


中学双语教学常用语句 篇1

148.We’ll put down(stop, won’t practise)the oral composition this period.这节课我们不做口头作文。

149.There’re several titles of the composition on the blackboard,黑板上有好几个作文题目。

150.Write a composition of about 200 words on one of these subjects(titles).就其中一个题目,写一篇200字的作文。

中学双语教学常用语(四)2005-1-13 13:09:46 阅读78次 151.You may choose one of them to write.你可以选其中一个进行练习。

152.You gotta(be going to)pay attention to the requests(demand).大家一定要注意这些要求。

153.I think you ought to finish it in two classes(it’ll take you two classes to).我认为大家用两节课可以写完它。

154.Everyone of you must hand it in at the end of the next class。每个同学在下节课结束时都要上交这份作业。

155.This assignment will take us two hours to finish it.这项工作需要我们两个小时才能完成。156.Section monitor of Chinese, collect all the compositions and take them to my office , please.语文科代表,你要收上全部作文,把它们放在我的办公桌上。

157.She is good at handwriting(her handwriting is good).她的字写得不错。

158.We’ll have our final exam of this term next Tuesday.下周二我们要举行期末考试。

159.From this class on, we stop our practice of oral lecture temporarily.从这节课开始,我们暂停口语训练。

160.It’s Friday today, we have five days left今天星期五,我们还剩五天。

161.I hope all of you can pass the exam.我希望每位同学都能通过考试。

162.We’re the best,we can beat the other classes.我们可以胜过所有班级。

163.You had better go over these ancient Chinese units.大家最好复习一下文言文单元。

164.You may listen to the tapes of them quickly.大家可以较快地听一听这些文章的磁带。165.And first, let me analyse our double-bases exercise-books.首先,我们一起分析一些双基练习。

166.You may look through the notes and other study materials.大家看一下笔记和相关资料。

167.We gotta(have got to)review these ancient articles we have learnt.我们要把学过的文言文内容复习好。

168.We’ll get ready for the final exam.我们要为这场期末考试做准备。

169.Now, our examination paper has been made up.现在,我们已经完成了试卷出题。

170.These content is in our four revision books: text-book,exercise-book,and our other two study materials.考试内容就在我们四本书里:课本、练习和其它两本学习资料。

171.I’ll introduce them to you if you’re interested in.如果大家感兴趣,我就为大家介绍一下这些材料。

172.He spent two hours in going over the old lesson.为复习旧课,他用了两个小时。

173.He spent a lot of money on literature books.他花了不少钱,用于买文学书籍。174.This class, I’ll promote a monitor,and you may take a election for it.这节课,我想提拔一名班长,大家可以选举。

175.Do you understand(is it understood)?大家明白吗?

176.Everyone,you’re doing a great job.大家都干得不错。

177.Don’t cry over spilt milk.不要过于计较。

178.Let’s give the classroom a good cleaning.让我们打扫一下教室卫生。

179.Would you just look at the place?怎么打扫的卫生?

180.Why don’t we clean our classroom first?先打扫教室吧?

181.What shall we take care of next?还干什么?

182.Take these chairs out of the room.把这些椅子拿出房间。

183.Take these charts off the wall.把这些图画从墙上取下来。

184.Why don’t we just straighten up a bit?我们最后再收拾一下吧? 185.Who’s the student(with)wearing glasses ?戴眼镜的那位同学叫什么名字?

186.Her name is on the tip of my tongue.我一时记不起她的名字了。

187.I knocked at the office door many times just now.我刚才敲了多次办公室的门。

188.What’s the emergency? 什么急事?

189.Xiao Zhany is badly ill now, we must send for a doctor at once.小张正病得厉害,我们要赶紧送他到医院。

190.Is there a doctor in the school?学校里有医生吗?

191.Somebody call an ambulence.911.快打救急电话号码911。

192.What’s eating you(what’s wrong with you)?你到底怎么不舒服?

193.The doctor told me to take the cold medicine three times a day.医生告诉我服用感冒药一天三次。

194.My classmate Zhangming got into a fight yesterday.同学张明昨天打架了

195.You are injured.你受伤了。

196.Freeze, don’t make him to lose too much blood.别乱来,不要让他失血太多,197.Tell him not to worry about it 告诉他,别为这事着急。.198.Out of the way(get out).离开这里。

199.I’m just playing around with you(joking around with you,no fooling).我给你开玩笑。

200.Your cause is still unclear.你的事还不很明白。

中学双语教学常用语(五)2005-1-13 13:10:02 阅读66次 201.You don’t have to come back the day after tomorrow.你后天不必回来了。

202.Don’t want you to leave(I really hate for you to leave).不愿让你走啊。

203.Don’t scare me, I’m not strong enough.不要吓我,我可禁不住啊。

204.I wonder why he’s made such a mistake this time.我不明白他犯了这样的错误 205.Can you translate what I say(my words)into English ?你能把我说的话翻译成英语吗?

206.can you translate those paragraphs into English?你能把这些段落译成英语?

207.I can’t translate this sentence into modern Chinese ,can you help me?我难以把这个句子译成现代汉语,你能帮我吗?

208.It’s unbelievevable for you to do so difficult thing(I hardly believe that you could do such a difficult thing well).真想不到你能做好这么困难的工作!

209.Your thought isn’t really right, please think it again.你的想法不是很合适,再想想。

210.Are you going to make any changes to the plan?你想改一下计划吗?

211.We’re thinking of giving up our plan.我们正在琢磨着放弃我们的计划。

212.They gave up their holidays in order to fulfil their work plan.为了实施这个工作计划,他们放弃了假期。

213.The teacher asked his pupils to learn the poem by heart.老师要求他的学生要背诵这首诗。214.Where are you going to spend the winter holiday?寒假里,你打算干点什么?

215.Please give me your address before you go home.回家之前,给我留下你的地址。

216.My phone number is 9.double 3.2.4.我的电话号码是 93324。

217.You may make a call to me if you have sth.你有事可以给我打电话。

218.I’ll listen.由我来听电话。

219.We can’t hear you, please read it as clearly as you can.我们听不清,请再大声点。

MYSQL常用语句 篇2


远程主机:例IP: 用户名:user 密码: abc 输入命令:mysql-;


加密码 :mysqladmin-u root-password ab12

修改密码:mysqladmin-u root-p ab12 password ckb


格式:grant select on 数据库.* to用户名@登陆主机 identified by “密码”

给用户所有权限;grant select,delete,update,insert on*.*

to[email=test@“%]test1@”%[/email]“ indentifield by ”abc“;


grant select,delete,update,insert on mydb.*

to[email=test2@”localhost]test2@“loaclhost[/email]” indentifield by “abc”;



删除不确定存在:dropdatabase if exists 表名;


Create database ~student-info~ set charactor utf-8;


Show databases;

Show tables;(显示所有的表)

七:创建表create table 表名(类型等);

八.获取表结构desc 表名

九.删除数据表 drop table 表名

Drop table if exists 表名(会判断是否有这个表,若有才会删除)

十.插入表数据insert into 表名 values(添加表中的数据)

insert into(表名(要添加字段))values(添加字段的数据)

十一.修改表数据updata 表名set 表中字段名=“所要修改的信息” where 条件(例如id=1,表示修改序列1的数据);

十二.查询表数据select * from 表名;

查询前两行 order by id limit 0,2;

十三.增加字段 alter table 表名 add 字段名 类型 default‘0’; 索引相当于字段;

加索引:alter table 表名 add 索引名;

加主关键字的索引:alter table 表名 add primary key(字段名);加唯一限制条件的索引:alter table 表名 add unique 索引名; 删除某个索引:alter table 表名 drop 索引名;

修改原字段名称及类型:alter table 表名 change 原字段 新字段 新类型;

删除字段:alter table 表名 drop 字段名;

十四:修改表名 rename table 原表名 to 新表名;


英语作文常用语句 篇3

Nowadays ,more are more people think it necessary for students to do …..I think , there are both advantages and disadvantanges ofdoing …...The most obvious advantages areas follows :First,------.Second,----.Last but not least,----.However, one of the disadvantages is that--------.For example ,--------.(Another bad effect shows that------.)

As compared with---, I would rather do—

(In a word,in my opinion)


 People’s views on….vary from person to person.Some think…..Others

consider….But I regard …..as one of the most important….There are several reasons why I think so in this way.On one hand,On the other hand…..That’s the reason why I hold the view ….is the most important

 图表/ 看图说话

 The chart above indicates that……

From the diagram / chart we can see that ….(In the picture , we can see…)

The reason for the increase can be various.First….Second…..at last….Whatever reason it may be, I think the increase will continue into the future

because they can make ….better. 常用句型:

 It is generally accepted that A…, I believe B. There are both advantages and disadvantages of…

 The most obvious advantage of A… is that…

 For example,…

 Another benefit is that…

 On the contrary, B…

 Each coin has two sides. The problem, however, is that…

 As compared with A, I would rather…

 Both …should be well combined to achieve the best result. The answers to these questions often vary from person to person. Some people hold the view that…

 As mentioned above, we can come to the conclusion that…

 All in all,…

 递进:

 furthermorein addition/moreoverbesides/what’s more important 论证 ;

 first of all / To begin with, second, third ,finally, on one hand…on the other hand/ for one thing ….for another thing

 插入实例强调:

 in particular /for example /that is to say/ similarlyin the same way


 however / nevertheless/while/It is a pity that …

 on the contrary /in contrast with/instead/ as a result

consequently/ and therefore/, thus doing…

 结尾:

all in all/ in a word /in brief / in conclusionin shortin summaryon the whole

 to sum up


 No pains, no gains

 “No pains, no gains” been passed on from generation to

generation.we cannot gain happiness without any efforts and hard work.以谚语开头提出论点

 Why does the Chinese Women Football Team do so well? It is just because they all train hard….论证观点,举例证明

 “No pains, no gains” return.If we want to study well, we should devote all our time and energy to  A year ago, my English was very poor.Encouraged by my teacher, I started working

hard at it….联系自己实际,进一步说明论点

 重申论点,使之明确


As a famous saying goes, “…………”. As a famous saying goes, “Health is better than wealth.”

 According to a recent survey,…

 Recent statistics show that …如今88%大学生喜欢假期打工以积累经验。

 From the recent statistics, we can find …

 3.近来关于……的问题越来越受到关注.1)With the rapid development of …, more and more

people come to realize …


2)Nowadays, a heated debate/discussion about…

is under way in China.是否有必要全民学习英语。

Nowadays, a heated debate is under way in China

about whether it is a must for all citizens to learn Eng.如何做一个有优良素质的共鸣。

Nowadays, a heated discussion about how to be a

citizen with good qualities is under way in Shanghai.  现在……问题越来越严重/普遍.Problem of …… is known as one of the most serious

problems in today’s world.全球变暖 The problem of global warming is known as one of the most serious problems in

today’s world.Nowadays there is a growing tendency that…

  人们总以为…, 但事实上…

 1)People tend to think …, but as a matter of fact…

出国留学有用,但在本国学习也有很多好处.People tend to think it of great value to pursue further education abroad, but as a matter of fact, it is also beneficial to study at home.4.As for…, I hold the view that.. Personally, I am in favor of …

我同意网购这种做法, 尽管有风险

Personally, I am in favour of the practice of online shopping despite all the potential risks.


Obviously, we can draw the conclusion that to students all-round development is of

top priority. 2)In conclusion, / To conclude, / On the whole / Therefore / To sum up / In brief没有什么能替代健康,所以…

To sum up, nothing can substitute for health, so why

pursue wealth at the cost of health?

