


中英文成语论文 篇1

1 正确理解使用成语的重要性


2 中英文成语的性质

2.1 成语的概念

成语我们常常看到、听到、讲到、写到它,使用极为普遍。成语是世界上古老而又发达的语言之一。汉语有丰富的词汇和各种形式的固定词组,成语就是其中之一。成语具有一般词所不能比拟的表达力。如:世界上总是以新的代替旧的,总是这样新陈代谢,除旧布新或推陈出新的 (毛泽东,《矛盾论》) 。




2.2 汉语成语的历史性及民族性

2.2.1 汉语成语的历史性






2.2.2 汉语成语的民族性

斯大林说:“要了解某种语言及其发展的规律,只有密切联系社会发展的历史,密切联系创造这种语言,使用这种语言的人民的历史,去进行研究,才有可能。” (《马克思主义与语言学问题》) 研究不同民族的语言也就要研究不同民族的历史,作为民族语言中的成语,必然带有鲜明的民族色彩。


2.3 英文成语的来源


(1) 源自《圣经》

《圣经》在英语国家的人民生活中占有很重要的地位。许多英语成语源自《圣经》,例如,after one's own heart (正中下怀) ,apple of one's eye (掌上明珠) ,before the flood (远古时代) 等。

APPle of One's Eye掌上明珠 (something or someone that is most liked) 这个成语出自《圣经〈旧约·诗篇〉》。“The apple of 0ne's eye”一语源自《诗篇》的第十七章。这一章是“无辜者”的祷文,祁求上帝帮助城实的祈祷人,保护他们不受那些骄横的,毫无怜悯之心的敌人的伤害。保护我就像保护眼珠,把我藏于你的羽荫下 (Keep me as the apple of the eye, hide me under the shadow of thy wings) 。从古时候起,“apple”就是指眼中的瞳仁。人们认为瞳仁圆圆的有如果实 (当时“apple”一词并不单指苹果,还泛指水果) 。到了盎格鲁—萨克逊时代,“apple”一词既表示瞳仁又表示水果。眼珠对人无疑是十分宝贵的,因此人们就将自己最喜爱因而精心加以保护的东西称为“the apple of the eye”,在汉语中犹如“掌上明珠”或“看作眼珠一般”。

Mary was the apple of her mother s eye. (玛丽是她每亲的掌上明珠。)

(2) 源自文学作品

许多英语成语来自文学大师的作品,如莎士比亚的作品《伊索寓言》中的a wolf in sheep's clothing (披着羊皮的狼) 、荷马的伟大史诗《伊利亚特》中的Achilles'heel (致命弱点) 等。这些英语成语已经成为英语语言的精华和西方文化的结晶。

其中,Achilles'heel (the fatal weak point) 这个成语,知道了它的来源故事,更能帮助我们理解此成语的用法。Achilles'heel致命弱点、唯一弱点 (the fatal weak point) 。这一成语源自古希腊诗人荷马的伟大史诗《伊利亚特》 (Iliad) 。讲述的是特洛伊王子帕里斯拐走斯巴达王后海伦之后,希腊人为报仇雪耻,调集精兵10万,快船1 186艘,漂洋过海攻打特洛伊城的故事。战争进行了9年未分胜负,到第十年希腊军队勇猛的大将阿客里斯 (Achilles) 因为和主将阿加门农 (Agamemnon) 争夺战利品发生争吵,阿容里斯愤而退出战斗,特洛伊人节节胜利。阿客里斯的亲密战友帕特洛克罗斯 (Patroclus) 换上了阿客里斯的铠甲参加战斗。特洛伊人以为阿客里斯又参加战斗,吓得四散奔逃,溃不成军。但是帕特洛克罗斯忘记了阿客里斯的警告,一直打到特洛伊城下,结果被特洛伊名将赫克特 (Hector) 杀死。阿客里斯十分悲痛,他抛却私怨,重返战场,打退了特洛伊人,杀死了赫克特。可是他自己在攻打斯开亚门 (Scamn Gate) 时被特洛伊王子帕里斯射中脚踵身亡。

阿客里斯是海上女神忒提斯 (Thetis) 和希腊勇敢的珀琉斯 (Peleus) 的儿子。在他出世之后,母亲把他带到冥河之滨,全身浸过神水,使他变得刀枪不入。但因为在入冥河受浸时他的脚踵被母亲提着,没有受到浸洗,仍然是干的,因此,脚踵就成了周身唯一可以受伤致命之处。因此,英语中或便表示“致命弱点”或“唯一弱点”的意思。

