


新视野1教案 篇1

Unit 1

Teaching Objectives:  To talk about college education.. Scan the text and understand the structure of the text “Toward a brighter future for all”. Let students practice speaking and listening. Help the students to master the meaning and usage of the language points. Learn about the devices used in developing the passage.Focus:New words;Language points;Listening skills;Speaking practice Difficulties:Pronunciation(stress);Word building;Sentence structure;Writing skills Teaching Method:Discussion;Explanation;Exemplification Teaching Arrangements:8 classes 4 periods

Section A Toward a brighter future for all First period Step 1 Lead-in and preparation for reading Show some pictures and let them talk to each other about the following questions: 1)What is the ideal university like in your eyes? 2)

What are your expectations of your college life? 3)

What advice did your parents give you before you left for college?

Step 2 Fast reading Ask the Students to read the passage as quickly as they can and then answer the questions on the screen.Let them get the main idea of each paragraph and make clear about the text structure.Text structure: The passage can be divided into 3 parts.Part I(para1-3)The president congratulates students on their achievement and reminds students of the fact that their current success was due to their own and their parents’ efforts and that their future is built on a solid foundation of the past.Part II(paras 4-7)The president offers students comprehensive advice on how to make the most of their four college years and makes them realize the university’s expectations and their own responsibilities.Part III(para 8)The students are called upon to cherish the opportunity and to bear in mind their responsibilities as citizens of their communities, their country and the world..Method: Read the text individually and talk in groups;Use task-based language teaching method, reading approach, communicative approach and total physical response method.Step 3 Preparation for details of the text on the screen Students are required to look at the Words and Phrases on the screen and give a brief presentation in class.Purpose: Train the Students’ ability of understanding and using foreign language.Method: Talk in groups, Use task-based language teaching method, communicative approach and total physical response method.Second period

Step 1 Detailed study of the new words and phrases 1.triumph n.a successful ending of a struggle or contest 胜利,成功,成就

Winning the championship was a great personal triumph for this young tennis player.赢得冠军对这个年轻的网球运动员来说是很大的个人成就。2.pledge vt.make a formal, usu.Public, promise that you will do sth.发誓;作保证

China and the United states pledge to boost cooperation and exchange to ensure a better future for China-US ties.中美政府承诺将加强合作与交流以确保两国关系的未来更加美好。n.a serious promise or agreement, esp.one made publicly or officially 誓言,誓约,保证 All the candidates have given pledges not to raise taxes if they are elected.所有的候选人都保证如果他们当选,他们不会提高税收。3.rewarding a.worth doing, satisfying Teaching can be a very rewarding career.What job do you think is the most rewarding one? 4.remind sb.of sb/sth.In making my speech in front of a large audience, I’m reminded of the encouragement and advice from my English teacher.第一次给这么多人做演讲时,我想起我的英语老师给我的鼓励和建议。be very similar to sb.or sth.else使某人想起人或事 Nacy was tall and slim, and reminded me of my cousin Sarah.南希身材高挑,让我想起了我的表妹萨拉。5.pose vi.sit or stand somewhere so that sb.can take a photograph of you or paint a picture of you.摆姿势

The leaders posed briefly for photographs before entering the conference room.领导们进入会议室之前匆匆的摆个姿势拍照。vt.Creat a difficult or dangerous situation 造成,导致

We are very glad to hear that the incident in the chemical plant poses no threat to the environment.我们很高兴的得知化工厂的事故没有对环境造成危害。6.routine n.an unvarying or habitual method or procedure.例行公事,常规,惯例 Jack had attended these meetings as a matter of routine for years.数年来,杰克把参加这些会议当成是例行公事。a.occurring at fixed times or predictable intervals.常规的,例行的,惯例的 He continued to mow the lawn and do other routine chores.他继续剪草坪,并做些其他日常杂务。7.reminder n.Something that makes you notice, remember, or think about sth.起提醒作用的东西。

The cold served as a reminder that winter wasn’t quite finished.寒冷的天气提醒人们冬天还没有过去。8.may have done sth.Used for talking about past possibilities.She might have changed her mind and decided not to come.他可能已经改变了主意,决定不来了。9.finished a.1)no longer doing , dealing with, or using sth.结束了的 when you are finished with the book, give it back to me.你看完这本书后就还给我。

2)fully and properly made or completed完成了的

Joanna promised to send me the finished painting as soon as possible.乔安娜向我保证会尽快吧完成的画作寄给我。

3)no longer successful, effective, or able to continue没有希望的;完蛋了的

If Mom finds out that we lied to her, we are finished.如果妈妈发现我们对她撒谎了,我们就完了。10.foundation.n.The most basic part of sth.from which the rest of it develops.基础 The course gives students a solid foundation in English writing skills.这门课为学生的英语写作能力打下了坚实的基础。11.resource n.1)you can use to help you to achieve sth., esp.in you work or study资源 Museums are important resources for teaching history.博物馆为历史教学提供重要资料来源。

2)things such as coal, trees, and oil that exist in nature and can be used by people.自然资源

