


英汉语篇对比 篇1

English color words are colorful.Both Chinese and English color words have their different cultural connotations.Color words, though very small in number, reflect to a certain extent the cultural, moral and aesthetic values of different races and people of different times.In this paper, color red is taken as an example to illustrate the different implications and applications between Chinese and English.It is necessary to know and study these differences so that we can improve our language ability and make the intercultural communications successful.

The similar and different usages of color red are analyzed, and the analysis of semantic comparison is based on politics, religion, economy, social life, and so on.Giving a detailed explanation, a lot of examples are showed to have a better understanding of usages of color red caused by cultural differences.

Ⅱ.Research Background

Semantics is a subject concerning the study of meaning.More specifically, it is the study of the meaning of linguistic units, words and sentences in particular.G.Leech recognizes seven types of meaning in his Semantics as follows:

Conceptual meaning:logical, cognitive, or denotation content.It is“denotative”in that it is concerned with the relationship between a word and the thing it denotes, or refers to.

Connotative meaning:what is communicated by virtue of what language refers to.“Connotative”refers to some additional, especially emotive, meaning.

Social meaning refers to what is communicated of the social circumstances of language use.

Affective meaning:what is communicated of the feelings and attitudes of the speaker or the writer.

Reflected meaning:what is communicated through association with another sense of the same expression.

Collocative meaning:what is communicated through association with words which tend to occur in the environment of another word.

Thematic meaning:what is communicated by the way in which the message is organized in terms of order and emphasis.

And I will compare the similarities and differences existed in color red between Chinese and English by analyzing the conceptual, social and connotative meaning.

Ⅲ.The Semantic Similarities of Color Red between Chinese and English Red is a basic color word in our country and western countries

Similarities of Color Red between Chinese and English Red is a basic color word in our country and western countries.

“red”in Longman dictionary of English language&culture:of the color of blood or fire.

“红”in Chinese dictionary:电磁波的可视光部分中的长波长部分, 波长大约为630---750nm, 类似于血液的颜色, 是三原色和心理原色之一。

So both Chinese and English can think of blood when“red”is mentioned.

The red color is usually associated with celebrations and joyful occasions.This is true in both English speaking countries and China.


1.This is a red-letter day for me.I first received a check for my magazine article.

这是我非常开心的日子, 我初次收到了向杂志投稿的稿酬。

2.October 1 is a red-letter day for the Chinese people.


In this example, “A red letter day”specially refers to a happy day that will be remembered.It was once a tradition for the church to circle the holidays red and print other days black in the calendars.Now it is used in any festival which is worthy of remembering.And when the chief or the honored guests of a state visit another country, the latter usually rolls out the red carpet to show welcome and respect.In the next example, “the red carpet”is a symbol of respectful receptions or visiting.

Ⅳ.The Semantic Differences of Color Red Between Chinese and English

Because of the cultural difference between English and Chinese, varied social meaning and symbolic connotation may triggered by the different usages of color red.Next I will list some kinds of varied usages of color red between Chinese and English.

Color Red in Chinese:

As a basic cultural color word in China, red is normally a commendatory connotation.It is a favorite color word of Chinese people.Red is used to be in a positive sense, and the character red is widely used in many Chinese people’s personal names.Different usages of red are listed in the following part.

Firstly, red symbolizes jubilation and joyful associations, it is a prosperous sign.In one’s benmingnian, people will wear red clothes, red socks or anything red to bring in good luck and ward off evil influence.So it is a sacred color in China.People post“double-happiness” (大红喜字) in newly-married couple’s room.“红喜事”specifically refers to a wedding.When the Lunar Calendar or the Lantern Festival comes, the red lanterns are hung up.The ribbon-cutting ceremony on the festival or holiday cannot be separated from the red color.

Red also delivers the message of success.When a singer or actor becomes famous, we usually say that they have their moment (走红) .The boss will send the red packet (红包) when the staff did a good job.

Red symbolizes progress and revolution.The first Chinese communist government built by the Communist Party is called red political power (红色政权) .The earliest army organized by the Communist Party is the red army (红色军队) .

