


高级商务英语写作指导 篇1


2. We will pay all the expenses involved in documentation and transfer of knowledge.


3. We will pay all the specialists for their services rendered to us.


4. We hope you will continue offering us improved technology without extra charges.


5. To help our joint venture, we hope that you would keep supplying us with advanced management techniques and technologies.


1. We shall help you to update the present and future technology concerned with the production from time to time.


2. As you know that technology is advancing all the time, we hope that you continue offering us your improved technologies.


3. We think that it is better to transfer our knowledge in the form of know-how investment.


4. First let’s start with the delivery of all the drawings, technical data and other documents relating to the engines.


5. You will undertake the obligations to deliver to us the drawing, information and other data.


高级商务英语写作指导 篇2



在商务英语能力的实际应用中, 口语是交流的最直接方式, 听力是沟通的必要能力, 而大多数时候, 涉外贸易需要通过文字的方式表达双方的需求, 求职、入职及调换工作等也需求要书面报告, 因此, 写作的应用范围是最广的。


通过对学习商务英语的学生进行写作能力的调查和涉外贸易工作人员对商务英语写作的态度调查, 我们发现, 大多数学生在高级商务英语学习阶段存在“可以写, 但写不出好文章”的问题, 涉外贸易工作人员也认为写作需要技巧。下面就高级商务英语写作技巧方面进行简要分析。



在高级商务英语写作中, 写作的内容比初级、中级更为复杂, 电子邮件、信函等体裁仍是应该熟悉掌握的写作内容, 除此之外, 拟定合同、撰写商务报告和工作报告, 也是高级商务英语写作的重要内容。因此, 高级商务英语的写作在内容上呈现出文体更复杂、涵义更具体、目的更广泛的特点, 需要写作者在行文之前对写作目的进行合理的剖析, 作为写作的基础。

很多学生在进行商务英语写作时经常出现“词穷”、“能写, 但是写不好”的问题, 包括已经参加工作的涉外商务贸易的员工, 在撰写商务信函和商务报告时, 也为词不达意的问题而苦恼, 这是由于对写作目的分析的不明确造成的。一般BEC考试中都将写作的目的以中文的形式呈现在考卷上, 实际工作中所接到的任务也是“撰写一份合同”、“出具本年度对外贸易报告”、“给某公司工作人员发送一份邀请函”等, 看似写作的目的一目了然, 但只有对写作目的进行深刻的分析, 才能够使行文更加准确, 语言更加丰富。这里的对写作目的的分析, 不仅是对写给谁, 写什么内容的确定, 还包括写作的态度和希望达到的目的确定。以商务洽谈中关于合同意见的交流信函为例, 同样是写一封信函表达公司对合同的意见, 存在着“我公司处于主导地位, 合同谈成与否由我公司决定”和“我公司在尽力谈成这一合同”两种态度, 在写作过程中, 就合同可能存在的分歧, 因为洽谈态度的不同, 存在两种表达方式:“Let us imagine a hypothetical case where we disagree.”所表达的字面意思是“让我们假设一个我们不同意的状况。”这种表达实际的涵义是表示我方可能存在不同意某个合同条款, 而你方需要接受我们的“不同意”的态度, 这是我公司处于主导地位时可以使用的表达方式;“Just for arguments sake, suppose wedisagree.”所表达的字面意思是“为了讨论各种情形, 让我们假设我方不同意时的处理方法。”而在用词“Just”的时候, 实际上表示了态度上的更加诚恳和谨慎, 这种表达方式适合我公司在尽力谈成合同的情况, 能够明确地传达态度。通过对写作目的的深入分析, 能够更加准确地使用词汇和短语, 从而避免“词不达意”、“写出来的文章感觉不对”的问题。


在高级商务英语写作中, 另外一个严重影响文章水平的原因是中外的文化差异, 这种文化差异不仅存在于日常用语的表达当中, 也存在于对某件事情的行为和态度上。文化差异的产生是由中外政治、经济环境差异决定的, 由于文化差异的存在, 可能导致写作中不能确切表达写作的初衷的问题, 这些问题体现在文章给读者的感觉上, 落到实处, 就是作者对写作内容的灵活性的掌控不足, 导致行文生涩的问题。

