中外合资经营公司合同 篇1
1.1.1所依据的法规条文 Applied Laws and Regulations
1.Chinese-foreign equity joint ventures(hereinafter referred to as joint ventures)established within Chinese territory upon the approval in accordance with the Law on Chinese-Foreign Equity Joint Ventures are Chinese legal persons, who shall be governed and protected by Chinese law.2.在中国境内设立的合营企业,应当能够促进中国经济的发展和科学技术水平的提高,有利于社会主义现代化建设。
2.Joint ventures established within Chinese territory shall be able to promote the development of the economy and the enhancement of the science and technology of China and facilitate China’s socialist modernization.Industries in which the establishment of joint ventures is encouraged, permitted, restricted or prohibited by the State shall be determined in accordance with provisions of the State in the Regulations on Foreign Investment Guidelines and the Guideline Catalogue of Foreign Investment Industries.3.在中国境内设立合营企业,必须经中华人民共和国对外贸易经济合作部(以下简称对外贸易合作部)审查批准。批准后,由对外贸易经济合作部发给批准证书。3.The establishment of a joint venture within Chinese territory shall be subject to the examination and approval by the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation of the People’s Republic of China(MOFTEC).Upon approval, MOFTEC shall issue a certificate of approval thereof.4.凡具备下列条件的,国务院授权省、自治区、直辖市人民政府或者国务院有关部门审批:(1)投资总额在国务院规定的投资审批权限以内,中国合营者的资金来源已经落实的;
4.The State Council shall delegate to the people’s governments of the provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government or the relevant departments under the State Council the power to examine and approve joint ventures which meet the following conditions:(1)The total investment of a joint venture is within the amount limited by the authority as granted by the State Council for examination and approval of investment, and the source of capital of the Chinese party has been ascertained;and(2)No additional allocation of raw materials by the State is required and the national balance in respect of fuel, power, transportation, foreign trade export quota is not affected.Joint ventures established in accordance with provisions of the proceeding paragraphs shall be reported to MOFTEC for record.MOFTEC and the people’s governments of provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government authorized by the State Council or the relevant departments under the State Council shall hereinafter be referred to as the examination and approval authority.5.申请设立合营企业,由中外合营者共同向审批机构报送下列文件:(1)设立合营企业的申请书;
5.When applying for establishing a joint venture, the Chinese and foreign partners shall jointly submit the following documents to the examination and approval authority:(1)an application for the establishment of the joint venture;(2)the feasibility study report jointly prepared by the parties to the joint venture;(3)the joint venture agreement, contract and articles of association executed by the duly authorized representatives of the parties to the joint venture;(4)list of the candidates for the chairman, vice-chairman and directors of the joint venture nominated by the parties to the joint venture;and(5)other documents specified by the examination and approval authority.The documents listed in the proceeding paragraphs must be written in Chinese, among them.Documents(2),(3)and(4)may be written simultaneously in a foreign language agreed upon by the parties to the joint venture.Documents written in both languages shall be equally authentic.If anything inappropriate is found in the documents submitted, the examination and approval authority shall require that it be amended within the specified time.6.审批机构自接到本条例第五条规定的全部文件之日起,3个月内决定批准或不批准。6.The examination and approval authority shall, within three months of the receipt of all the documents stipulated in Article 5 of these regulations, decide whether to approve or not to approve such documents.7.申请者应当自收到批准证书之日起1个月内,按照国家有关规定,向工商行政管理机关办理登记手续。合营企业的营业执照签发日期,即为该合营企业的成立日期。
7.The applicant shall, within one month of the receipt of the certificate of approval, go through the registration procedures with the administrative authority of industry and commerce in accordance with the relevant stipulations of the State.The date on which the business license of a joint venture is issued shall be the date of the establishment of the joint venture.1.2.1 成立公司 Establishment of Company
1.In accordance with the Law of the People’s Republic of China on Chinese-Foreign Equity Joint Ventures and other relevant Chinese laws and regulations, Shanghai Sun Co., Ltd.(hereinafter referred to as “Party A”)and Warren Inc.(hereinafter referred to as “Party B”), adhering to the principles of equality and mutual benefit, and through friendly consultations, agree to jointly establish an equity joint venture company(the “JV company”)in Shanghai, the People’s Republic of China(“China”), and hereby enter into this Equity Joint Venture Contract(“Contract”).2.合营公司的中文名称为“上海太阳-沃伦有限公司”,英文名称为“Shanghai Sun-Warren Co., Ltd.”。合营公司的法定地址为中国上海市东怡路1705号。
The name of the JV company is “上海太阳-沃伦有限公司” in Chinese, and “Shanghai Sun-Warren Co., Ltd.” in English.The legal address of the JV Company is 1705 Dong Yi Road, Shanghai, China.如果合营期限内任何时候一方不再作为合营公司的合营方,而其时合营公司名称和/或标识的任何一部分带有与该方公司名称或标识相同或近似的任何语言的字眼和/或标识,另一方则应促使合营公司在该另一方不再作为合营公司一方后60日内更改合营公司的名称,删去公司名称内所包含的该等字眼和/或标识,并促使立即销毁所有载有上述公司名称和/或标识的所有文具、书面材料和出版物。
If either party ceases to be a party of the JV Company at any time during the Joint Venture Term, and if at such time any word in any language and/or logo which is the same as or similar to the corporate name and/or logo of that party appears in any part of the name and/or logo of the JV Company, the other party shall procure that the JV Company shall forthwith change its name to exclude such word and/or logo from the corporate name within sixty(60)days of that party ceasing to be a party to the JV Company, and shall procure that the all stationary, written materials and publications containing any reference to such corporate name and/or logo shall be forthwith destroyed.3.合营公司为有限责任公司,以其所有资产对外承担责任。各方对合营公司的责任以其根据本合同认缴的、对合营公司注册资本的出资额为限。除各方另有约定外,任何一方对合营公司不负超出其认缴的出资额的任何责任。任何一方均不就合营公司债务和义务对任何第三方有任何连带责任。
3.The JV Company shall be a limited liability company.It shall be liable to the full extent of its assets.The liability of each party to the JV Company shall be limited to the amount it has contributed to the registered capital of the JV Company pursuant to this Contract.Unless otherwise agreed by the parties, neither party shall have any liability to the JV Company in excess of such amount.Neither of the party shall be jointly and severally liable to any third party for the JV Company’s liabilities and obligations.4.合营公司组织形式为有限责任公司。各方以其认缴的出资额对合营公司的债务承担责任。各方按其出资额在合营公司注册资本中的比例分享利润和分担风险及亏损。
4.The JV Company shall be a limited liability company.Each party’s liability to the Company shall be limited to the amount of capital contribution subscribed by it.The parties shall share the profits and bear the risks and losses in proportion to their respective contribution to the registered capital of the JV Company.5.合营公司为中国法人,受中国法律管辖和保护。合营公司的一切活动应遵守中国的法律法规的规定。5.JV Company is a legal person in China who shall be governed and protected by Chinese law.All its activities shall comply with the provisions of Chinese laws and regulations.6.本合同各方根据《中华人民共和国外资企业法》及其实施细则和中国其他有关法规,同意在中国上海市共同经营一家外商独资企业。
6.In accordance with the Law of the People’s Republic of China on Foreign Investment Enterprises and its implementation rules and other relevant laws and regulations of China, the Parties to this Contract agree to jointly operate a wholly foreign-owned enterprise in Shanghai, China.7.公司为中国法人,性质为外商独资经营企业,受中国法律管辖和保护。公司的一切活动必须遵守中华人民共和国法律、法规的规定,并享受中国国家以及地方给予外商独资经营企业的一切优惠待遇。
7.The company shall be a legal person in China, which is by nature a wholly foreign-owned enterprise.It shall be governed and protected by Chinese law.And, it shall comply with the provisions of the laws and regulations of China in all its activities.It shall be entitled to all preferential treatment accorded by the State and the local governments to wholly foreign-owned enterprises.unit 2投资总额和注册资本 2.1.1 所依据的法规条文
1.合营企业的投资总额(含企业贷款),是指按照合营企业合同、章程规定的生产规模需要投入的基本建设资金和生产流动资金的总合。1.The total amount of investment(including borrowings)of a joint venture refers to the sum total of the capital construction funds and the circulating funds required to be invested in conformity with the joint venture’s production scale as set out in the contract and the articles of association of the joint venture.2.合营企业的注册资本,是指为设立合营企业在登记管理机构登记的资本总额,应为合营各方认缴的出资额之和。
2.The registered capital of a joint venture refers to the total capital registered with the registration authority for the establishment of the joint venture.It shall be the sum of the capital contributions subscribed by all parties to the joint venture.The registered capital shall generally be denominated in Renminbi or may be in a foreign currency agreed upon by the parties to the joint venture.3.合营企业在合营期内不得减少其注册资本。因投资总额和生产经营规模等发生变化,确需减少的,须经审批机构批准。
3.No joint venture may reduce its registered capital during the term of the joint venture.If there is a real need for reduction of the registered capital due to changes in the total amount of investment, the scale of production and operation, or other circumstances, such reduction shall be subject to approval by the examination and approval authority.4.合营一方向第三者转让其全部或部分股权的,须经合营他方同意,并报审批机构批准,向登记管理机构办理变更登记手续。合营一方转让其全部或部分股权时,合营他方有优先购买权。
4.If a party to a joint venture intends to transfer all or part of its equity to a third party, consent shall be obtained form the other parties to the joint venture, and approval from the examination and approval authority shall be required.Such transfer shall be registered with the registration authority for the corresponding changes in the registration particulars.When a party transfers all or part of its equity, the other parties shall have the preemptive right.In case one of party to the Joint Venture intends to transfer all or part of its interest rights, the other party shall be entitled to the preemptive right to buy such interest rights.When a party transfers its equity to a third party, the conditions offered for such transfer may not be more favorable than those offered to the other parties to the joint venture.Any transfer in contravention of the above provisions shall be invalid.Any transfer in breach of the proceeding provisions shall be void.5.合营企业注册资本的增加、减少,应当由董事会会议通过,并报审批机构批准,向登记管理机构办理变更登记手续。
5.Any increase in or reduction of the registered capital of a joint venture shall be approved by a board meeting and submitted to the examination and approval authority for approval.Such increase or reduction shall be registered with the registration authority for the corresponding changes in the registration particulars.6.合营者可以用货币出资,也可以用建筑物、厂房、机器设备或者其他物料、工业产权、专有技术、场地使用权等作价出资。以建筑物、厂房、机器设备或其其他物料、工业产权、专有技术作为出资的,其作价由合营各方按照公平合理的原则协商确定,或者聘请合营各方同意的第三者评定。
