从句中的虚拟语气 篇1
一、It’s important…类
这一类型主要包括It is(was)important(necessary, desirable, imperative, advisable)that...句型。如:
It is impossible that he should go home.他不可能会回家去。
It is necessary that I should return it right now.我有必要马上把它还回去。
It is important that we should speah politely.我们说话要有礼貌,这是很重要的。It is not necessary that everyone be a scientist.没有必要使每一个人都成为科学家。It is imperative that we should practise critidsm and self-criticism.应当进行批评与自我批评。
二、It’s a pity…类
It is a pity that she should fare so badly.她竟吃得这么差,真可怜。
It’s a pity that he should be so obstinate.真遗憾他竟这样倔犟。
It was a pity that you couldn’t come.你不能来,真是太遗憾了。
It is a pity that she failed the driving examination.她没通过驾驶考试真是遗憾。
It is his desire that a medical man should stay here.他希望有一个医务人员留在这里。
三、It’s desired…类
这种主语从句还常用在It is(was)desired(suggested, settled, proposed, requested, decided, etc.)that...句型。如:
It is requested that a vote be taken.建议付诸表决。
It is settled that you leave us, then? 那么你肯定要离开我们罗?
It was proposed that this matter be considered at the next meeting.有人提议这事下次会议再讨论。
It is desired that this rule should be brought to the attention of the staff.希望这条规则引起全体职员的注意。
(2)在It is amazing(strange, surprising, astonishing, a pity, a shame)以及 I am surprised(sorry)和I regret等结构后的that 从句中有时也用should,表示说话人的惊异、懊悔、失望等情感,常含有“竟然”之意:
It’s strange that he should be so rude.他竟如此无礼,真是奇怪。
I’m surprised that he should have failed.他竟然失败了,这使我很吃惊。
若不用虚拟语气也可以,则不带感情 色彩,比较:
It’s a pity that he failed the exam.他考试没及格,真是遗憾。
It’s a pity that he should have failed the exam.他考试竟没及格,真是遗憾。
从句中的虚拟语气 篇2
对于中学阶段的学生而言, 让他们掌握虚拟语气, 并且切实提高他们运用虚拟语气的水平和实际英语交际运用能力具有极其重要的意义。在具体的教学过程中, 教师对于这部分内容要避免针对虚拟语气进行直接的讲解, 而是先对学生讲授陈述、虚拟、命令这三种动词谓语语气。学生之前学习过的陈述语气有16种时态, 在此基础上, 慢慢过渡到虚拟语气的学习上来, 教师可以首先教授单一条件的基本虚拟语气, 然后再逐步地拓宽加深。这样操作能够消除学生对“语气”产生的神秘感, 从而顺利地转入虚拟语气的学习。这里所说的单一条件的虚拟语气, 是指条件状语从句和结果主句同在一个时间范围内。也就是说, 在虚拟时间方面, 条件状语从句和结果主句是一致的。下面主要论述三种表现形式以及相应的教法改革措施。
1 虚拟条件句的类型概述
( 1) 表与现在相反的事实
条件从句用过去时 ( be动词的过去式一律用were) , 主句用would ( should/might/could) + 动词原形”。如: If Iwere you, I would accept the invitation to the party. ( 如果我是你, 我将接受邀请去参加舞会。)
( 2) 表与过去相反的事实
条件从句用过去完成时, 主句用“would/should/might/could + have + 过去分词”, 如: If you had been there lastnight, nothing would have happened. ( 你如果昨天晚上在那儿, 就不会发生什么事情了。)
( 3) 表与将来相反的事实
条件从句用过去时或者“were to + 动词原形”或者“should +动词原形”, 主句用“would ( should/might/could) + 动词原形”, 如: If it were Saturday tomorrow, we wouldn'thave an exam. ( 明天如果是周六, 我们就不考试了。)
2 表现在的条件从句虚拟语气及其教法改革措施
表现在的虚拟语气同现在的事实相反, 表示的假设是纯然的, 或者实现的可能性不大的情况, 其所在的条件从句用be的过去式或者用were, 主句使用would、should、might、could等再加上动词原形。例如:
( 1) We would go with you if we had time. ( 我们如果现在有时间, 会和你一起去的。)
( 2) If you were a mouse and I were a cat, I would eatyou. ( 现在如果你是老鼠我是猫, 我会把你吃掉。)
在教学过程中, 对于这类条件从句, 教师首先必须要使学生明白, 单一条件虚拟语气里体现的是与现在相反的事实, 实际上条件从句借用的是一般过去时态, 但是有的时候也借用过去进行时形式, 主句借用的是过去将来时形式, 表示的内容同现在的事实是相反的, 因为虚拟语气的谓语形式不是固定的, 所以只能把某些陈述语气里的谓语形式“借用”过来, 对此学生只要明白学会借用就可以了。在这个时候, 学生已经比较熟悉陈述语气里一般过去时以及过去进行时, 所以也就自然地明白并运用这一借用形式。
3 表过去的条件从句虚拟语气及其教法改革措施
