


视觉、交互和功能 篇1

早产儿是指胎龄小于37周出生的胎儿, 临床上又称为未成熟儿。由于未足月, 早产儿适应能力及器官的免疫功能等均发育低下, 对外界的环境适应能力较低, 因此容易发生新生儿感染、呼吸窘迫及颅内出血、早产斜弱视等并发症, 因此需要得到临床医护人员的足够关注[1]。早产导致的斜弱视及智力障碍是早产儿的主要表现形式, 其中早产斜弱视的治疗具有长期性, 因此需要得到患儿家长的密切配合, 早产斜弱视患儿及家长的顺应性也决定该病治疗的效果。目前应用较为普遍且效果较为确切的小儿视觉训练作为传统的斜弱视训练方式, 在治疗过程中由于需要患儿精细目力的训练及视觉刺激疗法等, 过程比较枯燥, 因此在治疗过程中采用有效的护理干预可以提高患儿的依从性, 争取患儿的配合。另外, 治疗后对家长家庭指导也具有重要的辅助治疗作用[2]。临床上还观察到早产儿的视觉训练过程也同样提高了患儿的智力, 有效的护理干预改善了患儿神经系统的发育障碍, 我科室通过纳入我院视觉中心治疗的斜弱视患儿, 观察儿童视觉训练对早产斜弱视患儿智力开发以及视觉功能恢复的临床效果, 现报道如下。

1 资料与方法

1.1 一般资料

纳入我院2013年1月—2014年11月视觉中心治疗的斜弱视患儿76例152眼, 屈光不正的38例, 斜弱视的22例, 屈光参差性弱视的12例, 形觉剥夺性弱视的4例;中心注视的有90眼, 旁中心注视的有62眼;轻度弱视的有38例, 中度弱视的34例, 重度弱视的有4例。分为观察组和对照组两组, 每组38例, 其中观察组给予儿童视觉训练, 两组患儿胎龄、分娩方式、Apgar (阿氏) 评分等比较, 差异无统计学意义 (P>0.05) , 具有可比性。诊断标准:参照《眼科学》对慢性早产斜弱视的诊断标准进行制定[3]。纳入标准: (1) 符合本病诊断标准; (2) 年龄2岁~10岁; (3) 依从性强, 愿意接受本临床研究。排除标准: (1) 年龄<2岁或>10岁的患儿; (2) 有严重其他系统疾病的患儿; (3) 不愿意接受本临床研究, 依从性差的患儿。

1.2 方法

1.2.1 研究方法

两组患儿均采用小儿视觉训练的系统治疗, 包括视觉精细、视觉刺激、同时直觉、立体视觉和融合功能5个方面。根据患儿的具体情况制订治疗措施。大致的治疗原则就是根据视力的不同而有所差异, 对视力≤0.4的患儿以视觉刺激和直觉训练为主, 而对视力>0.4的患儿主要以融合功能、视觉精细以及立体视觉训练为主要的训练方式;对双眼视力相差>3的需要在训练的时候遮盖健侧的眼睛;对双眼视力差异≤3的不需要遮盖健侧的眼睛。训练的时间安排一般为训练休息各5min之后, 再训练休息各10min, 反复锻炼40 min 1次, 每天进行1次训练, 30d为1个治疗疗程。治疗结束后进行视力检查, 并根据视力的检测情况调整治疗方案。

1.2.2 对照组

对照组采用常规护理模式, 对早产斜弱视患儿进行常规护理干预及育儿指导, 包括其喂养的指导、对预防注射及添加辅食的指导, 定期做好随访工作, 介绍小儿智力及行为发育的常识, 嘱家长进行早期强化训练, 坚持对患儿进行眼部治疗, 并定期复查。


观察组在对照组常规护理的基础上进行儿童视觉训练, 在小儿视觉训练的过程中给予激励, 注意调动患儿的注意力, 让患儿将注意力集中在视觉训练上来, 避免注意力分散而达不到治疗效果。在操作时对患儿配以解说和音乐, 还可以使用沙锤或者红球等道具激发患儿治疗的注意力, 发放宣传资料和光盘的形式指导患儿家长了解相关知识, 在回家后指导患儿进行智力训练, 督促家长到医院进行定期的神经运动、智力及视力的评估, 以便于及时调整治疗方案。

