


高二英语练习7 篇1


1.I would really appreciate ______ back this afternoon.A.you to callB.your callingC.you callD.you will call

2.I will appreciate ____ if you can give me some more help in my study.A.youB.itC.thatD./

3.From the dates ______ on the gold coin it was confirmed that it was made 500 years ago.A.marking B.marked C.to be marked D.having marked

4.Since I have just come back from my holiday, there must be _____ things to dothese days.A.a great deal ofB.a great manyC.many aD.a large amount of

5.-Howare you feeling today? Any _______?

-No.I am feeling even worse now.A.betterB.wellC.lessD.more

6.Which is ______ country, China or the United States?

A.a largeB.largerC.a largerD.the larger

7.Some oil ____ the water, and this will keep air out of the water.A.adding to B.add to C.added to D.is added to

8.The colorful lights ______ the attraction of the festival.A.added toB.added up toC.addedD.added up

9.It is believed that if a book is ______ it will surely ______ the readers.A.interested;interestB.interesting;be interested


10.The questions the reporter asked were _______ and they really made me ________.A.embarrassed;embarrassingB.embarrassing;embarrassed


11.I like spending my spare time ______ the piano at home.A.practicing playingB.to practice playingC.practicing to playD.to practiceto play

12.Would you please repeat your address and phone number? I _____ quite catch you.A.didn’tB.won’tC.don’tD.couldn’t

13.It is said that ______ building will be put up as a landmark of the city.A.a 48-storeys-highB.a 48-storeys highC.a 48 storeyed highD.a48-storey-high

14.At a rough estimate, Nigeria is _______ Great Britain.A.three times the size asB.the size three times of

C.three times as the size ofD.three times the size of

15.It was my first trip to Europe.You can hardly imagine the difficulty I had_______ my way around.A.foundB.to findC.findingD.find

16.It was not unusual in ________90s that people in _________ fifties went to universities for further studies.A.不填;theB.the;theC.the;theirD.不填;their

高二英语练习7 篇2

历史练习的出路何在?苏霍姆林斯基曾说, 在人的心灵深处, 都希望自己是探索者。在教学实践中, 笔者从“轻负高效”角度切入, 凸现学生体验, 让历史练习发挥了“四两拨千斤”的良好作用。

一、开卷疾读数十卷, 至死不解而无益——轻量重质, 提高习题含金量

早期苏联教育家对练习的方法与策略作过专门的论述。凯洛夫指出, 习题是教学工作的有机组成部分, 具有巩固学生的知识, 使学生的技能和技巧完善化的使命。而哈里斯·库柏则用研究表明:练习在改进学生的学习技能、发展学生的主导性和责任心等等方面有正面功效。但笔者认为, 只注重数量不重视质量的练习危害很大:它会压跨学生的心理承受能力, 使他们产生厌烦情绪, 丧失主动精神, 以致为按时完成练习而抄袭的现象频频出现。这表明不加筛选、随意盲目地加大学生的练习量, 效果不仅达不到预期, 甚至适得其反。因此, 历史练习应轻“量”重“质”。

另外, 眼下各类学习辅导材料铺天盖地且良莠不齐、大同小异。笔者所在的学校每学期开学初面临的学习辅导练习就达十几种之多。教师如何筛选练习材料, 并在课中适时、适量运用颇费思量。如什么类型的练习材料有利于巩固学生课堂所学的知识, 什么类型的练习材料有利于培养学生的创新意识, 等等, 只有轻“量”重“质”, 挑选那些质高而量精、具有典型性的练习材料, 才能收到既保证学习效果, 又减轻学生学习负担的理想效果。

以“20世纪伟大的科学家爱因斯坦”一课为例, 按照《教学指导意见》的要求, 本课教学目标是“了解爱因斯坦的成长历程和主要科学成就;认识爱因斯坦对科学和社会发展的巨大推动作用, 感悟其成长之路;感受爱因斯坦踏实地进行科学研究和勇于科学创新的精神”。从知识层面而言, 其中的“了解爱因斯坦的成长历程和主要科学成就”这一要求应该被理解为:“了解, 知道”要多, “理解, 分析”要少。因此, 与其让学生投身于题海做大量的练习, 不如让学生通过简单的知识罗列更能达成要求。所以, 在布置“了解爱因斯坦的成长历程和主要科学成就”相关练习时, 笔者根据教学指导意见, 去“重”就“轻”, 只要求学生列出知识框架, 这样的练习学生乐于接受, 完成的质量也不错。