学习高级商务英语的人一般目的在于进外企工作或者在涉外贸易方面发挥自己的能力, 与外企接触, 有效地进行商务沟通是商务英语“学以致用”的最好表现。然而商务写作能力实际的应用过程中, 很多由于商务文化不同造成的沟通不良的情况浮出水面。在中国企业里, 商务文化与社会文化相通, 企业制度与国家公共管理制度类似, 具有明显的层级性和基于集体利益的“公利性”。而在外企当中, 由于个人主义大背景的熏陶, 除了员工必要的职业道德、责任心和忠诚度外, 更重视员工个人的生活态度、自我实现和自由意志的表达。因此, 在撰写商务信函的时候, 应注意表达的内容符合外企的企业文化氛围, 使阅读者印象深刻, 务必避免中国式的刻板的表达方式造成的行文死板、内容枯燥的问题。以求职信函为例, 如BEC考试中出题是撰写一封求职信函, 表达想要入职某企业的产品策划部门的意愿。那么在信函的行文不仅应该符合求职信的基本规范, 在内容的阐述中, 除了以简洁、明确的语句阐述自己的来历、教育背景和工作经验之外, 在工作能力方面可以列举以往工作中取得的成就, 适当地用“It's my proud” (这是我所自豪的) 、“I can prove” (我能够证明) 等表达, 加强个人对工作的自我肯定方面的表述;或者可以介绍自己在业余爱好中的成果, 使用“Allow me to share my...” (请允许我分享……) 等比较开放、活泼的表达, 或对情绪的描述。这种内容是与外企商务文化相符合的, 能够使信函的阅读者对来信者的状况有更为具体的理解而且更容易接受。这些基于对商务文化的理解使用的技巧, 不仅能够丰富文章内容, 还能够使文章阅读者耳目一新, 印象深刻。


在高级商务英语写作中, 行文手法是能够区别写作能力的要点。高级商务英语写作训练不同于初级、中级商务英语的写作训练, 不仅在写作内容上更为复杂, 而且要求学生对词语的灵活运用、句子结构的掌握和语言表达的态度的分析能力上更上一层楼。学生在写作中存在“词不达意”、“越写越乱”的问题和因为单词不能拼写导致意思不能表达的问题, 可以通过巧妙地运用行文手法解决。

行文手法包括文章的结构安排、每段的句子逻辑关系、句法的使用、词语的使用等。在撰写商务文章当中, 存在着两种基本的态度, 即正式的和非正式的。在确定写作目的的情况下, 根据两种基本写作态度, 灵活的使用行文手法, 能够为文章增色。正式的商务文章一般有固定的写作模式, 要求句子逻辑严密、因果关系明确、条理清晰, 句法多以复句使用为上, 词语的运用也力求准确、专业;而非正式的商务文章则可以灵活调整文章的结构, 句子的逻辑表达方式更轻松, 可以多使用短句子, 如果出现不能准确表达的词语, 可以用其他短语替代。如在正式的商务文章中, 某几个因果关系应并列阐述, 以“因———果、因———果、因———果, 总结”逻辑体现, 而在非正式的商务文章中, 因果关系也许并不是所要表达的重点内容, 可以“因1、因2、因3———总结”的逻辑简略体现。在词语使用上, 由于文章态度主导着不同的语言风格, 不同的词语表达同一个意思, 是提高文章水平必要的技巧, 如“关于产品质量的问题, 可以咨询售后服务部门, 我们将尽快找到问题的原因, 并提供帮助”, 是正式的商务文章中的内容, 其中“关于”、“咨询”、“找到”、“帮助”应使用“approximately”, “inquire”, “ascertain”, “assist”来表达;而“关于您来参观的机票问题, 可以询问行政部门, 他们会找到最快的解决方法并帮您买到机票”, 是非正式的商务文章中的内容, 其中“关于”、“询问”、“找到”、“帮助”可以使用“about”, “ask”, “find out”, “help”来表达。



6C原则是商务英语写作的基本原则, 即准确 (Correctness) 、清楚 (Clarity) 、简明 (Conciseness) 、具体 (Concreteness) 、完整 (Completeness) 和礼貌 (Courtesy) 。在写作中时刻注意6C原则, 写出的文章就能够保证最基本的质量。