6.A party to a joint venture may make its capital contribution in money, or in the form of buildings, factory premises, machinery, equipment or other materials, industrial property, proprietary technology or site use rights, the value of which shall be appraised.Where the contribution is in the form of buildings, factory premises, machinery, equipment or other materials, industrial property or proprietary technology, the value thereof shall be determined by the parties to the joint venture through consultation and on the principle of fairness and reasonableness or shall be appraised by a third party agreed upon by parties to the joint venture.7.外国合营者出资的外币,按缴款当日中国人民银行公布的基准汇率折算成人民币或者套算成约定的外币。中国合营者出资的人民币现金,需要折算成外币的,按缴款当日中国人民银行公布的基准汇率折算。
7.The foreign exchange contribution made by the foreign party shall be converted into Renminbi or cross exchanged into a predetermined foreign currency at the standard exchange rate published by the People’s Bank of China on the day the payment is made.Where the cash contribution in Renminbi made by the Chinese party needs to be converted into a foreign currency, it shall be converted at the standard exchange rate published by the People’s Bank of China on the day the payment is made.8.作为外国合营者出资的机器设备或其他物料,应当是合营企业生产所必需的。前款所指的机器设备或者其他物料的作价,不得高于同类机器设备或者其他物料当时的国际市场价格。8.The machinery, equipment or other materials contributed by the foreign party shall be those that are indispensable for the production of the joint venture.The valuation of the machinery, equipment or other materials mentioned in the proceeding paragraph may not be higher than the current international market price of machinery, equipment or other materials of the same kind.9.作为外国合营者出资的工业产权或者专有技术,必须符合下列条件之一:(1)能显著改进现有产品的性能、质量,提高生产效率的;
9.The industrial property or proprietary technology contributed by the foreign party shall meet one of the following conditions:(1)It is capable of notably improving the performance and quality of existing products and raising productivity;or(2)It is capable of notably economizing on raw materials, fuel or power.10.外国合营者以工业产权或者专业技术作为出资,应当提交该工业产权或者专有技术的有关资料,包括专利证书或者商标注册证书的复制件、有效状况及其技术特性、实用价值、作价的计算根据、与中国合营者签订的作价协议等有关文件,作为合营合同的附件。
10.A foreign party who contributes industrial property or proprietary technology shall deliver documentation relating to, including photocopies of the letters patent or trademark registration certificates, statements of validity, technical features and practical value thereof, the basis for calculating the price, and the agreement signed with the Chinese partner on the value thereof, as annexes attached to the joint venture contract.11.外国合营者作为出资的机器设备或其他物料、工业产权或者专有技术,应当报审批机构批准。
11.The machinery, equipment or other materials, industrial property or proprietary technology contributed by the foreign parties shall be submitted to the examination and approval authority for approval.12.合营各方应当按照合同规定的期限缴清各自的出资额。逾期未缴或未缴清的,应当按合同规定支付迟延利息或者赔偿损失。
12.Each party to a joint venture shall make its capital contribution in full and within the time limited prescribed in the contract.If a party delays in making its contribution or fails to make its contribution in full, it shall pay interest on such default or compensate for any losses pursuant to the provisions of the contract.13.合营各方缴付出资额后,应当由中国的注册会计师验证,出具验资报告后,由合营企业据以发给出资证明书。出资证明书载明下列事项:合营企业名称;合营企业成立的年、月、日;合营者名称(或者姓名)及其出资额、出资的年、月、日;发给出资证明书的年、月、日。
13.After the parties have made their capital contributions to the joint venture, such contributions shall be verified by a certified public accountant registered in China.Upon the issuance of the capital verification report by the said accountant, the joint venture shall issue a capital contribution certificate to each party, which shall contain the following particulars: the name of the joint venture, the date, month and year of the establishment of the joint venture, the names of the parties and their capital contribution, the date, month and year on which their capital contribution is made, and the date, month and year of the issuance of the capital contribution certificate.2.2.1 1.合营公司的投资总额为一千五百万美元,注册资本为一千万美元。
1.The total amount of investment of the JV Company is fifteen million(15,000,000)US Dollars, and the registered capital of the JV Company is ten million(10,000,000)US dollars.2.甲方向合营公司出资相当于八百万美元的人民币现金,占合营公司注册资本的80%。乙方向合营公司出资相当于二百万美元的人民币现金,占合营公司注册资本的20%,但乙方必须提供其人民币合法来源的证明。
2.Party A shall contribute the Reminbi(“RMB”)equivalent of eight million(8,000,000)US Dollars in cash to the JV Company, accounting for 80% of the registered capital of the JV Company.Party shall contribute the RMB equivalent of two million(2,000,000)US Dollars in cash to the JV Company, accounting for 20% of the registered capital of the JV Company, provided, however, that Party B will provide evidence proving the lawful source of its RMB contribution.3.乙方应在合营公司获得营业执照后90天内,向合营公司注册资本缴纳其100%的出资额(即二百万美元等值的人民币)。甲方应(i)在合营公司获得营业执照后的90天内,向合营公司注册资本缴纳其25%的出资额(即二百万美元等值的人民币);(ii)在2002年5月底前向合营公司注册资本缴纳其25%的出资额(即二百万美元等值的人民币);(iii)在合营公司获得营业执照后三年内,向合营公司注册资本缴纳其50%的出资额(即四百万美元等值的人民币)。
3.Party B shall contribute 1000% of its share of the registered capital of the JV Company(i.e.the RMB equivalent of US $ 2,000,000)within ninety(90)days after the JV Company obtains its business license.Party A shall contribute(i)25% of its share of the registered capital of the JV Company(i.e.the RMB equivalent of US $ 2,000,000)within ninety(90)days after the JV Company obtains its business license;(ii)25% of its share of the registered capital of the JV Company(i.e.the RMB equivalent of US $ 2,000,000)by the end of May, 2002;(iii)50% of its share of the registered capital of the JV Company(i.e.the RMB equivalent of US $ 4,000,000)within three years after the JV Company obtains its business license.4.如果任何一方未能按照以上第三条要求出资,应按《中外合资经营企业合营各方出资的若干规定》第六条和第七条处理。此外,自第三条规定的出资日起至实际出资日期间,该方应为每笔迟付款项向合营公司支付累积的利息,利率相当于伦敦银行同业拆放美元月息加百分之一。
4.If either party fails to make its contribution to the registered capital as required by Article 3 above, such failure shall be dealt with in accordance with Article 6 and 7 of the Several Provisions Concerning Capital Contributions by Parties to the Chinese-Foreign Equity Joint Venture Enterprises.In addition, interest shall accrue and shall be payable by such party to JV Company on the value of each late contribution from its scheduled contribution date specified in Article 3 till the date when such contribution is actually made.The rate of interest shall be equal to one percent over the monthly London interbank offered rate for US Dollars.5.在(i)乙方全部缴清其对合营公司注册资本的出资额,且甲方缴纳其第二期对合营公司注册资本的出资额后,及(ii)甲方缴清其对合营公司注册资本的出资额后,合营公司应聘请在中国注册的会计师(“注册会计师”)对各方的出资进行验资。注册会计师出具验资报告后,合营公司应向各方颁发由董事长签字的出资证明书,写明该方的名称及其累计的出资额。5.The JV Company shall engage a certified public accountant registered in China(“CAP”)to verify the contribution to the JV Company made by each of the Parties(i)after party B has contributed its share of the registered capital of the JV Company in full and Party A has paid its second installment of contribution to the registered capital of the JV Company, and(ii)after Party A has paid in full its contribution to the registered capital of the JV Company.After the CPA has issued each capital verification report, the JV Company shall issue to each Party a capital contribution certificate signed by the Chairman of the Board of directors, indicating the name of the party and the cumulative amount of its contribution.6.合营公司的投资总额与注册资本的差额为五百万美元(“差额”)。双方同意为筹措差额进行合作。为此,乙方应促使其一家关联公司分期贷给合营公司最高为四百二十万美元的款额(“乙方贷款”)。乙方贷款的具体条款和条件,包括但不限于利率、每期贷款预付的先决条件及其他有关条款,应在合营公司与乙方的关联公司签订的贷款协议中作出规定。乙方贷款的本金和利息,应自颁发合营公司营业执照之日起十年内偿还。
6.The difference between the total investment and the registered capital of the JV Company is five million(5,000,000)US Dollars(the “Difference”).The Parties agree to cooperate in raising the Difference for the JV Company.To this end Party B shall procure one of its affiliates to lend to the JV Company an amount of up to four million two hundred thousand(4,200,000)US Dollars in installments(the “Party B Loan”).The specific terms and conditions of the Party B Loan, including without limitation the interest rates, conditions precedent to advancement of each installment and other relevant terms shall be set forth in a Loan agreement to be entered into by and between the JV Company and Party B’s affiliate.The principal of and interest on the Party B Loan shall be repaid over a term of ten years from the date of issuance of the JV Company’s business license.The amount to make up the shortage in the Difference(i.e.800,000 US Dollars)shall be borrowed by the JV Company in or out of PRC pursuant to the decisions of the board of directors.7.如果一方转让其对合营公司注册资本的全部或部分出资,应事先获得另一方的书面同意。此外,该另一方在相同的条款和条件下,在法律允许范围内有优先购买权。
7.Should one Party transfer all or part of its share of the registered capital of the JV Company, prior consent shall be obtained in writing from the other Party.In addition, the other Party shall have the preemptive right on the same terms and conditions and to the extent permitted by law.任何一方对合营公司注册资本的全部或部分出资转让后,受让方应承担本合同规定的出让方的相应义务和责任。
Upon the transfer of all or part of either Party’s share of the registered capital to the JV Company, the transferee thereof shall assume the corresponding obligations and responsibilities of the transferring Party as stipulated in this contract.unit 3董事会
3.1.1 所依据的法规条文
1.A joint venture shall set up a board of directors, the member and composition of which shall be specified in the contract and articles of association by the parties to the joint venture through consultation.The directors shall be appointed and replaced by the parties.Chairman or vice-chairman shall be determined by the parties to the joint venture through consultation or elected by the board of directors.Where the Chinese party or the foreign party assumes the office of chairman, the other party shall be the vice-chairman.The board of directors shall decide important matters concerning the joint venture on the principles of equality and mutual benefit.2.董事会的职权是按合营企业章程规定,讨论决定合营企业的一切重大问题:企业发展规划、生产经营活动方案、收支预算、利润分配、劳动工资计划、停业,以及总经理、副总经理、总工程师、总会计师、审计师的任命或聘请及其职权和待遇等。
2.As its functions and powers, the board of directors shall, in accordance with the provisions of the articles of association of the joint venture, discuss and decide all important matters concerning the joint venture, namely, the enterprise expansion plan, plans for production and business activities, budget for revenues and expenditures, profit distribution, plans concerning labor and wages and winding up, as well as the appointment or engagement of the general manager, deputy general manager, chief engineer, chief accountant, and auditors and their functions and powers, and salaries and benefits.3.董事会是合营企业的最高权力机构,决定合营企业的一切重大问题。
3.The board of directors shall be the highest authority of a joint venture.It shall decide all major matters concerning the joint venture.4.董事会成员不得少于3人。董事名额的分配由合营各方参照出资比例协商确定。董事的任期为4年,经合营各方继续委派可以连任。