Many of these countries are rich in natural resources such as iron and coal.这些国家中有许多国家都拥有丰富的诸如铁和煤炭这样的自然资源。12.faculty n.1)all the teachers in a university , college, or school 全体教员

Both the faculty and students opposed the proposal to turn one of the playgrounds into a parking lot.老师和学生都反对把其中一个运动场改为停车场的建议。

2)a natural physical or mental ability that most people have天赋;能力;本领 She had her mental faculties even in her 90s.她九十岁了,但仍然四维清晰。13.facility n.Rooms, equipment, or services that are provided for a particular purpose设施,设备 The hotel has an indoor swimming pool and other leisure facilities.这家宾馆有市内游泳池和其他休闲设施。14.get by Have just enough of sth.such as money or knowledge so that you can do what you need to do.生活,过得去,勉强应付。

I couldn’t possibly get by on$300 a month with everything so expensive.什么都很贵,一个月300美元我恐怕无法生活。15.fascinating a.Making you very interested or attracted 吸引人的,迷人的,是人神魂颠倒的 He is such a great writer that his stories are always fascinating.他是个了不起的作家,他写的故事总是引人入胜。16.pursre v.1)try to achieve sth.追求;致力于

He wanted to pursue a bachelor’s degree after working for two years.他想工作两年以后再去读学士学位。

2)chase sb.or sth.in order to catch them 追赶,追逐

The police officer pursued the speeding car and eventually stopped it with the help of anther police car.这名警官追赶一辆超速行驶的车,最终在另一辆警车的协助下,截下了那辆车。17.unique a.1)very special, unusual, or good 特别的,极不寻常的

You will be given a unique opportunity to interview the CEO of the company.你将获得一个难得的机会去采访那家公司的首席执行官.2)not the same as anything or anyone else 不同的独特的

Each person’s fingerprints are unique, so you won’t find two people with the same fingerprints.每个人的指纹都是不一样的,所以你找不到指纹相同的两个人。18.enthusiasm n.The feeling of being very interested in sth.or excited by it 热爱,热情,热心 His enthusiasm for music stayed strong throughout his life.他一生酷爱音乐。19.reap v.Get sth.as a result of sth.you have done 收获;获得

Our firm is likely to reap a big profit this year.今年我们公司很可能获得巨额利润。20.benefit n.An advantage, improvement, or help that you get from sth.好处;益处;裨益 One of the many benefits of foreign travel is learning how to cope with the unexpected.去国外旅行的益处之一是能学习如何应对意外之事。21.reap the benefit of get sth.as a reward As long as you get regular exercise, you can reap the benefits of being fit.Don’t let others reap the benefits of your research.22.opportunity n.A chance to do sth.or an occasion when it is easy for you to do sth.机会,时机 take the opportunity to do sth./of doing sth.趁机,借此机会 23.overwhelm:v.cover(sth./ sb.)completely, cause to feel a sudden strong feeling He was overwhelmed with joy at the news that his son won the champion.24.stand a chance of doing sth.Have the possibility of succeeding or achieving sth.有做成某事的希望 Do they stand any chance of winning against France in the soccer game? 他们有希望在这次 比赛中战胜法国队吗?

25.over time Gradually 逐渐的,慢慢的

For good or bad, things will change over time.不管是好是坏,事情慢慢都是要变的。26.all at once 1)at the same time同时

She had two projects at hand, three classes to teach, and a baby to take care of all at once.她同时有两个项目要做,三个班级要教,还有一个婴儿要照顾。2)sudeenly and unexpectedly 一下子,突然

All at once there was a loud banging on the door.突然传来重重的敲门声。27.virtual a.1)almost the same as the thing that is mentioned 相同的,实质的

When her husband had a stroke, she was given virtual control of the business.她丈夫中风之后,生意几乎全部交给她掌管。

2)made, done, seen, etc.on the internet or on a computer, rather than in the real world.虚拟的,模拟的

New technology has enabled the development of an online “virtual library” 新技术已使在线虚拟图书馆的发展成为可能。28.inherit v.1)receive a belief, tradition, or way of life from people who lived before you.沿袭,秉承

Many countries have inherited traditions of public service.许多国家沿袭了公共服务的传统。

2)receive property or money from sb.who has died.继承财产 He inherited a fortune from his grandmother, so he bought a huge house.他从祖母那里继承了一大笔遗产,所以他买了一个大房子。29.to take pleasure in doing sth.He always takes great pleasure in lending a helping hand to people around him.他总是乐于向周围的人伸出援助之手。30.to stand a chance of

Animals stand little chance of survival under such extreme weather.在这种极端天气下动物很难存活。31.to open the door to sth.These useful suggestions open the door to better communication with your parents.这些实用的建议为你更好地与父母交流敞开方便之门。Step 2 Intensive reading Students are asked to read the passage carefully again and answer some detailed questions on the screen.During the reading, there is an explanation for the following points:

Language Points:

1)As president of the university, I am proud to welcome you to this university.*As …, sb.is proud /happy/ sorry /sad… to do sth.用于表达“某人在特定身份下做某事的感受”。

Eg: 作为一名来自灾区的学生代表,我非常感激社会各界对我们的关爱与帮助!