当然, 要真正让学生变“要我练”为“我要练”, 不是短时间能达到的, 如何使历史练习更符合学情, 有效地激发学生的求知欲, 从而提高练习质量, 仍有待我们深入探索。

二、人间四月芳菲尽, 山寺桃花始盛开——差异并存, 分层布置练习题

新课程观认为, 每位学生的学习方式都有其特殊性, 特殊性就是差异性, 决定了不同学生的学习速度和效果有所不同。因此, 教师在备课中要针对学生的差异性, 找准学生的最近发展区, 按学生层次设计不同梯度的练习, 从而使各个层次的学生都达成练习要求。如可设计A、B、C三级式练习:A级习题 (容易题) , 适合所有的学生练习;B级习题 (中等题) , 适合大部分学生练习:C级习题 (难题) , 供学有余力的学生练习。只有充分考虑学生在知识水平、综合能力等方面的差异, 练习层次分明, 不同个体兼顾, 才能使每个层次的学生都能“跳一跳, 摘桃子”, 品尝成功的愉悦体验。

例如, 在选修三“第二次世界大战”这一单元教学中, 笔者设计了如下一道层次分明的习题。

漫画可以形象地再现历史情境。请观察下列漫画, 回答有关问题。

(图1:大象在天空中飞翔——《慕尼黑协定》换来的和平;图2:笑里藏刀——希特勒和斯大林的拥抱;图3:自由女神将象征世界自由的火炬交给罗斯福和丘吉尔, 寓意着要美英两国传承并维护世界自由。)

A级习题 (容易题) :图2讽刺了什么事件?

B级习题 (中等题) :图3对二战的进程有何影响?

C级习题 (难题) :根据图1和图2, 并结合所学知识分析二战由局部走向全面爆发的原因?

练习时让学生根据自己的学习基础, 自主从A、B、C三个级别习题中任选一题。这一做法充分考虑了每位学生的差异, 使不同层次的学生都能获得成功体验, 提高学习能力。

三、纸上得来终觉浅, 绝知此事要躬行——积极主动, 自行设计练习

如果说教师提供的分层习题对学生来说属于“被动型”, 那么让学生自行设计的习题就属于“主动型”, 符合新课程突出学生主体地位的教学理念。让学生自行设计习题也是师生互换角色的一种尝试, 有助于学生激发学习动力, 获得更广阔的学习空间和个性平台, 最大程度上挣脱标准答案的束缚, 展开想象的翅膀, 获取“处处是创新之地, 天天是创新之时, 人人是创新之人”的体验, 培养创新精神和创新能力。

1. 自行设计, 培养创新能力

笔者经常让学生尝试在课后自行设计习题, 促使学生自主思考所学知识, 培养创新的思维和能力。

例如, 在教学“朝鲜战争”后, 有学生自主编写了以下一道习题。

材料:20世纪50年代初, 美国把以苏联为首的社会主义阵营视为自己称霸全球的最大障碍。在美国看来, 朝鲜半岛上的冲突不仅威胁美国在朝鲜半岛的利益, 更是“苏联发动全球性战争的第一阶段”。对朝鲜进行武装干涉, 既可以维护和扩大美国在东亚的利益, 也可以借机向全球进一步推行自己的霸权政策, 加紧对社会主义阵营的包围和封锁。

设问:根据所学知识, 说明朝鲜战争和美苏冷战之间的关系。

这道学生自编的习题尽管选用的材料限于课文, 设问也不是很理想, 然而思考方向正确, 因为通过对课文的解读掌握相关知识正是近年最流行也是最实用的学习方法之一。眼下虽不成熟, 但久而久之, 学生就能通过这一方法抓住每课所学知识的重点, 尤其能在复习时抓住每一类型题的特点正确解题。