(3) 源自运动、游戏

运动和游戏在人民日常生活中不可缺少。源自运动和游戏的英语成语很多。例如,according to Holy (规规矩矩) ,Behind the eight-ball (八方受困) ) ,Aunt Sally (众矢之的) 等。

Behind the Eight-ball八方受困 (in a difficult position) 这则成语直译为“在八字号球的后方”,出自台球游戏用语。

Mr Thompson-is an older man, and when he lost his job, he found he was behind the eight—ball. (汤普逊已经年迈了。当他失业的时候, 他发觉自己前途不妙。)

(4) 源自风俗习惯

这类英语成语是由无名氏创造或人普遍认同的,apple-pie order (井然有序) ,Apple polisher (马屁精) ,take one's bible oath (说真话) ,white elephant (珍贵而有害的赠品) 等。这些英语成语经过广泛流传和逐步完善,家喻户晓,常常被用于日常生活中。

Take 0ne'S Bible Oath绝对肯定、发誓 (be absolutely certain) 这条成语直译为“对着圣经发誓”喻指“绝对肯定”的意思。在西方社会,一个证人在法庭上作证时,时常会将其右手放在《圣经》上面,发誓他所讲的完全是事实。因此,这个成语被用来表示绝对肯定,没任何怀疑的意思。不过,最常使用这个成语的经常是那些恶棍或罪犯。在这里,《圣经》对他们是毫无意义的。所以,这个成语可说是一个罪犯的俚语。

He took his Bible oath that he had never in his life seen me before. (他发誓说他跟我素未谋面。)

(5) 源自神话故事

每个民族都有自己的神话故事。它们代代相传,经久不衰。与汉语相比,许多英语成语源于这些神话故事。例如,apple of discord (不和之源) ,much cry and little wood (谈得多,做得少) ,as shy as Daphne (腼腆) 等。

Apple of Discord祸根、不和之源 (the origin of disagreement) 这则成语源自古希腊的神话。希腊一位勇敢的国王珀琉斯 (Peleus) 娶海王之女忒提斯 (Thetis) 为妻。新婚佳期他们大摆庭席,遍邀诸神,但是没有邀请女神厄里斯 (E-ris) ,因为她是“战争”与妒嫉的女儿,是不和女神,他们怕在欢宴上见到她。她因此勃然大怒,决心报复。正当众神静昕阿波罗手拨金琴欢声歌唱的时候,一只金苹果落在桌上,上面刻着几个字“献给最美的人”。于是神后赫拉、智慧女神雅典娜、妩媚动人的爱与美的女神阿弗洛狄忒 (Aphrodite) 都要求得到这只罕见的金苹果,得到“最美丽的人”的称号。因此,她们为此争吵,就连主神宙斯 (Zeus) 也不好袒护。最后请来了特洛伊王子帕里斯做评判。三位女神都希望帕里斯把金苹果判给自己,各自许给他一种美好的事物作为报答:赫拉许给他统治大地上最富有的王国;雅典娜许给他世上最美丽的女人做妻子;阿弗洛狄忒的许诺再加上她的无比娇媚使赫拉和雅典娜都显得黯然失色,帕立斯就把金苹果判给了她。神后赫拉和雅典娜恼怒地走了,从此便和特洛伊人结下了不解之仇,决心毁掉特洛伊。后来帕里斯拐走海伦引起了特洛伊战争,不和 (Discord) 女神厄里斯的金苹果酿成了这场战争。在这场纷争中连众神也分成两个敌对的营垒:赫拉和雅典娜因为仇恨帕里斯所以帮助希腊人;阿弗洛狄忒和太阳神阿波罗帮助特洛伊人。荷马史诗《伊利亚特》 (Iliad) 写的就是这场战争的故事。“Apple of Discord”因此就被用来表示“纷争的祸根”、“不和之源”等。

The boundary line between the countries was the apple of discord between the two countries. (两国边界问题是两国战争的祸根。)

(6) 其他方面

这类成语源于不同国家的历史、小故事等。Armed to the teeth (全副武装) ,face to the music (面对麻烦) ,One's name is mud (名声狼藉) ,not worth one's salt (不称职) ,go Dutch (各自付账) 等。

GO Dutch各自付账 (go out for fun together but have each person pay for himself) 这条成语直译为“去荷兰”,源于英国和荷兰两国的海上争霸史。17世纪以前英国海上实力十分强大,成了海上霸主,后来荷兰出了三位著名的航海家,促进了海上贸易的发展和对外殖民扩张,到17世纪,也成了海上强国。英荷两国为争夺商业和海上霸权,矛盾激烈,势不两立,因而英国人当时相当厌恶荷兰人,在许多场合用“荷兰人”一词表示厌恶情绪。在英语中与“荷兰人”有关的词也都带有贬义,“go Dutch”意为各自付自己的账。其实荷兰人并非吝啬之辈,这只不过是当时英国人对他们的贬称而已。

3 结论




[1]Frederick T.Wood English Colloquial Idioms Printed inGreat Britain by Richard clay, LTD Bungay, Suffolk.

