上海牛津1A Unit1 Period5教案


上海牛津1A Unit1 Period5教案(共6篇)

上海牛津1A Unit1 Period5教案 篇1


一 复习目标和内容


2能掌握本册中重点句型:What can you see? I can see ….What can you hear? I can hear ….Can Mingming hear …? Yes, he can hear….No, he can’t hear ….What do you like? I like ….Do you like ? Yes, I like ….No, I don’t like ….Do you like ? Yes, we like ….No, we don’t like ….What colour is/are …? It’s/They’re….Where is …? I don’t know./ Here it is.3复习以前学过的句型:What is it? It’s ….What are they? They’re….How old are you? I’m ….How old is he/she? He’s/She’s ….I am ….You are ….He is ….She is ….We are ….They are ….I have ….You have ….He has ….She has ….We have ….They have ….4能读懂简短的一段英语文字。

二 课时安排








一 复习听力注意事项




二 Listen and circle 1.A bed B beautiful C brown 2.A take B wolf C we 3.A where B who C how 4.A That’s OK.B All right.C Here she is.5.A How old is she? She is eight.B How old is he? He is two.6.A He is my little brother.His name is Mark.B He is my little brother.His name is Peter.三 Listen and write 1.r__ __f 2.skatebo__ __d 3.w__ve 4.r__ d__ __ 5.squ__ __ __ 6.aw __ __ 7.bl__ __ 8.Str__ __b__rry 9.h__ __ se 10.m__ rr__ __

四 Listen and judge(图片出示)一条长裙










五 Listen and answer.1.A He is eight.B She is nine.2.A I’m fine.B I’m nine.3.A She is Alice.B He is Sam.4.A His name is Ben.B Her name is Amy.六 Listen and write 1.This is _____ brother.That is ______ dog.May is ________ sister._____ is two.2.Let ____ go to school.We go to school ______ bus.3.Is this ______ book? Yes, ________ have a book.______ have a book, too._______ are picture books.第二课时


一 写出下列单词的反义词

1.big _______ 2.fat ________ 3.hard _________ 4.long ________ 5.smooth _________ 6.sweet ________ 7.tall _______ 8.white ________ 9.in _________ 10.left ________ 二 用am, is, are, have, has填空 1.I ______ a boy.2.Eddie ________ tall.He _______ a toy car.3.Here you _______, Kitty.4.______ it nice? No, it isn’t.5.The robot ________ a cold nose.6.What colour _______ the sky? It _____ blue.7.I _______ a blouse.You _______ a shirt.8.Who ________ she? She ______ May.9.It _______ a head, a body and six legs.10.She _______ a cat.He _______ a cat, too.They ________ cats.核对后小结:要熟记这几个单词的固定搭配。

三 写出同类词

1.strawberry ______________ ________________ 2.blouse ______________ ________________ 3.lorry _______________ ________________ 4.tiger _______________ ________________ 5.ball _______________ ________________ 6.raindrops _______________ _________________(重点检查拼写。)

四 选择题

(一)复习句型What is it? It’s ….What are they? They’re….I am ….You are ….He is ….She is ….We are ….They are ….I have ….You have ….He has ….She has ….We have ….They have ….(二)练习

1.Who’s she? She is ________ sister.A.I B.my C.A 1.What is this? It’s _______ orange.A.the B.a C.An 2.Who ________ a pineapple? A.have B.has C.Is 3.________ is a doctor and _______ mother is a teacher.A.Her…has B.She…her C.He…her 4.Bill ______ a pupil of Class Two.He ________ a good friend.A.has…has B.is…has C.is…is 5.Let me _______ a song for you.A.sing B.singing C./ 6.They _____ want grapes.A.are B.don’t C.Have 7.Jack is under ________ tree.A.the B./ C.An 8.What are these? They are _________.A.nest B.nests C.A nest 9.My teeth ______ white.A.is B.are C.Has