表过去的虚拟语气同过去的事实相反, 其所表示的是纯然假设, 或者实现可能性不大的情况。其所在的条件从句的主体结构是had + 过去分词, 主句的结构为would、could、should、might等 + have + 过去分词。例如:
( 1) If you had come earlier, you would have met him. ( 如果你当时早点来, 你就会见到他。)
( 2) If I hadn't taken your advice, I would have made abad mistake. ( 当时我要不是听你的劝告, 就犯大错误了。)
在教学过程中, 对于这类条件从句, 教师要摆脱传统教法的束缚, 要使学生明白, 单一条件虚拟语气里体现的是与过去相反的事实, 实际情况是, 条件从句是对过去完成时的借用, 结果主句是对过去将来完成时的借用, 以此体现的内容与过去的事实相反。只要学生理解了这些内容, 自然就会掌握这个条件从句虚拟语气形式。
4 表将来的条件从句虚拟语气及其教法改革措施
表将来的虚拟语气与将来的事实相反, 体现的是纯然假设, 或者实现的可能性不大的情况。其所在的条件从句结构为动词过去式, 或者should +动词原形 ( were to +动词原形) , 主句的结构为would、could、might、should等加上动词原形。例如:
( 1) If it should rain, the crop would be saved. ( 如果未来能够下雨, 农作物就有救了) 。
( 2) We wouldn't lose courage even, if we should ( wereto) fail again. ( 即使再次失败, 我们也不失去信心。)
对于这类条件从句, 教师在教学中要抛弃传统教法, 务必要使学生明白, 单一条件虚拟语气表示的是与将来相反的事实, 它的实际情况是: 这一条件从句的形式是从一般过去时, 或者过去将来时, 或者were + 不定式借用而来的, 其结果主句的形式是从过去将来时借过来的, 表达的虚拟语气的内容同将来的事实相反。
5 在掌握单一条件虚拟语气的基础上学习隐含虚拟条件句
在改革条件从句中虚拟语气运用的教法的过程中, 先让学生理解掌握单一条件虚拟语气, 在此基础上, 开始学习隐含虚拟条件句。这里所说的隐含条件虚拟语气, 主要是指在句子中不明显地存在虚拟条件句, 而是通过别的手段来暗示虚拟条件句的存在。但是它能够转化成以if引导的条件句。表示这类从句的主要手段包括:
( 1) 利用but for, but that, without, in case of, under morefavorable condition等介词或介词短语。例如: But for theleadriship of the party, we could not be living a happy life today. ( 要不是党的领导, 我们现在还 ( 正) 不能过上幸福生活。) 在这个隐含虚拟条件句中, 前半部分虚拟从句相当于lf it were not for the leadship of the panty.
( 2) 利用上下文及内在含义。一般情况下, 句子中会有类似的转折词, 如otherwise, but, unfortunately等。举一个例句: He was very busy yesterday; otherwise, he would havecome to the party. ( 昨天他很忙, 否则他会参加聚会的) 。在这个句子中, otherwise相当于If he had not been busy yesterday.
( 3) 利用形容词及其比较级。例如: A more carefulperson would not have made so many mistakes. ( 当时一个更细心的人是不会犯那么多错误的) 。这个隐含虚拟条件句相当于If he had been more careful, he would not have madeso many mistakes.
( 4) 利用分词短语。例如: Having known about it intime , he might have prevented the accident. ( 当时如果能够及时了解情况, 也许他可以避免那个事故。) 在这个句子中, Having known about it in time, 相当于If he had konwn about it in time.
( 5) 利用名词短语和名词 + and结构。例如: A diligent student would have worked harder. ( 当时一个勤奋的学生会更努力的。) 这个句子与If he had been a diligentstudent, he would have worked hard. 相当。
( 6) 利用独立主格结构。例如: All things considered, the price would be accepted. ( 如果考虑到所有的情况, 是可以接受这个价格的。) 在这个句子中, All things considered与If all things were considered. 相当。
( 7) 利用定语从句。例如: A nation, which stoppedworking, would be dead in a fortnight. ( 如果一个民族工作停止了, 很快就会灭亡。) 在这个句子中, whcih stopped working与If it stopped working. 相当。
( 8) 利用情态动词完成式或暗示虚拟语气。例如: Ishould have helped him with his Englsh, but I suffered frombeing ill. ( 当时我应该帮助他学习英语, 但是当时我正处于疾病之中。)
一般来说, 在下列情形下可以采用虚拟语气: 一是在表示与事实相反的、虚假的, 或者是难以实现的情况时要采用虚拟语气来表达; 二是表示某种强烈情感或者表达某种主观愿望时, 也采用虚拟语气。也就是说, 当说话人在说话时想强调他所表达的意思是基于其本人。总而言之, 在日常生活中, 无论是在口语表达中, 还是在书面表达中, 准确、恰当地使用虚拟语气, 都能够对于所要表达的内容起到画龙点睛的作用。在上文中, 笔者从虚拟条件句的类型, 在表现在的条件从句、表过去的条件从句、表将来的条件从句中的虚拟语气及其教法改革措施, 以及在掌握单一条件虚拟语气的基础上学习隐含虚拟条件句等五个方面, 结合教学改革实践, 进行了较为具体的分析论述, 希望可以为英语教学同人们提供一定的借鉴。当然, “冰冻三尺, 非一日之寒”。无论是英语教学者还是学习者, 不但要根据不同的条件句句型采用不同的虚拟语气, 还必须要在阅读中努力掌握文中所传达出的信息, 细致分析和理解上下文之间具有的内在逻辑关系, 进而达到学以致用目的。
[1]宋永娟.需要使用虚拟语气的句子结构[J].青苹果, 2010, (12) .