As a student representative from the disaster-hit area, I’m very grateful to the people of all walks of life for their care and help!2)In welcoming you to the university, I am reminded of my own high school graduation and the photograph my mom took of my dad and me.*In doing sth, sb.is reminded of sth.用于表达“某事引起的回忆”。

Eg:第一次给这么多人做演讲时,我想起英语老师给我的鼓励和建议。In making my speech in front of a large audience, I’m reminded of the encouragement and advice from my English teacher.3)If I could give you only one piece of advice about selecting courses, it would be this: Challenge yourself!*If sb.could give sb.else only one piece of advice about…, it would be this: Do sth.!用于表达“某人认定的最为重要的建议”。

Eg:如果让我给你一条如何应对大学挑战的建议,那就是:相信自己!If I could give you only one piece of advice about how to cope with the college challenges, it would be this: Believe in yourself!

4)A wonderful example of this is the fashion designer, Vera Wang, who originally studied art history.* A wonderful example of this is sb.who…/ sth.that… 用于列举“最典型的事例” Eg: 有些人没有大学文凭也获得了成功。一个绝佳的例子就是微软公司创始人比尔•盖茨,他在大三时就从哈佛退学了。

Some people achieved great success even though they did not have college diplomas.A wonderful example of this is the founder of Microsoft, Bill Gates, who dropped out of Harvard in his junior year..Third Period

Language Application

Step 1 Writing devices Parallelism:

By placing two or more ideas of equal value in the same grammatical form enables us to express these ideas clearly and emphatically.Example:

You may have cried tears of joy to be finally finished with high school;your parents may have cried tears of joy to be finally finished with doing your laundry!

练习:我梦想有一天,我的四个孩子将生活在 一个不是以皮肤的颜色,而是以品格的优劣作为评判标准的国家。

我梦想有一天,深谷弥合,高山夷平,歧路化坦途,曲径成通衢,上帝的光华再现,普天下生灵共谒。Paragraph writing Example:

For you, these next four years will be a time unlike any other.(Topic sentence)Here you are surrounded by great resources: interesting students from all over the country, a learned and caring faculty, a comprehensive library, great sports facilities, and student organizations covering every possible interest from the arts to science, to community service and so on.(Detail 1: What is available to you on campus)Example:

You will have the freedom to explore and learn about new subjects.You will learn to get by on very little sleep, meet fascinating people, and pursue new passions.(Detail 2: What you can do)I want to encourage you to make the most of this unique experience, and to use your energy and enthusiasm to reap the benefits of this opportunity.(Concluding sentence)Step 2 Discussion Show a movie clip about the college life and ask the Students the following questions:

Purpose: To present a real situation

To grasp the main idea To consolidate language points To fossilize the way of structured writing Method: Talk in groups;Use task-based language teaching method, reading approach, communicative approach, audiolingual method, Audio-visual method and total physical response method.Step 3 Assignments Review the key points of Section A;Finish the exercises after class;Finish online homework;

Step 4 Assessment Composition:write a composition of a general statement supported by details and reasons.I want to improve the ability of their writing.At the same time, train the ability of do-it-yourself and looking up the information by themselves.Teacher checks if Students have done the after-text exercises in their spare time and discuss some common errors that crop up.Speech:Suppose, as an freshman, you are expected to give a speech to your teachers and classmate.You can follow the outline given below Part I Opening part of the speech 1.Your gratitude to your teachers and parents;2.Your feelings and impressions about the university;3.Your expectation of the future.Part II Your understanding of the university 1.School motto and your interpretation;2.Campus facility, e.g.the library, and learning atmosphere;3.Courses and other social activities;4.Teachers and classmates.Part III Conclusion 1.Opportunities and challenges;2.Your plans and determination for the future.You may adopt the following expressions.on behalf of sb.to be grateful to do sth.;not to live up to one’s expectations;a time of self enrichment and self-discovery to make sth.as rewarding as possible;to pursue one’s own passions;

to shoulder the responsibilities as Fourth Period section B Help the Ss understand Text B and finish the exercises Reading skill: Previewing Previewing is a useful and important reading strategy.Previewing the text before you read it will help you recognize how information is organized, identify main ideas, and predict what lies ahead in the text.As a result, you will understand the material better.Previewing skills

Read the title and subtitles if there are any.Read the first paragraph.Read the last paragraph.Read the first sentence of each remaining paragraph.For example, when you see the title of Text A “Toward a brighter future for all,” you might asked yourself some questions and made some predictions.The questions may be: What is the passage about? Who is the author? Who is the audience? Look at Text B.Read only the title, the first paragraph, the first sentences of paragraphs 2-8, and the last paragraph.Make predictions about the following questions.Questions What may be the topic of the passage? Who wrote the letter and to whom was it written? Why did the author write the letter? What topics may be discussed in more details in the text?

