


中英文-税审业务约定书 篇1

































































Tax-related Verification Agreement

Contract No.Party A:

Tax Registration Number:

Party B:

License number:

Whereas, Party A engages Party B to provide tax-related verification service, Party A and Party B reach the agreement through negotiation in accordance with Contract Law of the People’s Republic of Chinaand other related regulations under thefollowing terms and conditions.1.Subject

(1)Name of the project:Auditing Of Tax Return

2.Party A’s responsibilities and obligations

(1)Party A’s responsibilities

(i)Party A shall be liable for authenticity and completeness of the accounting materials and tax payment materials in accordance with Law of the PeoplesRepublic of China on the Administration of Tax Collection and other related regulations.(ii)To fulfill tax payment obligation in accordance with current tax-related laws, regulations and policies is Party A’s responsibility.This responsibility shall include(a)to establish, improve and effectively execute internal control in connection with accounting and tax returns.(b)to conform to accounting guidelines and its related provisions;and(c)to make tax adjustment strictly according to tax collection regulations.(iii)Party A shall not instruct Party B’s personnel to act against the national laws and regulations.(iv)There may be possible risks that are not identified after audit by Party B due to materiality principle, nature of cutoff test, other inherent limit of the audit and indigenous localization of Party A’s internal control.Party B’s issue of the verification report shall not relieve Party A from its due legal responsibilities.(2)Party A’s obligations

(i)Party A shall provide accounting materials, tax paymentmaterials and other materialsrequired by the engagement on a timely basisaccording to Party B’s requirements.(ii)Party A shall ensure Party B to access any records, documents and other necessary information in connection with the subject without limit and reply to Party B’s inquiry on the subject.(iii)Party A shall provide necessary working conditions and assistance to Party B’s working personnel.Party B shall provide list of main issues before commencement of fieldwork.(iv)Party A shall make payment for the engagement and others in full and within the period agreed in the agreement.If Party A fails to make payment when due, Party A shall pay penalty for default at the rate of ‰ of the agreed payment per day.3.Party B’s responsibilities and obligations

(1)Party B’s responsibilities

(i)Party B shall audit and verify the materials provided by Party A under the independent, objective and impartial principles in accordance with related laws, regulationsand policies in force as well as Interim Measures for the Administration of Certified Tax Agentsandthe related provisions.(ii)Party B shall work out sound plan and implement the audit process to obtain sufficient andappropriate evidence and provide reasonable guarantee for Party A’s commitment.(iii)Party B shall be liable to include in the verification report the matters that Party A violates the national laws and regulations and Party A fails to adjust as suggested by Party B

(2)Party B’s obligations

(i)Party B shall complete thecommitment within the period as agreed and issue authentic and legal verification report.(ii)Party B shall keep the information from Party A during execution of the business in confidence, except(1)with consent of Party A;(b)preparing documents or providing evidence for lawsuit as required by laws;and(c)investigation, hearing and reconsideration by the regulatory organs for administrative sanction on Party B.4.Charges for the subject

(1)According to the related regulations on charges in the certified tax agent industry, charges for the subject under the agreement is RMB(in words)_____ ____(¥__________.)

(2)The above-mentioned charges shall be paid% on the date when the agreement is signed;.(3)If unpredictable events cause great increase or decrease of the period for Party B to fulfill the agreement, Party A and Party B should agree to adjustthe total charges specified in Clause 4(1)through negotiation.(4)If the project agreed in the agreement is prevented by unpredictable events after Party B’s personnel arrive at Party A’s site, Party A shall not require refund the advance payment.In this happens after Party B’s personnel complete the site audit, Party A shall make additional compensation of RMB _________to Party B on the date when Party A receive Party B’s invoice.(5)Other expenses in connection with the engagement and arising from unpredictable cause(including traffic, food andaccommodation, etc.)shall be agreed by the parties through negotiation.5.Issue and use of the verification report

(1)Party B shall issue authentic and legal verification report in the format and type specified in the related service guidelines issued by the State.(2)Party B shall issue _____original of the verification report to Party A.(3)Party A shall not make modification to or deletion from the verification report issued by Party B and shall not make modification or deletion of the important data, important annexes or important notes.6.Alteration of the agreement

If unpredictable cases produces impact on completion of the audit and verification within the specified period, or cause the audit report to be submitted earlier, either of the parties can alter the agreed matters with a prior written notice to the other andthe both parties shall settle them through negotiation.7.Termination of the agreement

(1)The both parties shall fulfill the agreement and shall not terminate it without good cause upon signature.If the agreement is required terminating by laws or special causes, the party terminating theagreement shall give a prior written notice and the both parties shall negotiate it.(2)Party B shall be entitled to payment for the labor made as agreed before thetermination of the agreement if the agreement is terminated.8.Applicable laws and dispute settlement

All of the agreement shall be interpretedand governed by the laws of the People’s Republic of

China.Any disputes in connection with the agreement shall be settled through friendly negotiation.If negotiation fails, the disputes can be submitted for lawsuit.9.Legal effect of the agreement

(1)The agreement shall be executed by the legal representatives of the both parties on the signing date and shall be terminated upon completion of the matters agreed by the both parties.(2)The agreement is executed in duplicate with each party keeping one copy.The copies have the same legal effectiveness.10.Others

Matters not covered in the agreement shall be agreed in a separate supplementary agreement between the Parties.The supplementary agreement has the same legal effectiveness with this agreement.(English version for reference)

Party A:(Seal)Party B:

Legal representative:Legal representative:






