


上海版牛津英语5a课文 篇1

课题:Ben’s day 课型:New lesson 教材简析:本节课是上海版《牛津英语》五年级上册第二模块第一单元第一课时的Look and say部分。这一单元的主题是在某一时间做某事,本课是本单元的重点,主要内容就是Ben在一天当中的某一时间做某一件事情,教学内容贴近学生的实际生活,有利于培养学生在真实的语境中综合运用语言的能力。本课的教学对象是小学五年级学生,他们已经有了一定的英语学习基础,他们渴望能用英语解决日常生活中的实际问题,在实践中提高自己的英语水平,所以在教学中我尽量让学生多说多练,在真实的情境中学习语言、运用语言。



1、能够听、说、读、写:six o’clock, half past three等时间短语





教学难点:理解第三人称单数变化的规则及用法。教学方法:活动教学法,小组合作法,情景交际法 教学用具:多媒体,卡片 教学过程:

Step1.Warm up(热身活动)

1.Free talk T: Hello, What’s your name?

S: My name’s……/I’m…… T: How are you?

S: I’m fine, thank you.T: How old are you?

S: I’m……

T: Guess!How old am I?(设计意图:通过对话拉近师生间的距离,促进师生间的感情。教师有意问学生的年龄,让学生猜教师的年龄,复习了和本节课有关的一些数字,为接下来复习时间打下基础。)2.Revision Look at the big screen, show the clocks, review the time.……o’clock half past……


1.Let’s have a chant, then answer the questions: How many phrases are there in this chant? What are they? Get, get, get up Go, go, go to school Come, come, come home Do, do, do homework Watch, watch, watch television Go, go, go to bed(设计意图:chant是英语学习中的一种很有效的方法,这些短语都是本节课涉及到的内容,通过这个chant,既创造了英语学习气氛,又为本节课的学习做了铺垫。)2.Students answer the questions.Maybe Ss answer “get up”, then teacher show the card, teach the phrase “get up”.3.Ask: What time do you go to school? Students answer.Introduce: Put the word “at” in front of the time.4.Learn other phrases.(设计意图:由对话引出本节课的短语,再把短语放在句子中练习,做到词不离句,句中有词。由学生本身的实际情况来学习本课的重点单词和句型,语境更真实,使学生在具体的语言环境中学习英语。)5.Ask students to say about their days in English.Whose English is good, reward.(设计意图:学生通过描述自己的一天,能够锻炼他们的语言组织能力和口头表达能力,从而培养他们的英语语言运用能力。)

6.Listen to the big screen(设计意图:教师的语音语调再好,也不如外国人的原味,所以让学生听录音,使学生感受一下英语的语音语调,这对学习英语是很有帮助的。)

7.Look at the big screen(Ben), ask: What does Ben do?(get up)

What time does Ben get up? Tell students to answer use: He gets up at……

Professor third person singular form change.8.Learn: He goes to school at seven o’clock.9.Divide students into groups.The big screen shows other pictures and clocks.Students complete the sentences in groups.Then teacher check the answers: He comes home at half pst three.He does his homework at half past seven.He watches television at half past eight.He goes to bed at nine o’clock.(设计意图:先教授一个单三变化的句子,使学生懂,再教一个,使学生进一步理解,然后再让学生自己做其他的四个,使学生更熟练。)Step3 consolidation(巩固练习)1.Describe your friend’s day.(设计意图:这一环节是巩固复习环节,也属于拓展环节。通过描述他人的一天,进一步练习第三人称单数变化形式的运用。)

3.Listen to the English song .Education students to arrange time, do the right thing at the right time.(设计意图:这首歌是本单元的主题曲,里面包含了本节课所学的短语和时间,把它用在这里,一是创造课堂气氛,二是复习,同时教育学生合理安排时间,正确利用时间。)Step4 Homework 1.Write a day.Boys write their own day, girls write a boy’s day.(设计意图:本节课的作业我是让男同学写自己的一天,女同学写一个男同学的一天,这样锻炼了学生的写作能力,另外本节课所学的第一人称和第三人称单数也都练习到了。)