1.2.4 观察指标

使用GESEII发育量表对患儿进行智商发育DQ的评测, 主要包括社交、适应性、语言、精细动作、运动等项目, 对比观察两组患儿在干预12个月后患儿的智力发育情况, 当DQ大于90%说明发育正常, 65%~75%之间表示发育低下, 并对患儿的神经行为能力进行检测, 包括跨越反射、托腹抬头、拉起坐直、踏步反射等。对早产斜弱视患儿弱视的程度与疗效的关系进行分析, 疗效的评判标准参照全国儿童弱视斜视防治组制定的评判标准[4], 基本治愈为矫正视力恢复到0.9或者以上, 好转为矫正视力提高0.2或者以上, 无效为纠正视力退步或者提高小于等于0.1, 基本治愈及好转均计为有效。

1.2.5 统计学方法

采用SPSS 21.0统计软件对数据进行统计分析, 计量资料数据正态分布资料采用 (±s) 表示, 故两组间的比较采用独立样本t检验, 百分率的比较采用χ2检验, 以P<0.05为差异有统计学意义。

2 结果

3 讨论

早产儿由于未能发育完全往往在出生之后出现一些神经系统的缺陷及视力的低下, 遗留下来的认知和行为的缺陷包括智力低下, 发育迟缓、斜弱视等问题, 给家庭和社会带来了巨大的精神压力和经济压力。近年来随着医学和护理技术的不断提高, 对早产儿的护理干预在一定程度上提高了早产儿所出现并发症的治疗状态, 尤其是对早产儿的大脑及行为智力发育及视力的矫正上具有一定的优势[5,6,7,8]。有效的护理干预可以提高大脑功能的刺激及眼部的治疗有效率, 从而提升相关器官的生理功能。因此我院在临床护理研究中不断探索, 在护理干预中对早产斜弱视患儿进行视觉训练, 取得了较好的临床疗效。

本研究结果显示, 经过12个月干预后观察组的神经行为能力、智能DQ各项指标均优于对照组, 且组间相比差异具有统计学意义;治疗后的观察组视力功能恢复的总有效率为84.2%, 其中以轻度弱视治疗效果最佳。随着新型护理理念的完善与更新, 对3岁以前的早产患儿进行科学有效的护理干预可以提升患儿的生理功能, 并促进智力发育, 且在视力恢复上也具有较好的临床疗效[9,10]。

综上所述, 小儿视觉训练可以有效提高早产斜弱视患儿的智力发育, 促进视力的恢复, 在治疗过程中还应强调家长的配合, 督促患儿严格按照制订的治疗方案进行综合治疗, 坚持眼镜的佩戴及遮盖等细节, 并做到每天治疗, 定期复查治疗效果以便调整治疗方案, 取得更好的疗效。


[1]吴万云, 黄金华, 温晓红, 等.早期综合护理干预对NICU早产儿出院后发育的影响[J].中华现代护理杂志, 2011, 17 (25) :1025.

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[4]中华眼科学会全国儿童弱视斜视防治学组.弱视的定义、分类及疗效评价标准[J].中国斜视与小儿眼科杂志, 1996, 4 (2) :97.

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[6]于颖, 何青, 任春惠.早期干预对早产儿智能发育的影响[J].中国儿童保健杂志, 2010, 8 (2) :119-120.

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[8]梁玉梅, 邢佑敏.药物配合早期护理干预在早产儿潜能开发中的应用[J].中华现代护理杂志, 2012, 18 (20) :622.

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[10]王光霞, 方鲁阳.早期综合干预对早产儿早期发育的影响[J].中国新生儿科杂志, 2010, 25 (6) :335-338.

视觉、交互和功能 篇2

The human eye has a positive spherical aberration in the cornea[1].The youthful eye has a negative spherical aberration in the crystalline lens to compensate for the positive corneal spherical aberration.The balance of negative and positive aberrations results in little spherical aberration in the young eye.

Standard intraocular lenses(IOLs)have spherical surfaces which do not correct for the positive spherical aberrations in the eye.Implanting an IOL with a spherical surface into an eye with corneal aberration retains the retinal distortions.Aspheric IOLs were developed to reduce spherical aberrations and improve the retinal image quality.