[2]肖红霞, 黄汉华.虚拟语气[J].中学生英语 (高中版) , 2011, (17) .
宾语从句中的虚拟语气 篇3
1. 英语中, wish之后的宾语从句,表示一种没有实现或根本不可能实现的愿望,常用虚拟语气。其虚拟语气的结构为:
(1)所希望的事情发生在主句动作之前,虚拟语气结构为had + 过去分词或would/could/might/should + have + 过去分词。 例如:
I wish I had been there with them last week. 我希望上周跟他们一起在那儿。
(2)所希望的事情与主句动作同时发生,宾语从句中虚拟语气的动词用过去时(be用were)。 例如:
I wish I learnt English well. 我希望我已学好了英语。
(3)所希望的事情发生在主句动作之后,宾语从句中虚拟语气的动词用would/could/might/should + 原形动词。例如:
He wishes we could go and play games with him. 他希望我们能去跟他做游戏。
2. 英语中,如advise, ask, demand, desire, decide, insist(坚决要求), order, propose, request, suggest(建议)等表示请求、要求、命令或建议等意义的动词所接的宾语从句一般用虚拟语气,其虚拟语气的结构为:(should) + 原形动词。例如:
The teacher advised that we should make good use of every minute here. 老师劝我们要好好地利用在这儿的每一分钟。
The Party asked that we should serve the people with our heart and soul. 党要求我们要全心全意地为人民服务。
但是,当insist的意思为“坚决认为,坚持说”; suggest的意思为“表明,暗含,暗示”等时,宾语从句一般不用虚拟语气。例如:
Tom insisted that he hadn??t stolen the watch. 汤姆坚持说他没有偷那块手表。
His smile suggested that he had succeeded in this exam. 他的微笑表明他在考试中成功了。
3. believe, expect, suspect, think, imagine等动词的否定句或疑问句中的宾语从句常用虚拟语气。其虚拟语气的结构为: should + 原形动词。例如:
Can you believe that he should kill a tiger? 你能相信他竟然杀死了一只老虎吗?
Can you imagine that he should take the first place in the long jump contest? 你能想象得到他在跳远比赛中竟获得了第一名吗?
4. 英语中, would rather, had rather, would sooner等之后的宾语从句常表示与客观事实不相符的一种愿望,故使用虚拟语气。其虚拟语气的结构为:
I??d rather you had seen the film yesterday. 我倒想你昨天看过了这场电影。
I??d rather you were here now. 我倒想你现在在这儿。
I wish 后从句用虚拟语气 篇4
I wish you __________ him my telephone number,but you did.A.didn’t give B.hadn’t given C.wouldn’t giveD.shouldn’t give
此题应选B。I wish后接宾语从句时,谓语有三种可能:
I wish I were a teacher.我要是一位老师就好了。
I wish I remembered her address.我要是记得她的地址就好了。
How I wish I had seen her off at the station,but I was too busy.我要是去车站送过她就好了,但我太忙了。
3.表示与将来事实相反的愿望,用could / would+ / might+动词原形:
I wish he would come at once.我真希望他马上来。
(1)If only(但愿):用法与含义均与I wish相似,以上各例中的I wish均可用If only代之,含义大致相同。
(2)as if / though(好像):
She loves the child as if he were her own.她疼爱这孩子,就像是她自己的孩子一样。(与现在事实相反)
He talks as if he had been there many times.他说起话来好像是去过那儿多次似的。(与过去事实相反)
虚拟语气的用法 篇5
1.表示祝愿 a. Long live our country. b. May you succeed. c. May you be happy all your life.
2.表示命令 a. Everybody leave the room.
二.虚拟语气在非真实条件句中的用法: (使用虚拟语气的含条件句的复合句称为“真实条件句”)
1.表示与现在事实相反的情况时, if从句的谓语用动词的过去式 (be动词的过去式多用were, 而不用was), 主句的谓语用should / would / could / might +动词原形 (should多用于第一人称, would多用于二三人称, could / might可用于所有人称)
a. If I had more time, I should study computer better. b. If he were not so busy, she would attend the meeting this afternoon. c. If they didn’t take exercises every day, they wouldn’t be so healthy.
d. If you went to bed earlier, you would not be so sleepy in the morning. e. If she invited me, I should go to the party.
2.表示与过去事实相反的情况时, if从句的谓语用had done形式, 主句的谓语用should / would / could / might + have done的形式 a. If she had invited me yesterday, I should have gone to the party.
b. I would have checked my paper again if I had had more time at yesterday’s exam.
c. If you had taken the teacher’s advice, you would not have failed in the exam.
3.表示与将来事实相反的情况时, if从句的谓语形式是: ①.完全动词过去式 (be的过去式通常用were); ②.should +动词原形; ③.were to do. 其中②, ③种情况都含有“出乎意料之外”之意; 主句的谓语的形式是: should / would / could / might +动词原形 a. If she should invite me tomorrow, I should go to the party.
b. If it rained / should rain / were to rain tomorrow, our picnic would be put off.
c. If I saw him tomorrow, I would pass your note to him. d. I might come back if I were to miss the train.