2.Make a timetable.(设计意图:制作时间表,一是练习所学知识,二是培养学生时间观念。)Writing on the blackboard

Ben’s day

get up

six o’clock

go to school

seven o’clock

come home

half past three

at do one’s homework

half past seven

watch television

half past eight

go to bed

nine o’clock

上海版牛津英语5a课文 篇2

一直以来, 英语语言知识点课型总不为教师所青睐, 教师在各类公开课、评优课中展示较多的是阅读课的第一课时。确实, 上阅读的第一课时容易找到切入口, 容易设计一些能引起学生共鸣的话题和活动, 能够营造活跃的课堂气氛。一般说来, 在阅读的第一课时中, 教师的主要任务是通过帮助学生理清文章的脉络, 掌握其基本内容, 培养学生阅读理解的技能, 同时进行相关重点词汇的学习, 但是基本只触及词的形和义, 而不涉及词的用法、搭配和句型结构等。词或词组的用法、搭配及句型结构则是第二课时的主要内容, 所以语言点的教学课则显得相对枯燥、乏味一些, 不容易调动学生的积极性。

在实际教学中, 笔者发现不少语言点课还是教师的“一言堂”:教师对着课文或教学案一体化的材料逐词逐句分析讲解, 学生记笔记, 随后辅之以单项选择和填空题的练习为检验手段。这种急功近利的“灌输”导致学生被动、机械地模仿和死记硬背, 不仅使课堂枯燥、乏味, 还导致学生学习的积极性受挫, 同时也遏制了他们综合语言运用能力的发展。

《英语课程标准》强调课程从学生的学习兴趣、生活经验和认知水平出发, 倡导体验、实践、参与、合作与交流的学习方式, 发展学生的综合语言运用能力, 使语言学习的过程成为学生形成积极情感态度和自主学习能力的过程。因此, 教师应尽快调整自身的教学方法, 赋予语言点教学的课堂以活力, 提高语言教学的有效性, 同时提高学生语言实际运用的能力。


带着这样的思索, 在课改理念的指引下, 笔者对语言点课型进行了初步探索, 并在备课组内开展了积极的研讨, 采取了共同备课、互相听课、学习优质课等形式互相切磋和讨论, 交流和探索有效的语言点教学模式和途径, 并积极投入到围绕这一主题所开展的一系列研讨展示活动中。经历过这些实践之后, 笔者认为, 在语言点教学中要把握以下三个教学环节:在文本的语境中体会认知——在互动实践中理解操作——在语言的情景中灵活运用。另外, 在语言点教学中, 要切实提高有效性, 收到良好的效果, 就应关注以下三个关键点:

关键点1:语言点的教学必须基于教材文本, 进行归类梳理并有所取舍。

不少教师在语言点教学课上, 基本上把课文撇开, 抽出几个词汇或者语言结构孤立地进行讲解。这样, 既不利于学生对教材文本的熟悉, 同时, 也脱离了语言点的语言情景和语用意义, 不利于学生在上下文中准确理解和体会词汇或者新的语言结构的基本用法。在语言点的教学上, 教师首先应该引导学生更深入地理解课文文本, 对文本进行梳理, 并对语言点进行归类整理, 以选定教学内容, 同时, 还要有所取舍, 有详有略, 把握教授这些知识点的广度和深度。在教学的实施环节, 教师要紧扣文本, 将语言知识与语境巧妙地结合起来, 进行语言输入, 帮助学生在真实的语境中理解语义, 体验语用, 从而提高灵活运用语言的能力。


《牛津深圳版8A》Chapter 5 Historical stories的课文The night of the horse文章不算长, 但词汇量大, 如果面面俱到, 全部涉及, 不仅课时不允许, 也不利于学生记忆、吸收和掌握。在仔细地研究文本电脑之后, 笔者发现文中的词汇可分成两类:一类词汇在现阶段只需认知即可, 对它们的用法课暂不做要求, 如tales, capture, drag, celebrate;另一类词汇, 如rush, order, except for…enter, succeed in doing sth., 这5个词汇的重点用法则是第二课时语言点教学的内容, 这样就很好地凸显了重点。


《牛津深圳版7A》Chapter 1一文中的“own”是语言教学的重点之一。在文章中, own是以动词的形式出现, 那么, 教师是否需要将own的形容词用法和代词的用法也在课上教授呢?通过对教材的研究发现:own这个单词在8Achapter3中还会再次以形容词的形式出现。据此, 笔者决定本节课重点对own用作动词的用法进行教学和操练, 既不分散学生的关注点, 也很好地体现了语言教学的阶段性和系统性。

关键点2:语言点的操练必须通过师生互动, 在语境中进行训练和拓展

学生对语言点的真正掌握不能只靠听教师的教授和讲解, 也不能仅仅停留在笔尖和纸上。教师应该从文本中的语境出发设计有效的教学活动, 坚持与学生交流和互动, 激发他们的思维, 领导和组织其在互动中体验真实的语境, 并进行初步的语言操练。