4.The board of the directors shall consist of no less than three members.The number of directors to be appointed by each party shall be determined through consultation by the parties to the joint venture with reference to the proportion of their respective capital contribution.The term of office for each director shall be four years.Such term shall be renewed when a director is re-appointed by the original appointing party to the joint venture.5.董事会会议每年至少召开一次,由董事长负责召集并主持。董事长不能召集会议时,由董事长委托副董事长或其他董事负责召集并主持董事会会议。经1/3以上董事提议,可以由董事长召开董事会临时会议。
5.The board meeting shall be convened at least once a year, which shall be called and presided over by the chairman of the board.If the chairman is unable to call the meeting, he shall appoint the vice-chairman or another director the power to call and preside over the meeting.The chairman may convene an interim meeting upon a proposal made by more than one third of the total number of directors.The board meeting shall be held only when over two-third of the directors are present.If a director is unable to attend the meeting, he may issue a power of attorney to appoint a proxy to represent him and vote on his behalf.The board meeting shall generally be held at the location of the joint venture’s legal address.6.下列事项由出席董事会会议的董事一致通过方可做出决议:(1)合营企业章程的修改;
6.Resolutions on the following matters shall be made only after they have been unanimously approved by the directors present at the board meeting:(1)amendment to the articles of association;(2)termination and dissolution of the joint venture;(3)increase in and reduction of the joint venture’s registered capital;and(4)merger or division of the joint venture.Resolutions on other matters may be made in accordance with the rules of procedure stated in the articles of association of the joint venture.7.董事长是合营企业的法定代表人。董事长不能履行职责时,应当授权副董事长或者其他董事代表合营企业。
7.The chairman of the board is the legal representative of the joint venture.When the chairman is unable to perform his duties, he shall authorize the vice-chairman or another director to represent the joint venture.3.2.1 1.合营公司营业执照颁发之日,即为合营公司和董事会成立之时。1.The day of the issuance of the JV Company’s business license shall be date of the establishment of the JV Company and the board of directors.2.董事会由5名董事组成,其中3名董事由甲方委派,2名董事由乙方委派。.董事长由甲方委派。董事长和其他董事的任期为3年,经委派方再次委派可连任。
2.The board of directors shall consist of 5 directors, of whom three(3)shall be appointed by Party A and two(2)shall be appointed by Party BThe chairman of the board shall be appointed by Party A.The term of office of the chairman and other directors shall be three(3)years, and they may serve consecutive terms when they are re-appointed by the original appointing Party.When a vacancy arises on the board of directors, the original appointing Party shall promptly appoint a successor.Any Party may at any time appoint a new director(including the chairman of the board).When a new director, chairman or vice-chairman is appointed, the appointing party shall notify the board of directors and the other party seven(7)days in advance.3.董事长是合营公司的法定代表人。董事长负责召集和主持董事会会议。未经董事会事先以决议的形式书面授权,董事长无权单方面采取对合营公司或董事会有约束力的行动。董事长因故不能履行其职务时,应指派另一位董事暂时履行董事长职务及代表合营公司。
3.The chairman of the board is the legal representative of the JV Company.He shall be responsible for calling and presiding over the board meeting.Without the prior written authorization by the board of directors in the form of a resolution, the chairman shall have no right to take any action that is binding on the JV Company or the board of directors.Should the chairman be unable to perform his duties, he shall appoint another director to perform the duties of the chairman and represent the JV Company for the time being.4.董事会会议每年至少召开一次。董事长应在董事会开会前14天向每一位董事发出书面会议通知,说明会议的议程、时间和地点。董事长发出的会议通知上载明的开会日期之前,每位董事可随时经提前至少5天向董事长发出通知,请求增加在该次会议上讨论的事项。董事长在收到请求后,应立即向每一位董事发出经过修改的会议通知。除非经全体董事一致批准,董事会不得在董事会会议上就会议通知未列明的事项作出任何决议。
4.The board meeting shall be convened at least once a year.The chairman of the board shall give each director a written notice fourteen(14)days prior to the date of the board meeting, stating the agenda, time and place of the meeting.Each director may at any time prior to the date of a meeting specified in the notice of meeting issued by the chairman, by giving at least five(5)days’ notice to the chairman, request for additional matters to be discussed at such meeting.The chairman of the board shall forthwith distribute a revised notice of meeting to each of the directors following receipt of any such request.The board of directors may not at any meeting adopt any resolutions on subjects not specified in the notice of the meeting unless approved by all the directors.5.董事因故不能出席董事会会议,可以书面授权委托代理人出席董事会。如届时未出席也未委托代理人出席,则作为弃权。
5.Where the director is unable to attend a board meeting for any reason, he may appoint a proxy by a power of attorney to attend the meeting on his behalf.If the director or his proxy fails to attend the duly convened board meeting, such director shall be deemed to have abstained form voting.The quorum of the board meeting shall be two-thirds of the total number of directors.Resolutions passed by a board meeting attended by less than two-thirds of the directors shall be invalid.6.董事会会议应由总经理办公室用中文和英文作详细记录,并在会议结束后14日内送交每位董事,由出席董事会会议的各位董事签字确认。会议记录应全面真实地记录与会董事或其代理人对要解决的问题所发表的意见,董事或其代理人的反对意见也应一并记录在案。任何董事不得以反对董事会会议通过的决议为由拒绝在会议记录上签字。经董事签字的董事会会议记录,是董事会会议讨论和表决的事项的真实反映,由总经理办公室保存并付诸实施。该等会议记录的复印件应立即交董事长(或其出席会议的代理人)签字,并分发给各位董事。如果会议的中文记录与英文记录不一致,则应以中文记录为准。
6.Detailed minutes of the board meeting shall be prepared in Chinese and English by the General Manager’s office and shall be delivered to each director within fourteen(14)days of the conclusion of the meeting to be signed and confirmed by each of the directors who attended the board meeting.The minutes of the board meeting shall actually fully and truly record the opinions of the directors or their proxies on the matters being resolved, and any objection raised by any director or his proxy shall also be recorded in the minutes.No director may refuse to sign the minutes of the board meeting on the ground that he objects to any resolution adopted at the board meeting.The minutes of the board meeting that are signed by the directors shall be the true record of the matters discussed and voted on at the board meeting, and shall be kept and complemented by the General Manager’s office.Photocopies thereof shall be promptly signed by the chairman(or his proxy attended at the time)and distributed to each director.In case of any discrepancy between the Chinese and English versions, the minutes of the meeting prepared in Chinese shall prevail.7.如果全体董事书面同意,董事会可以不召开会议而采取行动。该等书面同意应记录在案,并具有有正式召开的董事会会议的一种表决相同的效力。7.An action may be taken by the board of directors without the convening of a board meeting if all the members of the board of directors consent in writing to the action.Such written consent shall be placed on record, and shall have the same force and effect as a unanimous affirmative vote taken at a duly convened board meeting.unit 4经营管理机构 4.1.1所依据的法规条文
1, A joint venture shall establish its business management organization, which shall be responsible for its day-to-day business management.The business management organization shall have one general manager and several deputy general managers, who shall assist the general manager in his work.2.总经理执行董事会会议的各项决议,组织领导合营企业的日常经营管理工作。在董事会授权范围内,总经理对外代表合营企业,对内任免下属人员,行使董事会授予的其他职权。2.The general manager shall carry out the various decisions of the board meeting, and organize and lead the daily management work of the joint venture.The general manager shall, within the authority given by the board of directors, represent the joint venture externally and appoint and dismiss his subordinates in the joint venture and exercise other powers granted by the board of directors.3.总经理、副总经理由合营企业董事会聘请,可以由中国公民担任,也可以由外国公民担任。经董事会聘请,董事长、副董事长、董事可以兼任合营企业的总经理、副总经理或者其他高级管理职务。
3.The general manager or deputy general manager shall be engaged by the board of directors of the joint venture.These positions may be held either by Chinese citizens or by foreign citizens.As the invitation of the board of directors, chairman, vice-chairman or directors may concurrently be the general manager, deputy general manager or other officer of the joint venture.In handling important matters, the general manager shall consult with the deputy general managers.The general manager or deputy general manager may not hold posts concurrently as the general manager or deputy general manager of another economic organization and they may not join other economic organizations in commercial competition with their own enterprise.4.总经理、副总经理及其他高级管理人员有营私舞弊或者严重失职行为的,经董事会决议可以随时解聘。
4.The general manager, deputy general manager or other officer commits an act of graft or serious dereliction of duty, the board of directors may adopt a resolution to dismiss him at any time.5.合营企业需要在国外和港澳地区设立分支机构(含销售机构)时,应当报对外贸易经济合作部批准。5.When a joint venture needs to establish branches(including sales offices)overseas or in the Hong Kong or Macao Special Administrative Region of China, approval from the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation shall be required.6.合作企业设总经理一人,负责合作企业的日常经营管理工作,对董事会或者联合管理委员会负责。
6.The cooperative joint venture shall have a general manager who shall be responsible for its day-to-day business management.The general manager shall be responsible to the board of directors or the joint management committee.The general manager of the cooperative joint venture shall be engaged and dismissed by the board of directors or joint management committee.At the invitation of the board of directors or the joint management committee, a director or committee member may concurrently be the general manager or other officers of the cooperative joint venture.7.总经理及其他高级管理人员不胜任工作的,或者由营私舞弊或者严重失职行为的,经董事会或者联合管理委员会决议,可以解聘;给合作企业造成损失的,应当依法承担责任。7.The general manager or any other officer may be dismissed for incompetence or an act of graft or serious dereliction of duty, subject to a resolution of the board of directors or the joint management committee.He who has caused losses to the cooperative joint venture shall be legally liable for such losses.4.2.1 1.合营公司实行董事会领导下的总经理负责制。合营公司设总经理一名,由甲方提名;副总经理一名,由己方提名。总经理、副总经理由董事会聘任,任期为三年,经董事会批准后可以连任。总经理直接对董事会负责,副总经理协助总经理工作。
1.The JV Company shall practice the general manager responsibility system under the leadership of the board of directors.The JV Company shall have a general manager, who shall be nominated by Party A, and a deputy general manager, who shall be nominated by Party B.The general manager, deputy general manager shall be appointed by the board of directors, for a term of three(3)years.Their term of office may be renewed with the approval by the board of directors.The general manager shall be directly responsible to the board of directors, and the deputy general manager shall assist the general manager in his work.2.经营管理机构内设若干部门,分别负责公司各部门的工作,办理总经理和副总经理交办的事项,并对总经理和副总经理负责。总经理有权根据劳动合同和中国有关法律规定,对公司部门经理及其以下各级职工的雇佣、解聘、升级、降职、调动等做出决定并予以执行。2.The business management organization shall comprise several departments, which shall take charge of various works of the company, handle the matters assigned by the general manager or deputy general manager and be responsible to the general manager and the deputy general manager.The general manager shall have the right to make and implement decisions on hiring, dismissal, promotion, demotion or transfer of the managers of the various departments and the staff and workers at lower levels in accordance with the labor contracts and the provisions of the relevant laws of China.3.总经理的主要职责是执行董事会的各项决定,组织领导日常生产、经营和管理,编制并向董事会提交计划和预算,包括财务预算,资本投资和处分、借款计划,价格水平、销售量、开支、收益、可分配利润和业务经营所需的其他项目的预测。此外,总经理还应行使下列权利和职责:
3.The main responsibilities of the general manager shall be to implement the various decisions of the board of directors, to organize and lead the day-to-day production, operation and management, and to prepare and submit to the board of directors the annual plan and budget, including the financial budget, and the plan for capital investments and dispositions, borrowings, and forecasts of price level, sales volumes, expenses, earnings, distributable profits and such other items as are required for business operations.In addition, the general manager shall exercise the following rights and duties:(1)submit periodic written reports to the board of directors on the incomes and expenditures of the company together with suggestions of improvement;(2)formulate rules and regulations for the operation and management of the Company and a plan for the division of labor, and responsibilities and functions of various departments, and implement same after they are approved by the board of directors;(3)formulate personnel training programs and implement such programs following their examination and approval by the board of directors;(4)handle external relations, and represent the Company in signing commercial documents and other corporate documents with third parties;(5)act as the authorized representative of the Company in connection with the institution or defense of any lawsuits or arbitration proceedings;and(6)exercise such other rights and duties as are entrusted by the board of directors(which shall be specified by the Company).4.公司设总会计师一名,负责领导公司的财务会计工作。总会计师应按照董事会要求和中国法律有关规定要求编制月度财务报告。
4.The Company shall have a chief accountant, who shall be responsible for directing the financial and accounting work of the Company.The chief accountant shall prepare monthly financial reports required by the board of directors and in compliance with the relevant provisions of Chinese laws.5.总经理、副总经理、总会计师或其他高级职员应维护公司的合法权益,未经董事会批准均不得在可能与公司形成竞争的任何经济组织中任职,或参与该等经济组织与公司的竞争。5.The general manager, deputy general manager, chief accountant or other officers shall protect the legitimate rights and interests of the Company.Without the approval by the board of directors, none of them may concurrently hold any position in any economic organization that is likely to compete against the Company, or joint it in competing against the Company.6.总经理、副总经理、总会计师或其他高级职员请求辞职时,应提前3个月向董事会提出书面报告。
6.If the general manager, the deputy general manager, the chief accountant or any other officer wishes to resign from his office, he shall submit a prior written report to the board of directors three(3)months in advance.If any of the above personnel commits an act of graft or serious dereliction of duty, the board of directors may decide to dismiss him at any time.He who has violated the criminal law shall be prosecuted according to law.用地及其费用
1.Joint ventures must implement the principle of economizing on land in their use of sites.A joint venture shall submit an application for the use of a site to the local land administration authority at municipal(county)level and shall, upon approval from the said authority, obtain the right to sue the site through the conclusion of a contract.The contract shall specify the area, location and purpose of the site, the term of the contract, the fee for the right to use the site(hereinafter referred to as the site use fee), the rights and obligations of the parties to the contract, and the penalty for breach of contract.2.合营企业所需场地的使用权,已为中国合营者所拥有的,中国合营者可以将其作为对合营企业的出资,其作价金额应当与取得同类场地使用权所应缴纳的使用费相同。
2.If the right to use the site needed by a joint venture is already owned by the Chinese party, it may contribute such right as its investment in the joint venture.The amount appraised for such right shall be equivalent to the site use fee payable for obtaining the right to the use of a site of the same kind.3.场地使用费标准应当根据该场地的用途、地理环境条件、征地拆迁安置费用和合营企业对基础设施的要求等因素,由所在地的省、自治区、直辖市人民政府规定,并向对外贸易经济合作部和国家土地主管部门备案。
3.The rate for the use of a site shall be determined by the people’s government of the province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government where the site is located in consideration of such factors as the purpose and geographical and environmental conditions of the site, expenses for land requisition, demolishing of the houses on the site and relocation of the residents, and the joint venture’s requirements in respect of the infrastructure, which shall be filed with the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation and the State Land administration authority for the record.4.场地使用费在开始用地的5年内不调整。以后随着经济的发展、供需情况的变化和地理环境条件的变化需要调整时,调整的间隔期应当不少于3年。
4.The site use fee shall not be adjusted within the first five(5)years of the commencement of land use.Thereafter, when adjustment is necessitated by economic development and changes in supply and demand and in geographical and environmental conditions, the interval in between such adjustment shall not be less than three years.The site use fee contributed by the Chinese party as its investment may not be adjusted during the term of contract.5.合营企业按前述第一条取得的场地使用权,其场地使用费应当按合同规定的用地时间从开始时起按年缴纳,第一日历年用地时间超过半年的按半年计算;不足半年的免缴。在合同期内,场地使用费如有调整,应当自调整的起按新的费用标准缴纳。
5.If its right to the use of a site is obtained pursuant to Article 1 above, the joint venture shall pay the site use fee per annum from the commencement of the use of the site during the term of site use as specified in the contract.For the first calendar year, a half-year fee shall be paid if the site has been in use for more than six months;the site use fee shall be exempted if the use of the site is less than six months.During the term of the contract, if the site use fee is adjusted, it shall be paid at the new rate beginning from the year of adjustment.6.合营企业除依照本章规定取得场地使用权外,还可以按照国家有关规定取得场地使用权。6.In addition to obtaining the site use right pursuant to the provisions of this chapter, joint ventures may acquire such right in accordance with the relevant stipulations of the State.7.外资企业的用地,由外资企业所在地的县级或者县级以上地方人民政府根据本地区的情况审核后,予以安排。
7.Land to be used by a wholly foreign-owned enterprise shall be arranged by the local people’s government at county level or above in the light of the local conditions after it has been verified by the said government.8.外资企业应当在营业执照签发之日起30天内,持批准证书和营业执照到外资企业所在地县级或县级以上地方人民政府的土地管理部门办理土地使用手续,领取土地证书。
8.A wholly foreign-owned enterprise shall, within thirty(30)days of the issuance of its business license, present the approval certificate and the business license to the land administration authority of the local people’s government at county level or above, go through the land use procedures and collect the land use certificate.9.土地证书为外资企业使用土地的法律凭证。外资企业在经营期限内未经批准,其土地使用权不得转让。
9.The land use certificate shall be the legal proof for a wholly foreign-owned enterprise to use the land.During the term of operation, the wholly foreign-owned enterprise may not assign its land use right without approval.10.外资企业在领取土地证书时,应当向其所在地土地管理部门缴纳土地使用费。10.When collecting the land use certificate, a wholly foreign-owned enterprise shall pay the land use fee to the local land administration authority.11.外资企业使用经过开发的土地,应当缴付土地开发费。
前款所指土地开发费包括征地拆迁安置费用和为外资企业配套的基础设施建设费用。土地开发费可由土地开发单位一次性计收或者分年计收。11.If a land to be used by a wholly foreign-owned enterprise has been developed, it shall pay the land development fee.The land development fee mentioned in the preceding paragraph includes the expenses for land requisition, demolishing of the houses on the land and relocation of the residents and the expenses involved in the building of the infrastructure for the wholly foreign-owned enterprise.The land development fee may be collected by the land development unit in one lump sum or by yearly installments.12.外资企业使用未开发的土地,可以自行开发或者委托中国有关单位开发。基础设施的建设,应当由外资企业所在地县级或者县级以上地方人民政府统一安排。
12.If a land to be used by a wholly foreign-owned enterprise is undeveloped, it may develop the land by itself or commission relevant Chinese unites to develop it.The building of the infrastructure on the land shall be arranged by the local people’s government at county level or above under unified planning.Where the land used by the wholly foreign-owned is undeveloped, the wholly foreign-owned enterprise may develop the land by itself or commission relevant Chinese units to develop it.13.外资企业的土地使用费和土地开发费的计收标准,依照中国有关规定办理。13.The land use and land development rates to be collected from wholly foreign-owned enterprises shall be in accordance with the relevant regulations of China.14.外资企业的土地使用年限,与经批准的该外资企业的经营期限相同。14.The term for land use by a wholly foreign-owned enterprise shall coincide with the approved term of its operation.15.外资企业除依照本章规定取得土地使用权外,还可以依照中国其他法规的规定取得土地使用权。
15.In addition to obtaining the land use right pursuant to the provisions of this chapter, wholly foreign-owned enterprises may acquire such right pursuant to other regulations of China.5.2.1 1.甲方谨此向乙方出让上海嘉定区位于新村路以北、东风路以西的535号地块(“土地”),面积为15,150平方米。土地的确切面积、位置和四至见本合同附件一的地块图,该地块图已经双方签字确认。
1.Party A hereby grants to Party B a parcel of land, Lot No.535 located to the north of Xin Cun Road and to the west of Dong Feng Road, Jiading District, Shanghai and covering an area of 15,150 square meters.The exact area, location and four boundaries of the Land are shown on the map attached to this Contract as Appendix I, which map has been affirmed through signature of both parties.2.乙方应向甲方支付每平方米20美元的土地使用权出让金(“土地出让金”),共计三十万三千(303,000)美元以获得该土地为期50年的使用权(“土地使用期”),从本合同签署后第六十天开始。但土地出让费的总额应根据土地的实测面积经甲方确认后相应调整。
2.Party B shall pay Party A a Land Use Rights grant fee(the “Land Grant Fee”)of US $ 20 per square meter for a total of Three Hundred and Three Thousand U.S.Dollars(US $303,000)to obtain the Land Use Rights to the Land for a term of fifty(50)years(the “Land Use Term”), which commences from the 60th day of the execution of this contract.However, the total amount of the Land Grant Fee shall be adjusted according to the actual area of the Land measured and confirmed by Party A.Party B shall pay 20 US Dollars for every square meters of land to Party A as the transference price on the land use right(“land transference price“), the total of which shall be 303,000 US Dollars, to obtain the right to use such land for 50 years(“land use term”).Such term shall be commencing from the sixtieth day after the execution of this contract