新视野1教案 篇2

说起小组的成立, 小组成员A同学说, 相同的求职意向和相似的求职背景促使大家走到了一起。2010年底, 鉴于上一届毕业生朋辈互助的团队求职经验, 正是硕士二年级的几位同学决定早做准备, 向师兄师姐学习, 组成求职小组。随后, 他们先后以个人或者小组形式参加了南开大学首届研究生模拟招聘大赛、寻找“杜拉拉”职场精英挑战赛等求职相关比赛, 在比赛中吸取经验, 并取得不错的成绩。在这一过程中, 小组成员稳定下来并扩充至6人。

千里之行, 始于简历修改

小组成立之初, 大家已经有了比较明确的求职意向, 即定位于外向型企业管理与市场销售类职位。刚开始, 这6名同学从简历入手, 前前后后一共修改了20多遍, 在这过程中大家取长补短, 每个人都形成了能充分体现自身特色, 且匹配不同职位需求的简历模板, 而这一点事后证明在求职的第一关“简历甄选”中至关重要。“针对不同公司不同的职位, 大家都有自己独特的一份简历, 到最后每个人手里都有大约5-10份不同模板的简历。”小组B同学说, “比如我, 就有像针对外企、国企、民企的不同岗位共6个模板, 具体到不同的公司又会进行细节上的修改, 包括调换经历的顺序等, 目前来看我的简历通过率几乎在85%以上。”


无领导小组讨论, 俗称“群殴”, 指的是同时有5个-10个候选人共同展开讨论。他们要在大约40分钟至1个小时内讨论某个案例并且给出答案。在这个过程中, 会有面试官和用人部门的经理沉默地在一旁观察讨论的进展和每个人的表现。“这种面试类型现在几乎成了应届毕业生面试必过的一关, 而且, 越是大公司越重视小组讨论, 而它也因其不可控性强成为很多同学最头疼之处。尤其麻烦的是小组讨论是一种单独一个人不可准备的面试类型, 必须有多个人同时参加。”小组成员B同学介绍说。鉴于此, 小组成员们利用小组的有力优势, 进行了小组讨论模拟面试。过程中, 轮流由一位同学担任面试官的角色, 负责准备面试题目、面试过程的观察以及面试结束后提出对大家的意见和建议;期间小组成员还有幸请到了几个上一届的师兄师姐为大家担任面试官, 并给大家分享他们当年的面试经历和感受。这样的小组讨论使大家很快熟悉了面试过程和题目类型、掌握了面试技巧, 并总结出一整套扮演不同角色时的方式方法, 以应对可能遇到的不同的情况。面试伊利集团的C同学说, 在面试时, 她和小组成员正好在一起参加无领导小组面试, 由于互相熟悉, 合作默契, 并且抽到的题目正好是他们平时练习过的题目, 这些都增加了他们的信心, 最后, 两人均顺利通过了该轮面试。事实证明小组成员们进过这样的训练后, 几乎都能通过真正的小组讨论, 顺利晋级下一轮。

F2F (面对面) 模拟面试

“F2F面试是现在求职过程中必不可少的一环, 在这过程中可能遇到多对一, 一对多或者多对多等等千奇百怪的面试形式, 而遇到的问题也是种类繁多, 如何准备这样的面试成为摆在大家面前的一大难题。”小组C同学说, “经过团队的讨论, 我们总结出了一套独特的准备方式。”小组成员先以著名的“宝洁八大问”为模板 (这八个问题基本涵盖了现代公司面试所需了解面试者的基本情况) , 针对每个问题, 每位成员都准备2个以上的例子来说明, 且还要求都要有相应的英文版本。经过精心准备, 小组成员便开始了互相之间的模拟面试, 每次由3为同学扮演面试官, 分别以中文和英文的形式进行面试。“面试结束后, 扮演面试官的同学从面试官的角度指出参加面试同学的不足, 同时扮演面试官的同学也能深刻地体会到面试过程中面试官的感受, 这样一来一去, 便有了360度全方位, 立体式的面试体验。”小组D成员说。这样的准备为每位成员以后的实战打下了坚实的基础, 依托“宝洁八大问”, 总结拓展自身经历, 理清回答思路, 真正做到了言简意赅, 逻辑清晰, 直击要点。


针对面试大公司过程中肯定会遭遇的英语口语环节, 小组成员们也有自己独特的一招。“我们采用的办法就是每次由六名成员分别写出6个英文单词, 然后从中随机抽出3个, 要求经过2分钟的准备, 说一段故事, 但这个故事必须包括这3个单词。”小组成员E同学说, “这样的练习我们每次聚会都会进行, 这种方式让大家感觉新鲜, 又好玩, 在说说笑笑中, 不仅锻炼了英语口语, 同时也锻炼了逻辑思考能力, 使每个人都受益匪浅。”经过这种训练, 小组成员们的英语口语水平有了明显提高, 以前张嘴说英语就额额嗯嗯的情况得到有效缓解。“在以后经历的英语面试中, 大家几乎可以以英文的思维去直接回答, 而不是先想好中文, 再向英文翻译过来。”小组成员F说。