同时, 在教学活动的设计中, 还应注重情境片段的交际性和内在关联性。在某个教学时段, 学生如果一下子接触了一大堆语言点知识, 往往会来不及消化。因此, 最好学习1~2个语言点, 然后再通过言语交际实践活动运用这些语言点。值得注意的是, 后续的学习情境应为前面所学语言知识的交际使用创造条件, 为学生提供尽可能多的操练、巩固机会。实践证明, 掌握语言知识大多是在交际活动中使用语言的结果, 而不是单纯训练语言技能和学习语言知识的结果。


《牛津深圳版7B》Chapter 1一文中“provide”这个四会词是第二课时的教学重点之一, 为了让学生掌握provide sth.for sb., provide sb.with sth.这两种结构, 在通过图片和例句呈现了两种结构后, 还可为学生提供一些符合其实际的“虚拟情境”, 让他们自由造句, 并在造句过程中注意使用不同的结构。

When I grow up, I will provide… (my parents/my school)

If I have$100, 000, 000, I will provide… (my friend/the poor)

自主造句的过程就是把知识输入转化成知识输出的过程, 在上述操练中, 学生通过自己的想象在虚拟情境中创造出富有趣味性和想象力的句子, 多次体会词汇的用法, 做到词不离句、句不离词。这样, 学生就赢得了主动体会语言的机会, 扩大了思维空间, 增强了其参与语言实践活动的热情。

关键点3:语言点的运用必须创设真实情景, 以任务驱动提高综合能力

学生在课文文本中接触到的词汇、语言结构等, 在一定的语境中进行初步操练之后, 最后还需要教师创设围绕与课文主题相关或者类似的、新颖、有趣味和多样化的语言环境, 根据学生完成所需的词汇句型, 有效设计任务活动, 调动学生学习的积极性和主动性, 给学生以提高综合运用所学语言知识的机会, 使之主动、愉快地学习英语。学生有之前大量有效的语言实践和语言输入为基础, 在这个环节中就有可能有高质量的语言输出。


《牛津深圳版7A》Chapter 2一文是关于whizz-kid一天的生活的, 在第二课时的教学中, 经过讲解和操练之后, 笔者让学生从yourself in 2031, your father or mother, Bill Gates中选择一个, 用本节课的重点词汇:business, discuss, achieve, continue, return, collect来描述一个人的一天。这个设计让初一学生丰富的想象力得到了充分的发挥, 在实际上课过程中, 学生在这个环节表现得很踊跃, 充分使用了课文中的词汇和语言点, 最后的口头作文很多都出乎笔者的预料。


1.语言点的有效教学模式不应该形成唯一的一种套路, 不能完全排斥讲解和归纳。教学中既要重视结合情境和交际运用能力的教学, 又不排斥传统的、经济的语言讲解和归纳总结, 关键是教师要在“精讲多练”上下工夫, 在课堂有限的时间里要能讲到内容的重点和关键处, 讲到学生的需要处, 这样才有可能为学生赢得更多的时间和机会练习语言、活用语言, 使学生既有扎实的语言知识, 又具备较硬的语言交际运用能力。

2.最后的语言输出环节需要情境, 但并非有情境就好。教师需要创设切合每一课的情境, 所呈现的画面或意境必须与所要呈现的语言点意义相吻合, 这样才能使学生对相关语言知识产生某种必然、肯定的理解和结论。这就需要教师有深厚的功底, 并经常钻研, 还需要有丰厚的知识储备、长期的经验积累和睿智的应变能力。

3.要合理、有效地使用多媒体, 避免“喧宾夺主”。既要避免多媒体技术变成高级的填鸭式教学的工具, 也不能过度使用多媒体, 更不能过于花哨, 否则会导致学生的视点无法聚焦所学语言目标, 思维也会游离于相关的语言知识之外, 并无形中挤占学生语言交流的时间和运用语言的机会, 影响教学目标的达成。

初中牛津上海版英语教案 篇3

Listen to the tape four times .( A Learn to say )

Design :

Unit 10 Do you play…

Yes ,I do .

No, I don’t .

What do you play ? I play the …

The second period

Teaching Contents:

A.Vocabulary : football ,volleyball, baseball ,basketball .

B.Patterns:Do you like …?Yes ,I do /No ,I don’t .

Teaching Aims:


能听懂、会说日常交际用语Do you like…? Yes ,I do /No ,I don/t .

会唱歌曲We study and play .

Teaching Steps:

Step1 Warm up

Say a rhyme:Jack has a clock .

Sing a song: Hot cross buns .

Step2 Free talk and presentation .

Free talk .

e.g T: Do you play the piano ?