The positive usages of red may originate from its association by ancient Chinese people with the sun and fire.According to the ancient Chinese legends and mythologies, people had been inclined to think of themselves as the product of the nature, in which they got direct benefits from the warmth of the sun and fire.An old saying goes:“日至而万物生”《淮南子·天文训》, which means everything will not grow without the sun.Because of the worship of sun-god, Chinese persons connected the color of the sun with anything happy, lucky and prosperous.

Though red is basically used as commendatory connotation, we cannot neglect the derogatory meaning of red.In the terrorist times, red is the symbol of death, and common people have the feeling of danger towards the red color.When a prisoner sentenced to death, his name is circled in red.

Color Red in English:

But in English-spoken countries, the positive use of“red”in English is very limited.It is often used in a negative sense.Owing to the influence of Christianity, native speakers of English are not worshippers of the sun and other natural phenomena as the Chinese, because God has been the only Lord for them to worship.

According to Bible, when Adam and Eve, the alleged ancestors of human beings, committed the original sin, God said to Eve:“I will greatly increase your pains in childbearing;in pain you shall bring forth children.”The great pain that a woman suffers in giving birth to a child is bleeding freely, and that may be the reason why“red”has the meaning of danger and warning for English-speaking people.Some negative usages are listed below.

In both Chinese and English red is associated with revolution, but in contrast with the Chinese usage, red is a usually used derogatorily in English.In English the word“Red”with a capital“R”is used as a synonym for a communist, but due to some political reasons, it is usually used in a derogatory sense.The English expression Reds under the bed refers to communists or leftwing activists.


Say, just notice in the paper the way the New York Assembly stood up to the Reds?


In English, red is usually associated with anger or excitement.“see red”means“to get extremely angry”, waving a red flag means“doing something that could cause quick anger of other people”.A red flag is often used as a danger signal.This may resulted from the social activities---bullfighter uses red flag to cause the uncontrollable anger of the bulls.

Of course, we cannot neglect the commendatory connotation in western cultures.Red-blooded describes a person or their behavior confident and strong.And the red-letter day mentioned in the first part is also positive.


In short, though the color red sometimes shares the same meaning in Chinese and English, we must notice that different persons from different countries with different cultural backgrounds have different feelings to the color red.This may result from different geographical position, religion, history, psychology, politics and ways of thinking.So the social meaning or connotations differ greatly.And bunches of color terms all have deep cultural connotations, besides their literal denotations---that is the same with color red.Through the analysis of symbolic meanings of red, this thesis puts an emphasis on identifying English-Chinese difference and similarities of the color words between two languages.The purpose of this thesis is to avoid errors in cross-cultural communications based on a better awareness of cultural differences.Thus we will make fewer mistakes when using the color words, and improve our flexibility of using language.


[1]胡壮麟.Linguistics.A Course Book second edition[M].北京:北京大学出版社, 2001.

[2]刘宓庆.文化翻译论纲[M].武汉:湖北教育出版社, 1999.

[3]Holy Bible--Chinese/English (UV·NRSV) [M].NATIONAL TSPM&CCC.

[4]潘文国.汉英语对比纲要[M].北京:北京语言大学出版社, 2005.

[5]Guimei He English and Chinese Cultural Connotation of Color Words in Comparison[J].Asian Social Science, 2009.

[6]王新.从“红”与“黑”看中英含有色彩词习语的语义对比[J].长春理工大学学报 (社会科学版) , 2009, (03) .

[7]周竞.颜色词的英汉对比研究[J].科教文汇 (上旬刊) , 2009, (05) .

英汉语篇中照应衔接手段对比 篇2

【关键词】衔接 形合 意合 照应衔接手段 异同

语篇是“指任何不完全受句子语法约束的在一定语境下表示完整语义的自然语言”。(胡壮麟1994)衔接是语篇的重要标志,借助于各种衔接手段,语篇才能成为一个语义完整的聚合体,照应是体现这一手段的主要方式,总体分为人称照应,指示照应和比较照应。(朱永生,郑立信,苗兴伟 2001)




(1)相同点。英汉中都存在第一人称的复数形式,并且都包括两种:一种只包括说话人,排除了听话人,另一种说话人和听话人都包括在内。汉语中的“我们”和“咱们”之间大体上就存在这种差别。用王力先生的话说,咱们= 我+你 (或再和别人),我们= 我+他或他们(但没有你在内)。(王力 1985)在英语中,这样的差别则间接地体现在“let us”和“lets”这两种形式上。其中,“let us”听话人可能包括在内,也可能排除在外,而“lets”一般只包括听话人在内。

英汉中,第二人称指的是听话人,表示说话人已经将听话人选为交流对象。如:You,come here!b.你,过来!