[2]William Freeman A.Concise Dictionary of English IdiomsFirst published, 1951.

[3]Longman Dictionary of English Idioms Fifth impression, 1979.

[4]马国凡.成语[M].呼和浩特:内蒙古人民出版社, 1978.

[5]天竹, 文北.英语常用成语用法手册[M].兰州:甘肃人民出版社, 1985:12.

[6]许肇本.成语知识浅谈[M].北京:北京出版社, 1980:9.

[7]牛津现代高级英汉双解辞典[K].北京:商务印书馆, 牛津大学出版社, 1992.

[8]陈俊森, 樊葳葳.外国文化跨文化交际[M].武汉:华中理工大学出版社, 2000.

中英文成语论文 篇2

生意兴隆: wish your business success

一帆风顺: wish you every success

鹏程万里: have a bright future

风调雨顺: timely wind and rain bring good harvest

国泰民安: wish our country flourishes and people live in peace大吉大利: wish you good fortune and every success

龙马精神: may you be as energetic as a dragon and a horse恭喜发财: may prosperity be with you

年年有余: may you always get more than you wish for

新年新气象: as the new year begins,let us also start a new万事如意: hope everything goes your way

论中英文成语动物寓意的对比分析 篇3


(一) 动物成语的介绍

由于中外拥有不同的民族历史文化、民情风俗和思维方式, 致使形成了各民族独特的动物寓意文化。因为文化的差异, 导致了人们对相同的动物赋予了不同的情感和喻义。有时为表达同一情感喻义, 会采用不同的动物来作为喻体。

成语是语言构成中重要的一种, 其经历了千百年来的沉淀和创新, 至今仍保留了自己的活力, 同时也在语言与文化界都占有重要的地位。在中文史上, 成语有其特殊的地位, 其反映了历史, 地理, 人文情怀等等。不论在中国还是在国外, 成语都是历史文明的产物、认识的结晶、语言的精华、作为历史文明的产物, 它包含很多社会历史因素。纵观社会历史, 源于古代的成语, 其中许多是从古代社会生活土壤中生发出来的, 是人们对客观存在的现实进行细致观察、周密思考、深人辨析、反复验证而得出的, 其精细地揭示错综纷纭的事象, 透彻地表明了复杂深奥的事理, 这充分表明了人们对成语内容的认识。探询成语典故可以追溯到从文化的角度来展开对某一事件事物的推演理解。英语成语, 又可称为习语, 其在英语语言中一样有着不可小觑的魅力, 通过英语成语, 我们可以知道英语世界里许多充满意趣的事物, 知晓英语世界的文化, 宗教, 历史和地理特征, 人文气息, 尤其英文成语具有渗透整个表面的深层含义, 有丰富的文化内涵和文化理论。由此可知, 中英两种文化各有其特色, 因而在学习或使用时应该尽可能地了解关于它的起源, 典故, 用法, 使用范围等。有的成语可以通过字面意思去理解, 有的却不能望文生义, 只有确实弄清了成语的含义, 才能避免闹笑话, 闹误会, 亦能加深对双方文化的进一步了解和学习。

(二) 中英动物寓意成语互译时的分类

1. 动物形像相同、意思相近的中英动物成语

例如:1) Killtwo bilds with one stone通常可翻译为“一石二鸟”或“一箭双雕”。 (具体释义为:“一石二鸟”, 喻一举两得, 如中文之“一箭双雕”, 只是不含技艺高超之意) ;

2) Fishintroubledwater可翻译为“混水摸鱼”;

3) How can you catch tigercubs without entering it’s lair?可翻译为“不入虎穴, 焉得虎子?”