 3.Only when … / by doing sth.… can we …


Only when everyone realize the importance of honesty

can we live in a fairer and healthier society.2.提出建议

 1)Accordingly / Consequently, I recommend that some measures be taken to…防止同学浪费能源

Consequently, I recommend that some measures be

taken to prevent students from wasting energy. 2)As long as we take effective measures, the problems caused by… will be reduced to

the smallest extent.考试焦虑

As long as we take effective measures, the problems

caused by exam anxiety will be reduced to the smallest

extent. If people from all walks of life pay enough attention to …, our life in the city will

certainly be more harmonious and enjoyable.经济和环境的均衡发展

If people from all walks of life pay enough attention to

the balance between economy and environment, our life

常用作文语句素材 篇4






公文写作常用语句 篇5

2)安全制度与管理“两张皮”的现象尤为突出 3)“一岗双责”落实不到位

4)有的单位习惯以会议落实会议,以文件落实文件 5)只当“二传手” 6)踏石留印,抓铁有痕 7)抓大壮小扶微

8)领导的影子到哪里,问题就解决到哪里 9)出了问题大家负责等于没负责 10)忙而不乱


12)主要抵押靠土地,还债付息靠卖地 13)为切实做好……确保……现将…… 14)不折不扣执行

15)全面贯彻落实关于……一系列文件精神 16)切实保障

17)找到“贪根”,对症下药,靶向治疗 18)划定了基本遵循、标注下价值航向。


20)当好“螺丝钉”,种好“责任田” 21)权力面前不谋私、利益面前不伸手、诱惑面前不动心 22)不越道德“底线”、不越制度“红线”、不越党纪“高压线” 23)足寒伤心,民寒伤国

24)骚雅及今闻鼓角,山川从此待文章。25)智者求同,愚者求异 26)为者常成,行者常至 27)我讲八(十六)个字:

28)既上接“天线”,又下接“地气”,使刊物办得既“大气”,又有“底气”,更让人感到“服气” 29)始终“坚持姓党”,始终“背靠马列”

30)30年辛勤耕耘,30年砥砺奋进,30年春华秋实 31)进入头脑、触动灵魂、指导工作方面发挥了重要作用 32)丫鬟带钥匙——当家不做主


34)与其费尽心机遮羞避丑,莫如着力祛除沉疴痼疾。35)要善于把文件读薄,把政策里的“含金量”挖掘出来 36)增强决策的针对性和有效性,提高“踢点球”水平37)制定政策必须因时而计,因景而谋 38)上面九级风浪,下面纹丝不动



41)刚才,几位同志的发言都很好,有思想,有见地,听了很受启发。下面,我讲5个问题,与大家一起讨论。42)人无我有,人有我新 43)规定动作,个性动作

英语演讲的常用语句 篇6

1.Happy birthday to you, Mary!玛莉,祝你生日快乐!

2.May you live to be hundred years old.祝你长命百岁(寿比南山)。

3.May all your birthdays be happy and gay.祝你所有的生日都充满欢乐与喜悦。

4. Thank you for your kind invitation.谢谢你一番好意邀请我来。

5.Thanks for inviting me.谢谢你邀请我来。

6.It’s very kind of you to invite me.你邀请我来,真是一番好意。

7.Ladies and gentlemen, I wish to propose a toast to our Mary.各位女士,各位先生,我想我们向玛莉干杯祝贺。

8.Happy birthday from all us!我们全体祝你生日快乐!

9.What a joy it is to have wonderful friends like you!有你们这么棒的朋友,真是高兴。

10.I want to express our heartfelt congratulations to you on your seventeenth birthday.你过十七岁生日,我要向你表示我们衷心的祝贺之意。

11.We all hope we will have the pleasure of celebrating many more with you.我们都希望每年都能高兴的和你过生日。

12.We have bought this present for you, and we hope you’ll keep it for many years to come.我们买这礼物送你,希望你能一直都留在身边。

13.All of the people (students) here want to wish you the happiest of birthdays and many more to come in the future.这里所有的人(学生)都祝你过最快乐的生日,将来也年年如此。

14.It is a real pleasure to be here among such old and true friends who have gathered to help you celebrate your birthday.能够和你的`老朋友和忠实的朋友们一起来帮你庆生,真是很高兴。