2. 发表观点, 提高创新能力

在学生设计习题后, 笔者让学生对自己的设计意图进行自评, 争取在互相学习、相互激励中提高自己的创新能力。

以上述学生设计的有关“朝鲜战争”习题为例, 有学生在评价该题设计意图时写道:“从知识层面来讲, 该习题有效地达到了了解‘朝鲜战争爆发的时代背景’的学习要求, 更好地理解了‘朝鲜战争是冷战的产物’这一概念。”也有学生这样评价:“虽然自己设计习题能有效地巩固学习成果, 但仍遇到了缺少材料的困难, 使自己一时无从着手。另外, 习题设计仅仅结合所学课本知识也不符合当今新高考的命题趋势, 如果该题能增加一些材料, 再将设问改为‘根据材料并结合所学知识, 概括朝鲜战争与冷战的关系’, 学习效果会更好。”

自行设计习题和自评、互评, 不仅调动了学生的学习积极性, 变“要我学”为“我要学”;也有利于学生巩固知识、查漏补缺, 提高运用知识的综合能力。久而久之, 学生的创新能力就能逐步得到培养和提高。

三、读万卷书, 行万里路——学以致用, 实践出真知

学以致用, 历来是教育追求的目标。历史学科的生命力在于“见前世之兴衰, 考当今之得失”, 因而有效的历史练习必须紧扣时代脉搏、贴近生活、联系社会, 不仅要使学生乐于练习, 巩固所学知识;还能引导学生把学到的书本知识与实际生活相结合, 亲身参加社会实践活动, 动口、动手、动脑, 灵活地运用知识, 最终把知识转变为技能。

例如, 教学选修三第六单元“和平与发展”之时, 恰逢东盟会议召开之际, 笔者立即引入这一时事热点, 设计了如下一道习题。

从20世纪60年代开始, 我国南沙群岛露出水面的岛礁以及海域陆续被周边国家侵占。到1991年底, 除我军控制的6个岛礁和台湾控制的太平岛, 其他44个岛礁分别被越南、菲律宾等侵占。1975年5月, 越南报纸刊登的越南全国地图, 把我国南沙群岛划入其版图, 并改名为“长沙群岛”。1982年12月, 越南成立“长沙县”, 划归同奈省管辖, 后又划归庆和省。从1975年4月至1991年11月, 越南先后共侵占我国南沙岛礁27个, 并声称拥有南沙全部海域的主权。

在东盟会议召开之际, 有越南人打出“把中国人赶出南沙群岛”的标语。面对这一情况, 中国再次强调和平共处五项原则, 申明“搁置争议, 共同开发”一直是中国方面处理南海问题的原则。面对南沙群岛问题的冲突, 中国政府一直保持克制态度, 与越南方面进行了积极的磋商。

请结合“和平与发展”一课的知识, 谈谈你认为南沙群岛问题该如何处理?为什么中国面对越南的侵占仍一再强调和平处理南沙群岛的原则?

通过这样设问, 有效地在书本知识与现实问题之间架起了一座相互贯通的桥梁, 赋予了知识鲜活的生命力, 既有利于学生增进学习历史的兴趣, 也有利于学生更好地理解、领悟教材内容。

高二语法练习 篇3

A. whenB. that

C. whichD. where

2. Once _____,the materials cannot be reproduced for the future generations.

A. run outB. running out

C. run out ofD. running out of

3. It would be_______let you have a choice,wouldn’t it?

A. fair toB. unfair to

C. unfair toD. unfair not to

4. The president hoped for greater trust betweenthe two nations,more trade,more cultural exchanges—_____,a genuine peace.

A. In shortB. In general

C. In detailD. In fact

5. George talks about the book as if he_______it himself.

A. is writingB. was writing

C. wroteD. had written

6. I heard the students_______how to save endangeredanimals when I walked past their classroom.

A. debateB. to debate

C. debatingD. debated

7. Could you tell us who_______that thought out the idea?

A. he wasB. was he

C. it wasD. was it

8. The patient will have to remain in hospital for another week_______the recent medical report.

A. on behalf ofB. on the basis of

C. on the side ofD. on top of

9. —Sorry indeed,I_______to your birthday party if ...

—Forget it. I know you were out on business.