4) Awolfinsheep’s clothing可翻译为“披着羊皮的狼”;

5) Playcatandmouse with可翻译为“玩猫鼠游戏”;

6) Parrottongue可翻译为“鹦鹉学舌”。

以上动物成语, 无一不以恰当的比喻, 诙谐的手法, 给人类文化和语言艺术增添了无穷的意蕴.与人类休戚与共、息息相关的动物, 无论是中国还是英美, 它们都被赋予了特有的文化意义。

2. 中文英成语意思相近, 所比动物形像不同

如:1) Let the cat out ofthe bag可从字面意思直译为:“让猫出了口袋”, 但实际释译为:“露马脚”;

2) Flutterthe dove-cotes可从字面意思直译为:“搅乱鸽房, 让鸽子不得安宁”, 但实际释译为:“鸡犬不宁”;

3) Take to Sth like a duckto water可从字面意思直译为:“有如鸭子到了水中”, 但实际释译为:“如鱼得水”;

4) Drinklike afish可从字面意思直译为:“像鱼一样地喝”, 但实际释译为:“牛饮”;

5) Aflyin the ointment可从字面意思直译为:“油膏中的苍蝇”, 但实际释译为:“一颗老鼠屎, 搅坏一锅汤”;

6) Love me, love mydog可从字面意思直译为:“爱我, 就爱我的狗”, 但实际释译为:“爱屋及乌”;

7) Like adrownedrat可从字面意思直译为:“像只落水的耗子”, 但实际释译为:“落汤鸡”;

8) The blacksheepofthe family可从字面意思直译为:“一家中的黑羊”, 但实际释译为:“害群之马”。

综上所述的动物成语保留了原有的交际意义, 在中文中找出了, 在思路、意义都与之相应成语。然而, 由于中外文化背景的不同, 在一种语言中用某一动物形象来表达成语的意义, 但在另一种语言中要用不同的动物形象来表达。如此这般, 既将原文的形象更换成另一个译文读者所熟悉的形象, 又给读者一种生动感和亲切感, 更觉通俗易懂。

3. 中文英成语可直译亦可根据动物形像意义, 译出对应的表达形式

在英语成语中有许多明喻构成的成语, 然而, 动物是常常出现的喻体, 分别由as和like来引导喻体。有时不同的动物, 可以用设喻来表述同一种状态, 如:1) As busyas abee像蜜蜂一样忙;

2) Like abullinachinashop像公牛闯进瓷器店———根据动物形像意义可释译为:笨手笨脚, 动辄闯祸;

3) As quietas amouse像老鼠一样安静;4) As proudas apeacook像孔雀一样骄傲;

5) Like a bearwith a sore head像只头痛的熊———根据动物形像意义可释译为:情绪恶劣, 动不动发火;

6) Woke like ahorse像马一样地干活———根据动物形像意义可释译为:辛苦地干活;

7) Worklike atiger生龙活虎地干活;8) As mute as afish像鱼一样不出声;

9) Die like a rat像老鼠一样死去———根据动物形像意义可释译为:被毒死;

10) Live like pigs in clover像生活在三叶草中的猪———根据动物形像意义可释译为:生活优裕, 养尊处优。

4. 动物形像相同, 而中英文成语意思不同的动物成语

如:1) Acat-and-doglife从字面意思直译为:猫狗一样的生活, 但实际应译为: (尤指夫妻间) 争吵不休的生活;

2) Cats anddogs从字面意思直译为:猫和狗, 但实际应译为:价值低的股票, 杂物;

3) Rains cats anddogs从字面意思直译为:像猫和狗样的雨, 但实际应译为:下倾盆大雨;

4) Live like fighting cocks从字面意思直译为:活得像好斗的公鸡, 但实际应译为:吃得好、吃最好的东西;

5) Car's paw从字面意思直译为:猫爪子, 但实际应译为:被人利用的人。

从上列论述可以看出, 人们时常把某种品质或特性与某些动物或物体联系起来。这些品质或特性又往往能使人产生某种反应或情绪, 尽管这种联想很少或根本没有什么科学依据。联想到的特性和所引起的情感也往往因民族不同而各异, 这就需要我们在学习中更多的去了解中西方文化的差异。


(一) 相同指称不同内涵———以马、牛寓意的成语

英语动物成语中, 马是出现频率比较高的动物之一。且值得注意的是中国成语中的牛在英语成语与之相应地往往不是“牛”而是“马”。我们在形容一个人力气很大时, 常常会说“力大如牛”。但是外国人则认为, 马才是最强壮的那一个, 英语中表达像马一样强壮会用as strongas ahorse。当拖拉机最初抵达我国时, 人们亲切地称之为“铁牛”。然而我们中文中的“铁牛”在英语中则被称之为iron horse (铁马) , 它指的是早期的火车头车或机车。英语中有这样一个成语tospur a willing horse, 意为对努力工作的人进行不必要的刺激, 与中文的“鞭打快牛”有异曲同工之妙。你可以把马牵到河边, 但你无法强迫它喝水 (Youcantake ahorse tothewaterbutyoucan'tmake him drink.) 其所表达的意思为, 有一些事情须自愿, 强迫无济于事, 与“牛不喝水强按头”结构上很相近, 但意思是相反的。中文的意思是强迫别人做他不喜欢做的事, 而英语则正相反, 是无法强迫别人做他不喜欢做的事。因此, 这一句英文也可以缩写为totake ahorse tothe water意为only gosofar。