S1: Yes ,I do ./No ,I don’t .

T: What do you play ?

S1: I play the violin .Do you play the violin ?

S2: Yes ,I do …

S3: …

Presentation .

教师出示一个足球,T:I like football.(边说边踢球,当球滚到一学生跟前时,师提问)

T:Do you like football? Yes or no ? (教师引导学生回答)

S:Yes ,I do /No ,I don’t .


借助小猫Kitty学习对话:Let’s go and play football now .Great! Let’s go .


Step3 Consolidation .

Passing game: 听音乐传球,当音乐停止的时候,手中持球的学生与其同位到台前用手中的球编对话。

Do and guess :一位学生到讲台前作出打球的动作,其余学生猜猜是哪一种球。

Step 4 Have a rest .

Sing a song: We study and play .


The third period

Teaching Contents :

C Look and say : D Look read and write .

Teaching Aims:

复习巩固Do you play /like …? What do you play ? 及其应答 答语。


学习字母Uu ,Vv ,Ww .

Teaching Steps

Step1 Warm up

Sing a song : We study and play .

Revision .


Step2 Presentation .

Look and say .

The T shows the wall picture and asks : What can you see on the picture ?

上海版牛津英语5a课文 篇4










情景导入就是提供与课文有密切联系的案例、问题、情景等资料,激发学生兴趣,启动学生思维活动,引导学生主动探究知识;以辨析、评估、辨认等多种有效手段,分析情景,让学生经历“过程”,让学生对情景进行思索,主动学习。例如在导入课文“The perfect copy”时,教师可以创设一个一位男孩和他的克隆兄弟在一起生活、学习的情景,让学生们从个人以及社会角度去思考、探究、评价,从而引出本单元的话题。


多媒体(multi-media)是英语课堂教学的重要资源,利用多媒体的音像技术来导入新课,如通过播放电影片段、听力录音、flash动画等方式,可以创设教学情景,提高学生的学习兴趣,培养他们运用语言的能力。用相关的视频导入新课,就可以让学生积极参与,激发他们的学习热情。例如一段有关埃及金字塔的视频可以帮助教师自然导入课文“The curse of mummy”的教学。


时事是指国内外发生的重大事件以及发生在学生身边的事。现代中学生思维活跃,对世界局势和社会生活具有很强的参与意识,这就为把现实的生活环境引入英语课堂提供了一个平台。利用时事导入法首先要求教师要关心国内外时事,关心学校和身边发生的重要事件,同时还要求教师具有敏捷的应变能力。只有教师平时注意细心观察,才能巧妙地利用一些热点时事,为教学服务。时事导入既可以为课文的教学作了铺垫,也可以教育学生关心国内外局势,关心学校和周围发生的重大事件,课堂教学因而也就渗透了德育的理念,培养和熏陶了学生的品质素养。例如在引入Module5,Unit2中Reading部分“The economy or the environment-must we choose?”这篇课文时,可以利用当前气候异常、我国西南省份干旱等一系列的环境问题引起学生的关注,从而导入课文。


利用学生好表演、想成功、敢创造等特点,把学生的自由谈(free talk)、演讲(speech)表演(acting)作为课堂教学的导入,可以激发学生的创新思维和培养他们的创新能力。言谈、表演导入既训练了学生的语言表达能力,又满足了学生的表演欲,使班上的学生在不知不觉中陶醉于英语学习之中。例如在引入“Growing Pains”这一单元的课文时,可以用“problem and solution”的形式,让部分学生自由畅谈他们与父母之间的一些矛盾与分歧,然后让其他学生给他们一些建议。


“导入”将点燃学生的求知欲望,变“要我学”为“我要学”。“导入”可以以旧带新、以易带难、以熟带生,达到融会贯通、动静结合、循环往返的效果,使教学具有新鲜感、启发性和衔接性。这就要求教者熟悉教材,了解教材前后知识的内在联系,并以热情、简洁、富有吸引力的语言把学生导入学习的乐园。 教学中,通过合理的过渡,激发学生愉快的情感,教学就能自然流畅,虽难亦易。每个环节的引入,要合情、合理、合时,还应注意以下几点:






上海版牛津英语5a课文 篇5

主备人: 单小玲

1 Yeah, people get used to it. 人们已经对它习惯了。

get used to = be used to +sth/ doing习惯于

be used to do 被用来做

used to do 过去常常

我们习惯吃过晚饭后坐在一起唱歌。_we det used to sitting together and singing songs after supper.

这种药被用来治疗爱滋病。 _This medicine is used to cure AIDS.