3.In addition, Party B shall pay Party A a land use fee(the “Land Use Fee”)for the Land of RMB 1.00 per square meter per year during the Land Use Term.The Land Use Fee shall be payable in two(2)semi-annual installments, with the first installment due by June 30 and the second installment due by December 31 each year.4.本合同签署后7天内,乙方应向甲方支付定金1万美元(“土地出让定金”),作为本合同项下乙方应支付的土地出让金额的一部分。
4.Party B shall pay Party A, within seven(7)days after the execution of this contract, Ten Thousand U.S.Dollars(US $ 10,000)as a deposit(the “Land Grant Fee”), which shall constitute part of the payment of the Land Grant Fee payable by Party B under this contract.5.本合同签署后60天内,乙方应向甲方支付土地出让金的余额二十九万三千(293,000)美元。5.Party B shall pay Party A, within sixty(60)days after the execution of the contract, the remaining amount of the Land Grand Fee of Two Hundred and Ninety Three Thousand US Dollars(US $293,000)in full.6.土地出让金包括乙方使用土地所需支付的一切费用(以上第三条规定的每年每平方米人民币1元的土地使用费除外)。
6.The Land Grant Fee shall cover all payments(other than the Land Use Fee of RMB 1.00 per square meter per year as set forth in Article 3 above)that Party B will be required to pay in order to use the Land.7.如果乙方未按时支付土地出让金,甲方有权解除本合同并要求乙方做出违约赔偿,但解除本合同和要求赔偿前,甲方应向乙方发出该方未如期支付土地出让金的通知,且给予乙方自收到甲方通知后30天时间改正其违约行为。如果乙方有意延期支付土地出让金,则须在土地出让金支付日到期前向甲方提出书面申请。如果甲方同意乙方延期付款,乙方则应支付每天0.3%的滞纳金。
7.If Party B fails to pay the Land Grant Fee on time, Party A shall have the right to terminate this contract and claim damages from Party B for breach of contract;provided that prior to such termination and claim for damages, Party A shall provide Party B with a written notice of Party B’s failure to pay the Land Grant Fee and Party B shall have thirty days from the receipt of Party A’s notice to cure such failure.If Party B intends to postpone the payment of the Land Grant Fee, a written application shall be made to Party A before such payment is due.Where Party A consents to such delay, a 0.3% per day late payment penalty shall be charged.8.乙方全额支付土地出让金、甲方出具收据后10天内,乙方应向上海市房地产登记处(“登记处”)提交土地使用权初期登记申请。登记处接受乙方登记申请后30天内,应向乙方签发上海市房地产产权证。
8.Party B shall file an application with the Shanghai Municipal Real Estate Registration Office(the “Registration Office”)for initial registration of the Land Use Rights within seven(7)days after having paid the Land Grant Fee in full and being issued a receipt in respect thereof.The Registration Office shall issue to Party B a “Shanghai Municipal Real Estate Title Certificate” within thirty(30)days after its acceptance of Party B’s filing of the said registration.9.出让土地使用权的土地仍归国家所有。国家对土地保留司法权、行政权和法律赋予的其他权力以及为了公众利益所必须的其他权利和权益。
9.The ownership of the Land, for which the Land Use Rights are granted, still belongs to the State.The State shall retain, over the Land, its judicial power, the administrative power and other powers granted by law, as well as other rights and interests which are necessitated by public interest.10.上海市人民政府保留对土地的城市规划设计权。土地使用期到期展延时,应服从其时有效的城市规划。因城市规划给乙方造成的后果,政府不予赔偿。
10.The Shanghai Municipal People’s Government retains the power of urban planning and design in respect of the Land.When the Land Use Term is due for renewal, the then effective urban planning must be complied with.The government shall not compensate Party B for consequences brought to Party B by the modification of the planning.11.在土地使用期期间,在不影响乙方保护自身及客户机密信息的前提下,甲方有权依法监督和检查土地的土地使用权的开发、使用、转让、租赁、抵押和终止的情况。如果甲方意欲检查乙方使用土地的情况,应在进行检查前5个工作日书面通知乙方。
11.During the Land Use Term, Party A shall, subject to Party B’s right to protect its and its customers’ confidential information, have the right to supervise and inspect, in accordance with law, the development, utilization, assignment, lease, mortgage and termination of the Land Use Right to the Land.If Party A desires to inspect Party B’s use of the Land, Party A shall notify Party B of the contemplated inspection in writing five(5)working days prior to the date on which the inspection will be conducted.12.土地使用期到期时,乙方应在到期之日办理向甲方归还土地的手续。如果乙方有意延长土地使用期,则应在到期日之前1年向甲方提交申请。甲方同意延长的,乙方则应重新办理土地使用权出让手续。
12.Upon expiration of the Land Use Term, Party B shall go through the formalities for reverting the Land to Party A on the expiration date.If Party B wishes to renew the Land Use Term, it shall submit an application to Party A one(1)year prior to the expiration date.Upon Party A’s consent to the renewal, Party B shall again carry out the procedures for the grant of Land Use Rights.unit 6 购买物资和销售产品 6.1.1所依据的法规条文
1.合营企业所需的机器设备、原材料、燃料、配套件、运输工具和办公用品(以下简称物资),有权自行决定在中国购买或者向国外购买。1.A joint venture shall have the right to decide for itself to purchase required machinery and equipment, raw materials, fuels, accessories and fittings, means of transport and office supplies, etc,(hereinafter referred to as materials)in China or from abroad.2.合营企业需要在中国购置的办公、生活用品,按需要量购买,不受限制。
2.There is no limit on quantities of office supplies and articles for daily use to be purchased in China by joint ventures to meet their needs.A joint venture may purchase the office and live supplies in accordance with the requirement, and without any restriction.3.中国政府鼓励合营企业向国际市场销售产品。
3.The Chinese government encourages joint ventures to sell their products to the international market.4.合营企业有权自行出口其产品,也可以委托外国合营者的销售机构或者中国的外贸公司代销或者经销。
4.A joint ventures shall have the right to export its products by itself, or commission the sales agencies of the foreign party to the joint venture or Chinese foreign trade companies to sell its products on a consignment or distribution basis.5.合营企业在合营合同规定的经营范围内,进口本企业生产所需的机器设备、零配件、原材料、燃料,凡属国家规定需要领取进口许可证的,每年编制一次计划,每半年申领一次。外国合营者作为出资的机器设备或其他物料,可以凭审批机构的批准文件直接办理进口许可证进口。超出合营合同规定范围进口的物资,凡国家规定需要领取进口许可证的,应当另行申领。
5.If a machinery and equipment, spare parts and fittings, raw materials, and fuels to be imported by a joint venture to meet the needs of its production within the business scope as set out in the joint venture contract shall require import licenses under State regulations, the joint venture shall work out a plan per annum and apply for such licenses every six months.For the importation of machinery and equipment and other goods contributed by the foreign party, the joint venture may directly apply for import licenses on the strength of the approval documents issued by the examination and approval authority.A joint venture may directly apply the import license upon the approval documents issued by the examination and approval authority for the machine and equipment or other material contributed to the joint venture by the foreign party to the contract.In respect of the importation of materials beyond the scope as set out in the joint venture contract, the joint venture shall make a separate application for import licenses required under State regulations.A joint venture may operate the business of exporting products manufactured by itself.Where export license for its products are required under State regulations, the joint venture shall apply for them every six months in line with its annual export plan.6.合营企业在国内购买物资的价格以及支付水、电、气、热、货物运输、劳务、工程设计、咨询、广告等服务的费用,享受与国内其他企业同等的待遇。
6.With respect to prices of materials to be purchased in China and fees charged for the supply of water, electricity, gas and heat and the services such as transportation of goods, labor, project designing, consulting and advertising, joint ventures shall enjoy equal treatment accorded to other domestic enterprises.7.合营企业与中国其他经济组织之间的经济往来,按照有关的法律规定和双方订立的合同承担经济责任,解决合同争议。
7.In business intercourse between a joint venture and another Chinese economic organization, the two parties shall undertake economic responsibilities and settle disputes in connection with their contract pursuant to relevant laws and the contract concluded between them.8.合营企业应当依照《中华人民共和国统计法》及中国利用外资统计制度的规定,提供统计资料,报送统计报表。
8.A joint venture shall provide statistical data and submit statistical statements in accordance with the Law of the People’s Republic of China on Statistics and Chinese regulations concerning the statistical system for the utilization of foreign capital.9.外资企业有权自行决定购买本企业自用的机器设备、原材料、燃料、零部件、配套件、元器件、运输工具和办公用品等。
9.A wholly foreign-owned enterprises shall have the right to decide for itself to purchase machine and equipment, raw materials, fuels, parts and components, accessories, elements, means of transport and office supplies for its own use.In purchasing materials in China, the wholly foreign-owned enterprises shall enjoy equal treatments accorded to Chinese enterprises under the same conditions.10.外资企业可以在中国市场销售其产品。国家鼓励外资企业出口其生产的产品。10.A wholly foreign-owned enterprise may sell its products on the Chinese domestic market;The State encourages wholly foreign-owned enterprises to export their products.11.外资企业有权自行出口本企业生产的产品,也可以委托中国的外贸公司代销或者委托中国境外的公司代销。
11.A wholly foreign-owned enterprise shall have the right to export its products by itself, or may commission Chinese foreign trade companies or companies outside Chinese territory to sell its products on a consignment basis.A wholly foreign-owned enterprise may sell its products buy itself, or commission commercial organizations to sell its products on a consignment basis.12.外国投资者作为出资的机器设备,依照中国规定需要领取进口许可证的,外资企业凭批准的该企业进口设备和物资清单直接或者委托代理机构向发证机关申领进口许可证。
12.If the machinery and equipment contributed by a foreign investor as investment shall require import licenses under Chinese regulations, the wholly foreign-owned enterprise shall directly apply or entrust an agency to apply with the license issuing authority for the import licenses on the strength of the list of equipment and materials approved for importation by the enterprise.Where materials to be imported by a wholly foreign-owned enterprise for its own use and for the needs of its production within the approved business scope shall require import licenses under Chinese regulations, the wholly foreign-owned enterprise shall work out an annual import plan, and apply with the license issuing authority for import license every six months.Where products to be exported by the wholly foreign-owned enterprises shall require export licenses under State regulations, the enterprises shall work out the annual export plan and apply with the license issuing authority for such export licenses every six months.13.外资企业进口的物资以及技术劳务的价格不得高于当时的国际市场同类物资以及技术劳务的正常价格。外资企业的出口产品价格,由外资企业参照当时的国际市场价格自行确定,但不得低于合理的出口价格。用高价进口、低价出口等方式逃避税收的,税务机关有权根据税法规定,追究其法律责任。
13.Prices for materials and skilled labor to be exported by a wholly foreign-owned enterprise may not be higher than the normal prices of materials and skilled labor of the same kind prevailing on the international market.Prices of export products of a wholly foreign-owned enterprise shall be determined by the enterprise itself with reference to the current international market prices.If a wholly foreign-owned enterprise employs high import prices and low export prices to evade taxation, the tax authorities shall have the right to take a legal action against it according to tax l 6.2.1 1.合营公司所需采购的物资,应提出采购计划和预算,并开列清单存档;凡属重大固定资产投资项目,应报董事会批准后方可执行。
1.For the purchase of required materials and goods, the JV Company shall work out a purchase plan and budget and make a detailed list for the record.All major investment projects involving fixed assets must be reported to the board of directors for approval before they may be carried out.2.合营公司所需的原料、机器设备、零部件、化学品、燃料等,可以根据质量要求和公平合理的原则,在国内市场或向国外购买。
