很多的关联词,根据特定的上下文承接關系,可以猜测相关生词的含义,出来关联词,还有其他的表示一定含义的词,也是上下文的暗示点,例如表示因果关系的介词because of, result from等等。
1.合成词。合成词是指两个根词放在一起形成的新词,一般来说没一个根词我们可能都认识,但是放在一起形成的新词我们不认识,这类词通常情况下是这两个词义放在一起的含义,例如raincoat, 我们认识rain和coat,这样我们就可推知raincoat的意思了。当然特殊的我们要日常积累,注意识记。
2. 派生词。学生在阅读的过程中会遇到这样一类词,这个词我们不知道含义,但是它是我们认识的某个根词前面或者后面加上几个字母形成的,我们可以根据这几个字母的意思,来猜测这个新词的含义。它们通常出现在根词的前面或者后面,也可能前后都有,我们称其为前缀和后缀。
[1]袁自国.论英语阅读上下文猜词技巧[J].黑龙江科技信息, 2008.4.
掌握猜词技巧提升阅读能力 篇4
如:A group of visitors lost their way in the forest, and a c hild took the m off to a n imp ra c tic a b le roa d.
由构词知识可知impracticable的词干是practice, 意为“实际、实用、实践”, im-是否定前缀, -able是形容词后缀, 由此可推知impracticable意为“不能实行的”, 根据前后联系可译为“行不通的”。
又如:Do you know when the Anti-Japanese War broke out?
Anti-表示“反对、抵抗”, J a p a ne s e“日本的、日本人的”, wa r“战争”, 由此可知Anti-Japanese War为“抗日战争”。
针对性解释是作者为了更好地表达思想, 在文章中对一些重要概念、难懂的术语或词汇所作的解释。这些解释提供的信息具有明确的针对性, 利用他们猜测词义比较容易。
1. 根据定义猜测词义
如果生词是句子或段落所解释的定义, 理解句子或段落本身就是推断词义。定义句的谓语动词多为:be, mean, deal with, be c ons id e re d, re fe r to, b e c a lle d, b e known a s, d e fine, re p re s e nt, s ig nify, to b e等。
如:“Don’t be a dog in a manger”means“Don’t be selfish in a s ta b le”, the ma ng e r is the p la c e whe re the hors e’s food is p ut.
从be后的the place where the horse’s food is put (放马食的地方) 可以得知manger就是“马槽”的意思。
2. 根据复述猜测词义
虽然复述不如定义那样严谨、详细, 但是提供的信息足以使阅读者猜出生词词义, 复述部分可以是词、短语或是从句。
(1) 同位关系。在复述中构成同位关系的两部分之间多用逗号连接, 有时也使用破折号、冒号、分号、引号和括号等。需要注意的是, 同位语前还常有or, similarly, that is to say, in other words, na me ly, or othe r等副词或短语出现。
如:The farmer is the most important person in the movie, tha t is to s a y, he is the he ro.
从that is to say可知, the most important person in the movie和the he ro是同位语关系, 因而我们可得知he ro在此处不是“英雄”而是“主角”。
(2) 定语从句。定语从句对先行词起限定、修饰或解释作用, 因此我们可以利用定语从句来推测生词词义。
如:Psychophysiology is a science which deals with the rela tions hip b e twe e n mind a nd b od y.
根据定语从句我们可以看出psychophysiology的意思为“处理身心关系的科学”, 即“心理生理学”。
3. 根据举例猜测词义、
恰当的举例能够提供猜测生词的重要线索。为了阐明某一重要观念或者讲清某一抽象概念, 作者往往会采取举例的方式对这一观点或概念进行具体的说明和解释, 此句中的例子自然成为了读者猜测词义的线索。
如:Defined most broadly, folklore includes all the customs, b e lie f a nd tra d ition tha t p e op le ha ve ha nd e d d own from g e ne ra tion to g e ne ra tion.
inc lud e s后面的例子基本上说出了folklore的内容范围, 即人们代代相传的那些风俗、习惯、信仰和传统的东西, 属于通常所说的“民俗学、民俗传统”, 这也就是folklore一词的基本含义。
根据内在逻辑关系推测词义是指运用语言知识分析和判断相关信息之间存在的逻辑关系, 然后根据逻辑关系推断生词词义。
1. 根据比较关系猜测词义
表示对比关系的词汇和短语主要是unlike, not, but, howeve r, d e s p ite, in s p ite of, in c ontra s t和while引导的并列句等。
如:Someone liked milk but others abhorred it.通过but得知a b hor是like的反义词, 即“厌恶”。
表示意义相近的词的短语主要是similarly, like, just as, also等。
如:John loves to talk, and his brothers are similarly loquac ious.根据a nd和s imila rly判定短语love s to ta lk和loq ua c ious之间为同义比较, 即“健谈的”。
2. 根据因果关系猜测词义
在句子或段落中, 若两个事物、现象之间构成因果关系, 我们可以根据这种逻辑关系推知生词含义。
如:Since I could not afford to purchase the original painting, I b oug ht a re p lic a.An ine xp e rie nc e d e ye c ould not te ll the d iffe re nc e.
从since (既然) 可以看出生词所处的上下文存在明显的因果关系。since引出的从句是原因 (即我买不起那幅画) , 主句是结果, 生词replica后一句又进一步解释了另一种原因, 即没经验的人看不出差别, 根据这之间的逻辑关系就很容易推断:replica既然不是原作, 那就是“复制品”。
外部相关因素是指篇章以外的其他知识。有时仅靠分析篇章内在逻辑关系无法猜出词义, 这时, 就需运用自身的生活经验和普通的生活常识确定词义。
如:She walked quietly to the small room by the lift and took out a mop.She p us he d p a s t the d e s k a nd a s the nurs e looke d up, Mum nod d e d a nd s a id, “Ve ry d irty floors.”