A. must come

B. would come

C. must have come

D. would have come

10. Johnson is anxious to_______a gentleman in such a case to show his generosity.

A. appearB. act

C. pretendD. behave

11. The eggs on the supermarket are fresh and_______satisfactory.

A. yetB. as

C. henceD. since

12. Ladies and gentlemen,welcome to my program._______me this evening is Dr. Gray.

A. To joinB. Join

C. JoinedD. Joining

13. Profits in his company went up by 25% last year,and_______so far this year though the financial situation is bad.

A. haven’t decreased

B. didn’t decrease

C. haven’t been decreased

D. weren’t decreased

14. We must apply what we have learned to our daily work because in no case_______from practice.

A. should theory separate

B. should theory be separated

C. theory should separate

D. theory should be separated

15. The thread tied to the balloon broke and _____ .

A. up it went

B. up went it

C. up did it go

D. up were it going

16. Madonna_______a straight-A student,but it was dancing that she was really crazy about.

A. must be

B. could be

C. must have been

D. could have been

17._______that the government can lead them out of the financial crisis,people are optimistic about the future of the country.

A. Convincing

B. Convinced

C. To convince

D. Having convinced

18. He tried to deal with the ever-increasing burden of his work,but finally_______and had to take a complete rest.

A. broke awayB. broke up

C. broke downD. broke out

19._______helping the situation,you’ve just made it worse.

A. Far fromB. Away from

C. Apart fromD. Free from

20. I didn’t like the hotel there at all. I wish we_______to stay there.

A. haven’t decided

B. hadn’t decided

C. didn’t decide

D. won’t decide

21. The traditional approach_______with complex problems in our studies is to break them down into smaller,more easily managed problems.

A. to deal

B. having dealt

C. to dealingD. being dealt

22. In no time_______the problem which puzzled all the other students.

A. did he work out

B. he worked out

C. worked he out

D. out he worked

23. Mr. White works with an import and export company,but he_______for this industrial fair,since he is on leave.

A. has worked

B. works

C. has been working

D. is working

24. —Can I use the telephone on the table,sir?

—Under no circumstances_______to use the telephone in the office for personal affairs.

A. anyone is allowed

B. nobody is allowed

C. is anyone allowed

D. is nobody allowed

25. I don’t think that your lecture_______the audience,for they appeared quite puzzled.

A. got across to

B. got close to

C. got away with

D. got along with

26. Miss Li_______as a secretary for five years in the company,and now she is general manager of it.

A. servesB. served

C. had servedD. has served

27. —Do you mind if I smoke?

—Well, I’d rather you _____.

A. don’tB. won’t

C. shan’tD. didn’t

28. —He didn’t feel a bit nervous when _____.

—No. He’d had a lot of time_______for it after all.

A. interviewed; to prepare

B. interviewing; to prepare

C. interviewing; preparing

D. being interviewed; preparing

29._______himself with necessary knowledge and skills,the young man went to the job market with much confidence.

A. Equipped

B. Equipping

C. Having equipped

D. Being equipped

30. —Mary,how did your Math test go?

—I had thought I _____,but in fact I came in the top 10% in my class.

A. couldn’t have failed

B. should have failed

C. shouldn’t have failed

D. might have failed

31. Though a typhoon is on the way,people are still looking forward_______the outdoor concert by the pop singer.

A. to canceling

B. not to canceling

C. not to cancel

D. to not canceling

32. —Another cup of coffee? That’s your third since lunch.

—Yeah,well,I_______all night preparing for my history exam. I can hardly keep my eyes open.

A. stayed up

B. have stayed up

C. have been staying up

D. will stay up

33. To our disappointment,the method that Mr. Green recommended_______of little use to us.

A. turnsB. falls

C. provesD. becomes

34. The_______birds suggest that the environment of the area has greatly improved.

A. returnedB. moved

C. flyingD. coming

35. —You see she is angry with me about the matter.

—If only you_______to her sooner!

A. talked

B. had talked

C. would have talked

D. were talking

36. A few yards down Colson Street,she caught sight of a figure_______in the opposite direction.

A. hurrying

B. to be hurrying

C. to hurry

D. having hurried

37. We do not know how astronauts can_______when they spend months in space without the protection of the atmosphere.

A. get offB. get up

C. get alongD. get in

38. If the children were in such trouble,I_______them to give up the idea.

A. persuaded

B. had persuaded

C. would persuade

D. would have persuaded

39._______from Milan Trenc’s novel,the film Night at the Museum brings to life a world where dinosaurswander the earth.