一 根据要求写单词

1.spring(同类词)—————— 2.wind(同类词)—————— 3.hot(反义词)—————— 4.dry(反义词)—————— 5.see(同义词)—————— 6.good(同义词)—————— 7.scarf(复数)—————— 8.leaf(复数)

—————— 9.clouds(单数)—————— 10.we(单数)


二 选择填空

(一)复习句型:This … is ….I like / don’t like ….What do you like? I like ….Do you like ? Yes, we like ….No, we don’t like ….(二)练习

1.______ bicycle is super.A.This B.These C.It 2.The butterfly is beautiful.I _______ it very much.A.Don’t like B.like C.Like 3.Do we like animals? No, _______ don’t.A.you B.I C.we 4.What do you like? ______ like toy cats.A.You B.I C.We 5.They are bad dolls.I ________ like dolls.A.don’t B.not C.not do

三 回答问题

1.What can you see in winter? I can see _______, _______ and ___________.2.What do you ________? I like ice-cream.3.It’s hot.The sun shines and shines.What season is it? It’s _________.4.Where is my umbrella? Here ______ ______.5.What is that? ________ a kite.6.How old ____ Eddie? He ____ ten.第四课时


一 正确抄写,注意大小写。1.正确抄写句子的格式是什么?

2.出示:where is my coat here it is 3.独立练习后核对。

二 阅读理解



It is Sunday.The sun is shining.Jack and Jane go to the People’s Park.There are many people in the park.Grandfathers and grandmothers like to walk near the lake.Jack and his friend like kites.They can fly the kite very high.Jane and her sister like to sing and dance.A few children like ball.They are very happy.()1.What’s the weather like today? A.Sunny B.Sunday C.Cloudy()2.Who likes to sing and dance? A.Jack and his friend B.Jane and her sister C.A few children()3.They enjoy _______ today.A.them B.a good time C.themselves


There are four seasons in a year.They are spring, summer, autumn and winter.Spring is warm.Plants grow and grow.We can see many beautiful flowers.Summer is hot and wet.We can eat a lot ice-cream.We can swim in summer.I like summer best.Autumn is cool.It’s not hot.Leaves fall and fall.We can fly kites.Winter is cold.The wind blows and blows.We can make a snowman.We can skate.1.There are twelve seasons in a year.()2.I like winter best.()3.We can see many flowers in spring.()4.Summer is hot and dry.()5.Winter is cool.We can skate.()6.We can make a snowman in winter.()7.Autumn is cool.It’s not hot.()

8.We can swim in winter.()

上海牛津1A Unit1 Period5教案 篇2

period 1 教学内容:Vocabulary 语言知识目标:学会以下词汇:
















(hurt, hurt)(courage


(paid, paid)community

in need

voluntary work

ask permission


raise one‘s spirits

in order to



2、学会单词的构词法和分析单词的规律 学习策略:1.游戏教学(大小声)

2.竞赛(首字母抢答。念中说英,念英说中)情感态度:学会用赏识的眼光去鼓励每位学生说英语。Step1 : 复习英标 Step2 :单词教授 raise permission…

Game : high and low./Simon said→silent I said →say quickly Listen to the tape.Step3 : 复习巩固 Read together Read in group Say English/Say Chinese Step 4: 拓展

competition(首字母抢答)Step 5 : Homework for today 1、朗读单词




period 2 教学内容:Reading 教学目标:语言知识:初步了解篇章的结构






教学难点:通过初步阅读了解文章大意 教学过程:step1:导入

1.学生观察PPT展现的图片-爱心,展开议论。老师提问:1Have you ever help others before?

2Why do you help others?

3How do you feel when you give others a hand?

give sb a hand= help sb 2.Can you guess what we will learn in this unit?--voluntary work 3.What do you know about…? pictures : a helping disabled people



1.(看图片,作者的名字和三篇汇报的第一句话。完成阅读前)1Mark 2 Betty 3Annie 2.初步阅读三篇汇报 完成C1(让学生猜词意识)先让学生理解句子的意思再有学生说出斜体单词的意思最后选出真确答案。完成后让全班同学读一遍。

完成C2(先对给出的短语解释一遍再来理解短文意思)先核对答案再朗读一遍。step3: 听一遍课文录音。Homework: 默写单词短语 熟读文章

period 3&4 教学内容:Reading 语言知识:理解主阅读篇章的结构。

语言技能:通过进一步阅读,理解三篇汇报的内容 学习策略:通过细读。了解主篇章的细节信息。情感态度:学会如何在实际中帮助别人。教学重难点:通过进一步阅读,理解三篇汇报内容 教学过程:step1 导入

Read the words together

Read the text together Have a dictation step2 While-reading First-report 1.学生阅读第一篇汇报的第一段,回答下列问题 Where did Betty do voluntary work? What is wrong with the children there? What did Betty and other volunteers do for the children? 翻译句子板书或展示重点短语

2.学生阅读第二和第三段汇报的第一段,分别完成有关Mark 和 Annie 所参与的志愿服务活动表格。(PPT)翻译句子板书或展现重点短语 3.完成D1,核对答案。step3全班朗读以下短语 offer to do sth


in hospital 住院

in the hospital 在医院里

continue to do sth 继续做某事(另一件事情)continue doing sth 继续做原来的事

have difficulty in doing sth /with sth 在某事上有困难

do voluntary work during one’s holiday in hospital suffer from a picture of near one’s home

take photo of use …for

in an accident raise one’s spirits

express one’s feeling

teach sb to do sth

tell stories Homework: 抄写短语


period5 教学目标:语言知识:深入理解文章

了解dis, un-等前缀及其含义





教师板书单词disagree disappear dishonest dislike unimportant unlike uninteresting unnecessary要求学生猜测这些单词的意识。

老师归纳:un dis是前缀,用来表示否定意思。其他常见的表示否定的前缀还有 in im il ir non 等

可以通过前缀等构词法来记忆单词。step2:回顾主篇章内容,检查回家作业 全班齐读主篇章 完成表格

作业大展现:思维导图 三篇汇报的归纳 Homework 利用思维导图背诵课文。

period 6&7 教学内容:Grammar 教学目标:语言知识:





学习策略:主动探究,善于发现语言的规律并能运用规律举一反三。教学重点:掌握动词不定式作宾语,宾语补足语和目的状语的用法。教学难点:区别带to 的动词不定式和不带to 的动词不定式用法。


P7例句 学生归纳老师归纳: offer和want 后面所跟的to do 和 to pain 被称为动词不定式。动词不定式在句子中可以充当除谓语以外几乎所有的句子成分。动词 不定式的基本结构: to+动词原形

step2:学习动词不定式作宾语的用法。展现句子:1.Three teenagers offered...2.She wanted to paint…

3.My mother and I will continue to visit Viven

4.I wanted to help children like Tim and raise their spirits.5.I will continue to do voluntary work in the future.学生归纳 :在句子中,动词不定式作谓语动词的宾语。动词不定式作宾语的基本结构:动词+带to 的动词不定式,并归纳后常跟动词不定式的动词。

考察学生是否用动词不定式来回答主阅读篇章的相关问题。Who did Betty decide to help? What did Cindy want to do? Who will Mark continue to visit? Who did Annie offer to help? What will Annie continue to do in the future? 讲解things to remember 选用疑问词how what when where when 或who 完成练习。

I will tell you _____ to begin I’m sure you’ll remember ___ to say I know ___ to get there.I don’t know ___ to ask for help.完成练习A step3学习动词不定式作宾语补足语的用法。

例句-归纳 动词不定式宾语补足语的基本结构:动词+宾语+带to 的动词不定式。

教师帮助学生总结后面可跟动词不定式作宾语补足语的动词:advise allow ask encourage expect order teach tell want warn … 完成中译英练习(PPT)

归纳动词不定式的否定形式是在动词不定式前直接加not.not to do sth.step4 学习不带to 的动词不定式用法(方法一样)step5 学习动词不定式作目的状语的用法。

看例句-归纳在句子中,动词不定式to paint 和 help 分别是used a brush 和went to the hospital 的目的,作目的状语。

上海牛津1A Unit1 Period5教案 篇3

1. Master the key words of unit 6.

2.Know how to use the model werbs ‘can’, ‘may’ and ‘must’

Learning strategy

1.spend more time on reading.,writing and speaking,practise as more as possible.