2.The raw materials, machinery and equipment, components, spare parts, chemicals, fuels and the like required by the JV Company may be purchased on the domestic market or from abroad based on their quality and on the principles of fairness and reasonableness.3.如果甲方根据《经营管理合同》代表合营公司或安排合营公司购买物资,甲方应遵循公平合理的原则,并保护合营公司的利益。在此等情况下购买物资,合营公司须支付的购买价款,应相当于甲方或其关联公司购买同类物资支付的价款加上运费、杂费和保险费。如果合营公司有意通过其他途径(包括不经甲方安排)在国内或国外购买物资,应由合营公司自行作出决定。
3.If Party A shall purchases on behalf of the JV Company or arrange for the JV Company to purchase materials in accordance with the Business Management Contract, Party A shall abide by the principles of fairness and reasonableness, and safeguard the interests of the JV Company.For purchase under such circumstances, the purchase price of such materials to be paid by the JV Company shall be equal to the purchase price of materials of the same kind paid by Party A or its Affiliates plus freight, incidental expense and insurance.The JV Company shall decide for itself if it intends to purchase materials within China or from abroad by other means(not including the arrangement by Party A).Where the JV Company intending to purchase materials in or outside of the PRC by other means(including purchase not under the arrangement of Party A), the JV Company shall make its own decision.4.甲方将协助合营公司办理申请并获得进口必要数量的机械设备、原料和物资(如有)的许可证。应乙方或合营公司要求,甲方应协助合营公司在中国采购原料,但对此不负主要责任。
4.Party A shall assist the JV Company in applying for and procuring licenses for the importation of necessary quantities of machinery, equipment, raw materials and supplies(if any).At the request of Party B or the JV Company, Party A shall assist the JV Company in purchasing raw materials in the PRC, without being primarily responsible thereof.5.甲方将协助合营公司采购某些设备,包括甲方出售的附件一所列辅助设备和设施(“甲方设备”)。甲方保证,其只能以合理的市场价格向合营公司出售甲方设备,出售前乙方应已对甲方设备的评估给予确认。甲方在此进一步保证,甲方设备状况良好,可用于生产,且在向合营公司出售之时,为甲方完全拥有,不存在使任何第三方受益的任何分期付款购买安排、租赁、抵押、质押、留置或其他负担,而且在完成向合营公司出售的交易后,将成为合营公司完全拥有的、无负担的财产。
5.Party A shall assist the JV Company in purchasing certain equipment, including the sale by Party A of the auxiliary equipment and facilities listed in Appendix 1(“Party A Equipment”).Party A hereby warrants that it shall only sell the Party A Equipment to the JV Company following Party B’s confirmation of the valuation of the Party A Equipment.Party A hereby further warrants that the Party A Equipment shall be in good workable condition and, at the time of sale to the JV Company, shall be wholly owned by it and shall not be subject to any hire purchase arrangement, lease, mortgage, pledge, lien or other encumbrances in favor of any third party whatsoever and shall, upon completion of the sale to the JV Company, constitute the wholly owned, unencumbered property of the JV Company.6.乙方将协助合营公司向海外供应商购买附件二所列的专用设备,并为购买该等设备获得最佳商业条款和条件。
6.Party B shall assist the JV Company in purchasing the equipment listed in Appendix II from overseas suppliers and in securing the best commercial terms and conditions for such purchase.7.甲方应协助合营公司在中国境内外采购原材料和包装物及选择原材料和包装物的供应商,代表合营公司根据产品供应协议的有关规定确定原材料和包装物采购的价格和条款。7.Party A shall assist the JV Company in procuring raw materials and packing materials both in and out of the PRC and in selecting suppliers of raw materials and packing materials, and shall determine, on behalf of the JV Company, the price and terms of procurement of raw materials and packing materials pursuant to the relevant provisions of the Products Supply Agreement.8.合营公司应努力扩大产品在中国的市场份额,在中国市场营销产品,增加产品的销量,积极促进产品的外销。
8.The JV Company shall make every endeavor to expand the market share of Products in China, market Products in Chinese market, increase the sale of Products and energetically promote the export sales of Products.9.双方同意,合营公司应按照《产品供应协议》的条款和条件向乙方或乙方指定的关联公司(包括乙方在境外的关联公司)出售其生产的产品。
9.The parties hereby agree that the JV Company may sell all its output of products to Party B or Party B’s designated affiliates(including Party B’s affiliates outside the PRC)in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Product Supply Agreement.unit 7税务、外汇管理和保险 7.1.1 所依据的法规条文
1.Joint venture shall pay taxes in accordance with the provisions of the relevant laws of the People’s Republic of China.2.合营企业的职工应当按照《中华人民共和国个人所得税法》缴纳个人所得税。
2.Staff and workers of joint ventures shall pay individual income tax in accordance with the Individual Income Tax Law of the People’s Republic of China.3.合营企业进口下列物资,依照中国税法的有关规定减税、免税:
3.Taxes on the following materials imported by a joint venture shall be reduced or exempted in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Chinese tax law:(1)Machinery and equipment, spare parts and components, and other goods(“other goods” shall, herein and hereinafter, mean materials needed by a joint venture to build its factory or site and to install and consolidate the machinery.)contributed by the foreign party to the joint venture as investment under the joint venture contract;(2)Machinery and equipment, spare parts and components, and other goods imported with funds out of the total investment of a joint venture;(3)Machinery and equipment, spare parts and components and other goods imported by a joint venture with additional capital and upon the approval by the examination and approval authority, the production and supply of which cannot be guaranteed in China;
(4)Raw materials, auxiliary materials, components, elements, spare parts, and packing material imported by a joint venture for the production of export goods.When the above-mentioned materials on which taxes are reduced or exempted are approved for resale in China or used for products to be sold in China, taxes shall be paid or the balance in tax payment shall be made up in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Chinese tax law.4.合营企业生产的出口产品,除中国限制出口的以外,依照中国税法的有关规定减税、免税或者退税。
4.Taxes on export products manufactured by a joint venture other than those restricted by China shall be reduced, exempted or refunded in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Chinese tax law.5.合营企业的一切外汇事宜,按照《中华人民共和国外汇管理条例》和有关管理办法的规定办理。
5.All matters relating to foreign exchange of joint ventures shall be handled in accordance with the Regulations of the People’s Republic of China on Foreign Exchange Control and the provisions of relevant administrative measure.6.合营企业凭营业执照,在境内银行开立外汇账户和人民币账户,由开户银行监督收付。6.A joint venture shall, on the strength of its business license, open accounts in foreign exchange and in Renminbi with banks in China, which shall supervise its receipts and payments.7.合营企业在国外或者港澳地区的银行开立外汇账户,应当经国家外汇管理局或者其分局批准,并向国家外汇管理局或者其分局报告收付情况和提供银行对账单。
7.Approval from the State Administration of Exchange Control or one of its branches shall be required for a joint venture to open a foreign exchange account with a bank overseas or in Hong Kong SAR or Macao SAR, and the joint venture shall report its receipts and payments and provide the bank statements to the State Administration of Exchange Control or its branch.8.合营企业在国外或者港澳地区设立分支机构,其资产负债表和利润表,应当通过合营企业报送国家外汇管理局或者其分局。
8.Branches set up by a joint venture in foreign countries or in Hong Kong SAR or Macao SAR shall submit their annual balance sheet and annual profit statement to the State Administration of Exchange Control or its branches through the joint venture.9.合营企业根据经营业务的需要,可以向境内的金融机构申请外汇贷款和人民币贷款,也可以按照国家有关规定从国外或者港澳地区的银行借入外汇资金,并向国家外汇管理局或者其分局办理登记或者备案手续。
9.A joint venture may, in light of its operation needs, apply with financial institutions in China for loans in foreign exchange and in Renminbi.It may also borrow funds in foreign exchange from banks abroad or in Hong Kong SAR or Macao SAR in accordance with the relevant stipulations of the State, and carry out the procedures for registration or filing for the record with the State Administration of Exchange Control or one of its branches.10.合营企业的外籍职工和港澳职工的工资和其他正当收益,依法纳税后,减去在中国境内的花费,其剩余部分可以按照国家有关规定购汇汇出。
10.After paying taxes on their salaries and other legitimate incomes according to law and deducting their expenses in China, foreign employees and employees from Hong Kong SAR AND Macao SAR may remit the remainder of their foreign exchange out of China in accordance with the relevant stipulations of the State.11.合营企业的各项保险应向中国境内的保险公司投保。
11.Joint ventures shall take out various insurance policies with insurance companies in China.7.2.1 1.公司应根据中国的有关法律法规和工业园区的有关政策(或适用政策),就其经济活动缴纳税收并享受税收优惠待遇。
1.The company shall pay taxes and enjoy preferential tax treatment in respect of its economic activities in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations of PRC and the relevant policies of(or applicable in)the Industrial Park.2.公司职工应按中国有关法律法规缴纳个人所得税。公司外籍员工的所有利润和工资可以自由的汇出中国,但与税收、外汇管理有关的事宜须按中国的有关法律法规办理。
2.The staff and workers of the company shall pay individual income tax in accordance with the relevant PRC laws and regulations.All profits and salaries of the expatriate staff of the company may be freely remitted out of the PRC, provided that matters relating to taxation and foreign exchange control shall be handled in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations of PRC.3.公司的一切外汇事宜,应根据《中华人民共和国外汇管理条例》和中国其他有关法律法规的有关规定办理。
3.All foreign exchange matters of the Company shall be handled in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Regulations of the People’s Republic of China on Foreign Exchange Control and other relevant PRC laws and regulations.4.公司的所有外汇交易,应通过中国银行或国家外汇管理局授权的其他银行办理。
4.All transactions of the Company’s foreign exchange shall be handled through the Bank of China or other banks authorized by the State Administration of Exchange Control.5.公司及本合同各方可以按有关中国法律规定汇出其合法外汇收入及开支,其中包括但不限于:(1)本合同各方向公司提供的股东贷款及有关利息;(2)本合同各方依法纳税后所得的利润;(3)本合同各方转让其股权应得的款项;
5.The Company and the parties to this contract may remit their lawful incomes and expenditures in foreign exchange out of the PRC in accordance with the regulations of the relevant Chinese laws, including but not limited to:(1)the shareholder’s loans and provided by the parties hereto to the Company and the interests thereon;(2)the profits earned by the Parties hereto after taxes have been paid according to law;(3)the amount receivable by the Parties hereto for the transfer of their equity interests;and(4)the amount receivable by the parties hereto after the settlement and liquidation of the Company.6.在中国法律许可的范围内,合营公司付给一方的一切款项应以美元支付。如果是以人民币结算,合营公司应安排通过有关外汇银行,按照支付日中国人民银行公布的美元买入和卖出汇价的中间价将该等人民币兑换为美元,向乙方支付美元。但根据中国法律,将人民币兑换成美元和/或将美元汇至境外所发生的税费(包括但不限于汇兑手续费、预扣税等)均由乙方承担。
6.To the extend permitted by the PRC law, all payment by the JV Company to Party B shall be made in U.S.Dollars.In case of Renminbi settlement, the JV Company shall arrange for payments to be made to Party B in U.S.Dollars through the relevant foreign exchange bank by converting such Renminbi into U.S.Dollars at the middle price between the buying and selling rates for U.S.Dollars published by the People’s Bank of China on the date of payment, provided that all taxes and expenses incurred in converting Renminbi into U.S.Dollars and/or remitting U.S.Dollars out of the PRC(including but not limited to foreign exchange remittance fees and withholding taxes)shall be borne by Party B under the PRC law.7.公司需求的各种保险,应向在中国注册的保险公司购买。如果中国注册的保险公司在险种和保险范围方面达不到公司的要求,公司可在中国法律允许的范围内,在中国境外投保。公司开业前,应与有关保险公司办妥中国雇员的保险,包括人身伤害保险。