The aim of this trial was to evaluate three IOLs,one with an aspheric lens and two with similar characteristics as the aspheric lens but without the aspheric surface,to evaluate the effect of wavefront aberrations on patients’visual function and quality of life.The study is unique in that all patients in the study were ethnic Chinese and bilateral implantations were with the same lens.Previous studies had mixed ethnic groups and/or subjects implanted with an aspheric lens in one eye and spheric lens in the other[2,3].Other studies of ethnic Chinese patients are available only in the Chinese language[4,5,6].

1 Subjects and methods

1.1 Subjects

Patients scheduled to undergo cataract surgery at the Eye Center of Peking University were eligible if they were 45 to 85 years of age,able to cooperate,in sound physical and mental condition,had no ophthalmic disorders other than cataract,no IOL in the fellow eye,pupil size of at least 6 mm under mesopic conditions,and no use of medications that would contraindicate cataract surgery.The study was approved by the Institutional Review Board and performed in compliance with the Declaration of Helsinki.We certify that all applicable institutional and governmental regulations concerning the ethical use of human volunteers were followed during this research.

1.2 Materials and methods

Each subject was randomly assigned to receive a Tecnis Z9001,Cee On Edge 911,or Sensar AR40e IOL in the first operative eye.If surgery was required in the second eye,it received the same lens.

The Z9001 is characterized by an aspheric prolate anterior surface designed to introduce a Z40 of-0.27μm to counterbalance the spherical aberration in the cornea[7].The 911 is a silicone lens that shares the design features with the Z9001 but without the aspheric surface.The AR40e has the same surface as the Z9001 on an acrylic ester material.

A standard procedure was used on the Sovereign phacoemulsification system(Abbott Medical Optics,Inc.)to minimize variations in surgical technique.Patients were eligible for evaluation if they had uncomplicated surgery,stable anterior chamber,stable IOP,clear cornea,cycloidal pupil,no hemorrhage,diameter of curvilinear capsulorhexis circa 4.5 to 6 mm,intact posterior chamber,no retinal damage,and the IOL was correctly implanted.The Allegretto Wave Analyzer(Wavelight AG,Germany)was used for the objective wavefront aberration test[8].

All the patients underwent standard testing of best corrected visual acuity(BCVA)and uncorrected visual acuity(UCVA),IOP,routine slit lamp and fundus examinations,corneal diopter measurements,corneal endothelial cell counts,axial length,and corneal topography.

The WFA 1000 subjective wavefront aberrometer(WFA 1000 Suzhou Liangjing Medical Equipment Co.,Ltd,China)was used for the subjective aberration test.

Contrast sensitivity was evaluated using the FACT Test card under consistent lighting conditions in a fixed location,in the same natural light environment with the same person.

The Visual Psychological Scale(VPS)and VF-14test were used to evaluate visual impairment and quality of life.The VF-14 questionnaire is a widely used,validated instrument;however,it has some limitations for a Chinese audience[9]and was modified to reflect the Chinese culture.Where the original VF-14questionnaire referred to driving a car,the modified VF-14 referred to riding a bicycle.Questions about golf and tennis were changed to kite flying and gate ball.All other questions remained the same.Each participant selected the degree of difficulty in completing daily activities.If the patient selected“no difficulty”the score was 100 points,“almost no difficulty”75 points,“difficult to complete”50 points,“completing with material difficulty”25 points,and if the task was impossible to achieve the score was 0points.The higher the score,the less the visual impairment[10].

Postoperative examinations were conducted at 1week and 1,3 and 6 months.All data were shown as the mean±standard deviation.Statistical significance was set at P<0.05.The t-test was used to evaluate pre-and post-operative visual psychological scales,subjective and objective spherical aberration data,and contrast sensitivity.

2 Results

The study wa s conducted from February to December 2005.A total of 72 ethnic Chinese patients met the eligibility criteria.Forty-three of the 72(59.7%)underwent bilateral implantation of the same lens and 29(40.3%)underwent unilateral implantation,for a total of 115 eyes.The mean age for all the patients was(63.9±9.9)years and the age range was49 to 84 years.