A.Circle the correct answers to complete these sentences.

1.“ I don’t think it is a good way to work out the problem.” replied Mr White.

A. said B. answered C. asked D. thought

2. Don’t look so foolish. It is a very easy question.

A. silly B. happy C. clever

3 .---- Can I ask you a question?

---- Wait for a moment, I’m coming.

A.a long time B. a short time C. at once

4. The boy is like his father.

A.likes B. sounds like C. looks like

5. You needn’t finish the work today.

A.don’t have to B.can’tC. mustn’t

B. Translation

1.电 2.谈话 3.回答_____________ (过去式)______________

2.4.收拾妥,整理好____________ 5.空调___________________ 6.洗衣机______________________

7.关(电灯、机器等)____________________ 8.连接_________ 9.在某种程度上______________


Language points

A.Words and phrases.


1).Look!The boy is _______________(大笑).

2).When I asked him this question,he didn’t _______________(回答).

3).There are three c____________ in my kitchen.

4).A p_________ s______ can provide us with electricity.

5).My new camera can not work. I have to buy a new b______________.

6).Electricity comes into our house through w___________.

7).Is there___________(任何人) at home?

8).If you break the __________(规则),you will be punished.



Can you give me _______ ________ _______ sweets, please?

2)I often answer the letter from my e-friends.(同义句)

3)I often _____________ ____________ the letter from my e-friends.

4)She will look___________(fool).

5)It’s silly _____________(for/of) you to say so.

6)Electricity _______________(give) us power. It ________(flow) through wires.


The wires__________ _____________ _________ cables under the streets.

8)在某种程度上,你是对的。______ _________ _________,you are right.


I often wash clothes _________ the __________ _________________.

10)片刻后,Daisy回来了。 ________ ___________ __________, Daisy came back.


1.I’m going to buy a packet of sweets.

a packet of 一袋。其后可接可数名词复数或不可数名词用来表示数量。



a piece of meat; a piece of paper; a glass of apple juice; a bag of milk

(2)a +单位量词+of+可数名词复数

a basket of eggs; a bag of apples

2.It is like water, in a way…

it a way 在某种程度上 例子In a way, you are right. 在某种程度上,你是对的.


(1)In the way 妨碍;挡道

His hobby sometimes gets in the way of his studies. 有时他的爱好妨碍了他的学业.

(2)on the way 在途中;在路中

He is on the way to school now. 他现在在上学的途中.

(3)by the way 顺便问一下

By the way, who is Tom? 顺便问一下,谁是汤姆

3. Electricity comes into our flat through thin wires. 电通过细电线进入我们的公寓.

come into 进入……之内

Water comes into our houses through pipes.

4.These are connected to cables under the street…

connect 连接… 常用结构: be connected to sth. 连接到…… ;

connect sth. to/with… 把…和…连接起来.

Turn on your computer and connect it to the Internet.

5.A moment later, Daisy came back.

(1)moment 可数名词,意为”瞬间;片刻”

I’d like to talk to you for a moment.


①a moment ago 刚刚;刚才

He was here a moment ago.

②at the moment 现在;此刻

He is at home at the moment.

③wait a moment 等一会儿

Wait a moment, please.

(2) later 副词,意为”后来;以后”

6. Batteries provide toy cars with…

provide sb. with sth. 供应给某人某物

The sun provides us with light and heat.

“为某人提供某物”还可以用 provide sth. for sb.

7. ...speak as many languages as Lo. … 说和Lo一样多的语言.

“as many + 复数名词+as ” 意为”和……一样多的…”

I have as many books as you. 我和你有一样多的书.

“as much +不可数名词+as” 意为”和…一样多的…”

My brother drinks as much milk as I every day.