(二) 同一种事物或属性, 以不同的动物设喻

在中英文成语中, 凶狠残暴的动物如:狮子, 老虎, 狼, 豹的象征意义都比较接近, 如:狮子搏兔、饿虎扑食、虎视眈眈、狼吞虎咽、骑虎难下, 前怕狼后怕虎、谈虎色变、如狼似虎、狼狈为奸、鬼哭狼嚎、豺狼当道等。在英语中有as bold as a lion“勇猛如狮”, beard the lion in his den从字面意思直译为:“人狮穴抨狮须”, 但实际应译为:“太岁头上动土”, set the wolfto keep the sheep从字面意思直译为:“叫狼看羊”, 但实际应译为:“引狼人室”, wolfin sheep’s clothing“披着羊皮的狼”, who keeps companywith the wolf, willlearn to howl从字面意思直译为:“跟狼在一起、就会学狼叫”, 但实际应译为:“近墨者黑”, hold a wolfbytheears从字面意思直译为:“抓着狼的耳朵”, 但实际应译为:“骑虎难下”。在外国, 狼还是饥饿的像征, 要表达“避免饥饿”这个意思, 英语使用“keep the wolf from thedoor”, 从字面意思直译为:“把狼挡在门外”。形容饥饿难挨, 用“have a wolfin one's stomach”, 从字面意思直译为:“肚子里有只狼”。更有趣的是, 中文的“狼吞虎咽”, 英语中干脆直接用wolf (狼) 作动词, 形容吃东西又猛又急, 就说Wolf或。Wolfdown。

(三) 中英文成语中对动物设喻的相同与转换

从中英文成语中动物寓意的对比可知, 一些动物形象的喻意是可以相同的, 即可以从字面上翻译, 但有些是需要通过文化语境转换的。像一些只在中文出现的特有的成语就需要通过意译或加注释的方法来达到文化交流的目的。如“鱼龙混杂”, 由于龙在中国历史文化中特殊的地位, 故而这句应译为“dragonsand fish jumbled together--good and bad peoplemixed up", 而“对牛弹琴”这一成语又译为“playthe lute to a cow--choose the wrongaudience”, “蝗螂捕蝉, 黄雀在后”则译为"the mantis stalks the cicada, unaware of the oriolebehind--covet gains ahead without being aware ofdanger behind", “叶公好龙”译为“Lord Ye's love of dragons--professed love of whatone reallyfeats”, “杯弓蛇影”译为“mistaking thereflection ofa bow in the cup for a snake--extremely suspicious", “鱼游釜底”译为“likefshswimminginacookingpot--inimminentperil.”。


综上所述, 通过以上对动物在中英文成语中不同寓意的对比分析, 不仅加深了我们对双方文化的进一步了解, 而且也有助于我们更好的掌握和学习这两种语言。


[1]陈文伯.英语成语与中文成语[M].北京:外语教学与研究出版社, 2009.

[2]王涛等.中国成语大词典[M].上海:上海辞书出版社, 2008.

[3]覃先美.英语动物文化考释.国防科技大学出版社, 2010.

[4]杨自俭, 栾雪梅.英汉成语对比[A].杨自俭, 李瑞华.英汉对比研究论文集.上海外语教育出版社, 2009.

[5]袁彩虹.中文动物寓意成语英译分析[J].上海科技翻译, 2009.

[6]北京外国语大学汉英词典编写组.汉英词典[M].北京:外语教学与研究出版社, 1995.

[7]Brewer'sDictionary of Phrase and Fable, Reprinted.2011.

[8]Oxford Dictionary of Current Idiomatic English, Oxford University Pre-ss.2007.

动物的英文成语 篇4


chicken feed 小额钱币,

They’re only paying chicken feed for a very demanding job.

chicken hearted/livered 怯懦的,

Don’t be chicken hearted, have a go!

chicken out 畏缩不前, He chickened out at last.

don’t count one’s chickens (before they hatched) 不要蛋未孵先数鸡,

Don’t count your chickens and buy that new outfit.

no (spring) chicken (尤指女子)年龄不小了,

She’s no chicken and shouldn’t be riding on the back of a motorbike.

tender as a chicken 不坚强的,

He’s as tender as a chicken and not up to hard manual work.


milch cow 财源,

Too much people regard the Social Security as a milch cow.

scared cow 神圣不可侵犯的人、事,

The Public School system is often seen to be the scared cow of the upper classes.