A. Adapted

B. Adapting

C. Having adapted

D. To be adapted

40._______he come tomorrow,I would ask him to help us with the work.

A. Could

B. Should

C. WouldD. Might

41. This plant grows_______where it is dry and hot.

A. niceB. well

C. fineD. good

42. When_______with this equipment,just keep still and quiet.

A. examined

B. being examined

C. to examine

D. to be examined

43. —Catherine is no longer what she used to be.

—She_______without seeing that film.

A. hasn’t been transformed

B. hadn’t been transformed

C. couldn’t be transformed

D. couldn’t have been transformed

44. What he said at the meeting yesterday _____ sound ridiculous.

A. mustB. did

C. couldD. would

45. Not until we got to the river_______that we had taken the wrong way.

A. we realized

B. realized we

C. did we realize

D. had we realized

46. Even if you_______a taxi,you_______your train yesterday evening.

A. took; would still miss

B. took; would still have missed

C. had taken; would still miss

D. had taken; would still have missed

47. —What’s up? You look down.

—I have piles of papers _____,but I type so slowly.

A. to be typed

B. typed

C. to typeD. being typed

48. The telephone rang and Catherine sat up,_______over whether to answer it.

A. hesitatedB. hesitating

C. to hesitateD. being hesitated

49. All the children_______silent as soon as Mr. Hopkins appeared in front of them.

A. fellB. remained

C. seemedD. grew

50._______free from the Internet,the software was installed in my computer easily.

A. Downloading

B. Being downloaded

C. Having downloaded

D. Having been downloaded


1~5 BCDAD 6~10 CCBDA 11~15 CDABA

16~20 DBCAB 21~25 CBDCA 26~30 BDACD

31~35 DACAB 36~40 ACDAB 41~45 BADBC

46~50 DCBAD


2. run out相当于一个不及物动词,而run out of相当于及物动词。本题中用的是表被动意义的过去分词短语作状语,须用后者。

5. 本题主句中动词用一般现在时,而as if从句中表示的动作从逻辑上来看应是发生在主句动作之前,在此情况下须用过去完成时作虚拟语气形式。

7. 在who引导的宾语从句中含it was ...that ...的强调句型,who在引导宾语从句的同时又是it was后被强调的主语。

10. appear作连系动词意为“好像是”,可接形容词、名词及动词不定式作表语。

12. 正常语序为Dr. Gray is joining me this evening。

15. 表示方向或位置的副词置于句首、且句中用名词作主语时,可用倒装语序;如用代词作主语,则不可倒装。

22. in no time置于句首时句中不用倒装。

31. look forward to后应跟动词ing形式作宾语,而动词ing形式的否定式是not doing,故选D。

33. 某些不及物动词的过去分词具完成意义而无被动意义,如fallen,gone。此处returned表示“(已经)归来的”、“(已经)回归的”。

38. 在此错综(混合)条件句中,if从句中动词表现在的状况,主句中则表过去的行为。

41. grow作行为动词意为“成长,生长”,可用well之类副词修饰;作连系动词意为“变得”,接形容词作表语。此句中grow属前者。

42. 题干主句是一祈使句,过去分词examined与其省去的主语you间有被动关系。过去分词(短语)作表示时间的状语时,前可用when。该结构也可视为是在when引导的时间状语从句中省去了与主句中相同的主语及动词be。

高二英语作文练习素材 篇4


The change of the village includes many sides. First, there are more cars. Before, people like to walk and the car is too expensive for them to buy, but now, as the development of the life standard, almost everyone has a car. They keep pace with the time. Second, the building is modern and people build new homes. When I was in the village, people there live in the small house and the material is not that modern. The big house means people have more income to live a comfortable life. All the changes are good for people.


But the other change shocks me—the environment. When I lived here, the river is clean, the water is so pure that I could see my feet under the water. There are fishes and shrimps, but now, the water is polluted, the color has been changed, fish and shrimp are no more being seen.