细节是商务英语写作能力高低的指标之一。细节包括词语的使用、句法的排列和行文的逻辑性以及在写作目的基础上的文章润色。同样一封邮件, 高级商务英语学习者写出来的与初级、中级学习者体现在行文的流畅性、语词的丰富性上的差别, 就是重视细节之后的能力的提升。


综上所述, 高级商务英语的写作是高级商务英语学习中最常使用到的技能之一, 是每个学习高级商务英语并希望在涉外贸易方面和外企工作的学生必须并且应该熟练掌握的一门知识。高级商务英语写作看似简单, 实际是学生词汇掌握量、英语文化知识、逻辑分析能力和行文能力的综合体现。明确写作目的、灵活运用自己的商务文化知识, 重视行为手法的练习是出色完成高级商务英语写作的基本技巧。同时, 应时刻牢记“6C”原则, 从细节方面检查和反思写作的结果, 将对写作能力的提高大有益处。


[1]刘惠华.电子邮件语言的性质和文体[J].广东外语外贸大学学报, 2004 (2) :22-24.

[2]李俊儒.商务英语电子邮件体裁分析[J].外语与外语教学, 2007 (7) :37-38.

[3]何光明.商务英语电子邮件的写作[J].英语自学, 2006 (5) :55-57.

[4]李超力.商务英语电子邮件写作[J].商场现代化, 2008年8月:71.

高考英语写作中必备的高级动词 篇3

(一)句子改写 请用高级动词或短语动词改写句中画线部分。

1. (2016新课标卷I) I have written my application letter and resume and I am writing in the hope that you can help me.


2. (2016新课标卷I) I would thank you very much if you could take some time to go through my application letter and make necessary changes.


3. (2016新课标卷II) Anyone who likes this show is welcome to take part in it.


4. (2016新课标卷III) I have to apologize to you because I cannot go to the bookstore with you on Friday afternoon.


5. (2015新课标卷II) Since the Double Ninth Festival is coming soon, we students plan to visit the Nursing Home this Saturday.


6. (2014新课标卷I) Your ad. posted on the Internet attracts me and Id like to know something more about your six-week English course.


7. (2012新课标卷) I have been learning English for ten years and I am good at spoken English.


8. (2012大纲卷) I believe that you will have a good time at the party.


9. (2011大纲卷) As a young student, I suggest that Global Mirror carry articles to guide us in our English Learning.


10. (2008全国卷) Practicing with your fellow students is good for improving your Chinese.


(二)句子翻译 请翻译句子并注意用高级动词或短语动表达划线部分。

1. (投诉信)你若能尽快采取措施处理这些问题,我将感激不尽。


2. (求助信)最近我遇到一些困难,因此我写信向你求助。




4. (演讲稿)能够参与这次庆典是我巨大的荣幸。


5. (道歉信)我很抱歉不能及时回复你的来信因为近两周我一直忙于期末考试。


6. (申请信)我真诚地希望你能考虑我的申请。


7. (建议信)必须牢记在心的是经常大声朗读将有助于提高你的英语。


8. (自我介绍)从孩提时,我就一直很喜欢熊猫。




1. do me a favor / give me a hand.

2. be grateful to you / appreciate it

3. has an appetite for / is fond of

4. make an apology to you / express my apology to you

5. is round the corner / is approaching;intend to / have an intention to / are scheduled to pay a visit to

6. appeals to

7. have a good command of / get the hang of

8. am firmly convinced / hold the firm belief

9. recommend

10. is beneficial to


1. I would be grateful to you / appreciate it if you can take immediate measures to cope with these problems.

2. Recently, I have been confronted with / have ben faced with some difficulties, so I am writing to ask you to do me a favor.

3. I am grateful to you for what you have done for me.

4. It is my great honor to participate in / get involved in this ceremony.

5. Im terribly sorry I couldnt reply to your email immediately for I have been occupied with / have been buried myself in the final exam in the past two weeks.