The Z9001 was implanted in 37 patients,bilaterally in 18 and unilaterally in 19,for a total of 55eyes.The mean age in this group was(65.2±10.4)years and the range was 50 to 84 years.The 911 was implanted in 19 patients,9 bilaterally and 10 unilaterally for a total of 28 eyes.The mean age in this group was(61.4±9.4)years with a range of 49~83 years.For the AR40,16 patients received the lens,all bilaterally,for a total of 32 eyes.The mean age was(64.0±9.1)years and the range was 49 to 84 years.No significant intergroup differences were seen in demographics or eyes implanted.

2.1 Visual psychological function

Visual psychological scores were obtained at baseline and 3 months.The scores were improved significantly after cataract surgery and IOL implantation.The VPS score was(637.7±261.6)before surgery and(1169.0±211.2)at month 3 with the Z9001 lens(P=0.045 from baseline),(571.4±322.3)before surgery and(1094.0±293.8)at month 3 with the 911 lens(P=0.000),and(585.9±225.0)before surgery and(1031.0±189.5)at month 3 with the AR40 lens(P=0.006).The VPS score was significantly improved with the Z9001 lens over the scores with eyes implanted with the 911(P=0.01)and AR40(P=0.008)lenses at month 3.

2.2 Wavefront aberrations

The table shows the objective and subjective aberrations,the differences between the Z9001 and spherical lenses and the change from baseline at month 1,2 and 3 for all the lenses.Preoperatively,no statistically significant differences in objective or subjective Z40,RMS4 and RMSh aberrations were seen between the Z9001 and 911 lenses and the Z9001 and AR40 lenses.Postoperatively,objective and subjective aberration values were statistically improved with the Z9001 IOL at each follow-up.The 911 and AR40 I-OLs showed no statistically significant change from baseline in any of the wavefront variables with the exception of the subjective 4th-order aberration(Z40)at month 1 for the 911 lens.The Z9001 had significantly lower aberration values in each category than either spherical lens at month 1.At month 3,the Z9001 had significantly lower objective aberration values than either of the spherical lenses,lower subjective Z40values than the AR40 and RMSh values than either spherical lens.

A similar pattern was seen in objective aberrations at month 6.The Z9001 lens had significantly lower subjective Z40values than either of the spherical

Note:1)Statistically significant change from baseline(t-test);2)Statistically significant inter-lens difference vs.Z9001 lens(t-test);RMS is the root mean square;SD is the standard deviation.

lenses and was not significantly different from the spherical lenses in RMS4 and RMSh values.

2.3 Correlation between age and VPS,age and preoperative wavefront aberrations

Figure 1 shows the correlation between age and preoperative visual psychological scales(left)and objective wavefront Z40(right).Figure 2 shows RMS4(left)and RMSh(right)values.A linear correlation was found for VPS and age,RMS4 and age,and also RMSh and age(P<0.05).

2.4 Best-corrected visual acuity

The aspheric lens caused no loss of BCVA at any postoperative time point.No statistically-significant differences in BCVA were seen between the two types of IOLs.BCVA at month 6 was(0.816±0.114)LogMAR for the Z9001 aspheric lens,(0.798±0.201)for the 911 silicone lens and(0.827±0.101)for the AR40acrylic lens.

2.5 Contrast sensitivity

The Contrast sensitivity compared between different groups before the operation(Figure 3)and after the operation(Figure 4)is shown in Figures.The Tecnis Z9001 lens had equivalent or greater contrast sensitivity than the control lenses.

3 Discussion

Various aberrometer instruments have been introduced to measure,simulate or recreate spherical aberrations,defocus aberrations,astigmatism,and coma[11].Some can also measure irregular aberrations[12,13,14].These make it possible to analyze a wide variety of optical aberrations and assess the visual functional quality.For example,in the Gull-strand model,aberration and point-spread-function can be traced back to determine the best resolution for images received by the retina for a pupil diameter of 2~3 mm[15].Then,after adjustments are made for aberration and the limits of resolution,it can be calculated for larger pupils.

3.1 Higher order aberrations

Higher order aberrations were reduced with the aspheric lens.Yao and the colleagues(2007)in China showed the aspheric Z9001 and 911 lenses to have no statistically significant differences in BCVA between the two groups[4].The lenses had significant differences in ocular higher order aberrations,with negative Z40in the Z9001 group and positive Z40in the 911 group.

Shantu and the colleagues(2008),also in China,showed that aspheric IOLs significantly decreased spherical aberration.Mean spherical aberration for 5mm pupil size was(0.022+/-0.108)μm with the aspheric Z9001.