The change of the village means people’s life standard has been increased, the development of economy is at the cost of the environment, we need to protect our environment.

高二英语练习7 篇5


1.It was so cold that they kept the fire ______ all night.A.to burnB.burnedC.burnD.burning

2.House prices keep rising these years.A flat in Shanghai costs _______ now as in 1990.A.as three times muchB.as much three times

C.much as three timesD.three times as much

3.I couldn’t help ______ sorry when I saw the poor homeless boy.A.feelingB.feelC.to feelD.felt

4.In some parts of London, missing a bus means ______for another hour.A.waitingB.to waitC.waitD.to be waiting

5.If you want to improve your _____ English, you must try _____ English every day.A.spoken;to practise speakingB.spoken;practising speaking

C.speaking;to practise to speakD.spoken;to practise to speak

6.The flowers _____ sweet in the botanic garden attract the visitors to the beauty

of nature.A.to smellB.smellingC.smeltD.to be smelt

7.Would you please repeat your address and phone number? I _____ quite catch you.A.didn’tB.won’tC.don’tD.couldn’t

8.He is the only one of the students who ______ a winner of the scholarship

for three years.A.isB.areC.has beenD.have been

9.It’s the third time you ______ late this week.A.comeB.cameC.have comeD.had come

10.The first time I saw her, she was working in a restaurant but I _____ anything about her

ever since.A.hadn’t heard B.haven’t heardC.didn’t hearD.wouldn’t hear

11.From the interviewer’s expression, Anne had an uneasy feeling that she was ____ to get the job.A.fortunateB.unlikelyC.possibleD.definite

12.More and more people are becoming ____ in consumer groups that want to protect people from misleading advertising.A.occupiedB.addictedC.establishedD.involved

13.____ symptoms of H1N1 flu, the passenger was taken away to the hospital for further medical examination.A.To showB.Having shownC.ShownD.Being shown

14.The government demanded all the old houses ____ within three weeks.A.should pull downB.were pulled down

C.had pulled downD.be pulled down

15.---How was the game between Indonesia and Korea last night?

---Splendid!Rarely ____ so much attention.A.a match attractedB.did a match attract

C.a match did attractD.attracted a match

16.---Do you have a minute? I’ve got something to tell you?

---OK, ______ you make it short.A.now thatB.if onlyC.as long asD.every time

17.One of the advantages living on the top floor of a high rise is that you can get a good ____.A.sightB.sceneC.viewD.look

18.The company has a rule that any rewards must be based on ____.A.appearanceB.reputationC.characterD.performance

19.____ his age and experience, he has done very well in his schoolwork.A.ConsideringB.ConsideredC.To considerD.Having considered

20.____ his age and experience, I think he has done very well in his schoolwork.A.ConsideringB.ConsideredC.To considerD.Having considered



Even though it was only October, my students were already whispering about Christmas plans.With each passing day everyone became more __1__, waiting for the final school bell.Upon its _2____everyone would run for their coats and go home, everyone except David




David was a small boy in ragged clothes.I had often _1___what kind of home life David had, and what kind of mother could send her son to school dressed so __2__ for the cold winter months, without a coat, boots, or gloves.But something made David __3__.I can still remember he was always __4____a smile and willing to help.He always __5__after school to straighten chairs and mop the floor.We never talked much.He__6___just simply smile and ask what else he could do, then thank me for letting him stay and slowly_7___home.1.A.scoldedB.wonderedC.realizedD.learned






7.A.aim atB.turn toC.put offD.head for


Weeks passed and the __1___over the coming Christmas grew into restlessness until the last day of__2__before the holiday break.I smiled in ___3 __as the last of them hurried out the door.Turning around I saw David __4___standing by my desk.1.A.argumentB.excitementC.movementD.judgment






We can not feel speed.But our sense let us know that we are moving.We see things moving past and feel that we are being shaken.We can feel notice it for only a short time.For example we feel it during the takeoff run of an airplane.1.Acceleration is the name for _______.A.any kind of movementB.the movement of a plane