6. I sincerely hope that you can take my application into consideration / acoount.

7. It must be kept in mind that reading aloud regularly will be beneficial to / contribute to improving your English.

8. I have had an appetite for / had been fond of pandas since my childhood.

商务英语高级写作高分 篇4



Hong Seng Electronics

Blk 3024 #01-118 Ubi Road

Singapore 408720

Fax:65-747-4644; Tel:65-744-0817

27 March 200-

Mr Chua Chee Hieng

Videx Sdn Bhd

4-6 Jalan Pasar

83000 Batu PahatJohor Darul Takzim


Dear Mr Chua

Shipment of Videx (L15) Videocassette Recorders w/remote control:Order No.987303

The above shipment of 60 Videx Model L15 video cassette records with remote control was delivered on 25 March 200,and was checked on delivery.

I am afraid that I really must complain about the quality of these machines.You appear to have supplied us with a product which falls far below the standard our customers expect.The L15 VCRs that you delivered were poorly finished and shoddy.What is more,they are certainly not as good as the demonstration models that I was shown when your representatives visited my shop in early February.

This matter is causing us great inconveniences,since we have now included the L15 in our new catalogue and we are receiving a large number of enquiries about it.We shall now be faced with canceling it from our catalogue,and explaining to customers that it is no longer available.

I should like you to refund the money we have paid you for these machines.Alternatively,if this is unacceptable,I should be prepared to accept the L16 model as a replacement for the L15 at the same price.

I look forward to hearing from you in the very near future.

Yours sincerely

Goh Eng Jee

Shop Manager

2. Complaint for Shortage投诉产品数量不足



Klotz Cable Distributors PT

JI.Cideng Timur 19


Tel:62-21-2312288 Fax:62-21-2312136

To: Mr Jimmy Loo,Export Manager, Fax:603-3670122

Syntex Cable Corporation,Selangor

Darul Ehsen,Malaysia

From: Mr Samir Rahardjo,Klotz Cables, Fax:62-21-2312136 Indonesia

Date: 13 August 200-

Subject: Missing reel of cable

Dear Mr Loo,

Consignment No.CCD 32176

We received the above consignment of half-inch multicore LAN cable from you this afternoon.

However,on checking the consignment we have discovered that one of the reels of cable (500m) is missing.The bill of lading reference number is CC/3a.

As you know,we have a number of industrial clients who urgently require cable,and this mistake is causing a great deal of inconvenience,and may lead to loss of business.

I should appreciate your looking into this matter and arranging for delivery of the required cable as soon as possible.

Yours sincerely

For Klotz Cable Distribution PT

Samir Rahardjo

Samir Rahardjo


3. Complaint for Invoice Mistake投诉单据有误



Sinolib Book Ltd.

Shop 350 Ocean Centre

Canton Road-Kowloon

Hong Kong SAR

Tel:23737689 Fax:23731254

27 May 200-

Mr W Mak,Sales Department

Palette Publishing Co.

14/F Hopeful Building

22-24 Po Heng Road


Hong Kong SAR

Dear Mr Mak

Subject:Invoice No.P5643/9

We have just received the above invoice for a consignment of books which was delivered on 4 May 200- as part of our exhibition of contemporary Chinese photographer’s work.

However,your invoice states that the consignment contained 240 copies of China on the Move by Shui Man-hing,whereas,in fact,it contained only 200 copies.If you check our original order (No.4378528- copy attached) you will see this was all we ordered.

We trust you will arrange for a new invoice to be issued in the near future,as we shall be happy to settle this account as soon as possible.

Yours sincerely

Sophia Wan

Sophia Wan

Accounts Clerk

4. Complaint for Delivery Delay投诉延误交货时间


Dear Mr.Smith:

The 1,000 cameras under order 383 shipped per S.S.Pacific arrived here yesterday.

On examination we’ve found that 100 cameras in 2 cases are severely damaged. At first we thought that damage had resulted from the rough handling of the carrier,but an investigation made by the most authoritative surveyor here,China Commodity Inspection Bureau (CCIB),reveals that the damage is attributable to your improper packing.The camera being delicate instrument,we have emphasized repeatedly in your previous letters that proper packing is of utmost importance,and you have made your definite assurance of the reliability of your packing.However,you actual practice has breached the stipulations set forth in Order 383.For further particulars,we refer you to the enclosed inspection certificate issued by CCIB.