从文中可以看出, 母亲用mop从桌子前面推擦过去, 还说了一句“地板真脏”, 不言而喻, mop的词义是“拖把”。
又如:When a doctor performs an operation on a patient, he us ua lly g ive s a n a na e s the tic to ma ke him unc ons c ious, b ec a us e he d oe s not wa nt his p a tie nt to fe e l p a in or to know wha t is ha p p e ning to him.
具有一点医学常识的人都知道医生在给病人动手术之前, 为了减轻病人的痛苦, 往往先给病人注射麻药再动手术。根据这一常识, 通过上下文就能推测出anaesthetic一词的意思应为“麻醉剂”。
总之, 在英语阅读中根据上下文猜测词义, 有助于锻炼同学们分析问题、解决问题的能力, 有助于扩大词汇量。我们要通过不断的练习和实践, 让学生熟练掌握上面提到的几种猜词技巧, 排除生词的障碍, 顺利理解文章的思想内容, 从而提升阅读能力。
摘要:所谓猜词, 是指在阅读过程中根据对语篇的信息、逻辑、背景知识及语言结构等的综合理解去猜测或推断某一生词、难词、关键词的词义, 它是一种非常有效的阅读技巧, 熟练掌握这一技巧, 将无疑会提高阅读速度和阅读能力。笔者根据自己的阅读经验和教学经验, 总结出了一些行之有效的猜词方法。
[1]贾砚萍.对英语词汇教学的几点思考[J].中小学教学与研究, 2002 (1) .
[2]赵善治.灵活多变的猜词技巧[J].中学语数外 (高中版) , 2003 (1) .
猜词技巧 篇5
关键词:猜词题 猜词义 做题方法
一 根据解释猜词义
如果句子或段落是生词的定义,理解句子或段落本身就是词语的含义。例如:The rooster is the national emblem of France thanks to a wordplay: the Latin word 其实是对coq解释,因此两者的意思都为cock。
虽然同位语、定语不如定义那样严谨、详细,但是提供的信息足以使阅读者猜出生词词义。例如,同位语in fact, only about 80 ocelots, an endangered wild cat, exist in the U.S.today.此例中,我们不难看出an endangered wild cat是ocelot 的同位语,也不难看出ocelot的意思。在构成同位关系的两部分之间多用逗号连接,有时也使用破折号、冒号、分号、引号和括号等。又如Towards the evening, there comes the grand of the opening day ,an extremely exciting horserace.从an exciting horserace ,towards the evening ,of the opening day 等判断,应该是首日的最后一场的压台戏出场了。需要注意的是:同位语前还常有or, similarly, that is to say, in other words, namely, or other, say i.e.等副词或短语出现。在定语从句There small …中,根据从句which make whisky 可以判断distillery 是a place where wine is made。
恰当的举例能够提供猜测生词的重要线索,例如:his family took him ,as a boy, hunting and fishing trips and so made him know early the kinds of courage and endurance, which were later shown in his stories.句中“courage ”和“endurance(忍耐)”是生词的实例,通过它们我们可以猜出virtues的大致词义“good quality(美德)”。
二 根据上下文内在关系猜词义
如:But Portam didn’t find modeling very interesting and instead tried to gain a … …”我们根据上文“…tried to gain a career in acting”说明追求表演有了结果,所以debut应该是“首次登台表演”的意思。再如Lack of parent willpower may contribute more to exercising or overeating,根据more…than under-exercising or overeating 等语境可判断“juvenile obesity” 意为”childhood overweight”。
在一个句子或段落中,有对两个事物或现象进行对比性的描述,我们可以根据生词或难词的反义或近义关系的词进行猜测。例如:Another suggestion for 根据famous brands 可以轻易给generic items(一般商品)下定义。
在句子或段落种,若两个事物、现象之间构成因果关系,我们可以根据这种逻辑关系 推知生词词义。例如: The survey also show … …elements which are ——magnesium, copper, calcium, iron and zinc.我们根据上文 “…after a study revealed that unscientific ways of feeding babies and a lack of trace elements are the two biggest threats to youngsters’ health.”可以看出这“五种元素”对孩子的身体发展是重要的。所以crucial 的意思应和important接近。
在句子或段落中,我们可以利用熟悉的词语,根据语言环境推断生词词义。例如:tens of thousands of tourists visit New York every year.The tourists come to see buildings应该是skyscrapers的同义词,有替代关系。
三 根据外部相关因素猜词语
外部相关因素是指篇章(句子或段落)以外的其他知识。我们在依靠分析篇章的上下文内在关系无法猜出词义时,就需要运用生活经验和普通常识来确定词义。例如:Book lovers of all ages say the best thing about winter is cuddling up under a blanket with a warm drink in one hand and a good novel in the other.从under a blanket可以常识性地得出“看书” 的状态应该是躺着,所以应选择“to lie close and comfortably” 选项。又如:One night, six of us decided to borrow bikes from the hotel 根据six of us和only three bikes,在联系到double的本义 “双”,就可以判断“double up” 意思为“to share a bike” 即两人合骑一辆自行车。我们还可以依靠构词法方面的知识,从生词(派生词或复合词)本身猜测词义,即根据派生词的前缀后缀,或根据复合词的各部分的意思猜测词义等。