3.2 Contrast sensitivity

In the study by Yao et al(2007),contrast sensitivity testing was significantly better in the Z9001group than in the 911 group at visual angles higher than 1.0 degree under photopic conditions and at visual angles higher than 1.6 degree under mesopic conditions with or without glare.

Shantu and the colleagues(2008)also reported improved contrast sensitivity[16].The Z9001 lens significantly improved contrast sensitivity at visual angle of4.0 degrees,2.5 degrees and glare sensitivity at 4.0degrees,2.5 degrees and 2.0 degrees.

3.3 Visual acuity

A contralateral eye study was conducted in Brazil by Santhiago and the colleagues(2009)in 40 eyes of20 cataract patients implanted with the spherical multifocal Re Stor IOL in one eye and the aspheric Tecnis IOL in the other eye[17].Both lenses had similar photopic distance visual acuity at far and near distance.

Information captured by the subjective wavefront aberration instrument is actually generated by the visual neurons located on the fundus retina,and is relatively reliable.The test,however,falls into the psychological physics category,which means that accuracy very much relies on the patient’s cooperation and the level of comprehension.We were careful to choose similarly educated people.

Our knowledge of wavefront aberrations is constantly changing[18],and pupil diameter and adjustments to the machine may interfere with test results.So far,no universal standard of reliability and test accuracy is available.We controlled our studies for pupil diameter.Pupil size can significantly influence wavefront aberration measurements because the amount of mydriasis can affect the accuracy of the data collection.A small pupil eliminates much of the wavefront while a large pupil can exaggerate its effect by 10~20 times[19]and allow it to be observed and recorded[20].

We may conclude that by measuring and correcting the wavefront aberration accurately,we may reach a visual acuity of Snellen 20/10 or higher and improve the precision of corneal refractive surgery.

Our research shows that the refractive changes detected by the wavefront aberration instrument should be consistent with subjective optometry so as to correct higher-order aberrations based on the refraction.

We looked at the corneal surface before conducting the objective aberration measurements.Other factors may also contribute to the final testing result,such as the accuracy and adjusting capacity of wavefront aberration device,cone cell,and the chosen direction on testing aberration[21,22].

Comparing differences of an aspheric IOL and spheric IOLs after surgery,we can see material differences in Z40and RMS4.Our research compares various groups of objective wavefront aberrations collected before surgery which not only justi fies the conclusion that the aspheric IOL does reduce postoperative wavefront aberration but also reduces the risk of false positives and false negatives.We used the 911 IOL as the benchmark and filtered off other technical factors which might have affected our testing results.In doing so,we can further support the validity of the statement that the aspheric IOL does reduce postoperative wavefront aberrations in silicone lenses.We also compared the AR40e IOL implanted in 32 eyes from 16 patients to determine the effects of the acrylic materials.

The minor modifications to the questionnaire to reflect Chinese social conditions should help capture the actual visual function of patients in China.The modified VF-14 scores showed improvements in the patient’s functional vision.

Compared to Western cultures,Chinese patients may be reluctant to undergo any surgery on the human body until it is absolutely necessary.In China,we follow the principle of the same IOL in both eyes in each patient.The study was limited by these cultural perspectives.

视觉、交互和功能 篇3

当代交互动画创作中的视觉艺术性分析, 在于一种创新的动画语言以其平面的视觉传达为首要因素, 在其造型语言中以点、线、面的不同新式进行组合动画画面的一种形式美感。与传统动画形式不同的是, 交互动画中夹杂了大量的视觉文化下所构建的互动元素。交互元素的应用使画面中的造型语言与形式化的画面视觉元素, 在语言中的回归艺术互动效果化, 于每种不同的艺术效果中其形式的造型是当代交互动画设计里的一种特殊语言。把交互性元素融入到其动画界面中去展现的是一种对视觉文学的向往, 重点表现的是一种情感的交互与传播。数字动画设计的时代艺术性主要表现在动画设计和人机交互特点等方面, 因此设计的审美表现在人机的交互性上。数字动画的合理化应用可以促使人们产生一定依赖性, 当依赖性变成一种习惯后, 则会对这种数字化的媒介产生相应的情感。因此, 数字媒介中的发展既要考虑到数字本身的视觉化特点, 同时要把人机交互作为传播数字媒介的新方式、新体验。更要拥有崭新的设计元素, 要体现出动画交互的功能用途性, 又要融入视觉审美性。