很多大公司的终面通常是压力面试, 这种面试形式通常会针对面试者回答问题中的一些细节进行追问, 或者对面试者自以为很优秀的经历进行否定, 从而看面试者的经历是否含水分, 以及面试者应对压力的反应和处理能力。“只要过了这一关, 那基本就能拿到这家公司的offer, 因此如何应对终面是摆在大家面试至关重要的一环。”拿到宝洁公司offer的B同学说。在参加面试的前一天, 小组其他成员模拟面试官对其进行了压力面试, 故意制造紧张的气氛, 扣问每一个觉得可疑的细节, 这样的提问使他对第二天的面试有了充分的准备, 并最终顺利通过了宝洁公司的终面。


这样的求职小组成员之间是否也会有竞争, 在这过程中又遇到过什么样的困难, 他们之间又是怎么精诚合作的?

“在开始招聘信息较少的时候, 大家确实有竞争”, 小组的D同学说, “特别是刚开始, 大家的专业一样, 社会实践经历也类似, 求职意向也很相近, 很多职位全国只招1-2个人, 看到简历相近的同学获到了面试机会, 自己却没有, 心里也会有落差, 那个时候真是觉得大家似乎走到了一个死角。”“这个问题不解决好, 一定会影响到以后我们的合作, 而且很可能导致整个小组的解散。”小组成员A同学说, “针对这个问题, 我们在一次聚会上专门展开了讨论。大家渐渐清楚地意识到, 我们之间的竞争是不可避免的, 这与你合作还是不合作没有任何关系。但是如果我们选择了在竞争基础上的合作, 那么我们收获的将是1+1>2的效果, 这样我们就可以和组外, 院外, 校外, 甚至是海归等其他同学更好地去竞争, 并获得优势;相反, 如果我们选择的是不合作, 那我们将只剩下竞争, 这样的结果是我们将不能获得只有通过合作才能带来的优势, 而这也大大降低了自身的优势。”

通过这次交流, 小组成员之间真正完全谈开了, 也深刻理解了合作的必要性和意义所在。此后, 小组成员们每周固定聚会2次, 每次聚会除了按照计划设定好的训练项目, 更多的还有求职经验分享。“有时候聊的是实习经历, 有时是各种形式的面试经验, 有时分享一段小组讨论的视频, 有时甚至是自己面试过程中遇到的种种囧事……总之大家在这种相互分享中, 不仅增加了阅历, 倾诉了烦恼, 更加强了团队成员间的友谊, 让大家能坦诚相对, 精诚合作。”小组成员D说。

精诚合作, 金石为开

“换做两个月之前, 我们想都不敢想, 大家能拿到这么多五百强的offer。”小组成员E同学说, “在组建求职小组之初, 大家觉得能有一个五百强企业的offer就很不容易了, 现在大家在合作中拿到这么多offer, 大大超越了自己的预期, 确实感到很开心, 也更珍惜这种合作和友谊。”

“是这样的, ”小组成员F同学说, “在求职中难免也有不顺利的时候, 大家互相鼓励也就能给彼此更多信心。还记得自己参加彩虹面 (一家单位七轮面试) 的经历, 要不是大家的互相鼓励, 也许自己根本就走不到最后。”

据了解, 在求职之初, 小组成员就对小组以后的活动形式进行了充分交流和明确分工, 如澄清求职目标, 确定活动形式、活动频率、活动地点等。在获取求职信息的环节, 大家做好分工, 每人负责1-2家大型求职网站的招聘信息, 定期统计在QQ群里, 共同学习面试相关的视频和文字资料, 交流谈心得体会等。这样的互助与合作, 不仅很快提高了组员的求职技能和综合素质, 更是让成员在互补有无中结下了深厚友谊。

小组成员回顾自己的求职经历, 觉得在合作中能更加了解自己的求职竞争力和需要提高的地方。这种锻炼, 有很多只能在年龄相近、彼此熟悉的同学之间实现。如C同学在某公司最后一轮面试前非常紧张, 自信心不够, 在小组成员的模拟面试时, 被问到说一件能证明你简历中踏实仔细的实例, 在她思考的过程中, 小组另一位成员 (同时也是C的室友) 突然想起C同学有刻章的兴趣爱好, 这个能很好地诠释她细心踏实的性格。这样的一个细节, 在C同学后来的面试中正好被问到, 为她顺利通过激烈的竞争埋下了伏笔。


据辅导员介绍, 研究生求职择业中的互助小组在学院并非这一个。由于相似的专业背景, 在求职过程中, 特别是高峰时期, 信息分享和求职技能的学习十分重要。这个求职小组的同学均是研究生骨干, 其中有校研究生会副主席、院研究生会主席、党团支部书记、班长等, 他们一直活跃在学院的第二课堂, 在专业研究和社会实践方面都有优秀的表现。这样一种方式在学院研究生就业过程中起到了很好的示范作用, 也对学院研究生第二课堂活动的开展起到了很好的推动和示范作用。