参考文献教育部:《全日制义务教育普通高级中学英语课程标准(实验稿)》,北京师范大学出版社,2001年梁大鹏王俊杰 :《收获季节(英语)》,光明日报出版社,2006年3月
巧用猜词策略,提升阅读能力 篇6
【关键词】阅读理解 猜词策略 能力提升
这种方法可以从文中的定语从句,标点符号(冒号或破折号)或词语解释语(如:that is; that is to say; for example, etc.)的提示猜测词义。如:
Insomnia is the inablitity to fall asleep sleep restfully. Insomnia一词的定义是“不能入睡或睡不踏实”,因此猜出该词是“失眠”的意思。又如: The thing droplets that form on dust particles ——very small pieces of dust, to produce a cloud are far apart from each other.显而易见,句中有一个破折号,这里的破折号就是对particles进行解释说明,所以该词为“微粒”之意。
这种方法是基于文中使用的同义词或反义词基础之上的。如:My father despised me, while my mother loved me. while这个连词表示反义关系,即“父亲鄙视我,而母亲喜欢我”;又如:The lighting of fire is strictly prohibited, but picnicking is allowed. 句中allowed是“允许”“许可”之意,上下句由表转折的but连接,可以猜出prohibited意为“禁止”。
当考查内容及在因果关系的句子中,可通过这种关系,结合自身的生活经验或一般常识,进行推测。如 Kate was young and attractive. Therefore, she was almost always the cynosure of all attention the moment she appeared in the public place. 句中的cynosure,我们可以通过分析句中的原因young and attractive,推出其意为“焦点”。
这种方法是利用上下文的线索,通过挖掘句中某些暗示来猜测词义。如:In most states in the USA, in order to drive a car, you must have accident coverage. In fact, if your car is not insured, you cant legally drive it. 根据文中的一些信号词,如:drive a car, accident,is not insured,我们就不难猜出coverage的含义为“保险”。
1.常见的表示否定意义的前缀有:un-; in-; dis-; non-; mis-等。如:unlike; indirect; disappear; misunderstanding等。
2.常见的后缀有形容词性的—y, —ful, —less, —ous, —able等;副词性的—ly等;名词性的—ment, —tion, —sion等;动词性的—en, —fy等。如:cloudy, useful, harmless, comfortable, sadly, friendly等词。再看下面的一句话: If the pollution of air and land and water is allowed to go on, the earth will be uninhabitable. uninhabitable前面有表示否定的前缀un—,后面有表示形容词性的后缀—able,这样就可以推出该词意为“不……的”之意,在加上语境进行分析,该词意为“不可居住的”。
当然,有时很难猜出一个词的真正意思,这时只要看出它在句中的作用,不影响阅读就足够。如:A German told me that all over China they use gourmet powder in their food. It will give you high blood pressure.我们不难看出gourmet是一种能吃的东西,至于它到底是什么,完全可以不管。
要掌握上述技巧,平时就要多做这方面的练习,养成这方面的习惯,不能遇到生词就查词典。学会通过上下文,词语分析等方面的推理,猜测。首先多做一些在单句中猜词词义的练习与训练,也可以做一些根据上下文填词完成句子的练习。如:Everyone knows if you throw an egg at a stone, the egg will surely ________ . 根据常识,此空该填上break一词。这样的练习尽管很简单,但很管用。然后,再由单个的句子过度到短小的章节,再过度到独立成篇的文章。如:
Just before the exam Carls hands shook and sweated(出汗) so much that he could not hold a pen. His heart beat fast and his stomach ached, even though he knew the subject well. He really had a strange phobia about taking tests. 从这段话可以看出,通过对Carl的hands, heart, stomach的描写,我们知道都是心理恐惧的表现,故意为“考试恐惧症”。
论英语阅读上下文猜词技巧 篇7
1 以定义为线索猜测词义
(1)以to be(是),mean(意指),refer to(指的是)为线索猜测词义。
[例]Ventilation,as you know,is a system or means of providing fresh air.
[例]Tornadoes(violent and destructive whirl wind)normally occur on hot,humid(a little wet)day,but not necessarily in the summer.
2 以同义词、近义词为线索猜测词义
3 以反义词和对比关系为线索猜测词义
but,yet,however,while,whereas,otherwise,in spite of,despite,on the contrary,in the end,compared to.
[例]In the past the world seemed to run in an orderly way.Now,however,everything seems to be in a state of turmoil.
此句中,以信号词however为线索,可以看出作者把现在的事情与过去相比。过去是“in an orderly way”,而现在是“in a state of turmoil”,过去是秩序井然,那么现在则是相反,那就是一片混乱。
4 以列举的句子为线索猜测词义为了阐明某一种重要观念或者讲清某一抽象概念,
like,for example,for instance,such as,especially,include,consist of,specially.
[例]Defined most broadly,folklore includes all the customs,belief and tradition that people have handed down from generation to generation.