Therefore,we are compelled to claim against you.With the inspection fee US $80 included,our loss amounts to $12,200.We hereby enclose a draft for that amount at sight for you to honor.Regarding the damaged cameras we leave them at your disposal.

We expect you to pay prompt attention to this matter.

Sincerely yours,Cc:President King

5. Complaint for Wrong Items投诉收到的货物与订单不符


Dear Thomas Moore:

Referring to our order No.26 dated June 16th,you have delivered some wrong goods,which arrived on R.P.Charger at Bangkok.

We appreciate your prompt delivery.But,when opening case No.14,we found that it contained chinaware,which we had not ordered.We assume that a mistake may have been made in assembling the order.All other items are correct and in good condition.

As the items we have ordered are needed urgently,please dispatch the missing articles at once.

We enclose a list of detailed description about the items that should have been in case No.14.Please check this with our order and your copy of the invoice.

Meanwhile,we are holding case No.14 at your disposal.Please email us on how to do with it.

Yours sincerely,

David Parker

6. Complaint for Poor Packaging投诉包装不良


Dear Mr.Petri:

We haven’t got the personal computers we ordered on June 3.

On June 3,we placed an order for ten sets of personal computers.When we discussed the matter on delivery,you promised that it would be made before June 20.However,it is 10 days past the deadline,and your goods still have not reached us. We need these PCs urgently to improve the efficiency of our work; therefore,your failure to deliver them has put us into trouble.

We appreciate your seeing the matter seriously and arranging for the delivery within 5 days.I’m sorry to say if you are still unable to deliver them by July 5th,we shall reluctantly cancel our order and ask for compensation.

Sincerely yours,

英语作文高级写作素材 篇5

1.According to a recent survey, four million people die each year from diseases linked to smoking.依照最近的一项调查,每年有4,000,000人死于与吸烟有关的疾病。

2.The latest surveys show that quite a few children have unpleasant associations with homework.最近的调查显示相当多的孩子对家庭作业没什么好感。

3.No invention has received more praise and abuse than Internet.没有一项发明像互联网一样同时受到如此多的赞扬和批评。

4.People seem to fail to take into account the fact that education does not end with graduation.人们似乎忽视了教育不应该随着毕业而结束这一事实。

5.An increasing number of people are beginning to realize that education is not complete with graduation.越来越多的人开始意识到教育不能随着毕业而结束。

范文背诵:Smoking Is Harmful

According to a recent survey, four million people die each year from diseases linked to smoking.Many young boys and girls have the habit of smoking, though they are middle school students

As we all know, smoking does great harm to human beings.More and more people have come to realize how serious this problem is.But they are never bored with it.Some people think it is a kind of fashion, some think it is of great fun and others think that smoking can refresh themselves.Smoking causes many illnesses.A lot of people always cough because of smoking.The most serious illness caused by smoking is lung cancer.Meanwhile smoking is a waste of money.Besides, careless smokers may cause dangerous fires.In order to keep healthy, we should get rid of the bad habit of smoking.Please stop smoking at once.据说,中国有一半人在吸烟。许多男孩和女孩都有吸烟的习惯,尽管他们还是中学生。众所周知,吸烟对人身体有害。越来越多的人们认识到这个问题的严重性,但他们仍然乐此不疲。一些人认为抽烟是一种时尚,一些人认为抽烟很有趣,还有一些人认为吸烟可以提神。


商务英语高级阅读模拟题指导训 篇6

Marketing is one of the most stressful white-collar jobs and marketing executives are not far below teacher, air traffic controllers and doctors on the list of high-stress occupations. In a recent study, 67% of people in marketing and advertising reported that excessively high stress was a regular part of their working lives; 46% said they often felt crushed by chronic stress, while 34% were suffering so much stress they were seriously thinking of leaving their jobs. __H__.

The real cause for concern is the condition of chronic stress. __9__. This is the name for a condition in which the individual has become so mentally and physically exhausted that he or she is no longer able to function effectively.