8. share cups with others 与别人合用杯子

share sth. with sb. 与某人合用/分享某物

Lucy shares a bedroom with Lily. 露西和莉莉合用一间卧室.

B.The usage of model werbs ‘can’, ‘may’ and ‘must’


1. ----May I borrow your books? -- --Yes, you ______ .

A. may B. can C. must D. need

2. () ---Can he speak English?


A .Yes, he does B.Yes,he didC. Yes, he can D.Yes, he must

3. () ----_______ I swim here? ----I’m sorry. Children _____ swim alone here.

A.Must; can’tB. May; mustC. Can; mustn’t D. Can’t; can

4. () With the help of the new technology, you _____ e-mail your friends by mobile phone.

A.can B. mustC. need D. should

5. () ----Can I go fishing with you, Dad?

-----No, you _____. You ______ stay at home and do your homework.

A.won’t; may B. can’t; must C. shouldn’t ; ought D. needn’t; should

6. () Thomas, please be quiet. The others _____ hear very well.

A. can’t B. mustn’t C.shouldn’t D. needn’t

7. () Look at that man over there. he be our teacher Mr.Luo?

--He be him. He has gone to Beijing.

A.May;must B.Can;may C.Can;can’t D.May;can’t

8.() You _____ talk loudly in the library.

A. don’t B. mustn’t C. needn’t D. don’t have to



B1情态动词can 与cannot

我们用can 表示某人具备某种能力做某事。 如:

I can play basketball.

We can finish the work in 20 minutes.

其否定形式为cannot 或can’t . 如:I cannot swim.

I’m afraid I can’t think of more examples to support this argument.

疑问句中, 把can 提到句首, 将can 与主语的位置对调。

Can you speak any foreigner languages ?Can you solve this Maths problem ? I’m sorry, I can’t

B2 情态动词may 与may not

在请求对方的许可, 或是准许你做某事时, 常用情态动词may 和can. may 比较正式,can 较常用且更口语化一些。 如:

May I leave work early today? - 我今天可以早点下班吗?

Yes, You may - 你可以 No, you may not - 你不可以

Can I open a window ? - 我可以开扇窗吗?

Yes, you can - 你可以 No, you can’t - 你不可以

You may / can use my dictionary. 你可以用我的词典。

You may not/ cannot use my computer. 你不可以用我的电脑。

B3 情态动词 must 与must not

must 用以表示“必须做某事” 或“一定要做某事”, 具有强制性, 表达一种责任或义务或表示很有必要做某事; 或在提出建议时使用, 意为“应该; 得”。 如:

We must obey the school rules.

The windows are very dirty. I must clean them.

We must go to the bank today. We haven’t got any money.

must 的否定形式是mustn’t, 表示“禁止”, “决不允许”,具有强制性。 如:

I must hurry, I mustn’t be late.

You mustn’t forget to phone Julia.

must 用于一般疑问句中,其肯定和否定回答应引起我们的注意。

Must I go now ? - 我现在一定要走吗?Yes, you must .- 是的;你一定要走。

- No, you mustn’t - 不,你不可以走。

Must I finish reading the book this week ?

-Yes, you must -No, you needn’t


( ) 1. - _________ your American friend eat with chopsticks ?

-Yes, but he can’t use them well.

A. Can B. Should C. Must

【解析】 A 本句表示能力“ 会; 能够”, can 符合题意。

( ) 2. Everyone ________ go through the security check (安检) when entering the World Expo Park.

A. can B. mayC. must D. ought

【解析】 C 本句表示“必须, 一定要”, must 符合题意。

( ) 3. - The winners of the race is a tall and thin boy with glassed.

-Then it _______ be my friend, Mike, who looks very fat.

A. might B. can’t C. don’t D. Should

【解析】 B 由上下文语境可知本句的意思是“那么他不可能是我的朋友”, 表推测“不可能”时用“can’t”

( ) 4.- Must I go to the shop with you , Mum?