英汉中都以第三人称来指示说话人和听话人以外的人。如:He won the game.b.他赢了那个游戏。


2.英汉关系代词的对比。关系代词是英语中所独有的,汉语中没有关系代词。汉语中的人称代词大多用英语的关系代词来表达。如: This is my Korean friend,whose Chinese is great.这是我的韩国朋友,她的汉语讲得很好。




The old man stood up suddenly.He walked away with his lips pressing.

第一句中没有一个指称,而第二句句中使用he和his照应the old man.这也体现了英语重形合,汉语重意合。



1.相同点。英汉中指示词的基本功能是表达所指对象的远近。一般来说近指用“this”和“这”,远指用“that”和“那”。英汉指示代词的选择都需考虑心理距离,Levinson(1983)称之为“情感距离”。说的主要是指示代词/副词的近指和远指。Lyons 和Levinson皆认为人们对同一个人或物或用近指,或用远指,主要是心理距离在起作用:对喜欢的对象用近指,反之用远指。(侯国金 2005)如,对着某人的照片说到:a.This is it! 就是这个人; b.That is it! 就是那个人。前者隐含说话人喜欢照片里的人,后者隐含着厌烦。

2.不同点。汉语用“这”,而英语用“that”指称上文的陈述。虽然“that”表达的是远指的概念,指上文提到的刚发生的事,但相应的汉语则要用近指代词“这”来表达,因为这更符合汉语的表达习惯。“典型的例证“To be or not to be: that is a question.”多译“生存还是死亡,这是个问题”。

英语中的定冠词“the”,在汉语中缺少与之对应的指称,有时会用“这”、“那”与名词连用起限定作用,其功能相当于英语定冠词“the”。例如,桌上一本放着《哈姆雷特》,我说I have read the book. b.这本书我已经看过了。汉语译文的“这本书”照应英语中的“the book”。




在表达一般比较时,英语常用“same,identical,identically,equal,similar,similarly,different,differently,additional,likewise,otherwise,so,such,else,other”等词语,汉语常用有“同样的、相同的(地)、同等的、类似的(地)、不同的(地)、别的,其他的”等等,另外,汉语会使用一些比较结构来表达一般比较,常用的有“如……一样、和……差不多、和…… 相同、像…… 之类的、不像……那样、……也是如此”等。



通过对比英汉两种语言在人称照应、指示照应和比较照应三种照应语篇衔接手段,我们发现两种语言存在共性和异性,并且差异性较明显。这主要由于英语属形合语,注重外在形式接应,注重词与词、句与句、段与段之间的语言形式衔接手段,存在许多词性标记,以此来表达语法意义和逻辑关系。而汉语属意合语,注重意念连贯,重语感、重变通,缺乏形态变化,以神统形,缺乏词性标记。(连淑能 1993)掌握两种语言间衔接手段的差异之后,我们才能更好分析英汉两种语篇,进而学好这两种语言,并且更好地在翻译实践实现双语之间的转换。


[1]Halliday, M.A.K, and Hasan, Ruqaiya.Cohesion in English[M].London:Longman,1976.

[2]Levinson S.C.Pragmatics[M].Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1983.



[5]胡壮麟.语篇的衔接与连贯[M].上海:上海外语教育出版社, 1994.



[8]侯国金.语用标记价值的微观探索[M].成都:四川大学出版, 2005:103.