他年轻时常常游泳。 _He used to go swimming when he was young.

2 In South American, you can expect to be hugged when you meet someone. 在南美洲你与某人想见时, 你会得到他的拥抱。

(1) 句中can用于肯定句表示客观的(理论的)可能性,并不涉及具体事情的发生,此种用法常常可以说明人或事物的特征。

A left-luggage office is a place where bags can be left for a short time, especially at a railway station.

(2) expect vt 期望,盼望

expect sth 期盼,盼望某事

expect to do sth 指望,盼望做某事

expect sb to do sth 指望某人干

expect sth of/ from sb 对某人有指望,期望

expect that

他在盼着考试成绩. He is expecting the result of the exam.

你不能指望在一星期内学会一门外语. You can’t expect to learn a foreign language in a week.

他指望我帮助他做家庭作业. He expects me to help him with his homework.

父母总是对自己的子女期望过高.Parents always expect too much from their children.

别对他抱多大的希望.Don’t expect too much from him.

When he turned professional at the age of 11, Mike _C____ to become a world champion by his coach and parents. (上海)

A. expected B. was expecting C. was expected D. would be expected

3 He gets quite excited whenever it comes to this topics. 每当谈到这个话题时他就格外兴奋.

(1)whenever相当于 no matter when, 引导让步状语从句.

无论你何时见到那个女孩, 她总是面带微笑.

_Whenever you meet the girl, she is always wearing a smile.

(2) whenever it comes to … 是一个常见句型,意为: 无论何时谈及, 当谈到什么的时候

当谈到钱时,大家都严肃起来._Whenever it comes to money, everyone is serious._

(3) come to ①谈及,谈到; ② 来到某地; ③ 总计,总共;④ 苏醒过来,恢复知觉;⑤达到, 得到结果

when it comes to politics, I know nothing. ( 1 )

The performance of the play has come to its climax. ( 5 )

His earnigns come to$60,000 a year. ( 3 )

In a few moments he came to himself. ( 4 )

As he came to the bridge, he heard a train approaching. ( 2 )

4 The British teacher didn’t know what he was talking about or what Thanksgiving wan held in celebration of. 而英国教师就不知道对方在谈什么,也不知道为什么要过感恩节.

(1)本句中有两个what引导的两个宾语从句,第一个what 做 _about的宾语_, 第二个what 做 _of的宾语______.

(2) in celebration of 庆祝

People spend Christmas in celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ.



_We’re going to hold a party in celebration of today’s victory._____________

注意比较: celebrate表“庆祝”,宾语是事,即后接sth. 其名词构成的词组为:have/hold a celebration(举行庆祝会) in celebration of…(为了庆祝…)congratulate表“祝贺”其宾语是受到祝贺的人,可组成短语congratulate sb. on sth./doing… 名词congratulation可构成短语: congratulations to sb. on sth./doing…

5 It’s to do with celebrating the first harvest after the settlers from Europe went to live in the USA. 感恩节与从欧洲迁入美国大陆居住的首批移民迁居后庆祝他们第一个丰收有关。

It’s to do with = it has something to do with 和… 有关

have后还可接 much, a lot, a great deal 与…有很大关系

这和我没多大关系。 _This doesn’t have much to do with me.

have nothing/ little with 与。。。没有联系_

The organization declares that it has nothing to do with the terrorist attack.


6 If I got married in the UK, I would expect a present , but if I got married in Italy, I would have to give a present. 如果我在英国结婚,我会收到客人的礼物;而如果我在意大利结婚,我得给客人礼物.

(1) 本句是条件句的虚拟语气, 表示与现在事实相反. 其基本句型为:

与现在事实相反: if + 主语+v-ed, 主语 + would/could/should + v

与过去事实相反: if + 主语+had done, 主语 + would/could/should + have done


If you had joined the chat room ten minutes ago, you would have known what we were talking about.

与将来事实相反:if +主语+v-ed/should+v/were to +v, 主语+ would/could/should + v


_If it should rain tomorrow, we would not have PEclass.__

(2) get married 结婚,也可以说 be married

和…结婚 be married to sb/ marry sb

她希望嫁给一个百万富翁. _She hope to marry a millionaire.

Cinderella got married to the Prince in the end. _最终灰姑娘嫁给了王子。

7 Getting things wrong can be quite embarrassing! 弄错事情是很难堪的!

embarrasse 使…难堪,窘迫

你是想让我难堪吗? _Are you trying to embarrass me?

embarrassing 令人难堪的 an embarrassing question _令人难堪的问题

be embarrassed about 对…感到尴尬,窘迫的

他对自己的衣着感到尴尬。_He was embarrassed about his dressing._

8 It’s quite funny watching the new foreign teachers trying to adjust to doing that.


adjust ①整理,整顿;②校准,调准;③适应(adapt)

adjust sth/oneself to sth/doing

刹车(brake)需要调节了。_The brakes need adjusting.__

She carefully adjusted her clothes and hair before going out.