1.条件从句省略if: 在书面语中, 如果条件从句中的谓语中有were, had, should等词, 可将if省略, 而把were, had, should放在句首 a. Were I you (=If I were you ), I would get up early very early.
b. Had you arrived (=If you had arrived ) at the station ten minutes earlier yesterday, you could have caught the train.
2.省略条件从句或主句, 省略部分的含义仍有所体现. 省略主句时, 表示己不能实现的愿望
a. You could have done it yourself (if you had wanted to). b. I wouldn’t smoke (if I were you).
c. If my old friends were with me! (要是老朋友和我在一起该多好啊) d. If you could have seen the wonderful film!
3.主从句时间不一致时, 主从句谓语动词的形式取决于要表示的具体时间
a. You would speak English well if you had practised speaking it every day.
b. If she hadn’t trained so hard, she wouldn’t be able to run so fast.
4.假设的条件不以条件从句, 而以其他方式如介词短语、从句等表达出来, 这种句子称为含蓄条件句
a. What would you do with a million dollars? b. Without/But for music, the world would be a dull place.
c. We could have done better with more money. d. He would have given you more help, but he has been so busy.
e. He must have been very busy, or he could not have won the game.
f. I’m really very busy, otherwise, I would certainly take you to visit the zoo.
四.虚拟语气在as if / though从句中的用法:
1.表示与现在事实相反或对相在情况有所怀疑, as if / though从句谓语用过去式
a. He speaks English so well as if she had studied English in England. b. She looked as if she were ill.
2.表示与过去事实相反的情况, as if / though从句谓语用过去完成式
a. The machines operated as if it had been repaired.
**as if 从句也可表示真实情况,谓语动词用陈述语气 a. It looks as if it is going to rain.
五.虚拟语气在含even if / though从句的复合句中的用法:
在此类复合句中, 若表示与事实相反, 可用虚拟语气形式. 主从句的谓语动词形式与非真实条件句相同
a. Even if I were rich, I would work.
如果表示说话人的看法, 想法或意见, 在句型 “It is / was + adj. + that从句”中, 主语从句中可用虚拟语气. 主语从句中谓语动词用should do表示现在或将来情况, 用should have done表示过去情况
a. It is necessary that you should clean the lab before you left. b. It is important that you should take the doctor’s advice.
c. It was very strange that he should have left without say goodbye.
1.在wish的宾语从句中, 通常表示不可能实现或没有实现的愿望, 常用虚拟语气
①.wish的宾语从句用过去式, 表示现在或将来没有实现或不可能实现的愿望
a. I wish I knew the result of the match now. b. I wish it were spring here all the year round.
c. I wish I could help you. d. I wish I were young.
②.wish的宾语从句用过去完成式, 表示过去没有实现或不可能实现的愿望
a. We wish we had got the film tickets last night. b. I wish you I had met him yesterday.
③.wish的宾语从句若用would, 则一般表示请求, 对现状不满或希望未来有所改变
a. I wish the prices would come down. b. I wish you would help me.
c. I wish he would be more careful. d. We wish you would spend the holiday with us.
2.在动词suggest (建议), advise (建议), propose, demand (要求), require (要求), order (命令), insist (坚持)后的宾语从句中, 谓语动词常用“( should )+动词原形”的虚拟语气形式
a. I suggested that we should go there at once. b. I demand that he should answer me at once.
c. The doctor insisted that the patient should stay in bed for two weeks. d. The officer ordered that the soldiers should stop playing.
与名词suggestion建议 / advice 建议 / demand要求 / request要求 / order命令有关的从句(包括同位语从句、表语从句、主语从句等)中的谓语也用 “( should ) +动词原形”
a. The black people made a strong demand that the government ( should ) take steps to change the unfair situation.
b. Their demand is that the government should take steps to change the unfair situation.
c. I was Bill’s suggestion that everybody should have a map. d. His suggestion was that everybody should have a map.
e. What do you think of their proposal that we should all speak English at the meeting?
f. It is requested that she should sing a song at the birthday party.
a. The officer ordered his men to start before daybreak. b. The salesman suggested us /our trying another shop.
a. The man’s expression suggested that he was very sad. ` b. Tony suggested that he had not broken the vase.
八.虚拟语气用在句型: It is (high) time that…(该做某事了)中: that从句中的谓语动词用过去式
a. It is time we got up.
九.虚拟语气用在if only引导的感叹句中: 表示“但愿…”, “要是…就好了”, 其中谓语形式与wish的宾语从句相同
a. If only he didn’t drive so fast! ( =I wish he didn’t drive so fast.)
b. If only he had taken the doctor’s advice. ( =I wish he had taken the doctor’s advice.)
c. If only the rain would stop! ( =I wish the rain would stop.)
十.虚拟语气用在would rather / prefer后的that从句中: 表示现在或将来情况谓语动词用过去时形式, 表示过去情况动词用过去完成时形式
a. I would rather he came next Saturday. b. I would prefer you had seen the film yesterday.
强化训练:虚拟语气 篇6
A. would be B. would have been C. were D. may be
2. ________more careful, his ship would not have sunk.