英汉语同音词对比分析 篇3



作 者:文兵 作者单位:上海外国语大学,上海,83刊 名:华东理工大学学报(社会科学版)英文刊名:JOURNAL OF EAST CHINA UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY(SOCIAL SCIENCE EDITION)年,卷(期):24(3)分类号:H0关键词:同音词 三元对立 多义词

语序-英汉语的区别 篇4




1)我去——I go.2)我去你那里——I go over to yours.3)我坐公交车车去你那里——I go over to yours by bus.注意!!:上面3)和前面1)、2)有一个显著的区别,即汉语句子当中,动词的顺序发生了变化。3)句中,汉语动词“坐(公交车)”和“去”一齐用来描述完整的行为。而相应的英语句子,仍然只用一个动词“go”,而且它的位置在句子中仍紧紧跟在主语的后面。当然,同一种行为,英语也有别的表达方式,如:

I take bus(and go)to your place.——显然,括号里的动词可以省略,也应该省略。这个句子与3)当中的英语句子比较,更加强调作“坐公交车”的动作。但他们有一个共同的特点:谓语动词紧跟在主语后面,而且只有一个谓语动词。在这里,英语用两个谓语显得多余。正如我们在这个句子里看到的,用一个介词“to”,把“go”的动作表示出来,或用“by”表示出了动作“take”。所以,顺便在这里强调一下,熟练使用介词是学习英语的一个重点。

4)我在上午10点钟,坐公交车去你那里——Igo over to yours by bus on 10 o’clock in the morning.这里的英汉两个句子的差别很多:我们发现在汉语句子当中,限定动作的成分在谓语的前面,如“上午10点钟”。如果把动词“去”看作核心谓语,那么“坐公交车”也可以视为“去”的修饰成分。


To your place, I go over by bus on 10 o’clock in the morning.但是大家必须注意,这句话的语序是非正常的英语语序。英语当中,用非常规的语法表达情感的方法,还可以在虚拟语气中见到:

If I were you, I would have killed him.显然,这里系动词“were”跟在第一人称代词“I”后面,是违反常规的。正因为这个道理,它才可以承载特殊的情感。


I go over to yours by the bus, which both of us loves to take, on 10 o’clock in the morning.汉语句子:


首先,英语当中主语和谓语在句子中的位置是不变的,可以说不可以撼动的。“which both of us love to take”,作为独立身份紧紧跟在被修饰词“bus”的后面。英语句子在绝大多数情况下修饰成分紧紧跟在被修饰成分的后面,偶尔也放在被修饰成分的前面。这一点务必记在心里。当然,修饰成分和被修饰成分之间,也有隔着别的词的时候,但那种情况非常少见,而且只有在句子的意思本身不会因为错位出现误会时见到。如,I go over to yours as soon as possible that is 10 blocks away at least from me.这里“that”引导的

定语从句,和被修饰成分“place”之间隔着短语“as soon as possible”,但是定语从句显然不可能修饰这个短语。

本项中,英语句子,I go over to yours by the bus, which both of us love to take, 10 o’clock in the morning,可以通过词序的调整,把独立成分“which both of us love to take”无缝地融入到整句中。但此时,必须遵循“修饰成分紧跟在被修饰成分后面的原则”。所以,可以这么表达:

I go over to yours 10 o’clock in the morning by the bus both of us love to take.显然,通过把“the bus”的位置调整到句子的末尾,定语从句和被修饰成分就有了更大的活动空间。而听者,也会通过不受干扰地接受修


⑴ 在英语中,谓语动词紧跟主语,且在句中的位置不变,修饰成份(这里的修饰成份是指修饰谓语的成份,一些状语)都在谓语动词后面;在汉语中,随着修饰成份的增加,谓语与主语分开,修饰成份在谓语的前面。

⑵ 在英语中在绝大多数情况下修饰成分紧紧跟在被修饰成分的后面,而在汉语中,修饰成份在被修饰成份之前。

英语语篇教学教案及反思 篇5

Unit4 B Let’s talk

C let’s check





(1)let’s talk C let’s check(2)词汇:windy,sunny,rainy,snowy,cloudy。(3)句型:It’s … in… 2.教学目标:(1)知识目标:

1.能阅读理解本对话,掌握本课时主要句型:What’s the weather like in Beijing? How about New York?等。2.能够分角色朗读对话。

3.听懂并独立完成let’s check。(2)能力目标:




句型:It’s … in…

2、教学难点:What are you doing? What’s the matter? 的表达;