无独有偶, 在今年夏季毕业的2011届硕士生中, 无机化学、物理化学等专业的4名硕士生也组成了求职小组, 他们通过组织英语口语练习, 修改简历, 试讲课程等方式主动锻炼, 先后签约了宝洁公司、百度公司、辽宁师范大学、东北师范大学附属中学等单位。同时, 今年23名研究生就业助理还组成10个小组, 每个小组向十家单位发出来学院举办专场招聘的邀请, 促成了学院企业专场招聘活动月的举行。

朋辈互助的求职小组的同学由于年龄相近, 专业背景相似, 在合作中更容易沟通和交流, 互相学习的锻炼中提高就业竞争力的效果更为明显, 在他们的带动下, 学院2011届硕士生中组成了多个求职小组, 这些小组成为了促进研究生求职择业的典范。


“2011年6月底我参加了某500强公司举办的商业策划大赛, 结尾要求用全英文做方案展示, 虽然展示前的准备很紧张, 但效果很圆满, 这让我认识到了自己在英语口表达方面的潜能, 此后不再惧怕说英语。在之后的面试中我经历各种英语面试, 包括笔试、电面、全英文面试等, 都能够应付, 其中包括两场全英文面试, 长达2小时左右, 我也能够应付。”

“在择业的时候每个人的职业目标都要经过全面考虑, 研二的时候, 我也经过了深刻的自我剖析, 包括优势所在, 性格分析, 求职目标等等, 最终在求职的时候放弃了自己的专业领域, 尽管内心也曾经挣扎过, 但结合自己的分析总结, 还是选择了企业的管理岗位。”

“……我的初面机会来得很晚, 说没有压力与失望是不可能的。那么和求职小组的同学们讨论时, 发泄是必不可少的。有人陪着你, 有人听你诉说, 这对调整找工作的心态非常重要, 同时他们还会给你信心!”

“前进路上难免波折坎坷, 也会常常质疑自己, 是不是我真的能力不够……自我怀疑是每个求职者都会经历的过程, 我很庆幸拥有他们, 在我陷入自我怀疑否定的怪圈时将我拉回来。彼此言语上的鼓励给了我们深厚的感情和友谊, 而我们每一天用行动证明的进步才是彼此自信的最大源泉。”

“就业协议上签字盖章那一刻标志着求职道路告一段落, 心里竟是有些不舍。有幸在这一路有共同奋斗的朋友相伴, 在相互鼓励中共同成长。我们可以分享面试中的奇闻趣事;我们可以瞬间变身为严肃的面试官开始模拟面试, 变身互不相识的应聘者开始小组讨论;从不敢想象, 小小团队能有这么大的力量, 让身在其中的我摆脱失落, 自信满满。”

人类学者的文化视野(二)(1) 篇3





人类学者在田野中希冀看到当地文化未经外部力量触动过的最原始面貌,最质朴的事实,而他的到来和他的工作却往往参与或导致了当地人们行为思考方式乃至文化的改变。一个很有名的人类学调查中的笑话就颇有教益:美国著名的人类学家克虏伯(A.R.K roeeber)写过许多有关印地安人的报告。一次他到一个印地安人家中去访问,每当他向被访者提出问题时,那人总是要回到房间去一会儿再出来回答。克虏伯感到奇怪,问他是不是到房间去请教他的母亲,那印地安人回答说是去查阅一个叫克虏伯的人类学家写的报告,以免把自己的风俗说错了。人类学者对某种异文化的进入本身就是一个文化变量的引入,多少总会对当地文化的“原生态”发生影响。可以说人类学者与被调查者的互动亦是再造当地文化的过程。