Err… I can make it myself, Mike. You ______ go with me.

A. mustn’t B. shouldn’t C. wouldn’t D. needn’t

【解析】 D 由上下文语境可知本句的意思是“ 你没必要去”, 表示“不必要” 可用needn’t 或don’t have to

( ) 5. - This desk is too heavy. I _______ move it. Could you help me ? - No problem

A. can B. can’t C. should D. shouldn’t

【解析】B 句意为“这桌子太重, 我没法移动它。” 表示“没能力做某事”应用can’t


上海版牛津英语2b课程纲要 篇4

龙岗小学 潘加云 学校名称:郑东新区龙岗小学 课程类型:必修课程

教学材料:上海版牛津英语二年级第二学期(实验本)设计教师:潘加云 课时数:45课时

设计日期:2014年5月28日 学生教材及其他资源背景分析:

有了2A的学习,2B的教材特点是差不多的, 总体来讲,二年级的学生已学过一年多的英语,学生已有一定的基础,在听、说、读、写方面有了一定的基础和学习能力。因此,本学期应注重转化学习有困难的学生,因材施教,分层教学,保持学生的学习兴趣。另外,班级与班级之间也存在的一定的差距,原因有多方面, 大部分在听、说、读、写各方面都已有一定的基础,能够运用所学知识进行简单的交际,但在读写的能力训练方面还有些欠缺,渴望通过新学期的学习获得更多的知识,以提高英语交际能力,同时加强听和写的能力训练。本学期的重点还是放在培养学生良好的学习习惯上。有了好的学习习惯,那么学习成绩也不会差的。


1、能听懂、会说12组会话,并能进行简单的交流。例如第一单元的:What do you see? I see a …这样的句子,就要求学生能够认读。能够在读出比较简单的英语的小文章,并且能够很好的了解其中的意思。






7、能了解6项简单的中西方文化知识 8.帮助学习困难的同学树立信心养成良好的学习习惯 建立融洽的师生关系不让一个人掉队 各单元教学计划 Unit 1 1.能听的懂,会说、会读、和会拼写单词:hen chick duck cow sheep pig 2.能听得懂、会说、会读句型what do you see? I see ….What do you hear? I hear… Unit 2 1.能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词 horse bear elephant tiger monkey panda 2.能听懂、会说、会读句型look at the … it’s …and… 3.能听懂、会说、会读日常交际用语和句型come here ,spotty.gothere ,spotty.spotty!come back.4.能听懂英语小谜语 Unit 3

1、能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词 window door bed room tiger monkey panda


This is my room.There is /are …in my room.3、能听懂、会说、会读日常交际用语和句型

Close the window,please.Open the door, please.Clean your room,please.Unit 4

1、能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词 walk skip swing climb fly ride 2能听懂、会说、会读和会写句型I can walk.I can skip.I can climb.Spotty can run.3、能听懂、会说、会读日常交际用语和句型Don’t walk on the grass.Don’t ride a bicycle here.Don’t climb the tree.4、会唱Rhyme.Unit 5

1、能听得懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词water dirty wash towel soap toothbrush toothpaste。


I wash my hands with water, I wash Spotty with water.3、能听得懂、会说和会读日常交际用语和句型Turn on the tap, May.Wash your towel.Turn off the tap.4.会唱song.Unit 6 1. 能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词bowl plate glass fork knife spoon chopsticks 2. 能听懂、会说、会读和会写句型I’m hungry.I want some bread.I’m thirsty.I want some juice.3.能听懂、会说、会读日常交际用语和句型what do you want? 4.能听懂、明白Story 的意思。Unit 7 1.能听得懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词summer sun cloud hot beach shell sand 2.能听得懂、会说、会读和会写句型summer is hot.The sun is hot.I’m sorry.It’s ok.3.能听得懂、会说和会读日常交际用语和句型…is /are hot/cold.Let’s … 4.能有表情地诵读歌谣。Unit 8 1.能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词watch clock day night breakfast lunch dinner 2.能听懂、会说、会读和会写句型what time is it? Look!It’s three o’clock.3.能听懂、会说、会读日常交际用语和句型May , get up!Have lunch ,May.May, go to bed.4.能听懂明白Story.二、课程内容: Theme 1: Aniamls Unit 1: Farm animals Unit 2: In the circus Theme 2:My living place and area Unit 3: My room Unit 4: In the park Theme 3: Water Unit5: Wash with water Unit 6:Eating and drinking Theme 4:Summer Unit7:Hot summer Unit8:Time Unit 9: Revision