交互动画的本身强调于观者的互动性, 在动画中观者通过视觉界面中的按钮点击以确定进入在整个动画中。在以人为本的视觉化中展开互动性。首先是注重观者在动画中的体验情绪, 整个过程中以观者的视角在操作过程中度过, 例如, 数字动画《新超级玛丽》的互动性设计。游戏设定不同的任务与关卡, 不断升级的技能伴随着关卡难度的提升, 使得观者在体验中从心理生理双方面中得到情绪化的变化, 观者在选择准星投掷石块中, 通过调整准确度和按键的快慢来把握对小怪兽造成的伤害值, 所以互动中需要观者高度的精神共享形成精神互动情绪。简单易识别性的视觉化互动体验, 视觉界面中的按键只有左右与攻击按键所产生的操作性, 这种简单识别性同样是在互动的一种体现, 互动性的视觉化是以身体为媒介进行操作的。音乐与信息的交互体验画面中的声音与音乐是通过观者在互动过程中所触发的, 在过关或死亡或受伤时所发出的声音, 这种声音的体现直接反应出观者的荷尔蒙分泌上, 观者的兴奋、失落均于在动画中的直接体验有关系, 声音化的感官处理与视觉化是相关联的, 在一定程度上交互动画是通过视觉传达到大脑后才产生听觉体验的, 因此听觉与视觉是共同体。最后说下数字动画操作界面的风格与观者在视觉上的互动, 在视觉上观者在体验之初首先面对界面的风格是否精美与简洁性, 界面的整洁与清新会直接体现在观者在体验中的视觉集中性, 界面的设计是基于与人产生互动才设计的, 不是单纯的强调界面设计, 后又单纯的强调视觉性, 因此在研究中从界面化在深层含义上引申到视觉化。总体在数字交互动画创作中的互动性从以上几方面我们可以直观的感受互动性在数字化动画过程中的直接体验与视觉感受。

交互动画的设计应具有极强的视觉化、时代性, 更要拥有崭新的设计元素, 要体现出数字动画的功能用途性, 又要融入视觉审美性。从数字动画的视觉界面设计中可以看到, 其艺术风格和造型特点力求新颖、简洁、比例匀称, 摒弃了那些纯粹的装饰性的设计元素。从结构来看, 整个设计采用的交互结构和动画系统结构为主。这使得整个设计看起来非常简洁, 完全不拖泥带水。这种集数字动画风格的设计理念与交互设计体验相结合, 正符合现代数字动画交互设计的特征, 更在交互中传播视觉新体验的一种展现, 以数字动画和操作系统的设计为主, 再设计中画面与操作风格的简单化, 体现在观众在体验数字交互中的一种视觉享受, 在人机交互中找到属于的视觉美感, 并在设计中摒弃了传统动画的繁琐和复杂, 利用更加简洁及富有视觉特征的符号、色彩元素, 取其精华, 化繁为简, 达到既简单有包含更多的趣味性, 同时也带着现代时尚、简约风格的效果。


[1]贺哲.动画界面交互设计研究[D].中南林业科技大学, 2013-06-01.

[2]李泽厚.美学艺术界面的设计的交互分析.商务印书馆, 2007.

[3]王所玲.数字动画界面的设计与开发[D].中南林学院, 2013-04-01.

[4]郑月雯.界面交互设计研究[D].齐鲁工业大学, 2014-06-07.

[5]张译.界面艺术展示的表现与思考[J].美与时代 (城市版) , 2015 (03) :25-27.

[6]孙哲, 陈义冰.中国传统数字动画界面设计[M].现代出版社, 2008, 3.