新视野1教案 篇4

21世纪教与学的新视野-《超越课堂》 读后感 .1.假期作业

21世纪教与学的新视野   ――《超越课堂》 读后感 作者:吴兆颐(美国麻省大学教育博士) 放假的时候学校为了鼓励广大教师能够广泛阅读,正所谓开卷有益嘛,给我们每一位教师都发了一本书,我拿到的是出自于吴兆颐博士的《超越课堂》。假期刚刚开始,我作为一名初三老师一边参加学校的补课,一边利用休息的时间开始了本书的阅读。走进它,体味着个中滋味,它可真是让我爱不释手啊!下面就把我阅读的一点点体会拿出来与大家分享一下吧!相信如果你看了这本书的话,你也会受益匪浅的! 全书共分八章,充分体现以人为本的精神,以学生为本和培养开发学生的智力、能力为主线,在总结、梳理、分析近代国内外教育教学理论的基础上,阐述介绍了学生主动学习、开放学习、应用学习、创造性学习、研究性学习、合作学习等多种多样的教与学的方法。 正所谓:学习是所有的人成长、成才的基本途径,而课堂是学习的基本形式和主要场所。我们作为一线教师,课堂就是我们的阵地,是我们的战场!本书以改革传统封闭的课堂教学形式为突破口,抓住了传统教育教学制度的要害和主要矛盾。书中强调“课堂的本质应该是一个充满活力的生命体,这个生命体的主角就是充满好奇心和怀有学习热情的学生,以及启发学生学习的教师和辅导者”。这句话简直说到了我们教师的心坎里啊!通过学习,我得知课堂应该是学生自主的和开放的,这样的学习环境才有利于培养全面发展的人才,帮助他们具有创造性思维和批判性思维的能力,并具有强烈的社会责任感和集体精神,为创造和谐社会和促进全球和平发展做出应有的贡献。 本书中作者提倡学习型课堂,这也正是我们当今教育教学改革的重点之一。所谓学习型课堂指的是:一个无所不在的学习场所,时刻为学生提供即时和适时的学习机会。书中为学生的全面发展提出了全新的学习观和有效的学习方法与途径。教学的个性化和自主学习,有利于因材施教自主学习,而教学的根本目的之一就是要培养学生的学习能力。而其中提到的合作学习和协作学习更有利于培养团队精神和集思广益。如果我们能将教学的社会化和应用型学习、情景教学将学习与应用结合、教学与社会实践社会发展结合,那将更有利于理论与实际的结合,我们作为教师就会培养出更适应社会、融入社会和为社会服务的人才。如果是这样,我们难道不高兴吗? 本书以朴素易懂的语言和诗画式的`手法,既较全面地介绍了当今实用易学的教与学的方法,又深入浅出地阐明了当代的先进的教育教学理论和科学的教学观。这本书它富有时代感,视角独特,内容新颖,观点鲜明,书法简洁,具有实用性、前瞻性和时代感。可以说这是一本教育教学改革、创新的理论和实际密切结合的优秀作品,它完全可以作为我们中小学教师的学习参考书。 总之读了这本书,它让我对教与学的认识有面目一新的感觉,同时又有发人深省的思考,真的是当前教育著作茂盛的百花园中一枝独秀的通俗理论之花啊。希望其他的老师也能从中有所收获!以上是我的一点点感受,写得不好,请多批评!  

B1U3 新视野大学英语教案 篇5






Unit 3 Digital Campus

I.Teaching objectives

By the end of this unit, the students are supposed to: Apply the words, phrases and patterns on digital campus;Learn the following word-building patterns: suffixes-ry,-ive and-ize;Understand the text fully;Understand the cause-effect pattern and master the paragraph writing skills;Get help on time management II.Teaching method: task-based approach III.Time allotment:6 hours

The 1st hour: lead-in activities, new words and phrases of section A

The 2nd hour: Text learning of section A

The 3rd hour: review;Exercises of section A

The 4th hour: section B---reading skill: distinguishing facts and opinions

The 5th & 6th hour: review;dictation;comprehensive exercises

IV.Teaching Process:

The 1st hour

1.Lead in(30min)

a.Group discussion(20min)激起兴趣,了解学生,发现问题

Do you think the university should provide internet access anywhere and anytime on campus? If you have to choose between one week without bathing and one week without a smart-phone, which one would you choose, and why? b.Project(p87)(5min)进一步加深学生对话题的理解,巩固学习成果,有意识地科学使用网络

conduct a survey on campus prepare a presentation of the results第三次课交

effects of the internet on college students

suggestions 2.new words(25min)

学会自主学习单词的方法 新视野大学英语读写教程 New Horizon College English






The 2nd hour

Text A

1.Understanding the main idea and structure of Text A

Before this class, students have been required to preview the text.1)main idea(5 minutes)At the beginning of the class, the teacher ask the students to answer the question: What is the main idea of the text? According to the answers given by the students, the teacher guides the students to the correct answer: Text A is an expository essay.It explains and illustrates what college education is like in the 21st century by analyzing the causes and effects of the application of new technologies in college education.2)Structure(8 minutes)This text consists of four parts.The students are given 3 minutes to match the parts with their main idea.Part 1: Paragraph 1 Part 2: Paragraph 2-6 Part 3: Paragraph 7-11 Part 4: Paragraph 12

A : How colleges and universities are being transformed in the new ages

B : colleges have been providing their students most advanced free system and has already yielded amazing benefits in education.C : The college today is being transformed into a new age of electronics because a fleet of laptops, smartphones and internet connections 24 hours a day.D : How this transformation affects students’ campus life 2.Detailed study of Text A(35minutes)

Paragraph 1-12: What is the main idea of this paragraph? A.Key Words B.Phrases and Expressions C.Sentence Structures D.Paraphrases 3.Homework(2 minutes)

a.Finish doing the exercises on p67-70, and submit the questions or problems you encounter to the head of your group.b.Learn to recognize the new words in Text B

The 3rd hour

Exercises, cause-effect structure, translation

1.The head of every student group report the problems;the teacher help students solve them.(10min)Words in use, word building, banked cloze, expressions in use 2.Paragraphs of cause and effect(15min)新视野大学英语读写教程 New Horizon College English

B1U4 one of the methods of expository writing Two ways of development: a.Cause-effect




Complete the writing exercise on p71&p72 3.translation on p73(25 min)


提问的方式 b.C-E 演板,一人一句话 老师讲解修改 4.homework

Learn the news words and expressions in Text B The 4th hour

Text B

1.New words and expressions(10min)The head of every student group report the problems;the teacher help students solve them.2.Reading skill: distinguishing facts and opinions(10min)