till the cows come home 永远,

You can wait till the cows come home.


crocodile tear 鳄鱼的眼泪,

I don’t know Nancy can shed crocodile tears about Philip’s accident.


as the crow flies 沿直线,

We’re only five miles from the coast as the crow flies.

crow about/over 夸口,

I’m tired of hearing her crow about winning the cup.

crow’ feet 眼角皱纹,

She’s developed a double chin and crow’ feet.


call off the dogs 停止追踪,

The police have decided to call off their dogs in their hunt for the missing diamonds.

die like a dog 悲惨地死去,

They died like dogs in the trenches.

dirty dog 行为卑鄙龌龊的人,

He isn’t s dirty dog.

dog days 大热天,

The summer are getting dog days always.

dog eat dog 黑吃黑,

You need a strong character to survive the dog eat dog of big business.

dog fight 混战,

It is a big advantage in a dog fight.

(in the) dog house 挨骂,丢脸,

I’ll be in the dog house when I get home late.

dog in the manager 占马槽之狗,

There’s no need to be dog in the manager and prevent from me to going.

dog’s body 勤杂工,

He wanted a general dog’s body to help out on the site.

dog’s breakfast/dinner 一团糟,

You’ve made a right dog’s dinner of painting that door.

dog’s chance 极微小的机会,

It hasn’t a dog’s chance of winning.

dog tired 极度疲乏,

I’m dog tired.

don’t keep a dog and bark yourself 不要用了人还亲自操劳,

Don’t keep a dog and bark yourself—your secretary should do all that filing.

every dog has its day 凡人皆有得意日,

It just goes to show that every dog has its day.

gay dog 寻欢作乐的人,

Graham is a bit of a gay dog with the women.

give a dog a bad name 加人恶名,

No wonder they say give a dog a bad name.

go to the dog 垮台,

Our local pub has gone to the dogs.

hair of the dog (that bit you) 解宿醉的烈酒,

He go over to the pub and have a hair of the dog.

lead a dog’s life 过不安宁日子,

His wife lead him a dog’s life with her incessant nagging.

let sleeping dogs lie 不招惹麻烦,

I decided to let sleeping dogs lie and changed the subject.

let the dog see the rabbit 给参加者机会,

It’s Tony’s go. Let the dog see the rabbit.

lie doggo 隐藏,

The escaped prisoners lay doggo in a haystack.

like a dog with two tails 欣喜若狂,

The old lady was like a dog with two tails when her son came from America.

lucky dog 幸运儿,

Tom is a lucky dog.

shaggy dog story 杂乱、故做滑稽的故事,

He tolled a shaggy dog story about an actress.

sly dog 狡猾的家伙,

The sly dog never mentioned that he was dating a barmaid!

tail wagging the dog 主次颠倒,

It’s typical case of the tail wagging the dog.

throw somebody to the dogs 丢掉,

He want to throw them to the dogs.

top dog 优胜者,

He’s the top dog among formula one motor racing drivers.

treat somebody worse than a dog 待某人如狗,

Captain Bligh treated the crew like dogs.

underdog 处于劣势的一方,

He knew he was the underdog.

work like a dog 苦干(很少报酬)

I work like a dog all week.

you can’t teach a old new tricks 你不能使年老守旧的人接受新事物,

It’s seems you can’t teach an old dog new tricks.

(to be continued)


dove of peace 和平的.象征,

At last there is a chance that the hawks of war will be replaced by doves of peace.


eagle eye 目光锐利,

He will be keeping an eagle eye on the party.


slippery as an eel 琢磨不定的,

This fellow is as slippery as an eel.


don’t put all one’s eggs in one basket 不把蛋放在一个篮子里,

That way you don’t put all your eggs in one basket.

egg-head 学问家, he is an egg head.

egg somebody on 鼓励(某人做某事)

The crowd egged him on to the finishing line.

good egg 好人,

Charles is a good egg.

have egg on one’s face 丢脸,

I do have egg on my face.

kill the goose that lays the golden egg 杀鸡取卵,

We mustn’t kill the goose that lays the golden egg.

sure as eggs is eggs 必定,

You can be as sure as eggs is eggs that it will nit rain within the hour.

tread on egg 如履薄冰,

The reporter treaded on eggs when he asked the terrorist leader.


memory like an elephant 极好的记忆力,

She must have a memory like an elephant.

pink elephant (吸毒、醉酒后的)幻觉,

I am seeing pink elephant after drinking.

rouge elephant 离群的凶猛野象,

He regards him as rouge elephant.