_Body adjusted to the change of weather._

9 Another thing is, should you come to Brunei, you would have to take off your shoes before going into someone’s house! 还有一件事是,如果你来到文莱,你进别人家门前得脱鞋!

(1)本句是一个非真实条件句,if被省略,在这种情况下句子要进行部分倒装。本句可改写成:If you should come to Brunei, you should have to take off your shoes before going into someone’s house.

Should there be a good film on tomorrow, I would go to the cinema with you.(rewrite) _If there should be a good film on tomorrow,…___

If I were you, I would not do it. (rewrite) _Were I you …

(2)take off ① 脱掉;②起飞;③(指观念、产品等)突然大受欢迎,急升

这部字典极受欢迎。_The dictionary has really taken off.__

Sales of home computers have taken off in recent years.



take away 除掉, 带走 take back 收回 take down 取下, 拆除, 记下

take in 吸取, 理解, 欺骗 take on 呈现, 接纳 take over 接管, 管理

take up 举起, 拿起 占据, 从事 take out 取出

10 It’s time for me to logg off. 我该下线了。

log in/on : 注册,登记 log off/out下线,退出,注销

Log on using your name and password. __用你的名字和密码登陆。


1 You will stay in igloo( house made from snow) or tents and wear clothers made fron animal skins. 你将住在用雪砌成的拱形圆小屋里,或是居住在帐篷里,穿着用动物毛皮缝制的衣服。

句中be made from 是过去分词作定语,修饰clothers

be made from 用…制成,(看不见原材料)be made of 用…制成(看得见原材料)

盐是用海水制成的。 _salt is made from sea water.

这张桌子是木头做的。 The table is made of wood._

2 The Inuit usually live in small family groups but have large summer gatherings for feasts and elebrations where they swap stories. 因纽特人通常按照小家庭单位居住和生活,但会举行大型夏日聚会,大家享受丰盛的食物,举行庆贺活动,同时相互讲故事。

句中where 引导一个定语从句,修饰feasts and celebrations. where 相当于in which.

Hawking, the world- famous astronomer, has written a book, where he descibes blackholes in the universe. where= in the book

3 Here you will have the chance to see Aboriginal ceremies with singing and dancing based on ancient Aboriginal beliefs. 在这里,你将有机会目睹基于古老的土著信仰之上的,人们又唱又跳的土著仪式。

(1) 其中with singing and dancing based on ancient Aboriginal beliefs 是介词短语修饰Aboriginal ceremies, based on ancient Aboriginal beliefs 是过去分词短语作后置定语修饰singing and dancing。

(2) base on 以…为根据,以…为基础

这个电影是以事实为依据的 _The movie is based on a true story._

A judge should base his jugdement on the facts and laws.


4 New Zealand is home to the Maori tribe. 新西兰是毛利民族的家园。

be home to + 表示单位,机构的名称,意为 是…的所在地,总部,基地

地球是人类的家园。_the earth is home to mankind._

Hawaii is home to the US Pacific Fleet. _夏威胰是美国太平洋舰队的基地。

5 They brought with them a Polynesia culture rich in song, dance, carving and weaving. 他们给新西兰带来了在歌舞,雕刻和编织方面有丰富内涵的波利尼西亚文化。

(1) bring sth with sb ,当宾语sth过长时,可将其后置。

那个人经常随身带把雨伞。_the man always brings an umbrella with him.__

When going camping, we have to bring with us a tent, strong shoes and enough food. _在野营时,我们需要带上帐篷,结实的楔子和足够的食物。