A. If the captain were B. Had the captain been
C. Should the captain be D. If the captain would have been
3. If he _________ me tomorrow, I would let him know.
A. should call B. should not have been able
C. were not able D. are not able
4. If you asked your father, you ______________ permission.
A. may get B. might get C. should have called D. maybe get
5. _____________today, he would get there by Friday.
A. Would he leave B. Was he leaving
C. Were he to leave D. If he leaves
6. ______I you, I would go with him to the party.
A. Was B. Had been C. Will be D. Were
7.The millions of calculations involved, had they been done by hand, __________all practical value by the time they were finished.
A. could lose B. would have lost
C. might lose D. ought to have lost
8. Had Paul received six more votes in the last election, he ____________our chairman now.
A. must have been B. would have been C. were D. would be
9. If you ________________Jerry Brown until recently, you’d think the photograph on the right was strange.
A. shouldn’t contact B. didn’t contact
C. weren’t to contact D. hadn’t contacted
10. ____________he English examination I would have gone to the concert last Sunday
A. In spite of B. But for C. Because of D. As for
11. Look at the terrible situation I am in! If only I _____________your advice
A. follow B. would follow C. had followed D. have followed
12. Had Paul received six more votes in the last election, he ____________our chairman now.
A. must have been B. would have been
C. were D. hadn’t contacted
13. If the horse won today, it _____________ thirty races in five years.
A. would have won B. won C. must have won D. did have won
14. There is a real possibility that these animals could be frightened, _______a sudden loud noise.
A. being there B. should there be
C. there was D. there having been
17. I would have gone to visit him in the hospital, had it been at all possible, but I ______ fully occupied the whole of last week.
A. were B. had been C. have been D. was
18. I apologize if I __________ you, but I assure you it was unintentional(无意的)l.
A. offend B. had offended
C. should have offended D. might have offended
19. If you hadn’t taken such a long time to get dressed, we’d______________ there by now.
A. be B. circles C. is circling D. be circling
20. The sun rises in the east and sets in the west, so it seems as if the sun ________round the earth.
A. were circling B. circles C. is circling D. be circling
21. I wish that I _______________ with you last night.
A. went B. have gone C. could go D. could have gone
22. I wish I ___________ with her.
A. would be B. am C. was D. were
23. I wish that I_____________ the concert last night.
A. could B. have attended C. could have attended D. attended
24. The picture exhibition bored me to death. I wish I_______________ to it.
A. had not gone B. have not gone
C. did not go D. can not have gone
25. “I wish you___________ me to put these things away,” he said.
A. will help B. help C. are helping D. would help
26. If the Watergate Incident_____________ Nixon would not have resigned from the presidency.
A. did not occur B. had not occurred C. was not occurring D. be circling
27. I hadn’t expected ________James to apologize but I had hoped .
A. him calling me B. that he would call me
C. him to call me D. that he call me
28.George would certainly have attended the meeting, ____________________ .
A. if he didn’t get a flat tire B. if the flat tire hadn’t happened
C. had he not had a flat tire D. had the tire not flattened itself
29. The teacher suggested that her students _____________ experiences with ESP.
A. write a composition on their B. to write composition about the
C. wrote some compositions of his or her D. had written any compositions for his
30. He speaks Chinese as fluently as if he ______________a Chinese.
A. were B. had been C. is D. has been
31. As usual, he put on a show as though his trip____ a great success.
A. had been B. has been C. were D. was
32. Looking round the town, he felt as though he ______________ away for ages.
A. has been B. was C. is D. had been
33. John is so strongly built that he looks as if he ______as elephant.
A. lifts B. is lifting C. lifted D. could lift
34. He described the town as if he_____________ it himself.
A. had seen B. has seen C. saw D. sees
35. At that thought he shook himself, as though he _____________from an evil dream.
A. woke B. wakes C. would wake D. had woke
36. Most insurance agents would rather you ___________ anything about collecting claims until they investigate the situation.
A. do B. don’t C. didn’t D. didn’t do
37. Although most adopted persons want the right to know who ______________their natural parents are, some who have found them wish that they the experience of meeting.
A. hadn’t B. didn’t have had C. hadn’t had D. hadn’t have
38. It is important that the TOEFL office ________ your registration.
A. will confirm B. confirm C. confirms D. must confirm
39.Without electronic computers, much of today’s ___________advanced technology .
A. will not have been achieved B. have not been achieved
C. would not have been achieved D. had not been achieved
40. He speaks Chinese as fluently as if he ____________a Chinese.
A. were B. had been C. is D. has been 41. It is time that the government ______________measures to protect the rare birds and animals.
A. takes B. took C. has taken D. taking
42. Some people are too particular about school records, insisting that every applicant ___all diplomas from elementary school to university.
