


如何做出让人记住的广告语 篇1





10招让人记住你的自我介绍 篇2


The Top 10 Points to Remember about Your Self-introduction


by Diana Robinson, Ph.D.We all know that it is important to develop a very brief self-introduction that tells people what we want them to know about us and our business.It is sometimes called “the elevator speech” because one should be able to finish it before the listener reaches his/her floor in a ride up or down in an elevator.This brief introduction is often our one chance to make a good first impression, so it warrants some careful attention:

1.Focus the impact.让介绍有撞击力

Envision the impression on snow of a high heel, and of a snow shoe.One has focused impact, the other barely leaves an impression.To give your introduction true impact make it brief, focused, and hard hitting.Keep it to sixty seconds maximumdevelop an introduction for each.3.Make it relevant to your audience.让介绍与听众相关

Which introduction you use may depend partly on your listener(s).Try to select an aspect of your business that will be relevant to their interests.4.Believe it.相信它

When creating each introduction, keep to what you believe.If you oversell yourself or your services, not only are you unlikely to sound convincing, but you will also be out of integrity.5.Put your full weight behind it.充满自信

Deliver your introduction with pride, without hesitation, without excuses, without apologies.Use no explanations that might dilute, rather than strengthen it.6.Sound and look happy about what you do.让自己听起来和看起来都很高兴

We are all attracted to happiness.If you are happy in your business and proud of what you do, then people will be attracted to you, and will want to work with you.7.Look at your listener(s).注视你的听众

If they are to consider doing business with you they need to know that they matter to you.Making eye contact is the best way to show it in the brief time you have.(来源:英语聊天室

8.Know when to use it and when not.掌握正事切入时机

Listen and look for cues as to when is the right time to introduce your business and when is not.Even a great introduction will fall flat, and possibly leave a lastingly bad impression, if given at the wrong time.9.Know how to stop.知道如何结束

This gets back to keeping it brief and hard-hitting.Adding more and more information dilutes the impact.A lame or trailing close gives an impression of uncertainty and weakness.Keep it crisp.10.Leave space for a response.留下提问的空间