猜词技巧在中考英语阅读中的运用 篇8
解答此类试题时, 主要可归纳为三步, 即“一定位二猜测三验证”:1. 将词语定位, 找到词语在原文中的位置;2. 分析词语的上下文, 猜测词语的意思, 结合选项词义, 看是否有一项和猜测的意思相同或相近;3. 验证猜测是否准确, 比如猜出的词性是否与该词的词性一致, 将词语的意思带到句子中理解是否合适。
1. 根据同义词或反义词推测
有时文章作者为了使意思表达得更清楚明白, 通常用一个近义词或反义词来解释另一个难词, 这些近义词或反义词为我们推断生词词义提供了线索。例如:
1.Destructionof the world’s rainforests is a serious problem. Unluckily, rainforests are disappearing at a rate of 80 acres per minute! The word “destruction”probably means“the process of being ______ .” (2014南京)
A.destroyed B.developed
C.described D.discovered
解析:根据语境a serious problem (一个严重的问题) , 以及后面“雨林正以每分钟80 英亩的速度disappearing (消失) ”可以推断, destruction的意思应该是和选项A. destroy“毁坏”接近, 因此答案为A。
2. Hearing what my grandpa said, I was much moved. I made the decision that I had to show my gratitude for him. As I found all the courage I had, I hold his hand tightly. I cried out, “Grandpa, I just want to let you know how much I love you.”The underline word “gratitude” means ______ in Chinese. (2012宁波)
A. 兴奋B. 惊讶C. 害怕D. 感激
解析:从前面的I was much moved (我很感动) 可以推断, gratitude的意思应该是和moved (感动) 相近的意思, 再和从后面的I just want to let you know how much I love you (我就想让你知道我有多爱你) 可以推测出, 作者是想表达对grandpa的“感激”, 因此答案为D。
2. 根据定义或解释猜测
这类定义或解释通常由it means、that means、that is to say、in other words、to put it another等线索词引出, 有时也会用破折号的形式引出后面的说明。例如:
1. Studies have shown thatsmile are infectious.That means once you smile, it’s hard for everyone else not to smile. “smile are infectious” means______ . (2014衢州)
A.smiles can be passed on
B.its hard to smile
C. smiles keep people fit
D. people should smile every day
解析:通过that means (那意味着) 后面的解释once you smile, it’s hard for everyone else not to smile (一旦你微笑了, 其他人也很容易微笑) 可以推测, infectious应该是“传染的”, 因此答案为A。
2. I read the book a few months ago and that’shilarious, too—I really laugh out loud! The underline word“hilarious”most probably means ______ . (2015丽水)
A. simple B. helpful C. humorous D. meaningful
解析:通过破折号后面的解释I really laugh out lond (我看书看到笑出声来) 可以推测, hilarious应该是“搞笑的, 滑稽的”之类的意思, 以此答案为C。
3. 根据描述或例证推测
表示附加说明、例证的线索词有likewise、similarly、like、for example、for instance、in fact、in other words、that is等。例如:
1. About a thousand years ago, the Roma people left their homeland. They are known asnomadsbecause for hundreds of years many of them have lived in large groups that travel from place to place. They have no real homeland. What does the underline word“nomads”mean? (2014宁波)
A.People who lived centuries ago.
B.People who come from Rome.
C. People who have their own homeland.
D.People who move from place to place.
解析:从后面的描述travel from place to place (从一个地方搬到另一个地方) 和They have no real homeland (他们没有真正的家) , 可以推测, nomads的意思是“游牧民”, 因此答案为D。
2. Then, get a family disasterkitready. It should include things your family needs. It can help you survive at least for three days like bread, water, medicine and things like that. What does the underline word“kit”probably mean? (2013台州)
A. 救护车B. 搜救犬C. 应急用品D. 防毒面具
解析:从like (比如) 后面列举的物品bread, water, medicine and things like that可以推断, kit一词的意思应该是“急救包、应急用品”, 因此答案为C。
4. 通过构词法猜测生词词义
英语单词的构成既灵活多变, 又有章可循。一般常用的构词法有三种:派生法、复合法、转化法。如果学生对英语词汇中常见的前缀、后缀或词根的含义比较了解, 就能较准确地推测出它们相互组合形成的整体词义。例如:
1. Research shows that sleep time for teenagers around the worldhas decreasedover the past 10 to20 years.... The underlined worlds “has decreased”probably mean“______”. (2014绍兴)
A. has gone downB. has been wasted
C. has come upD. has been used up
解析:学生熟悉increase (增加) 这个词, 如果知道前缀de-的含义是“向下, 相反”, 就不难推测出decrease是increase的反义词, 因此答案为A. has gone down (下降了) 。
2. If you plan to travel home, I’d like to remind you to take some of yourbelongingswith you. The underline word“belongings”means ______ . (2015宁波)
解析:学生知道belong这个词的意思是“属于”, 如果知道加后缀-ing是构成表示“状态”的抽象名词, 就可以推测出belongings的意思是“所有物, 随身物品”之类的意思, 答案为C。
5. 综合性猜词
1. Is it possible to be born shy? Many scientists say yes. They say 15 to 20 percent of babies behave shyly. These babies are a little quieter and more watchful than other babies. Interestingly, these shy babies usually have shy parents. As a result, scientists think that some shyness isgenetic. What does the underlined word“genetic”probably mean? (2015杭州)
A.Passed down from parents.
B.Learned from friends.
C.Taught by teachers.
D.Made up by brothers.