A. has B. will have C. should have D. must have
43. He was very busy yesterday, otherwise he _____ to the meeting.
A. would come B. came C. would have come D. had come
44. I must say he reads very well, and I shouldn’t be surprised if he___________ acting for a living one day.
A. had taken up B. takes up C. have taken up D. would have taken up
45. If I had seen the movie, I ______________ you all about it now.
A. would tell B. will tell C. have told D. would have told
46. I hadn’t expected ______Henry to apologize but I had hoped .
A. him to call me up B. him calling me up
C. that he would call me up D. that he will call me
47. I had hoped that John ____________a year in Africa, but he stayed there only for three months.
A. spends B. spent C. would spend D. will spend
48. I had hoped that Jennifer___________ a doctor, but she wasn’t good enough at science.
A. will become B. became C. would become D. becomes
49. I’d rather you ___________ anything about it for the time being.
A. do B. didn’t do C. don’t D. didn’t
50. I’d just as soon_______ rudely to her.
A. that you won’t speak B. you not speaking
C. you not speak D. you didn’t speak
51. It’s high time they____________ this road.
A. mend B. mended C. must have mended D. will mend
52. It’s about time people______ notice of what women did during the war.
A. take B. took C. have taken D. will take
53. Everybody has arrived. It’s time we___________ the class.
A. shall start B. would start C. had started D. start
54. ___________ the English examination I would have gone to the concert last Sunday.
A. In spite of B. But for C. Because of D. As for
55. Mary ___my letter; otherwise she would have replied before now.
A. has received B. ought to have received
C. couldn’t have received D. shouldn’t have received
56. John did not feel well yesterday; otherwise he _______to see his classmates off.
A. came B. would come C. would have come D. should be coming
57. He’s working hard for fear that he_____________ .
A. should fall behind B. fell behind
C. may fall behind D. would fall behind
58. Without the dreams of the youth, this invention might____________ for a century.
A. have been postponed B. has been postponed
C. postpone D. be postponed
59. In the past men generally preferred that their wives_______________ in the home.
A. worked B. would work C. work D. were working
60. For a child to give up his less mature idea for a more mature one, it requires that the child _____psychologically ready for the new idea.
A. is B. were C. be D. would be
61. Tom’s father, as well as his mother,_______________ in New York for a few days more.
A. ask him to stay B. ask he to stay
C. asks he stays D. asks he stay
62. Your advice that_____________ till next week is reasonable.
A. she waits B. she wait C. wait she D. she waited
64. It was essential that we lease before the end of the month.
A. sing B. singed C. had signed D. were signing
65. It is appropriate that some time ______thorough study of the results of the Apollo mission.
A. devotes to B. devoted to C. is devoted to D. be devoted to
7.B.这个句子中含有一个省略if,把助动词提前到主语they之前的虚拟条件句,该条件句表示对过去情况的假设,而主句中by the time they were finished 表明主句也应该是对过去发生的情况的假设,因而应该选(B)would have lost为正确答案。
8.(D)这道题目是一个混合虚拟语气的句子。条件句省略了if,把助词had提前到主语前面,表示对过去情况的假设,而主句中now表明了对现在情况的假设,所以应选would(should, could, might)+动词原形这种表达形式。四个选项中只有(D)是正确表达形式,故为正确答案。
9.(D)until recently,因此(D)是正确答案,而主句是隐含的对现在情况的假设,该句是一个混合虚拟条件句。
10.(B)假设的情况有时不是用一个条件句表示,而是隐含在一个由介词如but for、but that、without, 由连词but、副词otherwise 、比较级、形容词、独立主格等表示的上下文中。本句主句表示对过去情况的假设,但事实上由于英语考试而没有去成,即若不是因为英语考试,我本可以去听音乐会,所以应选But for为正确答案。
11.(C)题目中的第一句话表示的是现在真实的情况,而第二句话中所要表达的是应该做但事实上没有做的事,这种情况导致第一句话中真实情况的发生,故If only条件句假设的是过去一种情况,因此应该用had +过去分词,所以正确答案是(C)。
18.(B)此题要求在if从句中选择适当的动词形式,以主句中的动词apologize(抱歉)来看,if从句中表达的内容应该是过去做的事,因此可以排除(A),因为(A)是现在时。(C)中should+have+过去分词结构表示本来应该做却没有做的事,在此不合题意。(D)选项中的might+have+过去分词表示对过去发生的事情很不肯定的猜测,它表达的内容还不能成为事实,所以藉此道歉真是不知从何说起,因此此处也不合题意。(B)had offended表示当时已经发生了的动作。这是复杂条件句:apologize 是现在,而条件句是表示对过去假设的条件句。
20.(A)as if引导的从句要求用虚拟语气,表示同时或将来的情况,动词要用过去式(be动词用were)或would(could等)+动词原形,本句话中指的是当时的情况,所以要用过去式,故(A)是正确答案。
21.D. 22.D. 23.C. 24.A. 25.D.