视觉、交互和功能 篇4


目前研究产品交互平台的方法较多,但都存在一定的问题。其中,文献[6]将设计的思维引入产品交互领域,该过程注重交互设计师与软件工程师间的沟通,局限性较高。文献[7]提出了在多声道环绕立体投影显示系统中,采用VR⁃Platform技术平台,实现产品的虚拟展示和交互,该种方法抗噪能力较差,交互效果不佳。文献[8]分析了基于投影动态捕捉演示设备和多通道环幕显示,实现产品交互,可向用户提供生动形象的产品信息,但是存在效率低和耗能高的弊端。 文献[9]基于FHG⁃IGD图形和计算机技术实现产品交互,该方法过于依赖产品的二维图形特征,敏感性较高,用户体验满意度较低。为了解决上述分析的问题,本文将三维虚拟视觉融入产品交互设计平台中,依据三维虚拟视觉技术塑造产品交互场景,通过三维数字建模模拟产品信息,实现了基于三维虚拟视觉的产品交互设计平台开发。分析了产品交互功能的实现过程,并给出产品交互平台的人机交互界面设计过程,以及实现产品外形三维虚拟视觉展示的主要代码。实验结果说明,所设计产品交互平台具有较高的认可度和可用性。

1 基于三维虚拟视觉的产品交互设计平台的开发与实现


1.1 平台总体结构

本文设计的基于三维虚拟视觉的产品交互设计平台的总体结构如图1 所示,其关键部分是交互设计模块、三维虚拟视觉展示模块以及交互展示模块。




1.2 基于三维虚拟视觉的产品交互功能实现过程

三维虚拟视觉作为产品交互平台的新的互动方式,可确保用户同产品交互平台间的沟通距离最小化,其实现主要包括如下4 个过程,如图2 所示。

(1)三维虚拟视觉建模。采集所交互产品的三维虚拟视觉数据,分析其结构层次,获取产品不同构件的建模方法,简化已建好的模型,并采用贴图纹理映射等方法设置模型的材质,使用3D Max,Auto CAD等建模软件,塑造产品的三维虚拟视觉模型。


(3)虚拟交互设计。完成交互平台中的三维产品模型和动画制作后,应对它们进行虚拟的交互设计,可确保用户对产品进行旋转、缩放等控制。 本文采用VRML(Virtual Reality Modeling Language),全称为虚拟现实建模语言设计产品模型的交互动作。


1.3 基于三维虚拟视觉的产品交互平台人机界面设计





1.4 代码设计



2 实验分析

为了验证本文设计的基于三维虚拟视觉的产品交互平台的有效性,需要进行相关的实验。实验对本文设计的某手机三维虚拟视觉交互平台的学习程度、效率以及交互满意度三个方面进行评估。实验邀请10 名用户参加检测,采用的对比平台为手机购物超市,并通过调查问卷方式对用户操作产品交互平台过程中的交互感受进行量化分析。三维虚拟实景展示如图3 所示。

2.1 数据处理及分析

本文实验受试者为10 名,其中大学生5 名,互联网从业人员5 名。10 名被试者对本文设计的产品交互平台的主观评价采用评分制进行评估,评分标准为:1~5 分分别表示很不满意、不满意、一般、满意、很满意。评分的均值、标准差、均值的标准误差计算公式如下:


2.2 实验结果分析


受试者对本文设计的手机三维交互平台的初次印象评分均值如表1 所示。分析表1 可得,10 名受试者对本文设计的手机三维交互平台的初次印象的平均分为4.65,说明大部分测试者对手机三维交互平台具有较好的印象。

受试者对手机三维交互平台的交互方式评分均值如表2 所示。分析表2 可得,平均分数为4.78,能够看出用户对本文设计的手机三维交互平台的交互方式具有较高的认可度。

实验对比分析受试者使用本文设计的手机交互平台和手机购物超市的界面可用性以及购物体验结果,分别如图4 和图5 所示。分析图4 和图5 可得,本文设计的基于三维虚拟视觉的手机交互平台的可用性和满意度都优于手机购物超市,具有较大的优势。

3 结论














视觉、交互和功能 篇5

在幻灯片的放映中, 可以跳转到原有文件或网页、本文档中的位置、新建文档或电子邮件地址等目标, 还可以转去运行某个程序、运行宏、执行某个已插入对象的动作、播放声音。此外, 在放映幻灯片时可以随时用绘图笔进行手工标注和画图, 还可以显示播放时间进度。可以这样说, PowerPoint的交互功能还是较强的。但很多人往往只习惯于使用幻灯片的超链接和动作设置功能来实现跳转, 跟Autherware或Flash等专业软件相比, 得出PowerPoint的交互功能很弱的评价。为此, 我觉得有必要对PowerPoint实现交互功能的几种方法进行全面介绍。