解析:腼腆的婴儿, 通常他们的父母也腼腆, 这说明腼腆的性格与父母 (遗传) 有关。再结合构词法, gene, 名词, “基因”, -tic是形容词后缀, 这样也可以猜出genetic的意思应该是“基因的”。
2. Chinese people are working hard to make Green Beijing, Green Olympic a success. Some workers have developed new ways to make thousands of flowers prolong their florescence (花期) . They are also studying ways of transplanting (移植) trees from forests into the city. The underlined word “prolong”means“______”in Chinese. (2008杭州)
A. 加宽B. 延长C. 缩短D. 保持
解析:前面说中国人在努力创办一届绿色的奥运会, 可以推测工人们是在寻找新方法让花期“延长”;同时结合构词法, pro- (forward, onward) +long, 向前加长、延伸, 也可以推测出prolong应该是“延长”的意思。
大学英语阅读过程中猜词技巧研究 篇9
英语单词只有赋予一定的上下文, 才有确切的含义, 词与词之间, 句与句之间, 段与段之间, 都是彼此联系的, 相互呼应的, 而不是孤立的, 因此在英语阅读过程中, 根据上下文的暗示点, 可以推断猜测出某些生词, 这也往往是考察英语阅读能力的需要。常见的阅读上下文暗示点如下:
关联词起到连接上下句, 上下文的作用, 能表示转折, 并列, 因果, 递进等关系, 因此能根据这些含义判断上下文对应关系, 根据已有信息推断猜测出生词的含义。
表示转折的关联词主要有but, however, yet等, 这类词出现后, 上下文是转呈关系, 是相反对照关系, 且中心在后, 后面也往往是作者所强调的, 例如:
All people say she is ugly, but I think she is beautiful. 根据but的转折关系, 可推断ugly与beautiful词义相反相对, 可猜测出ugly的含义。
表示因果关系的关联词有because, since, for, as等, 这表示上下文有着因果关系, 可以根据上下文的前因后果去推测生词的含义。例如:
The ground is wet, for it rained yesterday. 根据rain与地面的因果关系, 可知是雨后地面湿了, 可推断wet的意思。
表示让步关系的关联词主要有though, although, as等, 意为尽管……但是, 根据这种关系可以通过上下文猜测生词的含义。
表示条件的关联词有if等, 因为上下句是特定的条件, 可以推知相关词的含义。例如:
If I reviewed carefully yesterday, I can answer this question now. 根据条件关系可知复习的含义。
当然还有很多的关联词, 根据特定的上下文承接关系, 可以猜测相关生词的含义, 出来关联词, 还有其他的表示一定含义的词, 也是上下文的暗示点, 例如表示因果关系的介词because of, result from等等。
二、 根据构词法猜词的技巧
英语构词法有很多的分类, 这里只简单的谈谈具有代表的复合词和派生词。关于词类的转换等构词法, 不再详谈。
1.合成词。合成词是指两个根词放在一起形成的新词, 一般来说没一个根词我们可能都认识, 但是放在一起形成的新词我们不认识, 这类词通常情况下是这两个词义放在一起的含义, 例如raincoat, 我们认识rain和coat, 这样我们就可推知raincoat的意思了。当然特殊的我们要日常积累, 注意识记。
2. 派生词。学生在阅读的过程中会遇到这样一类词, 这个词我们不知道含义, 但是它是我们认识的某个根词前面或者后面加上几个字母形成的, 我们可以根据这几个字母的意思, 来猜测这个新词的含义。它们通常出现在根词的前面或者后面, 也可能前后都有, 我们称其为前缀和后缀。
前缀通常是改变词的意思, 而不改变词的词性, 因此我们看前缀这几个字母所表达的含义, 就能推断出这个新词的含义, 而且这个词的词性通常没有改变。例如in, im, il, ir等表示相反含义的前缀, 当他们出现时, 取根词相反的意思即可。翻译是加上我们汉语的表否定的词, 不, 无, 非, 否等等即可。Irregular, illegal等等都可很容易猜出。另外表示否定的含义的前缀还有dis, un, non等等。
后缀通常改变词的词性, 而不改变根词的含义, 因此当后缀出现时, 注意词性的变化, 这一点在上下文的句法功能上也可以判断出, 因此意思的猜测并不困难。
常见的名词后缀有ment, tion, ation, ness, ty, ity, ism等等, 动词后缀有ify, ize, ate等等, 形容词后缀有ful, able, al, y, less, ive, ous等等, 副词后缀有ly, ward等等。要注意词性变化过程中此类转化了汉语的翻译, 以及根据上下文搭配的关系, 推断词的含义。
在英语教学过程中和四六级考试中, 阅读能力的提高就必须处理新词带来的理解上障碍, 因此, 猜词能力对于阅读理解非常重要, 我们要根据上下文特定的关系, 从整体上把握文章含义, 推断猜测新词的含义。总之, 要综合利用各种技巧去猜测新词的含义, 理解文章, 扩大词汇量, 提高阅读理解能力。
[1]袁自国.论英语阅读上下文猜词技巧[J].黑龙江科技信息, 2008.4.
浅谈阅读理解中的猜词技巧与训练 篇10
近些年高考阅读理解考项中总有一些考题要测试考生根据上下文和构词法知识猜出生词词义或旧词具新意的能力。当生词出现在我们基本能读懂的文章中, 我们应该有能力根据已知内容推求生词的词义。通过上下文交代的内容做出合乎逻辑的推理, 在必要时, 做些语法分析, 通过词与词的关系, 确定其词性;有时根据常识和生活经验或者构词法知识, 完全可以对那些从未见过的生词的词义做出正确的推测。正确猜出生词的词义经常使用以下六种方法。下面对它们分别做介绍并辅以一些强化训练题。
在be或becalled等判断词出现的判断句中, 生词是被解释说明的表语, 或是用来下定义的主语, 借助判断句猜测词义是一种最常见的方法。同时, 定语从句或同位语从句对其先行词起修饰或解释说明的作用, 有助于猜出该先行词的词义。此外, 标点符号中的破折号“——”也可引出起解释说明作用的同位语或具有同义的短语或从句。
1) We like our new house because it has a few clms in the back yard that will give us shade and keep the house cooler.
2) Travelers in deserts or thick forests always bring with them compasses, a kind of very helpful instruments that help them to know the directions and which always consist of a freely-moving MAGNETIC needle that always moves to point to the north.
3) Some armed policemen have to wear bullet-proof Vests, a piece of clothing that can protect their chests (胸部) and that are used to stop bullets or a vest which cannot be passed through by bullets.
在but, however, yet, otherwise或though这些表示意义转折的连词出现的句子中, 其前后的词有明显的对比关系。根据已知的内容, 通过这种对比关系, 很容易猜出生词的词义。
1) He had been getting better, but during the night his condition deteriorated.
2) When there's a strong wind, there are great waves rolling on the lake;but if there's no wind, the surface of the lake is very placid.
3) Though he is always regarded as an honest man, he usually makes use of subterfuge to get our trust.