(2)本句中的rich in song, dance, carving and weaving作定语修饰Polynesia culture

be rich in 在…方面很丰富,富饶

这个国家自然资源很丰富。 _this country is rich in natural rescources._

上海版牛津英语5a课文 篇6

1. probability n 可能性

probable adj probably adv

2. historian n 历史学家

history n 历史

historical adj 与历史有关的

historic adj 有历史意义的

3. physician n 医生,内科医生

physicist n 物理学家

physics n 物理

physical 肉体上的,身体上的

4. on trial ①.在实验中②.受审

trying adj难受的,难堪的,恼人的

a trying situation 尴尬的局面

5. standardize vt 使符合标准,使标准化

standard n标准,水平adj 标准的,规范的

living standard 生活水平

standard English 标准英语

6. a blood-thinning medicine 降血压的药

thin wine with water 用水稀释酒

7. roads blocked by snow被雪堵塞的道路

a block of rock 一块岩石

a block in traffic= a traffic block交通堵塞

8. at arm’s length 一臂的距离

at length ①. 冗长的 ②详尽地

tell the story at length详尽地讲述故事

9. make an application to sb for help


apply to sb for help 请求某人帮助

apply a theory to practice把理论用于实践

apply oneself to one’s job致力于本职工作

10. purify vt purify the water 使水净化

purity n纯净,纯洁

pure adj 纯净的

11. be fundamental to (doing)sth


12. arrange for sb to do sth

make arangements for sb to do sth


arrange that sb (should) do sth

13. take (a) pleasure in 以。。。为乐

14. the fine difference细微差别

a fine rain 毛毛细雨

fine sb 罚某人的款

pay a fine of 100 yuan 罚款一百元

15. on the point of doing sth 正要做。。。

There is no point (in) doing sth


from one’s point of view 在某人看来

to the point 切题

off the point 离题

16. addictions to cigarette/ drugs 烟瘾/ 毒瘾

be addicted to doing sth沉溺于做某事

17. put through 接通

put aside 把……放在一边

put away 收拾,整理

put forward 提出

put off 推迟

put out 扑灭

put up with 容忍

18.look around 环顾

look down on/upon sb./sth. 鄙视

look forward to 期盼

look into 调查

look out 小心

look on … as 把……看作是

look through 浏览

look up to sb. 尊敬

19. turn up 出现,露面;调高

turn down 调低;拒绝

turn off 关掉

turn on 打开

turn out (to be) 结果是

turn to sb (for help) 向某人求助

n. in turn/by turns 轮流

take turns to do/at sth.

It’s one’s turn to do…

20. take down 记下

take in 吸收;理解;容纳;欺骗

take off 起飞;成功

take on 承担;雇佣

take over 接替

take up 占据;开始(爱好……)

21. reduce fever and pain

22. a standardized tablet

23. reduce the risk of heart attacks by

(It’s) my pleasure. 荣幸 thinning blood

回答请求 with pleasure 乐意 24. due to the widespread use of penicillin

回答感谢 It’s a pleasure

24. Not only has aspirin saved many people’s lives by reducing fever and helping stop pain,

but there are also other things that aspirin can help with.

25. This bacteria-killing medicine is considered by many to be one of the most important medicines in contemporary society.

26. He named the chemical found in the mould ‘ penicillin’.

27. It was not until World War II that two other scientists managed to use new techniques to purify it


1. The date that aspirin was invented is given by medical historians as 1897,but in fact,3,500 years ago,some recipes recommeded drinking a tea made from the dried leaves of a particular plant to reduce body pains. 医学史家认为阿斯匹林发明的时间是18,但事实上,早在35前就有一些药方建议人们饮用一种由特殊植物的干叶制成的茶来减轻身体的疼痛。

recommend vt 推荐 介绍 劝告 建议

He strongly recommended her to our firm for the post.


recommend sb to do sth (advise sb to do sth) 建议某人去做某事,劝某人去做某事


I recommended you to see her at once

recommend doing sth. 建议做某事


I recommended going by bus.

recommend 后面接that 从句,从句里谓语动词用“should +v ”其中should 可以省略。


The teacher recommended that we (should) read the book.

B__---- How shall we go to that airport?

------ Well, I recommend _______ a taxi.

A to take B. taking C. to taking D. take

B I can _____ him to you for the job, He is a very good worker.

A. suggest B. recommend C. advise D. prompt

2. It was not until World War II that two other scientists managed to use new techniques to purify it.(P19 line 46)

是强调句型,强调的是时间。强调句型的结构为:It be + 被强调部分 +that/ who +…(指人时用that, who均可,指事物或情况用that). 这一结构用来强调句子的某一部分,it无词汇意义,只用于构成强调句型。

(1)My uncle bought a new car on Sunday.

-------It was my uncle who/ that bought a new car on Sunday.(强调主语)

-------It was a new car that my uncle bought on Sunday.(强调宾语)

-------It was on Sunday that my uncle bought a new car.(强调时间状语)


It was at the end of that China joined WTO.(句型转换)

Was it at the end of 2001 that China joined WTO?

a) 中国是在底加入世贸的吗?

When was it that China joined WTO?