In marketing, you find people who are deeply dedicated to their jobs and to being successful. __10__. One reason is the intensely competitive nature of marketing – striving to stay ahead in a market where you are consistently up against competitors who are striving to stay ahead of you. __11__. This loss of performance is compounded by the fact that marketers have to risk vast sums of money on campaigns or product launches which may or may not prove successful.

The amount of stress in a job is related to the amount of control an employee feels he or she has. __12__. But stress is also related to the importance we attach to a successful outcome. If someone genuinely does not care if they succeed or fail, their stress remains low. However, the more passionately we care about success, the greater the stress when anything threatens it. Research has shown that the most stressful organizations to work in are those which combine highly competitive culture, demands for total dedication and a low-to-zero tolerance of failure. __13__. When asked, most marketers said that this description perfectly describe the cultures found in most marketing department.

The final ingredient in the mixture is the combination of bad managers and over-demanding clients. __14__. Some senior mangers see such pressures as a way of getting things done. But surely it would be far better to reduce or eliminate the sources of stress than to have to deal with the consequences.

A Despite this commitment, it is very hard for them to remain in control of events, and this threatens their goals and creates insecurity.

B Such companies are quick to blame marketers when things go wrong.

C This results in a huge number of uncertainties and worries about that competition, which in turn leads to inefficient working.

D It is caused by unending pressure to perform at a high level, which can eventually result in Burn Out Stress Syndrome – BOSS.

E Almost every marketer has dealt with both of them and is make anxious and exhausted by the experience.

F Therefore these problems can be seen to increase in proportion to the number of stressful situations.

G Uncertainty about job prospects makes matters worse and is another challenge to this sense of security.

H Figures such as these suggest that stress is a serious problem.


Excessively; crushed; chronic; strive; compound; passionately; ingredient;


What Factors Seem To Essentially Contribute To Burnout Stress?

1. Expectation of greater workload and longer hours

2. Loss of individual autonomy, over scheduling, predictable income, loss of trust and respect of your professional role

3. Pressure to take on more risks as your business system demands compliance and to decrease costs but increase “quality”

4. Inability to balance personal and professional life

5. Decreased company or peer socialization and collegiality

6. Lack of positive and timely feedback from management or the owners of the company

7. Difficulty in saying “No” (at work, home, church, volunteer activities, or in the community)

8. Unrealistic expectations from customers or employees

What Can You Do About Burnout Stress

Try implementing a burnout avoidance program within your company. The components of the program include monitoring employees who look like candidates for early flameouts. You know the ones, burning the candle at both ends and trying to conquer and master all in an unrealistic time frame. Traditionally the workplace has rewarded that type of employee behavior by pats on the backs, promotions or other forms of recognition. The message is subtle but clear: We like that kind of attitude and action. But will it feel so good when the employee flames out?

As a manager or employer, do you encourage or even insist that employees take time off to vacate and recreate? Do you monitor your own actions to determine if you are setting an example that others will follow?

We can also learn a lesson about burnout from Mother Nature. She demonstrates the importance of balance. Even she recognizes that plants, trees and animals can’t constantly grow and expand. They need an opportunity to rest and to replenish diminished resources. She provides this balance through the seasons of the year to accommodate the needs of nature.

怎样指导学生英语写作 篇7


本人多年从事初中英语教学, 从中考阅卷及平时教学测验中发现, 目前学生英语作文水平堪忧, 多数作文千篇一律, 只是把简单英语词句罗列, 更谈不上奇思妙文。笔者总结认为, 影响学生英语写作主要有以下几个方面:

(一) 、词汇的问题。由于英语词汇的缺乏, 导致学生不能得心应手的表达自己的想法, 出现很多的拼写错误。

(二) 、语法错误。语法规则和句型是英语写作必备的基本要素。在写作时, 由于语法规则掌握不好, 致使语法规则应用不规范, 句型结构混乱。

(三) 、句型单一。我曾对初三某个班的一次英语考试作文作过一项调查, 发现英语作文中, 简单句占97.5%, 并列句占1.4%, 复合句占1.1%。这让我感到学生虽然学了几年英语, 但绝大部分同学只想到用简单句写作。当然简单句本身没什么错, 但当他们在写作时, 缺少一些正确的过渡连接语, 不能适当地把这些句子连接起来, 而对于某些句子来说, 这些过渡连接语是必不可少的。