采用游戏形式引导学生学习本环节,师生互动,将Let’s talk以表演形式展现本节的学习内容,教师角色即是演员又是导演,师生配合,使学生达到灵活运用熟练掌握本节的学习内容内容。

(二)词汇教学(Let’s learn/Let’s do)








(四)歌曲与歌谣教学(Let’s sing/lLet’s chant)本册教材包3首歌曲和5首rhyme或者故事,应注意以下几点:






















上海版牛津英语3A教学计划 篇5



















上海牛津1A Unit1 Period5教案 篇6

Look and say

Is it …or..? It’s …

对话1 Look ,Danny.I have a glass of watermelon juice,a glass of cherry juice and a glass of grape juice..2—— What’s this,Danny? Pleseae look and guess.——— It’s purple.Is it grape juice?

---------Yes,you are right.3_--------Now smell it.Is it cherryjuice or wartermelon juice?

-------------It’s watermelon juice,I think.4-------------Taste it.What is it ?--------------It’s watermelon juice.It ‘sweet.I like it.Look and Learn

图:Watermelon grape plum cherry strawberry

A sk and answer

对话 图

What do you have ?

Close your eyes.Smell it.Is it a peach or an apple ?

It is an apple ,I think.Now taste it.How does it taste ?

It’s sweet and nice.What is it ?

It’s an apple.S1:What do you have ? S2:Close your eyes.Smell it.Is it … or…? S 1:It‟s …,I think.S 2:Now taste it.H ow does it taste? S 1:It‟s … S2:What is it ? S1:It‟s …

Say and act

At Alice‟s home 图

Alice:Look,I have some fruit.They‟re grapes,plums and apples.What do you like? Kitty:I like apples.Alice:Do you like red ones or green ones? KittyI like red ones.Alice:Ok.A red apple for you and a green apple for me.Kitty:thanks.Alice:How does the red apple taste? Kitty:It‟s sweet.It‟s very nice.How about the green one ? Alice:It‟s nice too,and it‟s very crunchy..Read a story

The fox and the grapes 图 Oh,grapes!They are purplr and round.What nice grapes!I want them.2 图 These grapes are very sweet.Yum!3 图 The grapes are on a tall vine.I can‟t eat them.4图 Those grapes are sour.They are noe sweet at all.Answer The questions 1 Are the grapes purple or green? 2 Are the grapes sweet or sour? 3 Who can eat the grapes, the bird or the fox? 4.Does the fox like the grapes ?

Listen and enjoy 图

In summer we often sit around.And enjoy fruit.It‟s green and round.It‟s red and sweet inside.W hat is this fruit ,can you guess? The watermelon!Yes,yes,yes!

Learn the sounds

car park blue school

Mark has a liitle car.The car is yellow and blue.He often rides it in his yard,with his sisiter Sue.He also rides it around the park on sunny afternoons.But Mark never rides his car, when he goes to school.How does it feel ? Look and say

Whose … is this /that/ are these/those? It‟s /They‟re…

1.图------Whose knife is this ? It‟s very sharp.------It‟s very sharp.2.图------Whose pencils are these ? They „re blunt.------They‟re Peter‟s.3.图-----Whose pencil case is this ?It‟s very soft.------It‟s Jill‟s.She likes it very much.4图------Whose books are those?They‟re so thick.------They‟re Miss Fang‟s.She has many books.Look and Learn



Rough smooth





Play a game

图 1 Danny ,put your pencil in the bag.图2 Kitty,put your ball in the bag.图 3 Peter,put your toy bear in the bag.图4------Alice ,put your hand in the bag,Touch one thing,H ow does it feel ?