(3)如果原句中有not…until, 在强调时间状语时,将not until 连同状语一起提前。

I did not realized she was a famous star until she took off her sun-glasses.(句型转换)

It was not until she took off her sun-glasses that I realized she was a famous star.


Not until she took off her sun-glasses did I realize she was a famous star.

(not until置于句首主谓倒装)

(4)怎样判断强调句型是否成立?强调句型只是附加在完整句子上的结构而已,所以去掉It be 和that/who 之后所剩的应是一个完整的句子。试比较:

It was at midnight that I got back home yesterday.

It was midnight when I got back home yesterday.


C1. It is imagination ______ makes the world colourful ,full of vigor and vitality.(07上海)

A.where B. what C. that D. when

A 2. It was after he got what he had desired _____he realized it was not so important.(06辽宁)

A.that B. when C. since D. as

C3. I just wonder ______ that makes him so excited. (.山东)

A.why it does B. what he does C. what it is D. how it is

D4. I t was some time ______ we realized the truth. ( 山东)

A.when B. until C. since D. before

D 5. –He got his first book published. It turned out to be a bestseller.

-- When was ______?(07浙江)

--________ was in when he was still in college.

A. that; this B. this; it C. it; this D. that; it

C6. It is not who is right but what is right ______ is of importance.(07 重庆)

A. which B. it C. that D. this

C7. Many people think that Britain and America stirred up a war on Iraq _________ freedom.

A. by the name of B. in honor of C. in the name of D. in name only

D 8. She wondered _______ we could complete the experiment.

A. when was it B. it was when that C. it was when D. when it was that

D 9. ------- I often see him working hard in his spare time.

-------- __________ he has won the scholarship from time to time.

Which of the following answers is wrong?

A. No wonder B. Small wonder

C. It’s little wonder that D. There is no wonder that

B 10. What’s the ________ of studying after the exam? Why didn’t you study harder?

A. reason B. point C. result D. mean

C 11. (2005 西城抽样测试) I listened to Dr Johnson’s lecture about the American history and

Culture, but I failed to get its key_____________

A. words B. points C. notes D. message

C 12. The brain performs a very important _______; it controls the nervous system of the body.

A. motion B. action C. function D. fund

A 13. I wanted to write about people _____ to drugs.

A. addicted B. addict C. addiction D. addictive

D 14. Although she is only 17 years old, she __________ drugs for two years.

A. addicts B, has addicted to C. has addicted D. has been addicted to

B 15. The doctor had almost lost hope at one point, but the patient finally_________

A. pulled out B. pulled through C. pulled up D. pulled over

A 16. -------Are you ready to leave?

--------- Almost. I’ll be ready to go as soon as I ________ putting the clean dishes away.

A. get through B. give up C. go on D. set about

A 17. If you don’t know how to use the word, you’d better ______ in the dictionary.

A. look it up B. look up it C. look up to it D. look it up to

C 18. (2006 济南统考)------- Why were you in a bad mood yesterday?

-------- A student ________ me down badly though I trusted him.

A. put B. left C. let D. set

A 19. She speaks French very fluently, but her pronunciation ___________.

A. lets her down B. lets down her C. lets her off D. lets her out

D 20. Is it the years ______ you worked in the factory _______ have a great effect on your

literary works?(2005 湖北八校高三联考)

A. that; where B. that; that C. when; where D. when; that

C 21. It was ___________ back home after the experiment.

A. not until midnight did he go B. until midnight that he didn’t go

C. not until midnight that he went D. until midnight when he didn’t go

B 22. --------- Was it what he said or something that he did ______ made you cry so sadly, Sarah?

---------- No, not really.

A. which B. that C. when D. what

C 23. __________ the people have become masters of their country ________ science can really

serve the people.

A. It is only then; that B. It was that; when

C. It is only when; that D. It was when; then

B 24. The young dancers looked so charming in their beautiful clothes that we took ______

pictures of them.

A. many of B. masses of C. the number of D. a large amount of

B 25. As a result of destroying the forests, a large ______ of desert ________ covered the land.

A. amount; have B. quantity; has C. mumber; has D. quantity; have

C 26. The number of people invited _________ fifty, but a number of them ______ absent for

different reasons.

A. were; was B. was; was C. was ; were D. were; were

注解:9 “难怪”的表达 It’s no/ little/ small wonder that…….it is 不可用 there be 替代

10. point在这儿解释为“作用,意义”

11. key words 重要词汇 key points 要点 key notes 主要记录 key message主要信息

15. pull out拔出,挖出,( 船,车)驶出;pull through病人恢复健康;

pull up 拔起,使停下;pull over 把。。。。拉回来