see the elephant 见世面,

white elephant 沉重的包袱,累赘的珍品,

The government spent rate payer’s money on a white elephant.


be spitting feathers 非常愤怒,口渴,

Len was spitting feathers when he saw some vandal had done ton his new car .feather-bed His mother has feather-bedded him.

feather-brained 溺爱,

They had some feather-brained scheme.

feather-friend 鸟,

We mustn’t forget to put out food for our feathered friends in frosty weather.

feather in one’s cap 某人的卓越成就,荣誉标志,

He was the final feather in his cap after years of dedicated service to the community.

feather one’s nest 营私,肥己,

The Chairman is taking money out of the company to feather his own nest.

in fine feather 情绪极好,身体健康,

You’re in fine feather this morning.

make the feather fly 引起骚动,争斗,

That will make the feather fly!

show the white feather 显示懦弱,

The challenger showed the white feather.

smooth somebody (ruffled) feathers 冷静下来,

I smoothed her ruffled feathers.

you could have knocked me down with a feather 使我十分震惊,

You could have knocked me down with a feather when I knew this.


big fish 大人物,

The boss shows some big fish around the factory.

big fish in a small pond 井底之蛙,小地方的要人,

He’s only a big fish in a small pond.

cold fish 冷冰冰的人,

Sue is a cold fish.

feed the fishes 葬身鱼腹,

If you fall overboard, you’ll end up feeding the fishes.

fish for compliments 寻找别人恭维,

The new girl is always fishing for compliments when she talks to the men.

fish in troubled waters 混水摸鱼,

He fishes in the troubled waters of marital strife.

fish out 捞出,把鱼捕尽,

She fished out a purse from her pocket.

have other fish to fry 另有它图,

I’ve got plenty of other fish to fry.

like a fish out of water 如鱼离水,

I feel like a fish out of water.

neither fish nor fowl 不伦不类,

This fellow is neither fish nor fowl.

(fine/pretty) kettle fish 一团糟,

You are going to be prosecuted for careless driving, that’s a fine kettle of fish.

queer fish 怪人,

John’s a queer fish, he nearly always wears odd socks.

small fish 小人物,

I’m only a small fish.

smell something fishy 可疑,

He said he was ill, but I smell something fishy.

there are plenty more fish in the sea 有水何患无鱼,碰到的人多得很,

My boyfriend and I have split up but I don’t care—there’s plenty more fish in the sea.


dress a fowl 把家禽去毛开膛,

Very few women today know how to dress a fowl.


be foxed 使迷惑,

The crossword puzzle usually foxed me.

cunning as a fox 非常狡猾,

He’s as cunning as a fox and will try to take advantage of you.

old/sly fox 老奸巨滑,

You old fox, you talked her into selling the car for much less than it’s worth.


frog in the throat 轻咽喉炎,

I’ve got frog in my throat this morning.

frog march 蛙式押送,

The landlord frog marched him out the door.


act/play the goat 干蠢事,

Glen is always acting the goat.

get somebody’s goat 使某人恼怒,

His way gets my goat.

sort out/separate the sheep from the goat 区分合格与不合格者,

That should sort out the sheep from the goat.


goose flesh/pimple 鸡皮疙瘩,

Merely the thought of holding a snake makes me come out in goose flesh.

kill the goose that lays the golden egg 杀鸡取卵,

We don’t want to kill the goose that lays the golden egg.

say “boo” to a goose 吓唬某人,

The boss wouldn’t say “boo” to a goose.

what is sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander. 对别人怎样,对自己也怎样,

He is a man what’s sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander.

(to be continued)


hare-brained 愚蠢的,轻率的,

Whose hare-brained idea was it to padlock the fire exits?

mad as a March hare 非常疯狂,

He must be as mad as a March hare.

run with the hare and hunt with the hounds 两面讨好,

You can’t run with the hare and hunt with the hounds.


hen-party 女人聚会,

She has invited all her girlfriends to a hen-party on Friday night.

hen-pecked 惧内的,

He’s hen-pecked from morning to night.

like a hen with one (only) chicken 大惊小怪的,

She’s like a hen with only one chicken.

mother hen (忙乱、小题大做的)女人,

She fusses over them like a mother hen.

horse talk horse 吹牛


ivory tower 象牙塔,

Academics in their ivory towers have no idea what it is like to earn one’s living.


kid’s stuff 容易,

This crossword puzzle is kid’s stuff for him.

with kid gloves 非常柔顺的,

You have to learn to handle her with kid glove,

you’re kidding! 我不相信你!


go like a lamb (to the slaughter) 逆来顺受地干某事,

There goes Jones to the headmaster’s study like a lamb to the slaughter.