超链接是PowerPoint实现交互功能最常用的工具, 可以跳转到原有文件或网页、本文档中的位置、新建文档或电子邮件地址等目标。例如, 选中幻灯片上的对象 (文本、图形、图像等) , 通过菜单插入/超链接, 打开插入超链接对话框, 选择链接到某个演示文稿的某个幻灯片, 从而实现在幻灯片放映中从当前幻灯片跳转到该幻灯片[1]。


动作设置与超链接有点类似, 但交互功能更强。使用动作设置, 除了可以跳转到某个文档或网页之外, 还可以转去运行某个程序、运行宏、执行某个已插入对象的动作、播放声音。例如, 选中幻灯片上的对象 (文本、图形、图像等) , 通过菜单幻灯片放映/动作设置, 打开动作设置对话框, 选择运行程序winword.exe, 从而实现在幻灯片放映中打开word窗口。


利用动作按钮可以制作具有特定符号或文字提示的按钮, 然后象动作设置一样, 可以跳转到某个文档或网页, 还可以转去运行某个程序、运行宏、执行某个已插入对象的动作、播放声音。例如, 通过菜单幻灯片放映/动作按钮, 在幻灯片右下角制作出一个跳转到第一张幻灯片的动作按钮, 然后在动作设置对话框中设置该动作按钮超链接到第一张幻灯片, 从而实现在幻灯片放映中鼠标单击动作按钮跳转到第一张幻灯片的效果。


前面三种方法一般是通过鼠标单击或鼠标移过相应对象来触发跳转的。使用触发器可以实现鼠标单击任何幻灯片对象来触发跳转, 大大增强了PowerPoin的交互功能。例如, 通过菜单幻灯片放映/自定义动画, 为文本框二添加"出现"的动画效果, 然后设置文本框二"出现"动画的触发器为文本框一, 从而实现幻灯片放映时鼠标单击文本框一则出现文本框二的效果。


使用插入演示文稿对象可以在放映时跳转去播放多张幻灯片, 这种方法比直接超链接到某个演示文稿的实现效果要好。例如, 通过菜单插入/对象, 选择在幻灯片中插入一个包含多张风景图的演示文稿, 从而实现在幻灯片放映时鼠标单击该对象则跳转去播放多张风景图的效果[2]。


PowerPoint的控件工具箱里提供了复选框、文本框、命令按钮、选项按钮、列表框、组合框、切换按钮、数值调节钮、滚动条、标签、图像共11个常用控件, 还有一百多个其他控件可以使用。使用这些控件, 结合VBA语言编程, 可以实现多种多样的交互功能。注意, 使用这些控件前, 可能需要先将宏的安全性设置为中或低, 并在打开演示文稿时启用宏。例如, 通过视图/工具栏/控件工具箱菜单打开控件工具箱, 使用其中的标签控件在幻灯片上制作出标签Label1, 更改其Caption属性值为"文本一", 然后在该控件的DblClick事件执行代码中增加代码"Label1.Font="黑体""。这样, 在幻灯片放映时, 若鼠标双击"文本一", 文本一将改为用黑体字显示。


方法六中用VBA语言编写的的代码实际上就是宏。宏除了可以控制各种控件之外, 还可以单独编写来控制各种幻灯片对象, 从而实现更强的交互功能。例如, 通过菜单工具/宏/宏创建一个名为test的宏, 在宏test的代码中增加代码"MsgBox ("你单击了图一") "。然后选中幻灯片上的图一, 通过菜单幻灯片放映/动作设置, 设置鼠标单击图一时运行宏test。这样, 在幻灯片放映时, 若鼠标单击图一, 将弹出一个消息对话框并显示"你单击了图一"。


在幻灯片放映时, 可以单击幻灯片左下角的绘图笔按钮, 将鼠标指针改为某种绘图笔, 这时就可以使用绘图笔直接在当前播放的幻灯片上进行手工标注、画图等操作了。


通过菜单幻灯片放映/排练计时, 可以在幻灯片放映时显示每张幻灯片以及所有幻灯片播放的时间, 从而达到提醒演讲者和听众时间进度的目的。此外, 通过排练计时设定每张幻灯片播放的时间后, 在放映时可以据此时间自动更换幻灯片。


[1]孙践知.计算机基础案例教程[M].北京:清华大学出版社, 2006:250.