C.a steady speedD.an increase in speed


One day in 1918, my Uncle Milton received his My grandparents were very upset.But my mother, at the age of 10, felt on top of the world about her soldier brother going off to war.Realizing how he was regarded by his little sister and all of her friends, my uncle bought them all service pins, which meant that they had a loved one in the service.All the little girls were delighted.1.The underlined phrase “draft notice” means “________ ”.A.order for army serviceB.train ticket for Europe

C.letter of rejectionD.note of warning


Even though science can tell us that some of our traditional beliefs don’still a lot of truth in the old wives’ tales.After all, much of this knowledge has been accumulated(积累)from thousands of years of experience in family health care.We should respect this body of knowledge even as we search for clear scientific support to prove it true or false.1.The phrase “hold water” in the last paragraph most probably means “________”.A.to be believableB.to be valuable

C.to be admirableD.to be suitable


Study showed that it is an unusual kind of protein(蛋白质).It has many small sugar molecules(分子)held in special positions within each big protein molecule.Because of its sugar content, it is called a So it has come to be called the antifreeze fish glycoprotein, or AFGP.1.What does “glyco-” in the underlined word “glycoprotein” in the last paragraph mean?


高二英语练习7 篇6

Unit1 Life on Mars Period 7

南苑中学 尹宏悦

85分 黄晓华

学习目标 To extract information by listening to a TV programme 2 To complete notes about a programme 3 To extract information from a TV discussion 4 To complete a conversation 学习重点

Four skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing 学习难点

To extract information from a TV discussion 教具学具

Task-based teaching method, practice 教学过程

Step 1 Free talk and check the prepared work 预习题: 翻译词组

1.进行一项调查 __________________________ 2.学生的百分比 __________________________ 3.离开地球 __________________________ 4.住在火星上的好处和不足 _______________________ 5.一些危险的外星人 _______________________ 6.错过了第一部分 _________________________ 7.打开电视 _______________________ 8.以讨论开始 _______________________ 9.以那点开始 ________________________ 10.不同于那个情况 ________________________ Check out the prepred work ①.Work in groups to check out the prepared work ②.Let the students ask some questions Solve the problems together Step 2 Presentation Daniel is going to watch a TV programme.On the programme, people will discuss what it might be like to live on Mars.First listen to the passage and help Daniel make notes in Part A1 about if he wants to live on Mars.Step 3 Listening and writing I Having a free discussoin A: Do you like living in Shanghai? B: No,I don’t.A: Oh,really? Why? B: It’s crowed and polluted.()5.We have so many kinds of guitars for you ____ A.to choose B.to choose from C.to be chosen D.to be chosen from()6.Millie makes her cousin ______ the flowers every day.A.waters B.watering C.water D.to water()7.---How much did you ______ all those things?---About 300 yuan.A give B.cost C.spend D.pay for()8.About ______ of the books in our school library are written in Chinese.A.four-fifth B.four—fifths C.fourth—fifths D.fourths—fifth()9.The headmaster stopped ______ to me because there was a call for him.A.talking B.to talk C.saying D.to say()10.At the science museum,the boys and girls get to know__________.A.what is the spaceship like B.what the spaceship looks like C.how the spaceship looks 1ike D.how does the spaceship 1ook like.二 根据所给汉语提示,完成下列句子。1 我原以为你喜欢火星。

I______________________________________________. 2 人类需要食物,水,及空气生存。

Humans need _____________________________________.3 奶奶年纪太大了,不能居住在另一个星球上。

Grandma is ______________________________another planet.4.未看过一场另人如此兴奋的比赛。

He said he ______________________________before.5.我希望毕业后在这家公司找到一份工作。

________________________ after I graduate from school

Step 7 Check the answers Step 8 Homework: Recite the important phrases 2 Prepare for Speak up


当堂检测题 一 选择填空。

()1 Life on Mars will be better than life on Earth ______ many ways.A.on B.in C.at D.for()2.Sandy was too nervous ______ the teacher’s question.A.answer B.to answer C.answering D.answers()3.The number of the students in our school ______ about eight hundred.A.are B.were C.is D.be()4.I think he ______ to finish the hard work in a day or two.A.can’t B.will C.is able D.isn’t able