Because, since与as是连结原因状语从句的从属连词, so是连结表示结果的并列句的连词, so...that与such...that中的that是连结结果状语从句的。当这些信息词出现在有生词的句中, 通过因果关系, 依据已知部分, 就能猜出生词的词义。
1) All his attempts to unlock the door was futile, because he was using the wrong key.
2) She did not hear what you said because she was completely engrossed in her reading.
3) The tree will have to be cut down because it obstructs the view of oncoming traffic (车辆) .
运用逻辑推理能力, 自身的生活经验及生活常识, 根据上下文能读懂的部分, 正确猜出生词词意, 是一种行之有效的猜测词意的方法。
1) There are some erroneous answers on the students'test paper, but there are not enough wrong answers to fail him.
2) Sometimes the earth moves between the sun and the moon.Then the earth's shadow falls on the moon;no light from the sun can reach the moon.The moon gets dark because it cannot reflect the sun's light.We call this an eclipse of the moon.
3) Scientists group most living things into main groups called“kingdoms”.There are the plant kingdom and animal kingdom.The study of plants is referred to as botany while the study of animals is spoken about as zoology.
所谓同等关系, 指的是一个词, 一组词或短语在句中作同一成分, 而且它们的词意都属于同一义域。在这样的词组和短语中, 通常有并列连词and或者or等作同等关系的标志词。据此, 只要我们认识其中一个或几个词或短语, 即可确定同等关系中生词的词性, 在句中的作用和大概的义域。
1) Not every car, bus, jeep or other kinds of vehicle can be made in the factory.
2) Sheep are not carnivorous, but wolves, foxes, tigers, lions, leopards or hyenas are all flesh-eating animals.
3) On the farm they mainly raise poultry, such as chickens, ducks and geese, both for their eggs and their meat.
借助中学阶段学过的英语构词法知识, 如, 词根、前缀或后缀的意义, 对于有效地猜出生词词意是很有帮助的。
1) Oh, how bumpy (bump) the road is!It has to be repaired and made smooth.
2) There are quite a few mistakes in your plan of the new building, so you must have it redesigned (design) as soon as possible.
3) The story in the newspaper isn't completely true;some of the facts have been misreported (report) .
1) It's just one more unbelievable result of the development of microprocessors——those tiny parts of a computer commonly known as“silicon chips”.
B.the result of the development
C.the computer itself%
D.parts of microprocessors
2) Nowadays, at the university of Nebraska, for example, it is the stated policy of the college of Arts and Science that if a student cheats on an exam, the student must receive an“F”on what he cheated on.That is nothing.If you're going to flunk anyway, why not cheat?
A.fearB.failC.be pleasedD.succeed
3) If the banana was in front of them and the stick behind them, big apes (猩猩) could not bear the banana in mind long enough to look around and pick up the stick and then use it.
谈谈初中英语阅读中的猜词方法 篇11
一、 根据同义关系猜测词义
But what is sound? Sound happens when something vibrates or shakes. We can make something vibrate by hitting it.
解析: vibrate后面有or, 表明它与shake是同义关系,而shake的词义为“摇动,震动,抖动,颤动”,那么vibrate的意思也就一目了然了。
根据同义关系猜测词义,关键是要了解显示同义关系的线索。一般说来,破折号、顿号、逗号等标点符号,以及or, and, namely, in other words, thats to say等词或短语就是这种线索。
二、 根据同等关系猜测词义
(2006武汉市) “Lets go to the animal shelter. Many pets there need homes. Since tomorrow is Saturday, we can both go,” she said. The next morning the Browns met Mr Snow at the animal shelter. “We want to be sure that the pets here go to good homes,” Mr Snow said. “So I need to ask you some questions.”
解析: shelter与home构成同等关系。据此我们可推断, shelter的意思为“住所,栖息处,庇护处”。
三、 根据同位关系猜测词义
(2007哈尔滨市) An explosion in 1996 made a cloud of 300,000 fragments, each at least 4 mm in size, and even a small piece of these knocked against a spaceship window and did some damage.
解析: fragments的意思可以通过其同位语each at least 4 mm in size(每块最起码有四毫米大小)猜测出来。据此我们可以猜出它的意思为“碎片,碎块”。
四、 根据反义关系猜测词义
① (2006扬州市) First of all, they sound very different. Often, Americans dont say each word separately. But they say several words together. Americans may say “I dunno”instead of “I dont know”. Or they may say “Whaddya say?” instead of “What did you say?”. However, the British are more careful in their speech. They usually say all the words and keep them separate.
解析: separately的词义可以通过表示转折关系的连词but和下文say several words together推断出来,即“分离地,单个地”。
常见的表示转折关系的词有however, but, instead, yet等。
五、 根据对照关系猜测词义
(2007泰州市) 75 percent of the tickets are for domestic sale and the rest for sale outside the Chinese mainland. There will not be different prices for the Chinese and foreigners.
解析:句中的and the rest与前面的75 percent of the tickets形成相应的对照关系。 outside the Chinese mainland与domestic形成相应的对照关系,由此我们可猜出domestic意为“国内的”。
六、 根据前缀(词)猜测词义
(2007哈尔滨市) To get a thorough understanding of yourself needs self⁃appreciation.
self是“自己,自身”的意思, appreciation意为“欣赏”。据此我们可推断出self⁃appreciation的意思为“自我欣赏”。
七、 根据后缀(词)猜测词义
① (2006黄冈市) When the boy finished, his father was speechless.
② (2006泰州市) On a Friday night, a poor young violinist was playing his violin at the entrance of the subway station. The music was so great that people slowed down to listen and put some money into his hat.