(四) 、语篇衔接出现问题。无论文章是长还是短, 其语句和语段都必须连贯成一个整体, 才能表达出作者的思想。然而, 很多学生只会机械地堆砌字、词、句, 结果使文章条理不清晰, 逻辑不严谨, 语义不连贯。

(五) 、不少学生错误认为, 写作水平的提高无非是多写多练。但他们却没有用英语写日记、记笔记的好习惯。写作时不会用中文构思, 再译成英文, 写作后自己不注意修改, 也不关心老师的评注, 不能主动反思并调整自己的写作方法。


一、开展综合型教学, 全面提高学生英语整体水平。

英语课堂, 要坚持听说读训练和写训练相结合。根据语言习得理论, 学习者在学习时常先通过听和读吸取语言知识, 从而了解别人的思想, 再通过说和写来表达自己的思想, 让别人了解自己。大量的听说训练能促进读写能力的提高。因此, 写与听、说、读紧密结合, 进行多元化的能力训练, 才可使学生的各项能力互相影响、互相渗透、互相促进, 从而提高学生英语整体水平。


如果教师将听力理解与写作技能结合起来, 即把写作限制在特定的情景中, 可使写作练习成为综合型的交际性语言练习。听与写相结合的练习形式有:在听的基础上设计听写填空、正误判断并纠错、选择、听后笔述句子、根据所听内容概要写作、模仿写作等。听与写相结合的好处是: (1) 能在听写填空中暴露出学生拼写及语法问题。 (2) 既可培养学生听音会意的能力, 又可培养其谴词造句的能力。 (3) 概要写作和模仿写作不仅能评估学生的写作能力, 检查其对输入信息的理解, 还能检验其能否写出符合英语表达习惯, 特定情景和文体要求的短文。


布里顿 (Britton, 1970) 指出:“学生口语句型结构和表达方式往往是他们学习写作的基础。”教师应当在教授写作的同时, 帮助学生提高和丰富其口头表达的技能, 因为口头形式往往包含了大量近似书面语的结构和措辞。说与写相结合的策略具体做法是:

通过师生间的交谈、小组讨论等形式帮助学生确定写作框架, 并丰富写作内容。例如, 教学7A unit 3 make a poster showing your favourite festival。写作前教师可采取以下步骤帮助学生挖掘题材:


教师可提出诸如which、how、why、等形式的问题, 促使学生思考, 帮助其打开头脑中的材料库。如:

a) 、Which is your favourite festival?

b) 、How do people celebrate the festival?

c) 、Why do you like the festival?




各小组口头表述讨论结果。教师以读者的身份同学生交谈, 帮助学生进一步丰富读者需要得到的信息。

d、然后确定写作框架, 学生根据提纲和框架, 进行合乎逻辑的扩展写作。


写的过程实际上是模拟读者阅读的过程;阅读也是模拟写作的行为。由于受传统文化的熏陶, 很多同学在写作过程中难免会受到母语的影响, 出现一些“Chinglish” (中式英语) , 而且有些东西也把握不准。所以, 老师可以精选各种文体的范文, 让学生们背诵模仿, 并分析他们的篇章布局和谴词造句, 为英语写作树立规范。

二、讲究方法, 加强指导

英语中有句话“Practice makes perfect.” (熟能生巧) , 写作应贯穿在整个英语教学中。牛津英语教材的特点是每个单元都有一节Main Task, 即写作课。要求学生根据本单元话题, 仿照范文写一篇和本单元内容有关的书面表达。因此教师在教授新课时应有目的的让学生积累和本单元话题有关的词汇, 句型, 以备写作之需。教师对学生习作要精心批改, 随时指出错误, 进行语法上指导。

中学生英语写作体裁主要有说明文、记叙文、议论文和应用文。教师在平时教学中要注意让学生掌握写作体裁的特点, 及时让学生进行仿写训练。多记一些日常用语、短语、常用连接词, 掌握多种写作表达方式, 提高语言的运用能力, 从而克服从母语角度出发来书写英语作文的缺陷。