one might as well be hung for a sheep as a lamb 明知要受处罚,索性干完坏事,彻底享受一番,

I ‘ll have another drink, I might be hung for a sheep as a lamb.

mutton dressed up as lamb 作年轻妇女打扮的老年妇女,

In a better light I realized she was mutton dressed up as lamb.


a leopard never changes its spots. 本性难易,


as brave as a lion 非常勇敢,

My young daughter is as brave as a lion and will tackle any of the boys.

beard the lion in his den 面对上司,权势,

I must beard the lion in his den and go and ask the boss for a day off next week.

lion-hunter 巴结权势,名人,

He is a typical lion-hunter.

lion’s share 其大作用,最大份额,

I found myself doing the lion’s share of the work.

put one’s head in the lion’s mouth 处于危险境地,

I’ll have to put my head in the lion’s mouth.

throw somebody to the lions (为保全自己)而使他人处于危险境地,

He warned me that if I make a mistake she’ll throw me to the lions.

twist the lion’s tail 触犯英国,

France seems to use many EEC meetings merely to twist the lion’s tail.


swarm like locusts 贪婪地围着,

The children swarmed round like locusts.


the best laid schemes of mice and men 每人都有失算之时,/智者千虑,必有一失。

poor as a church mouse 清贫,

My parents were as poor as church mouse.

quiet as a mouse 非常宁静,

Tina is as quiet as a mouse, you hardly know she’s there.


stubborn as a mule 非常顽固,

She’s as stubborn as a mule.


foul one’s (own) nest 家丑外扬,

All he’s doing is fouling his own nest.


proud as a peacock 非常自豪,

Dad’s as a proud as a peacock of that shelf he put up.


buy a pig in a poke 盲目购买,

You are buying a a pig in a poke.

live like a pig in clover 生活奢侈,舒适,

He has lived like a pig in clover ever since.

make a pig of oneself 狼吞虎咽地吃喝,

I couldn’t help marking a pig of myself.

make a pig’s ear of something 把某事办得很糟,

You’ve made a right pig’s ear of it.

pig(gy)-in the-middle (无意中)夹在敌对双方之间的人,

I find myself pig-in-the-middle.

pigs might fly 不可能发生的事,

He said he would pay me back the money he owns me next Monday—and pigs might fly!


stool pigeon 密探,

The police couldn’t possibly have known I was there unless they were told by a stool pigeon.

not one’s pigeon 与某人不相干的事,

Don’t ask me to fill in the forms, That’s not my pigeon.


breed like rabbits 大量繁衍,

Her family breed like rabbits!

pull/produce a rabbit out of the hat 意外发现难题解法,


as wet as/like a drowned rat 浑身湿透,

The shower made me as wet as a drowned rat.

rat on some body 告发某人,

Tim saw us smoking and ratted on us to the teacher.

rat race 激烈竞争,

He have adjusted to the rat race already.

smell a rat 感到有可疑之处,

I smell a rat—I wonder what he wants.


black sheep (of the family) 害群之马,

She always has been the black sheep of the family.


snake in the grass 隐患,

Some snake in the grass has told the manager that I was late for work this morning.


one swallow doesn’t make a summer 轻率推论必成大错,

We should remember that one swallow doesn’t make a summer.

swallow up 耗尽,

New clothes for the children seem to swallow up all her money.


swan around 四处闲逛,

He swanned around the local food and wine.


turn turtle 底部朝天地翻转过来,

The deck turned turtle.


wet one’s whistle 过得很愉快,

The children had a whale of a time playing in the sand pit.


clip somebody’s wings 扼杀某人的雄心,使无计可施,

That will really clip his wings!

spread one’s wings 开始独立行事,

My daughter wants to spread her wings.

take somebody under one’s wing 关照某人,

The pupils took him under his wing.


turn turtle 底部朝天地翻转过来,

The deck turned turtle.


wet one’s whistle 过得很愉快,

The children had a whale of a time playing in the sand pit.


clip somebody’s wings 扼杀某人的雄心,使无计可施,

That will really clip his wings!

spread one’s wings 开始独立行事,

My daughter wants to spread her wings.

take somebody under one’s wing 关照某人,

The pupils took him under his wing.


throw somebody to the wolves 使某人处于危险境地,

They’ll throw him to the wolves.

cry wolf 在不需援助时求援,

Susan is always crying wolf.

keep the wolf from the door 免于饥饿,

I have a spare-time job which helps to keep the wolf from the door.

lone wolf 不喜与人往来的人,

He is a lone wolf.

wolf in sheep’s clothing 披着羊皮的狼,