1.What are facts and what are opinions? 2.How can we distinguish facts and opinions? 3.Examples 3.Text learning(30min)a.Are you an internet addict(IAD)? What do you think cause IAD?

b.The students are given 10 minutes to read the text , then do Exercise 2 on p82.c.distinguishing facts and opinions in each paragraph d.Conclusion: In digital age, we should learn to make full use of the Internet and arrange our time on college campus more scientifically.4.Homework a.Exercises4-8 on p83-86 b.Finish doing the survey project The 5th hour& The 6th hour

Project reports and comprehensive exercises


Each group elect one representative to make a presentation of the results of their projects on effects of the Internet on college students.The presentation should include the following two parts: a.effects of the internet on college students b.suggestions

3.Comprehensive exercises(20+50 min)新视野大学英语读写教程 New Horizon College English


新视野1教案 篇6

Unit 7: Hoping for the better 教学重点:

1.The topic of dishonesty on campus(Dishonesty is on the rise especially on campus and the phenomenon needs urgent attention)2.The reading skill of finding out word meanings by using contextual clues 3.The key words, phrases & expressions, and sentence structures 4.Some typical features of an argumentative essay 教学难点:

1.guessing word meanings by using contextual clues while reading 2.exploring the argumentative style of text A and the topic-details-conclusion pattern it uses to develop a paragraph.教学过程: Task 1 : Lead in Group discussion(20 min)

The teacher divides the students into groups of five or six students and leads them to carry out a group discussion on dishonest behavior on campus, its underlying reasons and the ensuing consequences.Then, each group is asked to work out some solutions to one of these phenomena.After that, the teacher will ask one student of each group to give a presentation on behalf the whole team.Brain storming(15 min)

Interacting with students by asking them to think of words about dishonesty as a way to lead in some important words.Pre-reading activities(page 176)(10 min)

Task 2: Understanding the main idea of text A 1.Skinning and scanning(15 min)Task 1: students are required to note nouns and adjectives concerning dishonesty in the article.Later, they will be asked to group these words into synonyms and antonyms.Task 2: students are also required to mark numbers that appear in the article and explain why they are used.2.Comprehension Qs(page 183)(15 min)

Task 3 Stylistic analysis(15 min)Concerning the writing style, the students are guided to realize Text A is an argumentative essay.With regard to an argumentative essay, they should know the whole text centers on a topic and concerning the topic the writer definitely has his standpoint.Then concerning each part and each paragraph, the students are guided to discover that there generally is a topic sentence/statement supported by details(examples in particular in Text A)and a concluding sentence/statement.Task 4 Language points(45 min)2.Key words: eliminate



facilitate exaggerate



2.Paraphrasing some complex sentences(15 min)1.We have all read or heard accounts such as these, not to mention the stories of dishonesty amongst all layers of society as exemplified by consumers who steal and politicians who demand bribes.(Para.1)2.Some people worry that the Internet, once hailed as the ultimate learning tool, could become the best aid yet for cheating.(Para.3)3.With awareness of increasing dishonesty in today’s society, it’s sometimes implied that in “the good old days” people were better, happier, and more honest.(Para.5)4.Without trust, ordered societies would descend into chaos.(Para.6)Part 6 Translation(15 min)1.Travelers ripped off so many towels last year that it cost a major hotel chain $3 million to replace them.Especially troubling are the reports that dishonesty is increasing amongst student populations around the world.2.Some people worry that the Internet, once hailed as the ultimate learning tool, could become the best aid yet for cheating.3.Whether discovered or not, dishonesty has an undesirable effect on anyone who practices it.Part 7: Structural analysis(10 min)Part 8 Summary(5 min)Part 8 Exercises & Structured writing(相关活动见附件)Assignment 1.Do some critical thinking concerning the following topic:

In some universities, students are asked to sign an Honesty Declaration in the exam.Do you think this is an effective way to prevent cheating? Why or why not? 2.Collect some materials about dishonesty ant try to analyze the causes Listening:

Unit 4 Getting from A to B


1.talk about different types of transportation 2.ask yourself information questions before listening


1.make and respond to apologies 2.deal with problems when traveling

教学过程: Opening-up 1.Read the statements.Then underline the alternatives which are true for you or fill in the blanks according to your own experiences.2.Work in pairs and compare your answers.Listening to the world 1.Ask Ss to watch a podcast to get its general idea and discuss their answers in groups.2.Ask Ss to watch a podcast and fill in the blanks.3.Ask Ss to discuss the following questions based on what they have heard.Questions: 1 What was the transportation idea? 2 Who invented it? What was the idea behind it? 4 What was the problem with it? 5 How successful was it? Role-play Work in pairs and role-play one of the following situations by using skills for Making and responding to apologies Situation 1: When you interrupt or disturb someone: Situation 2: When you make a mistake in what you’re saying, or use the wrong word: Situation 3: When you have to leave someone for a short period of time: Situation 4: When you make a mistake in what you’re saying, or use the wrong word: Further practice in listening