7.The various types of insurance required by the Company shall be purchased from insurance companies registered in the PRC.If insurance companies registered in the PRC are unable to meet the Company’s requirements in respect of the types of insurance and scope of coverage, the Company may purchase such insurance policies outside the PRC to the extend permitted by the PRC law.Prior to commencing operations, the Company shall complete the formalities for taking out insurance policies for its Chinese employees, including overage against bodily injury, with the relevant insurance companies.8.合营公司应从中国境内声誉良好的保险公司购买能给予合营公司足够保障的保险。具体的保险险种、价值和期限经与保险公司协商后由董事会讨论决定。
8.The JV Company shall purchase from a reputable insurance company operating in the PRC insurance policies that are capable of providing adequate protection to the JV Company.Specific types of insurance, amounts and period of such insurance shall be decided by the board after consultation with the insurance company.unit 8 财务会计和利润分配 8.1.1 所依据的法规条文
1.合营企业的财务与会计制度, 应当按照中国有关法律和财务会计制度的规定,结合合营企业的情况加以制定,并报当地财政部门、税务机关备案。
1.A joint venture shall formulate rules and regulations for its financial affairs and accounting in accordance with the relevant Chinese laws and regulations on financial affairs and accounting and in light of its condition, and file such rules and regulations with the local financial department and tax authority for the record.2.合营企业设总会计师,协助总经理负责企业的财务会计工作。必要时,可以设副总会计师。
2.A joint venture shall have a chief accountant, who shall assist the general manager in managing the financial affaires of the enterprise.When necessary, a deputy chief accountant may also be appointed.3.合营企业设审计师(小的企业可以不设),负责审查、稽核合营企业的财务收支和会计账目,向董事会、总经理提出报告。
3.A joint venture shall(a small venture may have no need to)have an auditor, who shall be responsible for examining and auditing the financial receipts, payments and the accounts of the joint venture and submitting reports to the board of directors and the general manager.4.合营企业会计采用日历年制,自公历每年1月1日起至12月31日为止为一个会计。4.The accounting year of a joint venture shall coincide with the calendar year, i.e.from January 1 to December 31 on the Gregorian calendar.5.合营企业会计采用国际通用的权责发生制和借贷记账法记账。一切自制凭证、帐薄、报表必须用中文书写,也可以同时用合营各方商定的一种外文书写。
5.A joint venture shall adopt the internationally accepted accrual system and debit and credit bookkeeping method to keep accounts.All vouchers, account books and statements prepared by the joint venture must be written in Chinese.They may simultaneously be written in foreign language agreed upon by the parties to the joint venture.6.合营企业原则上采用人民币作为记账本位币,经合营各方商定,也可以采用某一种外国货币作为记账本位币。
6.In principle, a joint venture shall adopt Renmibi as the standard currency for accounting.It may also adopt a foreign currency for the same purpose upon agreement by the parties to the joint venture.7.合营企业的账目,除按记账本位币纪录外,对于现金、银行存款、其他货币款项以及债权债务、收益和费用等,与记账本位币不一致时,还应当按实际收付的货币记账。以外国货币作为记账本位币的合营企业,其编报的财务会计报告应当折算为人民币。
7.In addition to keeping account in the standard currency, a joint venture shall record the actual receipts and payments of cash, bank deposits, sums in other currencies, and claims, liabilities, incomes, expenses, etc.in currencies other than the standard currency for accounting.Where a foreign currency is adopted as the standard currency for accounting, the joint venture shall convert such currency into Renminbi when it prepares and submits its financial and accounting statements.Differences arising from conversion into the standard currency for accounting due to different exchange shall be entered as losses or gains on exchange.Balance on foreign currency accounts due to changes in the exchange rate in account keeping shall be handled as the year-end settlement of account in accordance with the relevant Chinese laws and rules for financial affairs and accounting.8.合营企业按照《中华人民共和国外商投资企业和外国企业所得税法》缴纳所得税后的利润分配原则如下:
8.Principles for a joint venture to distribute its profit after payment of income tax in accordance with the Income Tax Law of the People’s Republic of China Governing Foreign Investment Enterprises and Foreign Enterprises are as follows:
Principles for a joint venture to distribute its profit after the payments of income taxes in accordance with the Law of the People’s Republic of China on Income Tax of Enterprises with Foreign Investment and Foreign Enterprises shall be:
(1)A reserve fund, a bonus and welfare fund for staff and workers and an enterprise expansion fund shall be drawn, and the proportion of such drawing shall be determined by the board of directors;(2)In addition to its use in making up the losses of the joint venture, the reserve fund may be used to increase the capital of the joint venture and expand its production upon approval by the examination and approval authority;and(3)Any distributable profit remaining after the drawing of the three funds in accordance with the proportion of Paragraph(1)of this Article shall be distributed to the parties to the joint venture in proportion to their capital contribution when the board of directors decides to distribute such profit.9.以前的亏损末弥补前不得分配利润。以前末分配的利润,可以并入本利润分配。
9.No profit may be distributed unless the losses of the previous year have been made up.Such
中外合资经营公司合同 篇2
1.规范的合同,可以树立良好的企业形象。在市场经济主体竞争日益激烈的大环境下,合同关系呈现复杂多样性,合同的作用越来越广泛,依法签约和履行合同,是开展守信活动的核心内容,它不仅有利于提高企业的经济效益(赢得商家信誉可以提高物资采购的性价比),而且会在合同实施管理的整个过程中营造 “重合同、守信用”的良好氛围,是培育和树立企业良好信誉的重要途径和手段,也是规范企业经营发展和守法维法维权的具体体现,尤其是当企业在发展中面临卖方市场的时候,企业的信誉尤显重要。
在合同范本的执行过程中,企业的法务部门、监管部门和合同管理人员对合同履行状况实施全过程跟踪管理,一则可以督促按质按量、全面履行合同义务,及时解决履行中遇到的阻力; 二则根据国家和行业的法律法规等政策上的调整变化,及时发现和修订完善范本合同,以确保企业效益的最大实现,从而避免潜在的经营风险、避免企业重大损失的发生。
为了解决这一管理效率上的矛盾,首先必须从完善合同管理制度与制定格式合同开始,为企业建立或完善合同管理规章制度,发挥制度的作用,提高格式合同的使用效率。相关管理制度包括:(1)交易对象审查制度。从合同相对主体究竟如何开始, 弄清交易相对方的身份、资质、资信等基本信息,做到不谈、不订糊涂合同。(2)高水准格式合同使用制度。对于常用、非重大的书面业务合同,区别其性质与种类,由企业法律顾问制定比较规范的合同格式,供业务管理等人员在工作中经常使用。(3)合同条款及法律讲解、培训制度。定期为业务管理人员讲解条款、研读法律,让他们在提高合同法律及风险意识的同时,能够真正理解有关条款的具体含义及利害关系,避免不知其所以然的机械套用。(4)合同签订前的最终把关制度,明确流程和责任。(5)已签合同的企业法律顾问留存备案制度。(6)履行过程中风险出现或可能出现时,对企业法律顾问的第一时间报告或通报制度。
2.对于重大、复杂的业务合同,企业法律顾问必须从各个环节真正参与其中,必要时与单位外聘的律师协同管理。标的较大、 法务复杂、事关企业重大利益的合同,从一开始洽谈时就应该有企业法律顾问的全程参与,以便在交易对象、交易标的、结算方式、品质保证、合同担保、争议解决方式、诉讼管辖乃至于适用法律、合同文本等方面从严把关,在合同签订、履行、协商等各个环节,为企业争取尽可能多的合法权益。考虑到专业知识、执业经验等方面可能存在的局限,可会同单位外聘的律师进行合同协同管理,以真正帮助企业避免法律风险,维护企业最大的合法权益。
4.出现纠纷后,进行协商、调解解决问题可能性的判断,并与业务人员一道,做好纠纷解决工作。现实中,利益的不同与冲突使得合同履行过程中(及履行后)的不同看法、争议并不少见。如果争议不可避免,且争议明显具备法律性质,则企业法律顾问就不能置身事外,而应根据争议的具体情况,如争议产生的原因、 涉及企业利益的大小、对方态度与要求等等进行综合判断,看是否具备协商、调解解决问题的可能性;并与业务人员一道,制定好解决纠纷的各类具体协议并参与、监督这种救济性协议或合同的实际履行情况,实现妥善解决纠纷的合同管理目标。
2.健全管理制度,即建立健全合同管理制度和管理程序,在公司内部建立完整的制度体系,形成管理层次清楚、职责明确、 程序规范、协调与制衡并存的有效机制。
中外合资经营企业公司僵局的破解 篇3
中外合资经营旅馆合同 篇4
第一章 合营企业的组成第二章 饭店的规模及造价标准
第三章 出资总额,出资比例及资本转让
第四章 合营期限
第六章 建造期间合同各方的责任
第七章 董事会
第八章 经营管理机构
第九章 财务会计制度
第十章 劳动管理
第十一章 设备、配件及材料的采购
第十二章 纳税
第十三章 保险
第十四章 违约责任
第十五章 不可抗力
第十六章 争议的解决
第十七章 适用法律
第十八章 合同的变更与解除
第十九章 合同的生效及其它
第一章 合营企业的组成1.1 合营双方
职 务:_________
国 籍:_________
职 务:_________
国 籍:_________
1.2 合营企业的名称和法定地址
1.3 合营企业是在中国建立的,合资经营有限责任公司,是中国的法人。企业的一切经营活动,必须遵守中国的法律,法令和有关条例的规定。
第二章 饭店的规模及造价标准
2.1 饭店的占地面积为_________平方米;饭店的建筑面积为_________平方米。
2.2 饭店还包括以下设施和装置:中央冷暖空调系统,电脑管理控制系统,防火灾自动报警系统,闭路电视和音响系统,锅炉房,洗衣房,水塔,排污系统,汽车队及建造和营业可能需要的其它设备。
2.3 饭店造价标准
第三章 出资总额、出资比例及资本转让
3.1 合营企业的注册资本为_________元人民币(或合营各方商定的货币)
3.2 合营各方将以下列方式作为出资
3.3 投资范围
3.4 合营各方在合营企业得到营业执照后_________天内,分期缴足出资资金,其应付金额和付款期限规定如下:_________
3.5 注册资本的变动
3.5.1 注册资本的增加,转让均经董事会讨论通过,并报原审批机关办理登记手续。
3.5.2 合营一方向第三者转让全部或部分出资额,须经合营另一方同意,合营另一方有权优先购买其转让股份。合营一方向第三者转让出资额的条件,不得比向合营另一方转让的条件优惠。
第四章 利润分配和亏损负担
4.1 合营企业利润在按中国税法纳税后,由董事会决定扣除合营企业的储备基金,企业基金和职工福利基金后,合营各方按出资比例,分享利润,分担风险或亏损。
4.2 合营企业的资产负债,仅以企业注册资本为限。
第五章 合营期限
5.1 合营企业在领取营业执照后,即可以法人身份开始营业,期限为_________年。合营期限届满,合营合同自行终止。
5.2 经合营各方同意,延长合营企业期限,应在合营期满前六个月,向审批机构提出延长申请,每次延长以_________年为限。
5.3 在合营期限届满时,甲方将用_________币购买外国投资者的股份,购买价格另行商定。
第六章 建设期间合营各方的责任
6.1 合营各方各负其责,完成以下各项事宜
第七章 董事会
7.1 合营企业设立董事会,董事会为合营企业的最高权力机构。董事会由名董事组成,其中甲方_________名,乙方_________名,董事长由甲方委派,设副董事长_________名,由_________方委派。
7.2 董事长,副董事长及董事会的任期为四年。任期届满后,如获继续委派的,可以连任。
7.3 董事会的职权,决议程序及董事会的召开,均按合营企业的章程执行。
第八章 经营管理机构
8.1 合营企业实行董事会领导下的总经理负责制。设总经理一名,由方推荐。副总经理_________名,由甲方推荐_________名,乙方推荐_________名。正副总经理任期为_________年。
8.2 总经理的职责是负责执行董事会的决议,组织和领导合营企业的经营管理工作。副总经理根据合营章程规定协助总经理工作。
8.3 正副总经理由合营企业董事会任命和免职。正副总经理不得兼任其它公司和企业的总经理和副总经理的职务。各部门经理由总经理任命。
第九章 财务会计制度
9.1 合营企业的财务会计制度应根据中华人民共和国有关法律和财会规定,结合本企业的实际情况加以制定。合营企业注册登记后,应及时到当地财政部门和税务机关备案。合营企业在中国银行开立人民币和外汇帐户,也可以在经批准和指定的国外其它银行开立帐户。
9.2 合营企业的财务会计应采用日历年制。自公历每年一月一日起,至十二月三十一日止,为一个会计。企业的会计采用国际通用的权责发生制和借贷记帐法记帐。一切记帐凭证,单据,报表,帐簿必须用中文书写(也可以同时用甲,乙双方商定的另一种外文书写)。
9.3 合营公司设总会计师,副总会计师各一名,总会计师的职权和责任按合营企业章程的规定执行。总会计师由_________方推荐、副总会计师由_________方推荐。总会计师,副总会计师均由董事会任命。
第十章 劳动管理
10.1 合营企业职工的雇用、辞退、工资、福利、劳动保护、劳动保险及劳动纪律等事宜,均按《中华人民共和国中外合资经营企业劳动管理规定》和合营企业与个人签订的劳动合同办理。劳动合同订立后,即报当地劳动管理部门备案。
10.2 甲乙方双方推荐及聘用的高级管理人员,工程技术人员的工资及福利待遇等问题由董事会讨论决定。
第十一章 设备、配件的采购
11.1 合营企业为经营所需要的设备、配套件、运输工具和办公用品等,原则上由双方采购,在同等条件下,应优先在中国购买。对需要在国外采购的产品,一般应选择具有国际先进性和适用性的产品。其价格不应超出国际市场的公平价格。
第十二章 纳 税
12.1 合营企业按照中华人民共和国税法及有关规定缴纳各种税金。
12.2 合营企业的职工按照《中华人民共和国个人所得税税法》缴纳个人所得税。
第十三章 保 险
13.1 合营企业的各项保险均向中国人民保险公司投保。合营企业成立后,由总经理、副总经理向董事会提出企业的保险计划。经董事会讨论决定后,以合营企业的名义办理各种投保手续。
第十四章 违约责任
14.1 合营各方因不履行合同或履行合同义务不符合约定条件,造成合营另一方损失时,受损失一方有权要求赔偿损失或采取其它补救措施。补救措施采取后,未能完全弥补另一方所遭到的损失的,另一方仍有权要求赔偿损失。
14.2 合营一方因违反合同所承担的赔偿责任,应相当于另一方因此而受到的损失,并支付一定数额的违约金。其违约金的计算方法如下:_________。(根据具体情况订)
14.3 合营一方未按期支付合同规定的应付金额,合营企业有权收取迟延支付金额的利息。从逾期的第一个月计算。
第十五章 不可抗力
15.1 合营各方因地震、台风、严重的水灾和火灾战争及其它不能预见并且对其发生和后果不能防止或避免的不可抗力事故,造成一方延迟履行或无法履行本合同,在符合下列全部规定的情况下,不当作违约处理:
15.1.1 不可抗力事件必须是阻止、阻碍、迟延受事件影响的一方履行合同的直接原因。
15.1.2 受事件影响的一方,在事件发生的情况下,必须已采取了所有能够实施的合理措施。
15.1.3 受事件影响的一方,在遭受事件时,已立即通知合营另一方,并在十五天内以书面的形式提供事故及处理情况,以及迟延履行或无法履行本合同的理由.并由该事故发生地的有关机构出具证明。
15.2 在事件影响结束后,受事件影响的一方必须立即通知另一方。
第十六章 争议的解决
16.1 合同发生争议时,合营各方应尽可能通过协商解决,或经第三者调解解决。当事人不愿协商和调解的,可以提交中国的仲裁机构或双方同意其它仲裁机构。在中国仲裁应遵守中国仲裁机构的仲裁程序,在其它仲裁机构仲裁应遵守该仲裁机构的仲裁程序。
16.2 仲裁费用由败诉方承担,或者由仲裁裁决。
第十七章 适用法律
17.1 中华人民共和国的法律为本合同的适用法律。
17.2 本合同的订立、效力、解释、履行均受中华人民共和国法律管辖。
第十八章 合同的变更与解除
18.1 经合营各方协商同意后,可以变更或修改合营合同,但合营各方必须就此签署书面协议并经原审批机关批准方能有效。
18.2 有下列情形之一的,合营一方有权通知另一方解除合同:
18.2.1 企业发生严重亏损,无力继续经营;
18.2.2 另一方违反合同,以致严重影响订立合同时所期望的经济效益;
18.2.3 另一方在约定期限内没有履行合同,在被允许延迟履行的合理期限内仍未履行合同。
18.2.4 发生不可抗力事件,致使合同的全部义务不能履行;
18.2.5 合同规定的解除合同条件已经出现。
18.3 有下列情况之一的,合同即告解除:
18.3.2 法院判决解除的合同。
18.3.3 双方商定同意解除合同。
18.4 合营任何一方未征得合营他方的书面同意,不能将本合同章程或合同附件规定的权利义务转让给第三者。违反上述规定以任何方式转让的合同均属无效。
第十九章 合同生效及其它
19.1 按照本合同原则订立的如下附件:包括章程、协议、附件等均为本合同的组成部分。本合同条款与附件条款发生矛盾时,应以本合同条款为准。
19.2 本合同经双方法定代表签字后,需经批准,方能生效。
19.3 本合同于_________年_________月_________日由甲乙双方的授权代表在_________地签字。
19.4 本合同用中文和_________文书就,两种文字具有同等效力。
法定代表或授权代表(签字):_________ 法定代表或授权代表(签字):_________
中外合资经营企业合同(九) 篇5
第二章 合资双方
第一条 本合同的各方为:
联系地址为:杭州市玉古路_____号__________大厦_____层_____座 邮编:_______________
第二条 甲、乙双方根据《中华人民共和国中外合资经营企业法》和中国的其他有关法律法规,同意在中国境内建立合资经营“杭州____________管理顾问有限公司”(以下简称合资公司)。
第三条 合资公司名称为:杭州__________管理顾问有限公司
英文名称为:_______________ co. ltd.