26.(B)had not occurred表示对过去的虚拟,条件句中要用过去完成式,主句中要用should(would, could, might)+动词原形的过去分词。
27.(B)had hoped是常见的要求其后的宾语从句用虚拟语气的句型,虚拟语气would+动词原形。
28.(C)表示对过去情况的假设,主句动词形式为would(should, could, might)+have+过去分词,条件句为过去完成式,if可以省略,但要把had提前主语前面。(B),(D)的表达不符合英语表达习惯,所以(C)是正确答案。
31.A.as though引导的与过去相反的虚拟。
32.D.felt是过去式,所以该句是由as though引导的与过去相反的虚拟。
33.D.as if引导的与现在事实相反的虚拟。
34.A.as if引导的与过去相反的虚拟。
36.(D)would rather后接从句要求用虚拟语气,形式为过去式,表示对现在或将来的假设,或为过去完成式表示对过去的情况的假设。
39.(C)这是一人含蓄虚拟条件句,通过介词短语without,表示潜在的一种假设,而主句中的情况也早已经发生,所以是对过去情况的一种假设,因此用would not have been achieved这一形式。
40.(D)连so that引导的从句中要求用虚拟语气,表示一种假设,形式为might+动词原形。
41.(B)It is time that是一种要求从句用虚拟语气的常见句型。虚拟语气形式为动词的过去式。
43.(C)otherwise用来表示一种含蓄的虚拟假设,因为是对过去(yesterday)的情况的假设,所以应该用would have come形式。
44.(B)所给的四个选项中没有一个表示对未来的情况的虚拟的形式should+动词原形,或是were to do,因此可以断定if引导的条件句在这里最真实的条件句,用一般现在时表示一般将来时,故(B)是正确答案。
45.(A)这是一个混合虚拟语气的句子,if条件句表示的是对过去情况的假设,而主句是对现在(now)的情况的假设,故用would tell形式。
46.C. 47.C. 48.C.
49.B.would rather引导的虚拟语气其谓语用过去式。
50.D.would as soon引导的虚拟语气,其谓语动词也用过去式.
51.B. 52.B. 53.B. 54.B.
57.A.注意词组for fear that
虚拟语气用法介绍 篇7
一般的语法书认为虚拟语气可分为七种基本形式: (1) 动词原形用于所有人称和数, 表推测; (2) 动词的过去式用于所有人称和数, 表虚拟和虚拟结果, be的过去式用were; (3) had+过去分词用于所有人称和数, 表虚拟和虚拟结果; (4) should+动词原形用于所有人称和数, 表推测; (5) should+have+过去分词, 表推测; (6) should/would+动词原形, 虚拟结果; (7) should would+have+过去分词, 虚拟结果。
虽然这七种时态三种用途比较全面地概括了虚拟语气的运用场合和方法, 但是太过分散, 容易发生混淆, 不利于英语学习者的记忆。如 (5) 和 (7) , 都为should+have+过去分词, 但是实用的场合却不一样, 前者用于主语从句表示推测, 后者用于非真实条件句, 表示一种虚拟出来的结果。如果只是死记硬背, 很难灵活运用这些形式。
因此, 根据虚拟语气使用的情境, 从语用角度结合上面七种动词形式, 本文重新对虚拟语气进行分类, 把它分成六大类:
1. if条件句
所说的假设情况不可能实现, 或不大可能实现, 可以使用虚拟语气。在这种if引导的非真实虚拟条件句中, 主句和从句谓语动词主要有下面几种形式:
需要注意的是if条件句中如有were, should, had, 可以省去if, 并使用倒装语序。
如:Were it (If it were) not for your advice, I would have made a mistake.
Should it (If it should) be fine tomorrow, I should go.
2. 含蓄虚拟语气
有时假设的情况并不以条件从句形式表示出来, 而是通过其它方式表示。
(1) 用介词或其它短语:with, without, under, but for等。
如:Without your help (If you didn’t help us) , we might not finish the work earlier.
(2) 其它:
如:通过不定式表示:It would be a right choice to study abroad.
通过副词表示:He was having a meeting;otherwise he would have come with us.
通过名词表示:A soldier (If he had been a soldier) would have acted differently.
很多情况下, 虚拟语气不用于非真实的情况, 而用于表达人们的愿望、期待等, 常常用于wish, would rather, suppose, imagine, had better, would sooner, would just as soon等引导的宾语从句中。
如:I wish I were young.
I can’t imagine that he married such a terrible woman.
在日常口语中, 也会用动词原型表示一些祝愿的话语,
如, May you be happy!/Long live the People’s Republic of Chi-na!这些也都使用了虚拟语气。
1. 某些动词后所接宾语从句中的谓语动词要求用虚拟语气, 用来表示建议、命令和要求等。其形式为:should+动词原形, should常常被省略。这些动词常用的包括:ask, advise, command, determine, demand, desire, direct, insist, intend, order, request, require, suggest。
如:I proposed that we (should) set a deadline for handing in plans.
I suggest that we (should) hold a meeting tonight.
2. 以上表示建议、命令、要求的动词的名词形式后所接的表语从句和同位语从句中, 谓语动词要求使用虚拟语气。其形式为:should+动词原形, should常常被省略。这些名词包括:ask, advice, command, desire, demand, decision, insistence, intention, vote, proposal, request, requirement, suggestion。
如:There is a suggestion that the discussion (should) be held in English.
His proposal is that we (should) get rid of the bad habits.
3. 主语从句中使用虚拟语气, 用来表示建议、命令、要求、惊异和失望等。其形式为:should+动词原形, should常常被省略。
如:It is insisted that a meeting (should) be held on next Monday.
It is necessary that we should take more exercise.
4. 在“It is time that...”句型中, 用虚拟语气表示建议:是该……的时候了。常用动词的过去式来代替should+动词原型。
如:It is time that you went to bed.