解析: violin是“小提琴”的意思, ⁃ist是表示“受雇做某事的人或弹奏某种乐器的人”,由此我们可推断出violinist的意思是“小提琴手”。
八、 根据复合词猜测词义
(2005连云港市) Though the Russians thought firmly that their country will take the side of the USA, though the meeting between Bush and Russian Putin ended with handshakes and smiles, someone still spoke out: The honeymoon stops here.
解析: honey意为“蜂蜜”, moon意为“月亮”,两者合在一起就是“蜜月”的意思。
九、 根据派生词猜测词义
① (2005宿迁市) And in some cities people sometimes ask a song to be broascast for his or her mother only. This might cost a little money for some of them, but as it is said, “Mother is invaluable.”
解析: value意为“价值”, valuable意为“有价值的”, “in⁃”是前缀,意为“没有”。因而“invaluable”则意为“无价的”。
② (2007山西省) Why do we need to throw less away? There are two reasons. One is that some resouces are nonrenewable. That means there is only a certain amount of that resource in the world.
解析: new意为“新的”, “re⁃”意为“又,再”的意思, “renew”即意为“翻新,更新”。 “⁃able”是形容词后缀, renewable意为“可翻新的, 可更新的”,前缀“non⁃”意为“不,无,没有”,所以nonrenewable意为“不可再生的”。
十、 根据转化词猜测词义
(2004宿迁市) When you have at last finished your exam, check your answers. Correct the mistakes if there are any and be sure that you have not missed anything out.
解析:我们可以根据单词在句中充当的成分来确定其意思。 correct用作形容词时,意为“正确的”,但在此处correet用作动词,我们可推断出它的意思是“使……正确,修改”。
十一、 根据标点符号猜测词义
① (2006南京市) However, at first only plain chocolate(a kind of chocolate without milk and with very little sugar) was produced. Milk chocolate came later and this was made in Cadburys factory in 1897.
解析:圆括号中的部分通常是插入语,用以补充说明其前词语的内容。如果我们不知道plain chocolate是什么意思,就可根据圆括号中的词语推断出,plain chocolate是“原味巧克力”的意思。
② (2005苏州市) But what happens when teenagers (persons between 13 and 19 years old) start driving on their own?Many are careful drivers and never have a problem.
解析:从圆括号中的解释我们可知, teenager是指13-19的人。
十二、 根据常识猜测词义
① (2006杭州市) When you look into a mirror, you dont see your face as other people see it. You see a reversed picture. If you close your left eyes, your picture closes its right eyes.
② (2006常州市,镇江市) He took out of a bottle of water and poured it into the cup. He asked, “Is it full?” His son didnt answer and looked at his old father in surprise. Then the father took a chopstick and inserted it into the mixture in the cup. Later he took out all the mixture with the chopstick.
解析:文章写了一位父亲通过往杯子里一次次添加不同的东西来告诉他的儿子做任何事都要力求完美,事业才会成功。从上文的a chopstick和下文的into the mixture我们可知,这位父亲是把筷子插入了混合物当中。因而可以推断出insert应当是“插入”的意思。
十三、 根据因果关系猜测词义
“His horse fell, and his ankle is sprained,” said Kate, “John has gone to hospital.”
解析:在对话中, Kate说“John的马倒下了”,而且“John已去了医院”。据此我们可推测出“John的脚踝受伤了”, sprained的意思应为“扭伤”。
十四、 根据所下定义猜测词义
(2007长春市) We often think about why money disappeared so quickly. That may be because we didnt have a good budget. A budget is a plan to control where your money goes.
(2006临汾市) Besides the examples above, patriotism is the one we should never forget. Patriotism means a love for ones country.It is one of the highest qualities of humans. Everybody should love his country.
解析:从定义“一种对国家的爱”我们可以推断出, patriotism的意思是“爱国主义,爱国心”。
用定义来猜测词义时,关键在于确定写作者借以下定义的信号词,从而据此来判断前后语段之间的关系是定义与被定义之间的关系,进而通过定义项推断被定义项。在英语中,常常被用来标示定义关系的信号词有that is,mean,is called等。
十五、 根据示例猜测词义
① (2006连云港市) Foreign visitors are often puzzled in Japan because most streets there dont have names. In Japan, people use landmarks instead of street names. For example, the Japanese will say to travelers, “Go straight down to the corner. Turn left at the big hotel and go past a fruit market. The post office is just across the bus stop.”
解析:文中for example给读者提示,它后面的部分是作者用以解释landmarks的。同时landmarks后面的instead of street names也是一个反向的暗示。从所给例子可以看出,给人们指路不是靠街道名称而是靠街道边的标志性建筑。因而我们可以推知landmark的意思为“明显的目标”。
② (2006哈尔滨市) Nowadays more and more people care about the exploitation(开采) of the natural resources, such as oil.
解析:从句中的中文夹注“开采”及后面的示例词such as, 我们可以猜测resource意为“资源”。
运用例子来猜测词义,关键是要熟悉人们举例时常用的词或词组。常见的有for example, such as, like, especially等。
十六、 根据语境猜测词义
I came to your shop to buy a ring. The sales assistant took out some rings for me to look at, but she was called away for a moment, and I put one of the rings in my pocket. When she came back, I said I didnt know the size of my girlfriends finger. So I left the shop without paying for the ring.
解析:文章告诉我们,作者要买东西送给女朋友,但不知道女朋友手指的大小,由此我们不难知道, ring意为“戒指”。
十七、 根据定语从句猜测词义
① (2006云南省课改实验区) The Sony Reader is also expected to have a function that makes you play MP3 music while you are reading.
解析:从定语从句that makes you play MP3 music while you are reading, 我们可以推知function的意思为“功能”。
② (2007南通市) Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao has visited the “left⁃behind” children whose parents are working in cities before Childrens Day.