我们知道:建造大楼少不了土木砖石, 英语写作一样, 少不了单词、词组及固定短语基本素材。有些学生对单词的拼写不重视, 结果写作文时就往往会有一种提笔忘字的感觉。平时在教学中对于一些固定短语和典型句型, 一定要多操练, 特别是一些重要且学生易错的方面。可以通过翻译句子、句子改错等多种形式反复训练。

每次批改学生作文时要详细做好记录, 并对其进行归类, 分析学生出错的原因, 有针对性地及时进行讲评。对个别错误较多的同学, 最好能做到面批。另外, 学生作文的错题库一定要保存好, 过一阶段可以从中抽出一部分, 以短文或单句改错的形式体现出来, 让学生去做做。这样就可以一举两得, 一方面解决了短文改错选题难的问题, 另一方面可使学生加深印象, 避免再犯类似的错误。

可以将错误较多的学生作文直接放到实物投影仪上或打印到幻灯片上, 让学生集体批阅, 当场发现并当场解决问题。这既直观有节省时间。另外, 教师平时准备一些书面材料备在电脑中, 同时附上参考答案以及相应的较详细的评分标准, 可以利用课堂时间, 将他们调出并投影到屏幕上, 让学生进行即时作文, 当场做, 当场讲评, 如时间允许也可以进行口头作文。

三、充分运用激励机制, 走出英语写作困境

教师应在平时的英语写作训练中充分运用激励机制, 例如:书法规范及行文漂亮者优;标点符号正确者优;典型句使用恰当者优等。教师要在评价学生的写作过程中, 自始自终坚持表扬激励原则。要善于发现学生字、词、段、文方面的优秀之处, 让学生不断尝试努力的成功, 从惧怕写作到乐于写作, 直到善于写, 进而全面提高自身的英语写作能力。

在新时期信息化的今天, 我们要适应学生素质教育的要求。不仅要加强对学生听、说、读等方面多种技能的强化和训练, 而且要注重学生的英语作文指导, 它对推动初中英语教学改革, 全面提高学生英语素质, 将起到积极作用。


[1].吴进美, 《初中英语写作大全》, 广西师范大学出版社2006年9月版

[2].《九年义务教育全日制初中英语教学大纲》, 中华人民共和国教育部。

初中英语写作技巧指导 篇8

【关键词】写作技巧 词汇学习 句子准确 文章结构 多元评价。





当学生能够规范写出简单句子后,就可以对写作的结构给予指导了。在开始写作时指导学生对一件事进行简单清晰的讲述,或围绕某一个观点简要阐述即可,首要原则即为准确、清晰。在此基础上逐步培养学生对于文章结构进行梳理,即三段式结构,“观点--要点--总结”。第一段表明自己的观点,一般两句话即可,观点的阐述一定要清晰明了。第二段围绕观点进行论证阐述,注意提示要求中所给要点要全部包含,这部分可以说是文章的主体部分。在叙述的过程中条理一定要清晰,注意逻辑性和关联性,在阐述的过程中恰当的使用逻辑词可以使文章主旨脉络更清晰。除了最常用的:first, second, third,finally 等还可以使用高级点的,如first of all,also, besides, in addition,what's more,moreover。表转折的:除了but,还可使用yet,however等。第三段是对文章的概括总结,一般一两句话即可。可以使用总结性的词语作为开头,如:in a word,all in all, in my opinion,或倡议性词语:Let’s... , If we...,we’ll....I’d like to say, the more... the more...


在文章的句子准确、结构清晰基础之上如何再让作文上一个层次,就需要指导学生适当的使用高一级别的词汇。如:beautiful可以用attrcative, charming来替代。另外在作文中恰当的运用复合句,注意句式的变换也可以帮助提升文章的层次。

对比以下两段文字:A:We should do something to stop this. We should obey the traffic rules. We should set an example for others. B:I think we’d better do something to stop this. We must obey the traffic rules by ourselves. It’s important for us to set a good example for all the people. 两段都没有语法错误,A段只使用了We should...这一句式语言显得过于单一,B段用到了I think..., We’d better..., We must..., It’s + adj. for sb. to do sth.等多种句式来表达,语言看起来非常丰富,表达更加多样性,使文章增色不少。







[2]杭宝桐.中学英语教学法[M].上海:华东师范大学出版社, 2002.