四、表说话者惊奇、惋惜、遗憾、怀疑、失望等情感, 动词的形式可以为should+动词原型或should+have+动词过去分词
1. 表达这类情感的主语从句包括:It is a pity/a shame/incredible/no wander/stranger/odd/annoying/disappointing/not fair surprised...that...
如:It is strange that he should refuse to me.
It is a great pity that you should have lost the game.
2. 在疑问或否定语气中的表示期待、相信、怀疑的动词之后, 从句可以使用虚拟语气表示说话者的怀疑和失望。
如:He never thought that he should see her again.
They couldn’t believe that the young girl should have been married.
如:委婉表达观点:It would be a shame to stop the work halfway.
提出要求或邀请:Would you mind turning light on?
给出建议:I should advice you to keep away from drug.
提出问题:Which color would you like?
1. 让步状语从句
a.在表达这类情感的though引导的状语从句中使用动词原型, 主句使用should/would+动词原型。如, Though he tries his best, he cannot solve the problem himself.
b.在表达这类情感的even if/though引导的状语从句中使用动词的过去式或had+动词过去分词, 主句使用should/would+动词原型或should/would+have+动词过去分词。
如:Even if it were more difficult, I wouldn’t change my mind.
c.在表达这类情感的whatever, whenever, no matter what等引导的从句中, 使用动词原型或may+动词原型;用may+have+动词过去分词表示过去的让步。
如:Whatever his objectives be, my mind is made up.
2. 目的状语从句
a.在in order that, so that, that等引导的状语从句中, 常使用may/might/can/could+动词原型。如, We’d better set out earlier so that we could get there before dark.
Please speak slowly in order that the others might hear clearly
b.在lest, for fear that, in case等引导的状语从句中, 常使用should+动词原型或直接用动词原型。
如:He came to meet me at the station for fear that I should take the wrong way.
Take warm clothes in case the weather should be cold.
从以上的六种用法可以看出, 在表达任何与现实情况相反或难以实现的情景时几乎都可以使用虚拟语气。
随着英语语言的发展, 虚拟语气的运用也越来越化繁为简, 甚至被过去式或过去完成时这样的更简单的形式所替代。因此, 必须充分考虑到英语教学和运用的实际, 从实用的角度出发, 灵活处理。在英语教学中, 既要满足日常运用和应试的需求, 也要指明其发展趋势, 有所侧重。在学习虚拟语气的过程中, 更要注意从实战中把握, 日常中积累。只有掌握了虚拟语气所要表达的主要含义, 才能了解它的特点, 灵活运用它。
[1]章振邦.新编英语语法教程[M].上海:上海外语教育出版社, 2000.
[2]张道真.张道真实用英语语法[M].北京:外语教学与研究出版社, 2002.
[3]薄冰.高级英语语法[M].北京:高等教育出版社, 1990.
[4]孙鸿仁.浅议“论虚拟语气动词的形式及其分类”中的分类问题[J].外国语, 1998, (6) .
从句中的虚拟语气 篇8
教学内容分析:本语法项目出现在外研版选修六第六模块《War and Peace》,课文《D-Day Landing》中运用了一些IF引导的虚拟语气条件句,用来表述作者对当时情形的非真实的假设。借助于此语篇进行虚拟语气的教学,生动形象,便于理解。
Pre-task Lead-in 任务前导入 5分钟
教师问学生“if you were fives years younger now,what would you do?”,学生感到有趣,众说纷纭,各抒己见。用到的句式都是“if I were…I would…”,通过这一话题,让学生初步体会虚拟语气的使用情景—即用在与事实相反的假设中。
While-task 任务中 27分钟
If we had reached the beach,we would have been killed.
If we had the chance now,we wouldn't choose war.
If I should be the secretary of the U.N.,I would never allow the war to break out.
Observation and conclusion 观察总结 (3分钟)
Task 1 Rewrite the sentences,using the subjunctive mood.此活动练习与过去相反的假设。
We didn’t have enough peacekeepers.We didn't stop the war.
We didn't talk in a peaceful way.We quarreled with each other.
Task 2 Play a game.此活动练习与现在相反的假设。例子如下:
S1: If I were you,
I would follow his advice.
S2:...followed his advice,
...would solve the problem quickly.
S3:...solved the problem quickly...
Task 3 Talk about the topics 此活动练习与将来相反的假设。
What would you do if you…
live in the year 2112… board the Shenzhou 10 …
have 1 billion dollars… be president of…
Presentation observation and conclusion呈现、观察、总结(3分钟)
学生观察黑板上教师即兴写下的句子 If I were you,I wouldn’t have done so well及句子You didn't let me drive yesterday.If we had driven in turn,you wouldn't be so tired now。If you had told me the news yesterday,I would get there tomorrow.
Practice 通过练习,巩固混合虚拟语气结构 (9分钟)
Task 4 Match the sentences 句子匹配。
1.If I got everything ready today,
2.If I were the leader,
3.If I had seen the film before,
4.If we hadn’t sacrificed so many lives,
(a)we wouldn’t have our freedom today.
(b)I would have fun tomorrow.
(c)I wouldn’t have started the war.
(d)I would describe the terrible scene to you
Task 5 Fill in the blanks,using the correct form of words 用动词的适当形式填空,综合全面的考察学生对虚拟语气的掌握情況,要恰当的使用虚拟语气。