()5.We have so many kinds of guitars for you ____A.to choose B.to choose from C.to be chosen D.to be chosen from()6.Millie makes her cousin ______ the flowers every day.A.waters B.watering C.water D.to water()7.---How much did you ______ all those things?---About 300 yuan.A give B.cost C.spend D.pay for()8.About ______ of the books in our school library are written in Chinese.A.four-fifth B.four—fifths C.fourth—fifths D.fourths—fifth()9.The headmaster stopped ______ to me because there was a call for him.A.talking B.to talk C.saying D.to say()10.At the science museum,the boys and girls get to know__________.A.what is the spaceship like B.what the spaceship looks like C.how the spaceship looks 1ike D.how does the spaceship 1ook like.二 根据所给汉语提示,完成下列句子。1 我原以为你喜欢火星。

I______________________________________________. 2 人类需要食物,水,及空气生存。

Humans need _____________________________________.3 奶奶年纪太大了,不能居住在另一个星球上。

Grandma is ______________________________another planet.4.未看过一场另人如此兴奋的比赛。

He said he ______________________________before.5.我希望毕业后在这家公司找到一份工作。

________________________ after I graduate from school

()5.You have never been to Kunming, have you? __________, I have.I enjoyed the beautiful sights there, A.As a result B.By the way C.In fact D.First of al


1.Hurry up, or we’ll be late.(改为同义句)_______we ________hurry, we’ll be late.2.I’m sure that they can finish the work in three hours.(改为同义句)

They are ______ ______ _____ the work in three hours.3.Will they have a party? Ididn’t know.(改为复合句)I didn’t know ____ ______ _____ ______ a party 4.The trees are growing well.The teachers planted them two years ago.(合并为含有定义从句的复合句)

The trees _____the teachers_________ two years ago are growing well.5 “Mike wants to go there by bus,” he said.(合并为一句)He said _______Mike __________ to go there by bus.四、完形填空。(10分)

I still remember very clearly my first visit to the dentist with my mother.When I walked into the office, Isaw people waiting, and they all looked 1 , I begian to worry.I sat beside my mother, and she 2 a story to me from a children’s magazine.3 later, a nurse called us, and led us into 4 room.I was told to climb into a big 5.I saw a drill and other strange things 6 me and I was frightened.The dentist looked into my mouth and examined each tooth carefully.Finally he said m teeth were all 7.I was glad the examination was 8 and was anxious to leave, so I paid 9 when he showed me the right way of tooth brushing.Later on in my life whenever I had a toothache, I wished I had 10 him carefully.()1.A happy B.nervous C.excited D.ill()2.A spoke B.said C.told D.read()3.Asometimes B.sometime C Some time D Some times()4.A operation B.operating C other D.another()5.Achair B door C desk D bench()6.Aaround B.behind C under D.over()7.Awell B.fine C.sick D.bad()8.Aend B finish C.over D.gone()9.Ano attention B no attention to C attention D attention to()10.A noticed B listened to C heard D.understood



We all live on the earth.The earth turns round once a day.As it turns, some people see sunrise and day comes to their houses.At the same time, some people see sunset and night comes to their houses.The earth moves in another way, too.It travels round the sun in an

what would you do all day? A: I would write a book about life on Mars.Then I would s__7__ the book to people on Earth and become rich and famous!B: That’s a good idea.I think lots of people would buy a book l__8___ that.学案参考答案 预习题

1.conduct a survey

2.percentage of students 3.move away from Earth 4.advantages/disadvantages of living on Mar 5.some dangerous aliens 6.miss the first part of it 7.turn on the TV 8.start with a discussion 9.begin with that point 10.be different from the situation 当堂训练题 III both, interesting, onine, more, Robots, safe, away, dangerous, oxygen, from Useful phrases: 1 a survey conducted in schools 2 50 percent of the students 3 live on another planet 4 go to online schools 5 worry about living there 6 do harm to them/ be harmful to them 当堂检测题

选择题 BBCCB CDBAB 完成句子

1.thought you liked Mars 2.food, water and air to survive 3.too old to live on 4.had never seen such an exciting match 5.I hope to find a job in this company


一、1.discussion 2.settlers 3 disadvantages 4.highly 5.developed, developing 6.enjoyable 7.space


三、1.If, don’t 2.are sure to fnish 3.if they would have 4.which/ that, planted, 5.that, wanted