--------It‟s big and round.It‟s smooth and soft.It‟s a ball.----------Yes,your are right.Whose ball is it?----------It‟s Kitty‟s ball.Say and act On the beach Kitty and her parents are walking on the beach.1.图D:The sand is very soft.Can I take off my shoes.? M: Yes,of course you can.2.图 D:Ouch!

M::What‟s the matter? Kitty: There‟s something in the sand.It‟s hard!

3.图D: Oh,look.It‟s a key.Whose key is this ?

Kitty: Let‟s ask the man over there.4.图D: Hello,is this your key?

The man: No, it isn‟t.D:Let‟s take it to the lost-property office.Kitty: Ok.Let‟s go.Read a story

The bilnd brothers and the elephant 1图 Under the tree,there are four brothers.They are all blind.2 图 Here comes a man on an elephant.The brothers can hesr the elephant,but they cannot see it。图--------“What‟s that ?”asks one of the brothers.-----------“It‟s an elephant,” answers the man, “You can touch it,How does it feel?”


The brothers all the elephant.“I know,” says one of the brothers , “The elephant is smooth and hard!”

“ No, it isn‟t!” says another brother, “It‟s big and thick” “No.The elephant is big and soft ,” says another brother.“No!” says the last brother , “The elephant is long and thin”

Answer the question What do the four brothers say about the elephant? Listen and enjoy Some fruit is rough.Some fruit is hard.Some drinks are hot.Some drinks are cold.Some toys are soft.Some toys are hard.I like eating and drinking, And playing in the school yard.Learn the sounds

图 skirt purse Laura floor Laura is a beautiful girl.She is young,slim and tall.She wants to buy a new red skirt.The old one is too small.But she cannot find her purse.It is not on the floor.“It‟s over there” says her mum, “Just behind the door!” Look at the shadow Look and say It …(does)1 Look at the sun.In the morning ,it rises behind the hill.The tree‟s shadow is long.It is on the lawn.2 At noon,the sun is high in the sky.The tree‟s shadow grows shaort.It is on the bench.3 The sun goes down in the evening.The tree‟s shadow grows long again.It is on the path.Look and learn 图:hill lawn path bench

Make and say 1.图 Paint a tree and a hill 2.图 cut them out 3.图 Stick a pencil 4.图 in the morning 5.图 at noon 6.图 in the evening Shine the torch and make a shadow.图 :In the morning,the sun rises behind the hill.The tree‟s shadow is long Say and act

图1.This is my shadow.She „s also my friend.2.I go to school at seven o‟clock in the morning.My shadow often goes with me.3.Sometimes my shadow syays behind me.4,Sometimes my shadow walks in front of me.5.Sometimes my shadow grows short andsmall.6.Sometimes my shadow grows big and strong.I like my shadow.Read a story Henry the dog 图1 It is abeautiful sunny day.Henry the dog walks down the road.2 “What‟s that?Is it a big black dog?” Henry hears a sound.He looks back and sees a black shape behind him.3.“Please don‟t bite me!”Henyr is afraid.4.“This black dog runs very fast.”Henry runs away,but the black shape follows him.5.“Wait!You are like me.You are my shadow!” Henry stops.He looks at the black shape.It stops too.He is not afraid now.6.“Let‟s plasy together.” Henry likes his new friend.He likes playing with it.True or false

()1 Henrysees a big black dog.()2The black shape runs after Henry.()3 The black shape is Henry‟s shadow.()4 Henry does not like his new friend.Listen and enjoy The shadow‟s song 图 Boom dee ah dah Boom dee ay Sometimes it‟s long and tall.Sometimes it‟sshort and small.Sometimes it‟s on the wall.Sometimes it‟s on thefloor.And when the light goes off, You won‟t see it any more.Boom dee ah dah Boom dee ay… Boom,boom,boom.Learn the sounds 图

Bee tea deer tear