15.I consider it a great privilege to say a word of hearty congratulation to Bob on the happy occasion of his birthday.在鲍伯过生日的这个欢乐时刻,能够说句话向他表示由衷道贺,真是无比的荣幸。

16.Thank you all once again for coming.谢谢你们再度光临。

17.Words can’t express how grateful I am to you all.言语无法表达我对你们每个人的感激。

18.I am truly honored by the kindness and attention you have shown me today.今天你们对我的厚意与关照,我真的感到很荣幸。

19.Please sit down with us now and eat and drink and have a good time.现在请和我们坐下来一起吃,一起喝,好好的玩。

常用作文优美语句素材 篇7










双语阅读:音乐日常常用句子 篇8

How many musical instruments can you think of?你知道几种乐器呢?

Can you name anyone famous for playing what you chose?你能说出一位你知道的乐器的著名演奏家吗?

How many are from the 20th century?有几位是二十世纪的呢?

Before then, most famous musicians were also composers.在二十世纪之前,大多数著名的音乐家都是作曲家。

Composers were more famous than the players.作曲家比演奏家更出名。

Is that the case today?现在还如此吗?

Most of the famous musicians before the 20th century played in orchestras.二十世纪之前的著名音乐家大都在交响乐队里演出。

Today, many of the most well-known musicians belong to the rock and pop world.现在,许多出名的音乐人都是摇滚乐和流行音乐圈的。

If they create their own music, are they also composers?如果他们自己创作音乐,他们能称作是作曲家吗?

Yes, they are. But their work is different to that of Beethoven etc.是的.,他们是。但是他们的作品与贝多芬等的作品不同。

Is Michael Jackson as famous as Beethoven?迈克尔middot;杰克逊和贝多芬一样著名吗?

Will his work last as long?他的作品也能有相同的生命力吗?

★ 关于阅读的唯美句子

★ 再别康桥双语阅读

★ 妈妈爱孩子的唯美句子

★ 对爱执着的唯美句子

★ 中英文双语励志句子

常用周末祝福语句40句 篇9






































37、祝你周末喜气洋洋,满面阳光灿烂,爱情扬眉吐气,事业洋洋得意,晦气扬长而去,万事阳关大道! 观一场梦里花落,尝一次美味豆豉,听一段少年往事……



日本语道歉常用语句 篇10

2. ごめんなさい。对不起。

3. ごめんね。对不起。

4. 申(う)し訳(わけ)ございません。对不起。

5. 恐(おそ)れ入(い)りま。不好意思。

6. 許(ゆる)しください。请原谅我。

7. 悪(わる)かった、悪(わる)かった。对不起,对不起。

8. 謝(あやま)るぞ。我道歉。(男子用语,用在亲密的人之间)

9. お詫(わ)びいたしま。我道歉。

10. う怒(お)っないよね。别生气了嘛。

11. たいへん 失礼(しつれい)なとを言(い)いました。申(う)し訳(わけ)ございません。我说了不应该说的话,真对不起。


13. 私のせいで。是我不好。

14. 君(きみ)のせいゃないよ。那不是你的错。

15. 私 し 間違(まちが)っいると思(お)いま。我觉得自己多少有点不对。

16. いいよ。誰(だれ)のせいでないよ。好了,大家都没有错。

17. ちょっと 失礼(しつれい)しま。失陪一下。

18. 私の不始末(ふしまつ)で。是我不小心。

19. どうかご容赦(ようしゃ)ください。请你原谅我。


20. 私が間違(まちが)っいました。申(う)し開(ひら)きのしようありません。


21. どう謝(あやま)れいいか分かりません。不知要如何向你道歉。

22. わざとゃないよ。我不是故意的。

23. それは仕方(しかた)がなく、やったとで。那是没有办法才这样做的。

24. お待(ま)たせしました。真抱歉,让你久等了。

25. 私、馬鹿(か)なとをたっちゃっ、みませんでした。


26.何(なん)の役(やく)に立(た)たなく、どう みませんでした。