I have to ….的含义


1、Let’s talk(B)部分的课件和录音。


3、Let’s check的录音。



1、热身、复习(Warm-up/Revision)(1)说唱Let’s chant部分歌谣。


{设计意图:此项活动主要是巩固What’s the weather like in …?的功能结构。复习本单元的单词}(3)课件出示Let’s learn 部分的世界天气图片,请学生到前面扮演小天气预报员,并就What’s the weather like in …?自由提问,其他生答。

{设计意图:还是复习What’s the weather like in …?句式。主要锻炼学生与学生之间的英语交流。}


(1)教师提问:What’s the weather like in Beijing?(同时将课件内容定在世界天气预报的界面)


教师继续让学生观看课件,问:How about…? 引导学生根据实际来回答。

反复利用3-5个城市操练How about。

{设计意图:让学生在问答中理解How about…?的功能。}

教师提问:What’s the weather like in Beijing ?

学生回答:It’s rainy.教师提问:How about Sydney? 学生回答:It’s sunny.{设计意图:让学生初步理解对话的意思。} Pair work

两人一组练习对话并展示(2)教师提问What’s the weather like in New York ?Do youwant to know?教师领读:New York,注意学生的发音不要受汉语纽约的干扰,适时纠正。

{设计意图:注意细节的教授} 教师引导:Our friend Amy comes from New York,but she’s in Beijing now.Amy’s friend Edward is talking with Amy on the phone.Now let’s lisien to the tape,before look at the questions.课件出示问题:

1.What’s the weather like in Beijing 2.What’s the weather like in New York? 教师播放两次录音:第一遍让学生先回答第一个问题,第二遍回答第二个问题。{设计意图:不给文本训练学生听力,提高学生听的能力} 学生自读对话发现问题,解决问题。

逐段的完成对课文的理解,在此同时解决本课难点: What are you doing? Not much.教师领读;解释意思。

{ 机械性问答操练}(接力问答)。

What’s the matter? I have to close the window.的含义。

教师启发学生根据Oh,no!My pictures!说说What’s the matter?的意思;根据It’s windy now.说说have to 的含义.(如果学生始终不能正确理解语句的含义,教师进行讲解。)告诉学生have to是表达由于客观原因不得不要做的事并举例:It’s rainy.I have to stay at home.It’s rainy.I have to put on my raincoat ….然后让学生用I have to说说自己生活中不得不做的事。

{本课中新出现不少新的句型,在教授中难点分散讲解,有利于让学生避免唐突之感。} 再解决有关本课的选择题:

()1.What is Amy doing? She is ____.A.eat lunch

B.watch TV C.not much()2.The weather is ______in New York.A.cloudy


C.windy()3.Amy has to _____.A.close the window

B.close the door()4.Amy and Edward are talking _____.A.at home

B.on the phone(电话)

C.In the school 学生跟课件读对话,注意课文中首次出现语言的语音语调,注意准确模仿。



A:What’s the weather like in …?

B:It’s …

How about…? A:It’s …


(3)Let’s check


In Beijing it’s sunny and warm.I go out and fly a kite.In Harbin it is cold, it’s snowy.I read a story.It is hot in Shenzhen.I go swimming.In Macao it is rainy.I watch TV in my room.{设计意图:听的练习也需要坚实的知识基础。}

3、拓展运用(Practice)教师引导:Do you want to call your friens to talk about the weather?根据check的天气预报,给学生时间运用本课的重点句型给好朋友打电话,谈论天气。


{设计意图:在模拟环境中运用本课所学重点句型进行真实的对话,在活动中促使学生增强对句型的运用能力,使其真正达到学以致用。} 4.名言时间。

教师引导:Do you have many good friends?We mey make a lot of friends.Because Good friend is very important in our life.So friendship is love with understand.课件出示名言:Friendship is love with understand.友谊就是爱加上理解

{设计意图:通过交朋友这条暗线来对学生进行情感教育,君子学生就要知道如何去对待朋友,并能接纳他人,交更多的朋友} Homework: 请你听今晚的天气预报,给你的朋友打电话谈论各地的天气情况,并做电话记录。


Unit4 B Let’s talk

C let’s check


郭红梅 教学反思:


1.在教学中,我时刻以学生为主体,在设计中多次运用了pair work和group work活动,给学生充分的时间来练习朗读,对话。尤其是拓展运用阶段,更是把大量的时间交给学生,给他们自由创造的机会,争取使每位学生在课堂上都能有表现展示的机会。开始复习单词时,学生争相拼读单词,这时我给学困生的机会很多。在复习对话时我也是把时间交给了学生,教师在旁观望指导。




英汉语篇衔接手段对比及翻译策略 篇6



1.照应。Halliday和Hason把英语中的衔接分为五类:指称,省略,替代,连接,词汇衔接。其中词与所知对象之间的语义关系称为指称衔接,也称照应。英汉指称类型没有明显差别,都有人称、指示、比较三种类型的指称和照应,但不同的是英语使用人称代词和指示代词的频率显然高于汉语。英语中有定冠词,汉语中则没有。汉译英常常需使用定冠词表示所指,这是我们极易忽略的问题。例如:A:香蕉在哪里? Where are the bananas? B: 在那边Over there.汉语中虽未指明A要什么香蕉,但香蕉是“主位”,是话题,它存在于A和B的共识之中。所以译文一定要用the表明指称意义的确定性。

另外由于汉语重意合,英语重形合;汉语是主题显著语言,不在意主语,英语是主语显著语言,主语是一句之主,不可或缺。又由于中国人的思维方式较隐含曲折,而英美人的思维方式较简单直接,汉语中常出现零式指称(zero-anaphoric)现象,英译时往往需要增补主语或其他词以明朗照应关系。例如:一路上吃了半斤炒栗子,睡了一小会觉,就到了北京。 We ate half a jin of roast chestnuts, had a nap andsoon arrived in Beijing. 从例句中我们可以看到,为了使译文符合英语句法,达到篇章衔接、语义连贯的效果,译文增添了主语we.

2.省略。省略(ellipsis)指的是把语言结构中的某个成分省去不提,它是为了避免重复,使表达简练、紧凑、清晰的一种修辞方式。省略是语言使用中一种常见的现象。英语注重形合,在省略时,往往利用其动词变化的时态等方面来实现。但是在汉语中动词并没有时态的变化。因此在英汉翻译过程中,对于英语中根据上下文而省略的动词和形容词,(句子成分,因为省略的也可能是其他成分,不止这两种。)根据汉语的习惯转换为重复或替代。例如:For better or for worse,education in China isn’t what it used to be.。Now technological development isn’t (what it used to be)either.后面一句中为了避免重复,省略了表语在翻译成汉语时,我们应将省略的部分还原出来,如下:改善了也罢,变坏了也罢,总之中国的教育和以前不一样了,不仅如此,科技发展也和以前不一样来了。

3.替代。韩礼德和哈桑(1976)认为替代指用替代形式来取代上下文中的某部分,因此替代词只是形式。其语义要从上下文中的替代成分去索引。替代形式与被替代成分之间的这种预设关系使得整个语篇前后衔接起来。使句子成分之间的关系更为简练、紧凑、清晰,使新信息更为突出。他们把替代划分为名词性、动词性和分句性替代。替代从量上考察,汉语替代出现的频率低于英语,在多数情况下,当英语使用替代时,汉语则选择使用重复原词(或原词的一部分)和照应。如在名词性英汉互译时,根据语法及行文表达的需要,可采用直译、重复或省略法酌情译之。如:l don’t like white envelopes。I like yellow ones.我不喜欢白信封。我喜欢黄的。“ones”替代了“envelopes”,汉译时,“的”,替代了“信封”,相互照应。

4.连接。汉语为语义型语言,着力考究字与语义及其相关关系,注重内容的意会性,因此汉语总的来说是意会性语言,也就是说段落内的连贯更多的是依靠语义,依靠句子表达的事件的内在联系,内在逻辑联系来实现连贯的。但是英语语篇事件不完全是以自然时间和因果逻辑安排的。因此它必须用语言手段给每个事件定位,使语篇中各事件关系明确、层次分明。因此英语语篇中多使用连词将各种信息连接起来达到语篇的连贯。与其它所有衔接手段相比,连接是英汉两种语言之间差别最大的一种。例如:Then he swam to the shore after spending the whole night in the water. During that time, he covered a distance of eight miles. Early next morning,he saw a light ahead. He knew he was near the shore because the light was high up on the cliffs. 这段话可以清楚看到英语形和的特点。因此在翻译时,先要理清事件发生的先后顺序以及相互间的内在逻辑关系。同时要注意连词的翻译,有些连词不必翻译,应符合汉语的习惯。参照译文如下:他在海里游了整整一个晚上,游了八英里,才快游到海岸上。到了次日清晨,他才看到前面有光。峭壁上,灯光高照,他意识到他已经靠近海岸了。