解析:从定语从句whose parents are working in cities, 我们可以猜测“left⁃behind” children的意思为“留守”儿童。
刍议如何在英语阅读中猜词 篇12
定义句的谓语动词多为:be, mean, be considered to be, refer to, be called, be known as, define, represent等。
The expression“fireworks”gets its meaning from the things that people shoot into the sky when they are celebrating a great event.
由定语从句“that people shoot into the sky when they are celebrating a great event”可知“fireworks”是烟火的意思。
恰当的举例能够提供猜测生词的重要线索, 例如:
The consequences of epochal events such as wars and great scientific discoveries are not confined to a small geographical area as they were in the past.
句中“战争”和“重大科学发现”是生词的实例, 通过它们我们可以猜出epochal的大致词义“重要的”, 这与其确切含义“划时代的”十分接近。
根据内在逻辑关系推测词义是指运用语言知识分析和判断相关信息之间存在的逻辑关系, 然后根据逻辑关系推断生词词义或大致义域。
1. 根据对比关系猜测词义
在一个句子或段落中, 有对两个事物或现象进行对比性的描述, 我们可以根据生词或难词的反义词猜测其词义。例如:
Andrew is one of the most supercilious men I know.His brother, in contrast, is quite humble and modest.
该例中supercilious对许多人来说可能是个生词, 但是句中短语in contrast (相对照的, 相对比的) 可以提示我们supercilious和后面词组“humble and modest” (谦卑又谦虚) 是对比关系。分析出这种关系后, 我们便能猜出supercilious意为“目空一切的, 傲慢的”。
表示对比关系的词汇和短语主要是unlike, not, but, however, despite, in spite of, in contrast和while引导的并列句等。例如:
A good supervisor can recognize instantly the adept workers from the unskilled ones.
该句中并未出现上面提到的表示对比关系的词或短语, 但是通过上下文可以判断出句子前后是对比关系, 即把熟练工人与非熟练工人区分开。这时我们也能够推断出生词adept的词义:“熟练的”。
2. 根据比较关系猜测词义
同对比关系相反, 比较关系表示意义上的相似关系, 例如:Green loves to talk, and his brothers are similarly loquacious.
该句中副词similarly表明短语loves to talk与生词loquacious之间的比较关系。以此可以推断出loquacious词义为“健谈的”。
表示比较关系的词和短语主要是similarly, like, just as, also等。
3. 根据因果关系猜测词义
在句子或段落种, 若两个事物、现象之间构成因果关系, 我们可以根据这种逻辑关系推知生词词义。例如:
Tom is considered an autocratic administrator because hemakes decisions without seeking the opinions of others.
根据原因状语从句的内容, 我们可以推断出生词autocratic指“独断专行的”。
There were so many demonstrators in the Red Square that hehad to elbow his way through the crowd.
此句为结果状语从句, 根据从句的描书“许多示威者”, 我们便可推知elbow的词意“挤, 挤过”。
4. 根据同义词的替代关系猜测词义
在句子或段落中, 我们可以利用熟悉的词语, 根据语言环境推断生词词义。例如:
Although he often had the opportunity, Mr.Tritt was never able to steal money from a customer.This would have endangered his position at the bank, and he did not want to jeopardize his future.
作者为避免重复使用endanger一词, 用其同义词jeopardize来替代它, 由此推知其词义为“使……陷入危险, 危及、危害”。
Doctors believe that smoking cigarettes is detrimental to yourhealth.They also regard drinking as harmful.
句中detrimental四个生词, 但判断出harmful替代detrimental后, 不难推断出其词义为“不利的, 有害的”。
外部相关因素是指篇章 (句子或段落) 以外的其他知识。有时仅靠分析篇章内在逻辑关系无法猜出词义。这时, 就需要运用生活经验和普通常识确定词义。例如:
Husband:It’s really cold out tonight.
Wife:Sure it is.My hands are practically numb.How about lighting the furnace?
根据生活经验, 天气寒冷时, 手肯定是“冻僵的, 冻得麻木的”。
The snake slithered through the grass.
根据有关蛇的生活习性的知识, 我们可以推断出slither词义为“爬行”。
在猜测词义过程中, 除了使用上面提到的一些技巧, 我们还可以依靠构词方面的知识, 从生词本身猜测词义。
1. 根据前缀猜测词义
例如:He fell into a ditch and lay there, semiconscious, for a few minutes.
根据词根conscious (清醒的, 有意识的) , 结合前缀sem (半, 部分的, 不完全的) , 我们便可猜出semiconscious词义“半清醒的, 半昏迷的”。
I’m illiterate about such things.
词根literate意为“有文化修养的, 通晓的”, 前缀il-表示否定, 因此illiterate指“一窍不通, 不知道的”。
2. 根据后缀猜测词义
例如:Insecticide is applied where it is needed.
后缀-cide表示“杀者, 杀灭剂”, 结合大家熟悉的词根insect (昆虫) , 不难猜出insecticide意为“杀虫剂”。
Then the vapor may change into droplets.
后缀-let表示“小的”, 词根drop指“滴, 滴状物”。将两个意思结合起来, 便可推断出droplet词义“小滴, 微滴”。
3. 根据复合词的各部分猜测词义
例如:Growing economic problems were highlighted by aslowdown in oil output.
hightlight或许是一个生词, 但是分析该词结构后, 就能推测出其含义。它是由high (高的, 强的) 和light (光线) 两部分组成, 合在一起便是“以强光照射, 使突出”的意思。
Bullfight is very popular in Spain.
Bull (公牛) 和fight (打, 搏斗) 结合在一起, 指一种在西班牙颇为流行的体育运动———斗牛。
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