第四条 合资公司的一切活动,必须遵守中华人民共和国的法律、法令和有关条例规定。
第五条 合资公司的组织形式为有限责任公司。甲、乙双方以各自认缴的出资额对合资公司的债务承担责任。各自按其出资额在注册资本中的比例分享利润和分担风险及亏损。
第三章 生产经营目的、范围
第六条 甲、乙双方合资经营目的:按照面向世界、面向未来的要求,通过国际合作与交流,努力服务好国内政府,企业和个人,办成国内领先的投资咨询公司,提高公司经济效益,使投资各方获得满意的投资回报,并取得良好的经济效益。
第七条 合资公司经营范围:经济信息咨询;投资信息咨询(建议扩大经营范围)。
第四章 投资总额与注册资本
第八条 合资公司投资总额为40万人民币。
第九条 合资公司注册资本为30万人民币。
第十条 甲、乙双方的出资方式如下:
第十一条 合资公司注册资本由甲、乙双方按其出资比例,在营业执照签发之日起2个星期内缴清。
第十二条 甲、乙双方任何一方如向第三者转让其全部或部分出资额,须经另一方同意,并报审批机构批准,一方转让其全部或部分出资额时,另一方有优先购买权。
第五章 合资各方的责任
第十三条 甲、乙方应各自负责完成以下事宜:
第六章 董事会
第十四条 合资公司注册登记之日,为合资公司董事会成立之日。
第十五条 董事会由_____名董事组成,其中甲方委派_____名,乙方委派两名,董事长_____名。董事、董事长任期三年,经委派方继续委派可以连任。董事长由甲、乙双方轮流派员担任。第一届董事长由乙方派员担任。
第十六条 1.决定公司的经营方针和投资计划;
第十七条 董事会会议每年至少召开一次,由董事长召集并主持会议。经2名及2名以上的董事提议,董事长可召开董事会临时会议,会议记录应归档保存。出席董事会会议的法定人数为2名董事,不够2名董事人数时,其通过的决议无效。
第七章 经营管理机构
第十八条 合资公司设经营管理机构,负责公司的日常经营管理工作。经营管理机构设总经理一人,总经理由董事兼任,任期三年。
第十九条 总经理的职责是执行董事会会议的各项决议,组织领导合资公司的日常经营管理工作。经营管理机构设若干部门,办理总经理交办事项,并对总经理负责。
第二十条 总经理有营私舞弊或严重失职行为的,经董事会会议研究,可随时撤换。
第八章 劳动管理
第二十一条 合资公司职工的雇用、辞退、工资、劳动保险、生活福利和奖励等事项,按照《中华人民共和国中外合资经营企业劳动管理规定》及其有关规定,经董事会研究制定方案,由合资公司和合资公司的工会组织集体或与员工个别订立劳动合同加以规定。劳动合同订立后,报当地劳动管理部门备案。
第二十二条 甲、乙双方推荐的高级管理人员的聘请和工资待遇、社会保险、福利、差旅费标准等,由董事会会议讨论决定。
第九章 税务、财务、审计、外汇管理
第二十三条 合资公司及中外员工按照中国的有关法律和条例规定,缴纳各项税金。
第二十四条 合资企业按照《中华人民共和国中外合资企业法》的规定提取储备金,企业发展基金及职工福利奖励基金每年提取的比例由董事会根据公司经营情况讨论决定。
第二十五条 合资公司的会计年度从每年一月一日起至十二月三十一日止,一切记帐凭证、单据、报表、帐簿用中文书写。
第二十六条 合资公司的财务审计聘请在中国注册的会计师审查,稽核,并将结果报告董事会和总经理。如任何一方认为需要聘请境外注册审计师对年度财务进行审查,另一方应予以同意,其费用由需要方负担。
第二十七条 每一营业年度的头三个月,由总经理组织编制上一年度的资产负债表,利润表和利润分配方案,提交董事会会议审查通过。
第二十八条 合资公司的一切外汇事宜,按照《中华人民共和国外汇管理条例》和有关规定办理。
第十章 合资期限
第二十九条 合资公司的经营期限为30年,合资公司的成立日期为合资公司营业执照签发之日。经一方提议,董事会会议一致通过,可以在距合资期不满180天前向审批机构申请延长合资期限。
第十一章 合资期满财产处理
第三十条 合资期满或提前终止合资,合资公司应依法进行清算,清算后的财产,超过实缴注册资本部分应交纳所得税,再根据甲,乙双方的投资比例进行分配。
第十二章 保险
第三十一条 合资公司的各项保险均在中国境内保险机构投保,投保险别、保险价值、保期等按照中国保险机构的规定由合资公司董事会会议讨论决定。
第十三章 合同的修改、变更与解除
第三十二条 对本合同及其附件的修改,必须经甲、乙双方签署书面协议,并报审批机构批准,才能生效。
第三十三条 由于不可抗力,致使合同无法履行,或是由于合资公司连年亏损,无力继续经营,经董事会一致通过,并报审批机构批准,可以提前中止合资期限和解除合同。
第三十四条 由于一方不履行本合同,章程规定的义务或严重违反合同,章程规定造成合资公司无法经营或无法达到合同规定的经营目的,视为违约方片面终止本合同。守约方除有权向违约方索赔外,并有按本合同规定报审批机构要求终止合同,如甲、乙双方同意继续经营,违约方应赔偿合资公司的经济损失。
第十四章 违约责任
第三十五条 甲、乙双方未按合同第四章的规定依期按数提交完出资额。任何一方逾期支付出资额的,每逾期一天,应向守约主方支付守约方出资额万分之五的违约金。逾期超过60天的,守约方有权终止本合同,并要求对合资公司进行清算,同时有权要求违约方承担所有合资公司筹备及设立后所有费用。
第三十六条 由于一方的过失,造成本合同不能履行或不能完全履行时,由过失方承担违约责任;如属双方的过失,根据实际情况由各方分别承担各自应负的违约责任。
第十五章 不可抗力
第三十七条 由于地震、台风、水灾、火灾、战争以及其它不能预见并且对其发生后果不能防止和避免的不可抗力事故,致使直接影响合同的履行或者不能按约定的条件履行时,遇有上述不可抗力事故的一方,应立即将事故情况书面通知对方,并应在十五天内,提供事故详情及合同不能履行或者部分不能履行,或者需要延期履行的理由的有效证明文件,此项证明文件应由事故发生地区的公证机构出具。按照事故对履行合同影响的程度,由双方协商决定是否解除合同,或者部分免除履行合同的责任,或者延期履行合同。
第十六章 法律适用
第三十八条 本合同的订立、效力、解释、履行和争议的解决均受中华人民共和国法律的管辖。
第十七章 争议的解决
第三十九条 凡因执行本合同所发生的或与本合同有关的一切争议,双方应通过友好协商解决如果协商不成,则提交合资公司所在地人民法院诉讼解决。
第四十条 在诉讼过程中,除双方有争议正在进行诉讼的部分外,本合同应继续履行。
第十八章 文字
第四十一条 本合同用中文写成。
第十九章 合同生效及其他
第四十二条 按照本合同规定的各项原则订立如下附件,均为本合同不可分割的组成部分。包括:合资公司章程
第四十三条 本合同及其附件需要经审批机构批准,自批准之日起生效。
第四十四条 合资各方发送通知的方式,如用电传、图像传真通知时,凡涉及各方的权利义务的应随之以书面信件通知。合同所列乙方的法定住所为乙方收件地址,甲方的联系地址为甲方的收件地址。
第四十五条 本合同于________年_____月_____日由甲、乙双方的法定代表在中国杭州签字。
中外合资经营公司合同 篇6
第一章 总则
第二章 合营各方
第2.01条 本合同的各方为:
第三章 成立合资经营公司
第3.01条 甲、乙双方根据“合资法”和中国的其它有关法律和规定,同
第3.02条 1.合营公司名称是:××××(以下简称合营公司)。
第3.03条 合营公司在中国具有法人资格,受中国法律的管辖和保护,其
第3.04条 合营公司的组织形式为有限责任公司。甲、乙方以各自认缴的出资额对合营公司的债务承担责任。
第四章 生产经营目的、范围和规模
第4.01条 1.合营公司的目的是:根据平等互利的原则和长期真诚合作的愿望,努力吸取合营双方各自的专长和采用适宜的先进技术以及科学的管理方法,将合营公司建成一个现代化的制药企业,使其在产品的品种、质量及价格方面在国内外市场上具有竞争能力,并使甲方和乙方获得满意的经济效益。合营公司应依
第4.02条 合营公司的经营范围是制造和销售各种剂型的药品。药品的包
第4.03条 合营公司将生产如在不断调整的本合同附件中列出的产品:
中外合资经营公司合同 篇7
继2013年12月2日国家发改委正式批准东风雷诺项目, 2013年12月16日, 中国东风汽车集团股份有限公司 (简称:东风集团) 和法国雷诺 (简称:雷诺) 在武汉举行东风雷诺汽车有限公司合资经营合同签字仪式。东风集团董事长徐平与雷诺董事长兼首席执行官卡洛斯·戈恩 (Carlos GHOSN) 代表双方公司签署合资经营合。湖北省、武汉市政府有关领导及来自全国各主流媒体的记者上千人见证了这一重要的历史时刻。
根据合同, 东风集团和法国雷诺将共同投资77.6亿元人民币组建新的合资公司——东风雷诺汽车有限公司 (简称:东风雷诺) , 双方投资比例各50%。东风雷诺将在湖北省武汉市设立, 生产和研发基地位于武汉经济技术开发区黄金口产业园, 占地95公顷。东风雷诺按30万台整车的年生产能力规划产能, 第一期实现15万台整车和15万台发动机的年生产能力。合资公司产品将于2016年上半年投放市场。在商品规划上, 东风雷诺将首先通过国产化, 以SUV产品为先导, 推出一系列全新的雷诺汽车产品, 同时积极推进新能源汽车产品和东风品牌合资自主汽车产品的开发、生产和销售。
据了解, 2012年, 东风集团与中国三江航天工业集团公司签署股权转让协议, 东风集团收购了中国三江航天工业集团公司在三江雷诺汽车有限公司中持有的全部股权;随后, 东风集团与雷诺重新签订了合资经营合同, 组建新的合资公司——东风雷诺汽车有限公司。东风雷诺董事会由8名成员组成, 其中东风集团委派4名, 雷诺委派4名, 首届任期东风集团委派董事长, 雷诺委派总经理, 四年轮换。
东风集团董事长徐平表示:“东风雷诺项目的启动, 标志着东风集团与雷诺-日产联盟全面合作的开始, 是在经济全球化背景下在商业模式上创造性的探索和实践, 是东风集团加速国际化发展的重要举措。我们期待东风雷诺为中国汽车市场带来充满魅力的产品和顾客体验, 我们期待东风雷诺的成功。”
雷诺董事长兼首席执行官卡洛斯·戈恩表示:“作为东风雷诺汽车有限公司的母公司, 东风集团和雷诺一直保持着密切的合作以确保合资公司的成功。我们用紧密的合作伙伴关系来表达我们的雄心和信心, 这也是我们长期战略组成部分。也许未来我们将面临巨大的挑战, 但为此我们已经做好了充分准备。”
有关资料表明, 随着全球经济、技术一体化进程, 全球汽车行业主干企业之间加强资本和能力合作, 提高资源利用效率已经成为全球汽车行业发展演化的趋势。1999年, 雷诺与日产全球联盟, 构建全球第三大汽车集团。2003年, 东风与日产全面合资, 创建中国最大汽车合资企业——东风汽车有限公司。随着东风和日产之间良好的合作展开和经验积累, 东风和雷诺之间的合作水到渠成, 2013年, 东风雷诺汽车有限公司合资经营合同正式签订。
徐平强调, 东风雷诺的成立标志着东风集团与雷诺-日产联盟全面合作的开始。基于东风日产合资项目十年形成的规模和成功经验, 通过跨品牌的资源共享和协同效应, 东风雷诺将快速构建在研发、采购、制造、销售和服务全价值链上的能力, 并获得在效率和成本上后发的竞争优势。
有关专家认为, 东风-雷诺-日产“金三角”合作关系的合拢, 对东风雷诺、东风日产两个合资合作项目的建设都将起到积极的作用。
在全球汽车行业不断整合的背景下, “金三角”这一由东风集团和雷诺-日产联盟共同创造的跨品牌区域发展模式, 为行业提供一个效率和成本优化的有效路径, 对推动全球汽车产业战略格局的演进将产生积极的意义。
东风集团是中国汽车行业的领军企业, 以建设“永续发展的百年东风, 面向世界的国际化东风, 在开放中自主发展的东风”为企业愿景, 在深耕中国市场44年的基础上, 积极拓展海外市场。与雷诺的合资合作, 不仅可以进一步丰富东风集团的产品谱系, 提升东风集团的市场竞争力, 而且可以进一步利用全球资源, 加速推进东风国际化发展的进程, 为东风大自主战略提供新的增长极。
雷诺已在中国进口车市场占据一席之地, 东风雷诺的成立使雷诺通过合资企业的本地化研发、采购、生产、销售和服务, 以一个全新的维度实质性地进入全球最大的汽车市场。
经营合同 :合资经营合同10-28