词汇衔接可由词汇重复来实现。词汇重复在英语和汉语中都有,它既可衔接语篇,又可起到突出主题、加深印象的修辞效果。不同的是,一般说来,英语原词重复比汉语多,主要原因是英语词汇有曲折形式,而汉语中则没有。(英语同一词汇的重复没有汉语多,汉语喜重复,英语则极力避免同一词汇的重复使用,除非是为了达到某种修辞效果)(这样论述与下面例子吻合)。而且,英语中广泛同义词、近义词、反义词、上义词和下义词达到连贯的效果。与之相比,汉语在词汇手段上多使用原词重复。将英语翻译汉语时,往往将原文中的同义词等还原成原词重复。例如:The United Statesand the Soviet Union have spared no expense to ensure that theother side can not contemplate a first strike. The Russians havedeveloped land-based missiles that trundle about the country ontrucks and railroad cars making it impossible to locate all of them at the same time.文中三个词the Soviet Union、The Russians、the country属于同义词,都是指苏联,在翻译成汉语时,可以使用原词重复,而不应该机械地翻译成俄国人和这个国家。


平行结构对比在英汉语篇中的应用 篇7


中图分类号:G632.0 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1992-7711(2015)11-0072

Parallelism是英语当中十分常见的修辞手段,长期以来,它被等同于我们汉语中的“排比”, 这就体现了我们对Parallelism认识上的混淆。的确,两者很相似,但不同点不能忽视。下面,笔者就二者的异同进行讨论,在论述中将二者统称为“平行结构”。





例1. ...that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.(the Gettysburg Address)

例2. 我挣扎,我苦斗,我几次濒于灭亡,我带了遍体的鳞伤。(巴金《再见罢,我不幸的乡土呦》)


1. 句子的平行排列


例3. 在这里我看见了种种人间的悲剧,在这里我认识了我们所处的时代,在这里我深受了各种的痛苦。(Here I have seen various tragedies on earth, I have known the period we live, and I have suffered lots of pains.)(巴金《再见罢,我不幸的乡土呦》)

例4. Well may the world cherish his renown, for it has been purchased, not by deeds of violence and blood, but by the diligent dispensation of pleasure. Well may the posterity be grateful to his memory, for he has left it an inheritance, not of empty names and sounding actions, but whole treasures of wisdom, bright gems of thought, and golden veins of language.(Washington Irving Westminster Abbey)

2. 提攜语


例5. It was this turbulence, this deliberate disorder, this mockery, this reckless and triumphant disregard of conventional manners, that set Beethoven apart from the musical geniuses of the ceremonious seventeenth and eighteenth centuries.(Bernard Shaw Beethoven’s Centenary)

例6. 他一点也没有改变。他还是那么安静,那么恳切,那么热心,那么慈祥。(巴金《秋夜》)



1. 最小成分的差异


例7. They very names of the dances are dropped: instead of suites consisting of sarabands, pavanes, gavottes, and jigs... (Bernard Shaw Beethoven’s Centenary)

sarabands, pavanes, gavottes和jigs组成一个parallelism,但在汉语中只是并列句,不属于排比句。

2. 词性选择的差异


例8. In whatever Situation Men can be placed, they may find Conveniences and Inconveniencies; in whatever Company, they may find persons and conversation more or less pleasing. ...(Benjamin Franklin The Handsome and Deformed Leg)


3. 重复项数量的差异

《汉语修辞格大辞典》中排比的定义是这样的,“用三个或三个以上结构相同或相似、语气一致的词组或句子以表达相关的内容”,换言之,汉语排比中的并列项必须是三个或三个以上。而英语中parallelism的定义则是这样的,“Parallelism takes place when two similar phrases are joined to make just one sentence. ”也就是说,最小平行项需要两项。

4. 重复项内容的差异



